Hl THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14, 1920. THE OGPEN STANDARD-EXAMINER -15 I H 1 FOR SALE j Bw Rcai Estate j V H CITV PROPERTY BBBB HI Five room frame partly modern, burn, BBBB BJ etc. Good lot Immcellotc possession. Io BBBB ,9J cated south pnrt of tovn Price $2260 HH iflj Good four room houae. 1 acre good BBBH BB land, close to sugar foctorj A Good buv Ht HHf Bb Flvit room modern, extra largvs lot. nil HD planted to fruit. On Washington avc BBHE BB " beautiful location. You will like BBMa BBJ this placo. BBBB BWJ See ua nt once for good buj In cltj B properly MI BBJ SMITH & rLINDCRS CO. PHI I'ARMS FARMS BJBJJ BB ICVfe aeres nt Clcnrflcld. One of the iJMB BH bent small farms In Davis counts Good 9H HJ new four room house and outbuildings J BJ Small famllj orchard. A real good small pBI BJ farm. Price JSfiOO BBBB "50 ii ere 17 acres orchard, till Rood mi BMBM rlctlos fnill. 10 norre A 1 sandj loam BBBJ H soil. l4 share water Davis and Weber BBBB H company canal. Good four room house, BBBB HJ brtrn. and other Improvements. Some mu ApJBJ HJ chlncrj and Implement. Price $11 000. BBBJ IK We now hac an excellent varlctj' of fBBJ Hj the bent of farm Innd Fee us WM Jl SMITH A rLINDCRS CO IjlBj J Upstairs Commercial National Dunk jQ H ;?; H jH THOSH small tracts ou were looklnu J ' for aro on out lists 1 ncro, 14 acres. J I BaBJ BJ arrea (Vi acres .I'j norcs nil Improved.! BMBJ BV. Price depending on location and improve-1 BBMJiBB)j v. ments S 15 Hlnck'-v 4?. Twentj ! B v- fourth Phones 3803 J and 1755 J. C4-n j , JR SIX room modern frame bungilow, ex rVJ ) bf cept heat, with furniture pplj 110S sBJrBJ JmJ Twcntj sixth street. mov M&VJ HI $150 buys one half acre, water right, fruit fljMl BR trecH berries, four room cottage, kitchen, BBBB BJI cellar, outbuildings, including furniture BBBJB BV light water. 570 Seventh stieet 6422 BfJW H FOUR acres Innd, part fruit . egnt room BBS Bfl house modern except In at hot house BBI 2003n feet. Phone 23S2 J 621 B H OWiNLR leaving town The strictly mod -BBp ein homo nt 2511 Vitn Duron, 2 stories and lBV BJ full basement. A fine home and a. bar BBBJM BJ gain. Telephone! S1G C101 EM I L5V I SOME very desirable BR ' OGDEN' HOMES SfH ON' TERMS BflBR H Also some vacant lots. I i J. N' PrERCE K REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Ur Telephone 125 502 Eccle3 Bldp BFTB M G400 I E. F BRATZ WBBV Six-room modern home, pood sized lot. yV.-l close, ' block from cor lino and pael ill street, nil special taxes paid; immediate HWJfE possession $3000. "Worth moro money HnJU Double house, 1 rooms each larce lot, II close In on bench and pnt.d street Live Wit 5n one, rent one $3550 IH E F BRATZ (IBM 417 Eccles Building ' M cm M TROERER & FOWL.ES In Real Estate Loans and Insurance H iIO TTurlnnn Am Phone D17 IHjJX 52400 bus new -I loom house, situated BBMH on cast Eighth strceL $7000 buys pinctlcally new modern HDH double brick house, situated on paed BBttJBJ street on the bench. Pavement all piicl B"MBw for. Terms . BBBB $5500 buys C room modern house, situ BkS atcd on tnc 1)cst part of tllc bench, large W lot: (,'ood garago BEflU 52600 bu s -i room house good cement BpHH cellar; topethci w Ith one half aero of BflBfln choice garden land, small famll orchard Bfln $2500 bus good 7 room brick house, HtJ large lot, chicken runs worth $500. iSj 11 TROERER & FOWLES BBP W 2409 Hudson Ac Phone 017 h V G105 KfH Empty house, immediate possession A BflM U good seven room house well located close HI 9' ' large lot, fi tilt and shido trcp? Onli BBr S2100; S100 down, balance same as paying I , tent. A birgain A good millinery store, one o' the best i in the city, doing rood business: well lo cated' a long lease at low rent. Tho own or desires to Icta clt A good buv One of the best procerv stores in the Ity doing a good business rnejear lease at Jow rent Will sell vcr cheap Best ol icasona for celling I p.t the highes: price f )- Lil-city Bonds, with accrued interest A good modern three room brick home, well locitcd close In on Twenl sKth street Only $2200. Small payment down, balance same as palng tent. J J BRUMM1TT . M17 Hudson Ac Phone 50 IBJ b3t2 U j ROOMING house for snlo. Phone 205G oi IBJ j 246 Twont fifth street 6293 BB i REAL estate handled on short notice BB r Prompt attention glcn to all home seek- Hi ers Cnll and sto our list J H Epper ML ,l son, 408 Twent sixth street Phono 12S7 K C30l' Tjt WELL built brick residtnee, six largo I V rooms, besides bath and closets, full base I B. ment, good locallt and close to business BBK center $6000 and worth It Terms if1 BBJH desired. I V R, P. HUNTER 431 Twcnt -fourth street Phone 1603 J ' 6302 NINE room strlctl modern high gr.ido i home on Adams avenue neat Twcntj 1 fifth rrcct Terms. 9000 Vl Htc viom modern brick home Terms.. m&h A bargtCn $5500 H KELLY &. HERRICK. 6141 1 BHM BY OWNER Six rooms strictly modern , apjlf new home; without doubt the best bu liu BBlf town; must be sold at onco. Phono 1446 , i W. 5924 yfltl EIGHT room ncarlj modern and six and I jlfM one half acres fine land, fruit, barns, hen i U house and fine improvements, on Canonl jl'I road, near Washington avenue A bar Mf I gain Good terms. Kelly & llcrrick BUI 5923 llnl BY OWNER One 4-rooin modern brick vDjl houso In first class condition; extra large BI lot. Rcasonablo for c.ish. 307 Thirtj flrt,t OI St BJSl iffl ABBOTT & CO jn Real Estate Insurance II ' $1100 $300 down $30 per month, buys ill n small dwelling in choice location, closo IB I to center of town BJi $200051000 down. 30 pet month, bus R n four room modem trame in north part B of cltj. two blocks from c,ir line, large H i lot, fruit trees and outbuildings An Ideal BJB 1 placo to keep chickens and raise a gar- DB don BB $1000 $800 down, $30 per month, bujs a HHI five loom dwelling in choice location on BBTjl bench. House in A 1 condition Lot well HBi improved. A good bu Wgs bx room strlctb modern bungalow in BBJtl choice location, house has hot water licit, aKl fireplace, hardwood bordeis, many built in Bjg features. Excellent basement vvlth .sep.i BBfll rate fruit, coal and laundrj looms This WV Is one of the best constiuctcd houses in BBjTO the cilv and must be seen to bo apprccl BBH ated. Price $6500; terms BBH ' Commercial National Bank Building Qf Phone SO 643C vj nl FIVE room now modem bungalow. Price BpJ $1600 $600 down, immediate possession BBJ Two room frame cottage, large lot, to! close In. Price $950 By ric room fi-ame houso, modern, extra I lot. Best location in OgUcn. $3250. Half B cash, ALFRED E STRATFORD Bj Phono 230 J J 2250 Washington Ave. M C435 HI ONE HALF acre -with one room house, HJ fruit trees, giupes vines and currants. W Call 3333 J 5423 SIX room houso at Thlrtv eighth ond BBJ : Grant Will rent furnished or unfur- BBJ nlshexl. Will sell furniture, Klinbill Bjl player piano Mahogunv and quarter BBJIi sawed oak furniture The Walker Com- BjA pany. Phone 1130. 5SS1 B : TWO homes for tho prlco or ono. Double BBffl pressed brick cottage, modern except Ml' heat. 2629 Mouroo avenue. Phono 1201. Ml 4S13 ill W. L POUTER. Real Estate and lotn3. Ill I37G Washington avunuo. Phono 1S76. BJi 12Gi I SIX room house birn and garage. Lnrgf BB lot 1915 Grant. 273 Bjr ( S ROOM modern homo, sleeping- porches; BB ideal location Phone 2S70. 0399 HI MRS. 8. J. BAKER, J731 Mddlson. Phono fj. 2022 4195 H ' I IpHJti - ?iTih riMMiBf11' - Z i3 ; I FOR SALE Real Estate j' , 1; Continued I$2SCj bu j s four rooms $150 down i $2250 ouvs flvo rooms, $300 down. IS4500 buv flvo room modenj brick; $1C00: terma I GALBRArTH &. EARL i24S2 Washington Phone i.101 j 647TJ WANTED Fern al e He.(p GIRL for general housewori; Applj In person Mrs Rodman 4 S3 Seventeenth street 6155 . GIRL for housework Smnll familj. No washing 1072 Twenty fifth street Phono nji oi7- nOUSEKKEFLR wanted hv refined vealtln business gentleman owning flno i home In neighboring town. Li&ht duties, iVerv liberal salarv. Address Harry Reed. Ogclen Utah general delivery C456 GIRL for general housework Small fam ily, no laundry ork. Phone 2710 r.154 riRST class. operlenccd stenographer. Ogden Miolcgnlc Drug C41S EXPERIENCED stenographer wanted for billing. Ogden Wholcsalo Groccr.v Co CJU 4 EXPERIENCED waitresses for lunch I coiintci and hot I work, out of cltj 131, Tvvintv fifth St Phono 493 CIH,i GIRL wanted at tho Wistaria. C251 , . riii..iiJii.vtiJivLi iweu riuiiM u;i 'GIRLS over IS years of age for work In I cereal factor Apply nt Albers Bros Milling Co, Twent ninth and Pacific 'avenue. 6231 COOK. Apply In person nt Martha Nur isn. North Washington avenue, at city I limits 6229 CHOCOLVTE dipper wanted Steady work, good wages. Palace Candy Co, 614S GIRLS, ov'cr IS, Ogden Steam Laundry. 6I2J EXPERIENCED sewing girls wanted nt Cnplati's Gown Shop: good wages. 53S GIRLS ocr 16 to peel tomptocB at Wi satch Canning Companj. Will furnish transportation to and from ivork. Phone 100. 5012 EXPERIENCED stenographer oookkcoper. Hox H, care this piper. 4CC2 j WANTED l STOCKROOM: bo. Chance to Icirn elec tricnl trade. The Ughthousc. 2452 AVnsh ington avenue C4C1 BOY with horse for Standard Eimlner route In Tnjlor ScO circulation mana gcr Standird Examiner G4G1 TLOUR packer nrnd oiler Steady work. Opportunity to learn trade Holly Mlll lng Co . 1430 Washington G4ls 1 FIRST clai-s slaughterhouse man, floor work, $40 per week and room, out of city 131 Twenty fifth St Phone 493 6412 A. experienced baker, one who under stands plain cooking. School for the Deaf and Blind C37I JANITOR wanted at Grant hotel 62SS LAMORERS wanted, $5 eight hours. Come rcad for work Tako 7 15 a m Bam bergcr train to arsenal W M Suthcr land Building & Contracting- Co , Ogden arsenal 6261 MEN to unload coal good pay Lion Coil Co . Thirty first and Washington C23C BOYS at Western Union Good wages CISC SUGAR MEN WANTED Wo have openings for a largo number of experienced station men Laborers also wanted. Phone to Interstate Sugar Co , 56 R 5 or meet our trucks in front of Bamberger depot at 7 30 a m each morn ing Interstate Sugar Co , Hooper, Utih 61bJ BOY -with bloclc for delivering for day -viork Culloy Drug Co 604 1 CEMENT finishers wanted. Call Super Intcndcnt. Phone 523. 6022 FLY. repair autos. Ignition. Y. M. C A. Auto School. Los Angeles 5991 YOUNG man to clerk In newsstand Grav News Co.. Union Depot. 53S0 helTwanted l Male and Female AMBITIOUS men women over 17 want od b S. government positions $135 to $195 month List positions lree Franklin Institute Dept. 493 II, Rochester, N. Y 6316 Tforrent I ) Furnished ONE nlcclj furnished room In private fnmilv 2219 Eccks tvenue 6166 MODERN furnished sleeping loom foi one or two gentlemen 2560 Oichird. I 4; IrURNISHED room for rent Modem con venicnces 2C20 Liberty Phone 335S W 6447 MODERN" sleeping looms Private homo Close In Phone 2913 J 459 Twcntj sec ond street Also garogo G418 NEATLY furnished room for one or two gentlemen 2363 Jefferson avenue 642') 'FURNISHED front room for gentleman references icqulied 2736 Grant Ave 6410 MODERN hind80inely furnished apart merit also house for sale on payments Phone 125 CHI NICE room with sleeping porch 566 Twent) fouith St 63S7 SLEEPING room 535 TT.cnty-scventh ati cot Phone 2173M. 5777 ROOMS Gite3 Hotel 2446 Grant 4934 H foFrent i I Unfurnished ; THREE room unfurnished house, screen porch 233 West Twcnt first sticet Phono 1230 W 614G 3 OR 4 LARGL1 comfortable unfurnished looms. 1257 Twenty fourth St 6 IPS 7 ROOM strictly modern brick house, $60 per month. Inquire Volker Lumber Co 5517 forrent j Miscellaneous f 7 PASSENGER car for rent without driver Phone 22S4 W G371 ! STORE and dwelling combined. Lease. I 1C40 Washington avenue C153 WANTED 1! To Rent WANTED to lease Ranch Will con .ddor any sort of good proposition Bo 115, Standard-Examlnor G471 SIX oi seven room modern house Phone 302 W 6152 BY mothei and dnughter, two furnished housekeeping rooms Phone 211 G153 MODERN 5 to 8 room furnished houso or apartment: closo In. Will lease foi n jcar. Box H 90, care Standard Examiner 6395 -1 OU 5 ROOM mod mii house or apnit ment, clo!e In. no children, references J 'hone 11..0 J Q'7G G ROOM houso furnished oi unfurnished, good neighborhood $20 bonus on first month's tent. P O Box 119. Ogden. 6373 YOUNG couples want furnished cottngo or apartment, references. L W. Ridges, St. Paul Hotel. 6360 w r-r-r .. ..,..' money to loan ON real estate. Eight per cent Interest. No commission. 2337 Grant. Phono 5S2 6296 xy salaried people without secarity. to others pii pnno8. furniture, lionds. etc "tf Hml"on Bide Phono 284 243 MONl.i lo loun on uiui-uvi a uui esLnt, KHy A- Herrick 11 The only quadruped known that cannot fcwlm is tho camel. :& --v"" ' ' ' -rS'M'ji il-'r "gaigir r """iK' fJFOR J5AL& Autos " BARGAIN 1920 Chandler chumrnv roadster LTscd onb five months, first class condition. Cash or terms Party leaving town. Box I E X Standard Examiner. C323 1914 MODEL Studebaker. self starter, me Ichanlcally good, 4 new tires. $225. Call 1234 Porler Ave. 6322 ni8 Bulck Roadster 1917 Studebnker Touring 1918 Oakland Touring 191 S 1 ton Nash Truck 1919 2 ton Nash Truck 1919 1 ton Chevrolet Truck 1920 s ton Oldsmoblle Truck All In first diss mechanical condition. Terms can bo arranged. PACIFIC NASH .MOTOR COMPAN1 2200 Washington Ave. GjL?.n 6321 CHESSMAN'S RENEWED AUTOMOBILES Bulck D 45 touring Bulck 35 louring. Bulck 35 roadster Bulck K 45 Dodge 191S touring car Dodge 1917 touring car. Dodge 191S roadster. Dodge 1913 seduu. Maxwell five passenger Ford sedan Ford touring car Ford roadster Ford coupe These cars have been repriced cheaper In tho last ten rinvs CHEESMAN AUTOMOBILE CO. 2366 Washington Avcnuo Phone 321 6293 BUICIC roadster. Price in harmony with present market. Phone 2540 or 2757 J 6292 . DEPENDABLE USED CARS '191R Overland six with Continental motor. , 1917 Paige six 1917 Hudson super six roidstcr. 1917 Hudson super six touring. 1917 Bulck 4 1919 Chevrolet touring. 1919 Chevrolet loadstcr. OGDEN MOTOR CAR CO. 2345 55 Hudson Ave 6260 NEW light six cylinder Scrlpps-Booth nt $200 sacrifice Can tako Ford in trade. Phone S52 R after 6 62a3 1917 FORD, bargain. 2325 Jefferson. 5440 SEVEN passenger Cadillac. Good as new. Best value in city. Murphy Wholcsal Grocery Co Twenty fourth street 5233 WS?TED I I Situations JOB for myself where I can use half ton Ford truck Truc'r in good condition. 131 Twenty fifth Phono 493 6470 COMPETENT stenographer wishes posl tion Phono 3142 M. 6394 JOB work and remodeling a specialty. Phone 2296 W. 6356 DAY work, washing, ironing or cleaning 2123 Wall. 6291 CURTAINS dono and woman will go out by tho hour. Phone 3176. 615S NIGHT watchman or porter; good refer ences, ex merchant policeman. Box 60. Standard Examiner. 51H I- fi?.MAKIN(- - - SEWING wanted at 511 Cross. 639S iuri nrcssmamng can ;oji j inu. j.. Avon Apartments. i C397 HEMSTITCHING and picot edge Prompt service. All work guaranteed .233S Wash Ington avenue. Singer Sowing Machine. 5936 DRESSMAKING, beading and embroider ing, rcmodcllnc. Work guaranteed Phone 1395 J 5S93 HEMSTITCHING and plcot. prompt scrv Ice 2277 Washington Ave White Machine Co 5577 ALL aizo knife pleating. Phono 231S M. 5427 Hemstitching, plcot edge, buttons, pin.. Ing and pleating Second floor W, H. Wright & Sors Mrs H Lavman. 11C9 fSECONg WE take jour old range nn first payment on any new range, or will buy your old ranee ontrlirht Homo Furniture Co 4673 DOG, part bull, cut ears and tail, coio brown nswers to name of Spike rind er please call 3081 Reward GIGS GOLD wrist watch nea- Twcntv fifth -md Was-hirjffton Tinder iHurn to 2371 Wr sh Inrton upstairs Row irj 6469 ONE 2 j ear old heifer branded 100 on right hip Reward Notify A P. Russell Rov Utah C432 $10 REWARD for buffalo lobe taken from m car Octobor 3 Return to 5 IS Twen tv fourth street No questions asked A M Tribe 6i'4 LADIES wrist watch in shoolnP district Washington between Twcntv third and Twcntj fifth streets If found phone 1824 Mrs O P Mcckes. 2521 Brlnkcr 643J fToFsALE , ORTOA The old Oak chicken ranch on south Grant j avenue consisting of 7'fc acres highly Improved Can give immediate possession Terms 17 acres Wilson Lane, o shares of water unlimited amount of gravel, hard gravel road to the land THE WALKER CO. Phone 1130 623 Eccles Building 6331 SIX room modern houso and furniture for I a smaller home 478 Twcntj first street C291 rot R acics land, new foui room modern bungalow garage, 7S9 Seventh street Phono 2146 W 612a OVERLAND Bargain. Owner gono. Phono 333 4308 1 BUSINESS j Opportunities $1000 BU1S good cafe long lease, low rent 146 Twcntj fifth St G358 WANTED To Buy DRESSER, kitchen cabinet, linoleum, gas range, sanitary eouch, dishes and utcn slls. Phone 125 G451 FLAT top office desk Inquire 429 Ec jelcs Bldg G431 i I FLAT top offico desk and 1 roll top ,desk. 131 Twcntj fifth St. Phone 493 1 6413 GOOD prlecs paid for men's old clothes. 259 Twenty filth street. Send a postal, 6212 BEEF cattle, veal, shci p, hogs. Will call at jour yard Gua Jensen, 3134 Washing ton avenue. Phone 2399 G18S LIBERTY BONDS. I buy liberty bonds at highest price If jou htivo bonds for sale, see mo. J. J Brummltt, 2417 Hudson avenue. Phone 59 61S9 WILL p.ij" highest price ror poultry and rabbits Phono 1213. Western Grain A: Feed Co. GS00 PULLETS, anj' age, anj number Wcstorn Grain , reed Co., 2351 Washington Avo. 5799 FOKu truck. Phone 2222-W. 5G73 LARGE clean rags wanted at tho Stand aid-Examlncr office. 4380 WANTED lo aopt nr onee babv not ovei ler d.ijs" old J W. Wlljon, Ogdn. Vinh General delivery. '.'.7J WANTED j I Miscellaneous LARGE clem rngs wanted at Standard Examiner off'co. 4379 Ono of tho most valuable stamps ia the one-cent postage stamp of Brit ish Gulann, which Its worth over $10.-000. . FORlALE i; I Miscellaneous ROUND Oak healer. No 14. medium clzo Splendid condition. 2359 Harrison avc nuc Phone 3522. C4G3 WE SELL FOR CASH AND SAVE YOU ,,. MONEY 1000 j-ards floor covorlng at $1.30 run ning jard. Also used heaters, cloves, in bice, dressers, kitchen cabinets bufrotn and china closets, genuine leather seat chairs, rogular $12.50 at $6 each Also genuine leather dnvcncMes at n bargain Hug-, nil sizes ftom $6 175 up. Special re ductions on brafc-s bads, springs and mat V,eSBCf' N'mn's Second Hand 'Store. J34S Washington avenue. 6'.C2 JONATHAN apples and winter potatoes are rcadj now. Phone 11 J 4 6450 FOUR choirs and table. $20; buffet. SIS; range. $35 2958-M GIGl HIGH gradi Jersey cows Phone 59 dur Ingdny. 2728 R alter 6 30 p. m. CIGO WE PAY higher cash prices fon all used hodsehold furnlturo Newman's Second Hand Store, 2348 Washington avenue Phone 63S. G459 PLYMOUTH Rock hens, $1.25; and Leg horns. $1. Apply 249 Thirty fourth G457 . ALFALFA HAY Sheep and cattle men. before buying jour winter hay communicate with D. C Beck Huston. Idaho. Route 2 G'.37 TWO joung Shetland ponies, gentle, for children. GIG Twcntj-fourth street " 613s OND first class heuter and pipe $1' Phono 2140 64T A-l Colo's Hot Blast heater. Will do liver and set up for $15. Phone 3554-W I C429 MAJESTIC range ga3 range, dining m hie. four chairs, ice Iwx, rag rug, 2760 Washington. GI26 IVORY wicker baby carriage. Ivory baby bed No 9 Browning Apartments 6427 .22 WINCHESTER automatic rifle; used vcrj little, as good ns new. Phone 24G7-W. C42S GOOD fresh cow, $100. 3460 Washington Ave 6109 DINING room table and chairs, hrass bed. springs and mattress. 9x12 rug, wardrobe, etc. etc. Phono 2498NJ or 841. 6389 GENUINE mahogany library tabic. Phone 3345 R 6390 SMALL lot of household goods. 2182 Washington Avc. 6391 HOT blast heater, good condition, $15 In quire 2C31 Hudson Avc. 6392 JONATHAN apples and pears. Wo ile liver 553 Twelfth St. Phono 329 1-R. G35 DROP head rotarj Singer sewing machine. Phono 2915 M. 6J79 WINTER apples free from worms nnd bruises. 600 Twelfth St Wlncsapa nnd Pcarmaln, good apples, $1 00 and SI 2?; choice. $150 and $1 75; culls 75c. 0361 APPLES. $1 60 bushel Mrs. Iverson's place at Ninth St nnd Lincoln Ave, 634J A 5 ROOM house, large lot; a good buv. Phono 2467-M. 6341 2 WORK horses, weigh about 1500. Rcplv Box 16, care Standard Examiner. G33S FIRST class winter apples for sale, 50c i bushel and up 2741-J, P. Jeni.cn, 223 Ninth St. G347 GANO apples, S5c per bushel, Wlncsaps, 50c and 75c bushel; all free from worms. Come and get what ou want. George Steed, Clinton. Utah. 6359 NO icasonible offer will be refused for anj artlclo at Ivcrson'b Secondhand Slore, 1G40 Washington Ave. Closing out Build Ing for rent. 6345 APPLES. H B. Child, RIvcrdilc Phone SRI. 6305 GOOD work team. 2400 pounds; hcavj harness and wldo tiro wagon and box Inqulro 4S8 Thirtieth 3trect. Ull rORD truck for sale at S10 Perry avenu Phono 2263 W. 6307 WINTER apples for sale, 75 cents and up per bushel Thone 17S7. 62GS GOOD Jonathans and Roman Beauties, second grade apples, 76c bushel. Chas Taylor. Rlverdalo. Phono 44 R-2. G280 YOUNG pigs Call S J 4. 6269 TWO bicycles. A 1 condition 3341 Chllds avcnuo 6271 AMERICAN adding machine In first class shape $50 Ogden Motor Car Co , 2347 Hudson avenue. C272 Ft RNITURE 1640 Washington Ave 5810 NEW extracted honey or sale at 20c per pound or $11 60 In 60 pound cans, while it lasts Address Geo. T Plerco. B F D. 5 Box 222, Marriott, also Geo. O. Batchelor. 2940 Stephens avenue 570S LARGE well colored Jonathans $3 high grado Wlncsaps $2 50, big red and striped Ganos $J 35 Phono 22 22W. 56S0 WE havo 6000 nstcra at 2 cents each Finest on tho market. 674 Twelefth street. 5264 PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Buy our paint at Stowe's and save, monej. 1S00 Washington avenue. Phone G86 J 131S GOOD family auto Phone 1427 5073 UNCALLED for suits tailor mado; big reduction Gordon's, 211-25 Twonty-ftfm B: Phono 419. 8157 LEGAL NOTICES Notice M A. No. Or'TUT APPLICATION FOR PATENT Unitod States lnnd Office, flalt Lnko City. Utah. Sept 10, 1920 Notice is herebj given, that Southern Pacific Gold & Copper Mining ,5L Milling Companv. a corporation, through Its nu thorlzed agent, Cora M Holderman, whoso postofflco address is Salt Lake Cltj, Utah has mado application for a United States patent for the Dlorlto, Cuprlto No 2, Cup lite No 3 Wizard Last Chance, Last Chance Extension No 2 Last Chanco Ex tension No 3, Pea Cockand Top Notch lode mining claims eonsolldated. situated in tho Sierra Madro mining district, Coun tj' of Weber, State of Utah, being Sur voy No. 6671, nnd described In tho field notes and plat file In this offico, with magnetic variation at IS deg. East, us follows. Commencing at corner No l or Dlorlte lodo claim, whence tho S. W. corner Sec 8, T 7 N R. 1 W. S ,L B 5L M. bears S 14 deg 12 inln W. 1226.6 feet; Thcnco N. C deg. 23 mln. W. 600 feet to corner No 2 of said claim; Thence S 8S deg. 53 mill. E. 3000 feot to cornei No 3 of Wizard claim. Thence N 5 dcr 23 mm. W. 9G6 6 foot to corner No 2 of Top Notch claim; Thoncc S. S3 deg 63 mln E 566 4 feet to corner No 1 ot Last Chance Extension No 2 claim; Thonco N. 5 deg. 4S mln. W. 1459 4 feet to comer No. 2 of Last Chanco Extension No 2 claim; Thcnceo S SS deg 53 mln, E. GOO feet to corner No 3 of said claim; Thenco S 6 deg. 43 mln E. 1153.4 feot to corner No 4 of said claim. Identical with corner No. 3 of Last Chance claim, Thenco S 5 deg. 23 mln E 1336.3 feet to corner No 4 of List Chanco claim, Identical with corner No. 3 of laBt Chanco Extonslon No. 3 claim; Thence S 6 dog. 54 mln E. 1435.1 feet to corner No. 4 of Last Chance Extension No. 3 claim, Thenco N SS deg. 53 mln. W. 2704.5 feet to corner No, 1 or Cuprite No. 2 claim; Thence N 5 deg 23 mln. W. 1200 feot to corner Not 2 of Cuprite No. 3 clulm. Identical with corners 1 and 4 of Wizard ond Diorlto clilms, rcspcctlvelj. Thenco N. S8 deg, 63 mln. W. 1500 foot to corner No. 1 of Dlorlto claim, tho placo of beginning and located In SW. &. SE U and NE. K. Section 8 and NW. U and NE. i of Section 17, Township 7 North, Range 1 West, S. L. B. & M containing an area, of 169 006 acres exclusive of con flicts, as shown bv tho dulj' certified field notes of said Survoj' No. G571, to bo In conflict with SW. K of SW. M of Sec tion S and with Section 17. T. 7 N., R, 1 W., S L B. & M. I direct that this notlco bo published in Tho Standaid Examiner, published at Ogden, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELEY", Register, EDWIN W. SENIOR. Salt Lnkn City. Utah. Clahinnt'i Attoinoy 5422 Date of first publication Septcmbci 15, 1920. NOTICE. United States Land Office. Salt Like City, Utah. Septembei 25. 1920 To whom moy concern: Notlco Is hereby given that the State of Utah hat. filed In this office lists' of lands, selected by tho s ild .slate, under section G ol the act of con gress,, appiovod July 1G. ISO t. as Indem nity 6Chool lnnds. viz Scilal 027151. NE SE. K. Section 2S. T. 7 N R. 2 E . Jbalt Lako Meiidlan Copies of said lists. .o fai as they lelato to said tracts bv Information Bureau C2 00 PER t-FMr. per MONTH ANYTHING New o- Old ANVTHLNO A to Z new or old boucht, sold or tndd. Phono 333. BOOKS AND STATIONERY Bramwcll Bool' and Stationery. M6J Washington Ave Phono .360. 2058 EJANKJNQ Utnh Nat Hon? Bank, southeast corner Twenty-fourth and Washington. Phono 61. CHIMNEY SWEEP Ogden chlmnej sweep. Phono 351. 6141 CARPET CLEANING Ogden Carpet Cleaning Co. Have us clean jour rugs the best way. Phones 416 and 1829-W 5050 ,F.??rt carpet cleaning, upholstering, mattresses mid e ever, feathers renovated. Lall E. J. Hampton & Co.. 2586-W. 423 CA.RPET CLEANING nf: Ji Knmpcn fr upholstering, car pets cleaned, altered nnd laid. Remakln or nrnttrosse3 Phono 27E2-J. CITY JUNK HOUSE Phono 133. 225S-CU Washington Ava. 79? DENTISTS th?iV ?rctbod Dcntlstn nro spodnl isis in nl. branches of Dentistry. 246i Washington Av 220s ELECTRIC MAS5A3E ?i-0rr-a P,co c,e'ric manage, call it Hi Orant avenue 434.. ENGRAVINu nfen E.ncnvlnB Service -. . maners or .lne cuts In one or mo.-j olors. 418 r-vcnty-rourri Mreet Poor.., ej. LIFE INSURANCE J P Coirj'. 129 Eccles Building. Geo. D. Bennett, corporation nnd group Insurance a spccinltj'. Phono 121-"V. 1614 JUNK AND HIDES Weotorn Hide & Junk Co. 2323 Wash Ington Av. Phono 8G1. Ogden 7 unk House. 20S9 Waohlnpton Ao. Phono 210 PAINT ' For best fresh mido paints, buy from Pioneer Paint Mfg. Co , 115 Twenty third. $2.00 to $4 50. 6164 PAINTING C. H, Zerbe. Phone 945-J. 6263 PLUMBING Gas and coil ipnges connected. All kinds of plumbing v ork. Our prlees nro right. Orvil WnUbam. 531 Seventeenth street. Phono 2C.'.'-H. 4330 ROOFS REPAIRED All kinds. C. H. Zerbe. Phone 915 J 6269 REAL ESTATE .wjyi!lftrd. ,Kay rcal estate nnd loon 474 vVaahlnrton Ave. Phone 109. Ib74 STOVE REPAIRING OP,ll,es st up and rcpaiicd. Phom 35olW (jQU) -e.WENGER- Garbago and ruhbl8h hau'ed. rsypnola and toilets cleaned. lohn Chlpp & Co. PI ono i2S, 234S Hiidoi. Avcnuo. i733 TAILORING Bloom, the Tailor, is an cxpci t on re lining and repairing Suits mado to ordei 224 Twenty fifth street. 3E32 iHUNKb AND BAGS Trunk and bug repe.lrlng. round ear ner from Standard. Gcllacher's. '373 Hud eon. 115 WINDOWS CLEANED EXPERT window nno wnll paoer e'ean Ing. Amorlcan Window Clcan' Ph. 561 LEGAL NOTICES dcscriptlvo subdivisions have been con spicuouslv posted In this office for in spectlon. bv any pcison Intel cstcd and bj tho public grerally Duilng 1 tho period of .uiblicatlon of this notlco, or anj tlmo thereafter, and before final approvul rnd certification, under do paitmental regulations of Apiil 25, 190" protests or contests against the claim of tho 'utate to ony of the tracts or suhdl visions hereinbefore, described on the ground that the sumo Is moie valuable foi mlnei.il than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for leport lo the general offico at Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest err contest, within tho time specified, will be considered suf ficicnt ov Idence of non-mineral chnractei of the tracts and tho selections thereof, being otherwise frco from objection will be approved to the state. Gould B Blake lej. Register 5952 ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Second Judl clil District State of Utah Within and lor the Countv of Weber Archibald Stewart. Plaintiff, vs Belle Lannlng, Delia C. Miller. Win. T Rick ards, sometimes known as Wm T Rich ards and if deceasi d, his unknown heirs, devisees leg 1 toes and creditors John Doe and Jane Roe, whose other and true names arc to plaintiff im .known, and anj and all persons who li.ive or claim to havo anv right, title or Interest In and to all 01 anj pait of tho real propertj' herein described De fendants The State of Utah lo the S ild Defendants You are herebj summoned to appear within twcntj dnvs after seivlce of Mis summons upon jou, if served within tho county in which this action is hi ought otheM-wlsc within thlitv dojs aftci serv ice, and defend the above entitled acMon; rnd In cast of vour failure so to -Jo Judg m.nt wlh be rendered against ou accord ing to the complaii't which has been filed wllh U.e clerk of said court This action Is brought to obtain a Ju lc. mont and decree adjudging tho plaintiff lo be the owner and quieting his title aKainst anj and all el-iinis or tno defend ants In and to till or Lot Seventeen (17), Block Fourteen (14), Nob Hill Addition to Ogden Citj, V- situate in Weber Countj Utah That the defendants vvnoso names to plaintiff arc unknown, claim nn Interest in said piemlsco ns tho owreis thereof, and that the samo was derived bv convey anee 01 succession fiom the tald dufend onts Belle Lannlng. DeJIa C Miller and Win. T Rickarda, sometimes known as Wm T Richards T J. MAOINNIS. Plaintiff's Attorncj P O. Addross 428 EccIca Building Og den Utah NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is horobj given that Weber countj, LU0J1. proposes to niako the foi lowing public Impiovcments to wit Con struct pavemont on that certain strip of roadwaj eighteen (IS) feet wldo In the center of that street running from tho south cltj limits of Ogilcn Cltj', Utah, at the south end of "F" avenue. West Ogden. Utah, to tho proportj' line of tho Globe Milling Companj a distance of 12S7 feet, toguthor with work Incidental there to, according to plans, specifications and profilo on fllo In tho offico of tho county clorlc And sealed bids aro invited for fald work and will bo received at tho offico of tho countj' clerk. In tho county court house. Weber county, Utah, until ten o'clock a. m. on tho 25th day of Octobor, 1920. Instructions to blddcra, plans and speci fications for said improvements can be seen at the offico of the county clerk. The right Is lescrvcd to reject anj' or all bids and to waive any dufects, Bj older of tho Board of County Com missioners of Weber county, Utah, this, the 27th day of September, 1920 (Signed) WALTER N. FARR, 5950 County Clerk. NOTICE OF HEARING. Case No. 325 -A. Before the li.un. e milieu Commission of Utah. In tho Matter of the Application for In creases In Revenues of Railroads In Utah. Notlco Is heiobj' given that the applll cation of tho Utah Idaho Central Railroad Companj, for tho permission of tho Pub lic Utilities Commission of Utah to pub llsh a minimum passenger fare of 10c one wav, and 20c round trip, will bo heard lcfore the Commission at the Countj' Court Houso, at Ogden, Utah, on Thurs da tho 21st day of October, 1920. at ten o'clock a. m. Bj' order of the Commission, Dated at Salt Lako Cltj', Utah, this 8th day of October, 1920. T. E. BANNING, Secretory (Seal) G442 COLLEGE GROW XDW YORK, Oct. 12, American The Ogden Auto Directory U WHERE THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY Dofi HH Briscoe Touring Cars, Gramm-Berastein Trucks. WWte-Robinstm ' H11H 2300 Washington. Phono 340. 3739 H Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue " 3740 ' H All makes of batteries repaired and recharged. Exide Battery Sta- H tion, 2359 Hudson Avenuo 3741 flffflffJ Webei Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue. Chalmers and Max- H well sales and service. Phone 143 3742 Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3772 IbbI Willard Battery Station, 2454 Grant avenue 3733 t H Northeast Service Station. Cheesman Auto Co. 3786 H LEGAL NOTICES H Proposed Constitutional Amend ment No. 1. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 6. A Joint resolution proposing an amend ment to Section 5 of Artlclo 11 of the Constitution of tho State of Utah, re I Intlng to municipal corporations. Bo It enacted by tho Legislature of the Stato of Utah, two thirds vot of all tho membors elected in tho two Houses con. curring therein: Section 1, That it Is proposed to amend Section 6 or Article XI. or the Constitu tion or tho Stato or Utah, so that tht aamo will read as follow o: Sec. B Corporations for municipal pur roses shall not be created by special laws. Tho Legislature by general laws sholl pro vide ror the Incorporation, organisation and classiricatlon or cities and towno in proportion to population, which laws maj bo altorcd, amcndtxl or repealed Anj cltj may framo and adopt a char ter ror Its own government In tho rol lowing manner: Tho legislative authority or tho city may, by two-thirds vote or Its mombora, and upon petition or qualified electors to tho numbor of 10 per cent of all votes castl at the next preceding election for the of rlco or tho major, shall rorthwlth provldol bj- ordinance ror tho submission to thei olectoru or tho question. "Shall a Com I mission ho chosen to rramo a charter?" The ordinance shall require that the ques ' tion bo submitted to the oltctors at tho1 next i-agular municipal election The bal-' lot containing such'questlon 6hall also contain tho names or candidates for mem bers of tho proposed Commission, but without party designation Such candi dates shall be nominated in the samo manner as required by law for nomination of city officers. If a majority of the elec tors voting on the question of choosing a Commission shall vote In the afrinnative then the riftcen candidates receiving a majority of the votes cast at auch elec UonP shall constitute tho charter Commis sion, and shall proceed to frame a char ter. Any charter eo' framed shall be sub mltted to the qualified electors of tho citv at an election to be hold at a time to be determined bv tho charter Commission, I which shall be not less than thirty days I subsequent to Its completion and dlstrl-' butlon among the electors ard not more j than one jcar rrom such date Alterna tive provisions may also bo submitted to I be voted upon Geparatolj. Tho Commis sion shall mako provisions ror tho dlstrl-' butlon or copleo of the proposed charter and or ny AltornatlYO provls'ona to the qualiried electors or the citv, not less than slxtj' daj'3 bcrore the .election at which It 1b voted upon Such prorosed chaiter ai'd such alternative pioislom as aro ap proved by n majority of tho elector vot ing thereon, shall become an organic law of such cltj' av such time is maj be flcd , therein, and shall supesedo any existing . chartoi and nil laws affecting the organ;! izatlon and government of such cltj whlcrll arc now in conflict therewith. Within thirtj dav.s after ILj appiovil a copj of such charter as adopted, certified by tho j mavoi and cltj recorder and authentlcat ed bj the Eeal of such citv, shall be made , In duplicate and deposited, ono in tho of fice of the Secretary of State and the othor In tho orrico of the Cltj Recorder, and thereafter a'l courts shall take Judl clal notlco of such charter Amendments to anj' such charter maj . bo framed and submitted bv the chaiter Commission In the same manner as pro vlded foi making of charters, or mav be proposed bj tho lcglslatlvo authorltj of the cltj upon a two thirds voto thereof, or bj petition of qualified electors to a number equal to one tenth of the total vote cast for may or on the next preceding; election, and anj' such amendment mav bo submitted at tho next regular election, , and having been appiovod by the majorltj or tho electors voting thcieon. shall be come a part or tho chartnr at tho time rixcd In such amendment and sholl be cer tified and filed as provided in case of I charters. I Hach cltj forming Its charter under thiol Section shall have and Is herebj granted, i tho authority to exerrlso all powers rclat Ing to municipal affairs, and to adopt and enforco within its limits, local pollco ' sanltarj and similar regulation not to con flict with the general law and no enumr atlon of powers In this constitution or any law shall be deemed to limit oi revstilct the gcneial giant of authorltj hereby con j fcrred, but this grant of authoillj' shall' not Include the pov cr to rogulato the serv- Ice or charges of public utilities so long as such regulation Is provided for bv gen I eral law, nor be deemed to limit or re strict the po'-ver of tho Legislature In mat tors of public or general interest, nor those relating to Stato afralrs Tho power to bo confeirtd upon tho cit ies by this Section shall include the fol lowing (a) To levy, assess and collect taxes and borrow monej. within the limits pre set lbcd bj general law. and to levy and collect special assessments for br ncflts conferred. (b) To furnish all locil public services, to purchase hire, construct, own, main tain and operate, or lease, public utilities, local In extent and use; to acquire bj' condemnation, or otherwise, within or without tho corporate limits, piopcrlj necessary for anj' such purposes, subject to lestrlctiono imposed by general law for tho protection of other communities, and to grant local public utility franchises and rogulato the exercise thereof subject to tho continuing power of regulation of pub He utilities, their latca and service. b tho State, as Is npw or may hereaftqr be, pro vlded by general law I (c) To mako local public Improvements and to acquire bj condemnation, or other wise propertj within Its corporate Urn Its necessary for such Improvements; and also to acquire an excess over that needed for anj such Improvement and to sell or leaso such excess property with rcstrlc tlons. in order to'protect and preserve the improvement. (d) To issuo and sell bonds on the so curltj of any such excess propertj, or or anj' public utility owned by tho cltj. or or the revenues thcrcor, or both, Includ ing, In the caso of a public utllltj. a fran chise aLUlng tho terms upon which, in coso of roreclosure, tho purchasor maj' oporato such utility. Sec. 2. Tho Secretaiy of Stato la here by directed to submit tho proposed amend ment to tho electors of tho Stato at tho next general election In tho mannor pro vided by law Sco. 3. If adopted by tho electors of this State, this amendment shall tokc ef fect on .January 1st. 1921. Approved March IS, 1919. jouths ontcrlng college have increased in numbers at a record iato tluriny tho past six years and if the propor tionate growth Is continuetl to 1950 there will bo 1,138,000 Uudontt, in 210 Institutions vvhoro 29 1,000 were (-nroll-ed hist year These figures complle-d by tho Institute for Publio Service, have raihctl the question of where tho monej needed to educate these laigor groups will come from. Julius II Barnes, chairman of the institute found in a study of tho figures compiled that this year's Increase in tho number of students enrolled in the colleges has set a new record. Colleges which in 1914 had J87.000 students and last year 291,000 will en roll -J71.000 In 1930 and 831,000 in 1950. If they continue the samo num ber increase each year, v. report of tho Institute states. But, If they crow at the average percentage rato of the labt six: years, they will havo 059,000 stud ents" in 1930 and 1,138,000 twenty years later. Taking' Iho lower estimate for 1950 Proposed Constitutional Amend- ; &f-H ment No. 2. "H SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 3. &VV A resolution proposing an amendmont to JhbAbJ Section 7, Artlclo 13, ot the Constitution BBBBBj or the Stnto or Utah, relating to tax BBBB1 rates ror Slate purposes BBBB Be it resolved bj tho legislature ot tho IBBBBj State or Utah, two-thirds or all tho . BBBBJ members elected to each Houso concur BBBBJ ring therein BBBBJ Section 1. That it is proposed to amend I BpBBJ Section 7. or Article Kill, or the Connti BBBBJ tutlon of the Stato or Utah so that the BBBBJ name will read as follows: BBBBJ Sec. 7. The rato of taxation on proper IBBBBJ ty for State purposes shall never exceed BBJ 8 mills on each dollar of valuation to b BBBBJ apportioned ou follows- Not to exceed BBBBJ 4Vi mills on each dollar of valuation ror BBBBJ general State purpose;! not to exceed 3 . BBBB mills on each dollar or valuation ror dls 1 JBBB trlct school purposes: not to exceed V- r BBBB mill on each dollar or valuation for hlgn JBBB school purposes; that part of tho State BBBB tax apportioned to high school purposes BBBB shall constitute z. fund to bo called the BBBB High School Fund and shall bo appor- BBBJ tloncd to tho cities and school districts IBBBB maintaining high schools in the manner BBBB the Legislature maj' provide And when- IBBBB ever the taxable property within tho State BBBj shall amount to $100,000,000 00, tho ratca BBBB ohall not exceed on each dollar of valua BBBB I tion two and four-tenthp mills for general BBBB State purposes, two-tenths or ono mill for BBBB i high school purposes, and such lev for BBBB district school purposes as will ralso an- ! BBB1 nualljan amount which, added to any BBB1 other Stato funds available for district BBBI school purposes, equals $25.00 for each BBBJ person of 3chool ago In tho Ste.te. shown BBBI by the last preceding school census, un BBBJ less a proposition to Increase cuch rat" BBB or rates, specif j Ing the rato or ro.tC3 pro BpBfl posed and the time during which the same BBBJ shall be levied, bo first submitted to a BBBB voto of such of the qualified electors of ' BBBB the State, as. In the year next preccd BBBB Ing such election, shall have paid a prop BBBJ crty tax assossed to them within tho State, BBBJ and the majorltj' of thoso voting thereon I BBBJ shall vote in favor thereof . In such man , BBBJ 'tier as maj' bo provided by law" j BBBJ Sec. 2. Tho Secretary ot Stato Is dl- H j reeled to cause this proposed amendment H I to be published as required bj the Con JBBJ ,8tltutlon and lo be submitted to tho elec H I tors of the Stato at tho next general elec tion in tho manner provided by law. BBBB State, this proposed amendment shall BBB tcke effect on tho 1st day or Januarj BB Approved March IS, 1'JlJ. JBBJ Proposed Constitutional Amend- H ment No. 3. H SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION jH BBB A concurrent resolution providing an H amendment to Section 1, Article XIV BBB or the Constitution or tho Stato of BBBB Ltah, relating to Stato debt limitation BBI Be It enacted bv the Legislature ot tho BBBB Stato or Utah, two thirds or all tho mem BBBB bcra olected to each of tho two -House) BBBB concurring therein BBBB Section 1. That It is proposed to amend BBBB Section 1. Article 14. of tho constitution BBBB of the Stato 'of Utah, so that the same BBBB 'will read as follows BBfl Section 1 To moot casual deficits or H faJ'uros In revenue and for ncccssruy ex HBpJ pcndltures for public purposes, Including the erection of public buildings, and for BBBB the payment of all territorial Indebtedness assumed bj the State, the State maj con BBBB tract debts, not exceeding In the aggre H gate at anv one time, an amount equal to IBpH 2 perccntum of tho value of the taxable BBBJ property of tho State, as shown bj BBBI the last assessment ror State purpose-, H previous to the incurring or such indcbl ' JBl cdness. But tho State shall never cor- BBBI tract any Indebtedness except as lu th" HBB1 next section provided. in J excess o' BBBI such amount, and all moneys arising JBBJ fr?m loans heroin authorized, shall be ap JBBJ piled solelj to the purposes for which thej H were obtained BBBJ Sec 2 The Secretary of State is hereby BBBJ dliectcd to submit this proposed amend BBBJ ment to the electors of the Stato at the JBBJ next general election In the manner pro- JBBJ v Idcd by law. BBBJ .Sec 3 Ii adopted bj tho electors o( BBBJ the State, this amendment shall take ef BBBJ feet Jnnuaiy 1. 1921. BBBJ Approved March IS. 1919. BBBJ Proposed Constitutional Amend- H ment No. 4. H SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION IffflB H A concurrent resolution proposing an H amendment to the Constitution or thi BBJ State or Utah bj amending Section 5, BBJ Article XVI, 1 elating lo rights of ae BBBJ tion to recover damages for injuries re BBBJ suiting In death IBBBJ Be it resolved and enacted bj the Log!?- IH laturc of the State of Utah, two third: ) of all tho members elected to each ol BBBJ the two Houses concurring therein JBJ Section 1. That It Is proposed to amend BBBJ Section 5, Article 1G, of the Constitution BBBJ of the Stato of Utah so that said section BBBJ shall read as follows: BBJ "The right of potion to recover damagei BBbJ for Injuries resulting In death, shall never BBBJ be abrogated, and the amount recoverable BBBJ shall not be subject to anj statutory 11ml BBBJ t ellun, except In cases where compensa BpBJ tion for Injuries resulting In death Is pro BBBJ vlded for by law " BBBJ Section 2. Tho Secretary of State h hcicbj directed to submit this pioposerl JBJ amendment to the electors of the stati H at tho next general, election In the man- BBBJ nor provided bv law BBBJ Sec, 3 If adopted by the electors ol BBBJ the stato the amendment shall take effect (BBJ January 1st, 1921. BBBJ Appiovod October 9, 1919. BBJ I, Harden Bcnnlon, Secretary of State, of the State of Utah, do hereby certify BBBJ that the foicgolng is a full, truo and cor BBBJ rcct copy of all Constitutional Amend BBBJ monts proposed bv tho regular and spe- BBBJ clal sessions of tho Legislature of 1919 BpH as tho samo appear of record in my of BBflJ H In witness whereof, f have hereunto sol BBBJ my hand and affixed the Great Seal of tht HBpJ State of Utah, this 1st daj of September, BBBJ (Seal) HARDEN BBNNION, BBBJ Secretary' of State. BBBJ it "means finding facilities foi meie j&V&VJ than thieo times the total tor 1920 at BBBJ six or seven times the salary cost," said BBBJ the report. "Jt means adding 041,000 BBJ students, or 200 colleges the size of Yale last year. H The institute asks. "Will the monev BBBJ to provide education for the lnci eased number of students come fiom tan- BBBJ Uon, endowment, private sifts and BBBJ larger fees? Must present unlveisitles grow or more unhoraltles be built? - BBBI In numbers, the largest Increase In 'J BBBJ six years is credited to the collese of the city of Now York with a growth of BBBJ G.S00 follow id bv the University of HJBJ California with C.200 Increase and Bos- ; HJBJ ton University with 4,700 Yale with BBBJ ono of four Institutions which had levr- BBBJ er btudonts than six years ago, Its dc- BBBJ crease being SI. the Institute reported. v BBB Concluding his observations, Mr BBBJ Barnes said thero is 'reason to oeliove jJJJJ that In anv future democratizing ot -JJfl opportunities for higher. education, af - BBBI toinoon and night classes -at colleg BBBJ and extension classes uwayvfrom col- BBBJ lego will bo needed to glvo the e labti- ; BBBJ city which the domand icqulres. BBJ