OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 25, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-25/ed-1/seq-9/

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BM the ease with which a Dunlap soft hat will
HtjWB fit your head is no greater than the ease arwl
1I comfort with which you can make a selection. ,
f it is our purpose to serve all men with real
f4H interest as well as to supply a hat which will
tlir?S never give cause for complaint.
IH For all Departments, Call Phone
P So. 2150.
H YTnntiHl Pumpinks for canning
H purpose. Phone 1 lan Cunning
in Sail Ijiu. 0
1 of Twenty-fifth street in III at
H Ihf home of friends in Salt Lake.
H flatiffhlcr Born Mr. nml Mn,
Tfroiflaa Prcad are erejoidnff In the ar-l
(rival of .1 nine-pound baby K'rl. born
Saturday night Mr. Freed is eity
aleanian for the Ofden Whojekpla
I Drug company, llr? Freed waJ for
mer!) Mis..; Kulli Harbison.
Ogden Typewriter HOUM for typ
u 1 r md rHtinj Hudson ave
nue. Phone 23i
v a u in Afore -w Ullam P.
Mitchell, special ageni for the N'ew
I York Central lines. wa un Ogden
I vlelto,r today en route to ihe roast.
While in thin i bo conferred with
lo.jil railroad officials.
I Choke buiD.s for fall planilr.s
Grout's i;rin Store.
.! Bou in - Jo. u Ojt, Orpi,on Short
' IJn official ronni'i-fd with the Idaho
i - .11. 'V-J'ri visitor Sttur
Sunday ) "irpnrri last
: 1 he ivrTh
Phonr tOt for maoi
1 . p. phoiacrspbar Lawrence
Willis ma pho'oirrapher for th
i t, 1.. Paclfli system with hoadciuar-
- .1 'maha. .irned In Rden today
from the easJ Mr ha been t.klnR
iit of the arloun trctrh of
road of the I'nion Pacific leading
Into ' idn
MoTed to second floor tlMtl Kccle
bulldlnj Dr W H Petty. Dentist.
I"r.ilni- lrop III Price Harvey P.
"hnuHr, represent Inis the llont"
. Ward company of Chicaco.
.111 Osjdon visitor yeafrday Sfter
01 n 11 ront- lo Honolulu. Mr fftone-
nouee predicted that wirinx sppsrel
erould drop 3D per rent before Christ-
Cleun lai Re rags wanted at Tbe
I :fodard-Examiner office.
V" Floater j f. Doyle, arrested
on a chance of vagrancy, was (riven
I flo.itoi" When bo appeared before
Judge I. It. lloberfT this morning.
1 . if w.ii .irrsid for peddling mar
h. incline wlUlOUt a license but the
'IiiTS'- vn. if. I mod to one of vog
rnncy after the prisoner bad si ter in
tentions of ImmeBlatelj leaving town.
r.aii Forfeited- win Browning, 60
in old, of list jofforson avenue
h is arrested yesterday on a charge of
drunkenness He failed 10 appear bo
fore the city court and his bail,
amounting to . was declared for
feited. Pair iurnsted Jt M. Ifurreyhlll
..ml Jl 1? .1 M W rlumphrlss, were ar
rested at o'clock yesterday morning
.1 the Mjrion hotel on a hari?e of
disorderly conduct- Murnyhtll failod,
to appsar In court this morning and
hl.H ball, amounting to $100 w.i s le-
clared forfeited. Mis HumpbrieM p-,
pi ired before 'be court and entered I
plea 01 not guilt llor ease was set'
for trial Vov 11 and bet bail was fixed
ai fioo.
Jiff Sentence s. Cndcrwood,
sari old, salesman .ippe.,rod before
the city court this morning on as
' ban;.- of di iinkerm I ' ml' I wood
is irregteU on similar offense lastj
July, i ourt record showed. Taking
into consideration the fact that Pnder-j
wood had been arrested previously on,
similar charge, Judge o it- Roberts
iiupo-'d .1 sentence of $90 or 90 days.;
Ei aunton Stom Robbed 1 h I "f i
quantity of goods from a clothing1
store at Kvanston. was reported In s
di n by the sheriff at HSvanftton, accord-
The Colored Republican women of
Weber county, Ogden, Utah, met at:
the i "oiored Republican headquarters,
October It, 1020, and organized the'
.following officers Chairman, Mrs
I loll. i Uriin , v iv i lialrman Mrs I, inn
Tin nor; corresponding Secretary, Mrs.'
Florence M. Qash; rei ording secretary.
Mi- Mi Knighl lesturer, Mrc. Daisy
Brown; count? or?ani.-er. Mrs Winonie
i. '-wis. Ireasurer Uiss Floreld Mills :
rgsahi at arms. Mrs Rosa Jones. I
67S 1
Welling and Bamberger to Be
Speakers Here This
Brlgh.ini H Roberts, former ch.ip-
lulu of tin. 14 5th field rtlllery. Is to
seak ut the orpheum theatre this
erening. The esmpalgs orsjnntSatlon
has SXtsnded a special Invitation to
ex SsrVlce men :iml their fi Sends to
Isttsnd the meeting.
.Mr Roberta among other things
a in discuss the coveslanl of the league
'of nations from the standpoint of B
'membi of tho a. B i according to
I Martin I. Brown. Democratic chair
ni.ui. The program lor the mooting
tonight will Include orchestra music
and vocal solos bj Mrs. Agnes W.uii. i
land N'ephi BroWn. The meeting will
be culled to order at S o'clock.
Announcement wis received from
ths Democratic' tati coininitteo Dial
Milton H. Welling. I leinocrutic candi
date ior senator, and Qdvernoi simon
BambSrgCr would io sent to tins city
rhUrSdsy niht In response to i ro
Miiept front the !oal lommittee. Ar
rsngements are now being made ! I he
speakers bureau for meetings at which
i ho two prominent Democrats will be
the principal speakers.
It is also probuble. a. cording lo
Chairman Brown, thai C A Boyd, who
has been speaking throughout the
state, will be the principal speakei ai
a meeting in this rity next Saturd.,
Report Plane Falls;
No Trace Is Found
Following a report yesterda that
an airplane had fallen ai the foot of
trie, mountain between Taylor and
Waterfall canyons, members of the
Sheriff's department rushed to the
ns and spent an hour in futile
search for the wreckage of the plant
The report. whi h came by telephond
tHied that the pilot appeared to be
having trouble with bis engine and
suddenly wont out ol sight behind i no
hills It is thoughi that the airplane
dived o it of sight of the person who
made the report and then continued
on It:; Way to Salt lake It Is belioNed
to have DsOn a transcontinental mall
lug to word recei ed from the police
Station! Four satchels filled with silk
shirts, suits, overcouts and other arti
cles of apparel were taken. It is stated.
The value of the i li thing has not been
as certS ined.
Rifle Stolen Ioss of a rifle in n
canvas cajso was reported to the po
lico station by Frank afolnfyro, -169
Washington avenue, last night The
rifle was taken from the rear seat of
an automobile, parked in front if Hi
Bank Smokery.
i " ' ' "' -. " . - --'tT- -
fcBsjMTSsfvp sb yXH' ,
it as a beautifier
O OAP and water has a most important vitc trouble. The uny pores and minute
Rxplainm tKe moderate mission in preserving the beauty blonds which make up the surface of the
TTirQ nc finene5S the complexion. It re- slcin quickly become closed and lrri-
" moves the connn of dirt, perspiration tated. This cloink, this irritation,
' sfPalmolu xhouhl know why it can Bncl CIcesi 0 leretions which, with causes enlargement. This is the reason
' 2K"Mf at the pn'oe flher w- all traces of roue aW powder, must be o many skins are coarse. Then when
Simply because Palmalive i to popular that it washed away every day. the coarsened porrs fill with dirt, black
fon rs production in moT-mc-u .juantuy. The hesds rwsult Soon they inflame snd
Palmoliv factory woks day and nht. tn- Nefclect this daily cleansinA snd you in- disfiunrt blotches follow.
H f.--,i:s:" purhsd f. tenant i.- volume
Do your washing with lJalmolive
Hi T'almshve U sold by all dmltn and tupplisd
in urjc-rooTi sl. b America m ml popular Don't say soup doesn t afvree with your Why it can t irritate
h' !'Ls- vkin but ko Aet a ewke of Palmolive. Its o d i i n i i
. j i , . De-use Palmohve contains Palm and
pure, mild lather is so fcentle in it? action ri... -i. j j nm
, , iii t.'Iive oils discovered ,000 yeflrs no
that it soothes while it cleanses. , cx
-v in ancient r.ftypt
Sy your complexion is excessively dry, Cleopatra knew their value they
kJoM ipply Palmolive Cold Cream both be- served her both as ciesnser end cos-
yjjygv"ik fore and after wa.n in,4, This suophe metio rodsy their scienti h combuu-
"BtJ gfjV 'acin r&tural od and leps it soft lion in Palmolive Soap achieves the final
y SjMjK ant snioth toilet lurur'.
.-. ..
cms. n. MABEY
Republicans Prepare for Whirl
wind Finish to Campaign
in Weber
Wit! but eight days awa
ntenle preparations at-- being mi
Republican headquarters to carry
palg i wlhrlwlnd 1
b ! lies receptions meetings nd
I many othr aotleltlsg
' m ii. . miii ha ei one of j
'i busies! night-' of hia entire m-1
palgn this evening, when he mil ;d-.-i
audience ai Rlverdale -hor-iv
before oviork- nn.t then will m.-h
I to Hooper whTr i large rallj has
n arranged The Republican 1 1 -,
'i oi .i' for got ernor will n 0
den ihli ifternon He will be taken
tere will
M.ir.!i: w i ri h.i been srran 16
'"tM, ralllei irni l.irgo attendance!" tr ,
I r xpeoted.
County candidates will appeal h
rail b liuntsvllle tonight and will jive
lis -- arthui Woollej Is schi d-
lllfd to Cio an address 'onlcht
Pleasant view.
Pormei Senator Ooorgo Sutberlaud
to be the principal cnenkor i!
i lo - iged tomorrow nisht '.ni
the Orpheum theatre and one o the
largest eroa Is 1 1 ' tht mpalfm is ex
pected .. heai him Since 1 he op n
Harding on hit o md ha
i prominent pari In directing the Re
publican national j m pa .n i n
r,ci(lr-c- here he will outline the work I
i nd iccompllshments of the Reonb- I
j in an candidate - , . , t will also discuss I
j 'ho U-ague of rations covenant.
Don B. Coiion, Republican candidate
or congressman nir p--n,i final days
impaign In Weber ountj .. n i
I t-iii speak in "ci-.i ii tho final b -rallj
which will t held n xl gal urdaj
ilghl Adam J i :
peaker s 1 1 talk before 1 g -
i md i rlday night. Ml 1
ll known ll "n .' il-,'1 besl entertain
ers now . impalgning fot the Repub
can (.nm or and ready 'UB
have WO llhim H ilo reputation County 1 1
indldate i 1 be presented j ' 1 h o 1 1
I Priday night rally. I
IDAHO PALLef, Ida . Oct 25.
Mrs. Bll Campbell, aped ."S. of I
Minis, was struck und Icilled Knn- ll
bj a n .i ij I ompbll e I
dri 1 bj inknown parties The H
bod with neok broken was found l
. . thi i oadslde ihortly aftei P
she had left homo for church.
Lammers Ends Season
With Sousa's Band
'ilxriiin simmers, ORden bandin.iu.
who hat been playing the season with
SOusa - h,,nd iii the east, is expected
home 'hi- afternoon. According to a
telegram received by relatives here.
Mi ammers was taken 111 He as
ad Ised Sousa to go to a '.hicago ;
hospital hut Inasmuch as his playing
season was to continue only a fow
w eeks move. Mr. Lammers decided to I
return to Ogden.
Man Loses Pants and
Over $100 in Cash
in a.i .; ii io 'i to the i neon renlence -lultini
fruiii burglars stealing hi,
troUser from his room 1 2268 K
cies i venue and leaving the Lrouseri
in thi back yard of the residence Wil
liam Longcor was 'touched' bj the
burglars for $12K in cash and a cash- i
er'a check on thi bank ol Bui lej . 1
Ida., for 61 22 The burglars u-ft a
valuable a 1 ' b and i ha in In h" trou-
:sers pocket. j
Alleged Forger Held
in the County Jail
lake Hinckley. , barged with fors-,
. hei . In 1 igden last year, is
novr in the count fall awaiting trial
The ma ii v.s i i I r rented at "-
djr City after oiiuitnir officers for noar-
en i tin Me E 1 i n pre-
limlnarj hearing before Judge D R 1
Roberta in tbe city court and hound
over to the district ourt for trial.
Deaths and Funerals
PRYEK Mrs. Be.wie I'ryer. wife of j
David A. Pryrr. died at a local hos-
pilal la.-t nigh! ;it 6:10 o'clock after'
an Illness extending over five weeks
h- h "J lived in this cit) f"i 'tie p.i
ih vfn Pryei wo born In
Chit ago, i i tobi i i, l v.i i Surviving
i are her husband anrl orn son. Thi
I bodv is at the Lmdquist parlors. Pu
neral arrangements will be announced
j later
LKWI6. The ftineral of Amos P
LeWj v I - held at, ih- LindQUiSt chapel j
yesterday. Services were directed by
id Pellowa David Jensen was
the principal speaker Miss Elisabeth
SforSStll Sang, "Load Kindly Light."
ami 'Sometime Somewhere inter
ment was In the city cemetery.
BATCHELiOR. Th- funeral of Mars ;
'i r'in la Batch lot was held i lei
icon at the Ninth ward chapel. !
Services wore conducted bj Hishop W.
ii i ; id Bp ikeri wen x' Cha l
Woods and the bishop Mrs Mary Far- ,
ang ' the Children Come
Unto Me I d ird 8au ndi rs tang,
I ll Will Not Be Long." and Mrs
Loren Snydei "Christian's tJood ;
'ip.' The grave was dedicated bj
John Batohelor.
Easy Money for Xmas
Polish up ""' dancing and win one
nl the fonr roMh prises totalling 1100
to be sicn the besl foxtrot ilanccv al
tin 'mi ol ih -i necks' contest .it the , S
Berthana, whk'h begins Wednesday,!"
i October 27. ih
How the I
Tide Turns I
' The tide has swung to Cox and Roosevelt, "
confidently affirmed Chairman George White
of the Democratic National Committee, early
last week , but the swing apparently did not
begin in time to be reflected in The Literary
Digest 's poll of 600,000 voters in New York,
New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Cali
fornia, six doubtful and pivotal state A
glance at the final tabulations of this trial
vote shows Senator Harding still poQinf , I
more than three votes for every one thtvt
reaches us for Governor Cox, and increasing
his lead in each state as compared with last
week's tabulation These six states represent
140 electoral votes, or more than half the
number necessary to decide the election.
Harding Cox Candidates Vote
New York ... 21,144 4,482 1,888 27,514
New Jersey 22,644 4.G53 1,317 28,614
Ohio 17,915 6,224 1,058 25,197
Indiana 16,201 7,985 1,137 25,323
Illinois 17,891 3,682 1,596 23,169
California 16,759 4,770 1,891 23,420 I
Tote 112,554 31,7 8,887 153,237 I
There Are I
Many Reasons I
Woodrow Wilson's Article 10
The members of the league undertake to I
respect and preserve as against external ag- I
grssion the territorial integrity and existing I
political independence of all members of the
league. In case of any such aggression or in
' case of any threat or danger of such aggres
sion the council shall advise upon the means I
by which this obligation shall be fulfilled. I
They Know J
What Article I
10 Means I
They know the man who "kept us out of
war" in 1916, by that article has pledged the
United States to engage in any European war
when called Upon by the league.
That's Why Americans Are Voting for
Harding and "America First"
The Last Days to Register Oct. 26 and 27!
'Paul AdYwtuement)

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