itfA P For sale
KAi several hertriln fa-m. a rv
some that the owner t take In
H PTOpiMly m part pmnl. and carry bar I
H Ko) Grtffln 137 j Yt'ti
mmmM nw n S ', ' - jj
H 114 Twenty fourth St Ilionr 210 2a
fsim :nd within fon
H cden i.n r-avwl roe.
B a ree and rood fir
h room brick houM will
liMfni n(. ham and outbuild
H On the bu
B iavt ror tii.&oo. Pari
B A'ftrS Farm. n- 'r room houae.
cod oulhulldlnre. -'oa U
par ad Mshwi) In
f acrk. or r- lanti landi editable
H hara of Da via nd W
It stork, rood
erven room hm huc. ?ood
atahlr IMIMfy. flo-vlr
H wrii for 111.) T'rmi
H - cheep Thin
H'i r u . " .
m Raal InnimnT
M OffOT (WO ip-lo thr minute
des'en honi s httmrtte
H and term, nrr situated In
B r'id'-nl iil section. r- "inplelad
HBBBBBm and rtj fo occupancy, Will th
fire room for t45"n the en of
rtrnn for ISrVOn. These ra positive bar
Hr cin and tinu arc liberal
HsaHBaV BtrirtJ r,,..dein 0 TOOTH horre In south
RSSVhi port or town. Just orr Washington arc
NI.e lot and (pirng.-. Prh $'0o.
H Term rrn bo rtr,R. d
Fl c roe-rn mod-m I hirnare
W ih ru-ni'iir ror I47S4) Of
rill handle Un
I " 1 1
1 Vh-mbra Theater I N"xt I"- I
iSMaHC modern fr
Pini 1
H ing porrhr-a; rood location 1'hnne tS7rt.
1 Twenty fourth St. Phone MO-IM
H JlT'.o Three room frnm'-. modern CXCOpt
bath Iot feet. lax ated at
1 Five Point
H I28S0 Four room modern hunrralow. b- at
of hath flxturea. nlr-e litrce rooms.
H kitchen rablnet. orient hna'inent.
iil ken coojm nice lot. lotntej tloso
Hh In on bench. Term.
i -n I i r. . ' i. .if n I
HHHHH1 Ti"- I In rood eon ill Ion
HHHHH Mnd located rloae to BCnOOl un tM S
HHHHj $5'.00 Six room modern brli l 90 "' t hmt.
HHHHH eeinnl
H porche. garure. yr.iti.-d on lert' h In
Jt.'oo Six room modoni hrlrk.
H i:lo In on
J paid. Thla plaee bj
H arartm'nta. caraT Th'n
HHHHH pieee of property I lt
BroHHl rOftlSI f'-et ; rtn lv hjindil on laf)
HHHHH SITSfi Five room mOfjcrn hrlrk PUtlKt
low, rood aa nim wood
BJ throufrhont. collonade flra-plaea;
Hj hardwood tl f oi wxtr heat.
H ment hnacmanf ould not duplicate'
thla place for t'' T'-rnia.
We are alao rot n w
H alx room modern briak Inmralowe, Ibflud
HHHHl ni: iieat and cement drtrewnya, loc.itcd
HHHHb on bench. Ton will have lo
H three of tlwae lieantlfxl bunjjnlowa Mt,
Brol Price from Jr.?;,'. in S term."
thk c,i'ai:n n moht ;a';i: x.
H 41( Tcnt fourth S I'lmnwi
' I i nrfiTn Im- on
One aaren room brick, uaao.
H four room houaa. $2 1 OA.
Ik ' 'I"
HmBH OfM three room. )ua( built, onls 1S0
H i rm
B Thlrty-flft
Kg fr.m f'n
H ittable. coo'. tot 41x130. water rlcht, ,
BBI cloae In, 'railroad aecfon. $50 cnah.
i ' iRD
Phiine 2Zm J or
B on bench; large lot. Phone 24C7 M.
Rfl nv ski:t:n r.r mt '
HBH larr t.r.. k I" in on Twe vs'xth
H atreet; pavement; re Jltf0
BmH nr room br! w on Twenty sixth atreet;
1 paement. Price 54-50.
H New five room modem Iioiim on bench:
vacant. $4250: $7no iaj-h. balance SG
B month
H New four room moJern hOUM on h)ich:
fMrallt, $38(K). VHn cfth. balanc $35 a ;
BBV Four toom house in south part or
BBrM Three room house irlth force lol on 1
BB bench.
H Twelve aire eloae in with four room ;
BBh houae and roo.1 him 00(H).
m for cit
- rt...;,. ' ' : ni y: t7'-4 i
dfltm Follow inr propertlei mui be " Id, nnri 1
H we wont tikis on one or a'l. Term can
H Ivi hrd on part of purchanr prjea I
Bj Hliht iirrra fxcellrnt land al Thirty
BjllllB . lehtli ind Orant ;lx room houae. never- II
Bi 1 .i chicken houaea, 'i".t- n nice orehani, J
V rood new pnrnne and coal houae. Alan.
1 1 P eeveral lmprod nnd unimproved farina,
H i-tock in ecr.l pood mon mnklnc com
H panic, arvernl rMCUrod notca tlrawlDr S
H per cont The nliove property must be
aold Call at III EScckM I'Viildlnff for any
BjllB part or all. Will aell an) pine of prot
H art at a very heap price. Come at
BlB 1 1 1 E A'AIjKER CO
S.'Fii 2
, " ri I ; r.'Oiil n.f. ! t ti li.irr. ' : r.. Cn "I
BjlllB "'entlnl location. Tirm. Knirrn
Prog Co ' :
i . ( . j rtcn Lhrci i horoea I
H Another it Jtl'te i rlore in. Your ot.n
InSU Orajil iM'nu' ioPC
OOD ret oom o n 1
B well located, cloav In on Twenty alxth
B wah pood lot. Only fJOOti. Term
H Four room frame houae. close In on
HH l.mcoln avenue, paved atreet. lot 40 ft et
wide JU1). HOO cauih. Unlin..'. same
aa paying root.
H Four room house In rood rhape, with
H one acre of good land with water right;
Ideal place for garden and n home, fjsrm.
I buy l.lbert. bond.
H A good aeven room home well locate.1
B in the railroad district, cloae in. larg
BV. lot. only :Mn0. Tenna to Kult.
n elrant aeven room brick hounc
, v..-i IfMted on the cloae in. all
1 modem except heat. Onl RMO, 7500
H iaah. balance same a poping rent.
H A good eirht room home within two
block ot the union depot with larpr lot.
H a groat revenue producer. Term if de-
H 417 lludaoo Avenue Phone S
HHHI Alao aomc vacant lota.
M T. dvphonn 42a 502 Ecclca UlUg.
ion ..
' I 1 i..'ti.- I v M
lV0 homi .... 1 1 1 .. o. "i" i roubh
H lircaacd brick i-ottare. modern except j
fpH heat. MSI Monroe acnuc l'bonc 1204
I j FOR SALE Real Eitate
J Continued
E 17 acre A 1 orchard, ronalatlna of ap
5 pleo, wch". BpvtoatO, thrnlrn. All
troaa rod begjrlng are; In Yxi eondl
' tlon to bear next year. 50ed. la abo
'1 lulely a baryaln lor thla KXOlleill or
chrd. Will trxchangc for good Odrn
. iv proporti .
I lx rera at Rtverdalc. Bxeollant loee
on atate htrhwa) . 'PVntj of water.
e ihia place at once $5K-. Term.
I iri op atala hishwap; rood aandv
, o.l IfV) fruit troaa. OOd tartng or
Water right rala and Wetr canal. Ma
, ehlnerv- and Implement. Modern alx room
I hiiruralnw In flrat c'.nm ' condition attme
tlve m'erlnr fimh Good out huildlnra.
ff vou want a beautiful home and a good
farm In an excellent location on atate
I highway aee ua about thla place
Upatalra Commercial National Rank
rooni rrama hon.-e e,r. T enty txth
Btree' . Ine n . t 1:7'. 11000 down
Ilnlaner S3j month.
Six room modem on benrh. Pnce IS70t.
1 x room modern brick bunralow on
South U'nhinrion avenoa Full taae
mml electric fixture. bMnd. rua range.
Ilnolvum, attractive Interior Dnuhr. street
pavbxK 44a wall all i naaaiuanta paid in
full Price KSon Will aell furniture at
Phone il 475
FIAT7 roc.m houae. modern exeept heat
:mo. Trm lo cult. 431 Twanty fourth
troet. S K. Hlnkle?. $71
Iitt-!: room modern house. Call evenlnra
1 jorjl 1292. K874
mOERER A POWLE8 Katuf LoaOJ Tnaurance
240S ffudaon AVCJIU4 Phone ''17
-Buv t'iKxi four room house, with
tot 3Sxir." foal home nd wort;
fhop I-lve bearing Irult treca. Lo
in ted rloae In on ("Jrant avrrne.
Tliln houe ir completely fumlehed
r Ith ver rood fu-nlture includlns
an $100 player plnno. sewing ma
chine, ed Term
Jll.jiX) Buya well -atah:iahed grcK-ery
bullien.. tocether With new white
preaaed brick atore building and
.even r-oom modern brick house.
ood bam nnd chlckm run. Lot
10x132. Till houae alone la worth
J-UiVi nrwl the atore building 1 one
or the bat on the bench Terms
;05 Hudaon Avenue l'hoi.e 017
... i
REAL estate hnndj'd on short notice.
Prompt attention given to oil home aaek
r ra. Call and aee our list. J. H. Eppcr
on. 4u Tent -six'.h it tea I l'hon- irs7
i iw.m'.k mx rooioH fTricny mcwiern.
new home without dOUbl tin. heat buy In
'own. mujt Im- told .it on- Phone 144o
f- fl'Klil modern home, furn.'ii e, ir-.,ro( .
Call after 4 p ni. 14C Twcnt MVrnth
Bl . SS0 1
i am moi e ti. t A bj bniit i fore
ii iterial nnd l.ilHr doubled in value, f;
room modem ftnrne. good alzed lot. rlote
to atreel car and paved atreet; Immediate
ptirtc.don: leaaouahle tcruia E. I4' Rrr-tr.
4 1 7 l I.-.-. ;,ti!ldink- ' '. . x
OWNERr Two new S toom modem hung
Blown. InQutra -oij Mo:iioe aw Phone
M C7S(i
'. POK'i'Elt. i . .. i i state ind Loans
I17C Wnih'rrton -nue rnono 1S7
SIX room hou' . b.irn ind ctirag-. Iirir
.lot 1915 Orant 273
PLEA8ANT front lltMpIng room for gen
Uentan. 4S. Twan ty-f ou rtn Itroet, 68si
THREE furnished room up utalrs Phone
218 J. r.,:
COMFORT ABLE roomi ro7 aentlamoni
D? l.r mpnthly. Good home cooking. 0t3
Twenty-third atreet. SN61
ROOlfB; noi housekeeping.'' MO Twenty
third. SS5
HOCSF.KKFPINil (irrommodaUons lor
man and wife 25'2 Orchard avenue.
BLEEPING rtoin for aenllaman oni ; ,
at enm heat in.; batli MOO Adams. 6832'
ftlRNIS! ED room f uli:itn ror one or '
two u'. .M i . . .Ii Mer.-on. 6S33
Two finoii fumiahed housekeeping;
room. 4!j Twahty-aecond atreet.
Fl'RKISHEP roon.- TT7J pentlemen
Twentj iirhtb sire, t 67?7
NICE front room for one or two H
': n. .".( Adnrna Kyt 67i
ATTRACT TV i f... i-r
Mernea 7'J!' Twinl loi,r.h atrvcl iTIT
ILEEPI V' J rjoun nnd Ixi.-ud ti70 T e .
t e- ond. f 7 t 'i
NMT runn;. room lor one or two pintle,
rnrn 160 Twantjr-thlrt! -treet Phone
SLEEPING room end two unfurnished
houaekeepinc rooms: bath. 2148 JOffor
son, i ii 8720
STRM'TLY .ol'in h-' pliiK :ir,.n
or two i.--nternen 92S ("irant Phone
I .1 r,7n.)
pi RN i 1 1 1 : , r inc. room 4ri5 Twentj
third. r;;77
wacTISd "j
Female Help
' URL about 15 m-.'iis old to r.aint In
llgtit housoworu lifter achool and Satur
day. Phone 140 P.. r-70
N experienced girl or onian for gen
rul houacwotk. Phone 890. 680
I IRL I I ? J.I iN..r..,,.""l,.i -lor I rSj
OOOD girl 'or houaaworh Bme i in
lly. 107 Twentv fifth atreet Phone 952
I 07M
i i,, - , . . ,
Bhoo StOr. 6671
GIRL fei general ho i c n "rk 2 ro T: l i
Mjj i
fn S 'f l: Q UD Ri 5 i ..I.-: 6F78
COOK, Appl;. in pereon al Martha ur
ser. North WavhlnKton u venue, at elty
61 j
' : v !'FI .f '.'"r-"I l M w -ni- rirli" wuntcd
. iu'i Gown shop rood w.e S3S
Male Heto
aaaaia . -n n aiaaa a a -, - - -
ROY wanted, Orecna'cll's Confectionery,
v' I
rwo men Lo hpul b eta tor aboul thn
i weeks and do team work on farm duriru;
, winter months. Come prepared to work.
H If, Anderion Llwood, Utah. Three
mile aouth of Trnionton f".v;fi
BELL Iov wanted from 7 IL m to 3 r
i i. Ilcaly Hotel. CS3.i
f'i-'.TKR: good yui;e; steady work, j
Qraenwalj a Confoctjonory. i "ji
CARPENTER h peei i t . t . -. r ni
ed. C, P. Dlnsmorc at Co . 215 Bociea
' r
' - I I (- -1- '. en with :-
,and dump wagons; long Job. Bee Pit lei
I lug Pros, at Twent) seventh etroel r..l
PaeiMe avenue 6TM
WKI.I. dgT Fh .n. IL CTM I
CAR PENTERS, laborers, cement flnlah !
era wanted for .lob lasting two month?. I
Stady work wltli Sunday work optional,!
i Appl C. F. Dinsmore A Co . 21.S Kccle
Bulldloa;. fi..o6 ,
BOY or ptrl with 1 foi Stands rd i ix
rmilner route on Hn" die. road. Sec clr
;cuIatloo manager. S...!.dmrd-Exajntner.
BOI wui hoi . foi Standard-Examiner
route In Tn;or. seal circulation mann
get Standard-Examiner
M l . N i im'.i id ... ' i ,. i j x 1 .Ion Co 1 1 ;
i'o TleH nr t and V f.h Ingtoti. iiii
HO YS at Western Union. Good wag. i
Sua IB hen w Cnted
We hive op nines for u larpe numtx r
of expcrlencnd station men, lboter also,
wun'.cd. Phone to Inter tale 8urar Co
M B, or meet our trucks in front of
llii nileri:er depot at 7:3i a. m. each morn
lng Interstate Sugar Co. Hooper. Ftnh
pun auloa, Ignition, ' M. C
Auto School. Lob iUigclta. 5&?l
; Miscellaneous
BRPROOM stove 81 S: crib. 83: wash
tn1. Z: bookcase. l. k3? Twenty slxh,
T1IKIX room of houfchold rumiture fo
eale rhrny leaving town. P.ear tr.;
- 7
U.MOgT new elf-ctrlc fuhi r. Phone
; A - - .-. . T 'tiii
- 4840
: T TTi TTTT i TT- sv! TT
I : . . Mad i son.
ONE akin mir.w ne. i piece goc-t qui
No Corey Apartments 48l
IROH n-.-n c 'nnre an 1 couch (or sale.
Ffconc J2i0 547 Twantv slxtli airoet.
, , , fron,
'worms. 7&c bushel while Ihev laat. Olh
ar varieties. mile wexi v mile south
of arsenal Corge Btpcd. flinton. Ft.lh.
' l"A rxtmcied hoc - for - . r. i :fw- per
pound or 11160 In '9 pound cans, whlla !
I lasts Addrenj .rpc T. Pierce. R. F.
D. 6. Box Ml. Marriott: also Geo. O.
Patchelor. 2940 Stephen nv- nue 5
K I'"' I ' ' :. . h.- i - ', wr al
moat new, bargain. Phone C714 R. Ad
itri"" I'lmnl S812
to'i T' INS hN R ' 11-ione : V.
I ;: p I i n : - grapl M rw
orda, fiS? Twinl. aecond St reel C7.'.
tLL kind of houaahotd furntture for brIc.
'all 48-R-U 4780 '
8A1 ' f t 'rd of household gc-c.i
on ea terms Phone I $41 R "65
CHICKENS i Phone l55
I on . .1 ?71S
r'lVi: hy Hinil Ionian drive-. fine un
der saddir, 5 years old. S00 pounds: com
tdriitlon heitcr rind cook slovi lon h I
and pr nr.'. PI. one 1773-R. 6786 j
FrTcticTlli NEW
1.0 thrKr pkn. T icker set for I 75
$3.10 mahognr.x b. droom set. ... $2.V
t.'AO ivor' r-drooni a'.-t ailS0
I?I0 comblnntlon gas nnd coal nuige $150
fall .11 ifi V 6734 !
1ILAP, household furniture, spray pump
and barrel ; carpenter tool.s Phone if72
' i . i r i7' ' Foi u houai foi rent n
i: I t her Mil Monroe 6715
COMPLETE at lav books rati n oi
urnes; good as new; with full reading
(; cheap. Phone 1S00. 6710
'i anitnrv
ouch, wash stand. Phone 0128 M, 8406 1
P70 1
anAAlaoi guaruntecu singers. ssaw
Linioln. 663:;
1 1 1 i . i i died for
aulta Two padr of panta with r:tch suit,
5cot : Wool Mill &
Harli Dai . on motor i le w ith
Ida t T.74 Twenty fourth street,
7t .d pi i. - ' I. it. i
i irm Or-hnrd I' I C t 6C82
WINTER nr-p'oa, free fiom worms :ind
bruise". Wlne.iapa $1 and up. 600
If tli tree! 6-"v:i
' i- . '7 .Vi per ton Phone 0
W M 1 1
FRANKLIN lOUrlnp cir. prnctictillN new
: Inoulre II M. Mrirk 2HC? WftslilnBton
avenui Phone 1106 -
iVE PAT hlgh h prici for all used
household furniture. NewmBn'a Sei ond
Hind '.-loie. MM Washington avenue
PI n Ml fi45 i
;r"s Ti I: . h.M. Kf-rdalr- Fh..n.
1 63ri5
i RGK weii colored Jonathans Ii. hirh
erode Wlnesupa $2 60. big red and striped
j Phone : : 'V. S681
f"'.' famil .i .io. Phone 1427. 5071
UNCALLED tor aulls. Lador ruaaa. bla
reduction. Qordoa'a. ux-M T.wuoty-ftf n
Bl Phone 41? XI 17
I Miscellaneous
I.AttCR clean rugs waoted r.t Standi- I'ner pf-cr- 479
r WAjffED j
To Buv
II'OIIU.ST prices p.ild for second hand
gooda. Siowe. lo.u Wiiyhington. 6S66
FFKT lop ui-t.i.i foi i.iltle pind
ior sale Call L2S0-W nlghta. CX44 .
VTETJ to buy at once, h carload of
horpea and mures, good age, fat and clear
O' bl mlshes and broke. Call for Wrbh
n ed iard tr,;7
i.iiijIi pin. . ;..ud ;u nnn's old lothea. I
259 Twent) fifth street Send postal
2 1
HI ' : .mM e. .- ! I,. . ;. ' o , - Will call ,
at .niiir vord Oils Jensen. 3-121 Washing
ton avenue Phone 2Son. 6ifiii i
I buy llb.-rty bonds at highest price. If
you have bond for saic. so me. J. J,
Bruniroltt, 3411 Hudson avenue. Phone 51 I
LARGE clean ragi cvanted ut the stand
i rd Fx unin' i on.-,- t3S0
To Rent
TWO or three room furnlahed modern
apartment. Couple with no children, fa'l
14M ii 6S76
NP'FI.'i furni.hiil hou.'ek-cpl lng rooms
or three room api-rtmcnt 'lose In Phon-
. i. . II..'.: i..-,
THREE or tour room house. Call 44 J 1
SMALL rumlshed modern epartmant by
.out.le. no :dldren. Phone L'34S I 6745
LT ONCE, nicel) furniahed two or three
room npurimcnt. Call Ha Kirk. 1550-M.
Lincoln i
W NTE1 to borrow 82000 on good aeeur
1 1 Boa I, cart St.mduid Kxamlwer
I2IOIIT acrc o( ground, gooij five room
liouac. barn and chicken coops; partly In
fruit and nil tillable, for city propert
Pox H care Standard-Examiner. 6882
FO R acres land; new four room modem
bungalow, garage 7S9 SevenU street
Phono 244VW 61JJ
DATTON hlcycle Reward. Phone 1152
STRING oi pearls between Twentyfifth
and Monroe and Walkover Uoot Shop. Re
ward Phone :r'7S U. 6845
SMALL brown Bhetland pony. White in'
moon on forehead. Notify Circulation
Manager. Standaid Fxam.ner. 675C
8x12 rus : n Tt nth itreei an.. ....
Mad lion. Reward. Phone Washington
i TO llcenae plate No :u?t u ,-hrii to
tail light, llelurn to Slando rd Examiner
Reward. 6S5
I "1
UT( '"-I' I ilk i I 17 .nd ' Ml Bui
James 6846 i
Wi: take your old rrxnge aj first pajftMBt
on in) new or will buy your old
ranee ontilcht Horn Furnltura Oa 447J
j! Board and Room
ROOMFRS. table board. 2210 Jefferson I
I '' " 'M I ! .J w ' ; - I,.,
two juuntf men. Box B, F. II.. t t
Stnndard -Examiner. 6718
Rt " i i . r,i r Preferably
school Phone 248S. 66?2j
j FOR SALE Autos J
ONI Pbrd touring lodv. new top. Ml)
Hudson avenue. r.. -
H U I - - - ' v .
Bulek 4 touring
I role I 4n touring
S ir- I alx touring.
Plge Mo-n pa vaenger
Studebaker sevm pasenger.
''ash. trade or term
2146 .'& Hudson Vvenue tt i:
1117 Mo,W x M ipmoblte Roadster
151 t'halmers TouHng
1917 Podge Roadster
114 Kord Touring
11 Chevrolet 1 ton Truck
HI J NaMi 2 ton Truck
1J20 Oldamobiie s ton Truck
i .VII In flrat claaa meehanical condition
pacipic nash motor co.
:2f'i g aahington 774
F.xpreas body. l&:r. chasala with cap
and sills. 1147$ Guaranteed to be new.
W ill sell for cash or terms
7".C Waahlngton Avenue Phone 7',
PAIGF. tourlnr car. rod s new. Caah
C"- termM linrlois Phone 776. 4740
Orerland 4 T 1575
Ruick 4 T . $J60
Studebaker 4 T 1425
"verlsnd roadater $475
Overland chummy $624
Ruick 4 roadster $C00
Overland 6 T. $550
t: ior ..i..- nnj 673S
POUR rn."np - Hup 3? model, for sale
he 9ii TWI second r-treet 6675
ItM f'hsndli r lour pOOOanger roadster.
used only five months: excellent condition
Cash or terms. Party leaving town Box
N K.. ear.. SLindard Examiner 664?
FOR BALE At u barpaln hcht alx
E paaaengar touslng car In fine condition: !
i Irei tiew tep. now paint (.'all phone ,
jtbT '.ile. or will tntde for light trurk, I
I vllndr 7 paaaenrer tourlnr car.
atnndartl make, cood condition. A p rfl t
family car. Make me an offer. Phono 331.
We have a llmlterl number of good uaod
cars of standard makes, all In good run
nlnr order we will sell at bargain prices i
rithcr than carry them over until spring '
Our loss will he your gain
2423 Hudson Ave. Ogden. Utah
BUICK light six. Me pafwsenrer. A-l
hapa fire cord ttrea. . heap for rash. A !
bargain L J Haigbt. U57' a'.cnue.
251 ; i
1917 FORI" l.argn'n 225 Jefleraon.
f.4 40
Op ialariad p-opie v. I'.hout security o
Othare in picnqs. furniture, bonds, "to
- ii ' HI It Phone ;s4 T4?
, UONE1 to iomii ou iiopitiV'iy aai aalB'r
K'ell: IU-rr1ck tT1
ii;;i:p.m.kjN'T at :n Thim rir
.4.1 In', .- pit atinp. l'hon. JjlS M
I i!'.K,-. '-' M AKIV'i; guaranteed 4 1'' Tv-n
th l'hon. i j 6520
-.7 wi . -. , r. I. i Ml if.- .,"1-
. ' 53 n rrHIN'', i-nd p. cot ede. Prompt
service. All work guaranteed 233S Wash
'ngton avenue Singer Sewing .Machine
i R SSMAICING. beading un 1 embroider
, ln. remodellnc- Work guHrnntee.i
hone 1 105 J 583'',
; Hemsillchint;, pltot e-ige buttons, pinj -,
'.nr. nd pleating Second floor W. H,
- richt tt or Tr H I m-msn. 116
I Situations i
T r.r "1" wishes snrk houses leaning In
mornlngf once oi twice a week Phone
1 764 68S3
BXPEatlENCED office assistant and
tenosraphor wishes position. Eox 74,
Stajidard-Exrimincr. 6SS4
PRACTICAL mine bv (lav or wo-k
Phon 18 M 684 1
WHITE woman wishes family ironings
Inquire Room LO Wa-hlngton Apartments, i
'. - I ERIETJcED f. p'" I wishes work to
do il homi Phone mio 6731 i
'i. il.l'I woman wirhef. Iiundrv work,
l tin.- day Phone :n6u 6076;
'I KT 1N'S done and wonoon will go out
by the hour I'hone 3175. 61GX
j ilFwaS
j Mule and F-nale
CLJ KKS (men, women! over 17. for pos
tal mall terVlCO. $126 month. Experience
unneceaaary For free particulara of ex
amlnations. wrlie J. Leonard (former
civil service examiner) S96 Equitible
Rldg. Washington. L t" 6821
A MniTKu'S men, women oer 17 want :
ed. U S. government positions. $135 to j
$1D.'i month List positions free l-V.inklin
Institute. Dept. 433 11, Rochester, N. Y.
ri B room modem houae. No children
Phone 1646 J. 6764
, tHkuI-; r.:Hjm apartment 234S Qulncv
i 7 ROOM Mri. tlj modern brl. k hOUae Cfl
I per month Inguiro 'olker Lumber Co
TWO unfumianed modern rooms for r.-nt I
256 Paileraon. 6637 J
! Miscellaneous jj
' v- garage lor rent. 2313 Grant CSSO
OlilO vacuum cleanere. $1 day Pimn
122S J, 6S1I
CHARACTER and Card readinp. 4
Twenty sixth street. Cd1 !
Notice M. A. No 0?7roT
United States jand Office. Salt Lake
,Clty, UUh. Sept. 10, 1920.
Notice is hereby given, that Southern
Pacific Gold c Copper Mining & Milling 1
Company, a corporation, through Its au i
thorlred agent. Cora M Holdcrtnan. erhOM
poatofflce address Is Salt Lake City, Utah '
has made application lor a United Statca
' for the Diorlte, Cuprite No 2. Cup.
I r,'le Nov 3' NVlra'J. Last Chance, Lost
Chance Extension No 2. Last Chance Ex- ,
trnslon No 3. Pea Cock and Top Notch1
lode mining claims consolidated situated I
In the Sierra Madrc mining district. Conn- I
ty of Weber. State of I'tah. being Sur I
ey No 6071. and described In the field'
notes and plat file in this Office, with
magnetic variation at IK deg E:..l. as'
Commencing at comer No. l or Diorlte
lode claim, whence the S. W comer Sec
! T; I N-,?- 1 Wv 45 L B 4 M- bcre
S. 14 dep 42 mln. W 1226 6 feet;
Thence N S deg. 23 mln W 600 feet
to comer No. 2 of said claim;
Thence S. 88 deg f3 mln E 3000 feet
to comer No. 3 of Wizard claJrc.
Thence N. i deg. 2J mm. W. 566 6 feet
to corner No. 2 of Top Notch claim; j
Th.-nce B, 38 deg. 63 mln. E 666.4 feet 1
to corner No. 1 ol Last Chance Extension !
No 2 claim;
Th. r,ce N deS 4S mln. W. 1459 4 feet'
to comer No. 3 of Last Chance Extension j 1
No 2 claim; L
Thencce 8. 81 deg 68 mln. E. 600 feet
tn corner No. 3 of said claim;
Thence g 5 fitK 4g mln E ,r!, 4 fHt
to comer No, 4 of said claim. Identical
" corner No. 3 of Last Chance claim;
Thence S 5 des;. ;j ruin E 1836 S feet
to corner No 4 of Last Chance claim, i
Information Bureau
AWVTH1NO New oe oio
ANTTH.NO A to Znew -vr old
tv"rht. acid or "aded P,r.n XJJ
tlramwell Boor and Statioocry
waahinrton A Phon 140 in
(A N Kl .'4G
I tah Nat'tooai Ilanx aonthesst com-r
Twenty fourth and v suMnirton Fhon ti
Ogden Carpet Cleaning Co Have s '
clean your rurs the twst way Phonea 4H
jand 18-5 c--
Ogden chimney sweep. Phone 364
I. xpert carpet Oamnr. upholstering
m',!tr'a'-',..m,v'jc tv'r- feathers r.novitH
Call E. J Hampton tt Co . 3646 W. 4234
K- Van Kampen ror upholstering, ear- !
pets dnaned altered and laid. RemalDC
or mattreaaaa. Phone ?7I-J.
Phono 13J. 22M-6U Waihlngtoo Ato.
Tho New Method Dentist ara apcctal
ats in all branches of Drottstrr. J4g
U a ah In ri on Are jy,
Orden Enrravtnr fterrlna ", makera
or nno cuts In one or mOM olora. -116
rwcntydourfi .r.t I'hnt. 44.
J. P Corry. 429 Ecciea Building.
Oc-o. D Kennti. corrorotlon and croup
Insurnnca a specialty Phona 124 -W 1614
Western Hide A .7unk Co.. att Waah
Incron Art Phone i41
Ogden I ink Houj. Foi Waahlngtoo
ii Phona 210
For beat freah moile psntv buv from
Pioneer Pjlnt Mf9 Co., Ill Twenty third
J2.60 lo $4 60. 6
H. Zerba Thcne 545-J. 52C5
All kinds. C. H. Zerbe. Phone 945 J
. WIDard Ifjajr, real eatata and loans
1474 IVaanmjrtOB Ave Pr-.ona 419 U74
Stoves set up and repaired Phone j
w- 6U15 1
Garbage ar.d mbblsh hauled. eeaapocH
and toilets cloaned J;.hn Chlpp tt Co 1
I'r.ono tZi. 234i Hudson Arenue. W733 :
...w... u idiiw, is an expert on r
L,n.,nJE ,nd rWlrln Suits made to order I
224 Twenty rTTth at ret t ?s -
Trunk and bag rvpeJrlng round cor- 1
ner from .standard Gallacher'a 'J73 Hud
D Zll ,
PXPKUT wmdow and wall naoor cien-
lng. Amerlrrvn M'lndow Cl. an'-c Ph 661
iden'lca! with corner No. 3 of last Chanel 1
Extenalon No. 3 claim;
Them e 8 deg. 54 mln. E 1435 1 icet
to corner No. 4 of Last Chance Extension
: No. 3 claim;
Thence N iS deg. 53 mln W 27"4 3 feet ,
toJLorTi,'r No- 1 of Cuprite No. i claim: 1
Th.-nce N 5 deg. 23 mln W 1200 feet
to comer No 2 of Cuprite No 3 claim
iidenticni with comers i and 4 of Wizard
and Diorlte claims, respectively
Thence N 8 dec 53 min " 1500 feet
to corner No, 1 of Diorlte clatm. the place
of bejrlnnlnp ond located in SYV U g
J4 and.NE. fc. Section 8 and NW tt and
Nr. ' o: S-cttr.n 17. Township 7 North
Banc: 1 Webt. S L, B. 4 M., containing
hi -rea. of B9.0ti6 acres exclusive of . on
niCta, as allown b the duly c-rtlfi.-d !
field notes of .nid Survey No 6571 to be
in .onfliet WUdi o SW '4 of
: tion 8 and dlth :-e.ulon 17. T 7 N R. 1
w B 1. ri i m
1 oirect tiAt Ihi' notice bo published In
Th. Standard ESXamlnar. published at
I Ogden, Utah.
Ball Lake City, I 'tah.
Claimant's Attorney 5413
j Date of first publication September 15
Consult County Clerk or me Rcspec 1
tive Signers for Further
Information. In the District Court of the Second ludl
cial District of Utah, In and for Weber
t-cunt) .
Estate of laura Craeun. Decensed
Creditors will present claims with I
vouchers 10 the undernlcned al the of
sr,,-".,of J' l'obhs- ! Hudaon
buildlnr, Ogden. L'tah, on or before Feta '
ruary 14, 1911
m . . , Administrator I
Stuart P. Dobbs. Attorn. ;, 6417 j
Estate of Bridget Harrlgan, Deceased
Tin- petition of John D. Harrlgan nnd
Jytlle Kaynor. lor l tter 01 wdrrnlstrn
tion to he issued to Margaret Kelllher, In
the above entitled matter h been . 1
for hearing before Hon A W .n
Judge on Monda. the 8th day of Nov. ru
ber, 1920. at two (2) o'clock p in .
the county court house, In the court room
of said court, in Ogden Cits Weber Conn
ty, Utah,
Witness, the clerk of said courL with
the seal thereof affixed, this 27th day of
October. 1920
By Agnes Smith. Debut) Clerk
Chez & Barker. Attornoya for Petitioner
(Seal) 617i
Estate and Guardianship of Pred L. Kel
ler, Inrompetent.
The petition of Emll Keller. 8r , nnd
Emil Keller, Jr.. for letters of guardian
ship of the person and estate of Fred L
Keller, an Incompetent, In the above en
titled matter, has been tel for hearing
on Monday, the 3th day of November,
1920. at 10 o clock a, m., at the county
court house, in the court room of aald
court, in Ogden City, Weber County.
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 27th day of
October, 1920.
By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clul
Chez & Barker, Attorneys for Petitioner
(Seal) tw.'
Estate of Louisa Musgrave, Deceased. '
The petition of Hnrr C. Musgruve, for
letters of administration to be Issued to
Wlllard Carver. In the ODOVi entitled mat
ter, has been set for hearing lcfore Hon.
A. BL Pratt. Judge, on Monday, the 8th
day of November, 1920, at ten (10) O'ClOl k
a. m. at the county court house. In the,
court room of iwtid court, In Ogden Clt.
Weber County. I'tah.
Witness, the clerk of aald court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 27th day of
October, 1920.
By Agnes Smith Deputy Clerk
Royal J. Douglas, Attorney for Petitioner.
(SeaL) 6S70
. :
SPOKAN'l . Wah., Oct. 27 - Denial
that whiski y runners from across the
Canadian line arc Interrupting move
ment of freight over the Spokane In
ternational Railway, or that armed
guard have been sent to protect
freight cara from their attacks
made hre by E. L. Cardie, traffic
manager of the road. He said tw
men h3d been sent to Easlport to help
Inspect freight cars.
Mr. Cardie branded aj false a pur
ported 8tatem-nt of W. L. Stauif. r,
chief special agent of the road, de
claring that large importations of
liquor were being madv across the
border In freight curf of the company.
Mr Cardie declared that while no
doubt some amall amount of liquors-"
was being brought into the state in
aplte of the company's efforts to pre-
The Ogden Auto Directory I
Franklin Agency and Serncfj All rnakes repaired. 2466 Grant
venue- G503
nl0e Tounn2 Cars. Gramm-Bernstein Trucks. White-Robinson;
300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739
Ogden Auto Radiator Co , 2329 Hudson Avenue 3740
All makes of batteries repaired and recharged. Exide Battery Sta
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741
ebt Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue. Palmers and Max
eil sales and service. Phone 143 3740
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3773'
Willard Battery Station. 2454 Grant avenue 3738
Fropowd Constitutional Amend
ment No. L
A Jornt raeohltton rrorotne an amend
ment to Section S of Article 11 of th
J onatltutlon of the Ktte 0f I'tah. re
lating to municipal corporatlona.
o.11. orict'd by the Iirlelature of the
Stat of I tah. two third vote of all the I
rr.'rnben elected In the two Houaea con. I
eurrlnic thorlnT
Sertion I. That It Is propo-e 1 to am'nd 1
F-.-tlon S of Article xf of the Conatltu- 1
tion of the PtAt of I'tah ao that thi !
ame will read aa followa.
Per. 3. Corporatlona for municipal pur 1
POewe ehall not be created by aprHal Inw
Trie Uaftalature by (ronernl lawa ahall pro
rde for (he lnoorrort!on. organiiatln
and cla.alflcatlon of olUaa and towna in
prorirtlon to population, which lawa may
be altered, amended or reprAled.
Any city may fnun and .-dopt a ehar
ter for ILs own (rovominent In the foi
lowlnj manner-
The lea-l.tlattve authority of the rty:
moy by two. thirds vote of Ita members
nnd upon petition of qunllfled elector- in
tbe numtxr of 10 per rent of all votes cant
at the ni rat preceding election frr the ol
flee of th mayor. ha forthw4th provide
by ordinance for the submission to the
electors of the question. "Shall a Tom
HUaplon he rhoen to frame ii rhartcrr
Th.- ordinance, ahall nvjulre ihu the i
tlon he euhmltted to the elector at tho
neTt nrii'.r municipal election T1-i bat
lot containing such question shsll also
contain the names of candidates for mem
Y r c,f t,, . .... .A C n 1 , v.. A
without party desifnutlon. Such candi
dates shall he nominated In the same
manner s required by law for nomination
of citv officer?. If a majority of thr flfj
tors votlnc on the question of rhoonine a
Commission ahall vote In tho affirmative
then tho fifteen candidates receiving a
majority of the votes cu-st at such ele.
tlon. shall constitute the charter Comrnln
iilon, and shall proceed to fr;ime a i hnr
Any cbsrter so framed shall he sub
mltted to the Qualified elector of the city
et an election to be held at a tin"- to
be determined by the chnrt r Cr.mpilsslon.
which shall be not lejw than thirty daya
aubneejucnt to Its completion and dlnfrl
button amonj the el.K-tors ard not more
than one year from such date. Altnrna
tlve provisions may also bo submitted to
be voted upon separately. The Commlr
olon shall make provisions for tho dlstii
butlon of copies of the proposed charter
ond ot any alternative provisions to the
qualified electors ol the city, not les.s than
alxty days before the election at which it
is voted upon. Such proposed charter nd
such altrmativo provisions as are ap
proved by a majority of the electors vot
ing thereon, shall beeone an orpanlc law
of such city at auch lime as may be f 1 x
therein and shall upers-de any existing
hnrtcr and nil laws afreciinit the orcun
lr.allon and Kovomment of Such city v. ht-h
arc now in confllrt therewith. Within
thirty daya after Its approval a copy of
au -I. charter as adopted, certified by the
mayor and city recorder and outlier'
ed by the aeal of such city, shall be made
In duplicate and deposited, one In the of
fice of tho Secretary of State and the
other In the office of the Clry Recorder
and thereafter all courts shall take Juul
clal notice of such charter.
Amendments to anv ruch chnrter may
he framed and submitted by the charter
Commission In tho same- manner as pro
vided for making of charters, or mar be
proposed by the leclslatlve authority of
the city upon o two-thirds voto thereof,
or by petition of qualified electors to a
number equal to one tenth of the tota!
vote ca-st for mayor on the next preceding
election, and onv such amendment may
be submitted at the next regular election,
and having been approved by the majority
of the electors voting thereon, shall be
come a part of the charter at the time
fixed In such amendment and shall be car
tlfled and filed a provided In case of
Each city forming Its chnrter under this
Section shall have, and Is h.-rchy pmnted,
th authority to exercise all powers rr-bit
lng to municipal affairs, and to adopt
and enforce within Its limits, local pullee.
aanltury and similar regulation not to con
flict with the general law. and no enumer
ation of powers In this constitution or any ;
law shall he deemed to limit or restrict -the
general grant of authority horehy con-
ferred; but this aranl of authority thall
not Include the rower to regulate the s rv- .
Ice or charges of public utilities so lonj!
as such regulation Is provided for by gi-n
era! law, nor bo deemed to limit or re
strict the riocvcr of the Legislature In mat- j
tera of public or gt neral Interest, nor
those relating to State affairs.
The power to be conferred upon the ell
lei by this Section shall Include the foi
(a) To levy, assess and collect taxes
and borrow money, within the llrolti p;e
scribed by general law, and to levy nnd
collect special osseasmcnts for bmcrita
fb) To furnish all local public pervices.
to purchase, hire, construct, own. mnln
tain and operate, or lease, public utilities,
local In extent and use; to acquire by
condemnation, or otherwise, wlth'n or
Without the corporate limits, property
necessary for any such purposes subject
to restrictions Irnpored by general law for
the protection of othur communities; and
to grant local public utility franchises and
regulate the exercise thereof subject to
the conilnulng power of regulation of pub
lic utilities, their rates and service, by the
State, as II now or may hereafter be. pro
vlded by general law
(c) To make local public improvements
and to acquire by condemnation or other
wise, property within Its corporate lim
its necessary for such Improvi in.-ni(; nnd
also to acquire an excess over that needed
for any such Improvement and to sell or
lease such excess property with restrlc
tlons. In order to protect and preserve
th' Imprce t.o-nt
(d) To Issue ond sell bonds on the M
curity of any ruch excess property, or of
any public utltity owned by the city, or
of the revenues thereof, or both. Includ
ing;, in the case of a public utility, a fran
chise stating the terms upon which. In
care of foreclosure, the purchaser may
operate such utility.
Sec. 2 The Secretary of State Is here-,
by dlrecte d to submit lh projosed am' I I
ment to the electors of the State at the
next K'nenil election In the manner pro.
vlded by law
Sec. 3. If adopted by the electors of
this State, this amendment shall toke ef
fect on January 1st. 1921
Approved Mrch IS, 191 D.
vent It. movement of freight wus not
beinir hampered and that no sccious
trouble with "bootleggers." had been
BOSTON'. Oct. 2S. A crusade!
against tobacco wus announced today!
by Mrs. Ella A. Olea.s'in. president ofi
I the Massachusetts Women's Christian
j Temperance Tnlon, In h'T addrca Lc
fore tho union's annual convention.
The union has "accepted the divine
commission." she said, to conduct n
crusade against tobacco as strenuous
as that Wagad against liguor
ITHACA, N. T.. Oci. 27 Appoint
ment uf John Hoylgj as head of tho
Proposed Constitutir-naJ Amend
ment No 2.
A reaolutlon proposing an amendment to H
Section 7. Article 13. of the Constitution H
of the State of I'tah. relating to tax
rates for State purpoaea.
Be it rc.ot.-i bj the LegtalatarM of the
State or r?ih two-thirds of ail the
members elected to each Houae concur-
ring therein
Section I, That It Is proposed to amend
Section 7. of Article XIII of the Const!
tutlon of the State of I'tah ao that the
some will read as follows
Sec. 7 The rate of taxation on proper-
ty for State purpoaea shall never exceed
mllia on each dollar of valuation to b
ftDI-ortion-.l aa follows Net to exceed
4V milla on each dollar of valuation for
general State purposes; not to exceed t
mills on each dollar of valuation for dla-
trict achool purpose's, not to exceed A
mill on each dollar of valuation for hirrn
school purposes: that part of the Stat
taS apportioned to high achool purpoaea
shall constitute a fund to be called the
High School Fund and ahall be apt or
tloncd to the cities in 1 sehool districts
n-intalnlng hlgti achewjJs In the nvanner
he legislature may provide. And when
ever the taxable property within the State
hall amount to $400.000,ft00.00. the rates.
shall not exceed on each dollar il alua '
tlon two ami four-tenths mills for general
State purposes, two-tenths or one mill for
high school purposes, and si:ch levy for H
district school purposes h will raise an
nuolly an amount which, added to any
other State P. rids acallaole for district 1 saaal
f. bool purpo equa i2l 19 for each
person of school ugc in tl . St(.;e. .hovrri
by the last pr-'cedlng schoiil census, un
leaa a proposition to increase auch rut
or rates, specifying the rate or rates pro
pOMrd and the time during which the fame H
shrill be levied, be first submitted to a H
vols of such of the qualified electors of
the State, as. In the year next preceg
lng such election, shall have paid n prop-
erty tax assessed to them within the State.
and the majority ot those voting thereon
shall vote In favor thereof. In such man. H
ner us may be provided by law. H
Sec. J. The Secretary of State is dl M
re. led to . m.j thla propoeed amendment
to be published os require! bv the Oon
stltutlon and to be submitted to the el. c H
tors of the State at the next general elee I H
tlon In the manner provided by law. H
Sec. 3, If approved by the electors of the
State, this proposed amendment shall efiect on the 1st day of Jonuar. ittB
Approved March It, lflt,
Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No 3
NO 6. M
A concurrent resolution providing sn
amendment to Section 1. Article XIV
I of the Constitution of the Slate en
I tah. relating to State d. bt limitation
. Bo it enarteu bv the Iexdslat'irc, of the H
State ot I'tah. two thirds of all the mem
bers elM'led to each of the two Houses
concurrlriK therein: H
8octlon 1. That It is proposed to amend
Section 1, Article 14, of the constitution
of the State of Utah, so that the same H
1 will read aj fol'ows: H
I 8ection 1. To meet casual deficits or
j failures In revenue, and for necessary ex-
;pendltures for public purposes, including
the erection of public bulMIhga and for
fhe paymenl of si! t- rrltorlal indvbtedi 4
I assumed by the State, the State may con
tracl debts, not exceeding in the arnro.
gte at nny one time an amount equal te
2 poreentum of the value or the taxable
'property of the State, oa shown by
j the last assessment for State purposes.
I previous to the Incurring of auch indebt
odncss. But the State ahall never con
I tract any Indebtedness except as In the
I next section provided, In excess ol
such amount, and all moneys arising
fr.rn loans herein authorized, shill he ap
plied c'. ! to the purposes for wlilch thev
were obtained.
Sec. 2 The SecreisrN of Stoto Is hereby
directed to submlf this propOBed amend-
ment to the electors of tho State at the
next general election In tho manner pro- 1
vlded by law
Sec 3 If adopted by the electors ol
the State, this amendment shall tako ef-
fact January 1. 19:1
Approved March IV 1919 1 H
Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No. 4.
5PN4TF mrjCl I R P F rjT PFfi.1l IITICIM
A concurrent resolution proposlnt? an H
amendment to the Constitution of ths
Stale of I'tah bv amending Section 5,
Article XVI, relating; to rights of ao !
tlon to recover damak'tj for injuries ro- !
sQltlni; In death. !
1 Be 11 resolved nn 1 enacted by the i.egi
I lature of the Stnte of t tnh, two thlrdi H
of all fhe members l cted to coch ol
the two Houses concurring therein:
Section 1. That it Is proposed to amend '
Art ol thi Con'tltutlon
;of the State of . t,-ih. so that said sectlopt
I shall read as follows;
"The right of action to recover d-imagei
1 for Injuries resulting In death, shall never
be abrogated, and the amount recoverable
: shall not be subject to any statutory llml- H
I tatlon. except In cvses whore compenssv
!tloo for Injuries r suiting In death Is pro- H
I vlded for by law." JH
Section 2. Th- Srcretarv' of State Is
'hereby directed to submit this proposed
! amendment to the electors of the state H
I at the n.-xt general election In the ntfr
ner provide! law H
Sec. If adopted by the electors ol H
the state hail take effect j
Jnmnrv j I
Approved October 9. 1519. H
, Harden Bennlon Secretary of State,
of the State of I'tah, do hereby certify,
that the foregoing Is a full, true and con,. LH
I reel copy of all Constitutional Amend
resrulsr and spe H
clal sessions of the leglsfa ture of 1917, '
as the seme t-ppear of record in my of-
In wltn. r of I have hereunto se H
my hand and affixed the Great Seal of th4 -State
of Ltah. thl 1st day of September,
(Seal) HARD!
Secretary of Stat a ' H
Cornell crews lo -succeed the late
Charles K. Courtney, whom he assist" I j
ed for 21 yearn, was announced to I H
'day b ytln Cornt it Athletic Council. . H
Hoyle came to Cornell in 1899 front' 1 H
Philadelphia, where h- had been en-
d boal building H
Cornell CTCWa will retain the famous
Courtney stroke and continue to foU"
low the same rowing methods, it was
CHICAGO, Oct. 27 Seven Hquor
bandits raided the chemical labora
lory of a drug company almost In the
of downtown Chicago and at't-t
llnin-,' up tho gxnployei under cover H
of their guns, loaded 25 barrels of al- H
cohui. valued ai 11,000 a barrel. In
motor truck uml drove away. The op- 1
eratlon was conducted under cover of H
a dense fug that turned day intu night.