OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 22, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-22/ed-1/seq-11/

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H Brighten Your Home With a New Rug
from Boyle's at a big saving during the Rug Sale
No J022 Luzerne Seamless rivet Rug. 8 3x10.6. Rose
ground, blue figures in nil over Persian pattern $7
formerly, now - $56.70
No 3924 Bcauvis Seamless Axminster; best quality Ax
minster rug made. Grav rug with two tone border.
Size. 8.3x10.6. 590 grade: now $72.00
No. 83 Cashmere Seamless W ilton civet 9x I - siz
Beautiful Chinese design with light purple ground
On oJ t he best rugs made The design is one of our
best, but wr have five or six rugfl of the same pattern
Only 3 rugs at the sale price. $111 73 grade . . $90.00
I here are bargains in all grades of rugs from a tapestry
rug. 27x54 at $2 10 to the finest worsted W iltons in
9x12 at $130 00, formerly worth $195.00.
Blankets --Down or wool comforts on sale at 20 per
cent off Your choice of entire stock Terms if you wish
B Doctor Teiis How io Strengthen
I Eyesight 50 Per Ceni in One
I Week's lime in Many Instances
I A Free Prescr.ption You Can Have
Filled and Use at Home.
Philadelphia Hi I ' tun umr Klujjien?
Arc you u victim i tye train ur other
eye weaknesses? If 50. voir will be lad
to KflOW that according U Ir. l-ewls
there ik rati bopi ten you, Hani irhoee
eyes were falling ihey have had theli
cce restored through the principle of this
wonderful free perscrlptlon, One man
I hsv. after trying It; -,l vtns almost
'blind; could mt io read at all Npw
I 1 can read everything without any lasse
I and mv (: do iml u iirr .m inor. 1
I night they would puln dreadfully; now.
I 'V lhc feel fine all tin lime It whs like
l. miracle to inf.' lad) who used li
rays: "The atmosphere seeniott hazy with
hr without glusses. hut after using this
prescription foi fifteen da'i everything
neemji rlwjtr. I run ejven read fine print
withoui giassr-a." it It believed that thou
.Hindu who wear gteaaee mn now discard
the mm reasonable time and multitudes
more will Ih uhlc to btrengllun their eyed
so ns to in- pared the trouble nnd ex
Dense ol ev er Rett ink- Kl.s.s K I rou
lc of munv descriptions mv be won 1
derfully benefited b) following tin simple .
IFire in Chicken Coop
' Causes Little Damage
Fire .11 the home ol" Jacob ftversole,
22t7 Madison avenue, at 7:40 o'clock
tills morning, shortly ;ifter Mr. Ever
sole had dumped a panful of hot ashe.s
in .1 box In bis chicken coop, caused
little damage Embers among the ashen
ignited the wooden in ,,nd the inter
ior of the ChlCkCII coop Was charred
before the fire department arrived
nnd extinguished u,0 flames.
Salt Lake Sports
Writer Goes East
1 Tierh Weston, scribe on one of th-
S.i It Lake n.iihi s w -. in ' gdcn today 1
route to lh' fii.nl. Weston was'
j formerH sporting editor of the Ba.lt
j Lake Herald. He has accented a po-
Sltlon with the I'hlcago Herald-Exam-1
ml. Here is ih, je .--cnption . to
an) active drug store and get a bottle of
Bon Opto tatileis Drop one lien Opto tab
iOl in a fourth ol a gllu 01 water and al
low to di-ui. with this liquid bathe
1 h- .. Iimi lu ioui llnie dally. You
nlirmid n..rK, -,.ni , . i!i-ai up percep
Llblj right from the atari and Inflamma
tion win iiicM disappear, ii your ayes
ai holhc! nig U1I. ven 11 little. 1-jl.e
itcps i" nave then! no irbafore it is 100
laic Mart) hopeleasi) blind mighi have
been .iviJ If ihey had cared for their
eyas in time,
NOTE Anolfiei prominent pbyaiclan to
whoni the above article was submitted
jaid Bop-Opto 1" a very remarkable
remedy, it- oonelltuent Ingredients are
well known to eminent eye specialist and
widely prescribed by them. The manu
lecturers guarantee it to strvngthni eye-1
.sight Mi pel cent in one week's time in 1
many instan- s 01 refund tin' mone) It;
can be obtained from an) good druggist
and Is one of the ver few preparations I
I feel should he ki-pi on hand for regular
use in utmost every family.'! It is cold In '
ibis clt) hv nil good druggists. Including
R M. lnt v
Auto Truck Crashes
I Into Buggy in Storm
Colon Hose, driver of the WUUajtlB
A Smith delivery truck, and Leroy "Or
j ton. of North Ofcden. narrowly es
leaped deaih last evening, when, blind
ed by the heavy snowfall, thei crash
led lnio ii horse and buggy driven by
Peter under 'Mes of West Ogden-.
i The accident happened ft Twenty-1
first street and Hiirrlis'in .nenuc The
delivery truck was traveling it 1 mod-:
1 'ate of speed, it Is reported, bu, be
cause of the hea r snowfall, the dri er
did not Me the horse-drawn vehicle
The automobile struck the horse
siiuarely, knocking it from the road
and demolished the buggy Vanderl
v lies escaped with a Severe shaking1
Ki. w sllg)iM- 1 111
Orton was taken to the IVc hospital. .
to have two severe gashes ln 1,1s heuli
dressed. His Injuries were noi serious.
Voda exceeds in strength the al
Icoholic beverages of anv other 0011 n
I ry.
I Uneeda
JTL The National soda
p.,, Qc) cracker wheat in
HI JWflfc most nourishing form
li Wa?itv under ideal conditions
riam m always crisp, fresh,
wholesome alvays
I mHr-Tk rCady. for any food
lg5pi. Uneeda Biscuit.
Boxing Commission
Appointed to Insure
"Clean" Bouts Here
With s view of placing ihe boxlns
and wre.-tling -am-- in Ogden on 1
high plane Hnd a- a means of assur
ng the follower? of ihe sipon tha' the
will get full value for their money al
all future matches to be .staged in
Ogden, Muyor Frank Francis nd the
OgdeD board of cfty commissioners
have appointed a boxing and wrestling
pommlaaloa hVal Will immediatelv
begin its functions
Member.- ol th eunimissiou ap
pointed by Mayor Francis with the ap
proal ! the c.i commissionsrS) UtJ
Kial J. Douglas, former assistant city
attorney and a member t 1 In Aun i i-
an Legion; A L. ;iasniann. editor ot
The Standard hxaminer and head if
the I gden Athletic club, and Eldward
E Qarton ol the Southern Pacific rall
rdud shops, who Is known as one ot
the beal authorities' n oporta in the
est .
1 Full power 1- lih tlfe commui
sion to Investigate promote and
theii affairs and all details of the S3
hihitlnns they plan to stage in Ogden.
No match can bt staged in the city
without 1 heir approval, i' Ifl said, and
! they mu.-i be given full assurance by
the promoter that exhibitions will bo
clean and aboveboard udore a license
will be granted
Following full investigation of jLhe
commission into the promoter's, affairs
and the details, ol his proposed exhi
bition, t lie boxing commission will re
l port to the maj or and city commis
Hion with recommendations as to
'whether or not the match shall bo
stuged. The license will be grantdd
b ihe city unl alter the commission
iiember- have made i 1 unmendston
thai it should be done
I Numerous applications have been
! submitted to Max or Francis and the
ill board of city commissioners recently
by promoters, asking that (bey be giv-i-m
permission to stage boxing and
wrestling matches in Ogden, it was
said today. Wiiiiin a tew days the
" 1 boxing commission Will meei and ad
jyertisc thai bromoters who plan to
00 .
A prominent geologist estimates that
the Dead ea will lie a mass- Df solid
saM within e.ti than 5un years, '
stage matches here this winter, sub
mit their application in writing with
all details of ih ir plans At a later
dale the will be called 10 appear be
fore the commission tor further In
.VestlgaUon Onl) those promoters who
can assure the commission aTisolutely
that ihcir exhibitions will be itilly
worth the money asked, will be al
lowed permission 'o exhibit, it Is sold
Through activities of the new com
ml on it is believed 'hat many good
matches, both boxing and wrestling,
will be staged in Ogden during the
.comlnc winter.
In regard ,to the action of the com
mission Mayor tVancis said this morn
ing The commit lion Is i organize
Immedlatel) and formulate rules and
regulations governing BUCn athletic
sports as will be under its jurisdic
tion. All applications for permission
to iar;i mail lies here must be present
d to that body, which will Investigate
and make recommendation to the
board ol Bit) conini issloners
' It is hoped by this method to pro
led ihflse w ho delight in good sport
from being imposed upon by fakers
and frauds ,md to make the 2amc
clean in Ogden. The commission will i
tiioet at once and will make a public
statement of their plans.
"Through this commission the box
Ing and wrest). ng sport in tiu.ler. can
be put on a high plain and assure full
I due lor money paid in at Ihe bo 1
Office. Tin- boxing commission in
each cede will up. hi lindines back)
1,0 the city commissioners who will b?
guided b) their recommendation and;
n port." J
1 he action of Ma; or Francis and the
1 it. commissioners to appoint a com
mission marks ihe first sltrp to be
taken in this direction in ihe slate J
Nf-w York now has a state boxing and .
wrestling commission, which Ts said to!
have proven entirely successful and 1
taken Ihe sport from the mire and!
placed it on a high plane Many other I
cities and states. M is said, are plan-!
ning similar action
j- - v -:;'
jT jBjaBBiH
NEW YORK. The smallest electrically-propelled vehicular conveyance
is a whole lot shorter than Its sclentic appellation furthermore, it is shorter
than Its fair Chauffeur, Miss Ula Sharon. When she pilots lier diminutive
automobile down Broadway Beh has no fear of traffic t ops because she can
scoot between their knees. Her license plale looks a nn-lit
Cox Opens One-Day Drive in
New Jersey With Noon
TRENTON) N J . ()ct 22 A one
dav campaign in New Jersey was op
ened her.- liv Uov. rnor James M r..,
of hio. with a noon theatre meeting
at which the Democratic presidential
candidate asked for a "mandate" of
ballots lo "overturn the greatest con
spiracy In all the ut;rs
Tills, he said, was against world
peace, proposed under the league of
"The league." Governor Cox said,
'"was as inspired by God as much as
the f leclaration of Independence itself."
Iike other recent audiences of Gov
ernor t'ox, hl Trenton crowd today
hissed the name of Senator I.odne. of
Massachusetis. when the speaker re
pealed his charges of conspiracy by
means of the round robin."
Governor Cox named Senators Ltran
degee. of Connectieutt, and M0S - Qf
.New HumpKhlre, Bmoot, ..f Utah, and
Watson, of Indiana, us signers of the
"round robin, " who would, he pre
dicted "stay home" as a result of the,
"And Senator Harding, he'll stay
home, too. I believe." the governor
added, and the crowd laughed find
BAB11 S m W 1 ;
When baby's crying competed
with the governor's voi . in aid to
the mother-
' That baby's cryini; don't bother
me at all Whehever l aee baby
1 grow stronger In this riRht r.n ifs
a fight for the babies or future an ra
tions, to save them from the horrors
of war."
Governor Cox was introduced by
Governor Edwnrds as "tlje man who
makes the wobbler wobble. " 1
BROCTON N". Y.. 1 tc-t. Marcus
Blakemore, president of the National
I Preserves and Fruit Products asso
I elation,, announced Thursday that the
association s executive committee, fol
lowing a canvass "te of members dis
approved the r i.isal to assist Ii. :i 11 -fclally
Cuban .., rests involved In the
I sugar tragedy," which, if was declar
ed already has resulted in i-i ad-1
j Vance in the price of sugar. I'reaent
I "abnormally high and advancing
prices" the committee explain. J, may I
therbby be maintained at Ihe expense 1
of all for the benefit of a few hi the I
Ot an estimated large sil-ppis fh
a ailable supply."
I The committee approved the policy I
1 of permitting prices 01 commodities to'
;take a natural course In obfdience to I
l recognized laws of supply and demand.
00 1 .
; NEW STORK. Oct. 22 An appeal
I for contributions to the Republican nu-!
llonaJ campaign fund wait sen! out'
'Thursday bj James G. Ulalne. the I
party's eastern treasurer.
I In a circular letter mailed broud-
cast over the eastern slates. Mr. Blaine '
explained the difficulty 0, getting into
successful operation th plan of sub-I
Bfcriptlons limited to $1000 had caused!
expenses to accumulate faster than1
cash, so that the national committee!
had to borrow monev I
Sugar, by sack $14.30
Flour. 100 Iks..
any kind $5.25
Free Delivery,
Farley Grocery
2602 Washington Ave.
Phone 1626
j AND WINS $10,000
Mow would ) oil ilk. lo run from
Seattle t0 X' York."
'Tu easy, according to Iconard
Wilson. former member of the
A mart Can army In Prance, who
recently ongpieteo thp lourncy In
remarkable time Wilson was an
OCden inltor today en route to
th coast.
On s wafer wiicon made th
trip from Set tie to New ork via
ehlcosjo In ."T davii covering an
average of better than fifty mile
a da. running the entire distance,
n his trip he would run five
Snd ten miles ;it a time. then resi
nrl resume hu J.urne ( won
j lo.0ftn from a Seattle business
man on his stunt.
M dogK- wer- surely tired
"hen I completed the tlnal fllt
I miles ,,f the trip.'' said Wilson.
"but believe m- Ii surely did Csel
good to reach the finish line''
He carried letters from the gov
ernors of Tckoii ;,ni Washington
to the mayor of New York and
" he governor of New York on th.'
i trip. Wilson will make H trip to
the orient this fall he suited to
la where he will endeavor to
i -ajje u like stunt, providing the
rrlonej looms foriJi
NEW FORK, Oct. 22 .The federal
grand Jury Thurndayt as the result of
Bet ret investigation conducted by an
ssistant of the attorney Bneral's of-i
fli e, returned an indictment against
Armour and Company, Chicago pack
era, and nsjattaAt the officers of the
companj individually, charging them
with profiteering In violation ol the
Lever act. . .
Th- company officials Indicted tn-j
elude: J ogden Armour, president;
8 K White, vict president; Herbert
I'iiiihps, jnanasjer of the dressed
I- department In Chicago; Arthur
11 vanPelt, district superintendent in
'-v. 'iiiK indictments also were re-
turncd against Charles a. Neyer, an
aaaistant In the office of Vice President
White, and wniiam . t, h another
employs In this city.
The Indictment contains U7 counts,
each of nrhlch describes b sale of New
Zealand lamb it an alleged unlawful
and unreasonable rate during April,
Ma) and June Th. meat, it la charg
ed, cost Armour and company $lx.4t
per 100 pounds, that the lowest it v is
us j.j, ana me nignest, ISS.
! Mi Hie sab s wer, made to customers
in Manhattan and Ihonx
The investigation on which the In
dictment uas based covered eight
weeka, during which period It was'
j found according to the indictment.
that the average selling price of the
entire shipment ol New Zealand lamb
disposed by Irmour and company
, was $".. IT ner ton pounds and the
average net profit to the com Dan "f
I gg Ii I .
WASHINGTON, Oct Secretarj
or State Colby, acting for the 1 n id
Slates and Ambassador Le Hie. on tor
Argentina, todaykslgned s treaty be-1
'tween the two Countries, u icordlng ol
such reciprocal privileges as relates
to i o'mmerclal travelers
The treaties as sighed todaj ,t the
state department is similar to com
mercial treaties that have ben nego
tiated with other i .(i,i,. erlnan
countries except that the favored na
tion clause was elimina' d at Ar'geii-
tina's request and a e!ni-e prohibit-
ing liquor salesman from t in oun-'
tries operating was ins rted also a !
Argentina's reciueSt.
WASHINGTON, Oc( 22. Planting
ot strong missions in the large cen
ters of population and the placing of
th. strongest oun in charge of them
was outlined the policy of the board'
of home missions and church exten
sion in its report today to the bien
nial I qnventlon 6f the Lutheran church
Seventy-nine Lutheran ministers who'
i ed as chaplains in the army and ,
navy during the war, were presented:
today with medals from the general
committee on army and no chaplains.
LOS ANGELES, Cat., Oct. 22. In'
i'li" clothing of a man whose body was
.found in a vacant lot here Wae found
8 not.- addressed to the manager ot
The l.os Angeles office of the Postal;
Telegraph compans requesting him toj
notify the company's superintendent i;
Charlotte. N. C that "Former Man
lager (J. II t ruig of Fredericksburg.
iVa.," was dead. VA bottle which had
untuned poison was lying nearby,
MONTREAL Oct 21. Impotlation
and employment of Chinese laborers
in agricultural and construction work'
in Canada and the United States wusj
urged by p. Q. Hurley, mayor of As
t'uij, Ojre.i in a spee h before the Kl
Wanle club here Mr. Hurley was re-!
cently candidate for governor of n.--gon.
Members "t the olub voted ill to 5
in favor of the plan
LOS ANUFLKS. Cal.. . t 22 Ope!
young woman w,,s -mothered to death
and fifty kiiIs and women Were cai
ried to safety from the roof ot a five
stoi v building in the wholesale dis-
trict hoi,, which was wrecked by fire
Thursduv Several firemen suffered
minor injuries. The damage was es-
U mated at 1300,000
l--t li I Ml ELECT
i .i - MOINES i . . i let, 23 Insur
ance companiei l.lch contract with1
banking concerns to represent them
1 ei Hi, imied iii resolu-
i ons adopted today at the nnuo i
con ention ,.f National Aasociation of
igentt I ed J Cox, of
Lmbo: N .i ws elect d 1
dent ; noon Indication were Loi
Angeles would be me nei convention
city. j
W iRNER, N ll Ocl 22 The
convlcti i ' orge 8th ers and U an i
Basset! who escaped from sins Hinrr
prison lasl Saturday, were captured
toda in the woods here
M N rot n n (, Upy,
NORWICH, Conn., t. 23. Mrs. I
Kenyon todaj won found I
of manslaughtei In killing Dr
Her Tetlo i
mm o mm o llCyfclt
J Extraordinary I
iJSdillinery Values I
i Saturday I
! Taken from our regular stock hats that were marked to ! I
j sell at $7.50, $10.00 and some $12.00. j
I $c ! I
i o ! i
I Bear in mind. 50 hats only at this price "Five Dollars." f
$10.00 Braver Hats $6.93
Black. Brown Navy and Castor I
For Misses and Good Sized Children j
Lm 'mam-t -mb-' -w- -mw -vw- h j
Double Funeral Is
Held in 9th Ward
; i
Double fimei.il servlei -k for Mrs. Ma
ria l Covington, and r st. ii, BeYMI,
ii-.ai Covington, wr-re held yesterday
ii : o'eU'ik in the Ninth ward. Itisti-'
op W 11 rtldgea cdnduuting The ward,
choir suns; "Abide Wlfh Me." aild "I j
Seed The,- Every Munr" Joseph Per
neiins eangi "Hope fteyoutj Lhe Vale"
and rs Lvdlu JackSOn m Heiiu-,
lifnl Isle," while Virgin ill Anderson
:in; Th.- Bar A way Heine The
speakers were T s. Browning, K. A,1
Lai kin nnd Bishop Ridres. The tie
lief society attended in a body, ILnh
tribute was paid to the life pt tlrs
Covington by the speak!-, and ivords
of Consolation wer spoUe.i t ih
rin mbers of the family
Burial was m the ogden cuv ceme
tery with Bishop nidK-s dedicating Ihe
Mrs Covington died from shock f ol -1
lotv ing the discovery of !tt son fatal-1
ly hurt with a self-lni! led bullet
U. 1. C. Manager at
Salt Lake Meeting
Manager W v Whltnej of the Utah
Idaho (Vntral rallro.i' attended '
meeting of rallroud officials held mi
Salt rike yesterday The railroad
officials present represented tha vari
ous llne in Utah and the possibilities
of In. reaserj rales on ireight were dis-'
CUSpsd. No leciHlon was reached al
the nieellng.
The Bamberger Klec:r!c, the nrim
lme. and other roads of ihe states!
were represented nt the --Msion
Democratic College
Meeting This Evening
Mayor Frank Francis and Mrs. Chris!
l ivjtare will be the ODsagets ;t .t
Democratic cottage lectins at the
in. me of .Mrs nv . l Maginnls, 297 t;
Washington avenue, commencing at 8
O'clock tonight. Music will be furnlsh-
ed 13 iiagbait Anderson Charles I t r i
uid Mi-s Jennoss Smith A general in -1
vttation to the public i extended, I
Prohibition Agents I
Spend Day in Ogden I
David Thomas, aettnif prohibition dl
re. ior for I tah. and ileorge E. Keen
an, prohibition agnt from the Sftlt
J.ake of fue, were in Ogden todiv
th- interest uf their department. Due
Ing theh stay here, they vl!e. lid
sheriff's office ami conferred with
Sheriff H f. Petpraon ritid niir.ntaert
of his department
Mr Thomas declared the allusion
ln regard to prohtblMon bnttjer than
ever before and illicit mailing Of IfqUOl
iii under control In al' iirts f the
state. They will return to So It LiW.
Travels With Nine
Children From Itah
An Italian mother with nine child
ren was the object of much -merest
at the I'nion depot this morning Ac
cording to fellow passengers, the tooth
er has hail little sleep since leaving
Chicago watching continually over
her brood Sh is en route to San
Jose, where ahe will meet her hus
band, who Is waiting to welcome hi
family, which only recentlv arrived U
the t.niied States from the uld country.
DENVER. Colo., Oct. 22. S. Hani
son W hite, former chief justice of tb
Colorado supreme court, was In Jail
lost night after sentence lor contempt
of court by Judge C J. Morlev ot the
district court. Sentence was pro
nounced following Judge White's n -fusal
to obey S court order to Chang)
the pleading! Ln j divorce action
I will not obey an order that is be
yond the Jurisdiction of this court,''
Judge White told the court.
White was relea-sed at 8 o'clock las'
night on paroh bj order of imlRe Moi
ley fits sentence was tor twenty-four
oo 1 mm
Te.ik wood contains an s.sential oil
which prevents spikes and nails driven H
into It from rusting. H
H I'wo large cans operated Milk Ii5r I
WJ Buy your canned milk at the above price. Special price H
liS for Saturday only.
H S5t sun Maid Seeded Raisins, package 125" B
Sun Maid Secie.-.s K:ii-ins package 12,"f K
e9 Order what you need for your homemade mince meat and H
BB those delicious' fruit cakes which Improve with age Spec ial H
IQ Saturday onl
9 Swift Premium hani.s 1() fJouud can Silver Ballon Rc I'niber H
BS 'whole) pound 50c Leaf .n, $3 00 ,J imported olive
Swiff s Empire hama B pound can $1.55 1,11 S3'03 H
Pound 46r- s pound can CottO- Quart caD $1'58
j Swift's Premium ba- ,.n,. ,.,,,), $2.25 r,ml metta oil 70c
con. pound . 60c S6t bottles . 65c
H Praali .rou. .he ',;,.,u ' "n'' I
9 smoke house You ! CHEESE Ur food. H
always know Swift's v . ,, umc
H i, , " ,h k., k.. ; otinc; Aijiencan lull jams
ft" and bacon bj 65c boUes Mrawber
mg t; delicious flavor. , , ,. iAm 4QC Mm
or ball) pound 37c M l""
65c bottles rnspbot- I
H SOAP rv Jam ...... 49c
2fj bars Borax Nap RICE ' '' uon'f', I
H tha laundry soap ry jam . 49c H
roi $1.00 5 piitind- rancj rice a real bargain whll
H Extra special for 50c ir lasts H
H N uu .an buv coeapei from 111 than anybod) in town. A trial order
H win conrince yen We deliver free 1
Phone 486 2376 Washington Avenue H
j i

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