j Rugs-Rugs-Rugs
j Wilton, Axmin.Ucr, Velvet, Tapestry, Grass, Rag. Reduced prices in all grades. Wilton rug.s
N have gone down in price $20 to $30. All our Wilton rugs have been reduced to conform to the j
g new market quotations Aside from this we hive selected a great many rug's of different ?ire.-, "
I ff j and qualities and marked them very low
B3 You cannot afford to miss this sale il
i s
S Akhar Wilton, 1x12 feel high gradt pea tQC Mghspire Tapestrj rug, (jo or CJOIH t
E"j uim Wilton 1123.60 jradt 27x'.t J)j.JJ to J)Z.IU fl
j Bundhai Wilton psttern Mo 122-9, mall Jap Saxony Ax. rug J i i or tQ Afl t
5l anew figure, Jsspt graj .tound .i QIAO. t)Il.0 to t5.UU ,
iV Ktaoraasan Axmlnster flJIOCA nn pe;
p Oaki oa rug pattern 300515, size 9x12 86x7S 4l.JJ to 40."U
j 'ernian dsicn, r- ground, JOC
1 " 95 " ' $12.75 to $9.25 :
i ' ikdal mn ground small IflC
g all-over pattern, 1140 value CpiUJ iUoom Wilton rug. jjjj jjq ((30 'v
tpj Karnak Wilton, finest worsted yarn?, anil fn'
j color? one of the nee p ttei illghtl) tfirn Carlton Ax 1587, 36x72 fc1fl C i-
g damaged, lz xl2. $200 i J)IjU iV.4J
;S " m-. .. i: :-ug, ro iA M AA Palisade Vel 16x72 j rr M
B 90X1 3J.4U to regularfW. .DDfe
Si rirnnrif r.ipn I... n or i r Dundhar Wilton rug., 27x51. CMfiOft
3 27x54 CpZ.ZD to JI.DU regular 116.56 JiU.oU
H Increases Granted
H To Light Company
B Increased rev ties totalling ap-
R proximately n million dollar a year
Hf were added 10 the prsssnl revenue
1 or the Utah Power A Light coinpanj
Bl by i .Incision of the public utilities'
j commission of Utah. The decision
. .4mi' on the Investigation ui tnc torn-,
j mission own motion of s-peolal urn-'
tract held bv about flftv of the l.irg
ett customer ( tile poWi I compan.v
in ail eountlOa near Salt Lalca-
These contracts allowed the cut
tomera com-f-rneil a rate for current
connlderatily lower than that paid lJ j
t-ther customerjt receiving imll&r aer
Tlce. The lncreari-(l rovenuaa Ul br
pa !! ) theaa cuHtomerh htch num-J
bet imonx them -iine of 'if' large!
Induatrtal enterprises tn ttie state,
BBl i-.iur hereafter Hi win t,o placed on ;
standard tate Th( order goe into
j effect at noon Frld o
BBr The case decided has coma tu be
I known aa the ' specinl contract" oaaca
B i involving the t tali t'ouer & Ught
I company s schedules In I'tah It la to
be dlstlnxulthed from the rate IncrWJaa
B case, filed ttlbaeduantlj In the form of
a petition from lha i'tah Power tt
BBa ' lajht i ompan fur an In. r-a-e In
BBa ! I.realllnx schedules for power pur-
B I In S
B From assertions in.de duriiiR th
hearinic. Ui era la little noubi thai the
decision of the mmmtKalon will be
taken before the supreme court Ol lha
state, and iowbly the supreme court
q the Onlted States. It was contended
the hearing that a contract,
whfii niad-. ihOUld, under the .-ni
tiilion of both sta'e and nation b held
inviolaide from Interference by lexal
I Academy Will Honor
Monsignor Cushnahan
In welcome 1o Monaignor P. M l
Ctuahnanan. V , tu.ents ,f s.nrr,i
He.. it Academy will give a program,
Thurs,i- evening at s ocioci. in the
auditorium of th school, a numtx
of the tudent In thr various depnrt-1
Itients of niusli und drm.itl expres
sion will porticlpoto in the program
Parents and friends, as well as patrons
Of the school, are Invited in att.-nd. I
1', ,
Ion'i l stuffed-up' Quit blosrlnc
H and souffllnc' A doer of I'ape's t aid
H i om pound taken every two hours until
H d dose are taken usualK breaks
H a cold and end all crippe u,i
Tbe first dose ope n clogged up no-
irtl and air psssaaea of head: stops
H Ve running relieve headache, dull-
BBsl h&$.
No Bad Effects Unless Cold
Follows, Says Weather
I'iKging and topping of sugar beets j
Will be delayed altghtl by the snow
storm and rain of the past two days.
although good effect of the precipita
tion wll more than offset its detri
ments unless there Is .1 continuance of
bad weather, according to a statement
Issued yestcrdav by J Cecil Alter, di
rector of the Salt I-ake branch of the
I'nlted Stat. weather bureau.
Mr. Alt.-r -ud
The cuttle have been taken from
the winter rangea and the snow will
permit their being turned out on the
desert feeding grounds." the weather
man suld. The moisture will prove
benefit to range generaH . The rain
and snow will he a good thing klao
for fill grain Most of the Krain has
been sown and tha water will greatly
aid Ita Krowth. especially tn the south
ern part oi lh- s'ate. SfhSrS ilrought
has prevailed.
The putting up of hay. the dinting
of potatoes anil the picking of apples
will be retarded by the :torm. If the
weather turn, decldcdiv colder pota
toes and apple may freest. Continued
w.-i Breather will prevent the fields
Idrylng out and then the beeta won't
I clean properly. However, i look for
I the weather to clear up toda
The StOrm extended ov er I tall. dS
I. .. sTeetem Montanu, northern Neva
Ida, northern California regon and
, a hlngl'Mi Th loiil preclpl l it Ion
recorded at the Salt Lake weather of -ftOS
from o'clock Moncay evening
j Until o'clock last night, was .57 Of
an Inch. 'onsider.ible moisture fell
after the measure men last evening
Two inches of snow fell in Salt L.kk
I Monday night and yesterday morning.
I On the bench lands the fall wax re
ported to reach four liu hes.
Hear the Ladies' Band at
. the Orpheum Tonight.
II Break a Cold
In Few Hours
First dote of 'Tape's Cold Compound" relieve all
stuffiness and distress No quinine! Costs little!
nesa, feverlboe-.. nexinc. soreness,
Pape'a Cold Compound I the quick
eat. sorer t relief known and roets only
a few cent at drug store It arts
without assistance Taatea nice Con
tains no quinine loaiat oo Pap'
Gives Interpretation
of "Pure Seed" Lav
Following the receipt of many com
munications from Eccd merchants of
the state, protesting the "pure seed'
law as it stands today on tha statute
books as "unworkable," the slate
crops and pests commission yet, rdav
placed its Interpretation on the law
which was passed by the legislature of
!ltll and made effective June 1 of the
present year. Tho interpretation was
I made in a letter to Y. W Ha 1'nitcd
(States district attorney. .
I The law defines agricultural seeds SI
ail plant issda oonsmoniy planted for
'economic and decorative purposes."
The commission specifies these as
twenty-five named seeds com nlv
used In field crops, t wenty-eight seed
I for garden and truck crup and forty -five
of the commoner flowers
The commission also prescribes as
j to the lubellng that all packages of
eight ounces or less may be kept in I
laiger container, not to contain more
than ten pounds nor more than fifty
packages, which large container shall
be labeled as prescribed in the pure
si i d law,
Third Ward to Give
Opening Dance Friday
Marking the beginning of the --octal
seuson at the Third ward amusement
ball, a grand opening ball will i. hsM
Friday. October 22. The amusement
hall is In th ben of Condition, having
been thoroughly renovated during the
summer month.
The hull is now barn' decorab d b
a committee in charg. i in vv.,rk
Refreshments will be served :. m in
born of the Sunday school.
- i oo
Ogden Merchant and
I School Teacher Wed
i Atwell r Waller, of ogden. propri
etor of Wolfer's "louk and Suit com
paoy, yesterday married ut Bkli i-.ke.
iMlaa Coosuelo Stewart, a former
t II hi r in the tgden high school MIsA
Stewart'a home was in Uurllngton.
irSmontt und she rump to the uejo
bout three vrs ago. She rrijrne.l
from her poaltlon as teacher of do
mestic rt here three w.eks ago
The ceremon was performs) in gr
Mark's cnthedral. Mf and Mr. Wol
fer will make their honw in itgden
Two of the greatest favorite of
the present da appear in Real Art
Treat photoplay. -Food for Scandal "
Wanda has sixteen follows awaiting
her on the corner as soon aa ahe
l in tabes In "The Foil lea" and tee
I what he hands them A great pk
ture bel.ind the scenes ami in the
! d reusing rooms of the bevy of rhoms
girls It's put over In a wonderful
aa Alhambra Theatre Manlng to-
1 morrow School children. 10r and
20c; adults. 2oc and 30c
R ; 1
j f4.,..
( - iss?
ELiLtS ISLAND. X Y". "Oh, say can you sm -" .Madam"
Schumann-Heinle, famous grand oppnt prima donna, tang with n
-fire and vipor sho has sfldoid 1 1 lai cI wht-u she pouredvforth the
thrilling wordi 6l the national anthem t immigrants just arrived
here the iln-i flay. The great sinner won wild applause from the
citizens to be. The inst-t is a remarkable photo of Madame1 ScHu
mannHeink as- she put her whole soul into America s song.
Army Man to Talk
at High Assembly
.Major Alva I-o of the Salt Laktv
army recruiting station will Ijc the
principal speaker :it the Friday morn-'
Ing assembly at the igden High BChOOl.'
, Major Le will address tho students
jof tho school on "The American Army
in Prance.' Qfflcera of the iit iake
recruitini; I t.ition STC campaigning
throughout Utah aha Idaho this week;
'addressing Ktudenu of high schools,
und colleges n the army and w hat
lit means to the I'nlted Stales?'
The students will ilo hear several!
speakers on the coming grid hattle to
j be staged at Silt Luke Saturday after
noon between lha East High school
and the igden High school stars. This
faille will no doillil lie liie feature
game of the year. Addresses will be I
made liv j'rlnolpal A M Morrill.
Coach Peterson. Captain Skeen and
other members of tne grid team.
A special iraln carrying rooters will
depart from Qgden at 12 o'clock noon!
Saturday, apeclal rates for the round
trip hiving been granted b the Bam
berger electric lines.
News Dealer Fined
$15 in City Court
Pleading guilty to a pjetit larceny
charge. B. A. .Munsey. charged with
, stealing newspapers after they had
' been delivered by curriers, was fined
I $15 by Judge D. R. Roberts In the
city court this morning.
Munsey admitted In court that he
j hud appeared on a similar charge three
i years ugo, and was in court again
I about I ysSJ igo on n charge of s -iiiu-
tobacco to minors.
Judge Koberls told Munsey that the
next time he appeared before the city
court' that he would give him a jll
senteni e. He admonished Munsey for
atasllng paper, stating thut the in
Jury fell not BO much on the persons
whore papers were taken, but upon
the carriers, Wl0 are penalized for
each complaint made by persons not
receiving i papei
Oh that morr.ing grouch!
But give hiin a cup cl
1 real "cod coffee and sec
how quickly it goes!
(jive him Schilling Cof
fee and tell him that it costs
no more per cup than or
dinary ccttcc. Tell him
that you can get your mo
ncv back, from your grocer,
any time you want ir.
See how quickly it goes!
Schilling Coffee
For all Departments, Call Phone
Jo. 24S0.
Grand . opening dance Thu d ward,
I'riday. October l'-'. "Prlsee." Home
Kurnlturt Co- window. ' 6634
Moved to second floor 219-221 Eccles
btlldlng Ur W. H. Petty, Dentist.
su)4Tids Benteneed. A. T Doxey,
driver of a laundry' delivery wagon.
appeared before the city court this
morning on a charge of operating his
automobile without number plates. He
explained that the vehicle had been In
a paint shop, and that the number
plates had been taken off by the
painter Judge I . R. Robert imposed
a five days' suspended sentence.
I'hone 6 92 for messenger.
rinoti s.o. Pranbla Lydns charged
with drunkenness, withdrew a plea of
not guilty in the city court and pleaded
guilty. He was sentenced to a fln ot
Jo0 or &o days In the city jail.
Choice bum.- for fall planting.
I Grout's Grain Store. 66of.
social. Members of tho W omen's
! Auxiliary In tm Hallway1 Mill service
will give a social for their members
and Bugbaada Prlday at the home of
Mrs. W- J. Manning, 606 Seventh I
I street.
Ogden Typewriter House for type
writers and repairs. 2422 Hudson avc
i nuc. Phone 236.
Marriage Licenses. Mai
i censes were Issued todny in the eounty
clerk's office to Arthur J Tnylor of
fix itello. Id i., and tllad.VH A. I nld of
Kaysvllle. and Jesse A RsedST and
Kdna Orcenwcll. both of Ogden.
Clean large rSjgl wanted at Tbe
Standard-Examiner offlca t'2
.lap Railroad Man Here J Mc-
Near, eastern repreaentative for the
TokiO railroad, was an g-b n visitor
todaj en roule to San KranctH 0 and
other coast points. He was uccom-
, i lag bj lira IfeKear
Wanted- Uell boy. Seed Hotel.
llixllo or Hcrnrs. The bodies of
sixteen American soldiers, who were
killed in action in France, arrlv.d In
Ogden today from the east on train
19. en route to San Francisco und oth
er coast points.
Bazaar at Marriott Thursday after
noon and evening. The M. I A will
give free dance at night. Refresh
ments. 65Sfc
Jojassys BrottJBt Bnrsv it
Felt Jolson. youthful brother of the,
famous comedian. Al Jolson. waa an
Ogden visitor yesterday afternoon for
nor. than an hour en, rout to Hono
lulu, where he la booked to appear tn
musical comedy during the fall and
winter seuson. He was arcompanled
bv fifteen otber theatrical star.
oo -
Quartet Fined for
Battle in Poo! Hall
John Morgan played good fellow vas
Iterdag and thereby perclpltated a lur
! ly battle In tol hall at XS4 Twenty'
ftf i h i
' waappro.T-hrd by a 'man who asked i
him for a wherewithal to buy a meal.
He started taking the man to tha
Depot lunch counter, ha aald On
I r eur men. Phillip Herrtaston. Rvy i
Maxwell. William Morartty or Jobn
I proteatcd and waa struck. Immedl
4i.i bta peel halt the rne of
l-'nfr a vua ball, burled by husky1
We have had a reduction on our entire line, so
you can make an actual saving of
2777 Hudson Avenue
arm. struck the Japanese proprietor
on the Jaw, flooring him. Some one
swung a cue. the heavy end of which
landed across llerrlngton's upper hp.
Then the police came. Sergeant A. II.
Stephens dirt cling tho arrest of the
This morning Asststunt City Attorney
! Samuel Powell recommended leniency
I for Morgan Morgan, however, raid
; that In his opinion. no partiality
should be shown, all being in tha SUna
I boat.
Judge D. R. Roberts imposed a
I sentence of $15 or 15 days each on
) the quartette ,'
; Roy Maxwell, who posted $2." ball.
: failed to appear In court and his ball
j was declared forfeited.
Deaths and Funerals
Mcl'FRSON. Funeral services for
Jed McFerson were bold at 1:30
o'clock yesterday nfurnoon ut the
Kaysvllle cemetery. Itlshop David
Stoker officiated. Fight nephews of
the deceased acted as pallbearer-. The
musical services were given as fol
lows Anthem. "Lead Kindly Fight.''
and "I Hear You Calling Me." by
Mrs. Agnes Warner. A duct, ' Jesus.
Lover of My Soul." was sung by Mrs.
Warner and Mrs. Berntce Tyrcc. The
speakers wcii lilshop Fr..nk Hde. J.
W. Thornley. F A. I-irlin, Albert
J. Smith and Itlshop Stoker Inter
ment was In the K". iv .-.vile cemetery
with William Bodily dedicating the
JI HKIXS. Ai ma Judktns. infant
daughter of Leroy and Fuelln Rlchr
ardson Judklns, died this morning at
the home of Ebenezer Richardson.
2128 Ogden avenue. She waa. born
I Sept. 26, 1920. The parents survive
Funeral kitvIi'ii v. ere to be held at
the home ibis afternoon, with burial
In Die North OgdSn cemetery.
Nothing grows so fast as a scanda'
story not even an Airedale pup nor
a boy's feet. There may be really
nothing to It at first, but give the
gossips a little time and soon the hero
I Ine or hero of the story' has no reputa
tion left. If you don't believe It. see
"Food for Scandal." Wanda Hawley'a
new picture, at the Alhambra theatre
New Envoy
j From Mexico
MnH '
WASHINGTON Manuel C Telled '
will represent tbe Mexican gut ere-I
High Cumrnlaalonor Fernando Cal-
deron (abieron and lit whole staff'
arc leai ing. He was unable to settle
loll controTCTBles between hia govern
ment and the I'nlted State bcauae
of a lack of co-operation by Mexico.
Morning - jaTtST
HveepYbur Eyes
i "California Syrup of Figs" f 9
Qiild's Best Laxative v
fK 1
Accept ' CslltornlS" Syrup of Flga BK
enly look for the nam California on Q
tha packagt then yon are Mire our ji.
child tn having tie beat and moat B
.11 p!i". for ilie littlo stomach, H
User and boweli Chlldrea love Ita at
fruity taste. Full directions on eacn
Catarrh Will Go 1
Help Comes m Two Minutes Com- ka
plele Relief n a Few Weeks. H
IVn't go hawking sick
every morning: cruel, it's harmfful
land it's unnecesMry. H
llhbll Hi nrriel. ihS won I ' I
jderworker, ou sru not rid of vile ca H
I tarrh ou can have your money back.
f I
to dlreotlonn. In two minutes It will re B
1 lleve you of that stuffed up feeling. t's- H
It dull) rnd In few weeka you should H
Kreathlng Honi. Is u very pleasant 9
lo kll ratarrn k-orin I
a Hvoni. I outfit today. It's sold bv HH
dVuggiats eveiy whete with vinruntee to
I quickly and safely end catarrh, croup. H
-nr. bron'hitli xHMIH
I or money hack. It's Inexpensive. Cull aKS
Ends indigestion
It relieves stomach tnLvery , soar tom I
acli, belching and all atomAch disetu j
or m m-v ha lc Irji- lx of tablets J
at all drugKiKtA in all town. Bir '
Bj The Laxa-tive
For Quick Relief
of Constipation
Crapolo does not contain calomel, or mBl
lcrcury jialfs. It Is purely t H
table, mild but positive in action, and HkT "
absolutely harmlr. The small, choro nk
HH coated tablets are easy to IIBiKK
and give a natural movement, with- SkHLI
out purging i r grip r .entA. aM
good store. And all leading drugaTUtic M
I i I
made ant
The beat and quickest ar'ing LMI
' iocs on each bottle I
tiUd xtavrvr)y with II