Operations of Waterworks
Explained to Members of
Municipal League
Mayor Frank Francis. In an Interest-.
Ing talk before the convention ot the
I'tah Municipal league yesterday In
Salt I.ake, advocated municipal owner
ship of public utilities peculiar to the
municipal need" and the collection Ol
BCJM. taxes upon encroachments by
private Interest upon public jrround.
uch as the epafo underneath eide
tvalks, as a means of obtaining reve
nue for the city other than those Ruin
ed bv gf-n-TA 1 i a ices.
Mayor Francis explained that wince
"'gden took over it waterworks sys
tem In 190ft. up to which time it was
privately owned, this city has realized
$ 14.000 In revenues. fie outlined the
plans of ogdr-n to take over the light
ing system, either by purchase of the
present distributing; system or the
bulldln" of one of Its own. and either
bj the purchase wholesale of sufficient
power to serve it or by the building of
a plant to furnish the power.
The two-day convention closed last
night with a .ih'iij.-t :it the Hotel t'tah '
.Mayor William M Howell of'
,wa chosen president of the league. I
following the banquet Th- mem ben
'.voted to hold the 1921 convention at
wdar Cltv.
T. J. Jones Of I'flar I"- as r iecteil
first Ice president and N. C- Ponlson
,j of nichfiei'l second rtc president.
The followlns wen- chosen members of
BBs the legislative committee u K Fal-
len. Salt Iake, Jacob Coleman. Provo;
BBg William Howell. 1-ogun. Joseph M i
Tracy. Ogdcn; I-ro luvon. Provo, A.
A Law, Logan, and llobert X. Young.
BBU Lake.
BBVJ Mayor Howell the newlv elected
BftW piesldent In a brief talk stated that ho
BBY was new in the municipal affairs at
BBY Logan, but thai he was glad to have
had the pleasure of attending the con
BBBJ etition. He said that the problem!
BBVJ discussed were int resting and tnat ho
BBVJ .pioflted much bv bearing them
I C U Haw le. president of the Salt
I jkn Commercial club who was a
BBW guest at the banquet, requested that
BBY the muors Join hands In pulling for
BBm 1'tnh as well as the various cltle In
BftV Avhlch they live. Other short talks made hy Mayor Kllsworth of
BBY .Payson, Mayor Allen of SprlngvtllS
BBY Mid Mayor Cameron of Pangultch,
BBV Mayor C. Clarence N'eslen of Salt Lake
BBW: presided.
Hj The members and their wives were
E "entertained at a theatre party at the
Hj Orpheum last night hy the officers and
. personnel of the organization.
The four proposed amendments to
BBVJ the state constitution were Indorsed
Vj ""Mi da resolution denouncing (he punch
BftVJ ourd and kindred devices which cn-
BBVJ Isoursga gambling, was adopted, mat-
BBVJ 's of taxation and revenue were con-
BBVJ '"ldcred and nerds of correction In v-
BBW IMing lawn were dls. listed ;it yi-ster-
BBV session of )" State Municipal
BBVJ legue nd convention The Ite afternoon
BftV tvenlng were give over to enter-
BftW Following the adjournment of the af-
BBBJ Kernoon meeting, those attending the
BBV Convention took uu automobile ride
BBV about the city, returning to the Hotel
Hl Vtah for a banquet at C o'clock.
BL ictlon taken bj tin 'league on the
BAVJ imposed amendment i-gat with
BBVJ '.proposal to indorse the first amend-
BP ment providing home rule under a
BBB charter for every cltj In the atate elect-
BBY, lug to avail itself of the privilege, but
.Jater a proposition to make the in-
BBBI Ilorsement comprehensive a"hd to in-
Hj -elude all the amendment wus ap-
j proved.
Iwis "Huekleberrv " Sergeant, so
BBg dubbed because of hi- splendid pur-1
V tiayal of Mark Twain's Immortal bov
BAT ireatton In "Huckleberry Finn," Is'
Bftw otice more the hero in a new screen
Bs " omedy-drama, "The Soul of Youth,
BBn which promises to keep the house
BBs packed all the rest of the week at the'
BBj Alhambra theatre
HE iiiin(f Sargent ni this pit lure, has a
BBs role altogether different In tvpe ft Kin
J Ihat of his Initial screen appearance
In tin-. Ik is the modern hoy of th
B i' Mreets, reared in a dreary found-'
Ti ling home, without father oi mother.
Jl but vv lio. when the opportunlt arises,
BH j and he is given a real chance in life.
J J how-. Merllng utilities of haractei
J tid with the addition of a gooi!
Jf 'Share of pluck ond mettle, becomes
real hero anil an important figure In
jll the affairs of grown up men ami "
g ' men
-j Sargent is surrounded by a cast of I
vj nnusual merit. many
BV ehlrh are famous not unl i',,i 51 r
BJ Sork but fur their achievements in
BBJ ether field- Finest I tut t -t vv or! h.
!Clydo Fillmore. Llla Lee. William Col- '
tier. Jr . Horace AtkleSbn Waile.
Claude Peyton. Betty Schade. Fred
BBJ Huntley. Sylvia Athtou and others !
Offer. Particular interest attaches to
BVf the fact that Judge Ben Llndsey, the
HH well note.l Juvenile j irlxt and hl ;
BSi (.harming wife, Mrs. Ben Llni
BB participate In several scenes in the pic
BV 3 William D Taylor directed and Julia I
BjJ Crawford Ivers wrote both the orljt- !
BjV Dial nton ami the scenario Both this j
BV director and scenarist. It will t. re
BJ called, performed like offices m the!
BJ production of "Huklet.err Finn."
(By International News Service)
Lili.VTER. St. Patrick II is a( w ,,
I It Colorado Wlien a plea reach--I
Slate Labor Commissioner W I. Moi
(ri5.e from residents of Yuma couotj
begging for aid in ridding the school
bouse in that district of snakes, he
! turned the task ovi to J 11 Mitchell,
State factory inspector. Incidentally.
Mitchell will attempt to eject a flock
of skunks (torn the scboolhoue -,,
make room for the jtupils. This is th -urgent
appeal tbat came to Conimls
sloner Morri?e Help' The school
house ten miles southwest of Yuma Is
full of skunks and snakes. The school
curriculum is trranged only for boy
and girls not for M.n.e and rcptile
lmpoeslble to open school until pr.
eat tennsnts are evicted." "St Pat 1
I rick has uotbing on me." Mitchell re
marked as he accepted the asetgnmen
1 to drive out the snakes and skunks.
I Weber Lodge No. 6,
I Free & Accepted Masons
I Special meeting Thursday. Oct. 14th
H for work in F C l"eTee.
-By order the W U.
1440 F F. XICHOL. Secy.
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