" WQH Fi"ssssrmB1B1BBBBBBmBiBiW MsSKnHHRralHnl
" 'ssssssas.- MBBWKWiWlgi mBHHlBIHIH
I Again Today
JmKl:-, moore
eisaa? in Cohan & Hams' Stage
V Success
J t' "Officer
VIM 666"
' Snub' Pollard Comedy I
Literary Digest H
Another Super-Special, Charles Ray in "Forty-five Minutes
From Broadway."
I "They Work white Sleep
Make It your "liul' in 1: . p Iim bn aM lake .iscarol tonipht and
: nd bowels regular. M bilious constl wake up foelinc; oleor, rosy and fit. No
pated, headachy, unstrung or you grlplngH m Inconvenience, children
hitve a cold, an upscl toi . I r bud I ve CaacsretO, too. 10, 'J", 50 ceo'.
I Straw Votes Become
Popular on Trains
Straw votes arc proving popuhir on
i ition I'm. ii. and Southern 1'aClfic
trains, according in local railroad of
ficial. n Union Pacific tralnlO to
lay passe ngi rs voted Id favor of
Governor James Co for president,
white l f 3 wi rc In favor f Senator
Warren Harding'.
Iii the majority of the straw votes
being cast on the trains Senator Hard-
mg has led. ii ts stated. Th' majority
of the Harding booster are traveling;
men. according to tin- railroad offi
cio Is.
In the Southern J'uciflr offices at
the Union depot today a straw vote
held by the employes, Governor Coxi
led With si votes, nator Harding ws.a
second with 26 votes: and Parle) P
Chrlstcneen third with 3 votes.
LEYDKN. Holland. Oct. 1C 111
grim who eatne t i eyden to attend
the tercentenary celebration of the de
parture of tho Pilgrim fathers for
America found many conditions still
exactly the same as at the time of
the PHarlm'M residence. Charles Mm -farland
of New York delivered a ser-
Make Plans Here for
Athletic Carnival
Plans for thes taxing of an Inter
mountain Amoteur Boxing and Wres
tling championship camlvaJ in Ogden
l.y Ihi MKClill Athletic association haw
been started hi local members of thi
ol panlzif Ion- Permission to 3tnre the
annual A. A. i". e. .mipionships have
been asked for by the local organise -tion
and Ii 1 expected that the tour
ney will prove popular.
The contests are stuK'-i yearly in va
rious parts of the ir.terniountaln coun
try. Colorado, l.'tuh, Nevada. Wyoming.
Id khq and Montana haying representa
tives In the fold. Gold, silver and
bpi)nse medals for the winners In all
classes are awarded the winners
mon from the same pnpit from which
Itobjnsop used to preach.
In th- beautiful g-othic church of
st. Peter where Robinson la hurled
everything Is practically unaltered and
the organ which cheered the Fathers
man) years ajro wax played for th ir
i. ndan a who attended the memor
ial service.
A wrr rth With nhhon and colors
of ihreo n.itions hunic over IJol.invn -
tombstone in the chapel which was
i. rich ilh :, Kipti.stfry chureh.
Responds t
Nature is on . IP
I your side
I every time 2
you eat -H
I Grape -Nuts
, For tKis sturdy blend of wheat and
malted barley supplies body and
brain "with just the elements oF
nutrition that Nature demands
for health and vigor.
Grape iNuts is a Sugar Saver
"There's a Reason
J Male Vjr Postum Cereal Co Inc.. Battle Creelc.Mick
W. E. Keating of Ogden Shops
Receives Award From
Southern Pacific
W EL Keating, boikrmakor in the
Southern Pacific railroad shop-; ha-
1 received a gold medal from the sys
tem for havlnp born one of the six
employes of the Salt Lake division
who have done most towards further I
.n e of safety work durlnc the perl
o.l from October 1, 191S to February
i"', lri2n The medal ba reached Mr.
Keating with the followinp letter 1
i from H. A. Campbell, former super !
Ilntendesl of the Southern Pacific,
company in Kden
On April 17, I notified you that I
, you had been chosen M one of the j
tlx employej on the Salt Lakkr dl
Vision to be awarded a medal on a
I count of havintr done moal towards
furthernnce of safety work during
the period October 1 1919 to Febru- '
ary 2CJ. 1920
I now take very great pica ure in :
handing you herewith the medal so
awarded and to again extend to you '
my coiifjratulat ions You should be
I proud in having and wearing this I
medal as It expresses the high ap-!
preciation of the m:.n;iRenient for;
your good work along safely Hues ;
and 1 am confident will he an incen
tive to continue in the good work."
Rev. C. R. Garver of Methodist
Church Accepts Coast
Ue. I'hrlstlun I; Uarvi-r. pastor of:
the Methodist Episcopal church of
Ogden, announced ioda) that hs has
accepted the pastorate of the ESpworth
M. K . hurch of San Francisco and
will leave earl In ihr i-omlng month
to begin Moi l; ' Thi .,han(fe is berars-
..i Mra Qairer's health, the pastor
salfl. as it i;- believed the removal from,
the high altitude here to that of sea I
level will result In much benefit. No.
successor In tin- pastorate here has
.ii . n decided on.
Ret QarVei came to Ogden in Sp-;
lemlK-r. l?ll, from Colorado Springs.'
Following hU ordination, he was pas-,
tor ni Cripple ' reek for one year, go-1
Ins then to the Washington i'ark,
church of Denver, loiter he was sun-
superintendent of the Autl-Saloon
i'a;ije of Wyomlng; with offices al
Cheyenne for a ear and :tcted as pas
tor at Colorado Springs for th- fol
lowing yours. Sine.. roniiii to this
city, the church has grown rapidly and
its field of welfare work lias been
I great b extendedi
! The Kpworth M E church in Ban
'Francisco Is iai-d at the comer of I
SancJies and Cllppi-r streets, out thej
Old Mission way, and has ttn- hirgest
Methodist Suntho -choo! class in fhe!
no .
Notice to All Masons
To 'be members of El Monte "Com
mandery Na 2 K. T . Ogden Chapter
No -1 . A M.. Weber Lodge No. 6
F. and A. M , Unity Lodge No. 18
F. and M. and George Washing
jlon Lodge F Di F. and A M.
Vou are hereby notified that at the I
.Masonic Temple at Ogden City, We-!
iber County, State of Utah, thai on
the -3d day of October. 1920. at 8
o'clock p. m. ol said day. there will
'be held a nuellng ot ihe members
jof said Masonic Lodges Tor the pur
; pose ol considering and acting upon
(the proposition ol lormin? the mem- I
Iters ol .aid Masonic Lodges, together
With members of all future Masonic
Lodges under the same Jurisdiction
and having the same jurisdiction, as i
aid above named Masonic Lodges,
into a corporation, not for pecuniary '
profit, under the laws of the Stalo
;of Utah. .
The foregoing meeting was? called '
ty the Board of Directors of the Ma
sonic Temple Association of Ogden 1
j City.
Hated, this the Z th day of October.
1920. .
Pres. Hoard ot Directors.
a. Mcin tosh.
L-ecr tary.
Coal at $2.75 Ton
Mutual Coal company stockholders
w ill f-'ei the best quality Spring Can-1
von lump coal at $2.73 per ton. at tip
ple. ! Each share of stock entitles the
stockholder to two i2) tons ol lump
' coal each year.
Eighteen hundred (ISuui stockhold-,
r- (many of them in oden). will get!
j their coal every year at cost, because
they are purl owners in a producing.
' mine
Less than three thousand (3000) !
-shares remain to be sold. No man In
Ogden i an afford to let this opportu
'nlty pass.
Fred J Leonard is president of the
Mutual t'oal Co . Mans H Coffin, vice i
president and general manager; E. C.I
Coffin, secretary and treasurer T le
phonet Wasatch 9567 and 123-1. Those '
interested should call on
Advertisement. Marlon Hotel.
Boxing and Wrestling promoters
Ail-persons desiring boxing or wreej
'tUni? permits in Ogden City In the fu-j
tars shall submit applications to th
j Itoxlng Commission of I n1en City, to
'Royal J. DoUglaS, chairman Kfl I :.
cb-a Dldjf . not latT thun 'etober 30,
Said applications will be op-r.xl and
haSkriBsJS conducted on Monda)
nine November 1, 1920, ut the above
R( X.l. J l l Ol. AS
Boxinjt ' Commission.
6717 1
I SPECIAL for Saturday and Monday I
Just received twenty-five dozen Brown Mahogany Calfskin
English last, lUkc cut, which I have bought for cash at a very
big discount. These shoes were made to be sold at not less
than $12.50, but have thrown them in my Fall Opening Sulc
Not mere than one pair to a customer. These shoes arc M
positively the best values ever offered in this jSSsjpfr -
ci'y for themoney. t . - - ' '
Tventy dozen Army Munsing Last Shoes, made of solid leather, in and cut. which I absolutely guaraniee
j to give first class satisfacHcn. This is a shoe which could net be duplicated for lc3s than $10.00 but they go
at th.s sale, only one pair to a customer at.
I $7.45 I
I Theses ahoes will bear investigation. Come to my store and be convinced.
I O. UvnL If
For all Departments. Call Phone
Ho. 2450.
seitiiiK Caw s.-ttmi; --f eases h
judge A E Prattfs dUision ol the dis
trict court took place at 10 q cloo
this morning. The setting of cases ir
judR a W. Agee's division was ached
tiled at Z o'clock tht afternoon.
Orand opening dance Thud ward,
Friday, October 22 ITiz- s" Home
FTurhlture Co. window. tJ'
Going lo Coast J. K. Wcstman
trawling atrent for m- f.ali.moro aim
Ohio railroad was an Ogden vl.iltol
yesterday eh route to points on ihe
r.i iti coast He conferred with local
CaJIroad m-n while in the city:
Moved to second floor 219-221 Lceles
building. Dr. W. H. Felty. Dentist.
N'cwspapcr Man Here Uton St p
pick, is-in Francisco newspaper mat
was an Ogd n visitor today en rtlUti
Ed Denver, Chicago and the east
Phone 602 fer messenger.
sjii Bom -H. S. Madsen, secrefarj
of theOgden lodi;.- :i:. B CO. Klks
announces the arriv.il of S ?;i pouml
boy at his home Wednesday nlKht.
t hoicc buios for tall planting
Grout ilrain Store. G6oij
Ogden Typewriter House for type
ffflters and repairs. 1422 Hudson avc
hue I'honc 280,
sue. for Divoroo Charging no
support, Mrs Bertha Veiser has filed
suit In the district court against 1 tank
Yelscr. The couple was married Ir
Fvanston. Wyo.. May SI, ISIS." Then
are no children. The maiden name ol
Mrs. Yelser wna Bertha Ware- She
a-k.s dissolution of the marriage ties
but no altmony.
Clean large rags wanted at Th"
StKndard-Exmlr.er office.
Marriage Idoenae A mat 'Is 11
cense wa.- issued this afternoon In fh
county clerk's offlci to I2lgaf Mslp
tirc. of Staiidurd. Idaho, m l allrs Blss
Kunsaker, of ungham city.
Waoted Punipinks for eannlhi
burposea Pbone ',,' i tan Cannini
t bmpany. s"oi
Deaths and Funerals
Ota Kichi Yagfahita, 44 years old. were
held at the Klrkendall chapel tester
day afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Inter
ment whs in the ogden City cemetery.
Faglahlta died at a local hosj.it.! I
Wednesday from heart trouble.
M K UHIM I unci '
Mr-' Votuo UalDtShima, were lreld at 2
o'-io-k yasteraaj aitr. noon at m
Klrkendall funeral chapel It. R
llurozjrta otficluting
Mrs. Makashima. wife of Senil)iiro
Makashlma. promlin-n' Japan. '
ICem merer, Wyo., died m tn.tt city last
The Interment Was In lbs Ogdefl
Cit cemetery.
I.KW1S A mon I. LewlB died at 4:30
o'clock yesterday afternoon at th,
home. 524 First street, after thirteen
months' UlneaS of heart trouble. II,
was born in Iowa, June 2. 1854. und
um thi von of Mr. and Mrs. laaxic
Lewla. He has been a resident In 1
den for the past seven years, coming
gars from Missouri lie Is nur!ed
by a widow and thrce-oii-, Don, QlsD
and John, and eleven grandchildren,
ii. nras a member of th. Odd Psllowa.
Put ira services will be held Sunday
at 2 o'clock at the Landum funeral
chapel. The body ma b- Viewed Bat
urduy afternoon and Sunday morning
at the chapel. Interment will U In
the .gden city cemeterv.
MY KK -Kay Kuiher Myers died '
2 o'clock v ! nljy at the family resi
dence. 1100 Sullivan avenue. He was
born In Og;lcn Oct. 3. 1920, und wua
the son of Ita and Ivy lkmaii Mi-t-rn
l-'unral iierlces were lield today
at the I.iD,lqult fun,-rnl chapel mid
interment eras in the ogden city cenie
ter -
Demorat Candidate
Files on Expenses
statement of campaign expenses
filed with the county clerk today,
shows thai expenditures of Jesse N
i Wilbur, candidate for countv cotnmls
. 'sloner have so far reached a total of
, I $8ft,50. lie reports that S.7 was con
i trlbtiled to the Democratic committee
and $9.50 was spent for printing.
1 1
(Cy lntern.Tt en.il Newt Service )
LONDON ici. 19. Long waists
I hare hack; and Ivid color ndtee c
the features of the winter fashions.
Vermillion. Jade, grcon. Indian red
of the most brilliant hue, tangerine
land and flame-colored frocks were
conspicuous at thi dress dipplaj held
by the Maison iss at their show
, room:;.
'Skirts, judging from this display -ire
shorter and lighter than evi-r. and
even where floating ilrapers gives I
wider effect. Ihn is a narrow "hob
ble" skirt beneath.
I Most of the evening frocks had a
heathrllke effect, ending In a fish
tail train
ther dance frocks stood out above
the Km-,- like that of a ballet dancer.
Nearlj ll the frocks have an east LB
ern effect, both in gorgeousness and bTbTA
The lon waist Und was much In
evidence notii for da) and evening B9flfBV
Wood for pianos H kept In the sea-
before it Is used.
oo . BSBsfl
i he building ol bonfl mad i -1 1
low the jH
& I ate price. You save when you
I Second: It has more than
E I the ordinary leavening strength;
I therefore, you use less.
Third: There are no failures I
no spoiled bakings. Nothing is I j
I thrown away because it always Sj
I nce tne sweetest, most palat-
II Fourth: It is used by mil- II
1 1 lions of housewives leading do- i n J
1 1 mestic science teachers and cook- 1 I
Knr buy it - when YonjsEvr I :
Hf Hv BssH bbbbbI I B JLbbbI SssssM-BssaJ ssVB Ih, issssl VI
I VItTuiebes j
II Powder that can be produced. II
I Was given hight-st awards at World's
I Pure Food Exposition. Chicago, Pans IB
II Exposition, Pjns, France.
1 1 Sixth: It contains only such II
I ingredients as have been officially II c.iumetNut
I npproved by the United States Food II lUdU
I lore -II VS Cup batter, K
I The finest quality Baking II HcnXr.2iSS
Powder at the most economical l -pon calumet
cost. Strictly pure absolutely de- II Powder. 4
I !-rlaw",r i 1 SI -us
Goes Into the Kitchen Today. i, fi iuke. Then m.x ia H ?y
A Bound can of Calumet containa fall II lhe,tguJ"WJ-
I 16 oz Some baking ; oroe in l BL
I 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans! Be El
sure you get a pound when you want it II Nt.