I NOW PLAYING 1:45 to II P. M,
Extra Added Attraction t j N
In His First Picture I W
Samuel GoldwynZ Rex Beach Xcd-n
prcs ent J- !
Jmous story fllB
Directed by Frank Lloyd
Will Address Young Men
Republicans' Club at
I Headquarters.
I Senator Reed Smoot will fire the
opening shot of his campaign In Weber
I county tonight when he will talk to
men In the Republican headquarters
L hall on Hudson avenue at 8 o'clock.
I The meeting has been arranged by
the Young Men's Republican club of
Weber count, and owing to the limlt
- ed space offered in the hall, only men
' will be admitted. All men in the
county. In addition to the club mem
bers are invited to attend.
In order that the women of Weber
I county have also have the opportunity
of hearing the speaker a reception
will be arranged at a later dale which
will be attended exclusively bj wp-
men. It was announced this morning at
. county headquarters by William T.
j Oreenwell, secretary.
The event tonight is in the nature
of a reccution and In addition to
I scheduled speeches, refreshments will
j be served.
No definite subject has been anj
. nounced by the speaker, but Arthur j
Woolley, county chairman, has declar- .
cd that the address will be of interest
to all and he urges Republicans from
outside the city as well as within Ug
j den to be present.
Senator Smoot will arrive In ogden
1 this afternoon und will be met by a
welcoming committee at the Republi
can headquarters. He will be the guest
i of the committee throughout the nfter-
noon and until he speaks tonight
J Arthur 'Woolley. count chairman
j will open tonight s meeting anil will
introduce W. W. Rawpn. president of
the Young Men's Republican club of
Weber county, who will preside. .Mr.
Rawson will in turn present Senator
19th Ward Mutuals
I ; Will Give Program
L The opening social of the M. I. A. of
the Ninth ward will be held at the
ward hall tomorrow evening at 7:30
The program Includes violin rolo,
I-eroy Johnson; reading. Gladys Petrr
son; song. Eva Porter, piano solo,
Ml&s Louise Recdcr. Dancing will fol
low All members of the ward an
The Cooks & Waiters dance
at Danceland will be Thurs
day, Oct. 21, one week later
than the date announced in
Danceland notes. The regu
lar dance will be given Thursday.
Eldridge Ames Fatally Hurt
When He Strikes
Failing ten feel to the pavement
when his foot slipped while he was
n pairing a chimney. Eldridge Ames,
i 70 years old. of 302 Parry aenue was
fatally injured at 9 o'clock this morn
'lug. He died at the hospital.
Amea waa repairing a house belong
ing to Mrs. Emma Holmstrum at 209
I Twenty-first street.
No one saw him fall it Is said, but
I ho wjs found laying on the pavement
, where he had slipped from the roof.
! He apparently had struck the pave
jmcnt With the hack of his head
Tli Klrkendall ambulance was
'called and the injured man was has
j toned to the Dee hospital. Shortly af
ter his arrival there he passed away.
Mr. Ames Is survived by four grown
Children. He was a plasterer.
New Books Ready
At Ogden Library
The following new books will be
ready at the Carnegie library tomor
row .
Aklns Cake Upon the Waters. "
Bacon Square Peggy."
Bassctt The Harbor Road "
Black "The Great Desire."
1 grown "The Hhick lrroj "
Dell "The Tidal Wfcve."
Ferber " H l f Portions.'!
Kirby "Little Miss Muffct.,'"-
Kyne -The Green Pea Pirates."
Lockfl 'The House of Lltazar.
"The Ratn Girl "
Richmond Red and Black
Turner "A Place in the World."
YVhltt The Owtfer of the Laxy It
Automobile Engineering, six vol-
in tea
Baxter ' Boy Bird House Architec
ture. Bralthwsdte "The Book of Georgtur
Campbell "Cement for Concrete
Krvinc "Jane Clegg."
1'iti h "Comfort Found in Good Ok
I Books."
French "Mechanical Drawing foi
Ilih Schools.''
Handy Direct Current Motor ant
( Generator Troublest,''
ijordon "lvettertng for Coninu-rr nt
1 'urposes."
Humphrey ' Women In America?
Histor "
Kellogg "Bobbins of Belgium.'
Palmer "Practical Mathematics foi
Home Study."
Piper "Barbed Wire and Other To
Russell Stories of the Great Rail
Ylgneau How to Understand t!i
Reading of Blue Print Drawings "
Xlzetelly "2S.000 Words Frequent
ly Mispronounced."
I Kill That Cold With
i FOR JSPdfciy AND
1 Coldt, Coughs OMV La Grippe
.1 Neglected Colds are Dangerous
j Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first mesas,
M Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves
W Gnppc in 3 days Excellent for Headache
M Quinine in this form dom not affect the head Cascara is beat Tonic
j Laxative No Opiate in Hill's.
Miss Ida Holley Becomes Bride
of Fletcher Scowcroft
at Noon.
Mtuli Interest In the- social circles of,
the city is attached to the marriage'
of Mi-" Ids Holley, daughter of Mr.,
and Mrs. I' O. Holley, and John
Fletcher SCOWCrpft, s..n of Mr and
Mrs. Joseph Scowcroft, which lookj
place at noon today at the residence
of the bride's parents In the Peeryj
apartments. Rey. John Edward Qar-i
ver officiated.
Immediately following the marriage
n wedding breakfast was served for
I the Immediate member.- of the two
fS milieu.
The yOUhg COUplC left In an au
tomobile, foi California over the Ar
rowhead tr.ui upon a honeymoon of
Several weeks. They will visit In San
lilego. Los AnKeles, Pandenu, Santa
Barbara and S:m Francisco before, re-!
turning la Ogden. They will make
their home m ihf. Browning apart
ments Miss Holley is a favorlate unions
the younger social set of the city She
Ik a graduate of the National Park
:.enn:i'ir . Washington. L ( . Mr,
Scowcroft is the head of the eloth
llnp mnnufacllurlng department of
John 8coweroTt & Sons company.) He
Is n graduate of the St John academy1
and during the war was a first lieu-j
tenant In the army-
For all Departments) Call Phor.e
j Mo. 2450.
Xcw Djnishbfr .v babj girl was
I born to Mr. and Mrs. Lelend S. Van
Nest at Drumwrlght, ikla.. on Nov.
2, according to word re.-i --d here
Mr. Van Nest 1 a former resident of
i ifrden and went to Oklahoma after
service lit the nrm x
Paint your leaky roof with Roof
Leak New supply Just In. ogden
Pulnt. (til & Glass Co. 2440 "Wash
ington 6812
Clean large rac wanted at The
St.ndurd-Exainlr.i- nfrice. , he2
Visiting Hire Mr. and Mrs. George
BSmmett of San Francisco are visiting
here for a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl B. Watson of Ogden' Mrs Fmmetl
was formerly Miss Margaret Kotter of
Wanted Bell bay. Reed Hotel.
Phone 5 32 tor messenger
Ogden Typewriter House for tie-,
writers and repairs, 2-122 Hudson ave
nue. Phone 26.
The Tenth ward M. I. A. will give a I
dancing party Wednesday, October
In the ward hall. Music by Kcrl
Wecker orchestra Ward members
and their friends are invited. 6407
Prisoner Escapes
From U. P. Train
An unknown man who escaped from
Detective C Smith of Dea Moines.
Iowa, yesterday. by leaping from
Union Pacific train No 2 at Straw-
berry. In Weber canyon, 2s being
I sought by members of the Ogden
police department.
Detective Smith, in charge of tho
i man accused of wife desertion, left
I him for a mom 'lit while the train
was going through Weber canyon.
The prisoner was dressed in a green
j Mult with a dark green hat As the
I train slowed down at Strawberry, the
I man leaped clear No alarm was giv
I en until the train reached Peterson,
I where Smith discovered the absence
j of his prisoner
Smith proceeded to Morgan where,
after soliciting the assistance of Sher
iff Brig Robinson, he returned and
Beached for the fugitive. The Ogden
police were not hot'ried until 9 o'clock
lajH night, several hours after the
man scapej
Texan May Make
Senate Race
DALLAS. Tex. Thomas B. Love,
who has been a stormy figure in Texas
politics for twenty years, will be a
candidate fr the United States senate
from Texas, to succeed Sinator Charles
A Culberson, who will retire In 1 922.
It 1m understood. Love's most p-cla-tu'.ur
victory came in this year when
he organized th campaign against
Joseph W. Bailey for governor. He
is Democratic national committeeman
from Texas and was the princlu.il sup
porter of W. 5. McAdoo at San Fran-
elsco. He Is now working in Cox he.ni-
Quarters in New York.
During the year ended June 30. I'm
!' foreiKu ;md 1420 American
steamships entered New York harbor-
no I
J Bxcavatlons in Bagdad show hi
presence of a great prehistoric city.
vr. taii spi i lal. i
DAL-IiAS. Tex. Plenty of beer, IhS
Old Kind with five per cent of kick, at
a price not exceeding five cents a glass.
Is the Inducement James E. Ferguson
l.t hoi. line ,,nt lor vol":: for ircsbbnt
of the United States.
The convention which nominated
Ferguson. ha:i a set of electors In
structed to vote for Mm for president,
lie is running on B beer and wine
platform in Texus 11 lu electors will
be on the ticket In no other 'state ex
cept Texas.
"I will guarantee. It beer is brought
back, the price will never go above
five cents." says Ferguson. "The
breWers would not have, been profi
teer had they not been put out of
Ferguson was impeached an gov
ernor of Texas three years ago be
causi be would not tell the source of
. 1 :.ri.o(ni lie received It was later
proven that the money came from the
Following his Impeachment he was
.l. iv. iled for goernor Now he Is run
ning for the presidency on the Am. Ti
tan pait which he organized
Mrs. Ralph Rilter and Mrs. A L.
Rundqulst will entertain the Women's
Farm Bureau of Rl'rdalc Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home
of the rormcr. Mrs. Bd. Kilter will be
the leader of the meeting.
l 1 I K.m TEA
Que n Esther Chapter will entertain
at tea Wednesday afternoon from 3
until 3 o'clock at the Masonic templn
Mesdames Carlston, Klnloy, West, Hol
gren, King P 11. McCune, Kllngman.
jj.e. k. and Kennedy, h-11I he the host-
I Pis' OPA1 t.i ILD
Members of the Episcopal Guild will
mcel at 2.30 o'clock Wednesday at
the home of Mrs John McCready, 176
Tw eiity-thii d strei i
OPK.MNt; lN I.
The Tenth ward Mutual ImprOVO"
emeni will open the winter work and
social activities Wednesday evening by
.i dance In the ward amusement hall.
Members and friends of the ward arc
asked to Join In the opening Jane-; and
The regular meeting of the W. C. T.
U will he held at trir home of Mrs,
Alben w. Hadlcy. ss.'. Twenty-sixth
Btreel Wednesday afternon at 2:30 j
o clock.
mission V.RV sot IET1
The Home Missionary society of
the Methodist churcn will meet Thurs-.
day afternon at 2:?d o'clock with 1
Mrs. C. R. Garer at the parson- j
s .( sl I'll si .( 11-71 Y.
The St Joseph Sewing society will
hold their regular meeting as usual
Thursday afternoon In the St. Joseph's
hall Mrs. T. D. Ryan will be the
mm juts
The cast of "The Soul of Youth." the
new Realart special, which will bo th"
featured attraction tomorrow at the
Alhambra theatre, is a veritable gath
ering of youthful celebrities and in
fant prodigies.
To begin with, there is Lewis Sar
gent, playing the principal. Since the
showing of "Huckleberry Finn" to mil
lions of people all over the country ,
young Sargent Is perhaps the best
known and best liked boy actor In the
world, though M ister Ernest Butter
worth, of (he famous snub nose, runs
him a close rttC6 fur popularly Mas
ter Butterworih has been acting be
fore the camera for some lime and
his saucy face Is well liked by motion
picture audiences. He Is a wonderfi.l
little comedian, as will be recalled by
all who saw him in the role of "Tho
Kid ' in All tn D wain's production, "The
Luck of the Irish "
Little Miss Llla Lcc, already well
known on the screen, Is another mem
ber of the cast, and handles a chaiin
Ing girl role with her usual cleverness.
William Collier, Jr., who plays "beau"
to the Ingenue, is the son of the well
known actor, William Collier, but is
not wholly dependent upon his fath
er's name for consideration, as he has
made something of a mark for him
self both in stage productions and
upon the screen, as well
In addition to these clever juveniles
there .ire several distinguished adult
actors and acm s.ses, not the least dis
tinguished of whom are Judge Ben
LIndsey and his wife, of Denver. Colo.,
Judge Lladsey has not deserted the
bench for the screen, tint consented to
appear in several scenes of this dis
tinctly "boy" picture solely because of
M3 Intense Interest In boys, especially
boys of the street, who have never
had a .--quare deal, nor a chance to
develop happily and normally Into
good men.
Julia Crawford Ivcrs. who was re
spoiisible foi the scenario of "Huckle
berry Finn." wrote the story and sce
nario for this picture, which is direct
ed by William Desmond Taylor, whose
work in making distinguished pictures
is too well known to require comment
Ho has directed a number of pictures
for Miss Mary .Miles Minter, the Real
art star.
Injured Mill Worker
Reported Recovering
A T Short, Injured .it the Globe
(Mills Saturday when he fell head first
from the second floor of the building,
is recovering from his injuries ac
cording to word from the hospital.
Short suffered a six inch gash
across his forehead, requiring more
than 30 stitches. He has regained
' consciousness and is expected to re -.
. er '"M.i':'''
j and they, that worship Him rnu.it wor
hip Him In spirit and in truth"
(St. John. Chapter 1, Versi -
There li Yldafl eSS In God's mercy.
IJke lint wldcness of the sea.
Tli.-re Is u kindness In His Justice
loch i. more tliun Lil.erls
i 'iiri.ii inis i welcome fpi the sinner
:id more graces for the good.
Thi pi Is UeUemptlon in Christ's Wood
Which for you upon the fro? was
Wall Ave. near Twenty-fifth St.
j Meeting's every night at 8 p. m,
Democrats to Greet
McAdoo on Oct. 2!
William O MeAdou. f let dilat
or general of railroads Tn the United
States during tho world war. will 01
rlve in Ogden on train No 1 from tS
cart i ictober 21 according to word re
ceived here today by De'potmastCI 8,
H. Tracy.
j McAdoo is touring the w. ste.n si. i. -!
in the interests of the- Democratic
l. u iy and is scheduled to speak In Og
den ahortly after his arrival here. Me
will also deliver an address at Salt
Lake prior to departing for the coast,
j A commute of Ogden Democrat; will
be named during Cue present w-'1- to
complete phi us for the reception f Mr
! McAdoo according to Information Tiven
j out today by local Deinucr its.
Switchman Killed
, At Rock Springs
Benjamin Mcintosh, aged switch-:
man of l'.ock Sprifigs Wjo.. was in
stantiy killed lasfiiight in the railroad
yards in ihat city when he slipped I
and accidentally fell beneath the
wheels of a freight car. He was in
the act of uncoupling two cars when
the accident happened.
Mcintosh s unmarried. His bodv '
was severed by the train according to I
officials of the Union Pacific here a
complete investigation of the accident
will be made by M. A Clark, of Og
den; claim agent for the L nion Pacific.
Colder Tomorrow Is
Weather Prediction
"Rain tonight and Wednesday cold
er tomorrow.' This Is the prediction
of the United States weather bureau
for Ogden and vicinity which reached
the city this morning. It was indi
cated in the report that rain will
be general throughout the entire st.U
Yesterday's maximum temperature
was 59 degrees, with a minimum of
49 degrees last night.
XKW Yi'iKK. Robert Harbour,
millionaire manufacturer, invited Miss
May B Rollins. New York model to
his apartment In Patersop, N. J.. seiz
ed her, plastered her eye?i with adhes
ive tape and beat her vvitli Straps,
I following which h refused to marry
iher, alleges Miss (toll Ins In a half mil
lion dollar suit for dainagt filed lo re
Barbour is said to have fled to Europe
In disguise, to escape arrest Miss Rol
lins asks $250,000 for the alleged
breach of promise and an eQUal
amount foi th- alleged attack. Bar-;
bour Is six-feet tall and weighs 325,
i pounds-
Maintenance? of Way and
Shop Laborers' Lodge 1348
at regular meeting Oct. 17 at
10:30 a. m. Election of of fi
cers and refreshments. All
members please attend.
(Signed) A. K. FOULGER.
----- "
II1" ' 't.'rT"i "TTi ir 'r-.enm f QH
ill ijfS fi
J l
Nothing to 4o unill tomoi-fow-!!
Here's Good News for Jim!
If you're the family coal hustler, you ii be h a
! friends riht off with an Estate Oak Hente;.
You only have to feed it once a day or even
ence in two days and YOU'RE THROUGH.
You can go out during the day and evening
and come home to cheery comfort and you
; ;: can go to bed at night sure cf a vr.:m room
in the morning.
( It's because the Estate Oak is strong, durable and ifjlj
ih permanently air-tight that it mea.:s such solid com
p fort for the whole family. The special jbintlesa ash Jm .
- box, fire box, tight doors and screw draft registers U
make the operation of the heater easy, accurate and
r economical - j
Come In now and make your selection
you can be prepared for the first chilling L,
blast with the size and style of heater
which exactly fits your needs from our jJ I
' . complete stock of reasonably priced :
2329 Washinciton Ave, ."Phone 277- Mr
Flyer to Be Added
1 To S. P. Schedule
A new "flyer" lo be run between
1 'Kden San Krancisco and Los Angeles
and points in the southern states will
be added to tho Southern Pacific
service during the early part of No
vember, nccorditiK lo word rrc-lved
here today from roust railroad offi
cials The new train, known In thv
I pre-war days as the De Lux train, will
I slash several hours off the present
running tlnn- between Ogacn and th
The train will carry an extra fare
but will reducs the running time by
more than four liours: according to
I present plans. Appropriations total
ing more than $3,000,000 for Improv
ed train schedules on the Southern Pa
.Ifii system have been made it la
Jsaid. i
Notice to Ail Masons
To the members of El Monte Coin
mnndery No. 2 K. T Ogden (bapier
. No. 2 R. A. M . Weber Lodge Nti 6
iF. and A. M., Lnlty Lodge. No 18
P. and A. M. and George Washing-
ton Lodge U D F and A M
You are hereby notified that at ihe
J Masonic Ti uiple at Cigden City, We
ber County, State of Utah, that on
:ho 23d day of October. 1920, at S
I o clock p m. of said day. there will j
be held a meeting of the members'
of said Masonic Lodges for the pur '
pohe of considering and acting upon
the proposition of forming the mem
bers ol tald Masonic Lodges, together
with members of all future M.;sonic
Lodges uuder the same jurisdiction
and having the same jurisdiction, as,
said above named Masonic Lodges,
into a corporation, not for pecuniar. v i
proilt, under the laws of the State j
of Utah.
The foregoing meeting waa called
by the Board of Directors of the Ma
sonic Temple Association of Ogdeu
hated, this the 5 Ih day of October. '
Pres. Board of Director. I
6193 ;
"Hooray' I've found the secret of I
solving the high COSt of living' -"Quick.
iulck out with It!''
"Make both ends meet and then tic I
em together." The American Le-J
glon Weekly.
$1000 Fire Barns F I
I Portion of Bakery I
Damages estimated at 1;0t)0 was fl
j caused at ihe Wheeler Bakery, 2159 I fl
1 Quincy avenue last night, when a fire I sfl
broken out pea - the pven shorl ly I'
! after midnight. The flames destroyed I in
I the woodwork in the bakery and LmKI
i burned out the roof of the oven, cans- B
, lng the chimney to collapse. 3
;-:The fire department was success- Lflrl
j ful in preventing the flames from B 4
spreading to 'the Wheelwright luiu- KJ
ber yard, adjacent to the bakery on lkL.
I the south aldf fM
Los Angdes Sle- .;
. Here With Prisoner
Detective A P. Mathlas. of the Los BsHU
1 Angeles police department, departed HlVflclj
lust evening for Pocatello. followlnir By
his arrival from Wyoming with Lloyd sRI
! Miller. years old, in his custody. BS
j Miller I's alleged to have committed E
I burglary in Los Angeles, and was BjhBs
caught in Wyoming. IBK
Mathlaa left Miller at the local jail IBBf
While he proceeded to Pocatello to tak. HBB
chargi of i prlsonei istod: ol I
Poi atello officials. He will i .-i urii to ,
Los Angeles Wednesday night with BiW
the two HBL
John." snapped Mrs. Gabb sharply, HIKl
'you're the rudest man I know Hero BBi
I've been talking and you ve been BflKBS
yawning in my face for the last half Btoli
houi II
I wasn't yawning, my dear," re- U'
plied her husband meekly. I was Just BRf
tvylni; to say something."
The American Legion Wecklv. WV'
f If you have Catarrhal Deafness 0 HBSm
f r nro even Just s little hard ol A BT
c isaslng or have hed noises . i" "
a ""i di uggisl ...1.1 bi 1 oui v 'l
N l'.iiinint '.lout. I. strength), and add ? UrjfaV '
I to it '4 pint of hot water and h I BjsV
r llttli i.r. misted 1 1 f 1 ! '
R tabli i on I 1 foui tlnn '
I Thli will often bring nick relief 2 Bjj ?
I from the distressing head nclses l BkIoS
I i !lo .1 nostril hoi l
Q breathln
I mucus ii ppl I
c throat to prepare, ft Wm
A little f
I oni io.ln, licsring ' r who has 5 F
? Cstarrbal Deafness or head nolsi h B -t
j should giy it. i. pr criptloM fi Um J?
Q Ulvertlaeraonl 9
And f you ale jra rollovr that sugges-
, ... . , t,on. you II always have tire satisfaction lYf
Day and INlgnt with fewer tire troubles. i
c roodtlcb Sdverlown Cords are built to
larage ocrvicc effeoi greater economy in iu i. leas gen- 1
erai wear an.j tear, more power In on
rnone oil' pine and batteries, and great i ap
case and riding comfort. BraraE
Be sure your next tiro is a Silvertown. B
and you'll be sure of a good tue CU LL II
Mack-Robinson Company m
J W NICKSON, Prep. 1
444 Grant Avenue Ogden j