jjtv iMpB "eB
111 i FOR SALE i
5 Real Estate
Jbyd FIVE room brick on North Washington.
P Price $2Sun and assume, paving; enn be
H handled for $200 cash pnyment. O. A.
H Kcnncdv. l.'lah National hutldlnK. Ogden
PI - VtHli 6-193
jjgV IK ViL want to Bell or trade your prop
l rtv list It with Roy Griffin 2375 Hudson
H avenue Phon- 86f, 64fi!
IEr3K 20 ACRE rarm well Improved: pood home.
V 20 acres Improved cood beel and tomato
QPB land. $7700.
JJO 23 acres, high producer; will consider
fifcR some trudc. ,
H Six room hrlek house, modern except .
H heat: OQa were of land. 16500; lerms,
hfiH Four room brick house, one ncn chei i
cMr $3200. Terms
H Eight room frame house on the bench.
H modern except hent $6000; xlra Kood
EH terms.
H Six room frame house, modem except ,
,jtH heat, Chllde avenue. Snap; $3000
1 R 1 ORIl PIN
QrJ 237." Hud.-oti v. tin- Phone 359
ONE new four room frame. Just built
H Only $2100.
HH One three room frame unb sirum aoo
IclCB down, the balance without interest. See I
xijfl rne before you buy. I have anything you ,
. want from A to '.. Inquire MS Thirty
fifth street MM
STIVE room brick house large lot. rhr.ne
H 1 . 155 or fno.u!te 56." Scve.itcepth street.
. H
i:i;H'l' n-i,i i .hp h.I. lyi ib'l two,
HMH blocks from htislnt-s. center of town, j
$2250. easy terms
H Six room modern, close in on bench
H $300; terms.
H i Seven room modern, large lot. good par-
(m age. tc. jjouu.
r; a. i mucks
813 Bcclee Bldg Phone 80S
Five loom frame partly modern; barn,
etc. Good lot'. Immediate poaaeaslort. lo
caiori south pan of town. Price $225"
Good four room house. 1 acre Rood
land, close to sugar factory. A good buy
at J2700.
Five room modern, extra laifcv lot. all
planted ti frull On Washington ave
ntie beautiful location. Wu will like
I hi - place.
Sec us at once for good buys in cltvj
property. ,
smith flinders co.
Farms farms
acres ai Clearfield, One of the
l.est small farms In DiVfa county Jood
nw fou i room house and outbuildings.
Small tamllj orchard. real good small'
farm Price SSSOO
30 acres. 17 acics orclmid. all good ea-!
rlexl'ea tniit 10 acrros ' sands loam)
soil. 4 v shares water Davis and Wabei
company canal Good four room house,
bam. and other iniproi ei icnts, Some ma ,
-hinery and Implements. Pr'.cc $11,000!
W"e now lav. in excellent variety of
IW - -.- H - i i
I I'pstalrs Commercial National Builfc
- 22221
51 niOSE small tract you wi looking
I for are on ouj Data. 1 acre i acres. '1 1
I 0 acres. u. re.. . r.-.-. !! ir-nimvi d
I Price defending on location "nc! improve
I nenis s p. Hinckley 131 Twenty -I
fourth Phoni - ' ' ' ' 1 " " 1 ' u''
six room ii" i -I... w y ,
I rept heat, with furniture, Apply ii"
Tw ntj -lixth BtrceJ M60
tiO'a' buj I on. j 11
I trees, borriea, mur room cottagv, kitchen
I nnlknll.lliH'o I nil 1 1 . 1 1 1 L' I 1 Td 1 1 1 1 l' '
i c t- ' watei 570 Seventh i 642S
PQUp acrei land part fruil room
H house, modern except beat: hot house,
800x30 feel Phono 2882-J MSI
v i .i ; a im. ' a ii i i" ' 1 i
prn home at .".11 Van Burcn. 2 stories and
full basement. V fine home and a bar
gam Ti lejhoii I 6
I pomt: very desirable
Also some vacant lots,
t IN
PJV " Telephone 2:, ': I.. UUk.
E i I :R.T.
B Six room modern home, good sized lot,
1 close. ,j block from car lino and paved
street, all special tuxes paid; immediate
possefslon. $3000. Worth more money; I
Double house. 4 rooms each: larg. lot
B rloeo In on bench and paved streel ia'
in one, rent one. 13650.
" Eccles Duildlng
B ,
B Empt house, Immediate posses' on, A
pood seven rooni hous well located c!oe
in, large lot. fruit and uhade trees Only
B J2100; $400 down, balance same as pe. ing ',
real. A bargain.
A good inillin.-;-y stcre. one o' t'u-- liest '
In the city, doing rood business: well to i
cated a long Icisc at low rent The own
1 cr desires to leave city A good buy.
One of the best grocery stores ii (lie
H City, doing a good business. Pve year
leaae at low rent. Will sell vnry chcup. !
Dest Ol reasons for yelling.
I pay the highest, price f." J.llrity
;iB5 Bonds, with accrued interest.
A good modern three-room brick home,
. well located clo.e In on Twent:
I " - street. Onl (2200. Small puymenl down
KHR balanci- same aa paying rent
!'r?ii3i 2417 Hudson Ave. Phon S9
nnriMiMi lions. i I'm : . 2056 or
tit Tv. mi y in ii. Btrcel 8S8B
REAL eataK handled on shorl notlc
Prompt attention given to all hORM seek- 1
nw era. Call and see our list. J. H. Eppcr-
rj-airtrt in, 40! Twenty sixth street Phone 12I7. ;
WLI.I. buili i n. it ri "I. i TiT i.i 1 1
HBIS rooms, besides bath and closets, full base I
KigjK nent. good locality and eiose to buaineaa
nH renter, $COOo and worth It, Terms lf
HB 131 Twenty fcurih streel Phone 180J.J
HfeB SINK room strictly modern hlKh grade
HMH iomc on Adams avenue, near Twenty i
Rj5gIJ 'If th Street Terms $9000
Five ne'ini modern brick home. Terms. I
K bargain $G60i
IfJV OWNER Six rooms ptiictl) modern:
sew home: without doubt the beat buy In
town; muiit bo sold at once Phone 14 46
IV. l
tCIGHT room m-ailv moil, i n .iral n and
ne-hall acres fine land; iruii barm i" n
louse and tine Improvements; on Canyon
road near Washington avenue. A bur
tain. Good terms. Kelly Kerrlck,
tv OWNER Om t-roi n modern brick
louse in fit t class condition; extra large
ot. Reasonable for eu;-h. 307 Thlrt first
T K loom new modem bungalow Prlc
14600. $600 down: immediate poisession.
Two room frame cottage, large lot,
lose in. Price $950.
Fli' room frame house, modern, extra
Ot. best location In Ogden. $3250 Half
Phone- 2304 J 3860 Washington Ave.
'i.'K HALF a. t. v, 1 1 h o-M room house-,
'rult trees, grapes vines and currants
all 3 13 I
i room house at Thirt) bighth "rid
irani Will rent furnished or uniur
dshed Will sell fumltur.- Kimball
daytr piano. Mahogan' and Quarter
tawed oak furniture. The Walker Com
any. Phone 1 1 :n . -a-I
I'U'Ci home loi the re e- ol one. louble
rcssed brlclc cottage. modern except
teat. 2629 Monroe avenue. Phono 1204
iv l. PORTER, Real Estate and U:mi.
!37C Wachlnglon uvenuo Phono 187C.
-IX loom house, barn and garagy. Large
ol ini."i i.i-.ir.l 6273
IRS, S. J. BAKER, 2731 Madiaon Phone
02 4496
! Continued
! $2800 buys four rooms, $150 down.
$22.10 buys five rooms; $300 down.
,$4600 buys five room modem brick; $1600;
i term?.
CIS:' Washington Phone 1101
llrand new four roofr bungalow en
bench, modem except heat; move rlcht
in. SeOO cash will handle MUUree like
h'iv- room hi rallrnad district: vacant.
$200 cash, balance, easy. Price 12190,
Fi- rrKni brand new on bench; vucant
$$00 cash Balance easy.
Phone 913 225a W
Female Help j
WOMAN to help do general housework
through rl:. I 'hone 2114 W, 6 to 9 p. m.
64.S9 :
HOI 3EKEEPEB for man and two small
boys, liox 2, care Stnndnrd-Examlncr.
v; ,
rtTFNOGRAPHKR wanted Hoyle Furni I
tun Co ftus
SALES LA Dl A Mclntyre Drug Co i
SCHOOL girl who wishes home to assist I
villi housework Phone 2TS7-J 6486
QIRL for general housework. No washing j
Phone S440 6456
OrRLi for housework, Smuii family. No I
j wanniriK ivij iwniu iinn sireei i none
! t'52. 6474
GIRL lor general housework. Small fum
llyj no laundry work. Phone 2710. 6454
FIRST i I i i .. i u in . . stenographer.
( igden holcaali Drug 641 6
'M CmtTeRMAID 53 Hotel $578
GIRLS ovei 18 yean of agt foi work in
I cereal factory Apply at Albers Pros
Milling (.'o.. Twenty ninth and Pacific
t a enue C23i
COOIf. Apply person at SSartho Rur
aery. North Washington avenue, at citi
limits 628 I
GIRLS, ovi-i is, Ocden Steam Uundr
E l 1 E
EXPER1ENQED sewifig girla wante'd i
Galnu's Gown Shop: k'ood yagea, G3S5
EXPERIENCED i DOgrapher tiookkeeper
i". n, care this paper 4652
wanTed i
1 !!typ i
BOY or girl with horse for Standard Ex
liinlncr route on Herrisville road. See en i
ulatio.i manager. Stnndnid Fxaminr-r
6601 ,
ORDERLY want" i b( hospital Appl) -n
ol I lee i Ipspll I 6481
ii k K' n'lM I"". i )i:.n. . I" I. urn .-lee
trical trade. Tbe IJghtbOUSe, 2iS2 Wash j
ingtqn avenue. 6461
I a v with hoi s Foi Standard Ex imlnei
loute, in Taylor. S?e circulation mann '
l i. Standard P'XRmlner 646S
i LOI R packer iru.i ollei Steady work
Opportunity to learn trade. Bolls Mill
ing 1 v. 1480 Washington 119
AN exnerlene ! linker one who imrl. i
'.stands plain ooklni" S. Imol foi tin )..'
jand Blind . 6374
rANITQH wanted at Grant hotel fijvs
I MEN to unload coal: pood paV. Lion Coal
Co., rhlrtj flrsl and Washington 6236
BOYS ' Wi i in L'nlon I iood u agci
6 . 16
si : m; M' N' w nti--i
We have openings for a largi- number
'of experienced station men. Laborers also
! wanted. Phone to Interstate Sugar Co..
i 56 R 6, or meet our trucks in front of
I Bamberger flcpot at 730 a. m. each morn
ting Interstate Sugar Co. Hooper. I'tah.
BOY with bicycle for delivering tor day
worj i iullej : ugCo 6044
CEMENT flnlsheis want'd Call Super
intendi n t l one 523 6"22
i i.i .-ii ut autoi Ignition S M, C a.
Auto School, Los Angeles BM
I N; man to clork In newsstand. Gray
News Co.. l'nlon De-pot, 53S0
Male and frnale
AMBITIOUS men. women over 17 want
ed 1' s Kovernment positions. $135 to
$16 month List positions free Franklin
institute Dept. 493 H. Rochester, N V
I Furnished
nice furnished Bleeping room for gentle
man. 15s Twenty-fourth. 6498
SMALL modern apartment nlcelj fui
nlshed, 5'i Twenty-first. 6477
ONE nicely furnished room in private
fumlly. 224T' Kccles avenue. 6466
M IDFRN fur ni.di.-d ; 1. .-plni: m lor
one or lo gentlemen. 2560 Orchard
.' I '
BURNISH i:n room for rent. Model i !
venlences, 2620 Liberty. Phone 3351W
1. 1 1;
MODERN lleeplns rOOmi. Prlvtilc home
t'loise In. Phone 2913-J. 150 Twenty sec
ond street. Also gttrago, 64-lx
NEATLY furnished room for one cr two
gentlemen 2;er. Jefferson avenue. f.42"
P'URNISHED front room for gentleman
references required. 2736 rant Ave 6410
NICK room with sleeping porch 566
Tw ' nty tout th st 6887
SLEEPING room 536 rwonty-soventh
Mil, i Phoni 8171 M 5777
U if IMS ;.i t c Hot - ! .'Hf lir.'Ui' 4'J31
Tl I K I '. I " room unfunilfthcd boiuse, scr.i.-n 1
porch 233 West Twenty-first itrael
l Hon. i 230 w. 6446
7 LOM Mrletl- iiiodern lai.l; hoime. JijO
per mouth. Inquire Volker Lumber Co.
Mlscellaneou J
1 7 PASHF.NOKR cap lor rent without
I 1 di i n i bone 8284 u 637 1
'STORE and dwelling . ombined. Iaa.se
I 164a Washington avdnb r,isi
To Rent j
THREE rooni unfurnished boug or apatt
i Iment; no children. 2S5D Washington
FINISHED apartmem with two i
three rooms and bath couple, no children.
Bog L, ii w Standard Bxainli i 6500
" .".'1 I'l i in I. I; hi. Ii Will ,
alder any sort of good prop jsltlon. Box
146 Standa rd Fxamlnei 1471
SIX nr seven room modern hou-.i Phone
302V 6452 ,
iuoI hcl and daughti 1 two furni !hed 1
I"-' im I" pint: ilium: . ' 'boin L'l 1 ., i ,
i M'DKRN .r. to f room furnTshed house
I or apartment clone In. Will b-aae tor a
year. Box H 90, tare Standard Exuminer i
i !
4 OU 6 ROOM modern house or apart-1
ment. clofe In, no children, reference
I bore- 1 i , l I Q7u
1 ROOM houat fui nT hi d oi unfui nlshed .
I good neighborhood: Jn bonun on flrnt
i rnonth! renj i' Bos 1 13. Ogden. 6373
yOUN'; couple.- want luinhhed cottatr..
01 apartment; references, L w Ridges.
st rani Hotel. 6360
1 W NTED to adopt at o ,i.v DOl
lovci let dai' old J. W, WiL'On Ogd. ii
I tali General dchvety.
U21 model practically brand new. haw
l run lens then 00 milea. Can be had ot a
lyery attractive price, Will take mn car
as part pavment. Tenns. Call A Red
'all at I808-W or Wa. 1450. slt l.nke
j City. CSOS
19X1 model seven passenger car; has run
leas than 1000 miles, at a price that will
I appeal. Call A. FJurton at U08-W or W
I tr.ii. Salt Lahf- City. 6804
Franllin Agency and Service All
mnke.M repaired 2160 Grant avenue.
uncK Hu'bt nix five paasenger AO
shapi fl rl ilres $000. A bargain.
I J H:ili.-I.l, :".7'i '.rant avenue 6IS2
ITORD touring car for sale. T sed only
five month? Self Starter, demountable
rims extra new tire Runs better than
new' lnnulr. 189 TweUtj seventh street.
1020 ("handler ehummy roadftfr TJsed
Onl flvi montliM. llrt elass condition,
t'aiih or terms Parly leaving town. Box
B X Standard Examiner 63?:'.
nil yr ) ! Studeb-.kei. .--.-If slurd-r mi'
Chanicall good I new tires. S22D. Call
12:14 Purler Ave. fi3;;-
1 0 1 S Bulrk Roadster
1!M7 Btudebskor Touring
101 S Oakland Touring
' 1918 1-ton Nash Truck
1919 2-ton Nash Truck
1919 1 ton Chevrolet Truck
1920 ton OldsmohlU Truck
a 1 1 in first class mechanical ondition.
Term can he arranged
1800 Washington AVC. UK
I Bulck D-46 touring
Bliick 35 touring
Rulrk ori rondstt r
Bulck K 4B
Podge 191S touring car
'lodge 1917 touring car.
, Dodge 1918 roadster.
Oodce 1918 sedan.
Maxwell live passenger
I Ford sedan
I Ford touring ear
Ford roadster
I Ford coupe
' These cjirs have been repriced cheaper
'in ihe last ten days 1
! 256i. Washington Avenue Phone 32a!
61'J3 1
lil lPK rnadsi.-r. Pel..- In harmony with
present market ' Phone 2540 or 2757 J
1917 FORD. . bargain. 2325 Jefferson.
SEVEN passenger Cadillac Good new 1
! J iraiU4 in city Murphy Wholesale j
. ocei y 1 Twi nt) fourtj streel 52is j
j Situations
.ICR for myself where t cen use half ion
Ford truck Trurt in . ood condition. 1 3 1 I
Ven 1 nib Phoni 3 6470
JOB work and remodeling a Bpeclaltj
i hon SSOf.-u '" - '
' vi. il v..i lilnr ironing or ilmnlni:
2123 Wall '3291 i
CURTAINS doni ii"i woman will go out I
h th houi Phoni 3176 r'
NIGHT watchman or porter: good refer
ences ex-mcrcnant policeman, iox o
Sta ndord-Examlner. 5H4
SEWING unnl.it at 541 Voss.
I eP .In .m:o;.l.; I J .
Avon Apartments, f3)7
HEMSTIT IHINi i and pli ot edge, Prompt
(service. All work guaranteed 2338 Wash
I ington avenue. Singer Sewing Machine.
: f.936
DRESSMAKING beading and embroider
hit; remodeling. Work guarant ed
pffoni i i E898
HKMSTl'H IIINl. and pleot prompt : r
lee. 2277 Washington Ave. White Machine
i .. 6577
Heiiiatilehir.K. pleot i-iffe. tmltons 1'iru.
Ing and pleating Second floor W. BL
Wright ,v ''or M 11 1169
UTC take your old range an first payment
on anv new roniro, or will buy your old
ranee ourrlrht Horn Fumltur Co. 467J
I BLACJC laathar music roll with music
Phoni .'.-'-: m j
1 i a ;, 1 1 ; I i t bull . - ,1 n. I 'all. . o.o
brown Answers to name of Spike Find-
I ... ase i ill JOS4 R.-W ....rd. 646i
GOLD wrisl watch near Twontj ruth r..i
IWavhinfMon. Finder return to 2374 Wi h
'ington. uptalri?. P.ew.n-.1 64G9
i N R 2 e.. i old Ii. I.'ei, lii.ui.l.ii , "0 on
right hip Reward Notify A. P Russell.
J Roy. Utah. 6488
i l I: I ..i :ol ... nk. n I mil
my ear October 3 Return to 58 Twen-
I tv fourth street. No auceUons asked A.
M. Tribe 6484
LAI MLS I.' v. at !i in Mli....ne dlslrlct
.i lunglon between Twenty-tnlrd anil
I Twenty-fifth streets. If found phone 1824
Mrs. o. P. Mcckes, :,'.L,I Brink, r i. t .t
I The old Oak chicken ranch on south
Irani avenue, consisting of 7 acres
'highly improved. Can give Immediate
possession. Terms.
17 acres WUhoii Lane. 5 shares of watei,
unlimited amount of gruvel; hard gravel
I road to the land.
Phone 1120 623 Eccles Bulldint;
I'll ;i
SIX room modern house and furniture for
a siiialler home 478 Twentv-flrst street
' ' I
f m -r a. i .-i land to u (om room modern
hung-alow: garage 789 Seventh teet
PI ..... 24 is w u2
v ERLAND. Hi gain. Owner gone
Phone 888 jlOj
I Opportunities
IsMALL rooming house for sole. 2544
' 'i a nj v fidh si raj 6601
$imu BUYS good Cafe; long lease low
I rent 1 16 Tw nty fifth gi G33S
:j To Buy
DRESSER, kitchen cabinet, linoleum, 'gas
range, sanltarv couch, dishes and Uten-
P 126 8461 1
ii.'. r top oi i ii , desk. Inquire 488 i I
! , ii dg ri
iiiOui.i prlei i for men's old riolhen. i
1 869 Twenty mth atreot Send a postal
C !
I :l :i I cat tl- V. il Mi. p. hog.-. Will . all
pLt your 'nrd. Gun Jeneen. 3434 Washing-
ten a venm Phone 233f. 618n j
t buy liberty bond;: at highest price, if!
oii have bonds for sale, nee mi J. J. I
Prui nt. 2417 Hudson avenue Phone 60 I
U I I I, p.. highest price tot poultrj and
rabbit. Phone 1243. Western Grain &i
i i .-ri ' 'q 8800 i
IT I .PETS, any age, an number Western
drain 4c T'eed Co, 2354 Washington Ave.
FOKU truclt i lame 6838 W 6673
LARtjlC clean rags wanted at the ?tand
ard Examiner office 43H0
MoFixy t6 loan ' j
ON r. al estate l ight per cont Interest.
No commission 2337 Grant. Phono 562.
ii) salaried people ithoui security, io'-
others on pianos, furniture, bouds. etc
17 t.i. ,.n g Phone 2S4 249'
MONEx to loin on :nipruvi4 .eal csLati-.
Kelly & Henick. IT!
i j Miscellaneous
IIE.'vTER. Singer sewing machine, kitchen
cabinet: must see to appreciate. 3214 i
Grant eym
.Ni; r,ev Aladdin uirenie phonoirraph
Call at 13? Wen wen r.y.ij
I ALL kinds of furniture, stoves, separator,1
i chum, lot of fruit woven vlre fencing. '
;slnid work harness, old lumber, heavy!
I timber plank, electric motor, refrigerator,
canvas, big Iron kettles, box press at'
I Adams farm. Rlverdnle Phono 12
g ' l..-,'K
1 1
I SHEEP and cattle men before buying
I hay for winter, communicate with B E. !
Nehion. Rlgby. Idaho. R F. I ' 1. foil? ,
(KM VI i One heater. No 14. medium siZfl ;
Splendid condition 2359 Harrison ave
nue Phong 3S22 8668
1000 yards floor covering at Jl.GO run
. ning yard Also used heaters, stoves, tn
hies, dressers kitchen cabinets, buffets
and china closets, genuine leather seal
I Chairs, regular $12 50 at $6 each Also
genuine leather davenettes at a bargain
jRugs all sizes from Jij (7) ujv Special r.
lu. ilons on brass bads, springs and rnat
I tresses Newman's Second Hand Store.
i?l4fr Washington a venue 64G2
'JONATHAN apph-s and winter potatoe
1 are ready now. Phone 11 J 4 6468
FOUR chairs and table $20, buffet, $4ii
range. $35 , 6461
HIGH grude Jersey cows Phone r,;i lur
j lug day, 272X R after r. rih r, m. f,4r.u
I WE PAV higher rash priCCI for all u?ed
household furniture Newman's Second
'Hand Store, 2348 Washington avenue I
j Plume 688. 6469
i PLYMOl TH Ko. k hfr,n $1 26; and Lnjr
'boms. Jl, Apply 249 Thirty-fourth
; :
! Sheep and cattle men, before hnlntr
your winter haj communicate with D C.
1 ' k Pu t. m Idaho Route 2 j 137 '
I'WO young Shetland ponies, gentle for
hlldren 016 Tw entv four' h strt I I
OM- first class heat- r ,n pipe Jl
Phone 21 10 6438
Cole's Hot Blast heater WJII de i
IK. r anil set up for $15 Phone 2554 W
. i j
MAJESTIC range kh range, dining tn 1
i.i. . four chairs. Ice box, rag rug. 8760
Washington 6436
ivory wicker babj carriaga; ivorj bahj j
bed Nr. 9 Hrownlng Apartments 6427 1
,83 WINCH F; ST I-', P. automptlc rifle: used j
very little, as good as new Phone 2467 W
X i
DINING room table and chalrr., brass bed.
.springs and mattress, '.'xi2 rug wardrobe, I
etc , etc. Phone jlNJ ea S 4 1 6 Vi
GENUINE mahoganj llbrarj table Phone
3345 R. 4P 6390
SM i i ioi of household goods 8182 1
ahhlngton Ave 6891
JONATHAN apples and pear- V.'e ,1..
I... i r.'.s Twelfth SI Phone 83 C3S8
DROP head rotary singer sewing mat bine 1
Phone 8916 M 6 17 1
INTER apples free from WorillS nn I
bruises 6O11 Twelfth St Wlnesaps and
Pearmain, good apples, $1 00 and -1 25; ,
choir . . SI 50 and 73 culls 7c 1 16 1
a PPLES $1 60 bush.-i mT Iveraon 1
place at Ninth St. and Lincoln Aye. .'142 I
:. I ' I 1 M 1 1 lr rr, TTTi 7, 1-, ,, ,,-1 I.,.
i Phone lMi',7 M ' 6! 1 I
2 WORE horses, weigh about 1 .".Ui'i R pl
Box 15 care Standard-Examiner. 633S
FIRST elass winter apples tor s:J.. 50C I
bushel and up 2711 J P Jensen. 223
Ninth St. 6347
;A'0 apples sr..- p.-r bushel. Wlnesaps.
Goc and 75c bushel all free from worms.
Come and Ket what you want Gcorire
Steed ' iinton. Utah 8859
no reasonable .(( r wil) be refused for
ony article at Iverson's. Secondhand Store,
1640 Washington Ave. Closing out. Build
Ing f..r r. nt 1 ' I ".
API'LES H P I'blld. RP.rdale. Phorw
8-R-l. 63'5
liuOIi work team JIQfi pounds; heavy
harness and wide tire wagon and box.
In-iulr. 488 Thirtieth ' Vll
p. dtp truck foi sale ut 3io Perry avenue
Phone L'263 W. 6307
pi'rmti RE l640 Waon ve 5819
NIV . Miot.. hon. '..m . ale a' 2'e p' r
pound or fll 00 In 60 pound cans, while
It lasts. Address Geo. T. Pierce, R. F
D 5. Box 222, Marriott also Geo. .
Batchelor 8940 Stephens avenue. 570S
1 Ri ; I well colored Jonathans S3 1 high
gradt Wlnesaps $2.50; big red and striped
1 mOS 52 35 Phone J2-22W SjSSO
W E hae 5000 astern at 2 cents earh
Finest on the market. 674 Twelofth street
Buy your paint at StOWe'S and save
money, lSUO Washington avenue. Thon
i .. a il 1 famlh auto Phone 1421 (078
UNCALLED tor suits, tailor ouulaj bll
1 reduction. Oordoti's. 211-2a Twcnty-flf:n
1 Bt Phone Q9 tl7
I LARGE cleat, rags waDted at Standard
; Examlni r office 4S79
1 Board and Room
ROOM And board for two small hoys;
father; where boys will get good care
I Box 2 cure Standard Examiner. 6484
In the platelet f'ourt of the Second Judl
eial District Btati ol 1 tah, within and
for the Counts of Weber.
Anhlhald Stewart. Plaintiff. vh I toll--Ijinnlnp.
Delia C. Miller, Win T. Rick
nrds. sometimes known a Win. T Rich
ards, and if deceased, hla unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees and creditors;
John I oe and lane Roe whose Other
and true runny arc to plaintiff un
known, and any and all persons who
have 01 .liilin lo have any rl'hl, title
or Interest in and to all or any part of
tin real property In rein described. Dc
fenda fits.
The State of Ptah to the Said Defendants:
"i..'! ir-- lureby .summoned to appear
within twenty days after servl. oi th.-.
summons uia.n you, If served, within the
co unty "1 which this action is brought;
otherwise within thirty days after serv
ice, and defend the abovi entitled action;
and In case of your failure so to do, Judg
m nt will b rendered nnHlnat you accord
lii - to the complaint which has been filed
with thi clerk of said court
Thin action la brought to obtain 0 ludg
ment and dr-eree ndjinlprlnu the plaintiff!
to be the owner and quitting his lltle
nt-ain.it ony and all -laiins of tro def.-nd
ants In and to all or Pot BeVSntSen 117)
Block P..01 Hen (14), ob Hill Addition
to OKdeii City, Plan, situate In Weber
Count . ptah
That the den ndants, who.se namex to
plaintlfl .ii.- unknown claim in Interest
!n (tald promise., us the owners thereof
and that the same was derived by convey-
anoc 01 succession irom the aid defend-1
tints. Belle Ijinnliitr. Delia C. Miller and
S n, T Rlckurds, sometimes known aa
Win. T Richards
Plaintiff! Attorney.
P. Oj Address: 428 Ecclcn Building, Og
den. Utah.
Case No. 325--A.
I th- punlie 1 lillties ominlseion of
in th Mati. i oi the Application for In-I
creases in Revenueo of Railroads In
Notice la hereby given that the applll
cation of (he Ptah Idaho Central Railroad
Company, for the permission of the Pule
Hi utilities Commission of Ptah to pub
llsh a minimum pal engei fare of 10c one.
n 0 0 nd SOi round trip, w III be hi srd
before the '"'ommlsslon at the Count v
'...nt lb .ii at (iden Ptah. on Tliurs
d.i. the Slet day of October, 1920, at ten
o'clock a. in.
B Ordl r ol the i nn-i mission
1 i'e. 1 i Salt Lake City, Utah, this Bth
du ..f r tobei i'J2ti
T. E BANNING, Secretary.
(Seal) 6448
Notice is hereby given that vVeberl
county, Utah, proposes to make the foi- I
---jajBaaaaaj d8i7
, .1
Information Bureau
J 00 ortl l.imt Pt MONTH
ANYTHING A to Zr new or old
bought, sold or t-r.de.J Phono 3SJ
Oramwell Rook and Stationery. JSCS
Washington Ave Phone 360. J05J I
Utah NatltoDHJ Bank, southennt corner
Tventy-fourtr- end Wnhlngfon. Phone 6L
OKden chimney sweep Phon 384.
Ogden Carpet CleAnlng Co Have ua
clean your rugs the best w ,iy. Phones 410 !
and 1829 -W. ; 5050
Rxpert carpet cleaning, upholsterlrg
rnatlres3e made ever, feathers renovated
.all t.. J Hampton & Co . 258C W 4234
K. Van Ksnipon for upholstortng, car
pets cleaned, altered snd laid. RemaklnR
of mattresses Phone 27H2-J.
Phone 133. 225S-60 Washlnpton Ave
Tho New Method Dentists are. sped si- i
uis in all branches of Dentistry. 24
Woshlngton Ave. oi !
xf7ra Pice leetrta majage, call at
it i urant svenvie. 4343
N.j RAVI Mu '
Oirden EngTavlng Service -. . maker
ot nne cuts In one or mo.-M olors. 414
Twenty-fou rSh tPhoM 3
J. P Corry. 423 K. r ley Rulldlng.
Qeo. D Bennett, corporation and group
insurance a tipeclnlty Phone 124-W 1514
Western Hide A Junk Co.. 2323 Wasn
Inmon Avt . Phon- gj
Ogden F jnk Houe. 20G Washlngtoo
Aye. rhono sio
For he a fresh ninde paints, buy from1
Plone. r Paint Mfg i'o . 41.S Twenty third I
$2 60 to f4 50. C164
C. H. Zerbe. Phone P46-J. 626D j
Gas und conl tr-ngee connected All
kinds ot plumbing work Our prices rr-
rieht Orll Wat.lram. 61 Seventeenth
street Phono 2S2? R,
All kinds. C H. Zorbe Phone 945-J
o.-Yi,.1,ard. Kay- rc"' estate anfl loans
.4.4 Washington Ave Phono 409 1874
Stoves n. t up and repaired Phone
:!j''1 w. 601 I 1
Oarbago and rubbish hau'ed. c-sspoels
nnd toilets cleaned. John Chlpp & Co
Phone K28. 234S Hudson Avcnuo. V733
Bloom, the Tailor, is an expert on re
lining and repairing. Suits made to or.Ji 1
2.4 Twenty fifth street. 3832
Trunk and bag r pairing round cor
ner from Standard Oallacher s. '373 Hud
jn. 2119
EXPRflT window and wall oaoer clesn
Ing. Amerh-an Wlmlow Clean'rr Ph. 563
lowing public improvements, to-wlt: Con
btruct pavement on thflt certain strip of
roadway eighteen (18) feet wide in the
.enter of that street running from the
south city limits of Ogden City, Ptah,
at the south end of "K" avenue Wast
Ogden. Ptah, to the property line of the
Globe Milling Company, a distance of 1287
feet, together with work Incidental ( p. 1 -to,
according to plans, specifications and
profile on file In the offico of the countv
And sealed bids are itwiteti foi sAld
; work nnd Will be received at the office
of the county clerk. In the county court
I house. Weber county. L'toh. until ten
o'clock a ni. on the Soth day of October,
Instructions to bidders plans and sped
I Mentions for said lmpro ements can be
seen at the office of the county clerk.
The right is reserved to reject any or
all bids and to waive nny defects.
By order of the Board of County Com
ImfSSionera of Weber county, Ptuh. this,
the 27t h day of September, 1520.
(Signed) WAL.TKR N PAPR.
60:.O County Clerk.
Notice M. A. No orr-io:
United States l.na Office. Salt Lake
I City. Utah. Sept. lu. 1920
Notice la hereby glvon. that Southern
, Pacific Gold & Copper Mining & Milling
.Company a corporation, through Its au
thonsed agent, Cora M Holderman, whose
pOStOfflce address Is Snlt Lake City, Ptah.
has made application for a Pnlted States
patent for the Olorltc. Cuprlto No. 2. Cup
rite No. 3. - Wizard. Last Chance. Last
Chance Kxtenslon No. 8 Last Chance Ex
tension No. 3. Pea C01 k and Top Notch
lode mining claims consolidated situated
i In thv Sierra Madre mining district. Coun
ty of Weber. State of Ptah, being Sur
vcy No C671, and described in the field
notes and plat file in this office, with
magnetic variation at 18 dcg. East, as
Commencing nt corner No. 1 or Plorlte
lode claim, whence the S. W. corner See
8. T. 7 N.. K. 1 W S L. B. & M bears
S. 14 deft 42 mln W. 1226.6 feet;
Thence N, 6 d'-g. 23 mln. W. 600 foot
to corner No. 2 of said claim;
Thence S 88 deg. 63 mln. E. 3000 feet
to comer No 3 of Wizard claim.
Thence N 6 deg. 23 mm. W 966 6 feet
to corner No. 2 of Top Notch claim;
Thence S. 88 deg. 53 mln. K 566 4 feet
to corner No. 1 ol Ln..t Chance Extension !
N'o 2 claim;
Theme N. 6 deg 4S mln. W 1459 4 feet
to corner No 2 of Last Chance Extension i
No. 2 claim:
Thenccc S. 88 deg. 53 min. E. 600 feet
to corner No 3 of said claim;
Thence S 6 dcg. 48 mln P. 14f.i feet
to comer No. 4 of said claim, Identical 1
with corner No, 3 of Last Chance claim.
Thence S 5 deg 23 mln B 133G 3 feet 1
to corner No. 4 of Lust Chanco clolm.
Identical with corner No. 3 of lust Chance
Extension No 3 claim:
Thenco 8. 6 do: 04 nlin. E. 1435.1 feet
to corner No 4 of Last Chance Extension
No. 3 claim,
Then.-. ,V. S3 deg 53 mln W, 2704.5 feet I
to corner No. 1 of Cuprite No 2 claim.
Thence N 5 deg. 23 mln W 1200 feet I
to corner No, 2 ol Cuprite No. 3 claim.
Identical with corners 1 and 4 of wizard
and Dlorlte claims, respectively,
Thenco N 88 deg. 53 mln. V. 1500 feet
to corner No 1 of Dlorlte claim, the place
t beginning nnd l' ated In SW '4 SC
and n k . Section 8 and NW hi and
NB, ol Section 17, Township 7 North.!
Kaiik-e 1 West. S. L. B. & M , otitrilnlng
an area of 169 006 ncres exclusive of eon
fTlctS, as shown by the duly certified
field notes of laid Survey No 0571 to bo
in conflict with .sv 14 of BW 'i of Sec
tion 8 and with Section 17. T. 7 N , R. 1
W.. S. I B, A M.
I dire. t that this notice be published In
Th. Stand.ud Examiner, published at 1
Ogd D, Utah.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Claimant's Altornej-. 5423
Date of flrel publication September IS 1
In the Matter of the Batata 01 K
Li has. Deceased,
To A, F. Linso and all whom it may con
You will take notice that the depositions
of Lulu Llnse and Clarence F. Llnse, wit
nesses In their own h.-half, lo support tin
allegations of tin Ir petition her, In tlia' !
letters ol udinmi.str-vtli.il I . Issm-d In ii
P. Hunter, will he taken upon ...ml in i
t.-i rogatories before E, I e well Watklna a
notary public in and lor Kim.; count
state of Washington at iiei office, 816 1
Railway Exchange building, Seattle
Washington upon the 1st day of Novem
I'er. 1920. hi I" o loi'k a m. and thai
when said depositions are so taken they
will be used at tho said . hearing1 herein
as If said witnesses wore there personal
ly present and testifying herein
Dated. October 7, 1920
W. LUNG. Attorneys for Petition. 1 n
in the Second Judicial District court of
Webi r Coillit, Slate ol Ptuh
Mrs. II. P. Henderson. Plaintiff,' Vs. Lewis
V BhurUifi I I Prummltt. Lulu Rrilm-
mitt, warren l Wattle, w. h iooa,
The Ogden Auto Directory H
Briscoe Tounng Cars, Gramm-Bcrnstein Trucks. White-Robinsoti K'
2300 Washington. Phone 340, 3739 "
Ogden Auto Radiator Co,, 2329 Hudson Avenue 3740 R.
All makes of batteries repaired and recharged Exide Battery Sta- Mf
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 374 K
Webei Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue, '.'iialmers and Max- B
well sales and service. Phone 143 3742
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3772, K
Willard Battery Station, 2454 Grant avenue 3733 W'..
Northeast Service Station Cheesman Auto Co. 3786 fp,.
Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No, 1.
A Joint resolution nropoMng nn amend
ment to Suction 6 of Article 11 of the
Constitution of the State of Vtnh. re
latlng to municipal corporations
Be It enacted by the Legislature of th
State of Ptah. two third vot.o of all the
momhera elected in the two Houses con
currinjf tho re bll
Section 1. That It la proposed to amend
Section 6 of Article XI of the Constitu
tion ot the State of Ptah. do that tht
sarno will read a follows:
Sec. 6. Corporations for municipal pur
P-' -1 eli-- II not rcnt-d h r-ferUl laws
The Leirlslnture hy geniTrnl laws shall pro
vide for the Incorporation. or(?anl7at Ion
end cl.TKKlflcjitlon of cities and towns in
proportion to population, which laws may
be altered, amended or repealed.
Any city may frame- and adopt a char
ter for Its own government In the foi
lowing manner
The legislative authority of the city
rnny by two-third ote of Its members,
...... up.11 iiniuvii hi (umiiiiQU electors to
the number of 10 per cent of nil votes cast
at the next preceding election for the of- 1
fWj of the mayor, shll forthwith provide'
hv ordinance, for the Mibmlfmion to tho
electors of the question. "Shall a Corn
ml.'.!lon he chosen to frame a charter?"
The ordinance shall require that the quea
tion be submltttvl to the electors at the I
n?xt repular municipal election. The hnl
lot contalnlnip such qUeatlon shall also,
con'nln the names of candidates for mem
bera of the proposed Commission, hut
without pnrty deolnnstion Such candl
dl ti hall he nominated In the same
manner as reqxilred by law for nomination
of city officers If o majority of the elec
tors voting on the quoatlon of choosing a
Commission shall ote In the affirmative
then the fifteen candidaten receiving a
n:aJorlt of the votes coat at such elec
tion shall constitute the charier Conimls
slon. and shall proceed to frame a char
Any charter so framed shall he sub
mitted to the quullflf-d electors of the city
at an .-lection to be heij at a rijne to
in determined b the charter Commieaion
whli h shall Yr. not leas than thirty days
ubaequent to Its completion and distrl
hutlon among the electors and not more
thnn one year from jiuch date. Alternn
tli provliilons nwy also be r.ubmltted lo
be voted noun sennrntnlv Tlie Poiti-tiIs-
slon shall make provision for the dlstri 1
hution of copies of the proposed bharterl
and of nny alterrfartlve provisions to the
qualified electora of th city not less than i
sixty das In-fore the election nt which If
Is voted upon. Such proposod charter nnd
aucb alternative provisions rs are np- I
proved tf) a majority of the electors vot-
Inc thi-icon, shall become an organic lew,
c.f sui-h c(v ai such time as ma) Vie fixed
therein, and shall supersede any existing,
charter and all lawa affe.-tlnk' the orarar. j
Izatlon and government of such city which I
are now in conflict therewith V ithln
thirty days after Its approval a i-opv of
such chartor s adopted, certlf iod the
mayor nnd city recorder an'l m. the Mlie.it
ed by the seal of such city, shall be made
In duplicate and deposited, one in the of
flci ol ti.i Becretar) if Btate and the
other In the office of the City Recorder,
and thereafter all court shall take Judi
cial notice of sueh charter.
Amendments to any such charter may
be framed snd submitted by the charter
Commission in the same manner as pro
vided for making of charters, or may be
proposed by the legislative authority of
the city upon a two thlrda vote thereof,
or by "petition of qualified electors to a
number equal to one-tenth of the total
rote cael for mayor on the next preceding
election, and any such amendment may
be suhmitted at the next regular election,
and having been approvod by the majority
of the electors voting thereon, shall be
come a part, of the charter at the time
fixed in rvich amendment and r-hall bs cer
tlfied and filed as provided In case of
Each city forming Its charter under this
Section shall have, and Is hereby granted,
the authority to exercjse all powers relat
ing to municipal affairs, and to adopt
and enforce within Its limits, local police
sanltury and similar regulation not to con
flict with the general law. and no enumer
ation of powers In thla constitution or any
law shall he deemed to limit or restrict!
the general grant of authority hereby con
ferred; but this grant of aulhorltv shall
not Include the power to regulate the serv- i
Ice or charges of public utilities ao long? I
as such regulation Is provided for hv pen
era! law. nor be deemed to limit or re
st r! i t the piwr if the Legielature In mat
ters of public or Kenuiiil Ipteresr. nor
those relating to State affairs
The power to be conferred upon the cit
ies by this Section shall Include the foi
(a) To levy, assess and collect taxes
and borrow money, within the limits pre-e.-rlb'd
In general law and to levy and
collect special aysosumcnts for benefits
(b) To furnish all local public services:
to purchase, hire, construct, own. main
tain and operate, or lease, public utilities,
local in extent and use: to acquire by
condemnation, or otherwise, within or
without the corporate limits, property
necessary for any auch purposes, subject
to restrictions lmposil by general law foi
the protection of other communities, and
to grant local public utility franchises and
regulate the exercise thereof aubje t to
the ' onttnulnc power of regulation of pub
He utilities, their rates and net-vice, by the
Mite, a i I.i now or may hereafter be, pro
vlded bv general 'aw g,
(c) To make local public ImfTrovements
and to acquire by condemnation, or other
wise, property within Ita corporate iim
ita necessary for such Improvementa; and
also to acquire m exi eas over thjt need d
for uny such Improvement and to sell or
lease such excess property with restric
tions, In order to protect and preserve
th.. Improvement
(d) To Issue and sell bonds on the se
curity of any auch execs property, or oi
any public utility owned by the city or
of the revenues thereof, or both. Incb.td
ing, In the eaae of a public utility, a fran
chlse statin;; the r,.-i-nis upon which, in
case of foreclosure, tho purchaser may
operate such utility.
Sec. 2. The Secretary of State Is here
by directed to submit the proposed ,tnn i 'I
ment to the electors of tho St.ito at the
next general election In the munner pro
vided by law
Sec. S. If adopted by the electors of
this State, this amendment shall take
feet on Januarv 1st, 1131
Approved March 18, 1910.
ItecelVer, and U'.iii.n L Wattlsand W.
j. Parker, Truateea Defendants.
The state of Utah to tha Said Defendants:
You arc hereby summoned to appear
within twenty day s 'iftcr the ervice of
thLs summons upon ytu, if served within
I the county In Which this action Is
brought; otherwise, within thirty days
aftei aervlce, and defend the above entlt
led actions and in case of our failure so
' te do. judgment will be rende red agajnsl
I you according lo tho demand of tho com-
plaint, which h LS I" en filed wilh the clerk
I of said court. This action Id brought to
i recover u Judgment foreclosing plalntin's
I mortgage upon lands described In aaid
A.ttorneya for Plaintiff,
P O Address: 307 McConnic.k lildg..
Salt Lake City. Utah. 8478
In the District Court of Weber County.
Slate of Utah.
Ltiella Humphries. Plaintiff, vs. Eddie
Humphries, Defendant.
The State Ol Utah Bald Defendant.
You are hereby aummonod to appear
within twent) days aftei service ol thi.s
.summons upon you, If served within the
county In which this action Is brought!
otherwise within thirty days after serv-
Proposed Constitutional Amend- E .
ment No. 2.
A resolution proposing an amendment to
Section 7. Article 13, of the Constitution K
of the State of I'tob relating to tax WBr
rates for State purpoaea
Be It resolvod by the Legislature of the
State of 1 tali two thirds Of all Ihe &
members elected to each House concur- Bp
ring therein K
Section 1 That It Is proposed to amend
Section 7, of Article XIII. of the Consli K.
tutlon of the Stnte of I tah ao that the Hf'
same will rend as followa: Br
Sec. 7. The rate of taxation an proper- BP-'
ty for Sf.at'! purpooes shall never exceed K,'
8 mlllo on each dollar of valuation to be Bet
apportioned u.s follows: Not to exceed K
4a mills on each dollar of valuation Wf
general 8tate purposes, not to exceed S K
mills on each dollar of valuation for dla- Sf.
trlct school purposjs, not to exceed ' H '
null on each dollar of valuation for hlgli E
si hool purposes; that part of the stat WF
'lux apportioned to blfch choi purpo- -
I shall constitute e. fund to be called the JjW
Hich School Fund and shall be aooor- 'fit
tloned to the cities and school districts .IF.''
iiuilntnlnlnn blirh rehools In tbe mannei JJp
the Legislature may provide. And nhen S:
ever the taxable property wltiiin the ?;tnte W
shall omoutit tc tOO.oOn.ono.OO. the rates JJIpH
shall not exceed on each dol'ar ot valun
tion two and four tenths mills (or general jc-.
State purposes, two-tenths of one mill for jK
high school purposes, md s'ch levy foi MP
district school purposes pj will raise an- K
nually an amount which, added to anv. B,
other State funds available for dlstri. t fe.
school purposes, equai.1 $2.ri.C0 for eci.-h HJF'
peraon of chrlol age in the Stile, shown B.
by the Inst preceding school census: un K
leas a proposition to Increase such rate pPJPJ
or rates, specifying the rate or rates pro-
posed and the time during which the Mini ifc.
shall be levied, be first submitted to K"'
I vote of such of the maltfU-d electors of
the State, as. In the year next pn-i e.i K
Inj,' such elec tion, shall have raid a prop- la
erty tax assessed to them within the Stat H
and the mnjority of those voting thereoa fc.
phall ote In favor thereof, in such man-
nor us may be provided by law pJJH
I Sec. 2. The Secretary of State Is di- H
j rected to cause this proposed amendment klPH
I to be published nt reriulred by the Con JJPH
stltution and to he submitted to th elei IIPPJ
tors of the State at tho next general elec PPPJ
j tion In the manner provided by law. pppH
Sec. 3. If approved by the electors cf th H
State, this proposed amendment shall pj
I tr.kp effect on the 1st day of January RB1B1BI
Approved March 1. Itlt, W
Proposed Constitutional Amend- " E
ment No. 3. P
A concurrent resolution providing an IB-
Amendment to Section 1, Article XIV. PPH
ot the Constitution of the state or
I'tah. relating to State debt limitation - pH
Be It enacted bv the Legislature of the H
tnte of t'tih. two thirds of all the mem- ppH
bera elected to each of the two Houses IIPPJ
concurring therein' ipPPJ
Section 1 That It Is proposed to amend H
'Section 1. Article 14. of the constitution lpH
'of the State of I tah. so that the same
will read aa follows. PPH
I Section 1. To meet casual deficits or
failures In revenue, and for necessary ex- LPH
pehdlturea for public purposes. Including PJPH
the erection of public buildings, and for PPPJ
the payment of all territorial indebtedness PPPJ
assumed by tho State, the State may con- flPPJ
tract debts not exceeding in the aggre
gate at Any one time, an amount equal to PPJ
2 pcrccntum of the value of the taxable PPH
property of the State, as shown by PPH
the last assessment for Stat) purposes, PPH
'previous to the incurring of such Indebt llpB
edness. But the State shall never con- ' PPJ
tract any Indebtedness except as in th PPPJ
next section provided. In excess ot PPPJ
such amount, and all moneys arising PPPJ
frpm loana herein authorized, shall bo ap- PPH
plied aolel) to the purposes for which they PPJ
were obtained flPH
Sec. 2. The Secretary of State is hereby PPfl
directed to submit this proposed ajnend- PPB
ment to the electors of the State at the PH
next general election in the manner pro PPPJ
vlded by law. pj
Sec. 3. If adopted bv the electors of PPH
the Stale, this amendment ."hall take ef PH
feet January 1, 1921. PPPJ
Approved March 18. 1?19
Proposed Constitutional Amend-
ment No. 4. j
NO. .
A concurrent resolution proporlng an H
amendment to the Constitution cf th H
State of I'tah hy amending1 Soctlon 5. PPPJ
Article XVI, relatltig to rights of ac-
tion to recover damages for Injuries re.
suiting tn death. PpH
Be It resolved and enacted by the Iegls PpH
I itvire of the State of I'tah. two thirds PpH
of all the members elected to each ol PPPJ
the two Houses concurring therein: PPPJ
Section 1. That It Is proposed to amend PPPJ
Section 5, Article lfi. of tlie Constitution PpH
of the State of I'tah. BO that said section PH
shall read as follows: ppH
"The right of pction to recover damage! PPB
for Injuries redulllng In death, shall never piBl
be abrogated, and the amount recoverable PJBa
.diall not be subject to any statutory llml pBjSJ
tatlon, except In caaea where conipensa-
tion for Injuries resulting In death Is pro 1
vlded for by law." pij
Section 2. The Secretary of State Ii )
hereby directed to submit this proposed PPPJ
amendment lo the electors of the statu
at the next general election in tho man- PH
ner provided by law. H
Sec. 3. If adopted by the electors oi . BIH
the state the nmendriunt shall lake effeel Pj
January PPPJ
Approved October 9, 1919. H
I Hurden Bennlon, Secretary of State, PPPJ
of the State of I'tah, do hereby certify PPPJ
that tho foregoing is a full, true and cor- PH
, rc-ct copy of all Constitutional Amend- -PPJ
ments prOTmseel by' the regular and spe- PH
clnl sessions of the Legislature of 1919,
as the same appear of record in ray of Pipi
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set H
my hand and affixed the Great Seal of tin H
State of I'tah, this 1st day oi September, :
Seer, tary of State H
ice. ami defend the above entitled action:
11,1 In i.i i o u i failure pit tn do. Judg
ment will be rendi led i;iiin.-t you accord- H
I" the demand of the complain!, which ippH
haa been filed with the clerlt nt said H
com t, together with a copy for you. H
Thla action la brought to recover a Judg bbbbbbi
mi ni dissolving the bonds of matrimony . H
. heretofore existing between you and the
idainliff. ........ PjPH
h-u.intiM'f Attorneya, PB
p o Addreaa: Rooma 100-1 2 3 Fust H
National Bank Building. Ogden. L'tnh H
WINONA, .Minn.. Oot. lu. UnfttVOT-
able weather conditions caused Cap- H
tain St Clolr Street, in command i H
lie ai tah l-Now Voi h riylng squadron, m
to postpone the flight from thhl eily
I tO 7t ;luJ Rapid!; BflCH,. until late this iH
afteruoOn or tomorrow morning.
I sinclaaa la known as kanton in Ja
pan. where il is made from seaweed.