M V . 1 1 mmU W THE OGDEN STANDARD EXAMINER MONDAY EVENING, OClin.- 51920. II LmMMM, IIUM Mll III IITMI ""' 'S aaMWI I i4 Beautiful, Long-lived Roof Certain-teed Shingles I Certain-teed Asphalt Shingles, teed Roofing comes in rolls, I in subdued reds or greens, add mineral-surfaced red or green I an attractive touch to the much like the shingles in i appearance of any home. appearance and also in the , Their surface dees not wear smooth surface staple gray off, wash off or change color kind, j and they do not crack or break. Like all products bearing the In addition lo their beauty, Certain-teed label. Certain- they provide weather protec- teed Roofings are the highest iion and are, at the same time, quality. I fire-retarding and spark-proof. gee a Certain-teed dealer the Their cost is low compared next time you need roofing. with other equally high grade He can help you select the best types of roofing and they are kind of roofing for your pur- i guaranteed for ten years. poses and sell you what you In addition to shingles, Certain- need at a real saving in cost. j Certain-teed Products Corporation R General Offices, Saint Louia j 'L O0CN acJ Worcbcaiei in Pnacipal Cibat I r Z- l II 5 John Scowcroft & Sons Co. ! 2 DISTRIBUTORS Ogden, Utah ismm vm mm oa raa a am w ran aat ebb mm ppa aB -saa mm mm mm II" J maB ""H"' VB0VE ROOFING APPLIEC IN ALL ITS ORANCHfeS. INQUIRE ! a Newman & Stuart j I WE REPAIR ROOFS a - . i-'lionc C'28fi 1900 Washington Avenue bbjbHB I Ogden Tigers Will Invade Gem State Plans have been completed by rep resentatives of tlx- nden High school f for two grid contests In Idaho between B. H. ROBERTS will speak TONIGET 'L mtsi bbbbbbbbbbi I if BBaBaBBBaBs'aiBBBsiBiaafaB CHAPLAHC B H. ROBERTS 145th U. S. Field Artillery IBngham H Roberts. Utah's fore most orator and former chaplain of , the 145th (Utah) field artillery dur ,ng the great war, will speak to night at the Orpheum theater on the League of Nations. Be sure to attend this great patriotic rally (Political Advertisement) . i. ;iir.s according to Principal A. M. Merrill. ,.. ! une of the two contests will be played at Gooding, while tbe place, .if staging the ovond contest has noti been determined it s stated, how ever, lhal ; game will In all proba bility b staged at Hois Plan.-i fo. I the "lp :r- lug mail'- by Munagei frank Glmlln. Klfte.cn players, to-1 .gcther with the coach and Manager, I will make the trip Go South to Look i Over Road Projects Three representative ol iho I'mit'i; States bureau of public roads W. NT. Prlckstad. B. W. Matteson and 15. B. Kidder, hays departed from the Og di n headquarters for points, in south ern i 'ah n Inspection tours of th'- POOJ roa4 I" thai part of the slate The three men left In 1 party and 'on Hu m Irlp will inspect tbe Thomp-son-Moab, &IoabLa Salle, Prlee-I a tie Dale roads before returning to Og liell. '.instruction In the southern part 01 the state on roads has not been hiu-d- red by the storms and work on the roads Is progressing rapidly. uecordinK I,., itlflcknis "I lb'' local office. Road work in Idaho has been ham pered ic. the Weather and the work n ths majority of the post road in that stat.- hoa been discontinued until next .-.prill'. U is xlated Ordnance Officer Inspects Arsenal M a J or .-haries F. Baxter; United States ordnance department of the army, arrived in Ogden yseteJrdaj from Washington uni la conferring with B den cltizeno on the posalbllltj ot th placing of an ordnance department poat at tbe Ogden arsenal site- Major I'.axtcr will b.- in jf1 for leveral days. He visited the arsenal today and will depart during Hie l.ii ter part or" the week for Washington where lie will make ri-coronwiidation.--. for the placing of the ordnance depart ment at the local arsenal. Easy Money for Xmas Poli-.ii i if on dam tiijc and ""' .if the lour l-1 prl' totnilln Sinn to 'e pvon the 1k.i fntroi dancer si Itw' end ol lite e-k-' COfltCSl t the Berthana. which u-jfin Wediieadaj i t.dn r 27. Adv. New Warehouse Here J for U S, Roads Bureau Construction work on an additional warehouse for the United Stat-s DU reau of public roads will be started! within the nel two weeks, according fO local kovc rnmciu officials. A warehouse ami .shed are listed in !the contract for the improvements. 1 I Materials used in t oad const ruction I consisting of trucks, englneQ, derricks, water wagons and Other materials lamountliiK to millions of dollars arc I to be stored at the new warehouse, i The structure when Completed will 'cost about $5000 and Will cover iJT.OO siuan- tcet. Piftj new trucks ordered by the government during the sar. have bet u hipped to tgdfn for road construc itlon work and will le us-d In various I arts of I lie- slate. Six of 1he.se trucks . arrived here today firom the east. Runaway Youth Is Found by Police W yatt pitton. 12-year-old youth who ran away from hii home in West Weber recently, was taken Into cus tody by Detective. Walter Moore, who found the io at the Broom hotel last night He was turned over to th" juvenile cottl't, Rev. Carver Cites Historic Appeal of Republican Party The true ntory of the achievements ,! patriotic service of the Republi n party is a story that i Interwoven tb the history of two of the great rlods of America's history w"!tn so le a relationship of cause and ef : ihut these periods of foundation d reforminET are pointed to with ide by ;ji who bear allegiance to tne nv s standards,! naifl the Rev John Iward irver letsl evening at Hie r Pershyterlith church in the BfC ,i Rermon n 'Great Parties and ineinle? " rihr theme, "The Republican partyas factor In t:i' ifevelopment of oir unti v A vtud and decountlhf of the ( and Ideals that have won it a ,, . in on r thoncht today." II VMILTOS S Gl N'njS .ftcr letllng how In Hie past revo Lioi trj period the JfeAeraUsI party aa the same as Republican rnrtv of id i Ih poini of tam and hlnl of ivernment the sneaker said. -It was u irr at achievement to write a Dec- ration Of Independence, nut ine 1Pre writing of it did not make It Hid. It was onlv mnne the charter r American uoiitical thought by the haracter nm! telf-s iorifie and su reme military ability of none less ian Geprge Washington who. thougn c was of grcal talent as a general, ho lcg a leader ol men 111 the ark days of the period, or nrececdlni? adoption of the Constitution It raa an equallv marked achievement o be the father of the Constitution ,ut it was no leas a mark of service o make it valid i' practice, and tlexandei Hamilton surpassed in that ,'v solving Hie financial problem and wring for the deb.' of the eolonlei vh'. h nncared for. would have endeo he iavs ot tne youny riiv- , r r Hie adoption of the cabinet SYS- I en, of govemmenl by which the exee jtlve could function is generally laoribed to this eame Alexander Ham ilton' I genius . The- was another man in that J arty period who did a mo: needed 'er vlce and did it so wel thai he Is fanned as one of Uie leaders of all time in Ms chosen profession; and he brought ,,i i, - powers to the firm founding of the Constitution In making it pliable to the needs and demands of a grow ing country. That man was Jonn Marshall, who, for thJrty-tour years. was the chief Justlee of th'- Supreme court of the Untted States, It, was largelv ( hiMorv tells us due to these three men and their patriotic toll and service that the young republic so nromlolngly set forth in the peolara- tion of Indenendenco ana lomum tiori f the United States became a fact indfert. FATHERS OF PARTY. The life of Hamilton portrayed tne rapid rire of B r-oor and orphane-l youth through the paths of se -cu -ture and aided only by an indomi.a l ie "ill to become a leader Wherever there Is war today, there is the proof of the old ma vim that "money is Hu of war." Wherever there U ' nrosrress tbre 1 3 the proof of lh ibashV xaiue of sound and flexible cur rencv Whenever 10u expend mnne f need, comfort or pie? gjn ija are still sliarlng In ; ,,,, .-..-seeing wi-dom ;.f Alexande Hamilton who war the father o th monetary system of our land. Tliesf : S52 cSeoS Washington. Alenl I Hamilton and John Marshall, wi.h al .,. m. ri. ., ov.i - to thrin. can o, ;,s ustU cb-lmed by the Republic ir ,.f today Thomas Jefferson Tom ps Madison - nd James Monroe ear be claimed by the Democratic fouov -rr-s The Republican parly is their successor In point of view and aim. , in the Ptriod extending from the tdminlsl ration Of John Adams to the, period of the .sixties, the two Republi- I cana who made the deepest mark upon iho records of history were mer WUO.i never held the president's chair though each served as oablnal members iaese, men wore Henry Clay and Daniel Webster" , ' The period or the civil war was .ntrodueeil i.' a recoc.iulny of the actual condition of slavery U por trayed by the lif. story of men who had been salves "Ton ihlnk yon know what UlnveTy meant to th - r. g" to the south .-mil to the county, t ic speaker said. "You cannot know. Neither can you comprehend the f-et it's power exerted in Washing ton in commerce and in social us well as the religious atmoohe.. c. the lime. Lt me tell you through ih- Uie tor- Of slaves the acluxl realities." A review of the life of men Mke Frederick Douglas was tnen told l di rHKIR BOASSS "The Declaration of Independence proclaimed thai ih- rights of life lib- a ih nuraull of havpltu s; iVere inalienable to all. That all tMh were created free and equal and yet two' cenerat ions after the words of that Im mortal document were made real through the blood "f the revolutionary, batrlota BS4.6D0 slaveholdei-s were not, only holding millions of their fellow men in chains, but were by pol.'ical hrewdneSfl ruling thirty niilllons of I .white:; as well; for it was the boast of the Sooth that i- made and unmade m-esldrnts and cdntrolled congress.! , T),e Ka".-J- and Nebraska bill WSH the j last straw. The day after It passed congress thirty congressmen met and tool -teps toward the forming 01 a new party. It was the boast of south' 1 ir oh rs that with it was sla I ry 1 ot- disunion. These thirty mot sa that onlv a new party could twie th. 'nation. II was'Alvan Bovay of Ripon. ' who, on February -sth. 1851. c died the first Republican meeting I lie also gave llf name of Republican to mw organization and made, a j lrjp te. New York to have Horace ' Qreelay announce the name in the i Tribune- It was in this the darkest ! hour of the last century that 'he Re j publican party commenced anew to I build and so well was the work done THE CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR FACTORY 362 Twenty-first Street The noted shop for family shoe repairs. First class work guaranteed We pay special attention to ladies' shoes. All repairs executed by expert workmen. Don't forget to ask for Wmgfoot Rubber Heels, the best on the market. Business hours from 7:30 a. m to 7 p m. that four rars later Abraham Lincoln I became the president of the party." ! ' The story of his life, a utory :.iore thrilling and traffic than the mind of: the most gifted writer, could dream. , Is a .story well known to the com- j I (honest school ho:" In the tragedy i I of his life do not. however. loso thought of the intrinsic greatness of: the man and the wonderful srr i t he wrought to free peoples for all "in He penned the Emancipation proci.-nn-1 ution. He could not have made II real, however, without the aid of mili itary genius of the first "luallty Tho was the gift again of the Republican I party t the ration. In Qencral Grant I the forces for union and frc-dom I found an ally worthy of the cause land the history of his campaigns and It'nr bravery of tho men in blue as . ' :: as the courage of the women of the north reads like an epic of the j heroic age. I '"In all this period It was not the ' ; slavery Issue that was at stake, lte i! member always that the COUS0 for which they first fou-.it was whether a )lii ri inn', in Ul ill'.' ifl-i',.!", llli; I people and for the people should con ' tin jo." It was the very (n of the government that was at stake tn this i I great cauao and for this great end I the- Republican party bore th fla ; j to victory." The sermon c losed wi h a recount ing Of the life work of lheodor. l Uoosevelt. and an appeal "to so Know I tho past of the party for wlil-n the i vote Ih cast that the voter may catch f something of the greatne as wtll as the responsibility of casting a ballot for the most Important office ia the World today. The church mQSt ue . -d upon the political forces to make .', . ideals real in action." In this I the speaker said th thoughtful ciil.c:i . i will find both honor and lov Woman s Coat Cause j of Trio's Arrest Anxiety over $30. alleged to b dbo I him on a coat which he had sold to ! Mrs. Ko-je Clinton, led to the arrest of IJame- Cm Hue; ., Salt Lake taxi driver. ! Mrs Clinton and John J. i-'armer. ! Huey was Jailed on n disturbing the I peace charge, while Mrs Clinton and Farmer were arrested on a charge of: I disorderly c&hdui I Huey claims that Mrs. Cilnton was, I making an effort to leave the siatc without t:rt paying him the mono ; due- him on the coat. He l alleged lo have sought out Mrs. Clinton ty make a collection. Farmer appi-urt l on the scene and a fistic encounter ensued, he :iaid. All three forfeited MHl by not ap pearing before the police court this ! morning. i I Huey's ball was $2a while ball for I trie other.- amounted to ?10" each. Prepare Programs for 'Better Speech Week' V Programs for "Better Speech we k" j are now being outlined in the Ugd. ;, schools according to Supt. 'W'. Karl Hopkins. Supt. Hopkins said that j every class in the grade schools, a -well as every class in the lilfih school. Will hold some sort Of dm. for better I English between November l and 8- The drive for better English was started last year in the United States j and won Che approval of leading educators. "Schools as well as churches, clubs and other organizations have been : asked to aid in the drive and from present indications tho success will j far outclass that l other years' :'ael Supt. Hopkins. BRITISH OFFICER IS " GUE5J OF OGOEMTES Lieutenant Colonel Horlick of the. British army, departed today for Chi- ag. att.;- having vl.'dted v. lib friends 111 Ogd'e'D, including Poatniast. r tieorr'e ! L. Mrowninr. days after a hunting trip in Alaska' idayg aftetr a hunting trip In Alaska. It Was in Alaska that he and the Brownings became acquainted and the Ivlsll here was for toe -purpose of re Inewing this acquaintanceship. Mr. Horlick is out of the servlCt and !haj returned to business. He is retai led lo the Horll.k;; of malted milk i fame His father Is head of the busi ness in Kngland ami his um le manages th. .iffalru of the company th the ! L'rlted Stat, s "Alaska Is a wonderful country and should have a great future." Mr. llor IllCK said. It Is my opinion that Am ericans sboulil beconm more familial With this valuable territory of theirs.' GBX GOES INTO 1ST Villi BECKLEt, W! Vs., ":l 25 -Ui'-t QUfS(Inn8 and the league of nation- were principal subjects of Governor Cox, of Ohio. In his campaign through th'- West Virginia coal mininK regions today. He stressed arguments that tne league was a pledge lo Arm-man sol diers and their ancestors to pr. Ul future wars. To audiences of miners, railroad ilifl otKei workmen, the Qemocratlc preni -dential candidate told Of humanlU Ian and progressive legislation adopted In I Ohio. UnargCS wi re uiuu.: in ..wo...-. . papei-s and In public hills circulated among the governor's -rowds today that he had ordered militia ln'i lor controversies at Akron and Canton, O They tailed attention to his statement that he had ncxer thrown b lOldlSr uniform into nor had a shot b.-n fired In anv Ohio industrial eon" I ray while he was governor. Today's at tack, was met by the governor with the statement that his record was pub lic and he would stand upon it. RELATIVES OF EASTLAND VICTIMS LOSE IN COURT WASHINGTON, Oct. 85. Decrees of lower courts limiting the liability incurred hy the operators of the Steam ship Kastland. which -ink at a dock at Chicago In 1JM5. will aland an a result Of tho refusal of the suprem. I court today to review cases brought i in bahalf of dependents of seven! i of the victims. BEET DIGGING ' TO BE RESUMED " Storm Delays Work, But Fair Weather Is Promised Farmers Although the storm:- of last week i hindered the work of the farmers to i some extent In the beet fields, fair ! weather predicted for the present week Is expectd o aid th farmers con Islderably In their beet work, accord-I ! ing to Vice Tresident S. M Kdgell of j the Amalgamated .sujr.i- compan. i The schools of Cache valley tn tho beet district were reopened Last week to allow the students to get back to their studies following the storms, bill this week the students are again at work in the beet fields, he said. While the harvest for September was small, due to storms, the yield for the present month will far exceed that of (he past month despite the a otxat, it is Stated Sugar is expected to take another drop In Ogden this week, according to the Amalgamated. Ir is retailing in some of the Ogden stores for $13.30 per hundred while it I.-, being sol) in small packages at 14 cents per pound Some of the local stores are selling mgar for as much as 16 cents per pound. Beets in northern Utah and In Idaho 1 In the fields are reported to he in bet ter condition than at any other lime during the past tWO KSSMi according to Mr. Kdgell A normal production is looked forward to despite the fael that the lodal company sold their Brlghr.m City plant last spring to the j I'tah-Idnho Sugar company. Former Ogden Pastor's Mother Dies in Denver Friends of He v. K. OS liralnard re ceived word that the pastor's mother died In Penver last Friday of bronchial-pneumonia. Mrs. Brainerd was well known in ogden. having resided, with her .son. while he was pastor ol the rirsi Congregational ohurch u: 1 until about three years ago. Isn't this ridiculous! People, who buy com mon tea With its weak vege table taste and harsh tannin taste, pay just about as much to bring i: over here froni the tea-plant as they would pay for fine tea like Schil ling's. You wouldn't do such a thing, would you? W hen you pav all those costs tor picking, curing, transportation, etc (which are a big part of the price of tea) you want real tea, with its full flavor and rest ful inyigoration. Schilling Tea DITES-STINGS 'lJ Apply wet baking soda or ordi- rsrv ammonia, followed by- yiCKS Over 17 Milhn Jan Used Yearly Doctors Recommend Bon-Opts for the Eyes PhysicieJis and eye specialists pre scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy in the treatment of eve troubles and to gtrenpthen eyesight. Sold under money refund guarantee by all druggists. VynilDISlF l01 and Morning". wyJlfilvC Have CUan. Healthy fc E?e if they Tire, itch, Ton rJtV ' Smart or Burn, if Sore, X rrC Irritated, Inflamed or YOUR Lit J Granulated, use Murine often. Soothes. Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists Write for Free Eye Book. Marin Ey e Raed Co CliicAc MULLER DCCORATINC. CO. 2644 Wjhlngton Ave. Wallpaper, Paperhanglng. Paints. Palntlno. Varnishes, Woodflnlshlng. 8tc Everything at lower cost. Now is the best time tor outside painting. Save the surface, and you s.ive all. Get our tree estimates. Good work Tianship and qu.ilit of materials arc the basis of our methods and have !een the builders ot our reputation, 'iatiif action guaranteed. G. A. MULLER. Mgr WORTH WEIGHT " IN PURE GOLD, SHE DECLARES Mrs. Proctor Values Tanlac Highly ; Gains Twenty five Pounds "A medicine that will do as much lor anyone 08 Teniae did ior me i? Kl worth lUi wt Ighi In gold said Mrs Hi Sydney Proctoi 524 Coilec;e street, St James, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. "Last winter." continued Mrs. Proe tor, I was 10 run dov.n and weak il H&l was el) I could do to get mound the , house by holding onto the chairs and furniture. I had no appetite and cvi-rv ; thins 1 iuanas''d tb eat seemed lo lift I in my stomach and sour, causing so 1 imi' n I and palpitation that Icould H I hardlj breathe. I had trrrible dizzy ( ' spells, and was so nervous the lensl H thij g upi i 1 me and I had ;i pain across Wk my back nil the time I had splitting headache, never knew what it was to 1 l-. t .. good ntfclu b rest and of morn ,in".s I L it simply dreadful. I was told imv condition was the after effects of 'tlu'. which I bad earlier in the winter. but 1 could find nothing to help mo at "Tanlai was bo highly recommend' I ed I resolved to try it and it certainly LLVflj 'proved its worth to me. I have gotten H3 'bade my lost rtrength and BOW do all LLB! my housework easily; I eat ravenous LLH ky, digest everything perfectly and LLHLI have earned about twenty-live pounds Ever: iroublea H; i gone and it is a pleasun to bav I ! this opporiunily to recommend Tan j Tanlac is sold in Ogden by A. R. Mclntyre Drue t o. Two busy stoers. i Advertisement Coids "'-m Break 1 Get instant relief with Tape's Cold Compound" Don't jy siull'.-d -up! Quit blowiiiK BWfc' and snuffling! A dose of "Tape's Cold HLHS (' .in Pmi ml" i a ken vcrx tv.o hours un- KH til ih roe doses are taken usuallv KH breaks up a cold and cuds all grippe ffSrl The very first dose opens your clog- ;ed-up aostrils ;mj the air passages ol ji out head: atops nose running, re- J . -leves the headache, dullness, feverish- ness, sneezing, soreness, stiffness. B ( ompound is the Hl e: i. sun Bt n lit I known and costs onlv i j, w cents m dru ntorcs. I a-ts Tastes ni,., ' Jon- nine, ini it mu Paj v- Hov to Make a Laxative Cough Syrup With Granulated Sugrr .nnd Men tho Laxene. First Dose Relieves 9K Make i i (ii) bl grirenulated H ojid ii t.'ilf lnt f luj.'llnir water. BH . ..ol aQfl I'Oiji Mitu a Loltk' or jar. Then ll add tn7 rontents of a bottfe bf Men H tho-uaxene Well, and t.i LaaaEH ,looiiliil to I times a rlny for h.-i,J or bent colds. oueho. hronchltla, whooping H Actually, the very first done will -.1 eaHfl yon tlie wonderful virtue in Men tho-Lax cn'e. It Is penetrating, healing, -Uiin laBH miiU curative to i -N-nt tba HBH nnythinK ever di.- Ouldiin lik. IibbbI it end adult-; Ii from .Main.- to HH ii. hnspttHi nan wh) nbould not you CnJo th.- HiBaa benefits of a rhrnp. home-made; renu-d Hal ir.-. from nareotle, sickening1 drags. HSSfl cause It's bwrt and cheapest. -.Ask your HaPEiSfl di-tigiMt for Mcnllio-Iixene and Insist on w"' I to pleas. . . tiu wki Blackburn Products Co.", Dayton. Ohio. H vdvertls (sSl- CASCARETS mm ibibbbbbbI "They Work while you Sleep" y Tackle your work tomorrow as hard bbbbbl9 : as a lour-pnund black bass hits the bMbbhD bait. Take Caacareta tonight to movo bbbbbbi the itagnanl bile, the poisons and bbbbbbbI waste from liver and bowels, absolute- Q ly ending sick headache, biliousness, Bj constipation, saUowneas, colds, upset tomach bad brea b No griping no j in um nleni Children J, reLs, too. 10, 50 cents. HH CHlGHSTtK S PILLS I.orflml All or Uruf tin It A 4( L- tl - ... l--', l.l.a.n ! IlritdAl scS i1'1" 'n lt'd ,"' '"'IJ XTr A VyJ Taka at ,lk.r Mot if tur ri - nf i'nB-ei- a . - in. irF-Trmn' I C diajiiim) i;nM I'll. i . i . aa V JO jrrtrski nuBttlKDW Ai.ior- i -rs orijogists vervwhfrf A Bad Cough If rwfircifd. often leads to irnous crruh Safrcutird your health, relieve your disrrert and soothe your irntated throat by lakiak df tP PESO'S K lBaBBBBBT-BBBBBBBBBS3iaBBBCBaBBBBaBBjB