Crimson to T?ke on Sagehens
"II On Salt Lake
SALT LAKE, "t. While out-
I plu.vcd In I he California Rum Inst ffat-
urduy. I lic L'nivrrll of Utah grid men
n . . l i v .-II, n' nil'' on. .n word
ing 10 'oach Tommy PUspatrtck, who
! now pulling lf warrior through
Ithe mil! to meet the l.'nlvenrlty of Ne
vada team in Sail l.- next Siturday.
A fw bflllMi eOB0UtUted the exlfrtj
of the Injuries from the buttle with
the count team, hut every man will be
In tlp-iop hi;pe lo tackle the Kuge
hens. It l Mild.
Captain Uf Prouse. atelier end. who
uttered ..n Injury to his ribs In th'
Colorado fra. pluyed nearly the en
tlie game ugalntil California und'show
ed no 111 offer i from the hurt.
The Crimson rwirh in giving e?petla
attention to the Wall Silver
worked .it cantor yeaterday and looked
gcod. Ilui .r) HanooelC, regular pivot,
man, was unable lo attend practice,
ii. worked it u u i efonday. ifan
cock placd guard on the est high
team under Couch Henry Richardson,
and niav hold down a guard Job. How
ever, bl in i n . in needed lo fit
hii. i ii 11 (firird position. Kent ("Fat")
E n played "U"1! rloeey ball against
; . California thai hi will be a permanent
I 'b allege
net played b vera! yean at,
j thi V.- hlsh. He u e.ghs close to j
10 pounds and In fast and a hard;
1 fighter.
Mai sn .n Ern Kurd are both
fculng nood t tackles inn! mi chanaji
Is expected altcre. A rumor lb.it Swan
wan injured eeverely Saturday wan
groundless. The star tackle was not ;
BK knocked .ut once during the game.
wiiii Captain Prouoe bach in ehape, I
the ends of the llfl Mrlfl be well cured'
Marl Btevpnaon is going in tip-!
lop ehape, while Warren GUmer and i
Q. A. Prankc air- showing claaa, Gil -J
tnti ployed al tackle tool .md in
an emergency could be shifted to!
tackle and Stevenson placed on end
with practically no weakening of the'
Coach PltSPatrlch Is Satisfied with
the backfleld, and Is confident that.,
v. itli the line doing lis share, the back-1
i l l will hold Its own. Nell Smith and
UOet Stlefel went thrdgll the Call
fornlu main defense several times for
CHICAOOi 17. -Regulation I
nulls for men und women participating
in swimming Couteate under the aus- j
pices of the Amateur Athktlc union
arc required In one of the thirty-five '
amendments to the onsUtution to be
oted ut the annual convention at New1
Orleans. La., November 14-16. Objec-
tton to ill'- eCOntV nondescript suits of'
association. w hich proposed the
amendment. Copies of the amend-'
merits wore eenl to delegates today.
other proposed change to be con-.
eldered include ;i provblon for army
any riavy athlete- to compete in A. A. '
17. events provided thr amateur
etundlng has been --r , , upon by a
oervlce body similar to the A. a. u. I
rORK, O. t .7 That Wllbert
Roblnoon has signed a contract to
manage the Brooklyn National league
b i ill club for the m xt three years,
on virtually hi. own terms, was of-:
fuially announced today by President
Charles Ebbels. In addition, it was
elated (hat Robinson received a liand
NDtf bonus for winning the league
i hanipionship of 1920.
II Casey and Gilbert
To Meet at Murray
SM.T LAKE. Oct JT. Harry Casey
and Tat OUbeii will be the headllners
In tni MUlTOy Athletic club show
Thursda evening.
Casey is one of the best slugging
tuxcra in the western slates, and us
(lilhcrt can also swing with the best of
them, the fans are looking for a treat.
In the battle between this pair sev
eral weeks ago Gilbert got the decision.
COOOJ Is out to reverse the verdict,
r bill Pflster. who haa been coming
Pa to the front of late, will take on Em -f
melt Smith In ihe eeml-windup. .smith
i last and clever youngster of Mur-ra-Two
other boutg will complete the
pi ogrnm.
'II A JUAN A. Mex. James Coffroth.
Retting set to reopen the Tiajuan t
ri :e track on Thanksgiving day. Sev
rnteen states are to be entered
L.OS ANGELES. Oct. 27 Billy M
( .inn. lichtwelght of Cleveland, Ohio,
Hfl ipod Tommy u'Brlen of Eos Ang
H i hi tfi seconds, with a right to the
H jaw. In a scheduled four-round bout at
the Vernon Arena here.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 27 Pal Moore, of
h Memphis, and Joe Lynch, of New York.
kaLK fought eight rounds to a draw here
II ; iiixchi. uic.jrdiiitr to .1 biwupaper
BOSTON. Maas.. Oct. 2 7 Bob Mir
B tin. Inter-allied and A. E. P hcavv-
veffht champion, knocked oui l.'irrv
1 William of Brldgepoi t. Conn In th
1; flrol round 0 duled t . ri -1 . .11 n I
Rj m DER l
The Centre college eleven ! one of
I the best grid squads out this year
The wonder team wmch made Ken-j
tucky famous In 1919 for football as
I well as Its colonels and moonshine
tlll? is being figure, 1 from 'hat angle;
ihl fall.
I Coach Charles Moran Ion but three j
lof his 191 machine. About 9 1 1 he had.
to do was to blow the whistle and !
'move the team off down the ield'
! w here It had left off .1 year ago.
;m Harvard.' had been pra tlcall ;
all Centre had studied this fall. They
wore all the grass off the surface of
' Cheek Field getting re..dy for the!
Around big "Bo" atcMUUn, captain
'ar I veteran le.uherpai -a-r, tin ten in!
KtMck up Ilk fo niin;. bOttll i Kt
'his command the tn.u hlnc roll- down
the field like a war-row. mnk.
While afcalillln's ronitlng vna - on
jail stars. "Red ' Kohcrts. fullback and
J klcker-ln-chlef. and Jim.. . . 1
I the adamant center poaeesaes a few j
I more spangles than the others.
1 Roberta does practically all ihe pun-;
Ung and drop-kicking for Centre He
boots the ball far and nccurateH
'Red'' weighs 20J pounds now. 10
pounds more than last -i.un, which
makes him all the h.mi t.( h;();
The go.il-Kb king Job is '.eft to Wea I
ci- exclusively. The five he boote.j in!
the Thanksgiving gami rO 1 l hie 73ni
consecutive goal. Lacing the pigskin
between the goal posLs is a mere mat - j
ter of form to him.
Arms. rung ar.:l Coach Moran'.s son-'
Tom. along with Roberts, makes i
great running trio of backO Murphvj
e substitute buck, Is light but vcrv
The 190-pound guard, Robh and
Ford, arr both veterans. Two bis'
rangy Texins Mont rornery and James
are the first-string tacklers Snoddy '
und Chtnn at tho wing position.'- are
distinr;iishing themoolvea as forward
pass catchers.
Centre didn't uncork any trick stuff!
In the early games. Just straleht foot-j
ball has netted them J1 polhto In
three games without haviiii; tlnir goal,
line crossed
Hero woivh.p ot Lhe players his:
been about all Coach Moran hoe had!
to guard against. !!!; team of human1
battering-rams has been lavishly idol-j
lzcd by the good people of Danvtlle.- I
If hero worship could spoil ihem'
they'd be out of luck. Hut the htlBk)
southerner 'aren't tnui sort. The) re
the rough and readv wholesome lype
ot athletes.
PRAYING l l l I l v
It's true that they are the "pravin?
eleven" of football. TJiey held prayer
sessions In 1019 before big games, and1
they're doing It again. They pray to1
play their best, it geto the same re-,
i;anville!tes call Coach Moran "Un-i
ci Charlie" and refer affectionately to
the team as " ur Bays'
Getting a booking with Hirv.ird
wus the blggts' Ihing that ever hap
pened to the uni oK- hi. . liege.
Hshmg Schooner Uontest
Draws Old Tars to Haii
fax Harbor
HALIFAX N. S Oct. 27 A great
"Jur" began assembling here today
for the international fi?hing schoon
er race off Halifax harbor beginning
next Saturday.
It Is a critical assemblage self
appointed and unofficial, comprised
entirely of evperts weather beaten,
sun-browned old salt- from alone ihe
north Atlantic -oaboard. mosi of
tbem retired sea captains and tliev
expect a "real race."
"No 25 mile puif is going 10 call
this race off." declared one old kip
per who frankly admit tied he didn't
think much of America cup sloops
that had to postpone one of their
1. u es because of "a bit of a blow."
But these American and Canadian
fisher folks comprise only a small
pan of the visitors who daily are
pouring into Halifax by the hundred.
Many of the newcomers are sports
men or men cngagrd in the fishing
industry WhU emany more are jo t
plain Interested spectators.
Tomorrow la expected to witness
tryouts here by the American con
tender, the Esperanto, now beating
her way up the coast, and the DeMa
wanna making ready in home ship
Changes in the Dclawanna's keel
Wore furmallv approved b the sailinp
committee. A special committee re
1 ported as untrue allegations that a
false keel had been placed on her.
Yea, Verily, "Bo"
! j
'Bo V '
9 . . - '
HeroJe "Ro MoMfUin, who woe picked on the Vll-Amorlcan eleven last (
var ii 1 11 1 1- back at Ccblre tog - ploj hag nper-foothem.
lllllllllllllll I1111 I111!!!1111! I11111"1! 1,111 mm 1 11,11,11111 II I'PPj millll
llllllUiUllll Inn iiiihtlntl riuiiiiiil mi iiiiitiiiiilll liiiiiiiiii II lull Kyij llllllliliilllllii
The landlord stood outside the door
And shook an angrv fist;
He made some threatening remarks
uf which this is the gist:
"l do not want you in my house.
Get out. vamoose and flit;
Call lip a vjn .iiiil move right off
r 1 will gel a writ."
The tennant hollered through the
"Go V" and hoMd your peat 1
I'll stay right here all winter long.
Because I've got a lease."
Th- landlord got a wrecking crew.
Each armed with axe and pick.
And they got busy' on the house
And razed it. brick by brick.
Dismembered roof and falling walla,
The tennant put to rout.
Whereat the smiling landlord said:
"I got that fellow out! 1
. .
; EleVen major league bail clubs have
'subscribed to a plan eliminating the
! national baseball commission and sub
stituting for it a new body composed
of three Influential men not financially
interested In baseball.
v ...
The magnates representing these
eleven dubs are honestly sincere m
1 their belief that this will cure the
diseases of baseball and restore the
I game 10 its former health and confi
dence. ...
The p.an may accomplish this, hut
It is also likely to smarh the Ameri
can league and put Ran Johnson out
of baseball.
It is natural for the fans to wonder
; how the magnates eliminated their
According lo tho committee a new
shoe had been placed on her bottom
to replace one that was damaged.
While this shoe has the effect of in
creasing the vessel's depth, the com
mittee found that it was In no sense
a false keel.
A committee of three, representing
lhe two contenders and the sailing
Committee, has been namd to pass
I upon th sails which will be used by
I lhe ecompeting craft.
personal feelings when they sub
m nhed t.i this plan
Barney Droyfuse signed the com
pact. He was also In Chicago about
the time the grand Jury began its In
vestigation on personal business." He
did not go before the grand Jury, but
soon after he left town the so-called
ltsker plan' of 1 organization was
He probably was not forgett'gVg the
fact that the national commission took
! Slsler away from him and gave him
to St. .Louis when he signed the agree
ment which is intended to abolish the
. .
I Nor was Charles Comiskey unaware
when he signed that success of the
new agreement meant the retirement
' of his enemy, Ban Johnson.
And so forth and so on.
There Is a possibility that there is
too much axe-gTlndltjg In this effort
of the magnates to dean house.
Maybe some of them don't realize
that this is a crisis and that trw-y'd
better get together and actually clean
house and forget tlnir Internal trou
bles. ' ' '
In the anxiety of some of the Ameri
can league owners to get rid of Presi
dent Johnson, they may tear down the
whole structure. Perhaps Ihey prefer
to move the house rather than bounce
I the tenant, because it is easier to do
it that way.
. .
Perhaps the wrecking of the Ameri
can league and the discomfiture of
1 Big Ban will keep bad ball players
1 from throwing gajnea.
And perhaps they won't.
Guards to Gei Into
Hoop Game This Year
SALT LAKE. Oct. 27. Basketball
'These men promise to form the nu-
It's in His Toe
A '"Red" Hubert- dOOfl the dmp-klck-
t Jmg. inu ami punting for Coach Morono
? ' -1 f .; . , minnie team Mornn lia tuuglil Ihcrn
- rjffipg in plnv the uainc without thrills, but
QOAOF-f Arof? .JT rtongy.
New Athletic Club
To Meet h Salt Lake
SALT LAKE, Oct. 27 The newly
formed Utah Athletic association will
meet this evening in the public safety;
building gymnasium.
The purpose of this association is to
encourage and foster couvoptillonl
among the athletes of Utah, who are at
'present permitting their man) and v.i
'ried athletic abilities to He dormunt. At
lhe meellng this evening a team will
be chosen to represent (he orgunliotlon
on the basketball floor during t in
coming season. Twenty nun. all piom
Inent exponents of the hoop game,
have signified their intention of be
!ing on hand for the tryouts this ove
ming. Among these are orson Wright.
Iolo Spencer. Glen Smith. C.il Itawl
Ings, Elmer Deen. Pug Warner. Van
dal Peterson. Kink ClOWOOn, Bill Good
rich and others whose names will al-1
ways be connected with winning teams
I In athletic circles.
Charley Lange, a former boxer, who
I has the distinction of holding John L.I
.Sullivan to a draw, has been engaged ;
as boxing Instructor, and is preparing
ja team of prominent mitt sllngers for,
J battle in tho padded ring. The meet
ing Is open to all athletes.
Men are endowed by their Creator!
'with certain inalienable rights, all of
which they must fight for. Tacoma
I jg 1
clcus of a bang-up quintet The'
,guardsmcn have as good a floor as.
iiould be desired to practice on and
I with their long passes and good basket
'shooting ihey will be able to give many
(will be the center of athletic activity
among the Salt Lake national xuards
'men. They have abandoned the Idea
of a competitive football team for the;
I present season and are centering their,
'attention upon the development of bas
ketball material.
A troop has a bunch of llkel look
ing material in Sergeant Barrows. Pri
vate George James, formerly with the
j West high school, and Fred P.ereton-(
of the local quints a run for their,
No less activity is observed in C
(troop. The candid ilea are pructiefng.
;.it every opportunity. L'sber. Parry.'
I Nelson, McKcndrlck, Wurkontine and 1
'Allen are rated as possible candidates
for the team
I There Is an abundance of material
1 in the ranks of the militiamen With
a little practice they should be able to1
develop at least two formidable bos-1
Iketball teams. Plans are being made
for a tour through the southern p.irt
of the tate. I
Hoop Games Stirs i
Pocaieilo Interest
POCATELLO. Ida.. Oct 27, The
hoop game Is attracting Interest al
ready In Pocatello. The high school
boys are gutting into the game first
A temporary schedule is being work
ed out for the local lads, with Arco.
Moore. Aberdeen. Maekay. Shelley.
American Falls and Blackfoot.
Coach Gerald Gilbert Is usklng for
the material to report in a few days
and it appears that the town boys will
pnnke o good showing in the Intereohol
iatli tournament, which will be sched
uled at the Idaho Technical Institute
cany in March Last year the local
lads were the runnefe up and appear
ed in the semifinals with Aberdeen
winning the trophy.
Dern to Meet Lewis
In Twin Falls Match
I'WIN FALLS, Ida.. Oct. 27. Ira
Dern, middleweight wrestler or Salt
lke. will meet tiff Iewis of Twin
I die here November 8. Hern held
Mike Yokel to a draw last spring.
Lewis is u local favorite.
Former Salt Laker Strengthens
Case Against Crooked
CHICAGO. -Joe Gedeon.
St, louls American league second bane- H
man. and Arnold Kothfeteln of Nw
York Tuesday gave testimony before B
the cook eooiiiv grand lury InYeotl- 1
the a i i . I . I which the H
Ifttate'e attoraeya effioe afterword an- H
nounced had exonerated the two men : H
from complicity in the throwing of
gam. the Itlf- world series. Iut jH
, had materially strengthened the casee f
eglimat some of the men already in H
The jury Tuesday eompleted th tak- H
I ing of teotlmony In the Investigation H
which has la-ted more than a month . H
: nnd resulted In true bills being voted H
thirteen men on charge of H
onaplracy to do n illegal act. but H
I win hold 1 1 eeooloB rrldaj to finish up e B
elorlool work. The jury will vote no ' H
more true bills, according to state of-
Attornev Austrian declared that H
; Rotheteln, ho had been mentioned H
in some quarters as the man who H
Ifinonoed th.- bribing of White Sox pla - H
j ers. not only had not helped to "fix" H
i ihe series, hut had dom everything H
ould i" previ nt the fixing."
Mr Potlisteln has told me. as coun- H
sei for the white Box, everything he H
kliowe of the series fixing." said Ml.
nan. He nxli- V
lejted himself."
Rothstein. agld Austrian said that
"every newsboy In Now York knew H
the series was fixed." H
(.1 Dl i 'S i i STIMONT
Oedeoh told the jury of being tipped H
by a White Sox player that the series H
j was "fixed" and also told of being
i present at conference held l Abe At- H
I tell nnd others in e. Chicago hotel H H
I said he had accidentally wandered Into H
j one conference and vvliPti he found H
I what was the subject being d CUeSed.
he wenl Into thi s)throm, eo as aot to j
1 hoar what was being raid. Me de- H
! dined to toll the Jury the name of the 1
I player who tipped him off and the H
question w;n; not pressed, slate offl- H
i ill saving they "already knew." H
Sport" Sullivan, of Boston, and Ft H
Brown of New York, ngaihst whom the J
Jury has oted'true bills, were men- H
Honed by tii-decjn men he under-
stood were back of the bribing. Both H
I were named by il.iude Williams. White H
1 Box pitcher in his confession. Abe At- H
' tell, Hal Chase. Bill Burns and White
Sox players wore also named by the H
At tell and Chase. Gedeon told the H
Jury he believed, were h- instigators
of the game setting and his statement H
wus borne out by Rothstein H
The Mew Yorker said he was ap- H
preached hv a man on the series qucs- H
Hon buK told thl person to "get the H
hell out of here." and refused to take B
part in the deal. Tie refuser to name H
1 the m. in. I ater he was asked by news- H
paper men If "any one but Attoll had H
. approached him," and ho replied "No " H
j MILWAl'KEK. Oct. 27 Investlga- ;
I tion of the Lew Tendlci -Joe Welling ,
bonl at the National Athletic club here ;
Tueadaj was ordered by Chairman Tag-
.. W oneln Boslnc I
s:on. immediatelv after the fight. Tend
; led was awarded a newspaper deOlS
J ion. Pending the Inquiry the club w as
ordered not to pay the fighters,
l he only reason assigned by Chair
, man Liglnger for ordering an Invest!
; Katlon of the bout, which was a ten-
round-no-decislon affair. was the H
! fight was slow throughout. Welling.
! eept . iuiiy. wus continually cllnchinf H
I toward the end of Lhe third round. Tiu
referee cautioned the boxers to stop j
I clinching and fight.
:- : : : : : : ' : ! -:' ':' ':' v v v v v
J Many a Pretty Face
Spoiled by Pimples j
... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... j. ... ... j. .. .'. j..: . ji. .t. .-. - .: : : : : : : : : -v :- : -; : :
Uon't close your eyes to the warn
ing which nature gives, when unsightly
pimples appear on your face and other
ports of the body.
Not only are these pimples and
splotches disfiguring, but they lead to
serious skin diseases that spread and
cause the most discomforting irritation
and pain. Sometimes they foretell he
zema, bolls, blisters, scaly eruptions
and other annoyances thai burn like
flames of fire, and make you feel that
your skin Is ablaze
When these symptoms appear on anv
part of the body, take prompt steps to
rid the blood of these disorders. And
the one remedy which has no equal as
a blood cleanser Ls S s S . thi purejj I
vegetable blood medicine. wMch ba , .
been on the market for more than fifty
years. It is sold by druggists ever)
If you are afflicted with this form
el -kin disease do not expect to be 1 H
cured by lotions, ointments, salves ami
(Other local remedies, as they can not
possibly reach the source of the trou .
I ble, which is in the blood. Begin tak . H
Ini S 8 S today, and write a com H
plots history of our case to our chief
medical adviser who will give you spe-
cial instructions. without cturge
Write at once to Medical Director. 821
Swift Laboratory. Atlanta. Ga.
DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Kasper Has Another Think Coming. BY ALLMAN
j I
---msEKKL 1 Maa8will, , , mmk
HI RB BJs-irTT j Baar ' . ii www ' w L l tmL- W! ri-i .' -i