" 1 : '-zjSvSIHfvwSsSSlM9BStS'
m " - - Ks
IlkTtlcnbtirg went to the Island
). I. Ml. 11)118. nml lin- ju-t now left
It. He Is a man i inucli person
alis, mid i- fond i and liked b)
ifardciiburj; used a gourd toi
dipper mid in the - yt firs he drunk
lio r tlinl lit- didn't pump from
Uln well i i n lac ivas automatid i
w i 1 1 him. liesnpeaki 'a was his '
lis hi- lionic 'n Wmu Islaud,
there was iiol mil so-called modern
convenience In Jcrscj ii ho
rtnl.i loiiclicd a button to i mj
1 1 1 i 1 1 r in desired..
"Mi strength returned rruni tin
start, -iilti rlardeiihurg. "I soon
sot so I oould hi rir or six mealfl
:i du imii never wiffer fim li
I wa always hungry. Before I I
never had an appetite ror one meal j
d day."
Figs, apples, peaohes.Hums and
pears ill crew hi abundance on Hie
aland, Crusoe's grapes, imn - and
lemons hnl nothing on Hiirdon
burg's limn i in
"I paved a sevi ii year i lollies and
board Mil " sold rlardcnburg,
Hardenburg say. his frlenda mil-
rorndi agrct lhal hi- Island life
was Ideal 1 1 one exception llicj
ill declare lie dioidd have had n
I Travelers Plan Froiic
Next Saturday Ni '
Entertainment, d.mr .. music anfl
refreshments will be r . . ireil follow
ing a jolm meeting of the Oxdeh ani
Salt Lake roum.il of the Coiled Com
mercial Travelers of Ainciea next
Saturday night in the Woodmen of
the World hall here, according to an
announcement made last night by
Crunk It Rose, senior counsellor of
the Ogden branch u- the association.
The member of Hie Sail Lake coun
cil will bring tli- Ariel quartette inl a
7-piece orchestra with them ami the
Mgden members have arranged other
features, a meeting will in- held at' 7
o'clock and the entertainm. nt will
start at 8 o'clock. All members 01
the association and prospective mom
bars are invited to attend, accord ins
to Mr. Rose.
I Urge Citizens to Go
Over League Covenant
Today has been designated by Cov
entor Simon Bamberger as league of
nation Sunday in Utah, in a proclam
ation issued by him last wo k Tin
citizens of 1'tah 1 are urged to give
(ludy to the leacue covenant.
I Coal at $2.75 Ton
Mutual Coal cmpair. t.-ckholinrs
v, ill get the best quality spring Can
yon lump coal at $-73 per ton. at tip
Each share of slock entitles the
stockholder to two (2) Ions of lump
coal each year
Eighteen hundred (lison) i ,c !.hol.
era (many of them In OgdeH), Will c.ct
their coal every year at cost, becaUB'
they are pan QjwneTs in a producing
Losr. than three thousand (3
.hares remain to be sold. No fnah In
Ogden can afford to let this opportu
nity pass.
Tred J. Leonard la president of the
Mutual Coal Co.. Main If. Coffin in
president and general manager; E. C.
Coffin, secretary and treasurer. Tele
phones. W asatch idGT and 1234 Those
Interested should call on
Advertls mcnt. Marion HoteL
I As Pure as Nature
Uintah milk comes to you as
God intended milk to serve
mankind as a food The cows
from which it is taken, are
100 per cent healthy cows and
every process in its transmis
j sion to your table is safe
guarded for purity and
healthfulness. It costs no
more than other milk and it's
j ibsolutely safe and satisfy.
I 3672 Washington Avenue
Phone 548
V- :
I : Plrtujc "f IVatts Island, showing llghthoiise. Lowei Cliarles M
I tardea burg .when he lived on flic fsliiiid ami Ills dog, ltner." insert shovtD
Ilurtlfllbtilll lie I- liMlay.
Exile Vas Voluntaiy
to Regain Healih;
Found N ahire
Gccd Dqcicr
I am monarch of all I sucyey;
My riiriit tjiere is nmie to dispute:
From lb.- ccuier v. round lo the sea'
1 apt lord f tile Cowl itpd the brute.
i;v GEORGE K. Tl.R .
. I-.. StoXf Correepotidcht.
lilSCIKI.r. Md. Self-banished
from socle tj'j cut off from mankind, on!
We island. io mllps from h re,
Charles M. tlardenburs rfpent 12, ye
of his life.
rlardenburg 13 truly a modern Rob-'
inson Crusoe. Eike Crusoe, he Has fi
nally round deliverance fconi biu Is
land of Despair' and returned to civi
llaatlon, sattu island la u tins "Jewel" of
green forest and white beach set in
the eiperald ::nj inrquoise waters of
Chesapeake bay. U is two aiiles long
and ot zou acreia o third of which la
high groinld.
'file aeurcsl Inhabited land la Tan
gier island. :... nTlleS away, where a
i (instable i.ot long ago shot ii boy who
1 roke tne "go-to-chiireh" law. GriS
fitld is 15 miles to the north.
Though vVatts is ncaxast Maryland,
u la part of Virginia Theie is a light
bouse and frame dwelling built by
Ilardi .lburg's ancestors in 1781. I lls
uncle ar.d aunt. Mr. and Mrs. F H.
Doremus, lived ' years on Watts, ajad
four of his up.eestors are buried there.
Mafdenburg, t'rinceton graduate
and Wealthy ..ttiirm ;.- of Jersey 'lt
was s.ii.. and his physicians told him
tha' unle:'.. Iii went I ai Ic lo nature"
would die Ur. Daniel S. Harden
burg, i Harles brother, and an eminent
.Jersey physieioi:. was si ure ths:t his
brother's death was soon that ha
I bought Watts Island from their aunt
and gave it to Chariest;
Then came the exile and the lonf.
Sojourn u.i the tiny 'continent," alone
with the .aeabirds and his dog, with
tha ooaeeless booming of the surf and
th.- i i rails of the seagulls as the
only sound to break the silence.
Fate kept Crusoe to hh Island anil
he longed constantly for the life of
comfoit hi bad b-ft. So It j with
lardenburg. yet hi indomitable win
to health kepi mm in solitude
"i h 't i" en thei i long until I
knew that Hfe on the Island was my
way to health," he told Die. "I truly
believe i would have been in m gravi
to da hail I not Kone to Watts. So.
when people sa they think f wasle.J
l J yean of nw life. I disagree."
Bl lit HIM. TOO.
A i times fate, too. held Hardenburg
it captive. Two years ao the afi
to shoreward was froseri over, ami Har
denburg'a supplise grew low. He lived
on UUleaVened bread. the fat of a
poos- he killed, and coffee. When the
lee i.rnUe ! (.rile nf onuncock, a., sent
rr lief siiiilles.
Life was pretty much "one thing
after another" to I lardenburrr.
He rose at sunrise, cooked his meal
anil cleaned hi house. Then lie row
ed his boats to hU? fish traps and. in
the afternoon, hunted ifcse. brant and
j SWan. There was un Inexliaustive sup
ply of shell-fish at Is door.
In the nummer Hardenburg kept n
Harden und hi the winter spent most
of bla time with nooks,
i "Itover." his dog, lived seven years.
.The los.s of his toes h a jrun shot and
u fight with a muskrat liuatened his
end. Hardenburg mLssed "Rover."
Hardenburg brought a "Tabby cat"
to his island and a year later a fisher
'man from Tangier left him a "Tom
.cat." Now there arc "wild eats" all
over the island. And thev are wild!
Year followed year and. while Har
denburg never quit gave up his lony
tn; for the gentler things of life, he
found interest in his aolitudc.
Now Hurdcnburg finds It a little
hard to re-adapt himself to the ways
of civilisation
"I have an indescribable feeling
that I cannot find enough excitement
to offset the solitude of the island
life," he told me at Tlfton, fin., where
''he has accepted position with his
bvbthcr, it p. Gentle?, f the Title;
Guarantee com puny
Cru?ie married u h's return. May-!
b- Harden.biirg won t- bht I found
him the center of society in Tlflon.
Ml S. L BQftflQ
Tintic Standard Weaker;
Provo At 4 3-4c is Heaviest
A gedcral l ck of Interest was shown
In tin trading of mining stocks on the
Salt Iike Stock and Minlpg ISxchaiige
Tintic Standard was weak, selling
3fn shares m $2 90", closing at 52 on
bid and ?2 05 askr-d. Silver Shield
.-'low oil .some activity, trading 1500
shares at priqes ranging from 80c to
2lV&Ci an increase- over Friday's quo
tations. Among the cheaper stocks, Provo,
Was the heaviest trader 1 1,000 shares,
changing hands at .ic, American'
Cop. Cop. sold at 3r, Alta Tunnel atl
r.i , I h i Tintic a,t t'.' c and East Tintic!
Con. at 7c.
Columbus Etexall, after showing
mm i actlvlt the past week, traded'
100 shares yesterday at 34c.
American Con. Cop., 200 at 3c
Alta Tunnel "000 at Zc,
Kiii-eka Lily. 1 ( .ii ... .
Bulllaon4 lboo at j.c: 1000 at 2c
I'.ay State, 1 000 at c.
Columbus Recall, -too at S4c.
r. I Tintic Con., 000 at 7C.
Lehi Tintic 1230 at Cc; 12.".7 at 6 4c.
i Proco, 1 1.000 at 4c.
Rico Wellington. 1000 at lOc.
s !!.". sopo al i ! fcc.
Silver Shield, aOii at 20c: .100 all
1204c; r.Ofi at 21 4c
1 Tintic Standard, 300 al $2 :'0
LOl M. SE I R ru s.
AmaJ. sug $ . . $ 13.70
1'refcri el 101 00 I
'Cement securities . .. 126,00 128. t0 !
icon. Wagon "lo.ioo
( tal-.-ldaho Sug. . .' 7.05
West Cache Sug. oo oo
Wydmlng Sug 10.00 ,'. . . .
Ingden Port. Oem 95.00
1 ,r'l n Packing 21.00
First Nat Hank 325.00
Security State Bank 146.001
Notice to All Masons
To the members of El Monte Com-1
mandery No. 2 K T., Oguen Chapter
I No. 2 R. A. M., Weber I,odge No. C
P. and A. M, Unity Lodge No. IS
K and A. M. and George Washing- I
ton Lodge C. I) P. and A. M.
You are hereby notified that at the'
'Masonic Temple at Ogden City, We-i
ber County. State of Utah, that on I
'tho 23d day of October, 1920. at 8
o'clock p. m. of said day. there will
I be hekl a meeting -of the members
of Bald Masonic Lodges for the pur- ,
: pose of considering and acting upon
'tho DrOnOSltion of fonninir the meni
bers of said Masonic Lodges, together 1
w ith members of all future Masonic
Lodges under the same Jurisdiction
and has ing the same jurisdiction, as
said above "named Masonic ixidge?, ;
into a corjioratlon, not for pecuniar
prom under the laws of the State j
of Utah.
The foregoing meetiug was called
by the Board of Directors of the Ma
sonic Temple Association of Ugdea '
Dated, this the 5 th day of October,
Pres. Board of Directors.
a. Mcintosh.
Blackburn College at Uloomlngton. ;
III., will teach women students pom-r
mrmlng In addition to domestic sci-j
ence, ettt I
e "'Pi . : n I
I ml Liipiidln Sgliillldlc
wic-2o!-3oc; if i