m j m h hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.1 '''fiiinHHl 14 1 HE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMlINhK THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 14, 1920. I MINES MKT I TRENDS HIGHER I Tintic Standard and Iron Blossom Advance on Salt j Lake Board The ircr.er.il trend of I he market n HI, the Halt Ai-c i"ohance tod ax Hfl ' higher end more active. H Tlm'.r Btandnrd v ent up Utile. iell- Hfl In M nhrh "S M-M ,n,J clonlns w,,h HH1 mi and s.'.i'T'v asked. Iron HH Blossom was 'I hravy trader, advanc- HH, t life from in lU'oiilnK of 1 T to J.K at HHJ tr,,. etoae Over 1000 shares of iiov HI! n Mold for l"i ml lf4 Vlblon HH traded t J 14 with New guinrx hring Hfl in 4 C. HHJ Silver Kinjc JoaI. sold 100 shares HI for i (Quotation furnished er private nlre f J x Huptlc -v i . i . in liiitidinc.) HI Ask j All.-. Con "3 HI Albion 1 1 1 Hfa1 I American Con 03 "3' HI '!t uiii 02 01 Hh mik Cottonwood Hlf Bullion 214 "3, HH Black Metali " ' HH Columbus icoxaii ... - 'i HH Crown Pbini 03 Colorado i "on .91 HH central Bursas oi1, 01 HH Cardiff LI0 140 H on HH Italy 3.00 HH Kns't Crown Point .01 HH ICsst Tin. Coal. , oo 00 HH Kast Tin " HH Kuroka Mines 0Z HH Kmekn lAf HH Kureka Kulllon 06 " ' HH Brtwna BHver 03 ' .034 HH Kmpiie Mines 031: HH '.old Chain HH Howell 192 -Oil H Iron Blossom HH Iron Kmc HH Judge Mininc HH Keystone 90 HH Leonora "!, HH I .hi T11. 1.. " HH May Dnv 014 .' H Mammoth HH Mlclltgan-Utah 04 HH North Stan O-'vj ', HH New Qulncy 04 .04 I Plutus 31 B4 Hj Prince Con :!' HH Provo oi .0416 HH Pa lorn. HH Klco Artec in i ne OU Hlco Wellington lo -16 Sells 0! 811. Klnir Coal. l.5 L.9"Vs 811. King Con. ' Sioux Con South MecU South Standard 17 Silver shield 17 Tar Baby ('1 .04 , Tlnilc Central a .02 Tintic Standanl I Con. P i tide Sam Mctor I i nion chiei o4 w s; Toledo .06 Walker 3. on 4.uu Woodiawn Yankee "4 .nnia lo Duly Weal 4.25 4.15 Dl'KM.Yft S.V1.M B American Con.. at ' i Uig Hill. Ifiuraka Bullion HI Howell, 16U0 al lOav; ul IOC. Iron Kiobbum 'i ai loO .it lc, jM 'j at Jit. 600 .n Hi Now Quincy, it uanl Tintic, . t40 -it 6c. Hl Ndildrivar ivu a ivu at 4 HH Silver BnKriu. 2uu at i.e. ;vu al 'unik Standard, &0fi al 2.85; loo at HH l.'.KUVs; ituu ai i.7i SOU ul .'.'U. HH Zuma. 00o io mo ul ivvac. HH Woodiawn, H H Albion H Black Metals, Ha Col. Ktxaii blmnlra Minea, Hj Br. Tin. Con . He tiowcll. (Ou ai --. Hl Iron Kin. ,.i lion Blosroin Hj Ijehl Tintic, 1000 bc. HH I'rince Con ;i'- jr. HB SUver swing. Coal., mo ui H Bmna, u'ou I LOC AL -I I III I II s, H j Amol. Sup $ It.aQ I i . o HJ I'rcfi i n il 1UZ.00 10X.U0 Wagon HH Cement secaritiea .. . im.io Hj x est Cache sug. . .. luo.uo .... HJ "in i. ik Sue iv, oo .. .. Hj I'lrst Nut. Bank 110. 00 HH Security State Hank 140.00 HH usden Packing .. I'lUl AUO Fl'Tl'KES CU1CAUO, Oct. 14. inn High iow Close Htm Nov. i n beet HI Ore. :'oM- jjiii 13.04 fZ.a7 HJ March s.04 Hh H I'ec- . 7 '4 v.,A4 HV May .VOi .l '.w:a 'os Hj uala Hi Dec .60 .iSt .65t ,&6 H; H Cork HJ Oct. 2S'I0 So HJ Lard HJ Nov. lt.11 HM.ii It. S3 XO.lf HJ Jan. If.tl IT. 30 lf.11 IT. 3a H Kibs HJ ct. 17.11 Hj ; Jan 15.15 li-4t 10.15 11 1 M VOllK si i, m; H Vi:v YillK. Oct. 14 Rav tutgAt H. Lei and us no buj-inexs was reporte't Hfl Cuban arlctl oontUIUS nominn HI There were reports In the market tbal HT t'ubu wax ende oring: to eell the re- HJ lelndei si th old i ropi f. o. b HJ bast. Hj There 'a Kod Inquiry for rcfin ed for Immediate delivery and price H were unchanged at 14 osnts for Qs H granulated. L - pr-hnrr from sei ond hand was reported. Sugar futures opened weak and 10 to 20 point lower under liquidation H, A good demand developed later and H pricen rj'lipJ sharpl) At n..on valUSS Ha ranged from unchanged to 17 points H r J . I LIBERTY 1 BONDS II I IVVBtTMVVT AgXXnrUTIEA HIGH BATE PHILS TO STOP BUYING Firmer Trend of Money Mar ket Disregarded by Traders SEW FORK, Oct 14. Steela, i iilp-rin-nis, min, coppers and tohuecos were the prominent featiues ut the dtill and Irregular opening of todsy'q steel mar ket, railf representing the weaker slinrev ;, puhlfa Stool. Baldwin l.o- co.motlve, Mexican Petroleum, AmerU can Smelting, Goodrich and Tobacco Produta made gains cxti-iniine from subefantlal (rations to 14 points. Nickel Plate, ot) Ol y est erdn 's trOngsSI features, lost on" point and St. Paul reacted a lurg fraction. Kx change on London and contlnen ll f-.u- ropa ssm d sllghttj . The Indifference manifested i trad ers towards tn firmer trend of tit moni-x- market Indicated ' tramifer si I i itllVf lnt ri tt to the long account Call loans openel at i per cent, the highest Initial quotation In man) weeki out favorltlS stocks continued to ad vance. Motors, oils, equipments and 'tlgarx replstivd g ;tns r.j I to 3 point!". while Delaware, Lackawanna ana WaStl i n wax cbngplCUOUS among tht rails ni a 6-polnt advance. The few tkwsrd Issued Included Norfolk ano Wi tern; Atlantic, Const line. Vanadi um Steel, Consolidated Has and li Clerte tins. die, .mil shippings yielded to prea sure :it midday. Reactions of i to j1 points Were led t AtlanilC-GuU American International, Mexican an Pan American Petroleum 'imi IIoipti '11. ft.'ilN ami inil,4l i im)s . .ii . m pathetically hut Reading and Bnldwir Locomotive h-i.i around best prices oi the morning. Hie IGO ' K MS, CHICAGO, Oct 14, General buj ing. partly on seaboard account, turned tin- h-.it market upward today aftei some depression at the opening, ini tial declines were iiHcrllied to hearlal ieWM taken tit tlx rmrl'nmi lit ii'I'i'l on farm reserves, mii the other hand slg-ny indicated that a fair ambunl o epori buslii. ,n progress. pen- ing quotations which varied from un changed figures lo lc lower, witl December, 2.0g to $.'.o;, ant March 2.Q4 lo 2.0, .ri foilpwei iy n moderute setback all around urn then by an ascent to Well ahoxe yes 1 et dl x 's finish. in corri ts7eic was perslatenl buyini on the pari of the strong commission houses. After openuig unchanged ti 2- lower, with Dpceruber su' to m;7, the mai l el scored M;,;!!: g, Lis OatS hardened Srtlll Otbei grail) starting a shade to 'H xc oif i cember "". to .".'. ;,n! then rnaklrui an advance. Provisions were strengthened h I'oieeasls fluit tli. -,v.i r e uni-f- state ment November l a'oiflrl simu a rv ilei reuse In BlOCkfl of laid and no . it". Later the wheal morkei iveakenei decided l as ft result of heavy Bellini ' attributed to a proihinenl trader wh( i wa .said to hai- beep long. The c,JS was nonmi" 1 in 2c net lowe. with December ?2 0T4 ,-0 jivos am; March 12.01 to J-o:j. Aggrenytve selling of corn supposed to i"' for a big Sew k'oi k trader led subsequently to a dechne. The 'close was unsettledi C net lower lo 2e advance with December ai -j n 6T4c , OGDI N LIV1 SrOI K M i(kl I Cattle -Receipts 2; choice heav iSleirs It. 0019. U0; good steers tl.OO'a s 00 fait -teers 16,006. SO; choice feeder steers 16,00 fj 7.00; choice cows and heifers 6.00 OO'SO; fair to goon I cows and he.feri- 15.006.00; cutteri ?400j 4.50; raiiuers s.i.oo ii .t.O'i ; Choice feeder cows M-00 tj 6.00; fai hull- 14.00494.80; bologns Culls Jj.u 't 4.00, veal ' ..:es .t oqsj in 50. liogji Receipts none: choice fai :og.- 17.", :,; '.".ii pounds $l3.oovi l.J.Ti hulk of ili sta-25 Vlt'.eO; feeoe: hogs 1 1.00 tj 1 2, 00. Sheep Receipts 1516; choice lambal 9.U0tJ10.&0; A'athSrc 1 1 " t) t : :, b 4.00 ' 5.00; r d 1 lambs It.Ofl 1 0.00. IRRE1 M J. H Farnsworth, PIcaho, Idaho, carload of cattle, c. B Reynolds, LakeyleW, ''rcgon . . n ears of sheep. C. L. Wood, Milford. Utah, eigh cars of sheep. Stephens and Rej nolda Heher. Utah carload ol Bhl 1 p a j btfe, Kelton, Ltah. carload oi attle Y. a. Allied, Oxford, Ida., carload of cattle. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, Opt. 14. (United States Bureau of Markets). Cattle Receipts! II, 000; markel slow; early iiier sule sated) to strong, hulk good and choici I .. '.fi 'n 1 on . 1. ml r 1 , .- ,11 fj 1 11 ;,i steady; cauners 780J4.2I; bologna bulls If.OO 'i T.'i. iiiv . eak to shade lower; 1 hole. venlers inostlv 51'. j"'n j 1 grassy enlxes $ ii.:,n ; itockers and feeders full' steai ly. Re- ' mi s w ,-: et-y- : mill I loss - Receipts 20,0000, nialket ar- llxo, mostly steadv with yesterday's! averaged top 11510 U hulk light and butchers ll.S0tll.l0; bulk packing s..ws i4.l0fi 11 to pigs strong to Ight r Sheep- lleeelptn I ." I..M (,,) -i .i pund Unib openlug steady: other grades slow nd lowei , top native lambs to city butchers $12.40; bulk III. 00 'n 12.00; choice westerns late '.i.i.n ?K! 'inn, r.u eTXes ...7.r. . bulk I $5.00; feeders steady. 1 tflN'XUAPOl 18 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. ict If. llour unchanged to ;Qr higher, to arload lots, family parents quoted ut $11 50 11. TO a barrel In !s pound cotton " k-. j Bran ItO.OO. M W KOHK BIL1 KB NF; YRK. ncl It. liar sllcr. , domestic, unchanged foreign 80Sc Mexican dollars talVc I BIG SHEEP DEAL GOING ON HERE Utah Company Buying 23.000 Head to Put on Winter Range Twenty-three thousand hed of sbeep art being pstrchssed at IhS ll'nioii st-iel. yards of Ogden by Steph ens .t Reynolds LlvestOOk company I of Heber, Utah; according to infor mation received this morning. The I sheep will be pastured In Colorado j winter ranges. Seven carloads of sheen, -hioped to I ogden b C B Reynolds. Lakevlew pre., have been purchased by the Utah Cpmpany, and ll ts reported that negotiations are being made to pur chase eight additional carloads hlp pc i here b) C. L, Wood, of Milford. ' U. S. COTTON INDUSTRY IS RETAINING PROGRESS 'A tSHJNGTON, Oct 14 Cotton oneumed during September amounted 157,147 running bales 01 lint mid (7,121 bales of llnters, the census bu-( , :ni announced toda. Consumption In Septembei last year I vas 491. U6 bales or lint and ''.t,l:t 1 .f llnlei-a. Cotton hand September 10 In con-' ; uming establishments amounted to )07e2tt bales of llnl nsd 256,265 hales r llntero, compared w tii 1,067,970 of nt mid 251,102 of llnters on Septsm- , ier 30 last year; In punlic stoivge and l compresses 2.701,152 bales of lint, 1 pd :i4!tT.'i of llnters compared with I I 1, 502,107 of llnl and 22T.1K5 of llnters. j imports during September were 20,-; t4 bales, compared wiih 54,342 a year I 'CO- J Exports '. re 228.061 bales, mciud- I nx L445 bubs of llnters. compared lth 286,884 I;.le8, including 3,S3 ol inters In S ptembej 11 year ago. Cotton spindles active during 8ePrj mber numbered 84,040 808 compared J vlth 84,219.1.91 In September a veac. I saw STORK SI ' it K I IS! 1 Last Sale) Mlts-Chalmefs H American Beet Su;ar 75 tmsrlcan Can 32"' vmgrlCaii Cilr & Foundry 133 American Kids sV Leather put . ..,s American International Corp . t j Vmerlcan Looomoli.e 9"i American SmglUn'g Ref'g ...59 Vmerlcan Sugar 1041 1 inert can Sumatra Tobacco . '.'ol4 vine rice n T. & T :S:S tmerioSn Tobacco See American Woolen 74,. I Xnaeondu Copper 5ot ktchlson 884 ;l . Cub" .v W. Indies 144 loldwln Locohiotive 114, ictmors A ' hlo 4 7 ,g letliteheni Steel "B" 71 ' , a qadlgn Pacific 4 1 1 4 ntral Leather . . 41 4 ; tiandlej Motors So ! !hesapeuke St 'hi. 7 ' In ago. Mil. and Si, Paul ... 42 m Jhicago. R. 1. & Pac . .'. 39 Ihinp Copper 24 54 Colorado I in I .V: Iron 24 Jorn Products 83TI "i UCible Steel 132 I Cuba Cane Sugar 3 4 firle is';' leneral Electric llo leneral Motors 18 Lloodrlch Co l "real Northern 88 '2 ircat Northern ' re Ctlfs :i4Vs Illinois Central 94;S irispirafron Copper 43' lUt .Mer .latine pfd 72 international Paper 7"v ennecdti Copper 2274 LoulsvilU a. Kashvllii 106 B ilaxwel xi or. rs 2 doxlcan Petroleum .. 1874 l mini Copper I S 4 Id a Slates OH 1 4S dldvaje Steel 394 dtSSOlirl Pai ific ... ... 288 xJse fork Central 81 '4 C. Y.. N 11 and Hartford V4 orfolk tk U'etern 10014 Northern Pacific ... 90S hio Cities Gas iklahoma Prod. &. Ref 3 i".!)! American Petroleum Kg1 Pennsylvania i3 People's Cms S9:4 Pittsburg anil W t Va . .-.. 86 .ny Consolidated Copper 11 'leading 99 .ep. Iron r S:ce! 79 Royal Duteh. N Y 7 778 -hell Trans. Ai Trad 49 Sinclair Con OU 31 Southern Pacific -ou SouHiern Railway 22 Standard OH of N J. pfd 103 BtUdebaker Corporation 58 Tennessee Copper It Texas Co 50 Ti k - - A: Pacific 23Mi Tobacco Products 7'4 rrs ni ontlnents 1 1 n 1 1 UfilOn Pacific 117 1 B Food ProdUcta . 49 U. S. Ketall Stores 73 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 85 United Slates Rubber 79"n t nlted Sim. - S'eel R8V4 1 Clah Copper 57 Westlnghouvt Electric 4 7 willy's Overland 11 A merle. 1 11 Znn-. I .... I ,ui. 1 1 "2 Bt Its and Superior 17 4jB Cala. Petroleum 26 Montana Power 65 1 si- ittuck Alisons 8B Pure oil 39 t VSH Mi ls CHICAGO, Vt- 14. Wheat No. 3 red 24. No. 1 hard $2 1 1 h I 17. Com N'o .' mlxeil tIOtl04 iNo 2 S cllow 92 i 9.tc. 'ats No 2 white i.S'4Soc. No. 3 whue 541-. Rye No 2 1 1.69 Barlex tOC $ I 06 Tlmoth seed $r,.ooeiK.5o I'loier -ee.l 1 '.'.OOfi jo (in, I'ork nominal. l-ard $20.50. Rlpi 1 I T mi . 1.00 1 ppo a i rJrh j lCfcjxxxx-i.-'.w;3a HOM1 l I'll III l CB. xtiss Consui lo Stewart sa' hosies to th. members of the Home culture 'club last Saturday afternoon nt the home of Mrs. Gertrude COOlldgC vl I I. Il.xrum Smith gaxe a book review and Mis? Emms Chcsncy also c. Je. t of Interest during the nc e; Vl I KS I STAT! R I HAPT1 It The rcgUlSr meeting of the Queen , Kthei chapter will be held Prldd ex-enlng at S o'clock In the MasOrilc temple All visiting ui'-mbers an- in xitcd to be pres. ni CARD PARTY. Members of the Episcopal Ouibi and I Daughters of the King win entertain from 2:30 o'clock until ." o'clOoV r j an afternoon card part Sa turds si ; the Guild hail. There will be musical entertainment aS xvell as card gin as. Refreshments win be served Mei hers and friends sre cordiallx Invited. IM.IU i.t I i- Wllljam H Hiinn of Phoenix, Aris.. xvus the guest of Dr. .in.! .lis. K , Bundy. Wednesday afternoon and exe ning. Mr, Mann is with the mechani cal department of ibe southern Pa cific railroad at Phoenlv and bus bet u on an extended visit to seeral eastern states. BE l ESPRIT ( LI B Mrs. p. Hall will be hostess to the number of the Heau.v Esprit dub Friday at her home, 1565 Grant ave-nue. "BRfOEir IS ; PANTAGES FILM "Bride 13." said to be the most sensational motion picture serial ever filmed, will begin at in. OrpheUm Theatre as a fature of Ihe P.intagea bill today. Margaret Clayton. I'tah girl, is the star and she Is presented n a dazzlim: dcrles of breathtaking si rft I -n it The serial was filmed in co-opera-have never been equalled Hon of the Cnited States navy and manv seeped are on, and above, and below the water, in warships, sub-: marine and airplane lumping off heights shooting down on airplane, sinking submarines, pretty girl tied; to rocks in the surf, and manv similar! scenes replete with thrills, will be of fered during the many episodes Thl picture will run fifteen weeks and j win be shown on ihe vaudeville bill ex cry week. UVi KANSAS Cm I l I STOt K KANSAS CITY. Mo.i Od, 14. Il'nlted States Bureau of Market-. Cattle Receipts 6.0C; market slow and uneven, but mostly stead) m all classes; beef steers ?I4.G'"; good year lings $15 00; bulk of she-stoek Soo-ii T on. ranner.i mostly $4 00tfi4.50, ul -tor.- 16.0006.60; practb all top on vealers $l5.oo. Nogs Receipts 4.5c-. market un ev-n but mostly strong 'o 1 5c higher than yesterday's average; spots up rt:ore. ioj, $i5.r.o. bulk medium and heavy $i i 75fJ,16.25; goon and choice 1.1" to 175 pound hogs $14,40014.90 she. p Rgbeipti is.ope; Biisep ano native lambs strong; western ewes $5.25: native lambs $12.00, western lambs 15 to 25c lower; early i"i $12.10. OM M LIVES km iv I i.M AilA. Neb., Oct. 14. t"uiiil states Bureau ,if Markets) Hogc I Receipts S18OO; market generally Steady; bulk medium and light butch ers II 4.1 5 j) 14.65; top $14. 5; bulk strong weight and packing grades 91 8.75 fj i4.io. Carrie - Receipts 4 500; fed cattle weak; top yearlings $16.25; grass and range bevx es and butcher stuck, vtead to strong x eals stcadv. Blockers and feeders firm Sheep Receipts 8.000; quality of 'lambs here poor, market slow to 16c lower, sheep stcad , yearlings I8.7S; feeders stesd.x . Ml I M II IRKE71 NEW STORK. "ct 14. Coppt a nominal producers noi quoting. Small .-ales of eletrofytfc reported In the opi"n trade around 1 7c. Iron antl .iminioiis unchanged. Tin weak; spot and ncaroy $39. 00; futures $40 .00, Lead steady, spot 7.S0 f.1 7.75c. SSInc SOsV; East St Louts spot 7.20 . 7 4 0c. A London: Spot: Copper 93 7s fid:; electrolytic 10. tin 249 5s; lead lf 10s; zinc 40 2s 6d. Hi ri ER H I t.i.s CHICAGO, ct. 14 Butter higher c reamery 4 o tj 5 4 tc Kggs unchanged: receipts 1,044 I :ses Poultry alie higher, fowls general run 21c. springs 24c, turkeys 40c. UBERT1 BONDS NEW TOR K ' ct. 14. Liberty' bonds closed: 3s $92.30; firsts 4s $89.30; tecond 4s $89.10; flrsi l'4 $89 50 second lV4s $8tel4. third 4s, $90.:..'. .fourth t'a $89.is. Victor 3s $9 00; Victory 4!is $96.02 POT M'U s. CHICAGO. Oct. 15. Potatoes steady;' repelcts 90 cars, northern while $1 80 0 1.7S. Minnesota and DsdfOtS SOrl .hio $ 1 TO '.1 1 SP 1 )M i it VT1 B LONDON, Oct. 14. Bar silver 65l4d' per ounce. Money and discount unchanged. .PI x OMING HOU PARGO. N. D. Ott 14. The four, aiiit airplanes, flying from Alaska to I Mtneolo, N Y . left this morning for Winona. Minn . where thc expect to urrlxe early In the nfternoon. ,' ONE BABY TWO MOTHERS 1 Blood Test May Decide Which Woman W ins This Cheery Little Prize 3 Mrs. Daniel Pittman (right) and Mrs. Jchn C. Garner (left) claim p,clty Madelaine Louise (center) as their daughter. Mi I M Mikl I NEW YORK, ct. 14. Prime mer cantile paper unchanged Exchange easy; sterling: Demand 13.48 1 4 : cables 83.49. Francs; Demand 6.55c; cables 8 57c. Belgian francs: Demand r..90c; cables 6.82c Guilders: Demand si.ooc; cubien 3110c. Lire Demand 3.90c; cables 3.92c Marks: Demand 1.45c. cables 1.46c. Greece: Demand 9.i.0c. New York exchange on Montreal lo per cent discount. Time loans steady, unchanged. Call tponey strbng; high i per r, nt low 9 per Ceng; ruling rate s .r cent; closing 9 per cent, offered at 19 per' cent; last loan 19 lier cent LEGAL NOTICES GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or the Respec tive Signen for Further information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS l .slalv ot I'mlb ' h i inpliev s. Deceased Creditors will present rlulnis with voucherp (, (be iinrl.-i.TlpneU, , p,t -fweii t fourth street. Ogden. l tah. on or be fore (ho 14th day of December 1'i20 I ... E A, LARKI.V. Administrator of the I .state of Knilh Champneys, Deceased. T I Maginnls. Attoni. v f.u AdmlnistlS Hate of first publication October 14 , n2'- 6443 NOTICE TO CREDITORS fc-state of Peter Hcgobuni. Deceased Creditors will present claims with , vouchers to the undersigned at the law of rice .r Isabel-son. Kimball & Farr Nn .05 Dald l-:celes building, on oi tiefoi ih. 1st daj of December, 1920 M2 ... ARNAUD LAUORDE. jJh- Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Batata of James I). Smith, and his wife I Mary E Smith, Deceased Creditors will present lalms with , vouchers to the undersigned at the HW 1 offices of Harris & Jenson at No 31 t Col. Hudson building;, in Ogden City We bei county, State of ttah, on or be fori the 15th day of recember, A D J92o CHARLES C SMITH Administrator of the Estates of .runlet i Smith, and HlS Wife, Mr E Sniill. Lc.asofJ. Harris & Jenson. Attornevs for Adinims Irator. t2: , NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Sarah E hltehlll Vormerlv Sarah E Radfleld, or Sarah Bleanoi Kedfbld. I'ecea-sed. Creditor? will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned ;,t th- law offices r.f Hun is A.- Jensoit, (it No 313 o). Hudson building, in Ogden cit. w. her countx . State of I'tah. on or before the 15th day of December. A D 1320 THOMAS E WHITEHll.l. Admlnlstrtor of the Estate of Farnh E. Whltehlll. Formerly Semh K. Itedflfld. or t-riiii Bleapor Rcdfleld. Deceased. Harris .v .b nson. Attorneys for dminl trator 24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Eatad of .lan es W'hnlen Ueceafrd Creditors will present claims with ouchei.H in (he undersigned at the low offices of Harrta & Jenson. at No. 313 Col. Hudson bullldng. in Ogden " it y . We bei County, SUite of Utah, on or before, the 15th la of lecemhe, . D 120 IAY"II JENSON. Administrator of the KstatVt of James Whalcn. Lei eaed. Harris &. Jenson. Attornejs for Adiiunls trator. (24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate 'it Samuel T Whllaker. Der eased. Creditors will present claims with vouorfem to the undersigned at No. to.". David KccA building, on or tx-fore the 1st. day of Deer i GKOKGE H ALVEKx 5'S Executor. The nno sgyethj This is MY son thai llv;th, aud THY son la i ho dead; and the other sayeth, Nay; but THY son is the dead and MY son Is the living 1 ScripiurcH . Staff Special ATLANTA. ia.- It is a far cry , from the court of King Solomon and ithe plains of Israel to the court nf Judge Bell in the state oi Georgia. Yet. today, as two wompn stood before Solomon centuries ago. there are two women before the court hrc Ono sayeth the Child la hers and tho other sayeth, nay. the living g mine and the dead thine. Madelaine Louise, fuzzy of hair, rosy of clioek. bright of eye and im partial of chuckle anl smile, is the daughter of Mia Daniel Pitt man Or, ?ho is the daughter of Mrs John C. Garner. Mnilnluln.i oj hnrn M i 0 1U1Q al Grady Hospital. On tbat night Tioth Mrs Pimnaii and Mrs Lamer bore daulit'-r-. Tin babies were taken from them and returned to then arms In ihe morning. The baby the nurses gave Mrs Pltiai.ni lived three weeks and died. She is burled In a grave with no name on Its marker, for Mrs- Pitt man Kays she was not her child but Mrs. Garner'Si The nurses were nilt- j taken, says Mrs. Pittman and, "the H liVlhg If nunc (M Mrs. Garm borne so mf L' t i hild bu Madeh lies hei W j heart and sho sa.v9 she will not r give her up Solomon directed the child be sev ered and "half to the ono and half to tho other - u:.n Tho real mother Vrlod out in protest and the fain mother offered no objection. Not so simple a problem for Judge Bell and not n implo the solution he plans. Hero, both women are j I honest In tholr belief and-well, . J fXYord tests are out of date. Dr. Allen H Bunco. opert on blond Ifl microscopy, may draw a few drops H Irom the veins of Madelaine Louise and a little from her two "motnCI HV The blood of ihe child and the blood of tho mother gppsju ihe H same under the lens. HOyt the doe- IH rhere classification of human bl I hnch n Hal M idelaine Loui le'a blood i .. d a, i with that of one mother and differs H9 irom thai of (he ather, the problem HH is solved. Should it resemble tho HS blood ol both ngH Madelaine Louise makes no choic. She coos bar ina ma s" to thom both and cuddles her head n their breasts, oo Six Candle fa, LorleS in South Africa have an output valued at $3.ii00.ooi HH annually. New fiair Growth I After BALDNESS I HAIR GROWN ON MR. BRITTAIN'S BALD HEAD BY INDIANS' MYSTERIOUS HAIR GROWER , Mr head t the tcp and back wit absolate!7 bald. The t lp BjBCBiw ibiny. Ad expert laid lii.t as he Ihosfht tho hair rootj wTe KSr -ti-'X. i cxlioct, and thero no hope of my cter l-ot.rc a new hilr growt'i. -.'N Ye', now. t so are orer 60, 1 hT tuzcrljnt growth K yj. Al ttronc, lumroui Koirl No trcre of haldoeai The plctoxe tbowo 9"9f here are Iroto in j photographi. I Indians' Secret ol Hair Growth yj Al a time vriirn I had bccoo.i i t m 'yi I Ik jfc i - trf"C riou hair lotions, tortlca. aptcii.ii':' jff jjFjBPr tSK treatincoti. -tr 1 cis.i j - .1 my lrai'. (.2 BBBSg Cherokee Indian 'medicine man'' who had ai Jtf ,lr-"irs. t HH nUr A e i - :. aiteTerated J.J grow my hur. "5- Cj- ' i St- ff Allhengh I td but little faifi. I gprs it s . rn i rtttnt pkate l Sc-'. xi.T ' amaiement a hrbi lun 1003 BppeSred I-. ucre;?ped da7 b7 n .cx2 15' lnt0 hJltl3y growtX aai r:e i ;,t, u in Jp4)flP'' 'T 7 Ac' isiciihri and hifr , r tTBW Obriously, lt ha r rrM ta 1 aPI 1 id i ' tj II in 1 glBV JEBb iciln iij,!n; me fertiliting f'-en' r of t;ie mj'erir. pomade. T"JEBgaaf0H I neto'.eited for ar.d rame into ponf.e - of (h prin ipl for cl'ifaWPW p-. , '.. i it: i o j i : 3 ' . . ' r i 1 J ihe rsclpi put into prectlcal form b;. ehl rhcic BNWS bald. That my own hair growth wu permanent haa been amply preraS. LlVi Kany cea and womca. al chddren, haee reportel latlsfactor -n atffslBSii Blf ' How YOU May Grow YOI R Hai? My boDt balief la that hair roDla rarely ila ereo wh t toe Ka.r fall out threuch dandruff, feter. eiceitiTe drT e ; f . I bi the auordsn I I bt bees m-cd wl I SOLD B ax parts that often when hair rail , . p the rcte b'coxe iaaijcljcd nil - lK' I p i:; mi-'I I" Hirl i.ii v, r; jjy fjA B remain for a i.ti . -.. UTtWUffn '4 I r r ' ! e r',.i wt r-' "u P fertUned. sV-VtthMkW f I M.aiopooj . . ' .-oDiaiu alkalu a. I W flJSVWl nal lotloot whlcl r taio aieohol a" roemlea to Ihe hair. a (. . r I I Wirl nU.Lf it 1-nttle Kotalk . It fu'Miff Laxaera. ,.UIM elrrocnt f f nature which c t trw iK' 1 ', 1 Tl Jl 'jrSBi ' t ,.r,T.n.", . - i vitality to the aealp and hai- j PROVE FOR YOURSELF f ihr rttraJnl ICo'.alko at a jjial'a T'' '7!eaa4M ;00 CO GUARANTEE with each box. A mai: taating box SI' ' fkT SI KotaJko 'n'.l teatimcniala etc.) maj be obtained by aecd wlVa. r lag ten eanla, alleer or atam; a. le rc addreaa b lies if HI JOHN HART BRITTAIN, Slabon F, New York City FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS We're Afraid He Won't, Freckles! R m