OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 12, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-12/ed-1/seq-14/

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. rwrMiNf. nrTORFR 12. 1920.
II UHoUM I L V minvj, www
BigDouble Bill Last Times Today AT UTAH
Hi V e ,v
Tells the whole human story with dramatic hrilliancy and gorgeous mounting.
Also the soldier-cowboy actor, Buck Jones, in "The Square Shooter." Tomorrow, Viola
Dana in the greatest picture she ever made. ,
Ray plough Arraigned Before
Judge Agee on Charge
Of Murder
1 1 Plea of not giijlty to the charge of
murdering his rather was entered yes
tcrdav afternon by Ray dough. 14-rear-old
son of Mrs OIHe Clough, who
was recentl' sent to the stair mental
"hospital. after being adjudged insane
following the murder of James
Clough. her husband. The boy wai
Arraigned before Judge A W. Ag.-e
In the district court. The ca will
4c .set upon the October calendar of
I the court. v
Basil Demos, charged wltb obtain
ing money under false pretenses, was
arraigned' in court for the reading Ol
the complaint He will appear at f. 30
n m. October It, to plead. On tne
wnir date Oscar Lopci, charged with
If .burglary In the second degree will en
ter his plea to the charge.
II 11th Ward Mutuals
!, Will Give Social
Marking the beginning of the winter,
sessions or the Mutual Improvement
associations, a social will be held to
morrow evening In the Blcvt nth warfl
chapel. The program will start at . :30
o'clock. It follows:
Community sing.
Instrumental Si lection Nvl.mdcr
lr, , ... .
Read inc Miss Georgia rate.,
sons Willard Gardiner
Instrumental eeleetlon -NVlandcr
Playlet Bee Hive girls.
Sons Joseph Fernellus.
i Rcadtns- Mi 9 Delia Williams.
Kong Huby Anderson.
Saxaphonc solo Lllli -n Beatty.
B Pair Given Sixty
B Days in County Jail
Pleas of guilty were entered yester-
Iday afternoon h.rore juupe t. i
Pratt in the district court by Fred
Westdby and Jac;; Welllngham,
charged with issuing checks without i
funds In the bank. They were each ;
sentenced to serve Blxty days In the
county Jail
Westoby and Welllngham w. re ar
retted by members of the police de
partment rollowlng complaints from a
local uartment storr. and a drug,
store where, It Is alleged, the rfien
cashed checks after having gained the
confidence of girls employed at the
establishment.-.. I
During the time they were confined
at the city Jail, pending their ar
raignment before the city court, no
Irs thm a dozen girls, the majority
01 '"them not sixteen years old, called
at the jail and brought the prisoners
fruits, candy and other dainties.
B Dr. McKeever Talks
I Four Times Tomorrow
i ,
Dr. William A McKever. who is
scheduled to deliver four addresses In
Ogden. will arrive here Wednesday
morning on train 19 from the east ac
cording to word received here today
by Bupl W. Karl Hopkins of the Og
den schools.
I In the morning Dr. McKeever will
address the students of the high school1
( He will later deliver a lecture before
the members of the igden Rotary club
fli the afternon will addrocs- the teach
ers of the Ogden City schools. In the
evening he will speak at the tabernacle.
Student Body Also Holds Elec
tion: Activities
The four classes .-.i the Ogden high
school Freshmen. Sophomore-. Jun
iors and Seniors, have elected th.l
'class officers for their respective
I classes during the 19zq-21 school term.
1 Officers for the Girls' Athletic asso
: elation and the Student Body have
' also been elected.
Harold Laahus has been named pre?
! Ident of the senior class with Harold
Farnoff vice pr-sldent and llllina iV
ona, secretary and treasurer. The Jun
ior.' have named Kenneth H'-ss presi
dent; l-oulse Seller, vice president
and Elizabeth Hurst secreta-y and
treasure r.
Elmore smith was the unanimous
choice of the sophomores fo: pre -
dent. Zul.i Baker w is name. I vi pres
i ident and Louise Plan, Secretary and
The trehmcn selected William I ci
ty presld-nt. Lou Jean McKay was
named vice president, Virginia Jrej-.
Secretary and treasurer.
Charles Allen Is president of the
student body with Harold Lashus vice
president and Kate f'enton secretary
and treasurer.
Kate Fenton is president of the
Girls Athletic association with Blanche
Bnrtnn vice president: Elizabeth
Browning is secretary and treasurer
and Mary Rich reporter. ,
The Claasi'CUm is to be edited " by
Harry Lyon Ki t th Moss is ih
assistant editor Ralph Nye Is pum
oeai manager and has Herbert Adams
i as his assistant. The Initial Issue of
J the Clacsicum will make its appear
ance on Thanksgiving.
Weber St?ke to Hold
Conference Sunday
t.Miarterl.v conference of the Webel
-i .1.- will be held next Sunday In the
gdon tabernacle with sessions at 1
! a. m and - p m. President L. W.
Shurtliff will preside and it is expected
that representatives of the general
church authorities will lie present and
deliver addresses. Musical program.-
i mill. MiifUriH it Iw.tV. covalnni b
the tabernacle choir Under' the dlrec-
lion of Prof. Joseph Pallantne
Members of the priesthood are re-;
quired to be in their places at 9:4i,
occuping the front seats.
Ogden Doctor Reads
Paper at Salt Lake
Dr. J. R. Morrell of Ogden read a
paper "Some Ideals in Medicine," be
ti r.' .. meeting of the Salt Like county
v. flli 1 society, at the, meeting held
last night at the Commercial club In
Salt Lake,
Dr. fa C Snow of Park Clt, gave
.in intervi-l.iiK t-ill: mi 'Le id 1 ' !-...!: -jing."
Seral new member were en
rolled at the meeting.
Columbus Day Is
Observed in Ogden
Schools of Ogden observed Colum
bus da In all of the . lasses today. Ex
ercises consisting of slnginsr. reading,
history and geoKraphy were on the
program. At the high school every
lass held some sort of exercise In hon
1 or of the discoverer of America, who
first landed on this continent 428 years
ago today. '
Banks and public offices were closed
all day.
ORPHEUM-Wednesday, October 13
1 gAOVN PRICES 75c TO 5200
I '
i Former Legion Commander
Attends National Sessions
At Cleveland
LoulrJ HoUher, formei commander
of the American Legion past In 1 gd n.
has returned from Cleveland. Ohio.
Where h went as one of the delCgaU '
from the state of Ftah to the national
; convention of the American Legion.
The other delegates from the step
weri Earl I Anderson and Murray
MeCorty, both of Salt Lake.
tir ilollher bald a resolution pre-
' sen ted before the convention seeking
the exclusion of Japanese from the
Tinted States went over almost unan-
imoiiyll H. de. lr.r. d itie n. T l ' H'.'H
are firm in their stand against the
'.entrance of these foreigners in Ameri
ca and will urge legislation which will
bar Hu m from entrance and will seek
I., have land now owned by them pur
chased by Americans.
Suhheriand May Get
High Federal Post
Prediction was contained In a tele
graph dispatch from Washington,
which reached i;d n today, that, in
1 the event Sfnntor Harding Is elected
Oresident, the, appointment of former
nited States Senator George Suther
land of Utah, either a a n einber of
the cabinet or as a new member of
the United Stat-s supreme court, can
be looked for.
In advance of the election, the mes
stated, Harding is not promising
i offices to .ndfcyone. nor is he making
tentative appointments, and no state
ment has been forthcoming from the
i Republican nominee as regards Sena-
, lor Sutherland.
Hut men recently bak from Marion
hrlng the word that Senator Suther
1 md for more than month, has been
a constant adviser r the Republican
' 'presidential nominee lb"! b- has been
tailed Inio consultation more fre
Iquently than a:-y other man. and that
he has ii -ii.-i li Eceempanled Mr. Hard
ing rn his campaign tours and been
'present with him on important occa
sions on the front porch " Through
,'out all this Senator Sutherland has
! not forced hlmsell Into the limelight;
ho has not figured In the press dis
patches from Mat Ion or from the
Harding special train but he has been
ever present, and the deduction that .
he mutf ko either Into the cabinet
or on the supreme bench is based
largelv on the fact that Senator Hard
Ine has made Senator Sutherland his
chief reliance when he has sought ad
vice. It is not unreasonable to presume
that If Senator Harding a randldute,
has thought so highly of the advice
ol former Senator - Sutherland, he
would thin!: m. b- hU'lily of that
advice after he became president
Since his retirement from tho senate
Mr Sutherland has been practicing
law In Washington, and his practice
has been important though not of., u
character to bring him publicity, nor
has his disposition been such as to
! seek to keep himself in the limelight.
1 In fact, his inherent modesty Is said
by returned visitors from Marion to
i be responsible for the general lack
1 r.t nnrlnllnn nf the f:.et Ihnt SoiJ.-ilnr
Sutherland s relations with Senator
i Harding have been for many weeks
' so intimate and as Important
If Mr. Harding looks upon Senator '
Sutherland as best suited for cabinet
! duty, he will undoubtedly consider him ,
either for attorney general or for sec
retary of the interior ; if he decides to
connect Senator Sutherland with the
judiciary', he will be compelled, of I
necessity, to await a vacancy on the
i supreme bench.
Woman Hit By Boy j
On Bike Recovering
' Mrs- N. Fortune living at 2366 'U'.ish
jington avenue is recovering from In
juries received v. hen a boy riding a
I bicycle ran into her at Twenty-f If t h
street and Washington She was
thrown to the pavement, sustaining
'a sprained shoulder and lacerations on
I her rlKht hand and aims
Unity Lodge No. 18, Free
And Accepted Masons
Special meeting 7 p. m. Wednes
day, October 1! F ( degree So
Mourning brethren welcome. Uy or
der ol the W, M.
W N. W ACKER; Secretary.
Berthana SGene of Festivities: 1
Drama Club at Weber
Entertaining at a eomplimentray tea I
fol the women attending the sessions )
hers of tht btah Fed .ation of Worn- I j
en's club presidents of a number of I I
prominent clubs of Ogden Wejrs ho- - , I
i. - . s Monday afternoon at the Perth-1
nna. Flowers In various Shades or yd- '
low and pink and white were useU I
to carry out an attractive decorative I
scheme. Two shades of yellow are the J
club colors of the federation '
Mrs William Douglas president ol ;
the Cltv Federation. Mrs T. J I Itsger,
ald president of the Home Culture
dub Mrs. Florence Newcejmb presi-
denl Ol the Historical club; Mr:, liar-
rows, president of tin Child Culture ,
clubi Mrs Arnold Bowman, pr.sl.leni.
0 the Ladles' Literar clul) and Mrs.
Josephine Hirst, president of the Civic
league, were the hostess.:.. Those in I
the re, . ivlnK line group. .1 abi.nl the
l.l.i. i w.t. Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. I-
t. Leatherwood, Mrs Anne P. Ob. i n
dorfer, Mr- E O. Wattls, Mrs. Kdward
Kiehs.'l I Mrs J V. Morrell.
Tea was served In the -lir.ins room
ifrom 4 until o'clock with the follow-1
' ing pouring teal Mrs. J. u. Mdrrell
Mr- Phillip W. Knisely. Mrs S. S- J
I Smith, Mrs J t. Lynch, Mrs R. B.
porter. Mrs. Johii Culley, Mrs Bichscl
fad Mr-. E Q Wattto.
The Federation dinner win ie bi-n
this afternoon at .'. o'clock at thej
Weber lub. Members of the Drama
OlUb Will present two -onr-act plays
Il ls evening in the , b r Norm .1 "1
U-xe auditorium. This presentation
will be made to only the members of
the federation, each member having j
the privilege of bringincr a friend.
All Stars Have plans For
Barnstorming Trip
The proposed trip of the bix league
ill-stars was halted at Chi. ago last
Sunday, when the plans of three play
ers Rabe Ruth ( arl Mays and liih
M us. l, were upset, according to word
I given out yesterday at Salt Lake to a ,
representative of the Slandard-Fxam-:
iner by Ty Cobb, famous Detroit -Tl-
; ger outfielder.
Cobb arrived in r igden last week and;
I iourneved to Salt Like where he W1S
. . , .. .. i. i... M.-j ir.l.t. mil
joineci jrmMim)
their four children. Cobb was ached' ;
tiled to appear in the all stars' lineup
at Ogden next Sunday against the I
crew of local stars to be gathered,
together by Manager Frank Sco't of
the local aggregation
Cobb looks the picture of' health and
despite the fact thai he experienced
his poorest season, due to injuries, he
stated yesterday that he was out to
win lost honors next season
For more, than twelve years he lead
the American league slickers and for
I the first time jn thirteen seasons drop
ped the honors to, another star this
! season.
j Ogdenltcs who have planned on see
ing "Babe' Ruth .n action will be
forced to read about the rtar 'or some
' time it Is stated, due to the change of
Ruth, according to Cobb, Is the
(greatest long-distance slugger .1
times ni fast balls he Bimpty r-
ders "em but If a twirl er nends over a
flpater. he looks foolish trying to I LP
one out. Cobb asserts.
Carl Mays, Truck Hannah and Irish
Meusel. three former coast league
slurs, scheduled to appear with Che
stars, were during their careers in
this neck Df ihc woods, regarded as
stars of the first calibre
Cobb will resume h!s Journey to the
coast this week, where he will play
I winter baseball. He stated however.
I that next spring, the all-stars would
journey east frtjm San Francisco and
that tne loyal f-ui3 would undoubtt
edl see the crew in action some turn
in April.
Heavy Enrollment in
Night School Classes
More than 300 students enrolled in
the night school at the Ogden high
I school last niKht In the initial classes
1 01 the year for the school. Fifteen
courses are offered at the school ac-
I cording to Supt W Karl Hopkins of
I the ogden schools Fifteen of the best
instructors in the state have been om
ploed to instruct in the various sub
jects. It is expected that more than
50o students will be enrolled in the
night shchool classes before the first of
Not ember.
(Jiasses are iii-iii avers .Monday and
Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. A class
in auto mechanics will be started at
the school with the completion of the
mechanic arts building which is now
under the course of construction in the
rear of the hl,,-h school building.
Classes In Americanization under
Prlnc-lpal J. A Junk svere also start.-. 1
More than 300 students are enrolled
In these classes lt Is -mid.
F. T Wiggins, in charge of the night
schools reports that more than 200
students who attended the initial
lasses l is' night paid their tuition
for the year.
Five Lose Jobs After
Caboose Is Bumped
Five employes of the Union Pacific
at Evanston were discharged Sunday
morning following an' accident in the
'sards at that station according to word
I re. elved here todayby local railroad
The cntre personnel of a switching
crcy were tin- men listed in the dis
charges. The switch engine operating
in the Rvanston ards crashed Into the
rear of a cattle train Injuring two bat
tli men and Conductor James 10 Fill1
in .barge of the train. Fills was re
moved to the hospital at Green Riser
ss h.-re his condition is not regarded as
The names f the men discharged
have not been received here as et b
local officials. The caboose in svhlch
the conductor and the cattle men were
riding, was badly shattered. It i said
Boys' English and jL Bys' Enlish and f
Round Toe tf) Round Toe
Finest welt shoes Splendid School
i made kT) CJr Shoes j
9 to uy2 $4.95 fa & 9 to 13V2 $3 9S I
1 to 2 $5.45 J&Z 1 to 2 $4 45 ?
j 2V2to6 $5.95 2 to 6 $4.95 H
12 Women's black kid, also gray kid lace I Satin and kid boudoirs
shoes. $12.50 values pwn.1 $195
$ "J95 1 !
M tr9& Ladies' black kid welt boot. A W
I I rTfj 1 jJLi Cuban heel; $12' value, at I
i Ladies' black kid, welt bf)ol, leather 'j : - I
II .XV heel, $12.50 value ) M A -
$1f45 Sarrm brown calf, $12 50 1
Same in brown kid; $13.00 value. KsTjli vaue' c t
I $1145 . Igj $1095
5 Men's le.ivy svork shoes, o'oublc vnnip, - .
:wcd soics. $ii value. See our new fall fells -x)
7 K:s
g K osZ and leather house slip- P
y AisD J7 values . ... V-45 -- 1 1
C pers. All styles for 7 'c
A Men's black c.ilf Enoh'.h last, also me- f I M
H dium toe, siu v.iiu'-s father, mother and tht f i
&&.95 kiddies. Prices from 2
tt j $1.25 to $5.00 I
I .ft 2461 Washington Ave J f
MJii isj i ' ' 1 ' '.J 1 ttt? izrTMsasfjsjajBBgK3aBBMsnaJLJs- ll i i i i WTTWrUMBamgnsjcur:- .JiULlLkL-3 nan 1 1 m BaSMaWaPMsaaiMalsaal
1 NEW STjORK liducation knoweth no age limits Mis tntoiii-
- ! "
1 v'"'" ' ! i' " 1 1 I i"-ns in ! he s.i ii ! s. )(. 1 established bj the board
; i 1 . 'i 1 " !jnerit ..m2a-
ti. hi las.
C. E. Whitehead Charged With
Statutory Offense
Against Niece.
1 Alleged to have committed a statu
tory offense against Lulu Plnnegur, 15
yaars of asc of Boise, Idaho. C. E.
hitoheail. 36 years old Is at the police
station on a felony Charge. The girl
is ills niece.
I About six months ago. Mrs White
;head sent funds to Lulu Plnnegar who
was living with h.-r father and three
youggcr children, astlng her to come
'to ugden Without the consent or
kndirledKa of her father the girl came
I to ogden.' it is claimed. The girl'''
mother has heen dead eiKht years.
The father solicited the as.slstu.ncc pt
the mayor of liolse, who corresponded
with the Mgd.-n POUce, asking them to
llocato the girl .'md return her to her
father. The case was turned over to
Robefct Burlt. chief of detectives, who
detailed Detective Robert Chambers,
Sergeant A M. Stephens, and other
members of ttyc department to locate
the girl
Following his appearance In the dis
trict court yesterday where he waa
petitioning for a divorce, Whitehead
w;ls arrested.
After giving a number of false ad
dresses at the police station and deny-,
ing all knowledge of the girl's where
abouts. Whitehead gave tho officers
hi- nd. Ire-.-, .is 3"7H I'ort.T avenue
Captain Robert Lurk. Detective Rob
ert Chambers and Sergeant A. H
Stephens went to thd address and dls
covered the Kirl ll Ing in an apartment
a, the address given by Whitehead
Teh girl hud a year and a half old
baby In her care Vhs girl said she
had taken the baby from a Mrs.
'Blanchard In Salt Lake to wean
i The girl was removed to th police
station and In answer to questions of
I officers, gave sufficient evidence to
ccnvlct Whitehead on a number f
I statu tor) charges, the police declared.
Mr? Blanchard was Summoned to
gden nnd called at the police station
'ihis morning, where her child was gll -
'en into her care.
, Community Sing 8 to 8:15
tonightt the Alhambra The
tre. Join the merrymakers.
Just 15 minutes of song rest.
Ogden Man Who Dies - w
In B.itte Buried Here ft
Funeral services for Charles J Ma
gulre. who died recently In Bu'tc, bIbB
Mont . w.-re held at Lark in and Sons' I Bl
bapSl this morning, following arri. .1 I Xj
of the body from the north. Hi I B
Father John Iagan officiated ut the I H
services, which were largely attended I 9
Members of tin.- ogden Klks lodge B Ej
a. ted as pall'beare.V. Burial was .a Hj
the .Mount.:ln 'ie. cemetery. I
Hoy, "Smiling Jlgs of Chinatown" LwA
with u gambline; record extending over . 9
' forty years, was burled In tho Chinese LVmI
1 cemetery yesterday after his death HE
Saturday, night during a game of "pie Lwm
gow." The only floral offering at tho LwMj
funeral bore the Inscription "Cbhuv t
Squad S i i Francisco Pollci i -
part men t'1 which had been responsible j A
J forhiB co - - pa n a ridt Wm
"We'll never forget his smile and awv'
some day . betta luck." Chlnaiowu VflW
squad niember-j said. HhW'
i c IBH
Senator Smoot Reception , B
Given Under the Auspices of I
cit the r.
Hurst Building, Hudson Avenue I j
IB .

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