OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 20, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-20/ed-1/seq-15/

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HjTT, -,. - - "
H j Real Estate j
SIX room modrm house and furniture
i Possession nt once, 474 Twenty first
rwT certain six room brlrh limited nt
174" Washington avenue; modem two
r reonec porches, rtrif, striei pavlnt;
mlil thin fr lain paid, now vacant
i f'rl. . $.;;.it Ttrmi $1000 rh. balance
?n lona; time. O. A. Kennedy. l'tah Na-
Phoni '
C"l'R room modem house nnd furniture.
One block from school, one half Mok
rom 1 1 lln . Twenty -nlntll ireei
2403 FTudaon Avenue Phone PIT
IU acre of choice f.irni and orchard
land with Independent water risht ' tO
p thi r with five room modern house
t;ood bam and chicken oop Situated In
North Ojrden. Will trad- for home in Ok
K Rl I KER i ' W i.' -
li'rt Hiidaon Avenur limn. MT
pBfl ;
rni ci 'Mr. r . r n i si i
&7S-2377 Hudson Anu I'hon- Iff,
4fH)0 Five room modern brick bungalow.
. east front, biff lot. A ffood buy. '
14 ',( -Five room inoderr. hrn W buniralow.
H fruit trees, barn. chicken run and
. ffaraff
j ha'f Meek : r. .-i . . r tin-- rj .
B ment. Terms,
$'6(K 8I room modern white proased
H hrlrk. full cement l:ieimnt. lip new
enrage. A aplendld home, half Mock
irom ckt hnr and ptVtlMll. Terma.
1 $ Six room modern brick on paed
and enr lint hit; yard: lota of
i. Term.
I , Good 35 n re farm, will sell or trndc
for r 1 1 1 pi opr1
THE 5l ' i i 1 ' r i MORTGAGE CO
111 Twei,i fourth Bt. I'honea 210 2x1 ,
$ Buys lour room partl modern. I
larve lot. located on bench. A rml
good bUJ Term
t it room modern brick, Located '
close In on pavement. Iitre lot, up'
ctall all rw H Garage. Thl:' place
n be inad' Into n double apart
cnl snd WOtlld roon pay for Itnclf ,
-xilh tenia. Thla property la an j
eeptlonal buy and can be handled on
caay temia.
PtlSO FlTC room modern bunffalnw. lo
. ,'. i ,,. Duthweal part of rity on-t
pared .lrct, pavement all paid. lx)t i
"xl1 i'em-nt haaemenl. House in , J
1 in rood ahaptl and a re;il buy nt thla I,
price. Terma. I
4T0t--Attcnllon! Why buy an nnfiir
niched houae when you can buy one t
complete!) lurnlhed for price of un
miahed houac? This bargain la : j
nun rrodern bungoloxv, located
pn I- ni b cloac to achool: furniture. ; I
dl . rleaj In fact everything in j I
1 Iioimi- In I shap. Immediate poa i
f x xeKKlon. TerniM. j
l.'00 Six loom, iiiixl-'rn brick, locnted on ! j
bench, inre- in. cemenl baaamant. I .
flaoplng porch, ffaraffe. A real buy, 1 1
heap ;it $tOOi. Terms. j I
Sec in If ou ore In the market for new ,f
Up to-lhe-mlnute bungalows. us we nrr i I
ux nta for aeveml, new brick DUnffaloWa j i
now r.iid lot Immediate poa.eavslon. Ix-i :
cated on bench in best resident section of J
-ii PrloM right and eaay terms. ,
4I; Twent fourth St Phone 20 281 1 i
sii lti: -,: . .. i 7T Da It '
' ?" ahari I - '' 1
I HAVE acvcral I 1 i 1 1 ' 1 1
aaveral that I can accept city nropertv M
part payment nlo have mime hnrcain.4 m -cltj
property. Kov (IrKlln. 2373 Hudson I
avcrtut i i i ini tl
j;v io Bl IS - acrca nil , i .
rlrh i . barn. fec. horae, waffon bufrpx- an.) -other
Implemoils Some In fruit l)..i:;
location, close to school!, two blocks from ''
car line. Will make good terms. 67Q j
g i ' 1 tree 1
ri i roomed modern iram-- home In '
g o i . pndltlon . iiC Plnffrei 1
i p-. 'I.I . ,.n " . nn.
and Thlrt first Inquire 2010 Monruf I
I av. i u- SI
' j. n 1 1 ' ihr. rooi i modern brli h hoi
well located, close In on Twant) llxthlr.
stre. t. with pood lot Onl J000. Term- jV
I 10 5
Kour room frame hOUJNt, close In on I
Lincoln avenue, paved street lot 40 feet F
wide $1800. $40u canh. balance same A
bbbbbj as painp rent.
iH Kour room house In pooxl :-hnpe, with
iH on-- ncre of pood land with watt r riff" I
dedil place lor pnrden and a home. $25u0.
iH I buy Liberty bonds.
i A pood reven room home well located
iH in the rallrond dletrlt t. close In. larp"
iH lot. onl $210 Terms to suit.
iH An elepant seven room brick hot! I
iV well located on the bench, close In, !
ib modern except heat. Only $3200. $500
iH cash, balance same aj paying rent
i A good eight room home within two
iH blockn of the union drpot, with lar lot.
i a great revenue producer. Tenna If tie-
iH 2417 Hudson Acnu. Thone 5
ONE new tour room frHmM, Junt built.
Only $2100.
iJ One three room frame, only $2500 $90
if down, the balance without Interest, Sec
iB trie before ou bu I havo an) thing you
iH want from A to Inquire 101 Thirty
mil trael UK
n i' room bi ii ii house, large :"' Phone
iw 1 So or inquire 565 Seventeenth street.
ilH IX room modem frtirwi bungalow, ex
iV( cepl heat, with furniture Apply 1 1 OH
Ttt. nl Ixth atrci 6460
i v. ii-n ink- toa n TiT itrit 1 1 moo
iBI i n home at J541 Van Luren, J stories and
iMl full basement A fine borne and a K'r
Ti i. phoni I ' 1 101
IBM I ik.;ii.n momi;s
iH Also some vacant lots.
iM I N
iH REAL i:sttk AND LOANfl
iH Telephone 425 501' Lcilc Midg.
iB 6400
SAL estate handled on Sort DOtlcl
iH Prompt attention given to all home seek
iH rs, Call and 6ee our list J. 11. Lpper-
iH ion. I" Twenty sixth street Phone 12S7 ,
i OWNER 8ts rooms strict) modern. 1
i i"tv bon.e. without doubt the best buy In,
j -aw own; n.u:,i 1. old at once PhoiM
SIX loom hou.'.- nt Thlrtj elffbth and
FJPJo rant. Will rent furnished or unfur .
lull -ilshod. Will sell furniture, Kimball 1
Hb ilayer piano. Mahogany and quarter j
H tawed oak furniture. The Walker Com I
i.ni. Phone inn 54
1 ' v i home.n lor tb. iru of otn Donblo
1 pressed brick cottage. modern except
eat HM Monroe avenue. I'hono 1204
4- II
W L POKTKP Rral Ktate and 1-oans
t37c washlnfftoii sveaue Phone 1S76
. 126;
SIX room hoi;., t t r ri amj gang. I . . r
ot 1MB Grant .,j7 ;
1 bUJ . lour room.-. i I SO dO n
B-. 12250 buya flvu rooms, $300 down
H 14500 buya five room modern brick'; $1600: i
:48;' Washington Phone 1K1 '
Skeen realty
V Urand new four rooiS bungalow on ,
M i. n. h modern i xcept heat, move right
ni $600 cash will handle, balance like,
Iva room In railroad district- vacant
H ' cash, balance ea;y. Price $2100.
E I'lve room brand new on bench; vacant
Dnlnnci eaav.
V Phone 013 2255 W
OWNER Four room hOUM, 3 lots on i
.iphteenth street also i acres on Seven I
street. Phone
I FOR SALE Real Estate I
FOR SAL?: hy owner. 2 acres of land. 3
room houae M.0 Second atrect Phone
KlfJHT room modern on bench, sidewalk
and sewer paid: $3Wrt; easy terms.
Sen four room. $2500: terma.
Six room modem, basemen t parage.
Bsweaj room tnodefO, bnscn). nt parage;
Kour rooms, large lot. $215t- easy term
l"ie room modern, with furniture; $5500.
Man) pood buys m small frame, cheap,
and easy terms.
Wushlngton llrone M01
MFORN i room I unffi
with sleeping porch; 50 foot lot. 2D23
sajaasaasai asisaMaawwayMMMMeaeaiawaaaJsj
Female Help
-COUNTER girl; muat be oer IS. Apply,
'bamplor. Shoe Repair Shop. 362 Twen- i
i $61
HRER neel ppeerinff young pirls for
high class advertising Ag-s IS to 23, ,
pph Mr. M Y. I', KiKnn 203. Iteel
i'ii m rtEII MAIU wanted 121 Tw entj
Legi H ' SC
OIRL for general hi
no laundrv I'hon,- KH3. 2336 Adatne.
OIRL foi genei ' Phone
21 ii ii Json
WOMAN to h p 1 ewing Bloom, t hi
I 11
7 X) : i 1
Phom 1 1 '
i oi ! tmlly. '1
washing. 1072 Twentv fifth str- t Phone
t. ' ; ',
OIRL for general housework. Bnuul fam
Hj no laundry mmI: liKin'1 271" f.4"t
ii :i:i;i:.m mi TT. ! n,,', i
COOK Vppl) ni person .i'. Ifariha Nut
Si r North Wellington avenue, at city
I mil 2D ,,
GIRLS over 18. Ogden Steam Laundry, i
1 1 i ;
KXPERII f: wing girl inted nt j
apl i 1 V " Bh ip - i ' I " j
(' i i :u 1 1 v i 1 - " ipb.-t t"-,: ; i '
i . ii i n th pap; t WM
i waKTFed I ;
Male Help
EXPERIENCED teamsters wanted; none i '
ut residents of Ogden need apply, Og j
I i Bt wer Pipe 6V Clay Co
i i ivkhy bo-, wan i Vpp 51 n
int. i hi . i ;i i. " 5651 j
11,1 I I r ,t if.pt-nring young no n for
tigh lass advertising Ages IS to 23 j
Salary nnd commission to those Qualify-J
nt Appl M i; 1; . I'.eed Hoi- I. Room
u Y over It nrs of age who has had j
oms experience in composing room, to
Barn trade. QoOt) wages and pood condi-jj
lona See Mr. Smith. for man Standr.rd-
i mlnei .'ini . I m until 3 $0 1 ' II ,
IARP1 xi'l'i; laborer en rilsh 'm
i wanted for Job lasting two months. I
Heady work with Sunday work optional.
,ppl c ! L.nMiioi-.- - Co.. 215 Errles r
.1.1 ini-- - 6 '
II ,,r g ui with hoi e foi SI nds rd-Ejt 7
rnln r route on Harrisville road See clr- -ul.ition
niJiiai - i Standard Kxaminer.
:i . v ,n. i . foi Standard-Examlnei -OUtS
In Taylor. See circulation mana j
ftdard-Exam In '!!' I
i ". to unload i o.ii. r-ood pay iion Col (
I'birt. : ir ' m,I W'a hlngtOn 6236 j
i V"! at . .-t.ni Iriion '....j.l waper,
6186 , I
si GAR MEN v. .Ti:i ,',
We have openings for a large number I -'
experienced station men. Laborers also!1'
.inte.J Phone to Interstate Sugar Co.. 11
r 5 or meet our trucks in front of
amberger depot at 7:30 a. rn at h morn-
iff Interstate Sugar Co. Hooper, Utah. r7
LY repair 'in'o?. ignition V. M. C. A. ; p
,,i,, gi boo'. Lot A n ies 5M1 , ,
j M"aie and FraeAe j
A.MniTlOI'S men WOmen over 17 v.nnl
'il I'. S governmrut positions. $135 to
$ir.'. month. List positions Ircc Franklin
Institute, Dept. 403 H. Lochestcr, N. Y.
e,:: i r.
j Situations
YOUNG married man experienced In gtir
,1,-e xvork ; drive any car Will accept any
steady xvork. Box H U. Standard-Exam
tu 6616
(TPTAINS don.- nn. I v.onian will go out
bj thi hour i 'honi I 1 76 615s
N 1 1 1 IT nl, Iiim ,ii I it t. r . r. 1 refer-
1 SnCeS, ex merchant policeman. Box 60.
SI:, i., Ian) Kx:in,m. r Ml 4
DRESSMAKING; guaranteed. 449 Twen
(th Phone l'C, .1 BMQ
i . u i ; .hi e,i .. i .ii i -n, 6896
I I I MST1T I I I N' 1 I - Ot ,1;.. Prompt
service, ah work guaranteed. j:::is Wash'
; ington avenue. Singer Sewing Machine.
i T. I -si i ii ; b. .i.iin, tnd nbrol 01
I ln. remodellnc. Work guaranteed.
: i i oni 13 15 J B89 I
ULsmSlilchlngi plCOt enge. tuttoti, i'ii.. -na
and pleaUng Becond floor w H
Aright .V Hoi a. Mrs H laan 1169
Jt 8 per cent: no commission Box
'S , ir. Standard Kxaminer, ctfiil
Wanted to borrow $1J6", will pay 10 per
cent Intereat, (lood security. Box 23.
can Standard -Examine! 6696
I'JIS ICODEL five p.u-sencer Bulck. new
Kxldc battel, newly pninted. good tires,
motor in A 1 condition Will exchange lor
il'odKc roadster or real estate. Bargain
It taken ut once. 627 Twenty second
street. Phone 2136-N-R 6616
FOUR ai n s litid; new four room modern
bungalow; garuge. 7S9 Seventh street
Phone -41- v jig
I 'Vl .KLiAND. liargaln Owner gone t
Phone 430S
APARTMENT hou Incorai about luool
per esr and apartni-nt lot owner's u..- '
Price 111,600, Consider fotne trado and
terms; prefer vacant lots Phone, 1156 i
I Board and Room
ROOM .m. i board foi gent ei 1341 Lin 1
ROOM and board, man nd I wo sms n
hoys. Care of boys during day Box 3.
car-- Standard Lxamini r
LARGE clean rags wanted at Standard I
Examiner office 4379
WE titke your old range as first payment
on any new ran, or will buy your old
ranee PUtMghl Boms Kumltur Co. 4473 -
A new ladder ha.- no round, onlj
two steps, one for each foot, which slip
up and down in slot-, tlonj the Bldi
of tho ladder.
One of the principal railroads run
uiz? out of London will put In pressed
steel ties
GOOD electric washer. 2303 Adams. Phone 1
250 TONS hay $7. 50 per ton Phon 9M
GOOD winter apples. Gano and other
kinds: will sell cheap thU week. 221
itreej 1 ' s ' '
A FEW medium slied freeatone peaches
TWO beating stoves In good condition
BltTTCLE in good condition, cheap. 3341
;!. li:V .; tb . f hair, itood
range, excellent baker. 2123 Madison.
r c 2 1 .
WINTKH nprle free from worms and'
bruises. $00 Twelfth street Wine saps ,
and Pearmaln. good apples. $1 and $1 25;
$1 SO Lnd $i.ts. run- IM
PRANKUN tourl&g rr- practically new.
Innulr. II M Mack. 260 Washington;
. , ' 1 I 'Imn,. 1 1
TWO hard coal or coke burners, cheap.
Phone 101 C5S4 ,
WIDE tire farm wagon gears, nearly
new. good values Sidney Stevena Imple
1 ' -
FOLD I NO baby buggy for sale. 2301 :
STUD-BAKE R farm wagons. Sldne
Stevens Implement t'o. WM
10-HORSEPOWER gasoline engine, s
outfit unit 6 volt storage battery. 36 ini h
. 1 . i 1 , r H W "'C all Ave ' 569
I , n ml a n U miich cow, c.iii n 23 7
BEA1 TIF! L broadcloth suit: trlcotint
dress, size 40 Phone 556. Room 10.
: . M l m..!...' o'.l pig I'hon. v l: 3.
V. i ' . I I T i nli 7.17 Twelfth
61 '
PRACTb' I ,I,V new biu.jel.s ni,;. l.
in'; ; nn f honi 104B 1
HEATER Binger ewtng machlnt kitchen
cabinet! must sec to oppreclate. 3214
- ' 1
ONE nt a Vladdln Supreme phonograph
I Lt 133 e I T s nl j seventh.
1 1 .i ;i :. i i cattle nen befon buying
ttaj lor winter, communicate with S. K.
- : . i i '.'i.h... K. I-' i i 6809
fONATHAN sppli and wlntei potatoes
ire ready now. Phone 11 .i t 10''
1 1 H ;i I :-!, t. .- . . ows. Phone .',;i du
i, ,i i- i: ..! i, i- : i- :n ! 1 1
WE PA1 higher cash prices for all used
IQUSehold furniture. Newman's Second
Inr.il store, jus W,if hlngton aenue.
Phom ' r
ONATHAN appli n I i srs W - le
h ' .'''' Tv. l ib St 1 -l ... : ; :j m V.. :!
M'I'LKS II I; i Mid. ldserdale. Phone
UJ 3"r.
' :v. extsacted hony 'or sale at 2uc per:
lounrl or $11.5" In Cu pound cans, while
i lasts Aiblress Geo T Pierce. R F.I
, 5. Pox 222. MaiTlolt; also Geo. O.
latcheloi 8941 Stephi na ayonue, 5708 1
,AROE i colored fonatham 68; hip-h i
;iade Wlncsups $2.50; big red and striped
. $j It Phoni 2$ WW 56SQ i
Euy your paint at Stowe'l and save
noney 1800 'ashlngton avenue. Phonf
I KU 1
ii'ii i.n,iil ,ut.o Phone 1-IJ7 5073 1
JNCAJLIEl) lor suits, luilor made; big i
eduction f'.ortlou a. 211-25 Twnty-flf:n I
Phono IU7
To Rent
'WO or three room furnished apartment I
t once. Schclln. Phone 302 W after 5:10 1
m. 6624
'OlrR or five room modem house or I
partmentj must bi- in good location;
anted nt once, will furnish references
hone 3'.'-) Ak foi Mi Rogers fiCl 7 ,
IIKEE or' four ro.jiu boue Call -II T 1 '
66("i i
Out! room morlern apartment or house i
imished or unfurnished: by couple with'
out i Inl.lren " ti bSox 2S'i. S5H
T'liM'l. room nnfurnl:hed house or apart
ment; no children. 2850 Washington
FURNISHED apartmenl with two or
three rooms and bath; couple; no children.
I Hox L H W , Standard-Examiner 650O
WANTED to base Ranch. Will ron
elder any sort of good proposition. Pox
Standard -Examine) 47 1
:4 K ,'i hfifi mod -rn house or apart
ment, close in. no children, referenci
i hone i ' 1 ' 6.176
j PARTY who took hat with Initials J. D.
i P. from Weber academy last Sunday" hy
I mistake, please call phone 24 J-4. 6633
Ci m 1 . ti . fi it. No 4409 attat bed to
tall light Return to Standard Examiner
Reward r,5?5
Collie dog. Description, white with brown
spot.v. Reward. 6556
I AI'TO tire 32x44. on Twenty-sixth street
n one who calls mid Identifies tit.- and
pays for ud may have same. Phone 60.
66 3. 3
toient I
I Furnished
I ROOM for one or two gentlemen Block
l and half from Reed hotel. Phone 223 J
TWO room apartments, furni-hed gni
i Ij Thlrtj fjral gtrt gl 6640
W I i I . r . til 'or a bou i t -. ,, ntonth. f u i
jnished three room apartment Phone
1410 i 6643
TWO mom furnished house, CT1", South
Ogden avenue, Phone 1029-M. t.".4 2 1
NICELY furnished room for one or two
gentleman, 14 block from cr line. 3175
gentlemen, t block from car line Phone I
8764 " tfWh; 1
FIVE room i I, mi house piano; to p. r i
manent t nants only. 3283 Ogden ave
nui 6MI i
' '' ' ronl I ping room for g. ntb-iii. in
(. lose in. 4:.i Ttit fourth street
SUM riVG nrl bo;, rd t. 7 1 Tv. .-n
t second. 6613" '
'' 'M I "KT MM. I : I rout sleeping room
324 Twenty-first street. Phone 2776 M.
j FURNISH CI i Oe..,.ing I wins; ,
men (.,-. tet r,-. I J 7 1 1 . .Madiron Ave. 6554 i
ONE nicely furnished i nom In pnvati
fenrrilj 2243 I!ccles avenue. 6b",
MODF.I: N mini h. .' ! i i n l: innm lor
one or two gentlemen. 2560 Orchard.
7 :
Fl RNISHED room for rent Modern con
venlmces. 2C20 Liberty. Phone 3358-W i
MODERN sleeping rooms Private home
ClOSg In. Phone 2313 J. 459 Twenty-sec-
ond street Abo gunige. 644X
BLEEPING room 5 3 Twenty-seventh!
Phone 8173 M 5777
ROOMS i j le Hoi. I I'Mfi Oi-iint 4?3 I
;! Opportunitie !;
ESTABLISHED business, reasonable prlci
and good terms If sold at once. Address
can Standard Examiner. kr5,
SMALL rooming house for sab I64V4
Twenty-fifth street 6502
Unfurnished I
7 ROOM Btrfctl) modern brick house. $60
per month, Inquire Volker Lumber Co.
' W' i.ii'i:: t.i h. d modern rooms for rent.
256 Patterson. 6b37 I
-rssssssssaaaasaassae Ssssaagja. SsjSMSjsgessaasajsgjaaAaajs
; FOrfSALE Auto.
eNeweNe. -fc.--w,.- sagas - sejsassaasas1saSsajssajsaajsgJj
lHdge touring car
Dodge roadater.
Bulclc K-45 lourlnk
Bulck E 35 roadater.
Bulc6t four touring,
i'odge sedan
Ford sedan.
Ford coupe.
Ford deliver".
Kord roadster.
Maxwell touring.
Oakland six.
Studebaker four.
These cjira have new lop. aint. good
tirr and have l-en r. ncw.vl mechanical
hy, All late models Prices cut 33 13 per
16(6 Washington Ave. Phone 325
1)2''' h in. II. four pas.. nc.-r ro.idster.
used only flvi months, excellent condition.
Cosh or term. Party lenvlnR town. Rox
N. K , cre Standa.rd-Examlner 6643
O.VE ton Fonl truck, top .nd aide cur
tains. Good condition. 143 Twenty fifth
itret '
OVERLAND 3m for mUs Party ies
town. Call after 4pm Phone 1650 M
7- PASS EN6ER Studebaker, 1911 model
bargain. 233 Twent) fifth St. Phone
M i: l :
'' n. w 7 pns.cncer tonrtnR enr at a sac
rlflce; leaving town Box X. care Standard
Examiner 6573
I 1320 Cadillac It.ondster
1319 2 ton Nnah Truck
192ii ton Oldsmoblle Tnick
! 191s' 1 ton Nash Truck
I 1917 Studebaker Touring
1 191 S Oakland Six Touring
I 1316 Kord Touring
1916 BulCIf Roadster
I 1990 Nash Touring De m o nstrster
i All In first dun mechnnb -il condition. I
2200 Washington Ave Ogden. rtah i
Ft 'i I s LB- - At n bargain llghl
; .'.passenger touring .nr In fine condition:!
' Kood tlre., new top, new p.-ilnt t.'all phone
For sal, or will trade for llghl truck, j
j six-cylinder 7 ta.iscnger touring car. 1
'standard mak , good condition A perfect
J family car. Make me an offer. Phone 331.
' We have a limited number of good used
! cars of standard makes. l) In good run
nlng order we will sell at bargain prices
j rather than carry them over until spring.
Our los3 will be our gain.
R 1 MITi 111 .1.1. CO
12433 Hudson As. Ogden. l'tah
1 6649
BY ' N i :i - 1 lodge touring '.:tr. gol as j
m-( 2323 Monroe Avenue
HI K.'K llcht In. five passi nger. A!
, slwi'i-. five cord tires: $300 A bargain
L. 1 Hultrht. 2 .r. " u '".I nl r '''-
1317 I ORD. bargain. 2395 Jefferson,
. 54n
SEVEN passenger Cadillac Good ts new
Best value In city Murphy "holcs.lc i
Qrocen Co Twenty fourth street. h2s ;
ON real estate. Eight per cent Interest.
No commission. 2337 Grunt. Phono 582
tnVl I
iu salaried people without security, to
others on plnnoj furniture, boi ds. etc ;
"27 Hudson Bldg Phone J-4 243
VfONIC'i lo lo.in on uioioveu ei estai- j
Kcly & Herrlck. Tf
To Buy
500 healthy rabbits; must be good and
solid colors. 2 months to 4 months old
The Samuel W. Conrn II Rabbitry, 123
Thlrt -first street, after 5 p. ni. f,CiZ
KOLl'ING serein suitable for kitchen,
also a good looking cupboard, suitable
for fruit and groceries. Address Box 9,
Standard Examiner 6614
f, ROOM modern Imin on bench, rash
payment $1000 Dealing with owner only
i ' I'.ox 4 1 3 '. :'
i ;i ii Mi ir:.. - I lid lor nun's old clothes.
259 Twenty fifth street Send a postal.
1.1 P. 1 i title eal. sheer, hog AVII1 . .iP
ton' ner n'tie ' Phone 2333 618
I buy llbert tonds at highest price If
you have bonds for sale, see me J. J.
Brummitt, 2417 Hudson avenue. Phone 53
I 61 S3
i WILL r lv highest price ror poultrv and
rabbits. Phone 1243 Western Grain &
Kei d ('o 5800
PI LLETS run ac...-, an number Western
Grain ecd Co 2351 Washington Ave
i . rjj truck Phoni 9299 w 5673
LAL'.P clean r.itc.i wanted at the Stand
ard T-Txamlner office 4380
Information Bureau
12.00 PlrR l.tNr PFP MONTH
ANYTHING A to Z new or old
bought, aold or traded Phona 333.
Rramwcll Bool' and Stationery. J3fil
Washington Ave Phoif 360. 206$
Utah Natltonal Bank, southeast corner
Twenty-fourth and Washington. Phons CL
Ogden chimne) sweep Phone 364
Ogden Carpet Cleaning Co. Have ns
clean your rutr the best wav. Phones 418
and 1823-W. 505(
Expert carpet cleaning, upholstering
mattresses made ever, feathers renovated
Call E. J. Hampton & Co.. 2586 W. 4231
K. Van Kampen for upholstering ear
pets cleaned, altered and laid. RcmakJng
of mattresses. Phona 2752-J.
Phono 133. 2i5s-6u Washington Ar.
Tho New Method Dentists sre special
ists In all branches of Dentistry. 946?
Washington Avs. 23011
For a nice ob-t trie ma-aage. call at
244, Grant avenue 43U
Ogden KngTavlng Service . mahers
of rlno cuts In one or mo.-j olors. 116
Twenty-fourCi Street. PhOM 63
J. P. Corr, 423 1 : . Ies Building.
Geo. D Bennett, corporation and crroup
Insurance a specialty Phone 124 -W. 1614
Western Hide & .iunk Co.. 292$ Wash
InsrtoD Av . Phonn S61.
Ogden I 'jnk Hnune, 205$ Washlngtoa
Ave. Phono 210
For best fresh made paints, buy from
Pioneer Plnt Mfg Co.. 1E Tw. ntv-third
$'.'..'.u to $4 50. bl64
C. H. JCerbc. Phone 345 J. 5263
Gas and coal ranges connected. All
kinds of plumbing work. Our prices are
right. Orvii Waldram, 561 Seventeenth
street Phonu 2623 It. 330
All kinds. C. H. Zerbe Phone 945-J
W'lllard Kay. real estate and loans
24i4 Washington Ave Phona 40. 174
.Stoves set up and repaired. Phone
'-'i 6019
Garbage aid ruhbLih hauled, cesspools
nd tolleti cleaned. John Chlpp ft Co.
Phono 2S. 2348 Hurlsoi, Avenue. h733
Bloom, the Tailor, is an expert on re
r?in an1 '' raring Suits made to or.ier
:24 Twenty fifth stre.-t.
Trunk and bag repairing, round cor
ner lium btsndard Galluchors. '373 Hud
ecD 2111
t..PtKT window and wsll Daoer ctcn
ng. American Window Clcan!r:i-. Ph. 563
- m
Notice M A No. 02" T:oi
t'nltcd States LJind Office. Salt Lake
City. Utah. Spt 10, 1920.
Notice Is hereby given, that Southern
Pociflc Gold A: Copper Mining A Milling
Company, a corporation, through Its au
thorlred nrent. ( on lloiderman. whos-i
postofflce address Is Salt Lake. City, l.'uh. 1
has mado application for a Cnlted States
patent for the luorltc. CupHtc No 2. Cup
rite No 3. Wizard. Last Chance, Last
Chance Extension No. 2. Last Chance Kx- '
tension No. 3. Pea Cock and Top Notch 1
lode mtnlni: claims consolidated, situated i
in tb. Sierra Mndre mining district. Coun
ty of Weber. State of Ctnh. being Sur
vey No 6571. and described. In the fiHd
notes and pint file in this office, with 1
macnetio variation at IS deg. Lajtt, as1
foi Iowa:
Commencing at corner No. 1 or Dlorlte
lode claim, whence rbi? S v corner ".Vc I
tL T. 7 N It. 1 W.. S L B. & M. Dears
S. 14 dep. 42 rain. W. 1226 ft;
Thence N. 6 dig. 23 mln W 600 feet '
to corner No. 2 of said claim:'
Thence S. 8 deg 53 mln. E 3000 feet '
to corner No 3 of Wizard claln;:
Thence N 5 deg. 23 mm. W 966.6 foct
to corner No 2 of Top Notch claim;
Th..nce S. 18 deg. 53 mln. E. 566.4 feet
to comer No 1 of Last Chance Extension !
No. 2 claim;
Th. nce K. 5 deg 4S mln. W. 1459 4 feet '
to corner No 2 of Last Chance Extension
No. 2 claim;
Thcncec S. 88 deg. 53 mln. E. 600 feet :
to corner No 3 of mid claim;
Thence S. 5 deg. 48 mln E 1453.4 feet
to comer No. 4 of said claim Identical
with comer No. 3 of Last Chance claim
Thenco S. 5 deg. 23 mln E 133C.3 feet
to corner No. 4 of List Chance claim.
al with corner No. 3 of last Chance 1
Extension No. 3 claim.
Th.-nc 0, fj deg. 54 mln E. 1435.1 feet
to corner No. 4 of Lust Cham .. Extension !
No. 3 claim;
Ih. n, ..- N deg 53 mln. W, 27"4 5 feet
to corner No 1 of Cuprite No 2 claim. 1
Thence N 5 deg. 23 mln. W. 1200 feet 1
to corner No 2 of Cuprite No. 3 claim,
identical with corners 1 and 4 of Wizard,
and Dlorlte claims, respectively
Thenc N &8 deg. 63 mln, W. 1600 feet
to corner No. 1 of Dlorlte ciainv. the piur
Of beginning nnd located In SW. i. SB
4 and NE. Vi. Section 8 ond NW S and
NR. of Section 17, Township 7 North.
Range 1 West, B, L. B. & If., containing
an area of 169. 0U6 acres exclusive of con I
flit ts, us mown by tho duly certified
Hold notes of said Survey No 6671, to bo
in confllt 1 with SW, 'A of SW U of Bi
tlon I and with Section 17. T 7 N . B 1
W . 8. L. B. & M.
I direct that this notice be published In '
The Standard Examiner, published at
Ogden, Utah.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Claimant's Attorney 5423
Date of rgt publication September 15.
Consult County Clerk or me Respec
tive Signers for Further
In the District Court of the Scrond ludl
clal District of Utah in nnd for Weber
Estate of Laura Cm gun. Deceased
Creditors will present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned at the of
(ices of S. P Dobbs. 2flS-2U Hudson'
building, Orrden, l'tah. on or before Feb
ruary h 1921
Stuart P Dohbs. Attorney. 6417'
Ertate of Isaac Guy Clark. Deceased.
The petition of Murion J. Clark, for let
ter3 of ndminlstration, In the above entit
led mutter, nag been set for hearing be
, fore Hon A L Pratt. Judge, on Monday,
the 1st day of November. 120. at ten (10) 1
o'clock a. m., at the county court house.
In the court room of said court. In Ok
den City, Weber county, l'tah
Witness, the clerk of uild court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 20th day of
October. 1920.
WALTER N KAltrt. Clerk
Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk,
w. il. Reader, Jr.. Attorney for Petition
er (Seal) C654
E.-ilAte of William Jenkins Deceased
The petition of William James Jen
kins and Homer. Vere Jenkins, praying for
the admission to probate or a certain doc
ument purporting to be Ihe last w II ond
testament of William Jenkins, and for tho
appointment of petitioner William James
Jenkins as administrator witlj the wdll
annexed of the above entitled estate, in
tho above entitled matter, has been set for
be.irlng before Hyn. A. W. Agee, Judge,
on Monday, the 1st dav of November,
1990 .it two f2) o'clock p. m . at the coun
ty court house, in the court room of said
court, in Ogden City. Weber rountv,
Witness the clerk of Mid court with
the seal thereof affixed, this 20th dav of
October, 1920.
By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk.
C R. Hollingsworth Attorney for Peti
tioner. (Seal) 1 CC55
Estate of Geraldine Wevsenfclt Deceased.
The petition of Kate Moore, for the pro
bate of will of said deceased, and for the
issuance of lettere testamentary to her
self. In the above entitled matter has
been set for heailng before lion A K
Pratt. Judge, on Monday, the 1st day of'
November. 1920 nt ten (10) o'clock a m . I
at the county i ourt house. In the court
room of Mid court, in Ogdcn City. Weber
county, l'tah.
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 20th clay of
October. 1920.
By Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk
J. D Murphy, Attorney for Petitioner.
(Seal) i653
He's New Chinese
Minister to U. S.
WASHINGTON The Stnte Depart
ment has received official athlees
from Teking staling that SaoOCe
All red Sze has boon appointed min
ister to the United States by the
government of China. He succeeds
Vi Kyuln Wellington Koo. who lias
been mad Chinese minister to Gits.it
Britain. The neu ambassador lo
Washington" from China was educated
at Cornell. He 1ms held several cab
inet posts.
21, arrested on charge of passing a
worthless check, declared she would
'fast until her father, T. E. Well i
The Ogden Auto Directory
Franklin Agency and Service. All makes repaired 2466 Grant
ave"e- 6503 H
Briscoe Touring Cars, Gramm-Bernstein Trucks. White-Robinsoi f
2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739
Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue 3740 S
All makes of batteries repau-ca and recharged Exide Battery Sta- mi
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741
Weber Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue Ciialmers and Max- I
well sales and service. Phone 143 3742 R-;
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3773 m
Willard Battery Station, 2454Grant avenue 3738 E
Northeast Service Station Cheesman Auto Co. 3786 f-
..... legal notices 1
Proposed Confltitutional Amend
ment No. 1.
A Joint resolution proposing an mrnd
mont to Section 5 of Article 11 of tht
Constitution of the State of Vtah. ro
intlnic to municipal corporations.
Be It enacted by the Lir1Ialure of th
State of ftoh two thirds vote of all the1
members elected In the two Houses con i
curriny therein:
B4 tlon I That It Is propod to ajnnd
Section I of Article XI of tho Tonstltu-:
tlon of the itte of l'tah. ro that thi i
BAino will read as follows
Sec 5. Corporations for municipal pur
pones shnJI not be created by special lawn !
Tho Lerlslutur.- by ircn.-ril law., shall j.ro
vlle for the Incorporation. orKerilmtlon
and rtasalflrntion of ritlei nn.l tOWni In
proportion to population, which law moy
bo nltcred. amended or repealed.
Any clly may frum- nd :oio,, char
ter for Its own government In the foi
lowing mnnnrr
The legislative authority of the rity
may, by two-thirds votn of Its memheri
nnd upon petition of .jnatlflcd "le. ors to
the number of 10 pei rent of all votes cat
at the next precrrt i lection for the of
flee of the mayor thall forthwith provide
by ordinance for ii..- .submission to the
.l-cfnm of th.- question hall s Com
mission he chosen to frtlm i 'n-irtcr'"
Th" ordlnanc- -hi..l! require thai the qui I
tlon be piihmltted to the electors at the
next rvirit-vr municipal 'lection Tlr l I
lot containing 6ich question .Oial! ajso
cont.Hln the n.amcs of 'candidate for n
bi rs of the proposed Commission, but
Without Party deHignatlon Such candi
dates shall be nominated In tho same
ninnn. r aj requln-d by lav for nom!n il on
of city offi.-ers. If a mnlorltv of the elec
torn voting on the Question of choorlng a
Commission sh-ll vote In the affirmative
th'.n the fifti'en cejdldntcs recelvlnfi a
majority of the votes cuat at fiuh elec
tion, shall constitute the chr-irtor Commis
sion, and shall proceed to frame a char
Am charter so frsmed shell be sub
mitted to the qualified electors of 1 1. c ci'v
at an election to he heW.l nt a time to
be determined by the charter Ccnnnb -!...n.
which .hall he not less than tl.lrt;, day-;
subsequent to its completion and dictn
button amons the electors and not more
than ono jear from such date Alterna
tive provisions may also be submitted t.
be voted upon separately The Commls
wlon b1v make proMslons for the distri
button of copies of the proposed charter
and of an altamatlro provisions to the
qualified electors of the city, not less than
sixty days before the election at whl. h It
Is voted upon. Surh proiosd charter and
such alternative provisions as arc ap
proved by a majority of the electors vot
ing thereon, ehall become an organic law
of such cltv at such time as moy be flxe-3
therein and hall supersede any existing
charter and all lawj affectlniT the organ
ization and government of sui fa city which
are now In conflict therewith. Within
thirty dayw after It3 approval a copy of
sui h charter adopted certified by the
mayor and cltj recorder and authentlcal
ed by the serl of such city, shall DO made
in duplicate and deposited, one In the of
fice of the Secretary of State and the
other In the office of the City Recorder,
and thereafter all courts shall take Judl
clal notice of such charter.
Amendments to any such chsrter may
be framed and submitted bj the charter
Commission In the same manner us pro
lded for maUlnp of charters or m: be
proposed by th" lefrlnatVe authority of
the cltj upon a two thirds vote thereof,
or by petition of qualified electors to a
number equal to one tenth of the total
vote crut for movor on the next preceding
election, and any such amendrien' maj
bo -ubmltted at the next regular election
and having been approved by the majority
of the electors votlnr thereon, shall be
come a part of the charter at the timo
fixed In such amendment and shall be cer
tlfled and flld a.s provided In case of
Each city forming Its charter under this
Section shaJl bare nd Is hereby prr'irit.-d
the authority to BXereJse all powers relat
ing to municipal aff nn, nnd to adopt
and enforce within its limits, local police
sanitary and similar regulation not to con
fllct with the genernl law, and no enumer
ation of powers In this constitution or any
law shall be deemed to Mmlt or restrict
the general grant of authority hereby con
ferred- but this grant of authority shall
not Include the power to regulate thi; eerv
Icu or charges of public utilities so long
as such regulation j provided for by ten
ernJ law, nor be deeme-d to limit or re
strict the pwor of the legislature lit mat
ters of public or general interest nor
thOM relating to Stote affairs.
The power to he conferred upon the cit
ies hy this Section ehal! include the foi
(a) To lovy, ass3s and collect taxes
end borrow money, within the limits pre
scribed by general law. nod to levy and
collect special assessments for benefits
- conferred.
(b) To furnish all local public services:
; to purchase, hire, construct, own. main
tain and opvrate, or lease, public utilities
local in exUnt nnd use; to acquis b
condemnation, or otherwise, within or
, without the corporate I'mlts. pnpt rtj
I necessary for anv such purposes, subject
to restrictions Imposed by general law for
th.- ;rotectlon of other communities arid
to grant IocjiI public utility franchises and
r. t-Ml.ii. tin exercl.se thereof subject to
the continuing; power of regulation of pub
lie utilities their rates and service, by the
State, as Is now or may hereafter be. pro
vlded by funeral law.
(c) To make locnl public Improvements
and to acquire by condemnation, or other
Wise, property within Its corporate lim
its necessary for such improvements; ond
also to acquire an excess over that needed
for any such Improvement and to sell or
lease such excess property with restrlc
tlons. In order to protect and preserve
the Improvement.
(d) To Issue and sHl bonds on the se
curity of any such exceas property, or of
any public utility owned by the clt. or
of the revenues thereof, or both. Includ
ing. In the case of a public utility, a fran
chise stating the terms upon which. In
case of foreclosure, the purchaser may
I operate such utility.
Sc. 2. The- Secretary of State Is here
I by directed lo submit the proposed amend
ment to the electors of the State at the
n-xt rrentrul election in the manner pro
vided by law.
Sec 3. If adopted by the electors of
this Stale, this umendment shall tko ef
feet on January 1st. 1021
Approved March 18. 1919. 1
Buffalo, Ky., sent money to cover iho
! cheek Two days went b nnd when
she was called into court, she learned
ber case was continued for a week.
That meant too much fasting. She
cried, and then she ate.
TOLEDO George Miller took Bl3
blankets to the Seldom Seen laundry
to be cleaned. Now he thinks ue as
misunderstood and that they have
cleaned him instead. The laundry is
closed and the management, accordinc
to neighbors, is seldom seen recently
LONDON Mrs Charles Green asked
:i Judge for a divorce. She didn't want
her husband any longer. Another wife
requested that the JuiIko appoint
Proposed Constitutional Amend- W
ment No. 2. E
A resolution proposing an amendment to H
Section 7. Article 12 of the Constitution
of the State of rtah. relating to tax H
rrie for State purposes
Be It resolved by tbe Legislature of the H
State of l'tah. two thirds of all the H
m mbers elected to each House concur H
ting 1
tlon I That It Is propooed to amens EL
Section 7, of Article XIII of the Const!- H
tution of the State of l'tah so that the B
snr.ii will ri.id SJ follow:,
S. - The rate of taxation on proper H
ty for State purposes shall never exceed H
ft mills on each dollar of valuation to b
apportioned as follows. Not to excend
Ih on each dollar of valuation for fl
general State purposes; not to exceed I H
mills on at h .loliar of valuation for .!le
trl.-t achool purposoa; not to exceed U H
mill on each dollar of valuation for hlgn
school purposes, that part of the State H
tnx apportioned to hirh school purposes H
shall constitute . fund U be called the H
High 8chool PUnd nd ahull be appor- H
tlonexl to tho Cities mil hoot district H
maintaining h'11 srhoo'.o In the manner H
the Lesjlslature provide. And when- H
.ever the taxable property within the 8tt H
shall amount to 1400,000,000.00, tho rates H
shall not exceed on dollar f valua
lion two ano fourtenth mills for fffnerai
Slate purposes, two tenths of one mill fot H
hii:h school purposes, and s';ch lery foi
district school purposes wOl ralne an- H
nually an amount which, added to any H
other State funds avM.ilav.ile for district H
, school purposi equals 125.00 for each
person of school ago In the Stttu. shown H
i by the lost prccodlnf school census, un- H
less n proposition to Increase such rate H
or rates. sp clflnt; the rate or rates pro-
posed and the tin.. .Hinnir which the same H
shall be hvled. b- first submitted to a
.vote of such of the qualified electors of
I the State, as. In the year next prcced- H
InK such election, shall hav paid a prop- H
erty tax assessed to thorn within the State, H
and the m.ijonty of .ore olini: tberc.-( 1
shall vote In favor thereof. In such man- H
ner as may be providad hy law.
Sec. 2. The Secretary of State Is di. H
, rccted to cause this proposed amendment
to be published at required by the Coh-
stitutlon and to be submitted to the eleo JH
tor- of the state .it the next cititui elee
tlon In the manner provided by law. H
j Sec. 3. If approved by tTie electors of the H
State, this proposed amendment shall
tl ICC effect on the 1st day of January, f-
Approved March 1$. HI. k
, Proposed Constitutional Amend-
ment No. 3.
NO. f.
' A concurrent resolution providing an
amendment to Section 1. Article XIV. H
of the Constitution of the. State ot H
I l'tah relutlnp to State debt limitation. H
i Tie It enacted hy the Legislature, of the H
State Of Utah, two Ih.rd.- of all the :nem- H
I hers elected to each of thu two Houses H
concurring therein H
Section 1 That it is proposed to amend H
Section 1. Article H. of the constitution H
I of the State of l'tah, so that the .same H
i will r.'id as fe.llowi.
I Section 1. To meet casual deficits or H
I failures In revenue, and for nccesary ex-
I pendlturcx for public purpo.oH, Including fl
the er. ction of public hulldlnftM, and for
the payment of all terrltorl.il Indebtedness
'assumed by the State, the State may con
tract debts, not exceeding In the aggrv-
'rate at any one time, an amount equal to B
1 2 porcentum of the value of the taxable
property of the State, as shown
1 the Ixst assessment for State purposes H
previous to the incurring of sueh lndebt
jedncss But the State hail never con- M
tract any lndnbt-diiess except as in the H
jnext section provided. In excess ol H
such amount, and alt moneys arlsina H
fr(m loans herein authorized, shall be ap H
plied solely to the purposes for which they
were obtained I
Sec. 2. The Secretary of State Is hereby
i directed to submit this propose amend jM
j ment to the electors of the State at tho
ln.-xt general election In the manner pro
I Sec. 3 If adopted by the electors ol H
'the Stele, thl.s amendment .hall take ef
feet January 1. 1921.
Approved March IX. 1919 H
.Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No. 4. S
A concurrent resolution proposing an
amendment to the Com stitutlon of th H
State of l'tah by amending Section 5, H
Article XVI, relating to rights of ac- H
tlon to recover damages for Injuries re. H
iftltlng In eieitth H
Be It resolved and enacted by the Tci- H
lature of the State of l'tah, two tlurii H
of all the members elected to each ol
the two Houses concurring therein H
S.- tlon 1. That It Is proposed to amend H
Section 5, Article 16. of the Constitution
of the State of l'tah. so that said soctlor H
shall read as follows.
"Tho right of action to recover damage! H
for Injuries resulting In death, shall novel
be abrogated, end the amount recoverable
hall not be subject to any statutory llmi
tation, except in cases where compenaa
tlon for Injuries resulting In death Is pro M
vlded for by law." H
Section 2. The Secretary of State 11 H
hereby directed to submit this proposed
amt ndment to thu electors of the nta to H
at the next general election in the man 1H
ner provided by law.
Sec. 3. If adopted by the electors nl H
the state, the amendment shall take efcel H
January 1H. B
Approved October 9. 1019. M
I. Harden Bennlon. Secretary of State.
of tho State of t'toh. do hereby ccrtlfj
that the foregoing Is a full, true and cor
net copy of ail Constitutional Amend
ments pionosoel by the regular and spe H
clal sessions of the Legislature of 1919
oa tho same appear of record In my of
In witness whereof. have her- unto sei
my hand nnd affix- d the (Jreat Seal of th
State of l'tah. this 1st day of September.
Secretary of Slate
june to tame her mate. Still another
explained that she vr&a willing tnal
her huab.-ind return borne as a board-
or. All in i he same coUrt on the same ll
! NEWCASTLE, lnd.-Tuesday, Oc
'tober 12. was n da 10 be remembered
I in Newcastle ror on that date 4000
chickens and 1000 homemade Pld
were the inducements to bring erv-
body in the town iu the Henry COUP
ty fair. Every merohanl !'- i bin
store bo ai not to mlas aoj 01 ih
To entbk- a hammi r to be used as a tH
hatchet an inventor has patented a
I blade to be attached to its bead.

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