OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 12, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-12/ed-1/seq-6/

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Ogden Men and Women Are j
j Named on Executive
H iMrs. If, of Ogden waslj
H . hi.en a member of Ihe new board of'
.i r-tore of th i tali Public Hei ,
H AfisocHftlOO at the third Annua! m-t-,
H ing held In S.i It i.:ike. Mr, j J
Mcintosh wax also named to Mrve on j
cl'.e fxi-i utive committee for the as- I I
1 1 i.'illon .Mrs B GrlSI Old "f ' g- I
H den teas also selected a member of I (
i bis committee j I
The new Onard of illrectora. a chos-.
in ve-u-rdav to serve until 1184 In- j
I eludes Mr George N t'hll.1. Dr. T. li '
I Bteatt suit Lake; Henry H Blood, '
Kovsville; Mrs. A II. S ltlid, Profes- , j
sdr Arthur i Bi .!. Bali Laic i Wil-
ford Tuiv, Carovsnn Dl 1' C Budge. M
I cad, Joseph Eckeraley, Loa . the 111 !
$bv. Joseph 8. Glass. President lU-her 1 1
jj Grant, Salt i,nke Alexander Hed-
I r. Piovo l'r William M. Rich j!
Bait Lekej I J i J. A Phlppx. Tooele I j
j . v. M Molnfoeh, i tgden i -H
George E Hyde, Salt Lake: L J. Muir. j
H Bountiful. Leroy Dixon, Prnvo, and !
H km. E B. Corfman Salt Lake
Chf.S. Ij I.' fill m'UIn U In ! I" '- I
H recto rate for 1921 are Mrs Brnestl
Bamberger, nuciftiiing the Rev. Ed-
wnrd T. iwis. nmi Mrs. Amv Brown i I
Lyman, succeeding? Dr. K. N. Nelier, '
'ra Lesley K King will fill the va-
.inn- mail.' by the resignation of Q.ll
H of Bingham
! executive ooviomK
j I - ollowinx theli elecllon, the dlrec- J
I, tors chose the following in xeo
i 11 it executive committs i r, Beatty,
Mrs. Bird. Dr Heber J. Seura. Miss
R. S. Jovce of (ijrden, I r H. Q Mar- I
rHl, Mr." Dixon anil Mr KedquiSt of ! I
ProVOi Mrs A. I. ilorhnni, Dl Hv-U,
tnd Mrs I! C.riswold and Mm. Mc- 4
I i nlosh of Ogden.
All the outgoing officers of the a- "
soclatlon wen unanimously elected to 1
succeed ihemeolves They are Prosl- I
!Kj dent, K i. Howard honorary nc9
presidents, Governoi Kimberger and , 9
9 Jntted States Senator R Bmoot; i
a lee. presidents a. B Heywood o( J
den and President Grant secretary z
Mrs. w C, Howe; treasurer, Horace I i
it Smith; assistant secretary-trees- j I
H urer,. Dr.
Among the featur. .if the program j I
was the annual report pr sented by,;
James ji W ili s, executive secretai , a
j Tuberculosis can no) be controlled 1 1
In t'fah Without 1 eoopcfa I Ion of .ill'
publico forc-s ' Mr WallK
Therefore, the Public Health. aaSO-l
elation is concerned noi only withij
Hjl those who are actually suffering with Is
1 tuberculosis, but with ill Its fneans of! I
prevention. rhe coordim ;i o( nil ! I
health activities will bring nbout the I T
most economic tise of such agencies. I 2
To this end the association Is seeking I
to cooperate 1" '-mtv tvgy possible with
H cuucatlonal and medical activities and?
with stuii', county and city organ ist I
lions 9
' It Is now the unite general opinion C
. nedli .I and publli authbrl i
I ties thai, knowing the nature of lubcr-jl
H CtilOSis, haw It i caused and trans- j I
i iitteu, anil how to care for and pre- a
enl It, I hr big tnsk Is to lm n. ijo- S
plfl geneiolly regarding it Such l ! J
L the: work ot the Utah Public Health', r
HHHB asHOcirttlon." U
The Christmas seal .iai hs as its 1 s
primary purpose an educational cam-IA
p.iign and &s it : secondary purpose the I
tlnancliil returns, .muni in- in William I Z
j B. Buck, Western representative "f the x
I National Tuberculosis association, who 1 1
j fpoke In th" i'ii'' 1 ' i ih- li.'u sii" 9
j "The Ptfblii health movement in thefc
I etate of I'tah baa reached mobl (rati 1
I flying proportions," Mr. P.uck said It II
jl is accomplishing this largel through!;
the service of its public health nurses." i a
The public health nurse- was dis-jl
i cussed by Miss Lennlc B. Arthur, state f
Ji nupervlsinr, nurse, ami the pi ib-ular 5
work of the association nurse was pre- I
I sented by Miss Sophie K. Larsen, of f
j igden, under whose supervision a tu- c
j berculosls survey is being made of I
A'eber county. Miss Ixirsen reported II
! finding seventy-one i ises "f the dls-la
ease in Weber that had not been reZ
ported by any other agency in the I
I The financial report was given by X
Horace H. Smith and the history of the I
j f i r Hi seal sale in the state, that of nil f
' waa given by Mrs A. J. Uorhnm
I Members of tho association from all I
jiarts of the utate were present.
I Name Guardian in I
Annulment Suit
Judge A W. Agee of the district i
court hns appointed John C Child, fcfl
cuardlan ail litem of his minor child,
De)berl Child, defendant in a pending1
xuit brought by the parents of hin wlf.
to annul his marriagi in ;h-ir J.iugh- i
As n. result of Judge Agee s action'
the COmplaint in the annulment suil '
i) be amended and th" father will ;
be named as defendant instead of his
eon. I
Mr. and Mrs Nathan P. (Jray I
brought the SUlt In an effort to secure j
Hie annulment of the marriage of
ihelr daughter, Aileen Cray to Delbert
'hlld. alleging that the girl win only
lb years of age wh'n she was mr- j
tied. Tho case hns attracted consld- j
able attention owinj? to the strenu- i
oui effoii.i made at times by Child
to aec his wife.
I Compensation Case j
To Supreme Court
The case of Ogden city against Mrs. I
Alice Smalley was taken to ihe su-;
prenae court yesterday on application
for ft writ of review of the proceed
ings of the industrial commission
Through a divided award of the lat
ter body, Mrs. Smalley wa awarded)
$1452. C2 The son. a former tigden
motorcycle patrolman, died from In-
lurles alleged to have been suffered
while in service of the police depart
ment The City holds that the mo'bei um
not shown to be dependent upon the ;
t-arntngs of her son. The father, a
local Joweler, testified that he was not
dependent on the son.
MADRID, Oct. 11 The scenes of
j (he Spanish bull ring were too har-
rowing for a section of th' foreign
trade delegates to the International
I Postal congress, now in session here
f who attended the regular Sunday bull
a rights yesterday and many of them
found themselves obliged to leave be
1 r re the fights were concluded
oviieaeiiwsii'ee(i'eii'viiwii'eBii'ea(iBaii'iAi''a(i'ex(iaBe' tihb t if i n iei m i tm mi miumi 1 1 mi i i in 1 1 wif 'i arm r irana nrrs r tit -i -
I yesterday and Saturday's crowds gave evidence of
the welcome that we know will come with the relief
from high prices.
j there are two ways of looking at this price ques
tion; one is to hold stocks on hand at prices made
on the basis of what the merchant paid; the other
is to reduce prices of stocks on hand in keeping
with the lower markets.
I we adopt this latter method. Altho there will be
some losses in unloading the stocks we have, still
we will the sooner be in position to make the usual
profit on the stocks that are now offered at low
ered prices.
j today's quotations are the same as tho all these
stocks had been bought at the lowest market
we're glad to give you all the benefits.
A GOODXLAE to trade
I Silk Blouses $5.95
Handsome cilk blouses are now coming to us at prices
about half of those asked a month ago These at $5.95
' are such blouses as we paid more for in the near past
All sizes to 46. Blouses of georgette, crepe de chine,
taffeta, bead and braid trimmed. A great assortmenl
at $5.95.
j Coats
j $29.50
You recall our recent sale of coats at $29.50 a
sale in which every garment in the offering was sold
i before the day had passed? Well, here s another salt:
of equal importance, of equal attractiveness. Thirty
coats are in the offring coats that would usualls
hav to be sold for ever so much more. We like the
idea of selling them out quickly at a very small mar
j gin. Smart styles al! new, of couise. The fabrics
and trimmings and models that are most wanted.
Have a loot at them. Second, floor $29.50.
v i
I Coats $19.50 j Dresses $1.00
I See the smart winter coats I Tlie first ten women who
j that have a first showing to- cme to second floor tomr.r-
f morrow at $10.50. Coats of row may buy a voile dress for
j the rich, heavy winter fah-J $1- There Hre hut ten of
I rics Styles that look sol them the entire stock left
I min i, li. n.r than the small froni the SMSOH's selUng. Qf
. . ... course tniss mall price would
prices asked. Most all sim , n(), hm , pn , .lor t,,e
(lor earl buyers, Specially voiles of which they are
. jpn.-ri at ... . $19.50 made Have a look . . . $1
4. 4- 4-
j Knit Underwear
I see it advertised 01 not, you will be dren'-t fb eced union suits, natural
saff in BSklllg for Bfttnglflgwear for and bleached Sizes 2 to 12 $1.50
I all members of the family Mum- values, Special .... .
ingwear costs a little mora, but is
t worth the difference PANTY WAISTS Children's pearl
i WOMEN'S BLOOM E RS Women's j52 -Ef "
jcrsev bloomers, elastic top and Eg??, ? X'T shou,der-
hne, ; Plnk only all sUes. 65c gJ to 14 .Ues.
I values 59r 45
I Children's fleeced vests and ens summer unions regular and
pants, long sleeves, ankle length, cut sizes, tight knee, also lace knee
" Sizes 2 to 12 75c values. Spe- Hand and bodice tops. $l values.
IClal . , 69 Special qqc
Now Is The Time To Buy
Silk Stockings
Thousands of women who enjoy the luxury of wear
ing silk stockings will be glad to know of these
I lowered prices.
WOMEN'S SILK Women's pure WOMEN'S SILK $2.98 Worn
I thread silk hose, lisle elastic en's pure silk hone. Gotham
tops, plain and drop si Itch, and WnjriH knit. Regular and
black, white, brown, gray, pink, out sizes, $3.75 values. Extra
values to $2 25. Extra special . ... S2.98
! special 81.50 girls' silk $1.19 Children's
(WOMEN'S SILK $2.39 Women's silk plaited hoBe. Pony brand,
silk hose, including Gotham Gold black and whlto, all sizes, finn
Stripe, Wayne knit, etc , all col rib. $1 50 values. Extra
(ors Values to $3.25. Extr-i special j
special $2.39 WOMEN'S SILK 69c Women's
INFANTS' SILK 79c TnfatuV pure lhree.il silk and fiber hoso,
(pure silk hose, colors are pink, elastic lisle tops, colors pink and
blue and white, sizes 4 lo 6'4 gray only. $1 25 value. Extra
$1 values. Extra special 79C special 69f
1 I" 1 1 T ' " '
4 4
e h the hesi machine 3 et
invented foe sponging fnb
rica. Live steam is forced
through the fabric, taking
out all ihrinkage making the
fabric proof against spotting,
hether you buj t he mate
rial! h te or elsewhere, wo
will sponge them for you at
small cost.
4 i
t 4 4.
For Lunch
Hpl soups, I'hoiei- of three
kuiils. Ilut chili, made hen
Hot macaroni with tomato
sauce. Hot frankfurter saii'l
wloheg. I 'nlil roast beef. ' fold
roast pork. Boiled ham sand
wiches Tuna fith sandwich.
! Homemade pies. Our own
good it e crea)m. At the Foun
tain. 4 4-
Read These Savings On
Staple Cottons
Prices are lower on most all staple cottons. These prices
conform to the latest wholesale quotations.
flannel in dark and light colors for
covering uuilts. making night
dresses and pajamas, etc.
Vard 25r
flannel, a full yard wide, in white
and colors, extra heavy weight for
nicht gowns, pajamas, etc
Yard 43
(i:ili and comfort-, put up in box
enough for a larse quilt in each
box ?: r.ii line- $52.15
DRESS GINGHAMS 45c ginghams
and cheviots for dresses, shirts,
hoys' waists, etc , good fast colors,
assortment. Yard . . 35
all the be.it brands In plaids, checks,
stripes, etc Yard 48
UTICA SHEETS l iica sheets, size
81x90, extra heavy quality without
starch or I ill in cr. Regular $3 25
values .... $2. 18
sheetBa size 81x90. made of good
Sturdy muslin, medium weight. Reg
ular $2.75 values .... 2.19
PILLOW CASES 'Or pillow casci
In sizes 42x?,il ami inx.'it;, with nice
deep plain hem, made of Rood me
dium weight muslin Each . .JOO
ONEIDA SHEETS Oneida pillow
cases, size 45x36. made of extra
hcay muslin without filling. Reg.
ular 75c values. Each . . . 60"
FANCY TOW ELS 1 1 l' and $1.30
fancy Turkish towels, with fancy
colored borders, also stripes. Spe
cial, each 98
BABY FLANNEL - White wool
baby flannel for all baby's wear,
good fine quality. Regular $1 value.
Yard 75
canton FLANNEL Unbleached
canton flannel in good medium
weight, lor baby's wear, etc., 27 .
inches wide 40c value Yard HO('
CANTON FLANNEL (,..(! h-avv
ueighi unbleaohed canton Qannel,
28 Inches wide. Regular 50c value.
Yard 40C
NEW PERCALES I'.. and r.0C per
cales In light, dark and medium
colors, 36 inches wide, good fast col
ors, for aprons, waists. dr-se.s, etc
Yard 40
COTTON BATTS In incible cot
ton batts, lull three pound weight,
size 72x90. $1 86 vslue . . SI. 60
Make A Shirt At Home j I
We startetl something, all right, when We suggested the rE
making of shirls at home. The madras fabrics are going gB
oid, and into men's shirts principally (Jet a pattern (I'io- J KL
lorial or Home Journal), three yards of this wonderful Rng- if.jf
Ush madras patterns woven in, cloth as fine as fine cotton 'i
can he. Cut out the shirt and sew it up; we Supply the ?
collar band already made at no additional charge, you will i
have 8 hand80met shirt than you could bUJ for twice the (
cost. The madras is now 95c a yard Worth more. ? Kjjf
4. 1 5 B
Silks $1.59
Messaline georgette and crepe
de chine, fresh new stock, good
range of colors, values to $2 50
for, yard $159
Corduroy $1.68
Corduroy 23 inches wide, m all
the most wanted colors, for bath
robes, blouses, children's wear,
etc. $2 values for, yard $1.63
4 4
Silk Poplin $1.65
Silk poplin, 3C inches wide,
bright luster finishe, good
range of colors to select from,
$2.25 value for, yard . $1 65
4 4-
Rich Satin $3.95
Satin, all pure silk, 36 inches
wide, a beautiful heavy weight
quality, bright, soft finish, in
all the most wanted colors,
S5.50 for, yard $3 50
4 4.
Pongee $1.00
The best $2 quality of genuine
Japanese pongee. Women are
buying quantities of it for
men's shirts, girls' dresses,
blouses, underwear. Tomorrow
again, yard $1
Come Downstairs For Shoes
Come downstairs for all shoes men s, women's and children Down herf
where rents are so low, qualities are kept up. prices down. Today we tell of j
I the good bargains on the tables.
iMen's Shoes Misses' Shoes Infants' Shoes
i tine fable mens dress shoes. One table misses' shoes, brown One table infants' shoes in but- ji
ji wide or narrow toe. brown and and black luce style, kid, calf ton and lace style, a good play ji
I black, ends of discontinued lines, and glazed hore: in sizes 8' to shoe, In Blies 2 to 8 Values to
Rises G I ' 11. Values to $12 50. 2 Values to 5 Special 3 95 .:' 7i Special "... 1 95 lj
S" w oi 87 95 Children's Shoes The New Shoe Room
V? Omen S onOeS one table children s shoes, black, Customers express delight at the j'
One table ladies' shoes in Cloth brown and smoked, button and new downstairs shoe room Ught ji
i OT kid top. black and brown, lace lace style, S(itohed down McKa and any. Where shoe buying can
Styld with high or medium heel, and welt sole, ends of discontin be don in comfort The lowered
sizes 24 to 6. Value to $10 ued lines, sizes 5l.. to 13 '4- Val cost of space down here will
I Special S5.95 uea to JC50. Special S2.95 have its effect on shoe prices
Mention is made today of a few of the good items that
arc displayed on the spacious tables on the Second Floor.
COAT SWEATERS -Girls' coats,
made of the er newest materials,
latest models and shades, sizes 8
to 14 years. Values to S27.50. Spe
cial S18.95
drcn'j nlfcht town-, math- n .splen
did quality outing in pink and blue
stripe, usual $2 values. Spe
cial SI
ham school dresses, made of strict
i washalili- itiKham, liRht and dark
colors, sizes 6 to 11 years Values
to 6 Special S2.95
serge dresses, made of navy blue
good duality serge regulation style.
1 12 ' e irs Values to $15.
-1 M $11.95
and girls' slipover sweaters In al)
the new shade.-,, i amy weave, all
sizes Values to 48 BpeoM $4.95
girls' coal sweaters, made of all
(Tool yarns, staple coot model rulf
neck, pockets and belt $12. "ai val
ties. Special $9.95
outing PETTICOATS Women!
outing flannel petticoats and bloom
ers, made of splendid quality out
ing, uur usual $1 5u aluv.. spi
cial 95f
ing flannel pajamas, made of pink
and blue stripes, he;i gualltj OUtr
ing. llillie Lurk style, $3 values.
s i" mi $1.75
flannel night gowns, made of hw
quality outing, pink and blue siriin-.
and white. Cut full 9lze $3 50
values. Special $1.95
i lal B corset made of heavy coutil,
strong supporters, medium bust,
long hip Size 21 to SO. Usual $2
values Special $1.25
The downstairs shop is a great store in itself, a store
where prices are uniformly low, where good values al
ways abound. . Come down for a look.
CRISCO Tin big three pound can
of Crisco this is a new shipment,
thus Insuring freshness. Tomorrow
we sell the big can for . . 89'
GOLD DUST Gold Dust washing
powder, excellent for cleaning
floors, woodwork, vhshinc dishes,
etc , put up in 8 ounce packages.
Regular 10c Special. 4 for . . 25c
ped, full treated stem matches. Sold
!d adtlltf unl . , limit f boxes to a
person Six boxes for . . . 30f
TOILET PAPER A good qualin
crepe tissue, put up in four ounce
rolls, just a few cases left at the
old prirce. Four for ... . 25
SALAD BOWLS Transparent Aus
Irian china bowl, decorated multi
color and I lowers, itn 9 Inch size.
H",c alue. . ....... 59f
plies you with an extra socket so
you can use any elecirlc appliance
at the same time and have a light
Special $1.19
COAL BUCKETS The Lisk extra
heavy double bottom black enam
eled finish, the medium size. Spe
cial $1.29
TEA KETTLES Made of heavy 14
ounce copper nickle plated, seam
less bottom, the large range size
Special $2.95
aao'ssai i mnm mm m n-. i mum
SHEET MUSIC If there is a new
song out, we have it. Gome to the
Downstairs store to hear Hny of Ihe
lansl sheet music Late piano
BLANKETS $1.95 Coltou double
sheet blankets in size 54x72 inches.
In colors gray, tun anil whin , tin s.
are $2.50 value. Special ih
pair . . ...... $1.95
BLANKETS $3 25 Cotton double
sheet blankets In size 60x7i'i m col
urs L'r.n. 'an and while, a .splendid
sin i blanket, $2 75 values. Special,
the pair $3.25
BLANKETS $3.45 Cotton double
sheet blankets In colors gray and
tan; these are the large size, 72x80
lm hes, our $4 values Special, the
Pair $3.45
BLANKETS $5 25 Wool nap blan
kets for the double bed in size 66x
80, in the gray and tan colors, they
are 6 valuee Special, the
Pair S5.25
BLANKETS $9.50 Wool blunkei.s
Jn the plain gray color with pink
and blue border, size 66x80. $10
values Special . $9.50
WOLL BATTS $2.75 For making
comforts' these are all white. siSS
72x84. The regular comfort siz .
all in one piece, $3 valuea. Spe
cial $2.75
i i -ma-n-tmam- -emmm---mmm- i-mmmmy ibmii
Toilet Goods and
Pantry Specials
Lux, nin' packages for .... $j
Tree Tea, 4 packages for J
1 ;-dia I'inkham's Compound $1
Palm Olive soap, 12 bars Jgl
Hughe.-,' ideal hair brushes JgJ
Ur Float talcum 9
Pepsodent tooth paste . . -3
I v nr soap, 12 bars . . $1
( n ine oil soap. 12 bars . . . S$ 1
Prophylacth tooth brush . 29c
Diamond Dyes for silk and
?ool 15
Toro . . 33
M J B. coffee, 1 pound . . 55
M. J. B. coffee, 5 pounds g2.65
I'eptona ... $1l
Rooky Mountain tea 33(
Llaterine tooth paste .... S(-
Nalloid cuticle solvent . . , 15
Kailold Wond rdusl . . . . 15c
Brief mention of a number of
good items on First floor.
chiidrens' school handkerchiefs,
plain white wiLb ' inch hem Spe
cial, each " 5c
and iuaertions. A table of re
markable values K to 1 lath wide.
Special, per yard ....... 9
men's net lace trimmed vesta, col
lars, and collar and cuff sets, for
suits, dresses, coats, values to $8.
Special, each $1.89
est styles, for large or small hats.
In black, brown, nuvy and taupe
Special, each $1.25
hair bows of excellent quality taf
fela ribbon, plain and fancy, light
and dark colors. Special, each 50c
moire .silk hand bags, with metal
and carved tops, beautifully lined,
colors are black, navy, taupe anil
brown . HALF PRICE
NECKLACES 2) Inch pearl neck
laces, graduated sizes, gold filled
clasps, white and cream, $1.50 vai
ues. Special 9$C
and Inserts, several styles to select
from $1.26 values. Special . 9C
linen stationery attractively boxed,
contains 48 sheets paper, 48 enve
lopes, 85c values Special . . (J9c
lawn stationery', colors are blue,
p.nk. buff. WhUe, assorted boxes.
45c ralut Suwial 39c
A Sale Of j 1
Boy's O' coats H
One hundred overcoats for boys
go on sale tomorrow in the
Downstaii's store. Warm coats 9
for winter, brown, navy and 1 i-IiJf
green wool mixtures. Smart
belted styles, snug fitting con- c V
vertible collars Sizes are for m
boys 3 to 8 years. We expect 1 W j
to see the lot sold out quickly at
these reductions.
$10..... $7.95 !
Values up L (tr np- L
$13 tpI.OD
$v,6ucs.up.to$ 12.50 j J
$olues.up..,0$ 14.75 j K
Downstairs Wk
MEN'S GARMENTS Good quality
of cotton In medium weigh', faf
bleached only $,? 75 allies. Sale I 3'
Prtoe $2.95 I-
blouse waists, best quality madras 2
In light or dark colors . :T val I
uea. ai- price . $1.89 p
made, best qualtiy blue or gray I
chambray. sizes 1 4 1 to 17'., full c
assortment, $2.75 values. Sale 6
Prtto. . .. . S2-g !
I For Men
Who Shave mm
ij Morgan razor strop, 0c value I
for . 39c it I : '
Morgan razor strop, 75c to !; ;
f5c aJues 59c ' '
j Morgan razor strop. $1.25 j' - f
!; value '79c ! i ft
jj Morgan razor strop, $2 50
j value ...... SI. 69 Q
i Torrey No. B safety razor. 75c .j t 1
:: vall,p 49c S I
jj Gem safety razor, $1 value 89C j X ll
j Gillette safety razor in case, ji
ij 5 va,u'' S3. 19 :: f 11
j! Qem razor blades ... 45c ' a
j Olllette razor blades . . . 45 jj 1
!j Auto strop blades. . . . 45c '! f 1
jj Rexall shaving powder . . 25c !l i r
Colgate's rapid shave pow- I j
ji der 33c !' 1
ji Colgate's bandy grip shaving u
jj s,1ck 33r j
Munsingwear K
For Men ! I
Men, if jou would know underwear I
comfort, try Munsingwoar The fit V
Is al.vay.s perfect; no birnlin-, seams
all flat; will not shrink- Fit won t R ,
1 b out. v
UNION SUITS of a fine Internudl ? 1
qte weight for now r.nd winter, ecru
color, finest Egyptian cot-
,ori 7. ;
UNION SUITS of a heavy Kgypn n v 4
COttOB, for men who do not want
wool, yet heavv ... i 1
UNION SUITS'of a heavy Egyptian I II
cotton with a warm fleece linbitr. B
for year round wear jjij '
Bo-aBS(-(M.()B0k.04BV, j

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