1!! I sports" IV Owners May Organize Twelve Club League In Major League Cities Magnates at Chicago Mcctign Declare That Reorganization Must Be Pe?L( j! or a Civil Baseball War Will Result; Three Members to Be Named to Control Baseball Problems II baseball todny wan confronted with two apparent alternatives peaceful faj-organlxation or civil war. There was i ho ponalblllty ul twelve club league on one hand, composed of eight itetlonsl league club mid throe Amer ican league rlui.H, ivith tin her f o American leagut dubs In another clr i ciiit. At Icstxi. thiit was .virtually :in ultimatum picdcr.teil lo I'n il l .1 lan Johnson, of the American league and owners of flv el bs Washington, j Cleveland, Detroit, rhll.ndclphla and St. Loots, none of Whom was ri'r -gfented al yesterday's Joint league meeting a inch proposed ,1 ;la.i : organization. The plan approved ii I'rrsldcnt Pfeydler, of the National league and the lubf of that circuit, all rcpre,- sorted at the meeting as was Chicago. ' New York and Boston of the American I' Hur. wan that proposed recently bj A 1 1 iisker. a stoikholder In thei Chicago National league rlirb. w.if .-. k ' 1 to organ Uc 1 board, of ihrea member of natlonaHj known, J nun r.ot financial!) In ton f.l in base-' I ball to stiperaedc the national commH-l s!on which would bo abolished and; H present national avn crnont J ( Hi' I in. il would receive a salary of j -j I a year. The gthi two members 1 would receive $10,006 each. H The fire American league clubs not represented were given until Novem H 1 to approve the new agreement' j which would remain In force for H j rar. T'nless BO wan H threatened at the meeting sterda H to form a new five team. mi in tori U The new hoard would bo elected H by a majority oto of the clubs reprc-! H sented at a Joint le igue mortlng to he' H held In Chicago November The nor leagues win be invited to approvi H the agreement and 1 ccommendation , UmwM the club owners formulated yesterday 1 H DETROIT. Mirh.. Oct. If. It would B 1 be well to await determination by the' 1 I courts of the status of the present1 H national commission before setting up ftl another governing body for org.-- HJ baseball, said Frank J N'avln. presi- H 1ont of the Detroit American league club, discussing the Hl ganlzation of the game and abolition' 1 of the natloanl commission. 1 Mr. N'avln Is president of one of tn, H I five American league clubs not reprt--1 1 sented in yesterday's meeting at "hl- D cago when re-organlzatlon was decided f "It would be wise," Mr. Navln said, '1 "to await the decision of the court a Off appeals In the Baltimore case which I will decide whether the national com- I mission In baseball Is In violation of I the Sherman act" I WASHINGTON. Ool II Oark Griffith, president -manager of iho Washington American, deel -red last night that the fivo American league clubs not represented at today's meet ing In Chicago were not opposed to1 a re-organlzation of baseball. "Wi want complete hOOMCll an -Ing, ' Griffith said when Informed of the action tukon at Chicago "but we think It would he best to await until the Chicago grand Jury completes its InveatlgaUon of alleged crookedness. We don't think It advisabU to start 11 re-organlatlon until all 'bo evidence Is In." Griffith asserted that today's Chica go conference wa "political affair") The three clubs participating, ho add- od, are Keeking to oust Fan Johnson I as head of the American league formation of a twelvo club league, to replace the two major leagues, In Griffith's opinion, would ho Impractl ..able , PHILADELPHIA. Oct, 1?. Connie, IH .Mack, half owner of the Philadelphia I American club, today said he was not I I clear as to what the meetinc -f b- - I j ball men In Chicago was driving at. ' J The five clubs not represent d at tne j meeting constitute a malorlly of tne I American league. he said t Wo are the American league." lie I added, "and when the time oomo the E J I Neckwear THAT TIES UP QUALITY WITH STYLE ami .miii will lik. tliein, they give mu that fin j tlutiif touch that makes I um fed dretttd tip for j aud it fTflflgn'l matter if you tiro "mppy1 some particular color or shade, you will find it here in but iu nothing but Ika bifjittl qonllij B Next D cr to Orpheum Theater ' Custom Tailored Clothes 'American league will meet at the call of Its president and no doubt will tike action that III help baseball: 1 1 hn t will help raYae Its standard and prevent srandaH In Ihe future "I am not sure," Mr. Mack ald. that some of ihe National league clubs represented at the rmetlng uo not need a house rleanlngi 'sr, on, In or out of basenull -.m Joint a flnge. at the five American league clufts that were ri.' represented. They air all dent. ill I IM I v 111 MI "If all tho American league clubs hgd supported Mr. Johnson as t:iev should, the present baseball acandal would never have occurred. Years ago he wanted to lake mcaurcn to M'-p gambling, but never received proper Kiipport. "The American le.igue has no ob jection to the Nation. il league trying lo do something lo uplift the game. VVo will Join them In anything that will i-alM" the standard of baseball. Tne National league seems to send out the Impression that everything is har monious within Its organization. I don t know whether it Is true, but I do know there Is harmony In the majority of the American league clubs and we are not going to moot until wo know what's what and when we take action we will make no mistake ." Although the general outline re erganlzatlon was expressed in the meeting yesterday and resolutions adopted, no definite step toward re alignment of major league clubs was taken. It was stated. The threat of I the eleven clubs represented to form I 1 twelve club league In case the other acquiesce In the re-organlzatlon. In-( cluib'ri the solecilon of some city not named to complete the circuit, ill A DM R ( OMP1 MEN l 1 D. , The National league today adopted I a resolution complimenting President' Reydler, of the league, upon his standi taken In re-orga.nlzation plans and expressed a vote of thanks. He made the following statement: I "It was deeply regretted that neither Trexldent Johnson nor any represent, live of the Washington. Philadelphia. Detroit. Cleveland or St Louis Amerl- can league clubs were, present. No word was received from Mr Johnson I or from th. cluba mentioned "It was tho unanimous opinion of those attending the meeting that the re-organlzatlon of baseball should be forthwith proceeded with and plana Immediately prepared to that end. "The meeting felt that tho publio demand for public control was such that those present had no right to deny the immediate fruition of the Hjuno, ,,nd all preont were heartly a accord wth the acton adopted, belcv tng that through the carrying out of the same, baseball would be given a' re-btrth with the American public." President Johnson, of tho Ameri can league, recently said that no re organi"tation scheme should be con sidered until the investigation of tne baaeball scandal had been completed The five clubs not represented yester l is had ahmoil ihtmsolve ivith John son In previous American league con troversies In one of which last year the mlnontv tried unsuccessfully i, oust the president. OGDEN BOXERS WIN MIT TILTS Three Local Men Star in Bouts Staged at Salt Lake: Young Boxes to a Draw Al Young of ngden and Able Mish klnd of Salt lvke fought u M-round jdraw 111 tin f. ..nire Mi-rt at tin- Mar hattaii club last night at Salt Like Al ' though the first two rounds were even, I Young battered hla opponent to all part of tho ilng In th remaining ionnd v ,ir.,w de.-Ulon w.ls popular with the fans. The nrst two rounds were evenlvi contested, with Young coming up dur lag the third, earning a shade due to Ihll heavj fighting and a cross rlghi I to t 'ue faca The following two rounda found I Young fighting tho local lad off his1 1 feet, and sending In rights and lefts to1 tho body at a fast clip. In the two! 1 rounds Young earned a big margin ) Th. i.-u-t r.uind .1 1' hough Able mi la I healthy rushes and straight lefts.! Voung was hla master In fieri ex-, hanga a draw decision was well re ceived. In the four-round sentlwlndup. Jack' lian of Ogrien was given a well earned mn oxer Joy Solomon Kor the first two rounds Ryan . niothercl his man with blows. Solo . jmon never offering anr exchanges. I seemingly content at covering all dur-, ling th !- two rounds The first art , of tho third found Ryan doing all the i work and Jay still covering. In the last half of the third round Jay made a few light rushea. which' Itym mot raeh time with stiff loftal It., iho face. The last round w.-;i hotlv contested. This round could hove boon given to Solomon by a slight' bade, but owing lo hi, continual .... ring during the first three round a 1 .on for Ryan w.is given, alt hough 1 (l was not well reoelvM An fjrov made Rutch Michael earn' hla decision in their four-round go.' forcing the fighting to Michael at each' hanga. Laroy chased Hutch around jthe ring for the rirst two rounda ln! r.rder to got pome action. Ml hao) 1 floored his man in the second round, ibut could not put over ihe proper 1 ! swing Rill Pfleater loaf a four -round bout to Bit Nelson of ogden. Pfelater did I 1 most of tho work. Wl lb . .on waited! hli 1 hance. and swung heavy rights tol toll a hoad. which told on the local boy W .Iter Heart nd Tony BelattO fought four rounda to a good drawl i'.ilor each boy trying hard, to slip over that necesamry blow. Belalto took . first two rounda. while Hoart won the last two. John Woodmanalo and Young Mich ael wero given a draw deelaion In tho opening bout, featuring WcmxI nta nale a I yganeaateaaaaea and Michael left jaha r. :W,BMaaaWMMMMBp- rTaMaaMaaaaaaaf,ag1f,,ffa 7SfiSBBSWyWsHW m a 11 men, especially those with large size jaaa g 'r-'-"--'-- ' ' hands, say they do. IL aiIaiZ3 1 fc g "". -.ZZZZrmmi 1 ,v Stropping No Honing. Have a WFi laaSJ I "E3LVl2Sk& Ml jl ft! - ' -r dealer show you the Big Fellow. KEllEzZI I jTjlijBBBBaaaBjBBj! ' "--ajjrafiooih t Jh ly" m mi Cinadian Factory' Nrw York Ixado Msad Amrtrrdkm S-drry Calntu RiarfrJaauro rta--iaB I t-B Ti SL AlrxaodVr Oileaf frij Krjiwli Gratrt bhtoglxt i on"ntlol Tck- laaaM V Wp-T1' " m "1 Montreal, Qbe 8n Krancisr Milan ( omixo HiniM Airrt Slcre Prt Kliuhctii mH I Bf WEBER TO VIE WITH PIS HI Watson's Aggregation to Clash Against Farmers Friday in Regular League Game 'onch Malcolm Watson'- Yel. r N'ir mul college grtdderi are down to hard work this week in preparation for their flrat league game of the season. The Woberitea will clash against the fast Davis high school aggregation at Kays vllle Friday In a contest which gives promise ul being hotly contested. Tho contest last Saturday between the tigdcli A A. and the 9i ibai ,-tjrs clearly convinced tli fans that Watson has sonic first rate material on hand. Hickman. Hallld.i und lleoa 111 I'.tr tlculur bowed claaa galorr and these men will, no doubt. Ik- strong ground gal nor for tho I Hue .m.l White fl... J Couch, who Blayed during ihe (m.i: fieriod litst week In the fullback posi tion, showed th.it if possessed claaa lie abould dor!op into om of tne het beta on the Web-r eat v. : Hinckley at center also abowod that he ptMBeeaad a gocxl know.lg- of the game Ml pausing wus superb. He is one bet bet centers in the atate and with a few more years in the game should bo in tho A-l claaa. Roberta, star hMfback of the Davis elaven. la the big .tax of the farmer eleven, lie m ope of the best lino plunger In tne state, can circle the enda with great I peed and Is a good general. Hrvo und Smith are also star of the first order on the Roni ney machine. Th- content Friday will tart promptly j e'Ciack. Weber atudenta will leave here Friday after inoon In a bods to witness the con-teat. It la said I'lfifntid. O. Waa tho flrt city to prohibit the m!o or ua. of fire works on the Kc urth of July. taV.'XI VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BALL PLAYER IS DAIRY MAN "Dad" Hausen Conducting Modern Dairy at Rupert, Idaho. "From Catcher's Mitt lo Milk Pall." is the title of .in nrticle In the Idaho Farmer featuring H F ' Dvt' II.uk-n igden baseball catcher in the days of the "lobsters." A clipping of the article by Ray W Felton. was forwarded to the Stand ard -E Tarn in er by Jesse S. Richards, former igden man. now breeder of j blooded atock at Virginia, Ida. It fol- 1 What become of the old time league 'baseball favorites? Kwrv once' in a again At the Minidoka county fait this year and again at the Cassia conn- 1 record. When aaked about hw too hall record Mr IUuon eshlbitt a' pair of hand that gave mute evidence 'GRAND JURY 10 RESUME HEARING Baseball Championships of 1919 tn Be Threshed Out First; Witnesses Called CHICAGO. Oct 19 Investigation by the special grand Jury of the al leged fixing" of the 1M worlds j ac-rles, as well as other phases of bose ! ball gambling, was resumed today. 'The lat session was held Just before I the world's series. At the present aeaaion It was Indi icated that special attention would be! I paid to baseball pools and the gran l I Jury was epei ted lo make some rec-I ' ommendatton i to whether or not they were a form of gambling liarm ful to professional baseball. Assistant State a Attorn- Roplogle. In charge of the investigation, .vild It' I was possible there might be Indlci moots In addition to the eight already 'played In the major leagues In l.'o' IWOUld bs in.il.ifl on The poppy la discussed for accept -iance aa the memorial flower of the American legion. m In the Threo-i . ae ,,- ..n, .ran: with the Kansas City club in the West.f ern league. in io he pUv-.l nh Southern league and later to the Ceo-' Three ar ago Mr liauen cam to'' s milk pall, but Dad Mauan ha dem- i nrivtrated hla ablll' to use bvth. t Tou can build a lovely pedestal 'f niurbp.- or of praise, You can place a man upon It When In stardom he s nhluze. You kin worship him and love him I You kin point with drepeat pride To the man who's played o fair game. Who Ktays honest When he's tried, Mut they don't build an pedestal I 'or heroes who have pai-srd And the don't rrfake lovely haloa I Hut the blgfei heroea'come. some, time The harder they will fall. There used to be a ball player who coorted about the Inward garden of the White Kox tam In Cbleagfj. And Chicago loved him! And there uaed to be a pool room down In Pie morn North Paro'in a her. the home town bo), gathered lo pay their reapeei to this baeball etar. a Times) have hanged since. In fact, the Chicago baseball acandal has bobbed up since the 'good old day'' of "love aad reapeec" tea Where :he I.. ra or . e made eLart- i And where the boys used to gather J round pool table right down In the 1 ioipo town busints fesa'i so good. I i mm -on. hero. omlng of Joe mm hit-ago Whit H the wind HaH SPAIN'S BEST TOREADORS I WILL THRILL MEXICANS W km WL mmm bun. for the -J"' na Th. vr nt ill IJLpH o-gin this momb and continue through HaH the winter H Hoth the bull fUhters and the bulla to ihe IfajXt- H cans, who il lit ht In ihoc contests. It fi M i 'nrth. st and iigbiing qnUMag of some of ihe bulla traineu for the arena w tMt ipLpi metal 01 ihe r -ning with H rid and SelUs rin r M- H Home of tt.e Spanish bull fighters ippH SlraiMrS'it" h'hlT " f"mou' pppl p miaeu about l.Cs" p-rj for H ' 1 r,fi Tins H nur.iber f hu ap J ISfi. dtpsud uaou th H i. !'!litlr,lb' hh Umr ('her ce, pJLjLjH