' STATE mi mm iv;S"
Latest Items of Irterest From Utah nr. firm St-it
M Raily Held at Mount Pleasant:
SJ Many Republican Clubs
IH Are Formed
H miuxt plisXsXkt, i?.
U I'nitcd Staff Senator j:o BlUOOt '
B the speaker Inst evening t the largest
H Senator Brr.ool nttacWed features of
H f the league of naliono. Uucy Gates
H i.it ii and Mi - i Thomas fir-
H I'AltK CITY. if. --The Park
H Cltj Republican elected the
H foilnvklux officers: Will.. id Hireum-
H ic- president; A. J' lildge, m ond
H Ftaddon,
H vVflllam Robiriaoh,
H W'entwottu. J. 1. Uu.gford. George
Vfl ii ml vv. 3. ounif, members of the -x-
Wl eeutlve committee; lira RebeCCS 8or-
H ton. Glen C. Weutworth, A. P. Kldge.
HH I j. riaddorl, W. K. Jofford. Mary Jou
H ford, Jcronte Pnfcfdn and LswTftncd C.
H committee
RICHFIELD, Oct Hi Kcpuh-
1 11cn club of llfChfteld !.:. perfected
h ii.i organisation, with officers as fol-
low: Jonathan LI jrd, president;
H George I irson,
H NlClsem, second vice pr.'aldent; Leslie
A. Poulson, tie - re tu ; George JonW,
Wgh tn. J. W I'eter-
M of the
1 tenaon has been elected president of
H the Kopubllcan (lui r o,ti-
Ctrl uic: Grace Johnson, first vice
president: J. Msiben "Ihorison, a ond
1 vice president; Dy.n. i Chriaitouseu, sec-
' Ireasuicr;
Valton sfortensori, Iver B. ivefson,
i;iadM Ii.id.' . i. M:m y.utiix- Ch Isten
sen. Ml Ofl Carol i'ct--rsin aI(l Wilford
H Anderson, members ot the executive
H committee
MORONI. xi i?.-The, Republican
H club of .Moroni hu.i elected E. 13. Gar-
rclt as president arc:
H Leona lion?, fir-i vice president : Leo
Morhy. prealdetit; Ddlph'.a
If.' v Roes, secretary; Ii i . Anderson. ire-:is-
B urer; m r.
sun. J. it. Blacknian, Rodnay
son, Clara Stark and Ethel
H of 'lie
rv.lcngo anmmll) produce manufac
lured goods to the. vrij-ue of move th m
1 1,500.(100.000, madi y more tlia'i
IDAHO 1. 0. 0. F,
Annua! Election of Officers
Held by Lodge Men at
CALDWELL. Ida . Oct. 19. With
approximately 100 in attendance, the
grand ehcanjpn'wat of the i. p. o. P.
mi here yesterday; The election of
officers resulted as follows:
;r,md patriarch, a P. sham; Cald
well: liiifn j.ncsi. II. P. K'lnter. Id;.lio
1 ills; senior warden, ft. T, wcns.
Malad: Junior warden, James A. Itybee
Twin Fall! rand scribe. Presley P.
Home, 'aldw1l: Treasurer. A. E GlP-
tod, Caldwell; representatives, Mont-
Ciilnn f 1 1 r I ii I'll' ("(in Hrandt. l'oca-
'I'lli- InS 'a II.lt ion "f sJeCtive tn.l a
polntive offh er will take place today.
Rfebekah assembly also convened
V.iMl ul. .11! :'"'! fill Cenin.litee
asslgnmenbj and reports occupied the
The derartnient eouncfl was in ses
sion Mondaj evening, Abput fifty-five
win receive tie decoratlbn of chivalry
1 Dedication of the homo alo will
in i i.i.ice Wednesday,
. oo
salt LAKE, ct. m. Harry Horse
ley lat surviving member "f a troop'"
of pioneer actors of Salt I ake, and a ,
veteran em pi : e uf te traction torn
lany, will eclobrate h's ceycnty-Tlfth
birthday anniversary October, a. Hm
birthday falls .n t. Z4, but us that
lute is ' D fhtnday, bis family will
iiolj their festivities In his honor on
the follbW'the day.
'Che troupe if actors with whom Mr.
HOrs ley wa: de itl ad daring his
earlier dae Included Phil Margctts,
i.il McKenzlC, John S. Lindsay and
POCATJELLO! l'lj.ho, Oct. 19. The'
trial of Einmetl DonnJlUC, former sol-,
dier charged j witji shooting a Basque
Bheepherdpr, near McICay, loal sum
nxer, attracted considerable attention
in tli" nde.,.1 courl yesterday. Nearly
100 witnesses to the trouble) Which wots
between sbeeph'rders and citllemen,
!,.. bee-i Called.
' The defendant- together with 7I:oni- ',
as Donahue, E. J Kter, Charles
Kelvey, Charles Warren and Rudolph!
L'ii;ii.i i la chargi i with obstructing!
the piiblii Donahue pleads
welfrdefense in the shooting case-
! sheep'.ierder who was shot re-.
bovered from his wouhds,
i v ' - ' ' V -y. '
T3V"T ,1C oW Log
Brigham City Disposes of
$200,000 Bond Issue for
BRIGHAM CITY, Oct. 19. The city
'council bus accepted the bid of tne
Hcnchctte lt"'d company of Cnicago
I tor the lirigham City municipal elec-;
! trie light bonds, a f 100.000 Issue voted
just recently to rebuild the pipe line
1 und power bouse. The amount offcrd
1 und accepted i$ltU.j00 net to Brig
ham City, which Includes the expenses
of City Attomej J- w- LoWf 10 cb-
: cago and return.
iit Wednesday morning w, f.
! Itullock, representing the Henchottc
Bond company, arrived in this cit
' unannouiit el and immedlatel. began
looking wi members of the city coun-
IpU. He secured U hearing W'cancsday
and special meeting was held Wed
nesday night when matters were gone
into iiirtner, witn Ma) or J W. r..crs
I present.
Alter oni'M the offer of
cents tor ihe bonds It was decided 10
cat! ' meeting ot the taxpayers oi the
. ny and present the matter to them.
A special meeting was called for the,
following baturaaj night. October it.
Some or ihe ropreaeutartve men of me
cits came to mr in- ling When th
muttci was gone intu caret ully. some
i ii. il mere was no real Hurry to
sell the bonus inasmuch as the market
;s improving some, and others felt that
l lie oul iant may ,vc way at an
time anu lease tne city in darkness .
.i.ii.. tnai it inighi be best to rush the1
work of rebuilding at the curliest pos
siuie moment.
I i i. . K i n LRS MCLIX I
Mr, ouilook, representing tne Hen
chottc liond company, was .present,
i nt- newspapers sort of "spitted tho
beans' for bim by publishing the offer'
he made lor tne bonds and that a !
1 1 ai meeting nad been called for;
hniuiU.iy mgnl to consider m- nut-
i . .v;.a ii, aii probauiiuy the Palmer
j. oii.i i, mortgage company of S;.lt
Lake mad thdl anuoum. eiuent and ,
sent tin , representative, .Norman P.
God be, to Brigham Clt post hasie to
uid j'lL a tittle nlghcr than .o. Uul
lots s biu and grao the Issue. Others,
. ... et...-. iiuo ...-eji leading the news- j
pa ; ioo, and before tne meeting
v iw-i ;:i v.aii-c J Air. Uodbe; star
ling w ii,.. representing Luawonii,
LOtiliUU o. Oi Denver, and A C.
BSifcy, representing the Bankers Trust
i -j. uf Deliver
cowl VO BID.
These snr.l.ng gentlemen announced
that tne hao read abjut the offer
(or Bngham City a municipal gilt
edged bonds and they came to bid
for them. Of course Air. Bullock
thought this was quite unfair and pro
tested on the grounds inat his bid
Had Gc-en m'aae public. He was over-.
ruled, nowever, and these gentlemen
were permitted .o nie bids, which
lead m follows:
Bankers irust company, f 1.91,250
net Boswbrth, Chanute and company,'
i.i i. ..mi net; Palmer Bond and Mort
gage company. $192,000 net; tl6l- '
ili.de B.ont1 company s bid was for
$idi, uou net.
R U&ES Ills i f
As soon as these bids were an - !
pounced Mr. imliock staled that he
reserved the right to raise his bid
since his competitors had knowledge
Of the amount ot his bid bef.,i.: th, v ,
filed their bids, and before he could'
be interrupted lm placed his bid at
(192a00 net to Brigham City,
i In ii there was something doin' "
and Mayor Peters hud to use the '
Ravel a-plenty to resiorc order. The
low bidders now decided that the sug
gcstlon of some of the taxpayers to
. oatpi : Ihe sale thirty days was a
good or, and advocated that that ac
tion I taken. .Mr. Bullock then in-'
nui i hi,i, roifg since they had de
cided it beat to wall awed. when it'
became ne'ee'ssarj for Mayor Peters
i " again call time "
Pollowlng tins proceeding the coun-
cil iMiu into executive session and i
sftei several hours' debate and con-'
sideratlbn the decided tu accept of
' l l .st bid filed by Mr. Bullock for
ii. Hencjiette Bond company of rhi
' 1,1 1 1" 'lb of 1 1 92,500 net and
Attorney Lowe's nip to Chicago'
; s i t Lake, Oct id fficiai
; notice of tho change In the date of I
ihe intcrstati commerce commission j
hearing on freight and passenger rates!
intrastate In Utah, from .November l i
to October 29, was received b i he I
public uillities commission of Utah
yesterday. The hearing Is over the
present intrastate rates on coal and
Iron ores and of passenger rates on
tic lines, and where the present
ngcr fares are in excess of three!
cents a miie
l -Mining companies espeel-' are ex
p.'cted to m.ik. a siroI1K showing in
onnecflon with the hearing which win
b in the federal courtroom.
The Utah commission vesterday also I
received a copy of the brief which has,
been filed with the interstate com-1
merce commission on behalf of the I
State regulator? commissions in fortv-I
jone mates, Including Utah- Joshua
Greenwood, resident of the Utah pom
mis ion Is a rneriibeY of the committee
representing the state regulator com-!
I missions. The brlel was prepared by
John E Benton, general solicitor of
I the National Association of Railway I
and Utilities Commissionc Th. who was'
assisted by counsel for the commis-i
Isioners of six stales.
SALT LrVKE. Oct. 19. What consti
tutes w oman's .share of work on a farm 1
Iwill be dlSCUSSed by leading national,
jspcakers and by Salt lake and Utah
speakers at the opening of the two
days session of the Woman's National I
! Congress at 'he Assembly hall today.!
The sessions will be under the direc
tion of .Mrs. Fannie M. Kllnek. pnsi
deni of the organization Among the
speakers besides thos? from this city
land state, will be Lorraine Elizabeth
(Wooster of Topcka, Kan.. Kansas state
superintendent of public instruction,
Mbu Julia Lathrop of Wasntngton, D
C, who win represent Dr. P P. ciax
ion, United stales commissioner of
I education, who will not tie able to at-!
tend; Frank E Howard, professor ot
sociology of the Idaho State Normal
school, whose topic will be "Prcsent
daj Needs in Education"; Mis Elisa
beth Skinner of ITorlda. who will dis
c uss tropical agriculture: Airs. Theo
dore SoxOp of Topeka. Kan-, who will
apeak on "Hogs and Hollyhocks "; Mrs
i Eva Lehmann of Wisconsin, whose
laubjecl will he "Cheese Making"; Mrs.
I John Al. 1 low iht of South I'akota,
I whose topic will bp "Flowers for the
Farm Home." and Airs w H. Thomot
Of Missouri who will u:.cuss "Willing
IThe cost of running the city govern
ment of Chicago. including pubiii
schools und libruri
itl4.73l.71J.06. '
Speech to First Voters Virtual
ly Ends Front Porch
MARION. O. Oct. If Senator
Harding hud today his first real re-
. ii. from compaignlng in several
weeks. No speeches were on his pro
gram, and although he had several
conferences und considerable corre
spondence hefore him. he hoped to gef
away early for a ride and if possible
ipi me of jrolf.
The front porch campaign lrtuall
ended yesterday with the speech to
first voters.
Tomorrow at 7 a. m he will leave
on his last campaign trip outside the
state, carrying him to Rochester, and
Buffalo. N. V
The long succession of political pll
ci images to Senator Harding's front
porch reached high tide Monday in a
gathering that deluged Marlon ami
ii led about the vicinity of the Hard
ing home in a roaring human whirl
pool, So great was the crowd that its
fringes packed the streets a block
away and hundreds wore unable to
gi t close enough to hear the nomi
nee's Speech on the obligations of the
American voter.
l K legations from many states and
rpresentlng many special groups were
In the crowd, which paraded to the
Harding residence shouting and sing
ing, and greeted the candidate and his
wife with an uproar of political en
thusiasm. More than a score of hands
marched With the paraders and ser
enaded the nominee for two hours
after his address, while he and Mrs.
Harding shook hands with a stream
Of visitors.
The senator's speech, largely de
voted to a discussion of the obliga
tions of thrt American voters was ad
dressed particularly to those who are
to exercise thi ballot this year for ihe
first time. He pronounced use of the
franchise a .lutv as well as a privi
lege and nrcd that the two party
system be preserved as the most prac-il.-al
means of se ...ring efficient gov -ernmeni.
New women voters he asked
especially not to segiogatc themselves
In a party of their own.
Tin- candidate also addressed him
self to several groups of foreign-born
voters In the gathering, telling them
that they should help t0 maintain
loyally in return for the advantages
of American citizenship. He recounted
thi history of the Republican part
in a plea that it be chosen by all
classes as the most efficient agency
of government.
II IRDIN'G (.ITs Hit kCLl2
Th" first voters' contingents, in-
liaimK groups Horn thiriy-three col
leges and universities, made up most
of the Crowd In addition, however,
then wa re representatives of parlous
rai and delegations from many Ohio
counties Dayton sent a delegation
Ing banners proclaiming that the
home city of Governor o was for
Harding Heading the parade was a
bicycle brigade formed about a bi
cycle Which Senator Harding once
owned and rode and a-s part of the
from porch ce re monies he was pre
sented with a new machine with his
name engraved on the cross bar.
Two of the show spots in the pro
cession of Yn lichees were foi med hy
girls of Ohio Wesleyao attired in mid
dle blouse.-, and l.v a woman's ci'ib
of Pittsburg, w ho wore marching cos
tumes e.r bide arid white
Mi ( Ml ER VOMI.Y1 l
Although ihe parade did not start
until .' o'clock, crowds began to cluster
about the Harding residence hours
'" u " end by noon the lawn was
overflowing and the porch had been
taken over completely by the visitors.
Th.- . oil. i.-. del. gallons were in the
front Of the picture during the dem
onstrations Cheer leaders mounted
n the roof of the porch and perched
in trees, kept th groups on the ground
below singing campaign songs and
howling out political paradies on their
college veils.
Edna Thomas Gordon of Ottumwa.
Iowa, made the speech presenting
tho new women voters to the nominee
and Walter Rogers, of Columbus, O
was spokesman for the voung men
who will casi their ballots for the f;rt
time next month Paul F. Stve of
Philadelphia, presented the senator
with the bicycle
POCATELLO. Idaho, Oct. ID. With
an address of welcome by Jesse Budge
president of the city school board, the
joiin teai hers institute for Bannock,
I. ear 1-ake. Bingham. Butte. Caribou.
Custer. Franklin, Oneida and Power
counties, was opened hero yesterday
Professor William H. Carrothers of
thi Emporia Normal school gave the
first addr- ss speaking on "Competent
Democracy Through Education"
E A. Bryan, commissioner of edu
cation and State Superintendent Red
field also spoke at the morning scssiou.
The afternoon was given over to sec
tional meetings, with Miss Grace Poor
b.iugh of tho Bowling Green Normal
conducting the primary section As
Istant Superintendent T. R. Cole of
Seattle the grammar section, Profes
sor Carrothers the hiRh school section,
Professor Charles Hudlun of the Lewis-
ton -rate normal the superintendents'
and principals' section. Miss Kate
North, Btate vocational director, tho
home economics section: Melvin .Lewis,
Idaho vocational director, the mechan
ic arts section, Miss Alice Gilbert of
the Pooatello schools the music sec
tion; Miss Ellen Lees, public chool
nurse, the child welfare section; Ger
ald Gibson, director of physical edu
cation, the physical education section.
BOISE, Ida. Oct. !!. YV J. Hall,
commissioner of public works of the
state of Idaho, ha.-i been made defend
ant in a mandamus action filed in the
district court yesterday for the purpose
of compelling him to open the books
of his department for public inspec
tion The suit was filed before Judge C
P. McCarthy of the Third Judicial
court and re-quests that the defendant
be called into court at once to show
causi wh a writ of mandate should
not be Issued commanding him to per
mit the petitioners and their assistants
to fullv examine the public recor.l
booi; : 1 1 j accounts of his department.
'harle- ;: Uolsum and Henry
Srhildhauser. accountants, who desire
to make i complete examination of
the record books, are plaintiffs in the
KAYSVILLE, Oct. 19. A mass
meeting, culled by the Kaysville Com
mercial club, was addressed this eve
ning by Arch M. Thurman on the pro
ppsed constitutional amendment to In
. rea'se the state suppsrt of schools to
126 per capita of serine population.
cooking I
Onecupof Carnation Milkplus I
one cup of water makes two
a cups of rich, wholesome milk
that is just right for cooking. I
If the recipe says "cream," use 1
Jm Carnation undiluted. Use it I
$1 this way also in coffee, in cocoa
odQ an on desserts. It whips too, j
ggf Huffily. Buy Carnation Milk
f regularly from your grocer. f
J8L f Cirnxv. Mi! Product Co , Doolr Blk. , "ih Ijkr Crty fc '
Carnation Milk I
"From ConttnteJ Cows " We
Pneumonia Fatal
to Brigham Youth
, ETRIOHAM CITS', irt. 19 Inland
(G Rogers, 2l' years of age, died at his
home in this city Friday night at 10
o'clock of pneumonia.
I The deceased was horn in this city
December 18, 1898. His father dicdi
'several years ago, leaving a wife and
'five children. Leland being the iecr
ond son. Two ears ago he was serl
Olisl ill with the "flu" while at work
nt Idaho Falls. He returned home
soon after and was able t travel but
never recovered from that illness. In
fluenza left him with i wealt heart
The funeral se rvices w ill b h Id
Monday afternoon at 2 o clock In the
i First ward chapel.
POCATELLO, Ida., O t. 19 Sever
al young cowboys of Pooatello left
yesterday for the big fall roundup In
Bingham anil Caribou counties'. Ten
cattle men there have united their In
terests and more than 20.000 head of
cattle will be brought to the winter
pasture and fed in less than fl month.
J The cold weather of the last few
days has m.nie the Immediate roundup'
BOISF, Ida. ct. 19. In the inter
est of Idaho farmers. Senator John P.
Nugent has sent a telegram to Presi
dent Y :l?on, urging thai an emharpo
bi placed at once on wheat shipments
from Co.-a da Into this country His
message to the president asking that
Immediate action be- taken, was as fol
lows i 'resident Wilson. White House,
Washington. D. C . I respectfullv urge
you to place an embargo on wheat
from Canada. Farmers of this state,
particularly, raised this year's crop at
a tremendously Increased cost to them
because of high cost of libor and
everything else entering into the iost
of production. I feel they are ns a mat
ter of riiiht. ahsolutel entitled to such
protection at Ihe hands of the govern
ment as to place them In a position
where thej will not be obliged to en
counter unfair competition. Situation
i .ritn.il and I urge that immediate
action bo taken by you."
BOISE. Idaho, Get- 19. History of
the s'ale of Idaho has just been com
pleted by former Governor James H.
HaWTey, and marks one of his final
literary effort?. The history is in thre
volumes, well illustrated and excellent-j
Iv bound hi green buckram. The ac
Icompllshmenta of the state are brought
down to April 1. 1919
SALT LAKE, Oct. 19. The Amal
gs ii ' .1 Sugar company, through if?
council Herberl R MacMlllan, an- '
nounced yesterday that it will offer no EL
defense testimony in the federal trade j
commission complaint alleging con- ,L
In the- restraint of competition ft.
in Interstate commerce against that
company, the Utah-IdAio, Ernest 11.
IWOolley and others.
Mi Ma Milian slated that his client?
rest theli on the evidence thua fair
presented by the goernlnent and
the ( idh-Tdaho. which rested its case
lasl week. This afternoon the hear
ing win be resumed for the introduc-
Ltlon of rebuttal testimony b Henry
Ward Beer ...
I oo H
POCATELLO, Idaho. Oct. 19 L.
Reams and Charles Mason, while trap
ping up in Qreenhorn canyon, about
five miles from LhC 1 anger station, (life
covered, a cinnamon bear and two cubs,
They lugged the mother and captured f
(the tv.. youngsters and look them to H
i li n e. The old bear weighed 210
, pound- The trapper itate that there H
seems to be a reatcr number of gm
tnimals this 'ear than last and they
arc having excellent success early in H
the season fH
j A machine bus been invented that
'strips twigs from camphor trees wits
out injuring the trees.
Why Teeth Stain I
You leave a film-coat on them !
All statements approved by autftorittes
Most teeth are dimmed more or less by a Efficient WfcVS
film. Smokers' teeth often become darkly
coated. Dental science, after painstaking reseajrefi.
That film makes teeth look dingy, and most !laLs developed effective ways to fight film,
tooth troubles are now traced to it. T,he wofrld s hlgfhe,5t authorities now approve i
, , them, after careful tests.
Millions now combat that film in a new, These are combined dendfrice
scientific way. This is to offer a test to you. caed peDSodcnt. And leadi dentists ev
to show the umque results, where nc;w advise dajy use A ten.day
Yoil must end film tube is being sent to everyone who asks.
The film is viscous you can feel it with Watch these new effects !f
your tongue. It clings to teeth, enters crev- 0nc mgredient is pepsin One multiplies the
ICei and stays. starch digestant in the soJiva to dissolve the starch
Ordinary brushing methods leave much of deposits that cling. One multiplies the alkalinity of
this film intact. So millions find that well- th sall7 to i"1 mouth scidi . as they form.
, . . , A Two factors directly attack the nlm One keeps
brushed teeth discolor and decay. You must the tecth so h,ghJy polishcd film cannot ca91IT 1
attack film in a better way, else you will suf- cling.
fer from it. Pepsodcnt has brought a new era in teeth clean- i
It is the film-coat that discolors, not the lltofc t0th destroyer8 M w" atVr
teeth. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds end'thTcoupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how
food substance which ferments and forms clean the teeth feci after using. Mark the absence
acid. It holds the acid in contact with the of the shmy film. See how teeth whiten as the film-
teeth to cause decay ? disappears. j
, 7 , . . You will always brush teeth in this new way JM
MiUions of germs breed in it. They, with whcn you watch tke rcsuts for a week. Cut out
tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. the coupon now. I
a iss sjj pat orr. g I S I
PtSTyStUsSAl 10-Day Tube Free
The New-Day Dentifrice bt.B, iw4t.wabasbAva,CMsag,ni j
Mall 19 dy tube ofPeptodent to .1 I
A scientific film combatant, combined with two other
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leading dentists everywhere. Supplied by druggists
in large tubes. M1;IniBr" Jl
1 1 . . 1 . "L