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1 m M THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 28, 19U. jj II I LEW a Also CLYDE COOK in a two-reel comedy scream ! "Kiss Me Quick" Ogden Theatre Starting Sunday Positively the greatest super-feature we have ever shown, Metro's "The Great Redeemer" I UN SUES TO I LEAVE ASYLUM Wealthy Widow Charges Dis tant Relative Sought to Secure Estate CHICAGO. Oct. 28. Charging that she had buon kidnaped and unlawfully held in an insane asylum ly her lor I mar fjhauffeur Thomas Davis, Mrs. I Augusta J. UlenucnnmK, ncuumua.M fired suit in circuit court to have Davis removed as trustc.' for her hu?- hand"s estate valued at more lhan . $2,000,000. The suit also charges that, I 111 ndennlng. who was president of a j roofing concern, "would now he allvr but for Davis.' Mrs. Gl ndonnlng also filed suit for $100,000 damages against Davis. Dr Clarence A, Neymann. psychologist, William G Palmer and Agnoi Garrow. Cliioajroans when she ' harged with being implicated in an alleci d plot to defraud her oT the 'ilcwlenning estate. PUT ' N SANITARIUM Mr. Glendennlng died last b brnarv In a sanitarium. He previously had been tiansferred from nn santiartum lo another bj Davis. Ihe suit alleges, and the, chants were partly respon Bible for his death, It .liaised I'.e forc his death, a cording to the suit. Davis had Palmer file a charge of Insanity against Mrs ",ndniilng, but it was dismissed in court and she then was kidnaped, she charges, at mid night by four men and taken to i San itarium near Milwaukee hi charge of Agnea Garrow Dr. Neyinann Is al leged to have treated her roughl) In nuking an examination and f-lgned a certificate paying she wa afflicted with dementia- praccox." The bill says a question murk wa- placed. alter the m d i ,i 1 ' erni OHAUFFEUB MADE TKDOTEE Davis wis said to be a dl.Ttant rela tive of the family and had been em ployed as ehauffeur. He was dis charged by Mrs. Qlendennlng, accord ing to the hill and then hepin his al , IckoO attempt to obtain control of the C i iff by attempting to damage her 'with hor husband and had hlm?elf made trustee of the estate. w CHICAGO BARBERS WILL CHARGE $1 FOR HAIR CUT Chicago. Oct. 2S The central ex iccative council of the Master Barbers' jasaoclatlon todav decided upon a raise to SI tor a hair cut and 35 cents for ia shave, to become effective Janu 1 ar 1 ! The explanation w"Si. given thai ill" cost of laundry of 100 towels is $2 apaiiiM 2 cent- before the war, and that barbers pay from 53.30 to ') a gallon more for tonic than previously. oo The oldest Inhabitant can not recall when he had to dl& down so deep tor potnloes. Detroit News. I -Q ssassaaaaaamiiiiiiiia i m in fiif n sVPfM JwaMswsxiiaunBnsiinuMi r o ! Well ',tte Of all Things 1 you j Say fg" that j Forbidden Fruit X COLBY HEARS OF IRISH REPUBLIC Delegates Ask Recognition of New Government by the United States WASHINGTON. On JS Argu-I m. nt.s favoring roCOfcTaltlOn of tri new republic of Ireland," were form ally presented to Secretary Colby at ih. -stale department last mght by a delegation of Iris sympathisers head ed bv Frank P. ab?h. former Joint Chairman of the war labor board. Mr. Walsh was accompanied by Kugi-ni- Km. aid. New Jersey, James j K M.iluirc, former mayor of Syra-I cu.e Jumc-a McGarrity. Phlladlphla and Daniel "' Flaherty of Rich-! mond, Va., all members of a Inxper committee appointed at the Irish ra convention In Phtladejphla two yean npo nnd which sent a committee com-1 posed of Mr Walsh, former Governor Dtinhe of Illinois, and Michael Ryan, of Philadelphia, to Fari to Interceds with the American delegation at the peace conference for Irish recogni tion. Secretary Colby listened without comment but cautioned the chairman whn reference was made to BJeJnonn de Valors ai "president" of Ireland, that as secretary of state, he could hoar them onl in the understanding that they were there is American cltl- 7ns and not as representatives or official? oi the Irish people. DEMAND RECOGjyn ION. "We demand recognition, not as a favor,' said Mr. Walsh, but ELS R ri;,ht. The Irish n public is now tabliahed as a d'jure and defiacto k - .nim. nl Its stability and n prcsenta tlve character are attested by the en dorsement of th- ballots of ninety per cent of the Irish people The courl of the Irih republic are funrtioninc daily and their decisions aro respected by the entire population." An analysis of conditions in Ire land which Mr. Walsh offered, said there had been 77 murders In Ireland between Januar t, 1919, and i ctober 22. 1920 He said the list did not take Into account the klllliiK of police, sol diers or other armed persons and added ths.1 38.723 homes hod been raided within the lant year and that there was a record of 1604 assaults. Mr. Walsh also recited a long list of alleged atrocities In Ireland and added : "We must, perforce, deal with king doms and nutoeraeieu. but it has been the proud tradition of the L nltod States to bo the first lo encourage peo ples siruKcllrig for freedom modeled on our own Shall we deny to the Irish what we have aecordtd to all other republics?" Mr. lOncald, Mr i Flaherty and Mr. McOutre added to the arguments by quoting from state papers, includ ing those of Thomas Jefferson Wood row Wilson und S'ecretnrv CoIb ref erences to precedents that mlcht he taken by the Foiled States for the recognition of Ireland. Mr Colby told the rommutee when, Its presentation was concluded that' he would study the stenographic re port that was taken. u lid, HOLD INQUIRY. NEW STORK, Oct. The romml--ion of five, which will hold a public Inqulrj on conditions in Ireland, has I been elected by members ...f the Com mlitee of One Hundred on Ireland,' ii was announced here The members' of the commission are Jane AddamB : of Chicago; Joseph W. Folk of St I Louis, former covernoi of Missouri; 1 Prcdern k & iiowe of w 'sstflngton', ! i . C; James B. Maurer of Han is I burn Pa., president of the Pennsyl vunia State Feleratlon of lahor. and 'Senator Dai id I Walsh of Majtsurhu- setts. All have accepted. The commission ! will meet immediately In Washington to organize ana the Inquiry win be gin with the taking of testimony in that city at the earliest possible date. Witnesses already have been invited from Ireland to prevent fads both from I the British and the Irish aspects ITALIAN SKIPPER MEETS HARDSHIPS ON JOURNEY HERE NEW YORK. Oct L8. Hardships at sea that made tho trip of the j "ancient mariner seem comparatively I comfortable, were told by the skipper of the Italian slrmer Pre.'ldente Wll fon and his passengers who arrived Wednesday from Trieste and Naples. Soon after leaving Trieste a wire lea warning thni a field of floating mines had broken loose eausod B trlde detour tbn fin- broke out in the for ward room as 'ples w... r.aeln d In ihe harbor labor agitators harailgu '1 the crew to go on strike, and at sea the next day two dn.en stowaways were discovered so the ship put back to Naples to debark thm. np it lempted suicide by Jumping overboard a.nd wa.s arretted. AftT leaving land attain the hlp -ame upon seven Moors o-in ustt-d in a small boat They -nld svc-re .itorm washed away their sails anil carro when en rout from Oibraltar to A' glers. A severe storm, amounting almost to a typhoon. Which lashed huge waves over ihi entire liner, wa? encountered off Gibraltar. For six days she imehed against the head winds. BIG EXPEDITION GOING TO EXPLORE ANTARCTIC MJBW YORK. Oct. 2S A Bntish im pi -ia) polar rrpedition which will 1 make a six y.-ar-' geographical, geo-1 logical and mcterurologicnl suryey ofi the connneni about the south pole. I With a view to commercial deveJop ment of tbe froren tract, will sail from Norfolk. Va.. Commander John L i ope veteran Antarctic exployer, Fri announced here t'oruraander f'ope .aid the enler prise aOUld be the ft. aie.-u exploring sxpedHlOB ever undertaken by Eng land More ( nan 100 men. four ships, thirty dogs, several airplane, an ex Lensive wireles.-1 system and moving plctur" apparatus WiU be employed. The project, he said, lias two phase? The firtU is a preliminary reconnais sance over 1500 miles of virgin terri iory and the second, four years Of Uldy ol the antarctic regions by means of airplanes flying trom a net work ol to be established in AptafCtlca, the area about the pole. The purpose of the expedition. Com mander '.'ope said, it not to reach or t explore the pole itself, but to gather meteorological data over extended pe riods and lo study tho Influence of Antarctic conditions on Australia and I South Africa: Investigation and devel Dpmenl ol ihe mineral deposit known to exist and careful study of the whale I fields of the rcaion. BMja Queries Old Man Winter. "Sam Snowstorm blowed in to see me last week an' I reckon when you crawled out the next morning you felt his icy breath an' saw him layin all over creation, mussin' up the roads an' fieer.n' your feet an' remindin' you to peep into the coal bin an' everything. Well, Sam will be back again an' he'll be stayin' around a spell next time, so you better be orderin' CASTLE GATE OR CLEAR CREEK COAL NOV, while you can get it an' ii's easy to haul." HB1MBMBHB1BMM III B B B B fl B 1 ' WWWWWW LfflPlSE0 Former Foreicin Minister of Belgium Tells Progress Body Has Made BRl'SSKl.S. Oct 2. fBy the Asso ciated Press.) Satisfaction w:Un the manner in which the council of the league of nations had functioned In the period from the formation of thi leagnie to the prcsonl, on ti c eve of the firs', meetlnc of th.- leajfUi - BB semblv .it Geneva v im evpre-s-d Wed nesday by Foul Hymens, former for elirn minister Ot BSlsSn and repre sentative of that nation in the leagui council. "At the end of the flrsi chapter of th history of the league with this tenth session said M Hymana in his stattment. I think It UW ' r. H'l Ihnt the council hos performed ihe dntie assigned to it by the covenant " RBI IBWS WORK l"'v l ' Our report to the assen:.)! pi the lague," said he. "will review our ac tion in the Malmedy-European nues tion also our organ ir-i lion of the ad ministration of the Bnrre valley, as well M our study of the ntatU the. oitji of Dansls). We he not had time to complete the organisation Oi the free city, which will be work of he new council iTler the assembly has elected successors to the repre sentatives of the powers of lliiiiled In terests) Belgium, Sweden, Spain nd Rrasll; k WORXiD OOl Rl The action taken In tin- Polish, Lithuanian and Finnish inisunder standlngs will be IncluJeJ in our : port which will expli.ii to th" aatem- bly the creation of an organism in -j dispensable to the le icue, namely, an .International court, peimanenl mil:-, tar and naval comlis'ons and coin-j missions of trn!li and hygiene." We hve established in this coun-l oil a sort of International spirit which has Kreatlv aided our work." conclud ed M Hymans. "We a I way-; cinie to an agreement on even,' quest'. -r ' He said that the counril had re ceived no Intimation that Qermany would apply for admlsdon to .he league at Geneva. nn EPISCOPAL BISHOP WHO WENT CATHOLIC, DEPOSED ST LOUIS, Mo. Oct 28 Formc-r Bishop Frederick J Kinsman, of the dioceae of Delaware. ho resigned last year, afterwards entering the Roman Catholic rhurch, was formally deposed ! at a meeting of the house of bishops of Ihe Episcopal church Wednesday The former bishops name wai I stricken from the rolls of the house, it was stated U was stated also that it was d. cided to appoint a biehop at Salina. I Kan., which is at present in a mission ary district The bishopric will be 'filled In the election when a suffragan bishop for Liberia and a biehop for Honolulu also will be chosen. Sure Relief v (k&wtfGB LL"AN s rpv-ZLlHot water kj&Z2 Sure Relief KELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION I RI t t REG I SI I It n V. ASH l.N' .'I i N. OCI 28. - A:i ciit;1- quake ot modeiate Intensity 'va- rr-im 1st e red today at Georjetown UuiV i selsmographical pbsorvutory, begin ning at 8:01 a. m. and lasting until 8:40 a. m. The center of tue dis turbanee was estimated as 4.S00 miles from N'ash)ngton. I oo HI N ( 1BINET Ql IT LONDON, Oct. 2S. Reports tha? the Lithuanian cabinet ha resigned arc denb d by that country's envoy ! in this city. King Augustus 111 of Foland had 1 5im wig . io wear. NOTICE Neighbors of Woodcraft, Sego Lll j Circle No. iTi will hold-election of all 1 officers at the re,,..ii. i raeetlng ThUrs i I day even in sr. i L'Sth. Members I requested to attend. KATE in; Y.MAN. Clerk I 88.". oo SteSOX'S FIRST soo. CLINTON, la. Oct 28 -A Hjgh s-now. the first of the -e.i-Mi.i oe II fell dlirlnR a period of about tw.ntv j minutes this morning. Trouble Window j IT'S FUNNY, OR SAD 01 something j : THAT WHEN THE TAXPAYER of Weber I; COUNTY OR ANY QTHER county this YEAR, TAKES HIS tax notice with BIG, GRINNING FIGURES on them to the jj TREASURER'S OFFICE to shell out jj HIS LAST SHECKEL and throw in his j UNDERSHIRT SO HIS property may stay jj WITH HIM FOR ANOTHER year at least, HE SEES SOMETHING funny which makes jj HIM LAUGH AND ROAR and hold his SIDES FOR SURE enough he finds that THE DEMOCRATS HAVE made good ; PREPARATIONS TO GREET the lambs j! TO BE SHORN. THE taxpayer will j! FIND A BIG SIGN in the county TREASURER'S OFFICE which says in GREAT BIG LETTERS on cardboard, jj "TROUBLE WINDOW," and he will jj HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE the building : AND GET IN LINE where people are HOLDING SLIPS OF PAPER in their ii HANDS AND THERE are no smiles j ON THEIR FACES. And the taxpayer WILL GO OUT of the building on jj HIS TIPTOES SO as not to WAKE UP the clerks who are j! SLEEPING AT THE other WINDOWS. j (Paid Advertisementr) jjj Why Suffer With Fiies? No statist If Von IlaTe Tried 3Inny Otkern Tbrre Still In Mope in Pyramid Pile Soppiiltorlc. Try Pyramid Jut as quickly a ou e.m It show I 'I k! r I'l K k n I iei I and ha saved many from an opcra I tion. nsfti Qet S 60 cent box of Pyramid 1 Un I Suppositories at any drug .store.. It v I H Ik the ri .l.i thlmr to do. Do it for BBMg your own sake, to relieve llchlncr. PH bleeding or protru'lmt, p h' in- orrhoids and such rectl troubles fj Take no ruhstltuto. Sena coupon for H (roe H t RRE SAHPLB cnrPON PYRAMID imni COMPAtTT. :4 Prrtuld IJIdc . Kmt.xW. Mlrh. H Kindly vul r, - a I r'- tmplr of Pyramid Bs PI lo Sutc-ot.toMot. in Ui ittc: KiJkt I I g g S Home-made, but Has No n H Equal for Coughs S (i Miit.. n fnn.llr tnnplv of t- 1 1 ' U'lirmhH. ramrh i (tlllinr H fo lly prr.arrd. Ill MWa SBaSI M. LK ?t'i . . '.-i If you hV a '-ckct onucli or ehe.t ftrK cold nci'omnsnicd th iorencsi. throat W tit klr, r-. i.r--, or difficult brestfi n ". F or .1 vr.ur chilli WalcM 0(1 I I r r n i tlm f B nmbt with '-routi and you Witnl quick h-i. try tin . relisble I borne1 M coush remcilv Anv Jrujrri-l can su.nily r ssKg you with J''2 ounce, ol I'mei Pour , n t in . into a pml bottle and fil the bottle wilh pltln (tnnul,ite.J gucar syrup. Or MM you can ue clarified molfne, boner, or eeH corn sMiip. Instead of sugar syrup, II H desired Tbi repc msltes a pint of tsnL really rCmtrksblo cough remedy Tt VH (A4te good, flnd in spite of 1(1 low cost ' it can be depemhsd upon to give quick H ami lasting rehef. H You can feci "thi . t;ike hold of a ' rnuzh in a u tv tint utearw business. Hfl l: lm.,r; and rn nei tin phlegm, stops i klc .i r..l soothes an l heals the F irritated membranes that line the throat B and bronchial tubes with such prompt- i'b ness, pose ami ccrtaiuly that it is really aiLfl Fiiiex is r special and hisrhly concen isiil trated rompultnil of genuine Norway wM pine extract, and ia probably the best bjb0 known means of overcoming severe H conch-, throat and chest oolus. ILasiLsBi There are many worthless imitations rIILLH of t)i:s mixture. To avoid disappoint- LsKSSLsB ii .ni. ask for ounces of Pinex' iBkLLLi wltjj mil direction! and don't accept any- LFsbbwI thin'.' eNe. Ciia'sntesd tu give absolute aflaEI satisfaction or inouev promptly re- iliLH rj. The Pinex Co-, Ft. Wayne, 101 - Tho ke3 (io od things to c.t. espedally the ho ore denying themselves the t!.. -u they ! I ; :nc.t t.-ciuscof their do slrctolH ' i their wciaht or to r cc the lt '.r.-h which they arc already burdcJa There u no farther necS3it7 to diet in orde to keep your v.i .t . a of rclu :e the nit jrou Save already ac .uired BiVlsVaBl The famous M-rrr.',la Prescription hae been put up in tat;.;. form, and ia now sold by rlldrupists : t cne dvllcr f.'raKOJ r. re box To get n lot !t H the rateof two. '.hrcc or four pound. a wcck.iusttakecncof these little tablct-j after each meal and at bedtime until you have reduced your weight to where you wnt it No wrinkle? nr OaL)bines will reinin. IVe Marmola Prescription TnblcM oecordinB to direc- 'V I tions a few weeks and set results without I IT'inj; through long :Krx ot tiresome I exercise ana ?tan ition diet. Get then, at D any dn.R tore or wnd tho price to the I MarciolaCo.,93Gaif Id Hjildintt, Detroit. D llcvl.. nnd receive thct-by mail, prepaid. I t p'nin. aeaM covei I sssSassss s BSssaasaa 1 fjpRY this approved rem- I I nervousnes, aleeplossnesa, depressed 'feeling, loss of S,1 appetite, digestive troubles, brain fag, or slow recovery from influenza and kindred njlments. A tonic, alterative i nnd diuretic for blood and nerve disorders- MM ii pi i 1 4 BEAR OIL mt Cjf for HAIR I AN INDIAN'S SCRET BHBJB Ktlk for it Mir u nm, r, tear (CfTV Tnr tt vtber , JIT OOt fou'nl In r,j r,l . .., L uoo. Kxlk l.4j i . i , mm UM n' talliaa. hair , daetfrufT . n ir'i olnw i.a'r knn cf . ,.. I mi ' aa proi fuitia UOO Gaainl. Irt rmlu in ran mmJcitO hosvltai. ru inv taw a kalS ladla! Wfcj bacena or raaln VJd IT tcj ran mm ha'.rf If otiiara tm ottalnad a r llwa?UI r ha caawu'rrl dacJru or atotn-l fiMloc l.alr ilrfoil Koialan avSf mt o f 01 bot of K0TALKO at 11, kurv drut lort. ot .-n.j lo rvata. tinr or Katkiai for LiUoCII'. HL aiui mmmmh I'BUOP nT cf Kolalko to J. H. Briltaia, Inc, SuUon F, New York ft Y. rrxK iJkiJ 7 Smart or Burn, if Sor?, Vklir VvrC JrTitl. Inflamed or iJJUK lTLJ Granulated, use Murine 'V ten. South. Refreshes.. Safe tor nfant or Adult. At all Druggists. Wntefor free Src Book. M Lj fUmciy Co.. Cbjtt