OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 19, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-19/ed-1/seq-14/

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HP -
Ii '
Again Today At
"Mere of the Dawn"
From the Novel, The Desert
of Wheat,' by
JS j Turned em away the last
r rait tv0 as ome early if yu
want a good seat
Ogden Theatre
Starting Thursday. Tom Moore in "Officer 66G. ' Sunday, "45
Minutes From Broadway . " Positively the pick of the world s
i '
I Ward Conference !s
Held at North Ogden
Anmmt conference of the North I
d'-n ward was held Suih1:i v. .wit h i i
coon and afternoon sessions. Tho
prlenlhood mot .'it ! a m.. At l":3o,
th. Sunday Mohool hour, tr m r;il .- s
alon m hold. The regular confor
Cim i meeting was In Id at 1 p. m. A
l.iislnemi meotlnsr of th ward i :i' hrrs,
(resident of priesthood quoruRiB and
auvlliary associations wan well at
tended. Various phase of the ward work
I hi- reported "n. The hKh priests
bv n. P". Blaylock; the eeventlee by
Arthur O lii-rrett; the elders D) Ohl
Henry Storev . the priests l HlahOP
I Barker; the teachers by Clair 15.
I Urown, and the three ba mi iinn m s
I lv their respective presidents.
The Hello f society was reported by
1 Mar)- A. Stony, the Sunday school by
Joseph Folkman. the Young Men's
M I. A. bj Lewis A. Kandall; thr
I Young; Ladles' M. 1. A. ty Ollv M.
Itandall: the primary by Susan B.
Bills; the religion class by Maggie I.
'I'.i jv'urt, and the ward In general by
Bishop's Counselor Lorenzo Ward.
Samuel G. Dye Of the stake prest'
dency was In attendance, also Mar
cus Farr. Elijah A. Larkln. Walter B.
BcbVllle, Dsvld I. Tracy. Henry 1, Jen
. i .in. I Amhros I' Merrill of th- hiKh
council; John Q, Llaylock of the
stake siiperlnler.dney of Sundav
schools; Veda IN-rrett of the Itake
board, and Eva t'ragun of the presl-
loncy of the Young Indies' association
of the Stake, besides tho ward bish
opric and pfClceia of priesthood ouor-
URUI and auxiliary associations, and
a lartro aticndunee of the lay mem
lrs of the ward.
The services wore under the dlrec-
Cast for New Production, "The
Three Twins." Partially
The first of the rehearsals of 'The
Three Twin;." musical extravaganza
to be glvrn by th- American Ix-Klon
Opera company and tho Altriart o
clety was held Sunday afternoon in the
! University club rooms Managing L1- ,
rector Bob Major read the dialogue of
the opera. Impt rsonatlng the varlousj
characters, while Musical Director,,
IMarcellus Smith, violinist accompanied
b Miss ra Dclamator at the piano.1
plsyed the various musical selections.
Hiss. Psj King who has the leading
role In the production, sang the many
pretty songs.
Several of the principal parts which I
wore not filled previously were filled !
at the rehearsal. Ml Violet H ill,
Mrs Alice Pardo West and Bob Ma-1
Jor. Judged all trjout. Enthusiasm
shown by those who are to take
part in the production.
The next rehearsal will bo held to
morrow evening at the Conservatory
of music at " o'clock. Parts will be
glvgn out and work will begin Immed-I
latch Jreat care has hern used in'
the selection of the chorus, as singing!
and dancing experience has been found
Prior to the rehearsal. - mooting of
th business staff was held and reports
were given by Ensign Herrlck and
Bernard DeVoto.
Big Sale of Steers j
j Made at Stockyards
Several cars of cattle were sold at
the Ogden L'nlon stockyards yesterday
to California packing companies. I
i More than 600 steers weighing from
1100 to 1200 pounds were purchased1
by the Standarfl Packing company of
lxs Angeles, the California Dressed
Bet f company and the Ogtlvn Pack
ing company.
Ptve cars of feeder steers won sold
I to Spanish Fork men.
Mental Clinic Here
! Thursday Morning
Dr. George E. Hyde will conduct a
mental clinic nt the city hall in the
mayor's office Thursday morning. Dr.
Hyde will arrange for individual in
terviews starting .it 10 a. m.
tlon of Itlshop's Counselor David Gil
bert Kandall. Tho music was fur
nished by the ward choir, under the
direction of Ward Chorister Harold S.
Campbell in the general moitincs, and
under the direction Of Win. M Kills
for the priesthood session.
i v-1 H, "SBte- i
The Judge "How did you come to hit this party?"
The Taxpayer "Well, your honor, he said I was going to
vote the Democratic ticket."
( Political Advertisement )
Weber County Republican Committee, Arthur Woolley, Chairman E
Impressive Service Marks Fu
neral of Private Raymond
Impressive services attended the
burial yesterday afternon of Private
Raymond M. Holmes, hero of the Krc.1t
war who died 'n Prance, and son of'
Mr and Mrs. Will II Holme- of North
Hundreds of friends, relatives and
ex-service men crowded the North Og-1
den ward hall to pay hom.tv.-i- '.. th.
soldier who had made the supreme
sacrifice and offer his family their i
sympathy and condolence. A wealth of,
floral offerings covered the pulpit and
an American flag enshrouded the cof
fin. Major Charles R. Mabey. soldier of I
two great wars, was the principal1
speaker. Ho eloquently extolled the
merits and bravery of the man was
had died In defense of his country.
l)l - Kim HEROISM
Tito speaker vividly described the I
entry' of United States into the war!
and the heroism of the first Amerl- '
fans thrown into the breach. Only a I
few handfuls they wore, he said, as!
numbered against the foe. but these
men proved their mettle snd turned
back the Oorm.-in tide even though
many of them paid the supreme sacri-
flee. One of these men to fall, he j
-aid. u.i.- Private Holme-. Tin slim K
the enemy received when those Amerl- i
cans struck tho lines sent a shudder I
through the entire German army!
which continued until they appealed
for an armistice, the speaker sala.
During his talk. Major Mahry n
cited two poems, and he extended his I
sympathy to the parents and brolhi n
t' the fallen soldier, one of the two
men in North Ogden who died in !
Bishop Frederick Barker conducted!
the service and opening prayer Has
offerod by George B. Brown The ward
choir then sang. God Moves In i
m rterloui Way "
Arthur Woolley was then called
upon to road the citation of braver)
trhlcfa the commanding officer of the'
First division had signed and Which j
held Private Holmes as a soldier of j
groat gallantry and meritorious set-!
Other speakers were James H. An - ;
dereon Lysis i.arkin, Samuel g. Dye,
and Rlshop Barker. Each speaker in '
turn paid high tribute the fallen
soldier, who had willingly, they Bald,
laid down Ills life for Civilisation.
Robert Greenwell. a former marine '
In Prance, with one year's servlc
abroad, sang. "My America." the sam
selection sung In France when Private
Holmes was buried at Tours. The of
ferlnK of tho former marlon was one
of fh most ImpreSSlYS portions of the
I services, i
Eysle Iirkln, also a hSX-servlce
man, eulogised the man who had fall
en In battle and declared he had laid
down his life for the greatest caui
that of protecting women and children '
and Civilisation, In closing Mr. I.arkin
: tendered the services of the American I
Lotion to the grief -itrldcen family and
urged them to call upon the organ :zk-
tlon for any tarvlce they might n .1
Bl l is, ' STAR IJSQlOln
Many members of the Service St; i
.cgion (core piekent at the sftrvieeu.
Selections wore sung by KCphl
Browh and Mis-; Mildred Ware nnd
toward the dose Of the services Air.-.
Arthur Woolley sang, "The Americans
An Coming."
Ji jiU D Evans offered the cIosIiik
A military escort, made up of We
ber county men. who. In most cases,
hud faced the fire of the enemy In
France, formed outside the Holmes
home In North t igden and stood at
"present arms" as the body was taken
from the residence. Former soldiers
anil sailors were pallbearers. The
military SSCOfl headed the cortepe
which pro. I'ded from the Holmes res
ld BC( to th ward meetinghouse.
Following the service the escort led
the cortege to the cemetery where tne
hero was laid at final rest. A salute
was fired over the grave h u firing
squud of .m , , 1 1 n r -. - Taps" was sound
ed bj Irvine Hodgi-. member of the
R i T. C. "f the (igden High hool
William t:ibson. of the American Le-
ijlon. ih ili ited the grave. Pallhe.ir, r
Wt re Ronald F Holmes. Dewey P.
Holmes. Floyd Dudman. William B r
rett, Kay Daniels and Wlllbim Qlbson
, rvi .
Democratic Rallies
Scheduled for Week
With arrangement still in progress
for additional meetings, the Democr ii
lc campaign organization has announc
sd the following ralllOM in the coun
try' precincts of Weber county for the
present week:
Tuesday evening -Judge L. R. Mar
tlnau. Jr . of Salt Lake, and T. 8.
Browning Waeren: Henry i. Moyie
fo Salt Uk.-. and J. M. Chllda at
Taylor. J W. McKlnne of Salt Lake,
and Martin V. Urown, at Burch Cre. k
Wdnesday evening Martin P.
Urown and J. M. t'hlbls at Hunts
vllle; D U. Larson, Democratic candidate-
fbr state auditor and D. D. Mc
Kay 'i at Pleasant View: Major Frank
Francis and former Senator Joseph (
Chez. St Farr W. -t
Thursday evening Mayor FranV
Francis and T S Krownlng at Hunts-1
K.iv; i: S Him kley and J. W. Chtlds 1
ut Bden; T. S. Browning und J. A.
Smith it I.ll.ei t Se nator 'hez at Koy.
in addition to these meetings, ae-j
cordlni; to Thomas Maglnnts. in charge
of the Democratic speakers' bureau,
speakers will sent to other districts!
of the county on Friday and Saturday
Boys' English nnd 'tfT7 Boys' English and
I Round Toe Round Toe
Finest welt shoes Splendid School H
j 9 to 131 2 $4.95 jl 3 X 9 to 13' 2 $3.95
5 lto2 $5.45 JR 1 to 2 $4.45 !
I 2'2to6 $5.95 ( 2'; to6 $4.95
" Ladies' Black Kid Lace Welt Shoe, Cuban heel
- Same in Brown Kid. $12.50 LEATHER HOUSE SLIPPERS ALL
! j?3 i ChpOl bflOeS AND THE kiddies PRICES FROM
I Black Calf $2 95 Sizes 5 to 8 Tan Calf $3 45 -
I Black C.ilf S3 45 Sizes 8 , to 11 Tan Calf $3.95 fl
$ Black Calf $4.75 Sizes 11' .. to 2 Tan Calf $4 85
j $1-25 to $5.00 j
l $n.oo v j m
5 Men's black calf Enpjish last; also medium S 1 0.50 Jg g I
ioe$10 values women's sturdy tan brogue Ox- J
! H . W JON ES SHO E CO , '
jrJ-u':)i: 2461 Washington Ave. 1
Iq i - bio . o jujj II I j
RAPS E. 0. P.
on coram
Judge Martineau at Uintah
Says Republicans Trying
to Beiorj Issue
"The development! Ol tlC past i .i
jduys with repard to th.- lt;iguc of i .
tlons laaue In this campaign is only fur
ther evidenco of the work of the lie-'
publican Leaders In their desperate
fort.s to hofoK tho mind of th, Ami .1
can people on the subject of the cove
nant. However, in ths present lDssnc,c,
th n is .-iln.idy iiinpb. n..f H 1: i.
sibly tho itopublican candidate for(
prestdi nt has mado the most serious
nii.-t.i ki- 1.1 Ins i. ill. in 1 .11 . .M
Referring to the recent asttertion of
Senator Warren ; ECsnUnsji ihiii be
had been approached by a represents -i
live of the Krench KoviTiiiiu nt SS ts
.111 ...-ioi-Kitlon of nations. .Iu.Ir, I. I!
IfaitlneBlU, Jr . of Salt Lake City. m.i.N
tht- above statcmont at a Democratli
rally tn Ulntsh last nicht. Judgi- Mar
Uneau quoted from the columns of the!
Standsrd-Sxsjniner of lant ventni in I
iillns nttenttoln to tho action of Pres-
Idont Wilson In calling upon the pivxl-1
'dcntlul candidate f'" verification of
hs recent statement.
"Thf goernrnont of France has
.11 iw-r violuted its Blfflialun to the
leo.venant of the league of nations or
, the alleffod raprsssntatlvs referred to
bj the Rspubfteani eandloate did i "t
rSpresSOt that Kovernment." Bald if
rcnocratlc speakor "If Kr.im.-i- g
si lidlng ropn-Mont-itl og to this foun
Itry oti Questions of International rela
tions. I'ro9ldont Wtlson ln-lloo3 that
mj. h ropri-i.-nliit Ives should tri ii w.M,
the jjroo. r authorltlee throuRh the dc
'parlment of state, rather than through
political channels.
"If the reprtsentntlvo referred to by
Senator U.iriln nled certain
Preneh Interests other than the l-'reneh
irovcrnment. It doubtless appeals to
I every fair-minded elllsten of tills coun
try that the Ropublleaa prestdeattaj
candidate should have so stated. In
either event, 1 am of the opinion that
the citizens of the United States have
the right to know whit sort of repre-
1, 11I . t , . 1 1 1 iR M i.i out r. I r . 1 1
If any. We WU ull be lntoreed in
the replj of Senator Harding."
As one of the best KUldes to their
action at th. polls on November I, the
Iemocratlc speaker urged every otor
to at le.it road the covenant us an oh
Bsrvanoe f 'h league of nations Sun-,
day, on October 26. The fundamental
Objects pf such an organization us set
forth in the covenant cannot but ap-
peal to every sincere, fair thinking clt
ilzen, nccnrdlng to Judge Martlne.iii
Martin P, itrown, Dsmoeratli candl-
date for county commissioner; Thoin-;
as .Maglnnts. candidate for district ai
inrii.', Mims Kjitherlne lllKjrlnLnth.ini,
Candidate for eounty recorder and oth-'
ers of the I lemocratle campaign or-.
gnnlsation attended the Uintah mui-inc.
We viall to thank our kind Irh Ddj
and neighbors for their xwnpathy and
kindness durint; our roci ni porrow lit
the lone of our dear 111 tie
Ml! and VMS. Wll. HINZ AND
The popular Ion of t'hleago Is repi -en
ted by IS different nationalities
on am
When ihe Orpheum orchestra nnd
lltsi LDllsn Thatchsfe nrfihsstTh com
bine in a continuous dancing program
ihr Lerth ina Wednesday night. On H
ih n dan' will be afforded nf th,
most pleasant veilings they could
hopi I
Late dance hli v ,11 he plated, one H
orchestra taking up Ihe .lame hi I
the other Ii er J. 1
;oss hn;. been nsaured that many of H
the young folks of Hie city are arrang H
ing to attend ihe dance in H
groupr. Adv nsilt,
ifyrk A i ways Use A fl
i Tire Pressure I
You can t expect to get tho correct -mount of air into
your tires by the guess method , HiJi
and you cau t reasonably expect to receive I maximum Hl
tire service unless your air L kept just right. fM
Don t be without a tire pressure gauge its constant use
pays dividends rl
Other Supplies and Accessories I
Also check up MTSflllly on your other supplies, tools or acces BH
Bones. We can show you an interesting atoortment of genuine 1
quality at nominal prices. Bih
Mack Robinson Garage E
2444 Grant 0-dr
" J
I Hear J. Reuben Clark Tonight I
I Weber College Auditorium Subject, "League of Nations" At 8 O'clock! I
i 1

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