SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17, 1920. THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER 3 e B Brigham Society o Mr? Iona Purelt entertained Thursday night at a duck dinner at her home. Autumn leaves and flow rn were used to decorate the rooms. A crystal basket of asters formed the nterplore for the dinner Covers were laid for the following guests: V. C Hultqulst, Zlna Jensen. Vernal Johnson Cleo Carver, Mrs. Stokes, Lc nna Pruett, Ada Johnson. Nellie Jen son, Florence Stokes, Sarah Mathlas, Owen Hlgglnson. ... Miss Jnnlo Bloom was guest of honor at a surprise party at her home Friday afternoon glen by her stu-1 d.-nts of the fourth grade. Games i were- played by the little fot? on the 'awn until evening, when thy served refreshments and presented the teach er with a gift. 14 " Miss Florence Stokes a, id Mrs. Jo- 1 Jeph Sorenson entertained Friday i rvening at a pan el shower in honor of Ir, Milton Jenson a recent bride at 1 the home of Mrs. Jenson on north Main street. Autumn flowers eeor- i I .iied the living ronu and dining room. The evening was spent In playing 1 sranies nnd enjoying the music ( Dainty refreshments vvere served af- i ter which the bride unwrapped many heautlful gifts from her friends. The following guest were present: c Misses Hay J'-nson. Charlotte Tarns. ' Armed Johanson. Agneta Johanson Florence Thompson, Floris Valentine, Peru Stokes, Cordlne Valentine, Lily r Predrlcksnn. Florence Stokes.. Mes- i dames Joseph Sorenson Tracy Lar- BOn. Milton Jenson. ' II The officer of the Third ward vlu- ual tmprovemenl i-s. ..elation, enter- i. talned the Mutual members Tuesday g ening at an Indoor track meet The h hall was decorated In autumn leaves. r After the track meet, dancing and le- E ireehmentl were enjoyed. P A large reception wrv given Satur-j das evening M the home of Mr and s I Mi Henry WagStaff, in honor 01 Mr and Mrs. R. T. Peterson, who were recently married. Cosmos and glad loll were used throughout the rooms. , larr wedding cake formed the cen-i jiS terplece of the supper table. Mr and Mrs. Vv'agstaff vvere assisted l Mrs. roeeph H Hansen MMi! Miss Melba Nelson and Mr Yiggo MEbmI Johnson of this city were united in ' fitXl niairlage at Salt Lake City laHt Satur-i day. The bride is the charming daugh , mm lei- of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson of iffttll lnA Second ward, and is a popular HBH favorite among her social set. Mr. Johnson is one of the working force 'JfH of the Boxclder News and comes from IjyflB It Lake City. Thcv are receiving . on?ratulatlona from their many fiavtfl friend?. HB Mrs. Mllinda Y right Marshall of 9h Snowflakc. Arizona, arrived in Brig- ham last week She expects to remain FSB month visiting with her parents. Blahop and Mrs Brigham Wright HaJ e BH Mrs. Alfred Nielson of Salt Lake City spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. 'if-wi Qluff Peterson. Mtf Mrs. C H. Ren .van and Mrs. C E. , t VjS FowlCS attended the convention of the , L&ifM. titah Clubs of "gdcn. I, 1 Mrs Dan Peterson (rent to Ogden j i i - Tuesday morning to attend the con- t ventlon of clubs at Ogden. I c 2S(9 Mrs William J. Lowe spent Mon- t &RmJ day In Ogden Mrs Ephriam Jenson has returned n from Salt Lake City. 1 Mas IBH Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Young spent c K8t$I Sunday In Logan J I Mr. and Mrs. Schayer of Salt Lake 1 City motored to Brigham last night -, wt, with Mr nd Mrs. Clifton Pelrce 1 Ckj They will be their guests for a few J- Mrs. Shirley C Horsley spent Sat- liyEH uvday in Salt Lake City. VjMEI Mr. and Mrs. Orien Jenson spent i rlday and Saturday In Salt Lake City ... j MB Attorney William J. Lowe made a InSal business trip to M.ilad Friday. . v Mr and Mrs. Warren Knudson spent pafl of last week in Salt Lake CH. bBI Mrs. Ira Larson, who was operat- 5 Pcl on Friday at tne 1,e hospital in " fV'tm igden is improving nicely, L I' c;. n .Mr and Mrs Clifton I"eir and v daughter Yvone motored to Sprlng vllle Saturday to spend a few days visiting friends. . . w 'OV' Miss Mubel Ruben ihas il?turncdj IIO nVl Home iii . i '.i i.i iu Jpruu uir week s vacation Mr. J H Clleve spent Saturday in Salt Lake Citv ... Mrs. William Lowe spent Thursday m(:w evening in Salt Lake City attending Basal the Gamma Phi sorority banquet at I" Hotel Utah. Km Mrs. Ira Larson went to Ogden Sat- utday to visit Mr. Larson, who Is at Krai the Dee hospital. ... fniM Mr. and Mrs. Wllford Jenson spent th week-end in salt iake City. Mr Matthew Compton wna a week- nd visitor to Salt T ake City ... H Mr. John Horsley was a business i visitor lo Salt Lake City Saturday. . . Mr and Mrs P. A Horsley are HB visiting in Salt Lake City. A ' PS", Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Call spent Sat- mdav and Sunday in Salt Lake Citl Bj Mr. and Mrs Frank Bavering spent CBl I he week end in Salt Lake City Mrs. Frank West of Logan Is visit ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs Madson . . Mr. and Mrs. John Phillipps Mil I Eliza Phillipps nmi Mies i lorence I cc spent the week-end In Salt Lake City, m m t Bishop H W. Valentine spent Sun day in Salt Lake City, attending the general conference . Mr and Mrs. Frank Welling were made happv Bunday morning by the arrival uta fine babv l.ov ... Mr. and Mrs. George Gidney spent ihe week-end in Salt Lake Clt ... ftsH Miss Leroy of the B. E H S. fac- ulty, 1 ..pending her week's vacation In Bait Lake City ... The Ladies of the Rebecca lodge met in the club rooms Saturday eve ning in honor of Mrs Cannitor, presu U? dent of Rebecca state assembly of S I'tah. After a short business meeting the evening was spent playing 600. Dainty refreshments were served. Au tumn leaves and flowers decorated the rooms. ( Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holland were guests of honor at a surprise parly given at their home by a number of friends Saturday evening Nasturtiums and sweet peas were uscel in low bowls to decorate the rooms. Games and music wero enjoyed after which dainty luncheon was served The fol lowing quests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mathias, Bph Dunn. Dave Saddle. Alfred Olson. W. J. Fife, A. J. Fife. C F Wells. Sr. Leland Wells. W F. Taylor, Peter Chrltensen. Carl Crowther, Mr and Mrs Marlon Olson. C F. Wells. Jr , I Misses Mabel Wells. rTenn Holland. Fav Holland, Mr. and Mrs Roy Weill . Mrs Georjte Fistcr entertained Fri day afteronon at a luncheon in hon or of her sister. Mr Howard Hudman. of Ogden. Yellow ad brown nas turtiums were used in low bowlr. and baskets to carry out a yellow and lav ender scheme A basket of French marlRolds formed the centerpiece for the luncheon table Tiny hand-painted cards of lavender tea pots were used for place cards Covers were laid for the following guests. Mrs R F. Wllley, Mrs J W Peters Mrs Orson Hudman. Mrs Howard Hud man, and Mr" George Fister. . Miss Bessie Morrison entertained Saturday at a trousseau tea. Pink cosmos were used In the living rooms wliere a heautiful trousseau was dis played in th. dining room, red dah lias were used for the centerpiece of the tea lahle. Painty refreshment? were served Sixtv gusts railed dur ing the afternon Miss Morrison was assisted In receiving by Mrs W. K. Morrison and Mrs. Ell Lee, Mrs Yen Fife. Miss Lavern Wajtson and Miss Sylvia Peterson assisted in the dininjc room Miss Laura Flshburn and Miss Elva Boden of Logan presided at the punch bowl. Mrs Harold C Da and Mis I Schmld were hostesses Friday after noon at inr rejjuiai nionini; ruffian of the Indies' Aid society at the home Of Mrs Da, on north Main strec? After a short business meellng, Mrs. Ke, i of San Francisco gave a talk on the rescue work of the Mission of Chinese slave girls. Refreshments were served. About fifteen members were present. ... J Mrs. Norman lverson entertained tin Social Development club Friday af ternoon at her home Autumn leave and flowers were used In the living room. After a short business meet ing, the guests enjoyed the afternoon plaving ."00. Prizes were- WOli by Mrs. Henr; Froglej and Mrs. Milton Jen son. A dainty tray luncheon was d The following members were present Mrs k C Wright W H Griffith, Henly Frogley Milton Jenson. Carl Hanson. Floyd Knudson, Noble Tlsh burn, Clifford J "son Guests of the club were: Mr. Wlll I iam Dredge. Mrs. John lverson. Mrs Frank Holman. Mrs. LoP.ov ! Young ... The Mutual officers of the Second ward entertained the Mutual members Wednesday evening at the First ward amusement hall As each guest en tered, he was given a colored ribbon either pink, blue, red or vellow and this gave him his place in one of the four groups formed. Kach group was then given different things to do in h- track meet. After the games, dan cine was enjoyed Refreshments were serv ed ... Miss Ocvllle Menell entertained Wrdnesdaj afternoon at a luncheon in honor of Ihelr slater, Miss Florence Knudson, who leaves soon for Phlla di Iphla. A yellow color scheme was carried out In the dining room. A crys tal bowl of marigolds formed the cen terpiece of the luncheon table. Tliy yellow nut baskets and place cards in different shades of yellow were used. Covers vvere laid fur the follow ing. Misses Florence Knudson. Jennie Bloom, Helen Evans, Eulalln Hanson, Tressa Pond, Hortense Hoist, Lavern Jenson, Mrs. Vrville Merrcll ... The 8e Hue Camp of the Daugh ters of th Pioneers met Thursday af ternoon at the home of Mn. Paul Hanson in th First ward The rooms were beautifully decorated In autumn flower Mrs. Grace Chiistofferson read the life of Mrs Paul Hanson and Mrs. Hanson told a number of Inter esting events of her early lite In Utah. Mrs. Orvilla Spencer gave a sketch of the life of Chester Loveland, the first mayor Of Hrlghatn. Dainty refresh ments were served. Thirty members were present anel four visitors - . Miss Hope Fishburn is sptnding th week in Ogden . Miss Eliza Hansen of Ogden I - visit-, , ling with friends in I'.rlgham ... Mrs Rose Stewart, of Provo, is visit ing with her sister Mrs. V Y. Phil lipps. . . Mrs Peterson of Spanish Fork is visiting with Mr. and Mr. James Jenson ... Mrs Joe. Larson left Wedrfesdaji for 'California to spend a few weeks with her niece. . . . Mrs E. G. Pyan and Mr. Clifton , Pelicc made a business trip to Ball LJt CUv Thursda . . . J Messrs Clinton Lily white, Ed Lee, N IE lverson. Frank Me-rrell and J. J. ''lamer left for Snowvllle Thursday. The) tour the western part of the omit; holding a number of rallies before returning. ... Judge J D. Call and Attorney B. C Call went to Salt Lake City Thursday. Miss Louise Ingram spent Thursday in Salt Lake itv . Mr. Vosco Call was a busuiess visitor to Salt Lake City Thursday ... Mrs W W. Howard returned from' Idaho Thursda ... Mr. and Mrs Wynn L. Lddv spent Tuesday and Wednesdav in Ball Lake City. ... Miss Nellie Jenson entertained her sewing club Thursday evening at the tfmc of Mrs Lana Thompson. Au tumn leaves and dahlias were used to decorate the room After the sewing hour musical numbers were given and I a daintv ira luncheon served. The following members were present: Misses Ada Johnson. Sarah Mathlas, Violet Tlngly. Geneva Hlrglnson, Florence Stokes, Bessie Woodward, Nellie Jenson, Mesdames Ixina Thompson, George Stokes, Zlna Jen son Cleo Carver. Leona Purett ... A duck dinner was given Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy B. Younsr by a number of ladles for their husbands. Covers were laid for Mr and Mrs. Fred Hultqujst Dr. and Mrs E. A. Stranqulst. Dr. and Mrs C. H. Bryan, Mr. and A:rs Kirk Mar tin, Mr. and Mr;. LeRoy 11. Young. This is Your Last Chance I .h O-Cedar Polish Mop I H at The Old Price I of the During the war, wc used war materials- hort length Almost every woman in America knows the work1 I cotton- mill ends of drill surplus ;teel for centers and the time- and the money the O-Cedar Mop saves. And W by making the mop smaller we were able to keep the how much prettier, brighter and cleaner it makes the I pnee down. floors. They know it saves back-breaking stooping and! I Now the sources of supply of most of these items are hending. When you use an O-Cedar Mop your floors cut off. We must go back to before-the-war materials e tie envy yur neighbors. and pay todays prices for them. For instance cotton Easy and Simple to Clean and Renew cord cost He to 16c per pound before the v ar. Today v-j i " ' J e 1 -r r l i . t it costs us 58c. Handles that cost 4c in 1914 cost 12c to- ijSSt wonderful utility of the O-Cedar I day, Our labor costs have advanced 200. And so on Zw ffe uf t A 'TV0 llcan 1 -,, . , l , Pr nw t. It can be washed and cleaned without f W c will not make a mop that is not up to the bother and muss to take it apart, and fuss and work to I O-Cedar standard. We can t continue the O-Cedar put together. When an O-Cedar Mop needs renewing 1 standard at present prices. So the advance of 25c is simply wash it in boiling water, pour a little O-Cedar I absolutely necessary for us to continue O-Cedar Mops Polish in the can and let mop stand in it over night I as the millions of housewives want them. The next morning it is practically as good as new. I The 25c advance in price is effective November 1st. Get an O-Cedar Mop today. Your dealer guarantees I Even if you do not need a new O-Cedar Mop just lL to give perfect satisfaction or will return your money. I now it will pay you to buy one at your nearest store Today's Prices: $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 I tOCLay, Price November 1st. : $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 - 1 Prices Advance on November fst. Conditions beyond our control have forced 'us to add 25c. to the selling ! tprice of every O-Cedar Mop on November 1st. Save money by buying now. Channell Chemical Company, Chicago, Toronto, London; Paris I ' f -A Salt Lake Society I SALT LAKE, Jcl 1 6. A nnouncp Is m.'idr. by Mr. and Kirs. E , w i' kms of ih? engagement of th h daughter; mibm Gladys Wlcklns, to Robert McLennan .r New ZovV lt3'. The wedding will take place at tho I First Presbyterian church of Boston, ; Mass.. on October 18 After an ex tnded tup through tho White mourt i tains of tw Hampshire the couple ! will make their homo in Buffalo. N V flss WlcUins was i u mcnil.-i I of the younger .sorini Bet of this and for tho past two years lias bjien attendinK thn Boston conservator: ot music In Boston. . . " The Knights of Columbus hld their inaugural ball at the II-''! Utah laSI Tuesday nlghl The ,, room was a p. praprlately decorated with tho na tional colors. Flowers In the bright autumn tints decorated the punch table. The music was under the ill rectlon of Alfred Isom. About 300 were In attendance. Tho patronesses were Mrs. James vers Jr.. Mrs .1 C. Lynch, Mrs. Jo seph Gcoghegiin. Mrs. 11 V Byrni and Mrs C k, Qulgley A reception committee from the Young Ladies' Sodality, who assisted tho Knights were Mlsy Florence Sulli van. Miss Margaret O'Brien, Rhoda Brunnsau, Miss Margaret Fail Miss Josephlno Beuse. Miss Beatrice Ahem and Miss Maig.irei M. riu" Th. reception committee of the Knigln of Columbus Included A. Jv Brui W. H. Leary, J. C. Lynch. A. C. Sulli van. P, M Qoggln and T j O'Brien The committee on arrangementt were Joseph H. McKay, R E. Drls ooJl, R. A. Kan, R. E Bruneau and J. J. Lynch. Mr and Mrs. Roswell Palmer en tertained the members of their , ard club Saturday night at their home on Windsor avenue. Autumn Jeavr-s dec orated the rooms. Tho supper table had us a centerpiece a crystal basket of pink rosebuds. The evening was spent In cards and dancing Supp.-: was served at midnight The guests were Mr and Mrs William Hayei Mr and Mre Walter Francis, Mr. and MM Joseph Black, Mr. and Mrs. Roy h Carpenter, Mr and Mrs. Roy Mitchell. ... In honor of Miss Brxria Kuster, an autumn bride, Mrs. Homer Sherwood entertained Informally twelve of the los.- fi-i.-nds of the bride at B bridge luncheon Tuesday afternoon a; net ; home on Federal Way The lunpheoii tabic had as u centerpiece a low wic ker basket of cosmos and dahlias, i ' ' Mrs. Frank le MeCool returned Sun day from Chicago Ill - where -she has spent several weeks visiting wltb friends. ... Mr and Mis Julian Bamberger b ft for Seutllo where they will visit for two weeks with Mrs. Bambergei a parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hahlo. ... Mrs. Carl A Buaby has iturnod from a month's visit at he BOUthefH California beaches and with Mra l B. Winter and Mn C, L. 'r!ttemore in Los Angeles. ... Mrs. Walter l ord entertained at v bridgo luncheon Wednesday afternoon at her home In the Elise apartments In honor of Mrs. E. R. Brennun of St. Louis, who Is the guest of Mrs W M. Donahue. The luncheon table had as a centerpiece a crystal basket of purple asters on a eluny lace pover. The prize for the highest score was won by Mrs. W M. Donahue. The guests numbered l wenty-four . . Miss Rose Axelrad. whose engage ment to Louis Goldstein of Boston was recently announced, has been the motif for a number Of delightful en tertainments during the past week. Last Thursday Mrs N. .se'il and Mrs Philip Levin were the hostesses at i luncheon and shower given In Miss Axelrad'S honor Roses and nsl rs were effectively used In the decor,. tlv scheme, and kewpie bibbs were given for ( ho fa ore MIrs Eva Bruckner mtcrtlned with a miscellaneous shower Wednesday evening, the decorations being pink and white dahlias. The Misses ZcldaJ T 'and Roglna Axelrad and Mrs. S Glad ! stein, sisters of the bride, gave a ea i at the Xewhouse hotel Friday after I hoon, the table decorations being a large centerpiece of roses, with old i fashioned garland bouquets at each i plate for the fa ore I Mrs Sol Pomerance a(Ve a matinee party at the Orpheum Satprday after noon, followed by a tea at ' Mv Bhop' Sunday evening a number of young people surprised Miss Axelrad at her home, and on enjoyable evening was spent. The wedding will take place today at the N'ewhouse hotel ... Mrs. Eleanor Olson of Fremont. Neb., is visiting with Friends In the City. Mrs itlson was formerly a res)-, dent of Salt Lake and win be remem bered as Mihs Lena Dell. I Alfred reymbprg, the poet, mu- Sioian and dramatist, w ho will give a I reeitai Tuesday afternoon fit the La diei Literary clubhouse on Bast South' Terpple street, promises to be one Of the real literary treats of the oa son. Mr Kriymborg Is a native of j NTeit Ifork, who has been visiting In tho west for the last year. During his stay In California he gave three lecture recitals in the Greek theatre at Berkeley. As a poet he is an advocate of the school of free verse and the posses sor of a keen satiric talent and a tro mendOUS fund of humor. His man I dolute actiomanlment w ith the recital I of Ills poems demonstrates the wide range of his artistry and proves to be a definite step toward the revival of the rythmical and musical drama. Mr. Kreymborg has revived the pup pet theatre as an aid in the presenta tion of his one-act nlays. ... Mr.s. John T. Sharp entertained at a children's party Wednesday after noon In honor of tho anniversary of her grandson at the home of his par ents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. I'almer Sharp i.n v.iie avenut The luncheon table had as a centerpiece a large birthday cake with eight lighted tapers on it. The favors and place cards were sug gestions of the Hallowe'en season. Gaines and music wero enJoed dur ing tho afternoon The little quests W9T9 Richard Ward. Richard Shurtllff. Wendall Shurllirf, Junior KCSSler, Lindsay Kessler. Em ily Sharp. LeOrande Sharp, Richard Murdock. Roy Hill and Frank Lang top. Assisting the hotsesses were Mrs. James T. Sharp. Mrs L s Fisher and Miss Ytrna Robinson. . . Mrs. Rudolph Orlob entertained at n kensington tea Vednesday after noon at her home on East First South street in honor f M'ss Ilrma Kuster, whose marriage to Rlcjnard rlob is to take place at an early date. A wicker basket of old-fashioned flow ers formed the centerpiece, for the 'tea table In the living loom tall wjcke'r baskets of cattails and dla'na grass were used Assisting the host ess were her sister, Mrs Cordon Suth erland, Mis. Parley James and Mrs. I'arley Smith The guests were Mls;J Edna Kuster. Mis. Fred Kuster. Mrs J D C. Voung. Mrs. G. A K tlrlob, Miss Mary Louisc Uayes, Miss Gertrude Geoghegan Miss Margaret i'iilk. Mrs Homer Sherwood, Miss Hazel Clark, Miss Louise win slow,' Mrs. Roy Mclntyrei -Miss Kath leen Geoghegan. Mrs W. N Lewis. Mis; F'lorence Sullivan. Mrs Fverett Saunders. Mis Maicellus BliOW, Mrs. ""onnle Smith, Mrs J. an May. Mr Harry Erlckson and Mrs. La wry Hayes. ... Rev. and Mrs. p. A. Simpkln were the honored guests last Wednesday nlht at a farewell reception given for them by the members of the Phil ips Congregational church in the par lors of the church. A program con sisting of musical numbers and a n ail ing by Miss Ida Rich and a farewell address by Mayor C. Clarence Neslon was given preceding the reception. MiSS Lucille Cowan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R Cowan, has just re luined from a year's visit with her sister. Mrs. John C Brooks, In San Francisco. ... Mrs. John M. McChrystal and daugh ter. Miss Bobb, formerly residents of Eureka. I'tah. are now makliju their home at Las Vegas. Nev. ... Mr. and Mrs. R. M SlGckslager en tertained at a dinner party last Wed nesday night at their home on Third avenue In honor of Mrs. Stockslager's sister, Miss Olive D. Jones, whose marriage to Charles Clark Vernon Jr. will take, place today. Asters in the pastel shades of pink and lavender were arranged in a crystal basket and formed the centerpiece for the dinner , table. The favors and place cards-were also In the pink and lavender shades. Cathedral candles in crjstal holders I were on each corner of the table. Cov- J era were laid for fourteen. The hostess 1 was assisted by her sister, Miss Art on Jones. ... Miss Blanche Burt entertained Tues day evening at her home on Fourth avenue In honor of Miss Inez Ander son, who will leave in a few days foi 1 California. The evening was spent in cards and dancing, after which a light 1 supper was served. The guests wero .Miss Inez. Anderson. Miss Eleda An derson, Miss Bertha Burt, Miss '"diver Burt. Miss Anna McDonald, Mrs. J- jj W Hurt. Mrs. Chester Knight, Mrs II tmpton Hurt. Miss Norma Knight Miss Marjorle Burt and Miss June 1 Burt. s Tho Sans Gne cluh entertained at a dancing part last Wednesday night I at the Wilson botel. Autumn foliage i and bask eis of the late fall flowers decorated the rooms. Punch was served during the evening The host esses were Miss Beatrice Ahern, Miss Luclh Green, Miss H ern Hill Miss An- 1 ..,,1(1 Honrahnn f ku I.'., t h..pln0 inn . sen. Miss Luclle Leahy, Miss Margar ite LeCuyei. Miss Ella McCallum, Miss I Katherlne Maher, Miss Mrrle Bobbins, I Miss Loretta eggsebelder and Mlss I Rose Weggscheider The guests num- j I bered 120. . . i Mr. and Mrs. William FJeldsred of Preston. Ida announce the marriage I of their daughter, Mia? Bda FJeld sted, to William McKlnlev Hudson. The w. dding took plax;e Saturday eve ning at B:S0 o'clock at the home of Mi .ii,. i Mrs J. H. Morgan on East I Flrsl South street The ceremony was 1 performed bj Bishop C. Clarence Nes len in the present e of the immediate families and a feW close friends. Tho j; bride wore a dark blue tailored duve- I tyn suit with hat and boots to match. She wore a corsage of Ophelia roses. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Morgan were the attt ndant i ; A wedding supper was served at the Morgan home following the cere- mony Autumn foliage andlftte sum mer flowers decorated the supper ta ble. Covers were laid for fourteen gu its After short honeymoon trip 1 (Continued on Page Nine.) I '