OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 15, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-15/ed-1/seq-6/

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Woolley Says Democrats Took
More to Run City
Than G. 0. P.
K The foll"W'liiR eoniinunie.-itlon wun
.sj-eolx el In Tli. Si,in.l.it.l-i: itiiln r
jff)l mornir.K
j&dlroi ptandord-ISxainint p,
' Dem Sir:
I n your Ixsu- ft October Uth there
Jppe.ired on editorial, entitled "Taken
Tfin I'jrdcM City" wherein rdmmenl t
rtpudr- ui th political paid adver
ftmrn( if the Itepublican Countj
ntr.il i iiinmllli'i . i-ui.lisln .1 In your
3CYon ch;irue that tho ad ITAI decep
pie to Hi. casual render, In its refer
ence tn mm and rountj tnxea. The
yhtiliiTion ivhlrh i criticised was lift-1
.Jd from II. e r nr. I- . . i I i I n 'I 111 the
ypunty . u rk's i.rri. . , .n il the -u-kv-njmtlon.s
;ir.' tho.se mad b thai office
lb tin official records. I feel aure
lln I min i !, 1 i . '. -.. ' '
iStlon will disclose to inj citizen thnt
he uonl "City" referred to city prop-
fc)tv. and !lii- oid "Cnirlv" lo prop-1
ift-ty outside of the city, in relation to
vn$c8snii ii f s and total taxes. We nd
3Jt crlvi- Hi' anioiini . clr le i i
teii City, ami no uttemut was mad i"
jSriticize ih' oit administration, A:- a
Xbutter oi tact, the increased assessed1
Situation on properly In Ogden City,
-from Ihe year 191? to lfl'. waa f
Xi,7r'7.i'ii. ,iml iMr. if lax rtr
Jjf 8.0", mill, levied for 1 1 purposes,
flnakce an ini reasc in the amount lev
ied for city purposes of 6t.
j I wish to uk'uln i-i pluslzf 'ui the
ndvertlsemeur was a comparison of the!
pear 1 y 1 6. the last ye,(r of Republican
Control, with the year 1020. the lost
j-enr of Democrats eontrol.
V A further analysis of the tabulation
discloses thnt for purely county pur
poses, exclusive of the school ; ml s'ati
IOud funds, the tu. b'V.ed Upon tile
Citizens for the year IS 16, totalled
flll.9SJ.7t. ami lor i !. year 1920 they
totaled $23".S !.. i in- r asc of
0124.866 31. In other words, it re
quired more than twice as much for
Tie Democrats to run the (roernmcnt ,
I j "' Weber county foi i ye r than it
did the Republicans. That is the out
standing fact In which the people of
JVeber county are now interested.
Your very 1 1 uly, 1
- m' ARTHUR N EY, !
1 :hairman publ can Count I a-
H Committee.
HI 'Million Dollar Eyes'
Beauty in 'Riders of
P Dawn Ogden Sunday
Hf Violet Schram. she of the "million
iHva dollar '-yea," lends the blinding effect
n( those hehiillfiil optica to "Riders of
iHflf. the liawn," Benjamin B. Ham)inn'
Hi second blp 2,anr Gray production. She
Hi, r j. pears semi-vamp, but in a part
iH different from an' other In which her
Cyes b.x eer wrought nest ruet Ion,
H for she Is the French Kirl. WKp as a
1 part of the Intrigue a gains) the wheal
1 rancher. Kurt Porn, pretends to be his
1 Wife, during the
1 a Thercb Ro Kurt
1 S'Sorn," and Claire Adams, as 'Tnore
L.- 'Anderson."' are forced ! pari: more
Bi J.'irriasc wrought tho famout
HI Si dram eyes! Miss Schrani handles
IH ' ber rol with combined fire and
B repression that stamps her as a eom-
mg smotlonal itar f the shadow staffe
HBMfl Ritlet-s of the Pawn, a V. W. Moo-
HBSH iwnson release, the Ogden
HBJH beginning
HKOOKLYX Kdith Ma Leiicnlicr'.r ot' Mm . Wis. uinii'T
in the iiatimial salesgirl beauty contest, and now in New York t
I ill ail engage nl with Flo Ziegfeld's Polliee and with the May
t lower Photoplay corporation was an interesting, yel bewldered
sp?ctatii- at tin- second world series ball game After she had snap
ped a few pictures oi the Brooklyn and Cleveland players, and shook
bands with Tris speaker, manager of the Indians, she got lost in th
ruwd. Paris final j located her and were then disappointed when
she left the liehl to keep an cncimiin ni at Ziegfohl's matinee performance.
Lighthouse Gives Electric Iron
To Grower of Largest
Sugar Beet
Considerable Interest Is being mani
fested by local beet, growers. In the
. fforta of the Llshthottie Eilectric com
pan to secure th largest sugar beet
raised In this cornibunlty.
The local electrical firm Is offering
i six-pound Hot Point electric iron as
an Inducement to get the beet grower
to brlrig his largest beet to their store
before October -20th
An attractive display on the sugar
industry has boi n pla d in ihe win
dow of the electric firm and the lanf
esi boat of. each day's collection is
Included. Advertisement.
H I Restores Health
$r REOLO supplies to the blood the natural organic,
f vegetable iron (which is the only kind of iron that
5 the blood will assimilate) and the twelve inorganic
ji cell-salts which nourish the cells of the nerves,
0y blood, tissues, brain and bones.
(J RE0L0 rapidly increases the number of red blood
! cells, and plasma of the blood, increases the sup-
y ply of oxygen, aids digestion, stren.gthens the
6 nerves, cleanses the system, stimulates the circu
U lation, and gives renewed strength and energy.
It has restored thousands of sick, discouraged men
f)A and women to health nd happiness. Test it at our nsk. If
KEOLO does not benefit you, the two weeks' trial will not co
Tji you anything. Don't delay.
OP Next month may be too dMmmmG
. Iz c. Start taking REOLO i llB
I Test It Free!
Co to year druBKist grt a box of RtoIo. and deport with him th rmm.,1..
$1 a bos. m vdtnee ot Kood tauh. Then take Rro relTularK PnC.r
direction, until you have aKd the entire ho,. After S&
not perfectly satisfied your druffta-' will gladly refund your money
II hi iii ii man inmunHaeB
A. K. Mclntyre Drug Co., two good stores. Ogdcn, Utah, and an leading
n i
Woman Halts !rip in Con
nection With Coast
Whisky Scandal
After cnnilnpr from Sun Frunels.o
oa Car as Oedejathje flrsl lev r her
journe to Washington. I). C, whither
she was believed to have been hound,
to place charges .f IrregularittM in
'connection with whinky pprqiita
ucainsl an internal ifveniif eolleelor
:md otherf employed In the prohibi
tion department In San Francisco, Mrs.
Glad Kimball Warburton tormerly of
Sail Lake; suddenly changed her mind
i nd returned to tin1 boast.
Following her. return Hhe received
t telagrani appointing h r supervising
ngi ui in charge prohibition in Cnll
fornia, a newly created position.
She i. the daughter or J. Golden
I Kimball, Salt Lake, and the wife of n
i Warburton a grocery clerk '
Tooele .Mrs. Warburton; who Ii In
in. eu.1 ly iwemii ... iiraiiu1 i on 1 1 II I ion
director at San tyancisco recently
when Loren A Hand ley, who held thai
office, was killed In an automobile
accident. .Mr.-. Warburton had been
Mr, iiaiulley's secretan
Dispatches from San Francisco in
regard to tin affair contained the fol
lowing Information
;iid Kimball W'a rbu rl on, who WHS
I Ousted is prohibition director Ivre last
week, charges her removal from that
I position to i j 1 1 1 1 1 . and accuses an in
ternal revenue collector and others in
I federal positions of irregularities in
j connection with whlaky permits. She
left here la.st week. ostensibly for
w shngton, to place her charges with
highcr-ups. bm returhed, saying thai
she changed he; mlud after reaching
Shr siid todai that she reeelved
newi yesterday of her appointment us
supervising k m of prohibition In
Callfprnia. Th message was sent by
telegram from Washington. The posi
tion is newly created und the duties
a r not clearly defined.
"It is justification for me ami is
proof that offi. iilM.il Washington have
noi been hoodwinked b what bus
been don, and said in California " said
j.Mrs Warburton. upon receipt of no
tice of her appointment.
As crammed with action as a Fair
banks film, us daxxling as a Griffith
Babylonian scene, at abundant a laugh
producer as u Mck Sennett comedy
raised to the nth decree, partly de
: scribes the 'S itires if l&L'O." says Wal
'ter Rivers, S.-in Franelsro critic In his
review regarding Fanchon and Marco's
vehicle for the season of 1920-21,
which i urnes to the OrpheUm theatre.
two days, StlSMay and Monday. Octo-
her 17 to 18.
This uuhiue offering, a revue with
a idol, has all the pep which made
I "Let's Go," tho last year's vehicle of
; these Western producers and star.-.
such i Klltteiinp sueccss. I'ep is the
I Only holdover from that bubbling pro-
iiiicii.in which Invaded the East and
played i" capacity houses for -to weeks
The plot Is the satiriz.it loin of the
movlo Industry and portrays the trou
I bles of q Texas I 'ii king, filled with
the belief that he Is destined to become
ia magnate, attempts to produce a fea-
They're Here At Last j I
! One Hundred Suits and One Hundred ! B
j Overcoats Worth to $65. All Priced -TrO j
When the store opens tomorrow, well have ready the greatest bargains j H
in men s good clothes that have been offered since the war. We've turned
topsy-turvey the old-fashioned method of buying men's apparel j
Refusing to buy last spring, when manufacturers were taking fall orders, we waited.
I Two weeks ago our buyer went into the east with a lot of cash. Every good maker of
clothes was eager to sell him. We have suits and coats here now, all-wool clothes, made
! as good as clothing can be made, clothes that we'll stand behind. Coats and suits
I at $45 that you cannot match anywhere under $65. Come for a look tomorrow. Young ;
I men, old men, stout men models for them all. Two hundred garments at $45.
j Boy's Suits at $9 and $13. Worth Double j J
We've bought boys' suits the same way. We'll sell you a suit for the boy now at $9 that !
a looks like $20 and will wear until he outgrows it. At $13 you may have suits that &
are pure wool, smart of style, sturdy ; suits like those that have been offered at $25 in the past two seasons.
Selling begins tomoi row in the Juvenile Department (old Shoe Section. First Floor). J
T' 'HS iB-i i-HSX I'lSUIS -GSS -SEXi -aKX' im- i-OBO' i4N()( i-mB- " ) i )OB-' i-W-' B i-MO-i iri KZt ma- i-ttSB
iture screen offering.' Then. is a
Wealth of hysterical humor. mourn
ful. StrlQgy ebon pair, Lloyd and
w'eii.s, leading iiv- fun making A dis
Jointed dance they do uppa renlly do-
fiea an anatomical laws others equal
ly rofieient as mirth producers are
Arthur West, A Wohlrnni and John
no .
IS movie m
Simplicity spells success In 'he mo
tion picture world today, thinks Wil
liam Desmond Taylor, producer of
Kealart special feature films Bspc
I clall is this true overseas. decRtres
Mr. Taylor, wo maib- I careful stud)
of the attitude of the piaygplllg pub
He while he was in Europe serving as
b captain In the British 'army, lie
po's the Americans have no idea how
Jutt as soon as you eat a tablet or
' two of Tape's Diapeppin aTl the fitnm
acli distress caused by acidity will
enil Tape's Diapepsin alwayn puts
i sick, upset, acid stomachs in order
I at once Large 60c case drugstores.
sick of excitement they .re in Kurope.
The lived thrills there for five
years he says, "and now they are
worn out with tense emotion; their
I nervous system has been strained to
I the Utmost, and rebels a further ex-,
citement Simple storey of human life,
Wholesome seines of comedy and sen
ilment arc what thf.v laugh over
wow Plays ihat ore purely sensational
are not well liked, l noted while f
was abroad. i
since his return 10 America laat
ear. .Mr. Taylor has directed several
pliot"pl.i s for .Miss Mary Miles Win
ter Die young K'ulart star, and is now
engaged In making several special aii
Btar feature plays for Realart. In these
he practices his Kospel of simple, hu
man appeal rather than sensational -1
Ism There arr few directors who have
oached Mr. Taylor in his handling
of the simple, human side of life. He,
can pack more solid Interest into
fiftj feet of film with a nest of birds
"i 'a couple "f kittens than many a
director can achieve with an automo-i
Idle smash-up and a kidnaping, QritlCS
agreed thai bis "HuckJeberrj Finn' ,
was s screen classle, and his new boy
picture. "The Soul of Youth," with
Lewis Sargent, who1 played liuck. In I
the lo.idinK role, promises to be an;
even greater picture of boy life. Iti
Is now playing at the Alhambra theatre
together with the oden Hoy Scout;
picture! taken in Yellowstone park. I
KINGSTON, Ont , Oct. 15. A plot
to ffeel the wholesale escape of pris-
m'ers In 1'ortsmouth penitentiary and
then blow up the prison with nitroglyc
erine was thwarted yesterday.
I'rlson officials, acting on a warn
ing that an attempt would be made
j to free the convicts, tore down por
tions of the penitentiary wall and un-
eovered i ston of rifles shot guns und
ammunition with enough of the ex
plosive to have destroyed the struc
ture. Authorities declared their belief that
the plot was about to put into exe-
leiitioii prisoinT.v ireed, guards slain
rind ihe prison itself blown up.
It hough no official account of Ihe
conspiracy bus been given, it Is known I
thai suspicions of the prison author!:
tie.H recently were aroused. An Inves
tigation la under way. Four convicts.
Inim.wii to be exceptionally dangerous.
have been placed in solitary confine-,
Pe: i Georgia ")'' south Carolina
prodUi e more than one-half of the cot- I
ton In the I nlted States.
BVansy illk. lad., Oct. 15.'-
Franklin i Roosevelt, Demdcratic
vice presidential candidate, (asl Dlghl
challenged Governor t'ooiidKe. Re;
publican nominee for ire president,
to a joint debate on the league of
nations "any time, nn place.' Tho
challenge was contained in a tele
gram addressed to Senator Pat Har
rison, chairman of the Democratic
national speakers bureau, uhbh Mr
Roosevelt read before an audience
which packed the coliseum here it
"Have just read of your oflci for
joint debate between Governor Cox
md Senator Harding in order to make ssbbbb
still more clear the difference iu
their positions on the league of na
jtipns. Why leave me out ' I would
I be charmed lo discuss the league and
lots of other things with Governor
Ccolidge any time, any place. I an
Ithorlxe you to act as my second and
to attend to the preliminaries."
ll BUN, Oct 15 The Sinn Fein H
last nighl Issued a derailed statement H
on the amount received at headquar
ters from Ireland. Great Britain and
France for the republican loan. The
tot.il reached approximately 8TS.000 H
"California Syrup of Figs"
Delicious Laxative for Child's Liver and BoweU
Hurry mother! A teaopoonful of live" is often all that is necessary.
"California" Syrup of Fig today Children love the "fruity" taste of
may prevent a sick child tomorrow, genuine "California" Syrup of Figs
If your child is constipated, bilious, which ha directions for babie and I
feverish, fretful, has cold, colic, or if Hiildrcii printed on the bottle. Say
atomach is sour, tongue coated breath "California" or you may got an imi-
had, remember a good "physic-laxa- tation ug syrup. Beware 1
h itnfiTEiAi i nniiDi r urAnrB weerenormalcol i
I srWBsTBs. Baag-aay fall FRST GAME 2:0O SECOND GAME 3!30 j
. bLSBfil .

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