Extra Pants
I $36
M Every pattern is guaranteed
all wool. We have over
500 patterns for you to se
lect from. The very lowest
styles. A pair of trousers
with every o'coat only
I $40
Every suit is guaranteed
j to give satisfaction.
Union Made
2309 Washington
Howard Williams, Mgr.
I Waitress Arrested
for Having Liquor
m k Myrtle Davis, a waitress of Salt
JLake, was arrestee at 4 IS o'ciork yes
terday afternoon on a hnr?e of hav
1 ing liquor in her possession. The.
. arrest by Defectives Walter Moore and
W. A. Taylor, took place at the resi
dence of Mis: n ni -nin'h
street, between Adami md refferson
A'he was released on pa; menl of $0n
which wa de ived ful ed v. he i
1 1 defendent fa!!-1 to appear hefore
SW city court this morning.
I French gove rnnient employes, num
bering 2282, hae be. n arrested, dis
missed or suspended in connection
with tho sale of U fl over American
British and French war Mocks.
. 1
'Twas a Great Day
and a Good Time
Was Had By All?
lhe tall should go with the hide'
I his was the apparent sentiment In
'the countv building this morning when
! from current election returns it ap
peared that all but possibly one of the
candidates for re-election would
browse in other pastures next year
Thus indicating that with the depart
ment haadl will go many of their as
slstants when the new administrate
. takes hold
The reaction from the intensified
j campaign wai plainly evident In all
Bectlons of the City Of murse the re
Isult reacted differently in the various
camps and as a sage bystander para
i all remarked "there were more
Republicans this morning than there
wro last night." it appears that there
;are those still among ill who are al
ways on the winning sldo no matter
. whtch way they voted.
Who is to know, otherwise?
And who cares?
The election returns flashed on the
screen by the Standard-Examiner drew
probably the largest crowd that has
ever been downtown for a similar
ofttimes the remark was heard
"Well. I voted for Harding, hut It looM
Ilk.- those Democrats will get In. And
the remark that the Democrats would
I carry the county was heard on all
1 sides.
I Hut as the returns CUBS showing
that Harding was carrying everything
before him in the one grand sw-ep, the
shouts and vociferous actions of the
people indicated that ogden echoed
the sentiment of th nation.
Hundreds of dollars' are said to have
changed hands here last nlgh. One
'chap who already has a big limousine
said that hi- had Cleared enough to bu
him the Bearcat roadster upon which
he bad long east covetous eyes.
one of our staid (former) city of
ficials entered the city hall this morn-
Snake Dance Next Friday
Night Will Promote Ogden
Weber Contest
What given promise of being tho
I "peppiest" assembly ever he'd :it .ho
j Ogden blgb IChool w ill be ihat of Frl
I day morning, accord.ng to Principal
A M. Merrill "Better Spe er h Week."
will be celebrated While the Webei
j;d'n gridiron battle, scheduled for
Saturday arternoon. will also be jn.
! of the features discussed at the as
The bdie speech" end of the pro
er m w .11 be handled under the Miper
vision of Miss Vera Hassenpflug. and
.from presonl indications several
unique stunt will be performed by the
Officers of the various classes, mem
bers of tho faculty and other repre
Isentallvep of the school are scheduled
j to address the gathering
A snake dance, one of the first class
order, is planned for Frlda evening
The last two dances of this nature
I by the students of the high school
jhac attracted much attention.
B Internationa Mews Berries)
BOSTON NOV. 4 In celebration of
' her one hundred and second birthday
' observed ot the Home for Aged Men
! and Women. Miss Annie Stone danced
a waltz with Dr. C. W. S Mawson.
Man guests a'tended the reception
in Miss Stone's honor. She wore a
white oto;- le china gown and car
rled a bouquet of white rose.
During the reception Mis Stone re
I cl.d two poems, both orglnal.
I 8he was the recipient of many iglf is
1 i , i
The Finished Touch
to the room can be artistically secured by the installation
j of one of our efficient and modern LIGHTING
The largest and latest display of bowls, pendents
and shower drop lighting fixtures, in the city can be
I I seen at our store.
It is a pleasure to show you this display.
2452 Wash. Ave. Phone 581
Ing and hurled his hat to the ceiling
I in an ecstacy Of post-election delight.
He hud to 'tow a little bit over his
j friendly-enemie6 and vigorously shook
! the hands of those whom hf had
I backed.
But through It all tho old-time spirit
of enthusiasm was little In evidence.
There were few, If any rlaekcty
clack devices in the hands of pretty
QMK Jj 3
In "'.irs gone bj election nisht was)
ar. occasion for displaying n noisy car-1
I nival spirit blowing horns, throwing!
confetti and other stunts held sway.
'sonn- aswer this question with the sin
;glo word, "Prohibition." but It wasn't!
'exactly dry In Ogden last night, by any
Tho crowds remained downtown till!
nearly midnight and the throng thati
watched the Btandard-Kxanitner bulie-;
tins did not materially dwindle until
j the election extras were out and the'
jbulletln service discontinued
i oo
Last night was the second week of
Dnnceland's big siv-week fox-trot con
test The contest thus far has create !
much Interest unl many interested t
spectators watchcSd the ilaiuer last
. nigh.
I The persons having the largest num-1
ber of votes at the close of the last
I night dance are, Llojd Treseder H3.
I Rose Tracey, 7s. i,eo carrier 46, Grac
jllancock 46, Arthur Irular. 2S, l-'ranlt-lo
Frenandei 19, Berths Moore 2S,
Gladys Weaver 19.
DancHand' object In gh ing tln-ie
dancing contests Is lo encourage bet-
ter dancing. The results thus far ob-j
I talned are very satisfactory. When
dancers compete for prizes they dance
properly, also take the proper por.i-
ttons. Th spectators naturally dance
as near the same way as possible. 1
there fori a considerable improvement'
Is noticeable. The prize for the Win
ners Is $60 cash
Thursday night will be n big carni-l
val night at Panoeland. The manage
ment of Danceland originated the pop-j
ular rarnifil dances and have sddi
new features at each dance. Thursda
'night another surpribe is in store for
'the patrons. Hats, confetti, serpentine I
i and balloons are given frc- to dane-i
ers with no extra charge at the door.
Also the surprise feature of the eve
ning. This announcement will be
I greeted with pleasure as many people
j have never seen a carnival dance,
j The regular Saturday night dunce j
i will close the week. ol Reeves' -Taz7.
Orchestra, th' music that makes danc-
ing a pleasure, will play fpi the above
mentioned dances, Danijing lessons are
j given at Danceland every Wednesday 1
lad Saturday from 1 to 8 p. m
j Costumes are tor rent at all tlms--
masks for sale. Hours .:t ijanceiand
from 1 to 5, or see Olie Reeves at Th.
Song Shop
Parties having costumes belonging
to Danceland are requested to return
I them at once or extra charges win be
m;id' The hall is for r.n' for sp- i.il
j dances with or without music
(By International Notra Service.)
(By International News Sorvloe.)
I BOSTON Commissioner Charles
1 H Adams, of tb" commission on the
necoss.i rles of life, says that the in
! formation which romes to their office
I from various parts of the state shows
that retail prices are held up higher
i than they are justified by wholesale
, prices For some time the wholesale
j pries have tended downward, with
marked reductions In some lines Vet.
j the retail prices have not fallen pro
: portlonatelr This condition, he says,
results in the fart that thr. retail trade
la losing the good will of Its custom- j
ers and In the long run that feeling
will hurt.
Kj International News service.)
ED ARDSVU.LE. Ill The school;
board here is up In arms Just as
school was opening for the vear, It
was discovered that geographies In a
new batch of textbooks declared that
tho ' Germnn Empire Includes Alsace
Lorraine, that the Kaiser is Its em
peror and Is a powerful monarch.'
Also that iifxt in strength to the Ger
man Empire l the Austro-llunwarlan
monarchy. There was a lot more alcng
this line, with maps to prove. The
frenzied school board dlmroverrd that
many of the books wero twenty-two
years old.
The Commercial
National Bank
Do you wish to acquire
a fixed amount in a or
uain time? t'anault us
a bom l' We can ad
vlso ynu the exact
mxtmily drpoflir neces
sary to amount to the
required sum.
4 per cent interest paid
on sarlngs accounts,
compounded quarterly.
j ;
l.1 '' -ens '-wp-. -- iBn.iMjv. ,e' ieai-i,l',-i'-es'i',l,l,1'',"n-"ll'-,',l4Bl' r .
I oN n r CL W " Customers will find it greatly to their ad-
W)'R (nVr ll3 OilOp tarty vantage to shop early in the day. One j - J
I VVJ-t cU.JciLL Li ro) should take time to look over all of the items on sale as it has been
j A GOODPLACt TO TRADE impossible to enumerate all items in this advertisement. Bring your a
;:!i;s shopping bags along.
j The last One-Cent Sale of the year opens with the opening of the store tomorrow I
I morning. Ihe Rexall Company gives us these sales twice each year. It is one j
I of their advertising methods. Once you try these products, you are likely to
j become a regular user. We advise that you buy your needs for the next six j
months. Selling begins tomorrow morning. mm
4- ; -f 4 4 4- I
Cascade Linen American Pertofol Black Berry Jam Aspirin Tablets $
I a mil American Pertofol. a white mta BaUardvale Blackberry Jam, Vxw of1,th; K?XB." I
I ,'" '-!' Z f r;" "n ,or ,hf treatment of c m made from full bOdleS oncord Dlr,n Tablt'tR;, g J I f
t ',!:'' ' S'tll fifif st, pa. Ion. odorless and taste grape, and luscious blackber- box- guaranteed full strength ? V i
I ."ound: 2 Puntlsfor ! k.s, 75c. two ia ries, 16 ounces net weight, J nd pure; :oc box. or o j J
5 t t 1 ff 0C ' 46c; two for 4bc Ttwo for AC ( I M
Cough Syi-up 4 4 " 4- -" J km
x Cherrj Bark Cougb Syrttp foi f 1 jT Liquid Face Powder
I wiKhs. 1 n ) r m h n i - s..re throat BYPIT I ArPP I I C" Violet Uulco Liquid Complexion c k1
1 fcndbrnnchlal caurh; . or "SJK.yj VUHCC IU XV Powder, flesh and white; ri j
t35& Bl,e two for ' JUtt Hundreds oi customers buy this delicious Opeko Coffee at the GOc valup' two for- "Ct !
Q "77 . T c A c ,'"-"'u!' price. A delioious blend r''..l- ground, in air-tight paok- ;
1 TheamoSlole1 1 Dulc?Sw ages" Guaranteed to please or moMj refunded Whx not buj b Harmony Shampoo (
9 Cream, an excellent skin food supply at this price 1 Single packages. 85e. Two pound packages 1,l""on qu,d. oo. j
and builder The W:,r r, t0r86r makes the hs r soft end P I f
ft 50 Jars two for JlC ' 3t" fluffy. oOc value. 2 for. DIC I
I ; : : - 1 1
I Complexion Powder f ,J.,fl-i, T,o. 1, 1 Beef, Iron and Wine
I rJnKrrr" Lygett s lea pkg. . . . 1c irr.- z
A Ion Powder, flesh and brunette; isck of energv. a splendid tonic,
f . " v11) two i, yOU are particular about your tea, try this, Offered in both 16 fluid ounces. $1.50; n
r ' green and black. Since it is the choicest, tenderesl tea Leaves it f lwo for P1.J1 I
A ir-i p-ii lias a delicate flavor all its own We guarantee you w ill like it I
5 Mdney mis In half pound tins. Two tins for OS Majestic Dye Soap I
- K-x;il 1 Kldne Pills, to promote Dye while it cleans, all colors. i
B healthy action of the kidneys and for all fine laundering, j i
f bladdej and aid fret elimination i f m I0i , 2 for .... llC -
j . ",r,;:" . Dymonds Cocoa pkg. Ic : , : j
I two tor D1C -viii .1 u .i- ii. i i i Prophylactic Brushes - ;l
; . . Made from the prime berries, this exccllenl cocoa has a rich choc- """"t y
1 I base were made for tho I . . 3 j
I ' R . , olate flavor. A little goes a lon way. At everj one-cent sale government, especially we'i I I
Keet Lubes many oustomera buy a supply. attractive tins tho usual pri.-o mado. ihe regular eoc n j
K.i h rube '.'!!! mako a .ir.nR - , . brush; two for Jit V
n cup oi beei oup V2 cubes to 18 '"' 8 Package. Now you maj have all you wanl at two tins -
a package; 35c each, two q for 38 4 l n i
k packages for . JDC I ooth Paste
-f 4- 'ne of the most satisfying. f
c -4 1 l a 1 oleanslng tooth pastes made.
t ,IrZ. Baking Chocolate bar lc .ra
a OH nei jrelghi I ounc bottled tor cake frostings and all cooking purposes, there is no better jor ' 26c I
! .bio'for"d l,,UK ' " ' :"" ' 5lc chocolate than this Symond's Inn. UsuaUy we have had to limit 4 a I
a . 4- the sale to two bars to a customer now you may have all you Rikers' Cream i
Cod Oil Emulsion wy 87c bar (full -pound). Now two hars for 384 Riker's Peroxsone Cream, f
i. mild and harmless antiseptic A
I Pur Cod Liver Oil, to be used as Bkln bleach; vanishes; Z6c I
SB$S Hot Water Bottles . . lc 26c i
z These hot water bottles are of fresh, full rqhber Btock a good 4 j
1 Lawn Stationery weight and fully guaranteed. You may have one hot water bottle .1,aJ!I01J , Wnaerlust
Lrtwa jiouunciy . j Nailold Wondrlust, fh pr.-p.irn f
C Irvlngton Lawn Stationery. AS and one fountain syringe ii you wish Both art' nn luded Th-j t0n for polishing nail?. You will 9
I sheets paper. 48 envelopes, at- regular $2.50 qualitv. Now buv them two bottles for S2.51 ,lk'' "w (lulck- indent way of
V tractively boxed. Four colors working The usual 25c pack
j to box. ?1 00; two &S parkages 26c
j 't Miscellaneous Items T,or
j Shaving Brushes Baby Laxative
Three kinds of men's sharing O f" HA I if Qn Baby LaxsUre, a mfld and gentle
i brushes Some of these are made ClL VlIC VCiH B a AA bowel regulator for tho baby;
of real badger hair. 35c val aIo tor constipation In infants
c ues, 2 for"36c; rr Charcoal Tablets. 25c , or Foot Powder, 25c. q and young children; 40c ii
I 96c kind 2 for SJbC package, 2 for L)C 2 for ZOC each, two for 4lC
9 4 , Klenzo Tar Soap. 25c or VelOttr Powder Puffs, 4- 4. I
? -4 regular. 2 for ZDC 15c each, 2 for "IOC 4 jZj " . 1
Face Powder Rheumatic Compound, t 1 ai Plaud's Pills, 6 grain, 36c v Blood Tablets
! Violet Dulce Face Powder one 51 relar' 2 for . . . 51.U1 bottle, 2 for JDC Blood Tablets for the treatment f
of the f.nest pure rice powders 15c Talcum Powder, L Bouqu,t Ramee Complexion Pow- of ana, mia, loss of color in gen- j
in all of the wanted colors- de 2 for 10t der' soft Rnd eh'et- delightfully ral debility and convalescenco I
! fght uSv perfumed? C ri 10c Baby Pacifiers. 11 perfumed ; brunette, flesh. WhlU from severe illness; 50c r, !
1 en. " Sir 2 for 11L ?1 each; two 1 AI each, two for . . 01 C i
1 50c bo. two for . . . JlC 25c D,ackberrv Cordials. 9r for 31.01 I
X ZZ 2 for ZDC Carbolic Healing Salvs. I6c, or 4 Z 4- f
2 R,7nr Stmnc Laxative Aspirin Cold Tablets t)r 2 for Zt)C Senafig s
i rvazor juops u 2gc; 2 for QQ rod aQ(J Qrp piljB 25c; Benaflf, an aid for tonstipniion
f Razor strops that have been in Rubbin? OH, 3 ounces. 35c. V 2 for . 0C a pleasant laxativ compound on C
r our store over a year Now we 2 for JDC S. ural Balm, 50c; n iho order of Syrup of Figs Full A
close them all out. 2 for price of Cream of Almonds, 404. 4 or 2 for JlC Bixo 75c bottle, two nr
I one. ounces, 35c, 2 for . . JDC Syta Rouge. 50c; r-i for 8
(4 Pearl Tooth Powder, 406, or 2 for jlC
7Z , . 25c; 2 for 0C Bods Mints, 20c; oi 4- I sfl
Mustard Umtment Rikers American Petrofoi. nr 2 for ZlC Toilet Water ;
I Compound Mustard Ointment, 75c- 2 for DC Dyspepsia Tablets, 40c; s Violet Dulc Toilet Water a de- I
f ready to use. easily applied, Toilet Water. 4 ounce size, odors 2 for 4lC lUbtfully perfumed toilet watr 1
j quickly reliees congestion and r0 Blac. wistaria and i or CSSOBTS ( ompound. 45c; in Men will find thlR a delightful 2 V
I Inflammation. 50c; ri violet, $1.25 each. 2 for pl.U 2 tor 40C after shaving lotion. $1 26 size
f two for JlC Violet Dulce Vanishing Cream, an Eye Wash. 26c; or two bottlea j y rf f
9 excellent cream to use beforr pow- 2 for DC for .... v)l.U
I -t 1 4 dering face; 5uc tach, CI- ThrOSl argle, 4 nuno-, 45c. ir ?
Milk of Magnesia 2 for 51 C I for 4bC J t f
j Milk of Magnesia, excellent for "arm.?n; MaaMKe Crwun' Sir b" Whf r or Cascade Envelope s
the relief of he.-trtburn. lndlK.s- nJ,J ' ' v- , i . . Ut 'acade Llnm envc-lopes. to H
tion and to correct acidity of the oot Bath Tablet. 30c; 01 SUrsigU TsblstS. IR; or match Cascade pound pspsr; o
(stomach; 50c each; ri - for .... OIK, .fur LVl 25c a package; two or t
two for OlC a 0 4 ZPC I
I t -I Hypophosphite Bicarbonate Soda t t
Writina Inks Compound Syrup of Hypop bi Carb of Soda, i nited staw Baby Cough Syrup
phltt-s. a tonic for debUl. n-r (pur.- For all purposes where a uatv couicli -run f..r ttu treat f I
II aners Bet Ink. red. black or voub rheumatism ; stimulates ap medically pure bicarbonate sods ra..n't of easwhs hn.r..n.' I ksSi
blue. The regular 5c 11 te. enriches the blood Big' j 1. required The u.ual hslf wboopinJ roush ic .norBe,," I
bottle; 3 bottles for . lit $126 bottle, two f 1 or pound 10c package, two for lie o,,c valup tWo for ' Jlr f
I for J1.0 Th. usual I0c ful! punl ni 4 ! L I
I Face Powder ZT , packsge. two for . . LlC 4 J f
I Bouquet Rame Fsce Powder. Nailoid Solvent ! t Z t A prr Jooih Brujh ' k
I one of the very finest powders N.:; - .. r Travel KiU for "duUs" and ch.M !
I on the market; delicately per raou dry and over long cutl- Traveling kits, made of z of th blM .h.J. n 2
I 'n texture;; $1 , .... , works l.ke magk. The hSST csnvas. Itrsppsd tusranteod I to Z o ' .h. bi I
! size, two boxes rfjini ISc botUs. two or with leather bands. i r, Uri Z iL
ft for l.Ul for ZOC J1.50 each, two for $1.51 for ?fir i 4
I U 4 I V