OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 14, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-14/ed-1/seq-12/

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Prosperous Liquor Runners
Line Up Cars Along New
NFTV TPT-T. net. 14. Two bands
of bonilera;r believed to be opera! :ne
here In open defiance of Volstead
ct are objects of ;, n li inwtltnt' -I
by federal nironts. one Is the "mlinoil
dollar booze i Ing actlvitieii of whl.n
were revealed by II , Sadb-r. form-i
Vew York to k broker, the other a
liquor "curb market" made UP sup
posedly of Italians dealing In liquor i
certificates in th Iclnlty of :e
The polic-p are woralnj on the the
ory that a number of murders end
hootinp cases which oci irred In tbe
vicinity of the market" resulted from I
competition among the "broken."
They gald thai In some Instances men
had been culled oul f saloons and
"apeak ea!e-8,' and attacked, and that
most of the victims were reaUb-i-.ta of
tenement houses who showed unusual
marks of prosperity.
Although therf was a notic-il'l'
sence of actlvitj last nieht on the
four corners where the leaders of the
bootleggers' rinx operated the contra
band market, the automobile truck
lines were ss Ions as ever,
Ail or the vehicles were occupied
by young men, for the most part.
Italians. The) showed ever j evidence
"f prosperity, diamonds sparkling on
their fingers and in their i avals
They carried on whimpering conver
sations In Italian with acquaintances
in the street.
Persons Claiming to be familiar with
the operation's of the "curt market.''
declared lla exposure would not cause
leaders to terminals thir activities
The market however, was not In
session at its old location.
H oo
'IH TOLEDO. Oct, 14 Speaking at 0
wJ political rally ho it- last night undei !hn
H Ml auspices of the Republican national
HIH Committee, Senator Hiram W. Johnson
HIH of Califor;.;.i gave unqualified approx -
HVifl a! to the position of Senator Harding
9 the Republican nominee, on the Issue
jH f 'he league nations
JHIB Said Senator Johnson .
IV ' There Is no question of Senatoi
fS Harding's position For re. .sons of
JU w their own, Interested Individ u
V & ais and newspapers may misrepresent
k . and misinterpret his words. I resent
B ' these Imputations upon the sliicerlt)
Hr of the utterances of the candidate and
u the manifest endeavor In some quar-
Hfl ters to distort his plain language.
HE "In some Instances the comment lias
been mere rank misrepresentation; in
PpR " others disingerious Interpretation. I
S do not object to some men in this cam
p.iign saving their faces so long as the
RH dp not save their league. but 1 will
IPJ not permit to go unchallenged from
other sources the falsification of the
T position of the Republican part) and
Gjft Senator Harding's stand.
GBB 1 "There is nothing ambiguous or mi-
PPJ i certain In our candidate's declaration
B Me has courageously taken his stand.
bBI He has put behind him, to use his
mBS, own language, this menacing pact. He
PJ! , seks. as he saya neithe Interpreta-1
PPBl lions nor reservations, but rejection."
JWijK BAN FRANCI8CO. Oct. 14. The
tJSfe ml Mexican gunboat Progresso, with -00
lBJt passengers and crew on board, was
clft I successfully towed off a reef S:i. ra-
fflHf I mento point. Lower California, today.
Tflji I by the steamer San Jose, bound from
Ban Francisco to the canal zone, the
iVsW" I marine department of the chamber
4 VST I, of commerce was adised today. All'
I on board 1he Progresso were reported
lS I safe.
sSM NKW YORK ct 14- Seymour
HBBI Stedman. Socialist candidate for :ce t
I president, told a Brooklyn audience
PKil last night that Senator Hardlng'-
tBggl statement that if elected he would not
ll i cleave T'ebs and other "political pr:
jHEftT oners. " is a threat of 'worse than what
sflBfi 'he feeble minded crar would. h.ic-
pf done."
" DBS MOINES, la . Oct 14. Llqul-
tf dation of the assets of the Associated
Ksl Packing company, among creditors
, jl and stockholders, was ordered toda
;' by Judge E. M. McCall. of Nevada. I
kji -' sitting In the Polk county district court
; ! ' to determine the future of the com-
BisS. A ton of cork occupies a space of
i loO cubic feet, a ton of gold that of
?t '-' cubic feel
j N'KW YORK. Hea'th Is the most
'important quality In a young man or
woman seeking a mate. Next comes
J beauty, Slid last wealth.
These are 'lie results of s ballot tak
I en by Dr. Rudolph M Binder, pro
i feasor ol Sociology and Kugcnics at
14 Supreme Court Justice Keogh
toda declared um onstitutional
the Mount Vernon. N Y.. ordin
ance under which Socialist speak
ers have been arrested while at
tempting to speak on the streets
without a permit.
The decision was claimed by
the American Civil Liberties, union
as its first victory in its nation
wide campaign for restoration of
free speech."
nri- - ,
CINCINNATI, 0 Oct. 14. John E.
Bruce, secretary of the national com
mission, today was served with a no
tice of attachment on Pitcher "Rube"
Sftarquard's share of the world series
receipts. The action was. based on two
judgments totalling JS4U returned
against the Brooklyn pitcher in the
New York courts
The attachment notice sent to Cin
cinnati did not state what thr suits In
New York were based on.
.Srvr York University, among hi
'young men and women students Th"
students were asked whether tn y
u.,.i!d choosi as the most desirable
(requisite of a wife or husband health
t Wealth or beauty, It helng taken for
, granted that the clement of love ul
i ready was present.
Kansas Senator Preioarcs Bill
to Put Speculators Out
of Business
SMITH CENTER. Kan.. Oc'.. 14
j One ounce ot bread in the e:if at the
Old price Is what the consumer is
! now offered for the 1909,600,000 lot
jthe "Chicago wheat gamblers" have
i caused the American wheat raiser lp
the last two months, "b gambling in
futures 1 plted States Senator Arthur
Capper declared In an address last
j night
I "Years ago" he s.Ud. the people
demanded the suspension ..f the Lou
isiana lottery, bu today, under the
cloak of busiticss respectability wo are
permitting the biggest gambling hell
I In the world to be operated on the
Chicago board of trade. By comparison,
Europe suicide club nt Mont.- Carlo
Is as Innocent and Innocuous as a
I church baaaa r
( Hop mii DFIVE1 Hi is
I "Several weeks ago. T began work
on 8 measure to abolish thus injur
ious form of robbery and shall sh.t
this bill In on the first day of the next
congress and will undertake to put this
den of thieves out of business i
"Since July 1 5 when trading In fu
tures was resumed, the Kansas sen
ator declared that grain speculators
have sold or oversold thiv v.v.,-u omn
five or six times. ()nlv about one per
'rent of the trading in futures Is a hona
fide transaction for actual delivery,
he :tss. rted.
j Because the specula tors are forcing
I down the price of wheat, the senator
(asserted, "tin farmer who sold his
hogs and cattle at a heavy loss while
meat still sells for war prices, is again
made the gi.jt and the wheat r.user.
whose crop this ear costs him more
for wages and equipment than any
other he ever produced! sees the farm
price of his crop cut virtually in two
' with no real benefit id anybody ex
Icept the brokerage firms who collect
the commissions.
"These losses." he saldi "amoutlng
to nearly a dollar n bushel in the farm
price, are being augmented and the
speelilal.iv: .iide.1 b I he iliire.Krb te.j
influx of duty free Canadian wheat
and abetted by thr difference in v
change value, amounting to about 3o
.cents a bushel in favor of the import
er "
' FORT SMITH. Ark.. Oct 14 No-
tlces were posted today by the Radiant
lulass company, makers ' lamp chim
neys, that because of an Absence ot
(orders the plant would shut down. The
loider affects 2 Si men.
I In 1918 China exported 1.8S3.8&0
I tons of sova beans and bean products,
valued at about 187,000,000
I The young women voted 4R in favor
Of health, 15 In favor of beauty and
IS for wealth. The oung men's an
- v i r-; showed 70 for health. 76 for
bi auty and L' for wealth. The answers
I indicate that American young men
and women care less for wealth In a
i life partner than for other rjualitles.
The "Penniless Prim CSS" In
"Lady Hilly. '
t When I say that women are at
tracted by good looks In man, Just as
i erlainlv as men are attracted to beau-
, ty in women, " do not mean that the
; same kind ot "beauty" must be pos-
' sessed by each.
Women ARE attracted by beauty in
men YVhy Is It that all heroes are
good looking" Because they, are the
novelists' and playwrights1 Idealisa
tions of what women desire in man.
The heroes of romance arc tall,
manly, broad-shouldered, clear-eyed,
good complexloned specimentS; Thete
' is a reason. That is the type that wo
men taken on the average want, for
their mates.
Women do not like ''effeminate'!
men any more than men like "mascu
line" Women. It Is not necessary for j
8 man to be effeminate in order to
be handsome. Clear-cut features,'
good figure, correct carriage, strong i
muscles, good blood the-,. things j
which make for beauty in man. an I!
they show thai their owner belongs,
to a good strain of the human family,
it is natural that woman should b
attracted by these points. They mean
usually that the accompanying quali
ties of mind and he.ut are possess '
by her future husband.
Every woman wants to "show, off"
her husband after she has him, If
he is not worth showing, v. hat good ,
is he?
M WARNING! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on
tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed
by physicians for 20 years and proved safe by millions.
SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of
genuine "Bayer Tablets ot Aspirin," which contains proper dircc
tions fur Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheuma
tism, Neuritis, Lumbago, an j for pain generally. Strictly American I
Hl andy tin boxel of 12 tablet cost but a few eenN--Larger packages
Am.lrln la th. r,l mark of F. er M.muf4c;ur of Monoc?UccMit. r ot Ballcyllcacld
Starring in the Milage.
'I lie w oman of today Is pav ing more
attention to the realities ,f life than
ever before Men who come a-woo-lng
musj present substantial qualities
t- win women s love. The days are
gone by when a man can go Into the
market, so t" speak, and purchase
himself a wife. Anong the qualities
which the modern woman d muide Ui
her life mat . none Is so ininortant. I
think, At health, Bj that I do not
mean that a malj must be aide to com
pete iu the Olympic games, or that he
must he a giint in srength 1 mran
that the woman who lOOka ahead, who
visualizes hers, 1 1" ;is .t wife and moth
er, will consider as the most desirable
quality In her future husband, a good
clean ancestry5, whih has been kept
clean by the man she i to ina'rrv
Sji vs
Starring In "Welcome Stranger."
Marriage easts a magic spell on the
young man and woman alike and
to each one his mate-to-be possess. -s
, all the ideal Dualities health, wealth,
beauty, ijevotlbn, affection and a mi1
llon more.
But women In this day am" age are
realizing more nd more than ii
, Impossible to ' live on love.-' Tho young
jgiri who would be happily married
;iioes well in addifion to udmlring the
charm of her Intended husband, to
look well Into the question of his
tiollity to make a living for" two or j
.three or more - Th,. man who has
(accumulated something of this world's
' goods ha. proved his ability to care for
a wife and family. tie may possess
all other desirable characteristics, but,
If he has in t accumulate1 soble wealth
j he i as failed In the first eesentlal
jof u husband ills dUly to provide tor
his family A woman should not
'marry foi wealth alone; j,ut she cer
tainly should not "fall lb love." heed
less of eonseMiienee.-. ai regardls
of the .ability of hei future life part
ner to care for her propegly.
Look at his face, ves. look at hi; I
j ancestry, yes; bui he sure to look at
i his bank account, tci
Men Who Made Excess Profits
Off Coys in War Termed
CLINTON. la., Oet. 4. "Jf J am
elected pre.ildent 1 am going to send
to Leavenworth every scoundrel who
I made excess profits off you boys dur
lng the war.' Parley P. Chrls'tensen.
iarmer-Lnbor presidential cajridldatt
old an audlen.c at th,, . olis, um v-s-terday
v,Ji7h?. VJ,' 1 stirring up
strife between classes' he continued,
I am, but there are bnlfl two classes,
skinned and skinners, arid we're the
poor old skinner!.
"If you think c x Is a bit better
than Harding, vou're razv Thev
are twiddle dee, twiddle aura;' it does
"ot make ;) hit or difference which
' '"'''d. the league of nations will
adopted because it is nothing more
less than an understanding between
; nations to control money and business
and was put over ,lt th.- behest of itu-
international bunking soviet. It means
slavery for the people Instead Of free
d o m
Mr. Chrlstenseh predicted that while
Parmer-Labor party may not win
tSS "r 11 eventually, and that
; th.-ri the workers will control railways
banks and industry and will claim'. I
''' h "f 1 hi profits thems, Ivhs
JJJ'OCa reducing costs to the COdSUm-
The courts he declared, are out of
Catarrhal Deafness
and Head Noises
ImJhSSSi '.,0V" 'atarrh 0atarhal deafness
Or head caused bv e-itarrh o. If
Phlegm drops In your throat, and has
csuaed .''"Th of th slonuicb 6i boweli
(Vou win be glad to know trvit these dla
tressuig .vniptoms miiv .,. ,i,tii. over
com; b Jn many Instances b the following
.treatment which you can easllj prepard
I in youi own home at little cost -e, r.
Iw?Kiy0ur dru?f'i,i 1 ounce of Parmlnt
(double strength) Take this horns and
add to it i. pint or hot wati r and a little
granulated sugar; stli until dissolved
i d ' one lablespoonful four times -i daj
n Improvement is sometimes noted after
int ir.-'t day's treatment Breathing
should become ei.sv. while the distressing
head noises headaches, dullness, doudv
.thinking, etc., should giaduallv disappear
under the tonic a. tion ut the treatment
Loss oi smell, taste, defective hearing
and mui'iiK dioppliiR in the bark of the
throat are othi r symptoms whlfch succest
the presen. c nt catarrh and which ina
..(t.n ( civieuine I iv this ef f IcnlolM
treatment. It is said that nearlv nlnctv
pei ent ,if Mii oUr iroublex are caused
l latunh anil there must, therefore. '"'
many people whose hen rim: mnv be' r.-
itored b this simple, haimless, home
treatment Adverlisohu nt.
4 I
Look Ahead! Buy Your Auto Tires I
Mr. Auto Owner:
to get new tires for your car at
prices that are exceptionally advan
tageous. This firm has just changed hands
and the new owners want" to gel i
acquainted with every auto owner
I in Ogden and Weber county.
The opportunity to you, as an auto I
owner, is one of real value. We are
offering you the two leading makes
of auto tires and tubes at a great 1
discount from regular selling prices, g
The discount applies on all sizes of 1
tires and tubes in bortu lines which "
we carry.
Miller and Kelly Springfield I
The prices are advantageous because we are offering these S
! two high grade makes of tires and tube at prices that other gj
' firms ore asking for ordinary and inferior grades of tires
Come in and got acquainted and save yourself a substan- jjj
' tial figure on jour tire and tube needs Equip your car with R
and your greatest tire troubles will be ended,
loS2 Washington Avenue 0 (den. Utah
touch with huauuilty and he aid thov
should revised hecause tho; Ignore j
Lincoln's dfblaratioh that when proi
eriy and muman rights i onrii t, irop
erty rights must J5lve xvuy.
Moth old parties arc alike, ho Bald,
"onty I think from luni; o'Tii nt 6
that th Republicans mn steal mor'-
and foster Uian the Democrats but
ii i'i'im! nioro or waste more."
K' ( K INLAND, opt. I I A Repub
lican lictWrj Ih November and rtard-
ing s supsequenl apponvmeiu$ to iii-
four vucan'-ics en tin- :,',u-emo court
bench would ii a knockout to Chose
' v orkinrr lor th- soria! reconstruction
Lhroush politica actipii, a.n; an lnu
tatipn to those esppbsihs revolutlo.:
snd direel action," parley R. Christen -.-n
I-arrner-l wlor candidate foi
president: deolareu In an address.
Mentioning tbj ii',s tenure of hi
preme court judges ho. Bald:
'The man who v'otes ("r Bafding
or for Cox is not only eoiuxnittlng tie
oountiy to Wall street for four yea I a
but he Is commlttimc the countl'j i 1
the Interests of special privilege for
the life of these supreme Judges to be
chosen liy the successful candidates.
"What is gains lo hnppen with tilt
courts acting as the moUthpJecc of
Wall street? what happened when
Chief Justice Tanej upheld slavery In
the days before the civil war"
1 il, iut mean to :iuima that
revohiiion will follow Harding's elc'c
ttcrt, Bui J no maintain that opec i
court is constituted to overturn the
will of the people, they me inevitably
led 1o other means of redres. "
Mr. Christ, nscn referred to tjie n. -tlon
of th.- courts In remanding to
prison a number or Minnesota ami
Kansas labor b-adcts HZ "the belies:
..r the bloated financial Interests! s
on. of the greatest menaces dangling
ov. i 'he heart of America."'
A vote for Harding." h concluded,
"ni.'un a supreme' Irib'urti that ould
defeat iny program of reconstruction
1 proposed by labor. It .seems a possible
closing of tbe door to social progress
through politica) action."
More lhan half the employs of
j the Wallham watch factor) are wo
; men, their small and agile hands be
Ing especially adapted to the delicate
i work required.
1 1
Beauty Disrobin
Dalay ie Witte, wUb the Farichon
and Murco "Satires of 1920," coming
in iiic Orpheum Sunday and Monday!
nigltis, October IT and is. I
Accusations of Exporters on
Loan Contractions Arc
XKW rORK, Oct. 14. Changes in
'the constitution of the American
Manufacturers Export association.
makihg banks and insurance and
(Steamship companies. eligible for
membership were vo?rd on at the an
nual convention Of tiv association here
to (lay. This departure from policies
heretofore governing the association
was to 1i.l result l from the organ
nation's desire for . loser cooperation
in foreign trade problems.
William c. RodflelG, former Becre-
!tnry of commerce vv:i; elected presi
dent to succeed W. L .Saunders. J.
'Lawrence (Ji s.m l-rancisco was elected
Vice president,
I VJaines S Alexander p resident Of the
I National Bank of Commerce In New
York told the exporters that the banks
had not failed to cooperate with busi
IncSfl men to the fullest extent in the
j present business era. If business men
I felt there had been an mic:i tendency
I on the part of the banks It was duo
t. a misconception or a failure to give
weight to fundamental ta tS, he said.
, Mr Alexander said he desired to ans
! wer the charge made by the president
ol the export association thai the
banks cooperate read!! with business
'in times of prosperity but when hard
; times come thev- withdrew their ac
commodations." Mi Alexander ad
mitted that in the past there had been
8Qme basis for such an accusation, but
Iv attribute.! this to the fact that lh
!banks wore not then organised so as
to support one another and each was
compelled to protect itself by contract
ing its loans In times of stress Coder
the federal reserve system, however.
Mr Alexander .iid this fundamental
weakness iu tbe American banking
I structure had been corrected.
Six representatives of the Sacra
mento chamber of commerce will ai
river in Ogden eartv next Monday
! morning to greet Walter Duster"
Mails, star of the Cleveland baseball
club, which copped the world's till..
Mails was formerly a star twlrler
with the Sacramento team of the Pa
cific Coast league. During the early
spring Of Ihe present car be w is .1
member of the Salt lak- team, but
was released by Manager Krnle John
son, who stated that Malls lacked the
"Duster" later rejoined the Sacra
I mento club from which aggregation
l he was purchased by the Cleveland
Americans. Prior to the staging of
the world series Malls won seven
Straight games for the Indians
, in the world series he worked thft
I innings In one contest, and in his sec
, ond gahie twirled a 1 to u contest for
the Indians, allowing but three hit.
The Sacramento greetOTS Will return
I west Monday on train No. 19 in eom-
pany with the star twlrler, whose
I home is at Sacramento. A royal Wel
lcome awniis the star, according toj
'railroad officials.
t m
f Home-made Remedy
StopM Coughs Quickly ;
Th but rough mfKTIrlTir yoa Tp 4
nsrd. A fmlly auiiplT rait It and if
V quickly made Smrr abont -.
itMAAAAiiniiJiTAA,', aaaaAaa a j.
You might be furprWe.i to know that
the best thing you cau use for a atvvre
cough, is a remedy which ig easily ps
pared at home in just a few moments.
It's cheap, but for prompt results it '
beats anything else you ever tried. (Jsit- j
ally stops the ordinary cough or chest j
'. I ,n lil hours. Tn.slr? pleasant, too
children like it and it is pure and good.
Pour '22 ounces of Pintx in a pint
bottle; then lill it up With plain granu- I
Is ted sugar synip. Or use clarified
molns.'es, honey, or corn syrup, instead
of sugar syrup, if desired. Thus you
make a full pint a family mipplv but
costing no more than a small bottle of
ready-made cough syrup.
And as a cough medicine, there i
rcnllv nothing better to be had at any
pr i. e. It goes right to the spot and
c..v o,uick. lasting relief. It promptly
hcall the inflamed membrane thai I n
the throat and air pany.iges. stops the 1
annoying throat tickle, loosens the
phlegm, and soon your cough stops en
tirely. Splendid for bronchitis, croup,
hoarseness and bronchial athm.i.
Tinex i a hihlv roneentrated com
nonnd of Xorwav pipe extract. fsniOUS
for its heRlins pffect on Ihe membranes. 1
To avoid dNapnointment ak rour
.lnirit for "2l2 onneea of P:nex" wit
.lireetioiiB, snd don't arreM nnTth'ini
else Guaranteed to (jive nboliite sstis
f a. A um or monev refunded, The Finer
O., Ft. YVnvnc, Ind.
Th? answer of most fat people is that I
crcise and dieti ig a too hard, too I I
troublesome and too dangerous a I
! method U force the weight down. How- I i
8 ever, in Mannola Pre?cripticn Tablets. I '
all these difficulties arc: overcome. Thc7 I
arc absolutely barmlct:. enta!l no dictirs
Ot violent excrctsc, and have the added
ailvantaKt of cheapness. One little tablet
j r.'ter each meal a .J at bedtime- as plras
I iint to eat as car.d will reduce your 1
weight two. three cr four pouads a week,
a a ad t.-ave no bad results ouch as wrinkles
H or flY.by tkin A Rood eirc box ia eold
U by cIr'.7Ki:-3atthe reasonable price of one
M dollar, or if preferable they may be ub
I tamed by EenriinR the amount to the '
B M jrtnoU Co.. 94 Garfield CulldinR,
H Detroit, Mich. .They will reach you b?
n mail, prepaid, in plain, sealed cover. i 1
H Mor, that you know tht you hae no ex-
S cuse for beinR too fat, but can reduceto. i
p thfc at four yoi.ncJs a without fear
Ot bd ''Cll'rcls.
j Combing Won't Rid
I Hair of Dandruff
The onh sure way to get rid of dan I
I dm ft is to dissolve It, then you destroy H
I it entirely. To do Ibis, set about four H
ounces "i ordinary liquid arvon; appl; wM
ii at nicht when retiring; use enough
to niblst'en tin- sc alp and rub it in gee- J
My with the finger tip?.
Do this tonight, and by morning.
nn it not .ill of voiir dandruff will
j be .-one and three or four more appli H
cations will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it. no matter how much dan
you have
You vi ill find. ten. that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus
mi - glossy, silky and soft, and lonx
and feel a hundred times better.
Jfoti can get liq.iid ftrvon at any dritT
'store, ii i- ineptpensive and heyer falls
I i do t lie work. Advertisement
ms lie Raised I
From lead I
Stcmachasns Gone
.itonic Kails Him Well
"After fullering ten loug months
with stomach pains, I have taken
Batoilio and atu now without, any
fiain whatever. Am as one raised
rom the dead," wr'tes A. l'ercifleld.
Thoueands of stomach sufferers re
I port wonderful relief. Their trouble
i is too much acidity and gas which
Eatonio qnickly takes up and car
ries out, restoring the stomach to a
healthy, active condition. Always
carry a fe-.v EatontCfl, take one after
eating, food will digest well you will
feel fine. Big box costs only a tnflo
with your druggist's guarantee.
Women I
Made Young I
Bright eyes, a dear skin and a body
; full of youth and health may be
yours if you will keep vour system
! in order by regularly taking
Th world's standard remedy for Icidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, tht
enemies of life and looks. In use sines
1696. All druggists, three sbes. !
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Ni TtlK PL4MONB ittiA M. ( v I
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17 fr IrncH- McforC IlI CnVia-TER'" I
L- !)IAlIoM''RAM FILI.ft, Ut ttt
la B jrtknnwnBeit.Sfeit Alwi-Ri;;.l . I

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