OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 22, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-22/ed-1/seq-5/

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Hwaaj Hg --" -
H Ker Daughter and His Son
pi A Great Married Life Story by
1! a
BBH Shr' ivn olil cat, auld Jc-rr.v to
glgS Vri,
BBH and then paid no fnurc ntlrnllon to
BBH Aunt Crefghron rau t ur.
Bl train and I noticed be bOWad to the
BBBB woman Who had hO0 B0 Interested
BBH in mo Seen BCtad verv gentlemanly
BBH Mid vory grown-up a he told Mm
BJBBB i 'r. inditon th.il h had f l tallnl ul"ii
BIBBBJ to nhow me a few attention during
Ibi) Journey, beoauga I had Masmcd
j ' such u little srlrl and so forlar-i und
-----------J unhappy. Then he botnd himself
BBBB hu.i und stepped in'" a stunnlnc lok-
BBBB InK rjicinu car und look th- whi-i.'l
BBBB LWny from th chauffeur.
BBH Innt that voting Jerry Hathaway V '
BBBB naked Aunt Clara.
BBBB "TOO. he mild hi name w.i- Muth-
BBBB ' I'm Afraid tUTi heen rather Ini-
BBBM xuppoaed to be the wildest young mm
BBH "He didn't aecffl grown -ui to m
BBBJ at all. Aunt O.ir.i. H Jut
BBH in cat my lunch and wet Just like
BBBB the hoys at home."
BBH "Well, I auppo.se lire little
1 elrl still.' laid nay Aunt Clara, "but
BtBJ you know you are really rather tall
Bl for your .ije.' Then die began to talk
. Jj n mothci ind about prbp-
BgflgLBJ arutlon for school.
BBBJ At h "r-ighton'a home i w-a In-
BBH Induced to entirely new life. Kor
BBH the first time taught that 1
BBBJ must not ilo this or that, not because
BBflBj It wan wrong, hut beoAUM It waa not
H conventional; that r must not review
gXl m acquaintance with Jerry Hath
I awa; 1 1 i ' i had i n proper! In-
BBB troduced to him, that I must not he
BBBJ and dislikes, because that would not
BBBJ be ladyllka; that I muat not apeak to
HBBJ Certain young women, even thouuh I
BBH met them a I times and wax IntTOdut I d
BBgBfl to them, because they .v.-re consul. reil
BBBJ to have iiohemian t ndencles; that i
! muat never fline it a rtM urant with
out a chaperon And ail the whili I
aaw roong man doing item--, that I
I wax forbidden to do. In fact, lu r. .
my Aunt Clara'" wn the flrwl. time
that I waa Introduced to lh double
standard of eondiiri for yo'unp nai n
.Hid voung women. I grew Bated to
iheae tdeaa In lUheand bateaux Quits
rail vr? in the rorve-m6nal man-
nel d society Ixfoie It w .1 - time Or
me to Ko to school. With in) aunt
one afternoon, I mei Jerrj llaihawey
onthe at reel ami cut him dead, out
inataadtW II hat -' mv effect upon
him he winke.l iit 111. p.. scd.
lie aeemcd to undersuud intmedlaiety
grh 1 did it.
M mother wrote mi liil' ml I
knew from her letter 'oat uppn my
going out of her life she had nothing
myre to live titt the was Just mark-1
I Insr time until 1 ahoald return. Phe
m i.b.iii mentioned Grace Cameron or
Kanoeth Haiaey and 1 was ini ed
surprified when I reached the prepara
tory .school to find that Grace waa
to be one of the pupils.
The da I aaw hr there for thai
first time I forgot all our animosity. I
She waa KOineone from home, some,
one I had tcnown all my life. h,
Orai le, ;r... la," I tailed to her. ra
you coming to school her.-, too? I am
aO gbul W hen did oii see my mother
laat? i" she looking well?" 1 had
gotten ail this out before I noticed
thai she had not p-"t out her hand
to me anil was loov.iOg Bit straight I
In the face, as though .b. bad never I
seen me before, "i 'h.'1 she drawled,
"It Is Ann Aim riy. Jusl what is
your last name?
I could hardl) believe my ens. ly;
fa'-e nniM hav.' expressed my emotion'
and my trembled with anger. I
1 answered: "Toy. 'mow .r -eii
what 111.1 last name is, but from now
on 1 shall forget ypurs, I don't ever 1
want "to speak to you again," and I
turned and left her.
Tomorrow Graci Oamerotut deal-'
1 .
H Copyright. 1920, by McClure Ncwspa-
H . P('r Syndicat.-.
', 1 ut 011 the porch 1 lh olloa
Bl slump bungalow where I'ncle YViggily
H lived, there sounded a loud pounding
B and banging noise.
H "Hum bus .iii.r Dear me! wondet
H whul th.t r. .1. bit men Is up to now."
H aaid Nurse Jane Pussy Wuaxy to her-
H ell The inuMnit lady h . . i.s-k . - 1
H put on the tabled the diah aho
H drying and wenl to the door-
H She saw I'ncle S'lggll up 011 .1 step
H 1. older, doing something to 1 10 porch
H ceiling with a acrew driver and a lutrn
H "Mer.-y me. Wtggi.-' V7)iat ui- you
H doing?" asked Nurse Jane. Arc ybU
H going to take the porch down ."
H No. .Miss l'l)22 WUSSy, I am 011I-.
H putting up a porch awing for you."
H answered Uncle Wlgglly.
H A porch swing"' cried the muskrat
H and her WhUlkera I'm
bat k of her n. ck. tht waa ad BUipria
' H
I .1 po 11 1 m !
- W igglly. "That Is Something like a
m Jiainmock, only you all up In II Inatead
LV Of Iving down, ulld It mad.- of wood
"lo you not think it la n little late
H in the season to be putting up a porch
swing?" asked Nurse Jain. as six1
H started Lack In the bungalow to finish
"Oh, no." I'ncle W iggil.v answered.
"There will he nice, cool moonlight
, evenings yet befon anow Comes, and
you and 1 call sit out in the pOrcH
svvjig nnd rest ourselves.
Well, Whatever will be all
HP right, spoki 1 1
Hs keeper, aa ahi wenl back In bun-
HJHj galow. I nelc Wiggilv kept on ham-
HJHv mering. poundlusiand making a great!
HH racket. He ..Ih.f rattb-d chains
HB tie- porch swing hung from the COilfng
HH hv chains. Instead of ropes.
That's ao il will be good
strong;," said rjnole Wlgglly, and will
HH hold both Nurse Jam- and me."
HB The bunny gentleman put some
BS strong hooka in the ceding of the.
IAb porch. Froiu these hooks In- hungl
fSj chains and on the ends of the dangling
HBVI chains he fastened the porch swing. !
HBVI Then he put some cushions In soft'
BVI cushions, stuffad with the while cot-1
ton from the poda of the milKweed
WJ Plant, a nil then L'nclo Wlgglly .stood
fAVJ back to look at his work.
HJ "it's all finiahed, Nurse Jan. " he
HBVJ all.-.. "Come out and tlv the ponh
fAn swing','
jAu The muskrat lady sat in it, with
PAW I n. I,. Wlgglly Slowly they BWayed
HBW to and fro.
BBH "Mow d. you like It?" asked the
BVjl bunny gentleman
HBW "Oh, ts Jusl lovely!" Nurse Jane
PAhI answered could h.-r.
HBVI and she looked up at the sky. w here. I
HBVJ pretty soon, the moon would shine.
jAjj "h. if v.11 Btayed here for.v.r how
BWJ would I ever get anything to eat '.'I
JAW lon't aay that!" cried Qnclo Wiggily,
HfAW sort of anxious and hungry like.
BPAw ' Well, I was only making believe," I
inughed Nurse Ju..e. But. really, our
porch swing iu Ju:d fin.
And In the evening she ami I'ncle
Wiggdy had Q resfuj win- 0:1 the
pon h U ut now 1 must tell , you a
strange adventure thai happi i" 1
01 V0h lUg. about 0 Week alter he
had put up the porch swing, I nele
wiggii came out dressed hi hia tall
-ilk h.i and with his red, white and
blue uip. .I rheumatism crutch.
"Are you poming to ail lu ihe swing
vviui me?" asked Nurse Jane.
"Well. I bank ou. not just now,' an
swei.d the bunnj rabbit. VFlnrt 1 have
A go over to sc.- Grandpa Goosey
Gander. B.ul whn 1 come i. k 111
BWing with you."
Down 01 1 lb. atopa he hojiped. and
Nurse Jane Bat In the awiug alone.
f: was a luv.-i . CVOJ nig. not loo cool
and not too Warm, and evei once In
a while the moon, Bhone out from be
hind the piouds. it was so cjulet and
sii.i thai Nurse Jahe closed her eyes;
and, l.-loir shi knew it, sue began to
fall asleep- i
She was only half awake when hc J
fch sotn. 010 gently get in lh sway-!
log poiCii .v in), be her.
"Oh; you have ic..i- back to swing
with me. have you, Uncle Wlgglly ""
asked Njjrse Jane, sleepy like.
"I'm: I'm:" Was .til the answer she i
in aid. and she did not pay much at
tention, hardl) opening her yes, sh
felt some one soil and fussy nexf to
her, and she thought sure it was Unclei
And then, still half asleep, Nurse
Jane hear.) some come up on the!
Btepo. The porch screen door banged
and then, ail at one.- Nursi Jane heard
1 1 btce prying:
"oh, ho: 1'oU will, will you'" Takt
that: Ami that: And this other one!".!
And then sounded the UOiae Of whaiks
and blows.
Stop' Mop.!" eii.d (Ik- furry, fusgy
figure in the porch swing With Nurse:
Jane. "Stop bitting me!"
"Xcs, stop hitting Uncle iggil,
whoever v ou ate'" .ried Nurse Jane.,
"Let Uncle Wigg:iy enjov his porch
swing with me!V
I'ang' Wlmtck: Qrack!V some
thing kept hitting the porch swing.
Nurse Jane jumped out, and just then
the moon came from behind the clouds
and the muskrat ladv saw a strange1
With -ills red. white and blue striped
rheumatism crutch. I'ncle Wlgglly was;
hammering, -hanging and whacking a
big, fussy black bear in the swing be
side Nurse Jane.
"Get away from here; How dare
you come up on my porch and sit iu
tin- BWing with Nurs. Jan. ' ' cried Ihe
bunny rabbit, and down came his
crutch on the bear's soft anil tender
"Obi Ml go away' I'll be good'"
cried the bear, anil off he ran, bang
ing the screen door after him.
"Wasn't thnt ypU In the swing with
me?" cried Nurse Jane, whoa Uncle
I Wlggl)y sal down beside her.
1 "No, indeed:" answered the bunny.
My Wife 's Some Cook
Your grocer enr
ries M & G's.
IbsbbbbI Try 1 hem.
She knows all the little tricks of T
wjjjj garnighmenl thai make n banquet -i
Hi" ;i limnblc meal yTljjn
I'ake M & G Potato Flakei Mj JfV Ax
Bervei them ii n brown alone fV1 J --J rJA-
Iho edge of tender ateakj Their crisp i2
l nit -Inn. - anions Uie i.u -l.-v on fltBBT-PSPTrk
fish .t: bea They add body to tb ( ''VkV Wv!m , '3
inimitable HgM g. B C -SBS1 fBfS
to in":-' .- iiads. gBsgSSiBBBB
Colorado Potato Flake &. Mfg. Co. NNJ A VP
Denver, Colorado i'r-J
Bi, he gcolod Package fttuaM? Jll
BsMMLWMBasBassg -'i,:-- n
BBflaasBggsja "pBaHBBBBBBJBasflBK
j . . igggggggggggggggglgBaaja .
Soft Browns and Blues
Merge in Voile Blouse
. 1 ... 1 1 j
B PR & p v J ! !
i j ' i " 1
: 1 m. life.
New York's Fashion Authority.
I NEW YORK. The vgue of fig
ured fabrics baa broughi o-ji some (
very worthy b'ou c hinovatlona of
which one excellen example Is il-
lostrated. It's material is Endes
lruetlble voile In a pattern which IS
hhot a pronounced tig.:re. but vague
browns and solt blues on B back
ground of wood shades and. therefore
I it can be w orn with a skirt of al- ,
'most any material or color.
The back as shown, comprises a
plait d panel, Moused a bit over a
ribbon bell which threads if and
tben passee ovi the front winch,
also, Is plaltejd but falls bolow this
bell A row of brown silk-covered j
buttons, matching the color or the
belt, outlines the neck and forms a
heading for the sleeve ruffles. The
Birdie Is composed of two soft rib- j
bons, blue and green, that tie in a I
loos, bow ai tin left iroir !
- rr :
; t Doc Talks
'Well," said a woman to me the
other -lav, the hOUSlhg shortage, and
the altltudlnoUS price of rent, nave
one good thing about thetn, anyway.
They furnish dn ailbl Uk.i w c can
hand out to our relatives and friends,
and the people we used to kpoW "PhClt
home, who haw th,- pleoaihg h11-,0
grafting their annual visits to th- clt
on us.
"Kor years I have been the victim
of these hold-up artists, und I've
played la no w orse luck than ev. rv -body
else 1 know; for th- .minute you
acquire a place In a cit where you
can furnish tret board and lodging,
everybody thai you ever knew who
lives OUt of town, conceives a passion-,
:r.. affection for you.
"Your own foriy-nmth cousin, and.
your husband's c ousins in the seventy
second degree; girls that -u went to;
.-.hool wiih when )'ou were in the
kind, rgarteii and haven't heard 01
Bin.ce; folks who have no claim on you
except that :"! used to liv. 111 ihe
same town with them, all are sniiiten'
with a longing 10 see ou that they can
no longer resist, and they write and
tell you so, and lhai they ar. coming
on the R:46 a. m irair. on Wednesday,
and won't 1 please nrvet them at the-;
station because a city Is so confusing:
to one who Is not used to it
"Why. if 1 were to recite what 1 j
have suffered at the hands of thj
bandits; It would sound like a chapter
out of Fun's Booh .-f Martyrs, When
Jim and 1 were married and he
brought me lo the city to live, we
I weni to housekeeping in a Iltttle fpur
room apartment. Before we got set
tled and our bridal presents unpacked,
a distant relative whom 1 hadn't seen
Since 1 was a little qirl In pig tails,
I descended upon us. bag and baggage.
"She said she was passing through
, the 1 ity and she fell she just couldn't
I go by without taking a 'peck' at deal
I little l-:isie In her new home. It took
1 h.-r two weeks to peck, and she hadn't
i.e. n gone a daj when anbther flock
1 of these birds of prey, this time Jim's
bunch of vultures, came to roost on
I our sofa bed, and from then on we
' have hardly had a day that we have
( been free from some self-invited guest,
"IJoys hunting lot a job arrive
With letters from the-:) parents, whom
we had the accursed luck to know
at Some previous stat. ..i our li.s.
Baying that they know we will be so
glad lo take darling Jim in until he
tinds something to uo; or tin-mother
I of some girls to whom wo have the
misfortune to be kin In some faint
I degree, drops us a missive informing
! us thai she is sending Mamie and
Sadie by the next train for a little
visit to Hie city as she has- heen prom
ising the dear children a treat for
a loop time, and would we mind let
ting them stay with us for a month,
the) urc such lambs, and It's so nice
to have ouiik peoplo about the house.
' 1 ir you get a screed from some
poor old soul who lias been advised
to consult a. city specialist about her
cancer, and she wants to come and
Stay with us and have us trot around
to the hospitals with her 1 .1 B0,m
body from Squcedunk. or Rabbit I
Track, has heen told by her doctor
that she needs a change, nnd she
1 thinks that nothing would be so de-
llghtful as to come to the city, only
she hasn'i the money to stay at a
hotel, but if it would be convenient
I for us to have her, she could come
.1 il.v on Monday Wjk.
"Of course, anyone who has the
I nerve to hold you up for her board
bill Isn't going to stop with petty
I l.u. eny like that. She goes the whole
The hear sneaked In when 1 went
I away. I saw him aa 1 came back, and
1 whacked htm with my Crutch!"
"Oh. the very idea!" cried Nurse
Jane. "I'm glad you came back. Wig
gle' That bear might have aqueescd
me aomel blng terribb
Then the bunny and .ltss Fuzzy
W'Ufciv had a Dice BWing, and if the
bicycle doesn't run away witb the baby
carriage, .so there's no QUiel place for
the gold ll.sh to 10 tO sleep. I'll t,-
vou next about Uncle W iggtlv and
Suiuraie'a lunch. J
hog. and "U nol only have lo feed"
and lodge her.sbut you have to pay
for her theatre and opera tickets, and
her street car fares. So far as my
observation gdea. a self -invited guest
has a Yale lock on her pocket book,
und dti ould have to chloroform
hi r bt fore you could gel a nickle out
ol hi r.
"11 is no secret to the people who,
come and camp on us that Jim and I(
are poor young couple struggling ;o,
get 1 Start In the woihl. and that every j
doMar counts with us. Also the per-
ceive thai 1 do my housework, and thai
by horning in on us they add in"
measurably to my labor, and the ex-
pense of our living;
"Bui does that keep them away''
It does not. They only crowd in and
put ine to the trouble of getting Up
conipanv meals for them but they ex
pi , 1 - to run around with them,
taking them to all sorts of places of
amusement, and to spend days in the
-hi ps where thoj look over everything,
and price everything, from imported
automobiles, to safety pins, and buy
nothing And never by any chance
do thev pay for a lunch at a res
taurant, or lor a theatre ticket, or
even pay their car fare.
"And the expense of entertaining
these people vou hate because they
arc such poor mean little grafters,
counts uji enormously, and it keeps
me mad thinking of all the things 1
want that 1 do without because 1 have
Spent the monej n these pikers Why
We stand for it. 1 don't know Lack
ol ba kbone I gutss. and because wc
have been taught that hospitality is
one bf the seven shining virtues
"So it Is. Nobody admires it or
loves to practice it better than I. but
I want to pick out my recipients and
select the time, the place, the woman,
SO to speak. 1 object to being held
Up and forced to deliver invitations
wh.-ther it s convenient or not.
"But I know I'd never have got
up the spunk to sram Ihe door In ihe
I face of Uncle Jezeblah, who's got a
couple Of hundred thousand dollars
tuck.-.l aw n in first mortgages, but
who would rather die than spend a
P nnv ol it pn a hotel. Nor would
my craven spirit ever get bold enough
to enable m to write to a self-invited
gueal that 1 didn't want her, and
wouldn't have her; and so the housing
j shortage has provided me with a
No Worry With
! "Diamond Dyes"
Colors Never Streak, Fade, Run
or have that "Dyed-Look"
ESacb package "i "Diamond Dyes"
1 mtalns directions so simple thai any
' woman can diamond dye a new. rich,
lad. less color into worn, shabby gar-n-nis,
draperies, coverings, every
thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton
r mixed goods.
Uu "Diamond lives'' -00 other kin 1
then perfect results are guaranteed
even it yotl have never dyed before.
Druggisl has color raid, showing 16
rich colors. Advertisement.
.I -
4 : :
Sister Mary
w 4
fCbpyright, 1920. x Si a.
As the seasons change no should th
diet. Cold days mean more coal In
the furnace and more food for th:
Little "kiddies Marling Into ., lp,l 1
need plenty of nourishing food. If'
tho are perfectly "fit" paany a 1 id
will be easily thrown of by a glass!
of hot lemonade at bedtime.
No child .-an he In perfect health
Uttleea Its diet ! carefully planned and
watched.' A balanced ration must be
maintained. The men 111 for the entire
day ahoald cr.nt.iln larger percent ,
of heat producing and milBCla building
Menu for I o.-iiormw.
Breakfast Halve of grapefruit,
fried much, sirup, soft boiled eggs,
buttered toast, coffee.
Luncheon - Cream of cdrn soup,
stuffed 1 ree-i peppers, bran, bread and
buit.-r. -nip doodlr. lea.
Dinner Baked ham. marShmsllow I
Bweet potatoes, fried :ptle.-. pimento
salad, prune pudding, coffee.
Mv 1 v I. tin , -
A luncheon of soup, hrc-ad and but
ter, d. ri ar.d , 1. t arnish. tin
food elements necessary to keep 11
healthy child nourished and growing.
Meat should never be. eaten offener
than once a day but foods propor
tionally rich in protein should take
ita place.
:t-t cup sugar.
1 effg.
1 tablespoon butter.
'.'.-4 cup Water.
1 l-J cupa flour.
'.' teaspoons haking powder
1-2 teaspoon vanilla.
Beat agg. add sugar Add butt'-,
softened, but not melted P.-t well,
Add water but do not s'tir until flour
has been added Sift bakinp powder
with flour Add to mixture. Turn
into a buttered and floured cake pan.
l'ui white grapes over Ihe lop Springle
with sugar. Bake in a -low oven twenty-live
minutes The grapes should
he a thin-skinned variety A'sauce may
be made and poured over tho pieces
of cake when served.
riMi:.'To sAi.Ai.
1 can pimentos
- cups shredded cabbage.
1 cup diced celery.
I -2 cup nuts
1 teaspoon minced onions
Drain pimentos. Mix cabbage, cel
erv nuts and onion with salad dress
ing. Fill pimentos with mixture. Serve
on b bed of shredded leaf lettuce.
The bill of fare oiies high wheth
er presented l.v' the railway conductor
or the waiter 'Talnl fair.
- on
VICTQRIA, B C, ret. 18. (Cor
respondence) High grade pre. worth
more than one million dollars will b.
carried over snow trails by dog teum.
this v inl.-r from the Premier mine
near Stewart. B. C, to tidewater to
h shipped to the smelters, according
t.. v c. Winkler. Stewart ojperatoi
who was here recently. The dog teams
will carry about 3,000 pounds of the
ore over the trails-
ready-made excuse for nol entertain
infc all and sundry,
I'm golnv; to live in one room anc
a bath and Kitchenette, where npbodj
can visit me Thank Uod for all Hit
mercies "
r 1 " X
Uncle Sam. M. D.
Among the letters received by the
Information Editor Is one which j
reads: Some friends of ours have
I child a year old with a mild at
tack of measles. Shall we take our
Child, who has never had the mons-I-
to rial! the one who hi ill. in or
der that he may take it and have it
over with, especially as il stems to 1
bea mildcaseV"
NO From a "mild case" a se
vere case may he contracted, anil In
exposing your child to measles you
are noi only exposing It to that dis
ease but to others which often ac
company o.r follow it, Mich as bron
chitis and pneumonia.
The number of deaths from measlt -reported
from 10 slates In PU was
8806. and this number docs not in
elude those from the other diseases
which were brought about as a direct
result of the attack of nfiaasll -
As this number p.ptesents only 30
states, it Is safe 10 assume that over
IO.O00 deaths occur each ) ar
in Ihe I'nited States dom u.M.Y
Will Unmarried Woman." who
asks advi. e rer.it ding nrinarv trouble.
Bend her name and address lo thlfl
; office bo that a personal reply may
be srni lo her. Address "lnforma
.non Editor. U. S. Public Health Sei-
vice, Washington. I. C "
Q. 1 am a girl 16 years old I
have a birthmark on my chest that
la tan in color and looks somewhat
like a wart, it grows every rear. H
,has grown from my chest over on to
left arm. t'ould it be removed?
1 A. Everything will depend on the
nature of the birthmark Some of
these can be rcnloved by proper treat
ment. In many cases, however, noth
ing can he done. By all means ask
your family physician to refer you to
I some experienced skin specialist 1
1 would not delay In the matter
Q Kindly inform me what to use
i for buzzing and singing noises in the
je.irs It affects only at nighttime
.or when lying upon Ihe couch,
j A. Buzzing and singing noises in
the ears are usually the result of an
1 inflammation in the internal part of
ithe ear. and this in turn, commonly
'tomes from chronic catarrh in the
'head The condition is often suc
Icessfull treated, but usually requires
the services of a voice and throat
specialist The trouble may subside
1 Please advise rue a diet for
n i:olv who has kidnev irr.uhle
Troubled more at night, not being
jable to control herself, and causing
1 J b d welling, celling up lour to
I Lm 1 a night
A. It is not at all certain from
' 1 1 he little information iu this ques
!iion that the ladv is really suffering
. from kidney trouble Main persons
beliee that all urinary diseases are
' traceable to Iho kidneys, though of
tentimes this, is not so -Oftentimes
. with kidneys perfectly sound.' there
j is trouble with the bladdet or urinary
1 passages. The patient should have
1 ELbbbbb!
Walt Mason H
, h :
1 h at poor hi. I.s talk politics from ' J
dawn until the gloaming, and, calm j
. oo. I groom my mule, her fet- H
lock curry combing. Oh, I might J
talk around the b'oek with every I bbbsbbI
passing nclghlor. I might devote to H
Harding's goat the time I spend in 1 BH
bu I'm inclined to keep in 1
inind th.- fact that winter s coming. I H
when storms will whoop around my i B
I coop, and hllsxards will be hummlnc Sh
do ' ho ret while all outdoors it j EH
full of l.lh- yawping, for still the hi. ks ; f
politics, and keep the wcdkln ! CH
popping. I thresh my beans and other j kH
greens, my prune trees wisely guards t gsLLs
lng; my boosts or knqfiks won't hinder rgggg
Cos, or put a crimp In Harding. Who- r gggggg
ever wins you'll see m bins well filled ftgggggfl
With ipUdfl and carrf.ls. my crops 1 j fH
, raise while other jays talk bunk like Igassssii
locoed parroLs. Sometimes at night, CgasBBBS
andle light, when all my work (gassssil
- . d. d, I spiel a while of campaign
, guile, in language high and splendid. BH
And people list In awe, I wist. VVvfl
' though to some lawgiver, to plans ggggfl
I've planned, this weary land from tlgggggg
. r But in the day PwBH
th. lean earth amplv iggggasfl
larding, and heave no rocks at Jimmle gasssssii
Cox. and heave no bricks at Harding. H
By Edgmr A- Qrsat j
1 tn iit-.e aa though somebody here
scatterin" joy and cheer. wBH
1 known a rainy day BBBJ
Km what some friend has come mj BBBJ
To son o' laugh the clouds away.
1 I ain't heen one de.servin' much H
I ' special favor an' the touch
' generous hands in time o' need. BgH
1 An1 y t g 1 ti i. nda ..t double mea k
1 1 .. v ,. flven befon I'd ask 01 plead.
, It seema t me ten thousand eyeB
j Are tryin' t'kake me by surprise, BBBJ
j An' WatChln1 all the lime t'see H
j Just what the gift 0' Joy can be
Which they can come an' give 10 me. KBBJ
I'd almost swear these friends o' mine
Poaseaa some magic power divine ELBBJ
Bj which they learn from God above,
r from the messengers o' love, H
The v. ry things I'm thlnghV of. gaVBJ
Honors f don't deserve have come BBB.
I Almost t paralyze ine dumb.
An" when I've trie.) 10 rind out why BjBB
.Men gave what money cannot buy,
Some friend would smile an' wink his
Lord, but I've trod an easy wav,
nh friends to help me day by day. B
With all its hurt an' pain an' woe,
This is a kindly world we know fl
j At least, I've always found il so. B
Act ordlng to careful estimates three
hOUn f elos. stii.lv wear out the body BBBj
more than tcn hours of hard physical
a thorough examination made by a' BBfl
qualified physician Should she be ftH
I Buffering from kidney trouble, spe
jcific advice as to diet will depend
! entirely on the nature of the trouble,
tor no general directions governing
diet can be given which are appll- BB
cable to all kinds of kidney diseases. PfLPJ
i Graceful Carriage 1 I
B toward weight, you will find fefe)
a at the same time so comfort- nfliill v 1
pngo 'Belt Hv I I
The special steelastic webbing ggSHPnT m fflTi 1
belt over the too prominent BHHMf I irV
abdoiTien holds it hv ini 'mfnl I Vi fit
the reinforced back and sides mSSmtll I , a?
B straighten and slenderize the jferi ' j fl-r jro
B Women who wear Reno Corsets gBfll jj
H uhvays look much younger than they B-RiA X t'fraS
really arc. This is because of the ex- l p
.-Ju-.: u. i alciilcl Kciil'o 1''::1- ,p ; j . jff
H ures which make them extraordin- KBH i J Jjjftj vllBj
Rrily strong where thegreatest strain gggtggggS ' w w I XM fSffiSill I
talis over abdomen and hips.
BBBBBJBanaaTiaVBBBaa. BggKBRggggggBBaasssssBggtgl

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