I I Test It Yourself j
H " VS Estate Oak ash box doors j I
are made to fit perfectly air 1 I
' t; Wawii c Vifta tiht. You can test them J 1
! wL ' yourself. Take a piece of
I rest tissue paper, insert in 'j a
Hi I 1 irV P ut the papcr H the dr !
u OTTfisssfltf ts as lt shouas 'ou wl-' I B
jB!BSSSr Hnd it does it will be im- j
( possible to budge the paper jj'l
1 " v,t-,,l,t tearing ir- j j
I I" i- ).,k I I.- iinph-.ity thai I i
Lonly attained by years of conscientious experiment on the part of u
p I skilled scientist! It's the kind of simplicity that enables us to guar
antee the Oak to run for 50 hours on one charge of soft coal i
it's the kind of simplicity that allows you to sleep through a blasty
night secure in the knowledge that "all's warm with your world.' J
Come in now arid choose your heater while you can select the
style and size that meets your particular needs. gj
1 2329 Washington Ave-Phone 2777. t
I- :
Sellman Released
in the City Court
Paul Bellman, charged with grand
IWceny. accused of having stolen oil
litock from Mrfl Dixie Confare, whbh
waa alleged to b worth $000. wns'
released upon recommendation of
OOUIlty Attorney Joseph Hates oster-
0 ur,
It appeared that the stock. alleged
to be worth ,00o was practically val
ueless. Notwithstanding the (act that the
stork was found concealed on Bell
man's person, testimony taken during
the heating Indicated thai he was rnuk-i
I Ing hit way to turn the stock over to
the sheriff.
: County Attorney B;ites maintained i
hut If Bellman hsd stolen the stock. I
and It was worthless, a grand larceny1
charge could not b- pressed.
Branch Class Formed
OviHf to 'he heavy enrollment In
the Americanization class held at the
( d n lilch school on Monday and
Tuesday oxrnlngs. a Becond section of
these flttwtf lias been formed and
classes will be held on Monday and
TbursiJ.i; ev ninrs at 177 North Wavh
inRion avenue. accordlQR to Principal
J. Junk.
More than 30o student are enrolled
In this work this season at the Ogden
high school while more than a hundred
have signified their Intention of enter
Ing the school on North Washington
I But the root th.it vives rral Ruaranteed service
I and satisfaction you will always find i I
j Recommended and Distributed by
j Badger Coal & Lumber Co.
I Burton-Walker Lumber Co.
1 Eccles Lumber Co.
P.cneer Lumber Compcny
Utah & Oregon Lumber Company
j Wheelwright Lumber Company
Fur Is Tom From 1
School Girl's Coat
Anvilii i caas of 'he meanest person
In the illy' has been brought to light,
laccordlnK to word from the police Sta
tion. Mi-s l..isy Loughran, a student at
th Ogden high school reporteil to
the police that a black American pos
iini fur had been lorn noiu the collar
;of her new cout.
The fur. It Is reported, was about th
size and shape of those that some men'
and youths wear on the collars and It
!ls believed thut some youth, larking
the wherewithal to purchase a fur to
decorate his overcoat. ripped the one
from Miss I.ouchran's cout. The fur
, was valued at $2 5.
Distribute Navy
Pictures in Ogden
Sepia prints of the drawing by Hen
ry Heuterduhl showing the I' S fleet
at sen huve been prsonted to gden
' organizations by Recruiting officer J
P Coanor by order of fommandei
R R. Mann. In charge of recruiting
In th Salt 1-ake district. The print
are highly artistic and were given only
Uo a few daafgnatOd iersons and or-!
Kaiilzutions. Among those favored were
Mayor Krunrls. the Carnegie Free li
brary, the 1'nlon station, the K) kn' elub
ith American Lglon post of .; It n.
I lie Standard-Kiamlner. and the Kock
.Springs. (Wyo) high school.
Dental Gold Stolen
From Ogden Dentists
Theft of sheet gold, gold nuggets and
nine bOttlM of silver from the dental
'laboratories of Ir. Parley J i .i r r
: 1 I.eUn.l y Trit.. Ill the K. . e
building, was reported at the police
slat Ion e' erla
In Iir. Carver's offlc. the '
secured shi cl gold valued at $50. w hile
! Ir Tribe s offb-e. small quantity
.Of sheet gold. etrr.l gold nuggeta.
and nine bottle of silver, were taken,
th total value of the stolen property
amounts to $50. . I
Ogden Lodge No. 81
A. M. F., A. A. S. R.
Provincial Grand Ixdge of Inter-
I si, Wednesday, October St. Rupretue
II -I Master W McBlatn Thomson
-lift r.tumed from the World's Ma-
ronitresi bj Switzerland and will
.or- thi- proceedings in fulV All
I members requsated to be present
Meeting to begin at 7 p. m.
I It) onlrr rt. W. M.
O W M 11.1. Kit.
J etUty-ttt per -nt of nil the high
srbool tethers in Lht I'nited States
'HI stomen.
Reception at Virginia Hotel
Tribute to Popular Ogden
Paying n splendid tribute to the
faithful service of Monslgnor P. If.
Cushnahun. V. G-. who for 29 years ;
has been pastor ot St. Joseph's parish
In Ogdco. : purse made up by mem-
brs and friends was prvscntcii to the
p istor at a recepttlon Held at the Vir
ginia last evening. The presentation
speech was mude by lormer Mayor A
R. lleywood. who with Mrs Heywood.
gave the site for a new hospital In this
clt. Aboui ti hundn-d persons call
ed during the reception.
Karly In the evinlng scores of Fa-!
ther Cushnahan's old and new fib mis
gathered In the hall Of the Virginia
and then formed in u long line to greet
, the monslgnor
1 It was surprising the number of men
,mil women whom l-'uther Cushnahan
i i ted by name as he chatted a mo-;
latent or so with each as the long line
I Afte)r meeting Father Cushnahan the
guests passed Into another room and
iliTe signed their mimes to the book
i which was a souvenir of the occasion.)
Mgr. CtiahnahaJli who jul returned!
from a trip to Ireland was visibly af
fei t i ll by the appreciation shown.
What he thought was to be a sort of
! family reunion had developed Into a
I gathering of llfe-tlme friends, he a;ild,
land one which he appreciated more
than words could eoney. Never be
fore In his residence here, he declnred
had the spirit of unity for which c igden
has been noted, has been more clearly
shown and he was confident that this
, spirit would make possible still grcr.tcr
: accomplishments. The speaker adVO-
i-ated a continuance of that spirit of
'olerance by which the various denorn
j inatlons had worked together in har
mony for the glors of God and thv
material betterment of the city and its
inhabitants Confident of the final re
sult, Monslgnor Cushnahan declared,
'lie would go ahead with plans for the
new Catholic hospital os recently an
nounced. II i low I I Dl i (ill I'M INfl
The rooms and hallways wire dec
'rati ii with colored ribbon- and vases
of cut flowers. Following Um for
; inal greetings, refreshments wen- serv
ed by women members of the congre
gation. The tables had a covering of
lace cantered with bowls of roses, a
program of songs and readings wus
also carried out.
Among the out-of-town visitors were
the Rev. Fathers It. J O'Donnell, R.
I otter Uiiane Hunt, M. Shielian,
Kdmund Pheelcy. all of S.-U I-'ike and
the Rev. James u Grady, of Las Vegas,
The leather-bound volume on which
i .1 s -i i iii m il ii. -Lilil tin .l.i t , and i"
...-iiii i nr the i pt ion u a.-i -ilg ned
i,;, tin- quests i nd pri-s.-nted r.. Monslg
nor Cushnahan
The committee from the Knights or
Columbus and the Altar society of tho
St. Joseph's church, which arrunged
the event. Included Mrs. T. D. Ryun.
Mrs. R. P. O'Neill, Mrs. Joseph ramp
l.ell. Mrs V V. Qullllnun. Judge I) K.
Bulllvap, James Rrcnnun, T. D. Ryan,
w J Derruody. W. S rvrtricn, David
I Mickey. John C. Lyncl), M J. O'Con
I nor. John Quinn. J, II Callahan and
! Thomas Whalen.
Leonard Taylor Has
Right Leg Broken
Leonard Taylor, former newubny, 1
at the Dee hospital suffering from u
broken leg.
Laeonaid who has been a pa
tient sufferer with a twisted back
had his right leg fractured when
his horse stepped on him at thr
Taylor home, near Monroe on Twent
ninth street yesterday. An operation
was performed by It. Mark Brown.
The young fellow is known in Og
den us "the boy Caruso," possessing j
voice of rare vibrancy and volume.
Logan-Garden City
Road Work Halted
Work on the Iogan Garden City road
in northern Utah has been discontinued
according to B. J. Finch, district cngl
neer for the I nlted States bureau of
public roads. The work waa ordered
halted by the I In teHMD I onstruction
company on account of tbc weather
condition and will not be resumed un
til next spring.
Work in Ftah and Idaho on the a
rious project - b' Ins worked out b ihc
bureau of public roads will be halted
a: I'u n a- ihe weath" r conditions i un
pel such a move, according to Mr
Deaths and Funerals
LLRF1 Mrs Y...I ha R Allred
wife of Guy Allred. died at 1:20 o'cloch
Monday morning of heart trouble. Sh
was born In Ma lad. Ida . March V,
1185, and wa the daughter of Wil
liam and Mar Sim-gar Richards. She
Is survived by her husband and fathei
and the following brothers and sisters
YVll'.iam Richards. Jr.. Wallle. Waltei
and Griffin Richards of M.ilad. Mrs
Myrtle Monahan of Salt fike. Mr?
Maggie Hutchenson of ogden Mr
fc. J. CotU of Butte. Mont-. Mrs Ma
ble i:rieno of Malad; Mrs Mer'-.Je
Williams. Vin. Krmaan! Mid., Ki-h.
urds. The body may be ieed at the
larkln funeral chapel this afternoon
and this evening and Tuesday morning
until 1 o'clock at the residence. 1951
Grant axenue. I ricr will be held
at the Third ward meeting house to
morrow at 2 p m lth Rlshop Myror
B. Richardson officiating Interment
will be a the ogden Clt cemetery
Reuben Clark to Talk
on League of Nations
One of the largest crowds which
1 have attended a Republican rai.
Arthur Wool lev
jipain baa no Monday morning ae
, paper, for Sunday work of any kind
is fort.i1 1i n j
- Wr-ilri .'s . " I
Another Shipment! ! I
f O' coats $45:
f Saturdays selling nearly 'cleaned us." !
j Vv Men seem actually delighted to get such j
j 'J- JL 00 Nothing at a price like this, j
0 lfcfcfa Tins morning comes anotticr big shipment. Suit-: :
l JwUk' anc coats that are going out at $43 and this is
easily $15 under their value
f . A clothing salesman, looking at these clothes I
I , said- "But you can t afford to sell such clothes for
v tf " Answered the clerk: "No, by jove. but we're
g jolly well doing it."
- b y ' Come have a look. Sies and styles for every " H
man. any age.
" ,iVJrf Did it j r
fj rJLl When clothing drummers were M
z 000 here last spring wanting orders J
their prices were too high. Wc A K
. refused to buy. At that time we ' ii
0 ' did not place an order for a sin-
jj gle suit or coat; we knew prices i
must come down
I I lirce weeks ago. word c.ime to f
' us of lowered prices of good i
a clothing to be had at greatly low- J
J ered prices. Our man went to
the m.:rk"t with spot cash to
f j ? Pay- Suits and overcoats that " WM, j
J !r . ' Vr would have sold for $65 to $75
a J were bought to sell for $45. i
f Come in for a look. I
u' g j
TUT TT TTWT ' TiT -Ci-. B- ' -CSJZ -C3 r3 ' ' i' .-CJj"v '0i 'OXX IB"(iHl:a
Some Ebbing From Republican
Strength. Sullivan Says
in Article
National Political Correspondent
of the EvenliiR Hot t
j WASHINGTON. I '.. i It. It il
hard to conceive that the election will
be materially affected by nnythn. :
happentnir between now und November
t, Klectluha, or at leant one prcalden
Itlal election, hoa turned on an eyMl
I that occurred durlnK the laat two
1 vM-ek.s hut i" such thuiK Is IIUel to,
happen tills year. Afl it stand.i toda.
so will It ko on election day. I ndoubt
Mlv there If a sllk'ht ebbinx away from
EtepUbHeen strcnuth. wlmh ur at
hlKh tide three weekii agx. That l
due not ku nun ii to ln-iii' i 11
as to Republican loss ot Interest. Elec-.
tlons nr iarejely a matter of crowd
psychology and It, Is hard to keep tbm
Interest of th" erowd i t toj pitch forj
five weeks. The Itepubl.cuu campalcnj
rtpeiivl too earl It I ' rowd
In a theatre. If a play wer so CO
structed as to come to a climax at the:
lend of the Moond act, with the plot j
.all clenr and the outcome easily ap-i
parent uuil'T sueh olrCU mStslD sjM l
I would ilifflcult to keep thr crowd)
tin the theatre and their Interest on.
th- Iuk- durlnK Ihe lst two acts
DOl KTl l Mli.HI
In one section of the country this
ebbing of tn nfth Is enough to turn
'at might have heen several lti.iiti
llcan claims .ihout the border st.it'
'and the south have been beyond what I
the facts have Justified at any time
The Republicans have talked about
carrying North faollrwi. I have mode
I no survey of tlutt state. I "'tet J?" I
M-phus Denleli about H and he laugri
led In a way that seemed to me to UTI
I have evidential value.
I don't think the Republicans willj
carry Tennessee either or rven roroe i
'close to carrying it- Rut und-mhtedb f
i there waa at ona time and to some ea- (
Mrnt still Ls. a condition in Trnnms'i'
that Justifies the Republicans In MM
pectlng to do better than ever before
There are averl elements In It. but
lone of the most substantial Is iuiet
I disaffection of a good many I 'tmocra- j
tic buslnes" men Lirge and small theyj
disapproved of many features of Wil-j
son's adminlatratlon
The other day 1 overheard a soulh-
. ment nroao. ules you ana takes it sway
from you. If you lose mone. what
lore you A Losrtteer. then, sivd doea
Inient In the southern und tnr ler state' 1
I Never! tie Iras In all four of the bor-j
I the landslide In tbtae state as sofasfii
of them ba been talking about i
SPRING 1 1KLD. Mass.. Oct. 1.
The entry of Governor Cox of
Ohio, In New England, waa mark
ed by hui appearance in pajamas
before a crowd at the railroad sta
tion In this city early today.
The Ogndldeta had hot been ex
pected to apeak here and waa
tiial.lng It 'surely morning ''repar
ations In his private CVgr intend
ing to Klve his first address of the
day ,f Wore heater rifts mile
away, when he heard the calls of
the crowd of several hundred per
sona that had gathered to see him.
The governor hastllv slipped on
a long overcoat which he care
fully buttoned to the chin and
then, still wearing hi hath clip
per, stepped to the rear platform
and spoke for five mblnutes.
CHICAGO. Oct. II. Retail
denlers throughout the country
lll sell lothes at cost this fall.
Andreas Rurkhardt of Cincinnati
president of the National Associa
tion of Retail Clothiers, said Monde-"
In a statement.
"Rightfully or wrongfully, the
public 1 determined' to get lower
price." said Mr. Curkhardt
'Consequently the dealers have
ii termfaed to fonret all about
prelate and sel their commodities
"I'e.alers are not taking this ac
tion from fe;ir of panic or necessn
tv for o,u'rk turnover In money. It
In done simply because the roun
t la nasaltie through a tempor
ary period of deflation and unset
Uemenl ar t we feci that the sjood
talned "
TKIO. Oct. II (By the Asaoclal
rd I'reasi As a result of the census
taken Cm-to er 1. the figures of which'
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Oct. 19.
Mrs R C. 1'eete. of Denver, who
was either a tenant in or house-
keeier tl.e l.o.in of J.iooo H
Denton When that wealthy mining
man was slain here last June, to
day told the district attorney's
deputlee Investigating the case that
she saw a man aud a woman kill Hl
IM I'eete said the woman had
quarreled with Dentoo. through
tin iiiKht and h h.id geen ehot
as they sat at a breakfast table bbbbbbbbI
nhfn aaaawl
radt built cry pt In the baement
ei ihorate limn., here a few
ao. After Investigation
ahe was escorted back here by the 1
of the district attorney's H
Offli being acruiupaiiled by her
husband and daughter. H
almost dally conferences with the
and from he statement ancj trom M
other evidence they pieced to
a -u.rv who h tu her
Ltaleinent of today. H
LANDER. Wo. Oet. 1 LaaaBaB
Frank IV, Mondeil. Republican H
leader In the house of represents- H
fives, waa injure in an sutomo-
i hlle Inspect H
aaW '
shone reservation near Rlverton I
Aecording to a (ephine massage
Si Dd4 leg w ,
COUNCIL BLt'PTH. Iowa. Oct. 1
Theoiore Velh. eern. la dead, the
victim of the gang" rule of his play- H
The assault s profnji'yl. seeord
Inc to the boy essorlatee. by his refu- H
asl to steal popcorn from bis mother to H
The longest tunnel In the world. II
mile In length. Is planned by a flu-
stan railroad to cut off an IIS-bbIIs H
. H
?044 Vx njtoe. jBjH
SV!lpper. Pjpei-fongie.g SantSa H
Woedfle H
t."he.B at I ewer test. New aaaVI
the heal l'it for nwU'Se palntma. Q
jrou tj, jli BBT
"iin p if tuiiitf tif niatcrial trt aK '
tae Diet o im nttaSa ans have V J
I i
gsliafect'ee (wt'riH BBM1
O A Mint Mer. aVsWii