MM MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 25. lazo. ir.t. uumJN 31 nuAtuJC.AMuicn 7 grades continue The M&&M .Jj ment includes Wilton, Amm!tr, Velvet, Tapestry, Grass and Rag Rugs. Many thr.fty h&usck pers realize that this is an opportunity to secure a fine rug at M H c at unusually low price. 1 I j Ml ABE A FEW SPECIALS eH Ktf'i 1 Ml. -y 'I H,;" 1 FriMu h Wilt.-.ri -v4. I -r. dan binejie pattern Jarpe. lipli' prnn J. rr . 1 i ' k'Bvea and crolli ROM 1P border, reduced from C f O V .... V1 0 ? 1 1 7 rr. m 5U " jB 4 ,-t ' No. 1390 Scamleas Tapestry, blue- pat- No. 7203,1. Lakowood Wilton Rug, si?..- '" ' ' ' l.lxlO.1, (ringed ill 1 Pei Ian de (gn, Now. 4JU light ground, $140 grad C 00 ( i.n.'! in. 'ami. -s Velvet, hlse reduced to Jir E C 8x10.6. roue ground QIO N" WMB Kara.n Wilton Rug, - k i::, ... .. apJU.f U B.txlO.t, very handsome oriental rug i J " -' 9x12 Ar.i.-l. v a v Seamless. Jaspo mahogany ground. 1'. r.;lan figure CCO rn Regular $140 Yalue, CIPI I i.. JD0.U now siiiylZj flsB " i , ' rlt'jn S ami. Ax.. . r i 5 1 '" iiundhai Wilton. I S.3x C r Jk riuaii", - . !ili', Perrtan rn. light 10.6, reduced to . . ... tivO " "' 1 X'J' 79 r17 E. Dalbeck Wool Wilton, oriental pattern, light ground, $140 CMPQ ;;,jr BfeBUySl No 3f'lS Seamier Wilton Velvet, slxe grade, now t) I L O V 9x12, i n hand ome, ill one pnt cn 1 1 "2 a KaiHak, 9x12, all over i r a r. Sff.mlf olonial Velvet K";,c. Sedan Worsted Wilton, highest 1 I J v.. In. 70 ..round. tf 1 CA "lal not p I Z 5iS5to 410U Ble 1 3021 Deauvls Seamless. 8.3x10.6, plain 1612-11 Hardwick Wilton, 9x12. slightly f" . ,' I i band I. order 70 U-, ,J $ltio value. T 1 1 OC F "l Wit "mi Ru"'. h.-vo been reduced in price $20.00 to 530 00. All of our Wilton Rugs W'tyifl ft' rrflfa have b en reduced to conf ' f m to the new market quotations. We have also sc- 'W L fa! i lected a lrc number of russ of different sizes and qualities and marked them for ip .V sM ) t'j quick selling 1 mm J J'- " " " jf rf -- I 11 EVERYTHING F0?J THE HOME g H Sugar Technical Fucn W to Banquet Tonight The monthiv meeting ol 'he Ajmal gamated Technical society will be held i at the Weber elub this evening, uc- cordtnK to rsun .n.- of tlie membera ot the organiaation. i-rior to the regular bualneae meeting f the aaaociatlon a banquet win bq held. HBH oo I NOTICE L0.0.F. All member of the I. O. O F. are requested to meet nt the ball on Sun day. October '24. ut 1 p. ni. to attend the funeral of Brothem A BlOl Lewta, HENRT KISBEL, Secretarv'. Arsenal Engineer Leaves for Coast i - Lieutenant "William P. Katz. ac companied by Mrs Katz. departed to il'.', for San Kranelaco. where Tjleu- I tenant Katz has been ordered for I permanent duty with the construction department of the United States army. He has been asiencd to duty at Tort i .M.i.-on, near San Francisco. Are You the E jst Fox Trotter in Town? Prove it hi the Berthejia beginning Wedueaday. Oct 17, and take oik- of l he cash iri . Sioo in all. Adv. I W To Your Battery 'jj Before you buy a new battery, let A mBtgnu us make sure it is necessary. Every IQlIvL "'T ' day batteries are discarded that we hvftHf fl H could economically put into condi- Jbti i&k. lion to give much longer service. '"Tar No matter what make of battery is in your car, we are equipped to repair it skilfully and at reasonable cost. It will be made to last as long ac possible, until you are ready to re iace it withan Exide the Ion- 'ifc battery. ft I Invest a few minutes in a calk I- -... I EXIDE BATTERY STATION 2359 Hudson Ave. Phone 179 1 gespgage PARLEY P. WILL GIVE ADDRESS IN OGDEN SUNDAY The Fanncr-l-ilior Party's can didate for president, Parley I. Chrlstensen. will be In Qgden S in day, October 31:t. and all those lntt-retrd are invited to bear him speak In the Alhambra theatre on that date. The Farmer-Labor party held a rally at North Ogden Wednesday , evening and at Plain City Friuny evening. At both places the can didates were enthusiastically re ceived. The citizens of Plain City donated a band of 30 pieens and there was an audience of three hundred people. The principal speakers at these meetings were Joseph Younsr, can didate for state repres. nfi .ivo; . George croaby, candidate for i ov ernor. William PIggott for asses sor and Charles EX. Schacffer Tor recorder. .Mr. Elwood of Ogrten a friend of the Farmer-La hor party explained the Farm. r-Labor movement. .Mrs. Alice Snell May er, candidate for state senator spoke with reference to the use of the ballot by women. Topics of both me. tings were profiteers, co-operation, b agin of nations, the Esch-Cummlns bill and other Items that appeal to the farmers and Industrial workers. oo Disturb Dreams of Chinese Op.uni Smoker Disturbed from sweet dreams. ; Charlie Wong was arrested late last' i night on a charge of smoking opium. I A small quantity of opium, barely en ough for one smoke, was taken from I him. He felled to appear before the city j eourt this morning and his ball, amounting to $50, was declared for feited. oo ; Negro Colony Crowds Court in Jones Case The case of the state of Utah against J. Clarence Jones. charged j with appropriating property belonging I to the zion temple No. 102. Auxiliary independent Benevolent Protective rder of Elks of the World, Including bible, eight music rolls, e quantity of I bottled Heceo, two wood n ,t Igranlteware bucket and two spoons, was opened before Judge D. R. Rob erts of the city court this morning. Says He Stole Coat Because of Illness Pick and nearly penniless. William Ltrown succumbed to temptation und stole an overcoat at the Golden Rule store Saturday, while in the store to purchase a pair of socks, according to his story In the city court this morning. A charge of petit larceny was placed atmlnst the man. Me plead" cd guilt- Judje 1 1 1; Pot.. t - im posed a sentence of J50 or GO davs in Jail. If the price of gitsolin,. keeps on go ing up It may prove cheaper to bu shoes Marlon stax. SUGAR MAGNATE 1 WSJ OGDEN Horace Havemeyer Inspects Local Plants of Amalga mated Company Horace Havemeyer, of the Have rneyor Sugar company of New York, arrived in Ogden late last Saturday evening en route to Salt Lake and other points. Mr. Havemeyer Is on hln annual Inspection tour of factories of the On at W.-ytrrn Svnrar companv and the Amalgamated Sugar company. Mr. Hav emeyer Is one of the dlrec-! tcrs of the Amalgamated Sugar com pony and will 1n nil probabllit at tend tbc meeting of the 'be hoard of' direct eta to te hid Tuesday afternoon) In thl city. hi his- Inwpeetion tour of the fac tories In Idaho Mr. Havemeyer report mu 'i progress, according to local of- i 1 1 1 jt the Aiqalgansated tjgir com pany. 9 He visited and Inspected the Ogden plant todi" LIVESTOCK nun MM SET StabilFzing of Prices From Day to Day Is Chief Problem Considered CHICAGO, .Oct. 25. Presidents of the American livestock exchanges at a conference her. today appointed a committee to Investigate and recom mend means to p-event sudden fluctu ations in the prlcea of meat. Everett C Brown, president of the National Livestock exchange, presided and rep reeentattvee were present from Balti more, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Denver, lJetrolt. BuffalOi Indianapolis, Jaek BonvlUe, Milwaukee. Montgomery. Naahvi)le, New York. Now Orleans. Oklahoma riy, Omaha, Peoria. Pitts burg. Portland. Sioux City. Sioux Falls. St. Joseph, St. Louis, St Paul and Chi cago 'At a meeting here the principal livestock exchanges of the United States have authorized the appoint ment of a committee to work out some plan for more nearly stabilizing the markets,'' Mr Brown announced. "The problem is fundamentally one Of l ttei adjusting the supply of live stock to the demand Under the pres ent system the number of ment ani mals received at the different markets varies h thousands from day to day and week to week. This tends to cause i. Qui tu itions up and down of the prices received for livestock." The committee appointed Includes Mr Brown, Thniniis K. Wilson. C 1 1 'Aift. F 12 White, 1 H. Hevmann, James T. Agar, M. Qreenwald, F W id delle, Bmll Ingirersen, T. w. Jcrrcms and S. Bruce Stafford. HARDING SPEiS DAI liTf DESK MAPIOV. O.. Oct. 25. Senator Harding began the last full week of 1 he c.i mp lien with anoi her day spent at his dek at work on the final public utterances with which he will rest his candidacy. The epi i eh to be delivered Saturday niiht at Columbus occupied the nomi nee's major attention, though it was said that some data still remained to be prepared for the three he will de liver during the week at Cleveland, Akron and Cincinnati In all of these addressee he is expected to enunciate his position on the league of nations and also to sum up the domestic poli cies he has advocated in the course of the campaign. oo Exprt on Calls! to Instruct Three Twins' At a general rehearsal of "TIk Three Twins." musical e-xt ravaganza to be produced hy the American Legion Opera company and the Mtriart So ciety of tgclen, last Sunduv. Boh Ma-j Jor announced that he had engaged Mrs. 0 P, Maxwell, expert ballet danc ing instructor to tako charge of the dances in the opera, including the fa-1 mous Yama Yuma dance. Mrs. Max Well outlined her plans to the girls and announced that Tuesday evening I was to bo devoted to dancing only fori all the choruses. J. S- Lewis Informed Mr. Major that: the rooms of the buildlnsr occupied by i the Moose club and the Watson-Fly-1 gars Hardware company, were at the disposal ui Mi. opera company lor re hearsals The rooms are now being j fitted out for practices. Lights arei being installed and a stage Is being j prepared for the big cast of dancing girls. The rooms will he fitted up as j a permanent home hy the Altriart So- j clety. Another rehearsal will be held to night at the Eagles- club, to which all girls are asked iu hrtng their dancing costumes. , BRITISH COLUMBIA TO CONTROL LIQUOR TRADE VICTORIA. U. c, Oct. 26. Nomi nation! of candidates for the next British Columbia legislature, which' wan dissolved last Saturday, will bo j held on November 10. The general election will be on December I. Gov ernment linuor regulation proposals Will be presented at the next session.! Rt KI l I I RED. '; u.ird of 125 la offered by the American express company for the aii . si and conviction of a person who entered a refrigerator car between Uk-( den :md Oakland Pier, necordtng to Information received In Ogden this morning. The ref rluerator car was one be longing to the Illinois Central railroad, and had been packed with a quun . Uty of men's clothing. Much of the j j cargo of the car was removed. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always hears ,i Signature of CfrO&XJ&cjfa iaIHambraI I I TODAY AND TOMORROW I 1 1 A romance dressed in richness and beauty, yet sounding the depths of human rcl ELEPfSANT iig) 1 " i I I j SEATS A j) HO s"ws AT j I I COMING WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY I I DOROTHY GISHl I Kittle II ; Rebellion") I I COMING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I I I filldred Loomis I I i "What ippsiiOil to Jones" 1