Latest Items of Interest From Utah nnd Gem St.te
Salt L?ke Man Appears Be
fore Sheriff: Suspect at
Burley Is Released
BALT LAKE, Oct. 12. When Wllh
lam H. '.ut. .'o yea.ru old. of ins
Sherman a. venue reported a' the jher
r Iff's office yesterday and voluntarily
i. admitted thai it was he who drove
the automobile which struck and killed
Mrs. Ifary Shelton on sourh Btate
street last Saturday night, orders re
l .isIiik Reed R. Smith, hi' Id at Purity
;s a uspect. were Immediately sent,
p.oth Wcm and Smith are employee
of the Cudahy Paejclng company. w.v
atl Mini Lester I.irson. who were in the
automobile which struck Mrs. Shelton,
reported together at the aherifre of-'
fiee and were released on their re'coic
nliance Until the investigation has
hoen completed.
Ills appearance Mie sherlfrs of-
ficr. he said, was fine to the sU
given b the newspapers that Smith
h id been arrested ai Burley, suspcct-i
id of Having driven the car.
Wyatt y;iil ycstcrd he had not
en Mi- Shelton before striking her
':ii had heard her scream. He said
that he ami Larson wen on their way'
a uancc on south state street.
1 whether or not an inquest will he
Hl held over Ms. She lion's body has not
1 determined.
Hjfl POCATELLO, da.. 12. A I'-t-
k . jr - dissociation, s 1 1 h . rnern-
HS bershlp of nearly a hundred, was or-
H gnnlzed Frldaj evening .it Arco .f M n
1 ' 1 ;" I H Sid--!
lial officers were: Mis. LoaiIsc Pratt, first
SI vice president: Mrs. D B. Rhlvers,
III second vice president; Mr W. F. Slrri-
HII merman, BeCTOtS ry. and A 1 Poster,
Hal treasurer. Meetings will he held on
H the fourth Thursday of each month. j
n ' EV VXSTi X, w y-o. i 2 When
H 'in automohlle ilr,. which he was fill-,
njl 1 1 rgr with air blew up yesterday, the
HfE Rev. Guy E. Kagoy, rector of the Epis-
Hi eonal church, was painfully injured.
HBI Hi- was hurled against the curb by the
l Mast.
HBk Severs,! stitches wore required fo
HBB close a cut above liis eye and he was
I ' liudly bruised and Shaken,
J POCATEltLO, Ida.. Oct. 12. Fire
i which started from a kitchen range
k damaged the Lava Hot Springs hotel i
H ihi leni uf several hundred dol-
lane last nighl
H Prompt action of a volunteer fire
department saved the structure which
I is a new building) from total des:ruc-
I tlon.
mu on
H The Bureau of Standards expert-1
JflH nicnting on the extraction of glue from
TO divert PART
Idaho Governor Assures That
Survey of Project Will
Be Started
POCATELLO, Ida.. Oct. 12. Peoplo.
of the HIk Lost River project hav. j
been assured by Governor Davie thai ,
the state of Idaho, through the de
partment of reclamation. Will begin:
a survey of the proposed plan to dl-
. rt part of the waters of the upper
Salmon river for irrigation purposes
in Cental Idaho. Ln a btter to John
Hursl last week, tne governor stated
that commissioner Swendson would,
take the matter up at the first op
portunity. The lower Salmon runs through a
gorge which would make Impractica
ble and very expensive the use pf wa
ter from thai sectlonand that part
of the state is mostly grazing land.
Bui th upper Salmon could he di
verted much more easily and thous
ands of acres now without water could
be ' rved by the proposed plan Th it
there is abundant water there is no'
doubt. The ri suits of this survey will
be watched for with great Interest by;
the reclamation enthuiasta of Idaho.
1 SALT LAKE, Oct. 12. Mrs. Annie
H. I; water, wife of William H. By-
! water, chief of the Salt Like City
fin department, died at 8 o - lock yes
t?rda) morning following a short HI-
1 ness.
I Mrs. Bywati r possessed keen bus!"
! ness insight and executive ability and
was superintendent of the Z. C. M. I
clothing factors which she started In
the e.;rl ISO's
I She was horn in Manchester, Eng
lang Arll 15. 1857 and came to Utah
in ;sm. She r-rrted the late Will i I I
Pl rce May 1 1S85 and Lwo sons. Will
iam and Ernest Pierce were horn to
Following the ilea ( h of her husband
Mrs Pierce married Chief By water
Pi Vim;.
She Is survived b her husband, two
BOnS, four brothers and two sisters.
Funeral services will be held Sun
da) in the Nineteenth ward chapel.
POCA.TELLQ; I icl 12. Mrs. Bert
rude Nunamaker, a grade teacher In
the Bonneville school here was reelect
ed president of the Boise Education I
association at a meeting held Satur
day night. Miss (Mara Rector, a grade
teacher In the Whlltler school, is vice j
pn !-ident.
A spi'c:.'i I committee was appoin - 'I
to arrange for the entertainment ofj
visiting teachers' at the teachers' in
stitute October 1 to 22
The purpose of the association,
which was organized last spring la
to harmonize the principles o' t-ach-
inc In Rocatello anil for better means!
of securing eiHipera I ion. Higher stand-'
ards of Instruction, conduct of the!
teacher and c otn ien.-a t Ion also arc eti-
Superintendent W. R. Siders of the I
O R P H E U iVI laI5dayES
"The Notorious Miss Lisle'"
A whirlwind romance of a woman with a poignant past.
Adults 30c 10c for Kiddies
" i
! local schools announces that teachers
: om nine southeastern counties will
b ihe conductors of the Institute and
will have a strong corps of instructors
A bureau for registering rooms avail
able for 1000 Visiting teachers has
i been established.
I POCATEJLLO., Oct. 12. Relics of
effects, buried with him In accordance
'with his wish, wis buried In a spring
on his beloved hunting ground, aev-l
eral years, ago, will be sought by an.
expedition of the stale Historical so-i
clety. Judge J i 'liver, who was pres-'
ent al the ceremony, says he knows
the exact spring where the body of Eh I
chief was Interred. ;
The Historical society wants proof
that t hief Ppcatello was buried in a
spring, and m effort will le RiadQ tp
procure relies from the watery grave
to substantiate one of the most in
teresting events in arly Idaho his
tory. Xo effort will ie made to reihovt
thi body of the cmeftan but it la ex
pected that hia gun and other personal
effects uried with him in accordance
to Indian eustoius, can b" recovered.
POCATERRo. Ida., Oct 12. With
Judge I', s. Dietrich presiding, the,
fall session of the I'nited States dis
trict court opened here yesterdaJ n''
cases of the Mountain States Tele
phone company again bI K. John
son, H. A. Ronson and Claudia Nelson,,
equity suits, were continued fo? the,
A locking device makefl it impossi
ble for theft of shoes left outside One's
hotel door at .night
v ji'F. - -. '1'itJWLi .'jut mm gqpapMr.-raa
ee how.
Make This Test
See how teeth glisten then
rij' All statements approved by authorities
iJTt h?;fy CSts nthing u,mil" A daily combatant
Rons it has brought a new era in treth clean- J
ing This is to urge that you try this method. Dental science has now found ways to daily
Then let your own teeth show you what it combat this film. For five years the methods
means to you and yours. hav- been carerully watched and proved. Now
leading dentists everywhere advise them.
To fight the film These methods are embodied in a denti-
5 frice called Pepsodent. Millions now know it
The object is to fight the film which causes an employ it. Wherever you look the re-
A most tooth troubles. Film is that viscous suits are seen in glistening teeth today,
coat you feel. It clings to teeth, enters crev- . . .
ices and stays. The old methods of brushing Acts in live Ways
do not end it. So, despite all care tooth One ingredient in Pepsodent is pepsin. Another
troubles have been constantly increasing. multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva to
digest starch deposits that cling. The alkalinity of
It is the film-coat that discolors, not the the saliva is multiplied also That to neutralize the
teeth. And nearly all teeth brushed in old acids which cause tooth decay
wavs are coated more or less Two factors directly attack the him One of
says are coatea more or less. thcm kecps tccth SQ highy pcllshrd that film can.
Film is the basis of tartar It holds food not eas.ly adhere.
c.K-,.--,.-, ,..u:u i f . , T With every application, Pepsodent combats hc
substance which ferments and forms acid. It tceth-s grcat cnci in new and clcm ways To
holds the acid in contact with the teeth to millions it is bringing cleaner, safer, whiter teeth.
cause decay. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how
...... t , . clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence
Millions of germs breed in it They, with of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the
tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. And w:coats disappear
Alm.m- Uo i . This test will be a revelation. Make it now. Cut
that disease has become alarming in extent. out thc coupon s0 you won.t orget
Vr -"- -. - :s.-zrrr-, PAT TF n m ,
lrfrSAClJYl 10-Day Tube Free
REG u ,5 mummmswmmmakaa the pepsodent company.
The NeW-Day Dentifrice Dept-D, lmS. Wabash Ave.. Chleaen. III.
. tm, ... . , . Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to
A scientific film combatant, combined with two other
modern requisites. Now advised for daily use by Name
leading dentists everywheren Supplied by druggists
in large tubes. I Address J
"l'eg lick Rwan. doncha know
a pep liek from a side lick?"
The top se ison is i:i OUC midst
nnd In all parts of the city. e3
peciall) those portions adjaceni to
City sellOOlS, the epidemic has
Juveuilea in knee breeches com.
pare favorite tope abd discuss the
best ways to "cut them down."
Top Btringa ome in for favorable
discussion. Many hold that cord
sueh as used by builders ln mark
ing the site of a foundation is best.
Others claim that window curtain
cord. ;i quarter of an inch thick, Is
Ihe superior top string.
.Methods of resetting pegs in
pegless tops, unique to say the
least, are passed from boy to boj
.md many a peg is firmiv reset
without glue
Some oi the youngsters. it is
said, can throw and spin a top
wiih surprising accuracy, splitting
their opponent's top so often that
they ha, difficulty In entering
into eonijieiition with the othei
Of especial interest to the young
women at Dgdeti la the announcement
of Manager .1. R Oosa that for Wed-
1 nes.i.i niKb l .lames a, th Ll.-rthana
the prici ,f admission for extra ladles
With couples, and single girls, will be
materially reduced.
Beginning tomorrow night the price1
to? Single tickets for women will be
26 cents, instead of lu cents as has
been the i ule formerly;
Cb apenines. who do not dance, will1
be admitted free, but thej will have to
Py thfi wu tax to comply with gQY
i ernment requirements. Adv.
Beach's "Silver Horde"
And Babe Mh Drawing
Crowds ai tlie Ogdeii
Kev Beach's "The Silver Horde." the.
new Ooldwyn-Beach production, now
being shown at the Ogflen theatre con-;
tains scenes showing the salmon indus
ti which were filmed in the salmon'
fishing and parking regions of Ameri
ca' northwest. After investigations
the company decided lhat Lummi
island and the contiguous waters of
Puget sound were Ideal for the pur
pose The Lummi Bay Packing com
pany nlade avalable for the moving
picture concern all the necessary faci
lities and showed keen Interest in Its
' success.
Hex lteach. director P'rank Lloyd
and twenty members of the cast jour
ncyed t.. Bellingham, Washington,
near which Lummi island la situated,
and the scenes were shot" in the
1 proper atmosphere
The people of Celllngham showed
lively interest in the making of "The
Silver Horde." and- the Lummi Island
Packing company even erected tents
to accomodate the people who wished
to be present during the taking of the
salmon industry scenes. This part of
'the film has an educational value as
a background for an absorbing story
As an extra added attraction. Babe
Ruth is shown In his first picture.
"Over the Fence."
Railway Mail Clerk
Assigned to Ogden
M .1 McIougall of Ogden. has been
appointed railway mail lerk with his
duties to begin at once, according to n
Washington dispatch which reached
gden today ithers who received ap
pointment were v. F Praaler, and G.
l. Alk-n Salt Lak; M S Crowley.
Park City and W, K. Turner, Kam.is.
KVANSTON, Wyo-, ci 12, L'nit-
i Stntes Senator .lohn B. Kendrlck
discussed political Issues of Ihe day
I before a large audie nce in the Wyom
ing hall last night. A free dance was
given l: the Democratic county com
mittee following thc talk.
The largest drydock in the .Medi
terranean sen i4 lo be built at Naples.
Italy, as part of the port development.
I' 1
Marion Evelyn Cok
and Dons Proudfit
---in Ogden!
The famous American con
tralto and the noted violinist,
whose finished artistry has
charmed a whole continent,
are coming by special ar
rangement to Ogden. Their
jjt? toiicu appcareuive manes
this the musical event of the
at 8:15 P. M.
Assisting; them will be Mr. Thomas A.
Edison's Three Million Dollar Phonograph.
Call, write or telephone us for free tickets of adrr.it
trncc. They will be issued in order of application.
Proudfit Sporting Goods Co.
Music Department
Mayor, uommissioners ana
City Engineer to Attend
Sait Lake Sessions
.Mayor Prank FrancU, members of
the board of city ctomniiaalonera, and
City Engin er Joseph M Tracy, left
for Salt Lake at ?l80 o'dnck this
tnbrning t attend the two-day coiv n'
tlon of the State .Muni' hal l ague
which opens thte mornl?.is o)t 11 o'clock
in the office of Mayor C Clareni e Ni 9
len. The ma"yor and the Ogden dele
gation win attend oblj today's ses
sion and will return to this city to
nlght. Mayor Prtwcis i Bchfduled to ad-
dreafl lh- contention on the subject
of revenues from license, and Cltv
Knuineer Tra' y will enter open dis-
ouoiion in regard to Improvementa.
The question of the proposed 111 1-1 1 1 -mem
to the state constitution, which
would accord home rule under a h u
tor to any city In the state, desiring
it. will be one of the chief topics of
diseussidii In addition, legislation of
a nature to concern the municipalities
of the state, likely to come before
the legislature for consideration at
the next session. 'w ill be discussed In
both instances, the endeavor will be
to formulate a uniform pohe or
stand on the part of the league.
Dancdand Notes
Thin week promises to be k ..cl
one at DanceUjtnd, Qgden'e most popu
lar dance hall. Tuesday will be ti
fifth week of the big six week waltz
in? contest. This contest closes Oct
1 19, when the couples so far selected
together with those selected this Week
Will compete for the grand prl.e of
fifty dollars.
The couples so far selected are;
Joe Musgrave aipl Maude Folker, J.
M. Glllls and Hose Trace)', Mr. and
.Mrs Leon Bar tie tt, Frankle E. New -
!ton and C Haltlday, Art Racham and
Pays Moore. J. S. Palmer and Hazel
Pearco, ESlmer Price and Lulu Mcfar
land Mr. an.l Mrs. R. H Hancock, Ben
Yearslev and Mrs. 1". J '. Maipt Miss
1 1 can Salt. Miss j3. Eishcr, B. J.
Thursday the Cooks, Waiters ami
Waitresses Local No. 58 1 will enler
tain with a grand ball. As a special
feature, a prize waltz will be held ui
:il p. rn. This organization can always
I be depended upon to put over a ro-.il
dance and Thursday bight will be 1
'big night at Dance land.
Friday night. igden's famous S. P
band will give a big dance This dnce
j Is the first of a series the popular
band lnunlcians have planned and spc
Iclal seating arrangements have been
m ade for the band. This d ance w ill
j be given as all other Danccland dances
at popular prices.
Dancing lessons are given "Wednes
days and Salurdavs at Danccland from
1 to s p m The management urges
those ib siring private lessons to en
roll early as more desirable appoint
ments ran be had die Beeves Jazz
orchestra, the mush- that, makes dan
cing a pleasure will plav'cverv night
except Friday, the S. P. band playing
The regular d nee Saturday night
will los the week Adv
A plan to borrow books from pub
lic libraries with the privilege of re
turning then in libraries in other
cities is being contemplated.
All the world loves a romance, Like
wise all the world loves the sort of
music which clings so persistently to
one's memory thai it is inevitable that
.it will be whistled by eyerybod) who
hears it. These are perhaps the two
bt-st reasons why the Seiwyns' produc
tion of ' Buddies'- ran lor twelve con
secutive mouths 111 the Svlvvvn theatre j
New- Jforki before these producers had
an opportunity t,, offer other cities il
banco to see ' At last the time h;is
Hue when we shall see this appeal
ing comedy with music, for "Buddies
will be the attraction at the Orpheurj
theatre Wednesday. uct. 11. S jw
now on sale-
Scene Leaders to
' Meet in Salt Lake
Kev Si 0111 leaders of O.deii will be
asked to participate in conference
which Is to be held next Friday In
Salt Lake, according to all announee
menl made yesterday by Oscar .V.
Kirkhvm. scoul executive for Utah.
Leaders from all parts of the state will
At this meeting, which will lie
regular scoutmaster's roiindtaldo.
rhariy important subjects will be dis
CUSSSd Pirst class examination will
: be held at G o'clock in the Lafayette
school on the same day
Postpone Westorn
I Cattle Men s Meeting
Postponement of the meeting of the
cattlemen's associations of twelve
! western states w hich was to have been -i
held ln Salt Lake October 2 to 30,
has been made until December 14 to
j 16, according to information which
; reached igden today The former dale
j was found lo be too close to election
to assure a large attendance.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin'' is genu
! ino Aspirin proved safe by millions and
prescribed by physicians for over 20
I years. Accept only an unbrokcu "Bay
' er package" which contains proper .!i
rectlons to relieve Headache, Tooth
nche, Earache, Neuralgia. Rbeuuaatis'n,
Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of
12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists
also sell larger "Bayer packages." As
pirln is trade mark Bayer Manufacturs
M.ono;iceticacidester oi Sallo licacld.
Unique and Attractive Display j
Of Celebrated Medicine At-
tracts Much Attention t
An advertising display which has at- 1
traded unusual intere3i. has beea
placed in the show window of the j
A R Mclntvre Drug company on I
Washington avenue and Twenty-fifth !
1 street, in this city, the local agency for j
I the well known and highly successful 1
I proprietary medicine. Tanlac.
The display Is noi only interesting
from an advertising standpoint, but la I
educational, combining in an attrac- I
tie and artistic manner beautiful lj
scenes from many foreign countries
where the Ingredients of this prepara- '
lion are obtained j
It has occasioned such favorable
Comment in the city that ihe proprie
tors of the store siate that it will re
main in their window several days
Work of Great Artist
The display is the work of one of
America s greatest lithographic arti?is j
and the manufacturers of Tanlac state
thai the total cost will exceed sixty ;
thousand dollars, which is said to be a
record price for window displays. It
- ID ten dieUncI and natural colors. It
ami presents Bcenes from the Rocky
mountain, as well as from Europe,
Asia. Peru. Egypt and other foreign H
Ural habitat and enironmrnt, gather- I
ing Ingredients or Tanlac. packing t
them upon the backs ot camels, ele
phants, 1 1 a m .-, and other beasts of bur- f
den Tor transportation by land and
j sea 10 the immense laboratories ut M
Dayton, Ohio, and Walkerville, i an- 4 1
1 'n of ihe most -triking features :
of the display is the renroductlon ul
the magnificent laboraiorv ut Daj 1 1 1 I
Here the artist has very effectfrt
and impressively portrayed the pi
larlty Of Tanlac by miroducins: a gi
01 pi ople )n all w alks of life, vvho :..
looking ai the Tanlac laboratory wi , 1
expressions of confidence, plainlv in
dicatlnfi 'heir beliel and faith in
Another distinctive feature is the
j bulletins accompanying the display
They tell briefly and concisely ofjthe
nil rveloua growth and development of 1
I Tanlac, until today it has the largest
isale of any medicine of its kind in tho I
I w orld These bulletins also quote va- j
ripus standard medical authorities as
to the therapeutit value and physio
jlcal fleet of ihe medicine.
60,000 3otties a Day
From these bulletins one also learns
IhftI 'lie pew Tanlac laboratories at H
Dayton ad Walkerville have a torn-
uji'l uailv e..jia ify of 60,000 bottles
-I i ill.-1 ur luedicine is now selling H
lu , s Ol i proximately 10,000,000
bullies pi r year.
fhal Tanlac is a preparation of ex- H
i.:r-l no ip h;;- rn". er been dis- HH
which accounts tor its tremen
popularity and large sales
roUghout ihe country It is a far
roachlng and mosf beneficial effect
upen it'- system Many strong,
IochI endorsements, from those who
a-, to the benefit they received,
app axed in the columns of this
Thi manufacturers of Tanlac are
firm believers in newspaper advertls- 1
iQg and have forcibly presented to the
public the merits or their products in
'I ben total annual appropri
newspaper tpace exceeds one
million dollars Their copy appears
.11 practically all of the leading dally
and weekly newspapers throughout the
United Sti anil Canadin Advertise-
Thc Best Cough Syrup
J is Home-made.
Q IIrr' an Mv tbt to aTf and V
V rt ln r t!e-Lri i oueli remedy V
Q yoo ever cried. V
You've probably hoard of this well
known rlan m king eontrh iynip .it
home. Bui iime you ever used itf
When II inderst and why
t li on families Hie world over, jH
ffcl that they could hardly keep house i'H
It's imrdr and cheap, bub H
the vviv it t ike? hold of a cough 'ft isifl
qtucklv earn it a permanent place in
your H
Into a pint hot tie. pour 2 ounces of
Pines; then add plain granuTaled sugar
Syrup to till up the pint. Or. if desired.
ii -c clarilied molasses honey, ot corn , f
syrup iti-te.ul of sugar syriip. Either H
wav. it bastes eood, never spoils, ami
gives vou a lull pint of better couzii
remedy than you could buy ready-made
lor three times its cost.
It is really wonderful how quickly
this home-made remedy conouers a
cotigli usually in 24 hours or less. Tt
seems lo penetrate throiisrh every air
passige. loosens a dry, hoarse or tight
cough, lifts the phlegm, heals the mem-
brsnes, an I elves almosl immediate re
lief. Splendid for throat tickle, hoarse
nefi. croup, bronchitis and bronchial
1' tu x i a highlv concentrated com
ponnd ei genuine N'orvvay pine extract,
and his been uped for generations for
throat and chest ailments.
To avoid disappointment nk your
drujraist for "J1.- ounces Pinx' yith
directions, "i-l "don't accept ftnyt'aiag
else. Guaranteed to ji.ve :tbsidute satis
faction or money refunded- Thc Pincx
Co , Ft Wayne, lnd.
You will enjoy
refreshing "relief I
and comfort after
SO application of
Tbo. LecaiDS A C.. N. Y I
5milDINF Wholesome. tieasMsf,
UJ-'L Relresalng snd I1eM I
lEN Letlon Murine for Red-
70R Jkl ncss Soreness, Granula-
r-r Ction, Itching and Burning
YOUR tYt3of the Eyes or Eyelids; 1
"2 Dropo" After the Moieo. Motoring or Golf
rill win vour confidence. Ask Your Druf fiol
for Murine when your Eyes Need Care. I
VluriD Ey Remedy Co.,Cbicja