I Sixteen Reasons Why You Should
Not Vote for Senator Smoot
1 His record shows that he has worked and voted for the prof
iteers who are giving him powerful support, and the forces of re
action and in the interests of monopoly and special privilege He
has constantly opposed the interests of more than 95 per cent of
the people of this state and of the United States and has placed
I partisan politics above the interests of his country and his stat
2 He upheld the Big 5 ' packers in charging meat prices
for paper and wrappings, the difference in cost to the public being
$5,400,000 per year (Con. record, July 23, 1919, page 3042) and
! backed these packers against the people until he and Senator Sher
man were known in Washington as the "Packed Twins. The
Wilson Packing Company (one of the Big 5) has rewarded him by
giving him its account in Utah and his son Harlow is now conduct
ing this company's business m this state,
j 3 He voted to seat Senator Lorimer after proof of fraud had
convinced an overwhelming majority of that gentleman's absolute
unfitness for a seat in the senate.
4. Though he is self heralded as a 'leader of leaders," he takes
no action to unseat Newberry who has been convicted of the gross
est of frauds by a jury of his own citizens, and sentenced to the
United States penitentiary. The Repubhcans controlled the senate
and packed the Foreign Relations Committee against the League
only by virtue of Newberry s vote
5. The Senator also voted for a continual control by Wall
I Street over the finances of the government and against the Fed
eral Reserve Act under reduced "bank failures from an average of
one every twenty-one days under Republican control for forty
years, down to where there was not one last year. He is reported
to have recently said that he voted for this bill, which statement is
totally talse See Con record, December, 1913. pages 1230 and
6, He has sought to destroy the Federal Farm Loan Banks by
taxing the bonds out oi the market, and has been a persistent
enemy of the Federal Farm Loan System both before and after its
7. He advocated a consumption tax upon all that the poor must
eat and wear in order that men of great wealth might be exempt
to that degree.
8. He opposed the war tax upon excess profits and on June 4,
1920, he opposed a resolution authorizing the Treasury Department
to disclose information showing excessive profits by corporation"
and twice, as the record shows, he broke his own solemn promise
before he would Let this resolution go to a vote. Former Seci etary
of the Treasury McAdoo says these records will show excess prof
its during the war as high as 1000 per cent.
9. He voted against the direct election of senators by popular
vote, and having voted thus to deprive the people of the privilege
of voting for him, is now asking their votes
10. He voted against the Armo'r plate Bill which sought to re
lieve the government from the extortionate demands of the steel
trusts in time of war. Only twenty-three of the ninety-six Sena
tori voted with him.
11. He voted for the dye bill which was designed to give the
Duponts a monopoly of the industry. One 'of the Duponts is a Re
publican National Committeeman and he is actively supporting
both Smoot and Harding.
12 He voted against every measure to permit the government
I to escape the clutches of the Dupont Powder Company. These bills
however passed and the price of powder was reduced over 50 per
cent. After the signing of the armistice, War Department engi
ncers recommended that the government nitrate plant at Muscle
I Shoals be operated by the government, the product to go into the ,
I manufacture of fertilizer for agricultural purposes, at the same
' time holding the plant ready for the manufacture of powder in j
case of war. This was opposed by the fertilizer trust because it
I would reduce the cost of fertilizer to the farmer, and was bitterly
opposed in the senate by Senator Smoct, notwithstanding the fact
that the government erected the plant at heavy cost during the
j war emergency, and that army engineers estimated it would cost
! the government $500,000 annually to police the plant if it remained
13. He voted against taxing or restricting large campaign con
tributions nnd cn the last day of the last session of -he Senate stood
against even the investigation of campaign contributions until he
I was severely rebuked b members of his own party.
14 Though he has been in the senate since the year in which
the reclamation law was framed, Utah the cradle of reclamation,
has received out $3,393,491 foe reclamation purposes, while Idaho
has had S17.697.440; Colorado. $9,7'58.709, Nevada, S8,374,4G1 , Ari-
I zona, $20,065,822
15. He has vihfied and Pandered the great stricken war presi
dent of our country and has loined the Senate cabal in the damn
able partisan conspiracy to discredit him at home and to belittle
I him abroad, and to defeat by vote the League of Nations, while
knowing that 80 per cent of the people of this state favored it. He
voted lor an infamous separate peace with Germany He is still
attempting to defeat the League by a campaign of insincerity, de
ception and abuoc He is supporting Senator Harding, one of the
Senate conspirators, lor President of the united States, knowing
that he has declared against the League of Nations and has turned
I his back on this plan for permanent peace and that he has no other
I 16. He and the Republican Congress of which he is a member
i passed the present Federal Tax and Revenue Law and are respon
i sible for it. They have refused and failed to revise this law and
have thus placed an unnecessary burden upon the people. He
knows that the revision of the taxes rests with the Republican Con
Kress He knows that the President as well as Secretary Glass and
J Secretary Houston have pleaded with this Republican Congress
i to revise these taxes and yet he deceives the people of his own
state by charging the president with the respom.ibihty for the
I I present" federal tax burdens.
The Bill has not produced a dol- during the eighteen years the Sen- League of Nations as submitted by' WHAT SMOOT CLAIMS:
laVukT oMnnT pi a I M Q lar for roads nor '-ducaiton m ator has been a Member of Con- the President, would not impair 13 H i
WHAT SM00T CLAIMb. Utah The only Federa m(meyjgrcss. Senator Smoot has labeled our constitutional rights and doc; 1 . 1
expert on government finance, unsur- that has been made available for the bill, but he did not father it. not set up any super-go vcranient, COMMENT
; ; :;;;;,- State Roads in this state is three and .the Association approved the Wnile this gallant fight in be- I
ieBiiauv ters, dingem hone i million dollars provided by a clamallon wvi' der L direc report. Taft, Boot, Hughes and half of Port v0XtgM was being
and conscientious l Democratic Administration. wnui tr ice uimw wie uj Republican Attorney-General W:c- waaed that nost "".duallv dwin-
M !" '"- !' h" "' ''ot a Democratic Secretary of kershani ?ho stated TSlSSSrS
which nan honored hln m,p Interior , , . . , uics uuuer .uepuum ju ruie nom i P,
WHAT SMOOT CLAIMS i Tll Semor Senator 13 not a taw- regimental post until it contained L,'
rOMMFNT' iaiuat MinnT pi aiiic Ter' but he takcs 13S" Wlth 0,llv a small fraction of a regi-
UUMMtWI. , WHAT SMOOT CLAIMS: American Bar Association Inment Then under a Democratic
A negro bystander listening to ,' x , ., reality the Senator is opposed to administration the post received
WTtnv Smoot delivering his fa- , "": shl''- ' !' ' of doHan . .. h I in .fown a League of Nations because it is favorable attention, and more has
Senator smoot- delivering nis la ... of Democratic origin. Borah nmde been done its behalf during-
mous memorial oration at Arhng- "" ppccIi dononncmo the Leurur in i i i ,ng FTl
., pnM,.rMT a opee. ii denouncing ine L.cdge in these last yeors than during the f
ton said to another negTO Who LUiVlIvltiM I . I to, and also said that he would twenty years preceding. ( '
am dat white man dafs expatiat- Tbc enlar?ed homcstead Act COMMENT: !10t v.,te, toiX lf "Jesl!s, Chn3t1 WHAT SM00T CLAIMS: J
m so loudly" The other negro Wi first drafted by Frank Mon . , e himself should anpear and demand ,, Th. fln;lI ... . .JB
! answered. "As don't know what dell, from Wyoming, and intro- As Cnairm.n of the Committee its ratificron Smoot publicly . , '--,
Z white mous name is but he ducod in the House in December J? V' he Scnf se'um commended the speech in the Sej ",; M
aat Anne man s name ia, dih ne become a lav Febru tne insertion in one of the general at- ,nd stated that it ought to bo the same with the underaundlng that MHR
sure do recommend hissclf most ig '1009 Smoot as a member appropriation bills of a provision zciv into every home in the Unit- y
hie-hly ' p,,w'in Tonri' PnmmfttP tDlt "o document or executive or- od States Thia is rhown on pa.oo LUMMtW I :
g 5 ftH!, with hi n2 could bo printed, or even mi- 3910 of the Congressional record Congressman Welling is in fact,
The Senator's recommendation labeled with hr name as u meogranhcdi ,)y Un Executive Ee- Feb-a-v 2 l. 101.0 The Senatoi entitled to the chief credit for the
-of himself was hi own the rest- Si "Il i 'n, PHdav Am partments or the President with stand on the League n -harae'e,. est bl; -.'anient md location of the
of his speech was Jasper T. Dar- 1lon,11 qip , r 1 y out the O K. of the Printing Com- istio of his whole political caree od Arsenal It world have f-
Inirr Peason No 1 shows that mittee. This would have made Every consideration of state or na- been gracions in the Senator to
" " ' ' ' "u:r,," ,.,.- .ot oi muc that Committee the censor of all lion ha: had to ?o down before a ?1Vc the Congressman credit for
the Senator still has the high opin- WHA I SMOOT CLAIMS: pnblications bv the President and arrow poUtical nartisanship He wme share in this good work Con-
; ion of himself His record herein- the Executive Departments, and alks fibmrt "a league." There is feTessman Smoot had no more to do
after set up shows that his inans-erftB of the clvU Wai. havc , Ilticen the President verv properly ve- losuchthinf His record and ev- aiding to secure an appropria-
try is mainly in serving ? few spe- fre of i., thoi ',' toe t'le Legislation. The Sena -w arrumont that he has mde. tlon fo:' the Ogden Arsenal than yKv -?S
Icial interests who are now trying ; 01 t0 huv tor did not therefore save "$1,200,- ire again-t 'trc le?gre.'' which is did Senator King. Beth Senators wMk:'x
to get control of the government ,. iheii 0C0 in paoei " cr any other now in exrtc-nc and has lire li ' 1 J0th Representatives from
for selfish purposes 1 .-ount nor' incidentally; did he averted two wars Let i bo dpne U:h consistently worked for the
titi li a t csnnm oi M'MC- a livl ' ' '' " become the autocrat of the Exccu- wi h this hypocrisy about "a Sdcn Aratnai, and all are enti-
WHAT SMOOT CLAIMS. , b tive Departmcnts M he desired lea te rf Hsrdin- elected the tied to credit for the result The
I : vi c '- Ieame i -eiccted He knows this "ffht on this matter was be
cm 1 .,,.,., ,T ortrrx 01 ft i r,i o . t1 ohol'l xiv o instead ni Ir. fore the appropriation Committee
Finn, and COMMENT: WHAT SMOOT CLAIMS: . ' ' V of the House ard th-s fisrht was
, ia in i n :. i Lbie po tioi to mg to kid if again by sophistry oi lJe nuu:L' ana lu'b 11Sut wa3
The Democratic Congress passed 8 i tab u honored with a National n.nd quibbling. successfully made by Mr. Welling
, . . ui i Parh by reason of the passage of the! land Mr Mavs
..M1-.1, , the most favorable pension legis.;g , . 01 SS.tVm.Xt ni iiic I H
COMMENT: latlon in the history of the conn- WHAT SMQ0T CLAIMS' vvHAl SMUOl CLAIMS: g:
iU a member of the puohc land.: try. That Congress also pa-1 t., r0MMENT: 11 ' ' '' ' .. g . S 't'K. L
comnuttee. fi, All the Member of the Utah . V .
oSlSLoS ! BLkhawk Indian War Delegatiou too, active part in sc i COMiKeNT: '
Ji av," l ..nt inrn Tllis measure first passet both curing the passage cf the Zio'- b nnMUPMT a u r .i o i K
other things he attempted to tuin . j xt. - , n.n . . UlvlvlLNI . All Members of the Senate and 7
n ?i r 1.- ;L ioiria nf house: ss the result of an rme.ui- ji:tioual Park Bill. Ine onl ax- , TT
53m eoS'b, ,hI Tt of-V,, bv Jo ; ,. .. ,c,,, r , A-inr, There h do bndget h SffSStSSi
. -d amkoi Utah on the 10th oay ol 1 ebru- curing the passage of n, T,r nr vt r-' nnt ,1-1.,., J , , 4 f
country to the Barber Asphalt " . . ' a0a Vr , tU- , '''o-1 nu was noi arav n tricts. but not all of them require
n . a v-n I'fi tiv, 191G It vent to the Senate through the hoii-e, and tins was hv Senator S-mnt riiA im u I- n .
Trust. Alter this bill was defeat- -T . ' " .. w w 55 , ', . l - onioox, nor ilia he that tnese young :aen shall act as
, I- as part cf the Indian War ren- accoraplisned through cllorts 01 chamnicn . ,inv mnrr than ,,nv T ,
c-d on its mcnts, it was inserted as . , t,j 1 " A nriiiv.n- '"1J-iJlt'a l" ,in otl nion; press agents to bolster up the
a rider in the Indian Apnropria- S10"s b,U aud .paSSfd ?at. ba? CSTessmen Mays alul WeUine other Se71rt0iS Senator King -oUSe at home
Uon BOT iit aaXvT on Pa,o without opposition, but dunn. tts There was no f b"' oi lhe 8ub"c As an Sample: A young man
1 7858 of the 64th Congress, 1st Ses- JlfJZ fV' u o supposed to be Directory
siou, even Republican Congress- " - ' " 0 'f -"1 h a- pu, scl DilJ Fbcu me wouse, as Clerk, and draws $2000 a year
man Mann stated that this amend- thc SfSfS.tWrf t eCaCd e a' wel1 M "veral budget bills intro- fr0m the government spends most
ment was so obnoxious that if it Congressm Hovoll is ctled where uced ill the Senate One of the 0f his time writing articles for sub
was retained he would vot0 to the crcdu of 0. . uiio- . Ujtter beenoffered by Senator sldlscd newsnapers in the interest
against the General Appropn -- Jf SStTmS WHAT SM00T CLAIMS: McCormick and another by Sena- of the Senator, claiming m his be-
tion Bill. Sm00t ftenrrdS' Ijint t. braided 0 th, n t, i tor The atte to claim half credit for everything in 1
sion. offered an amendment to ; J 'j, , . special credit for the Budget Bill &lght. Bl
auat ocnnnr pi slUC. Howell s measure m the senate, , , which was not enacted into law, is , rfl f opjinnT PI fllMQ.
WHAT SMOCT CLAiMS: wivch passed through the House , ....... ., 11 tion 01 thee: , , , f furtber rnm' WnAI bWIOUl ULAImo.
f a--i mntmn -Yi-irle hv "". departments will save the ov- uuu iui iiu mer comm. a,.. 1(, Btatemanhip cannot be taken Ka&--
8. Millions of dollars will come to ru a preicreniiai muuoTi rane ) (rnm nt ., ,0,m, billion each year. This law could, however, have on and .. t 111 oat li cornea only
'thf. state for public construction an-i Congressman Mays on the 3rd day been enacted bv the Renublicnn '' ' " " ' 1 '' u iBsBfe s
1 maintenance of public roads and for f 1017 Viv a rornrd vot" .-, J ... , , : ' Ihi trained rerular and the) alone mmxVLi'ly
suppori ol educational inBtttutions Marcn, 181, DJ ? rccora vji COMMENT: congress, if so much time had not . .. 1 im-
t in utrii in.' ni i,-:Ltne rt whn ti h- ol 06 o In jCen wasted in makin futih i- ' - '" Wa
Knacnt? Ahreadyov, , Congressman Howell expressed Pl?r.s for the reorganisation of veetigations of the conduct of the J S JTSK L
dred .ppii'"tioria have been submitted deep regret that he could not re- jie executive departments of the war, for political purposes This 11 ',l PaM 11 impo'rtfcht
,r'"msst'" ceivecr edit for even this fJij:jtawblBh wlte of the things which ' '
behalf oi his people, r.nrt statea . f during the eighteen yeas in the f experience
COMMENT: that the Senator as nnal had stol- by Senators and Congressmen for 8 ooCym not found tune COMMENT:
TT , f Po , en the credit from hi.i many years Secretary Lane ha? t d Governor Cox when h The Senator is Indeed a 1 trained
0,M SC? n As t0 th Sweet EiH SeUr,1r vote.consldf'?Dle thJuht t0 member introduced a budget bill regular1 His trainers are Sena-
l ?n L ft i r i l Smoot held this in his Committee this subject and has made favor Ret3ublican Congress which tor Pcnrcrc and Senator Lodge.
JSStC&A JBfj ? frm September 5, 1919. until aft able recommend: nons. During ami kin d - H 0r rej fa f Hl3 rcc0rd tl u
SSS??. i5S2S cr DtccinbeT- 1B- 1919' wbeil a ce toe w, debates botii in flie a Budget law and for a business of the former Senator, and a
the Public Land, Committee of tho meelmg 0f the Stale Commanders House and in the Senate, show ldniinf3tratiou ,-orse 0u tbe whoe tban f
House and Democratic Secretary of the wa8 heid in Wash- that the question of reorganizing thc ;lUer Th g fa K
ot the Interior Lane and first m- inglon lind they urged the passage Executive Departments has re- CLAIMS' Statesman. He is a politician
troducea on the Gth day of Do- of lbe Blll. it is not true that the- ceived earnest attention at the WHA I bMOU 1 MCLAI MS. Statesmanship does not consist
cember 1915 sbov.n by the rec- SeQat0I ..gkUlfuDy" or otherwise hands ot many Senators and Con- a . ;. . ; . J brass-band
ords of the 9th of January. 1917. .engineered' the Sweet Bill As gressmen. No measure has yet s saved the o acenrnnantmant Thr Z
V SCHEME' -ofonlttUs STM -W. H
SMOOTS?LDSEfAtTr SVsi rt, faWr M -he, which COMMENT: Pjjj.
SMOOT This bill was first intro- nMMM1i in its favor was dunner nearly eighteen years in e . . f, ' , . , ' ' ,
j j Go , r w, , - principal speecn in iw w uuiuig ""' Senator Smoot has not saved the those who serve special c?tsses for
duced in the Senate by Walsh Oi irja u-r? qnqtoi- S ramons a tho Senate Smoot has not accom- . , ,T . . ,f " oto iyJl
M . A iftn made oy aenaioi pimnwnB, . . 1 , government a dollar in rent. Dur- personal aggrandisement and dc-
record of J nuan- wi'l show Democratc from North Carolina. phshed nor even commenced. war governmcnt CQn. Jend uponXir financial support
Smoot's vote recorded against the WHAT SMOOT CLAIMS: WUT QMnnT pi AIM "meted hundreds-of thousands of and their control of newspapers
bill and the record oi March 1 WHAT SMUUI ULAIMb. square feet of floor space as tern- and other sources of publicity foi
1919, will show that SmoOt joined - i ' ' .. Porary buildings As these budd election. Senator Smoot belongs
in a filibuster with LaFollette to 1 , "B . werc . andoned on account to the lader class. That is why
delcat the conference report on ' of sfn?ces wa" "ie manaffer of Kthe Utah-Idaho
the measure. Public sentiment fi- employes and the closing ot war Sugar company bought control of
nallv forced its eusue and then!1 ' ' PfiMMFMT- offices and bureaus, the space was thc Salt Lake Tolegiam and is us-
nau ioi,ea its passage, and tnen UUMMbNI . . utilized by permanent agencies of mg it to elect Smoot Conirress
the Senator, as usual, took the . , . I pro , i V J . . . J 6 , 4 jg r" vuuress-
credit for the measure IT WAS ' ' wl ' ' It is stated that tbe Senator will the government whica had there- man Welling belongs to the former
NOT HIS BDLJ NOR HIS IDEA rnMMETMT- vote for a League of Nations "that tofore occupied rented buildings, class. He has been in the National
nd the Bill as finally passed did u,v,,v,tNI will not impau- America s consti- All the saving in rent therefore Congress for four years, and
not suhstantiaUj differ from There is no such law tutional rights " A Committee of was occasioned by moving perma- stands at the top with a record
those which he had previously op- The Smoot Rural Homes bill legal experts of the American Bar nent government establishments that is clean, fair and unimpeach
J poscd ' has not yet been enacted into law Association report that the into temporary war buildings. ' able
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