I ("last i Chance To See the Big Paramount Picture Featuring I GLORIA SWANSON Ycu Will Have to See This Cecil B. DeMille Production J TONIGHT OR I NOT AT ALL It Shows for the Last Time Tonight at the tli ALHAMBRA BIG ALL-STAR CAST Including Such Notable Players as MONTE BLUE, THEO. ROBERTS, ELLIOT DEXTER LAST CHANCE TONIGHT I SENATOR-ELECT NOTEDSPEAKER Shortndge of California Put in Quarter Century in G. 0. P. Politics PAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3. Samuel Shortrldge. senalor-eelet from Callfor uia, hns torn prominent In politics of this state for more than a quarter of a century and has long been known ns a clear and forceful orator He has practiced law here since 1884 and In , or - - . I'nSS. lC'i'ii ;,n. ;, a pr" idem In I elector. Shortrldge was born at Mount Pleasant, Henry county. Iowa, August Arthur M. Free, who was elected a in'inb'r of the house of representa tives fro inthc Eighth district. Callfor iiIh. formerly was district attorney of Santa Clara county. Phil D. Swing, elected representative from the elev enth district. Is superior Judge of Im peril county, California. Free and Swing are Republicans and will re place Pemocrats. oo Zane Grey's "Desert Gold" at the Rex again today. Shows start at 5-7 and 9 p. m. All tickets 10c. Come tomorrow Sessuc Hayakawa in "The Courageous Coward." Special Sale on Paints this week at PIONEER PAINT MFG. CO. 415 23d St. Phone IDAHO SWINGS TO REPUBLICANS ; Two to One Majority of G. 0. P. Extends to Every Candidate BOISE. Idaho. Nov. 3. Returns coming In today from yesterday ' gen eral election served only to increase thi- loads of Re-publican candidates howad over the Democratic and inde pendent ones last night. Seven of theso were In the ratio of two Repub lican votes to every Democratic one. Robert N. Dunn had the largest lead of the lesser offices. Eighty-eight precincts In five counties gave him 12, 70" and his Democratic opponent, J. II. Forney, & 5 7 2 . All Democratic candidates for na tional office and the Democratic candi dates for governor are. far behind on jlhe face of returns from 39S precincts 'out of 825 in Idaho earlv todav which gave. Harding, 4,43u; Cox, :'u.io. I For senator, Frank R. Gooding, Re publican, 31J.774; John F. Nugent. Democratic Incumbent 32,246. For governor D W Davis, Republi can Incumbent 3 7 067. T. A. Walters. Democrat, 19.263; S. D. Falrchlld. In dependent, endorsed by Non-Partisan (league. 12.029 For representative in congress 170 j precinct In the first district gave Bur ton L. French. Republican, H.7 3 4 and Mrs. Nell K- Iron Democrat, and the only woman nominated for national of fice, In Idaho this year. 7.3S2. For representative from the second district, Addison T. Smith. Republican, received 24.829. and W. P. Whilakcr. .Democrat, 13.214 in 222 precincts re porting On the supreme court amendment 2S precincts irave for 2U48 against 1 332. oo Poats of the American Legion are forming In JapHn and Relgium. HARDING 111 HUNT IN TEXAS ( Port Isabel Is Paradise tor Shooter and Fish erman CORPUS CHRIFTI. Texas, Nov. 3 Point Ieab' l, Teaai wh 0 Hani -ie haa chosen to rpend a vofatlon In small fishing village ring plae Of 100 ln- ha.blLa.nta on the icuir of Mexico uid la the southern most mu. lot of iiio United Btatca A narrow (iro ra.lrnnd "rtif1" :h- plctureaqiu Utile city tvl'h Prown.v Off shore a little more than a mile a tli- Bouthern tztromlt; of Pedro Island, a narrow strip of land Which sklrta the Texas co.ir; from Corpus Chrlstl to the Rio Grar.de. about 120 mil BPLEXDID Hi vir.i. Point Isabel Is famous as a sports man's paradise. Pishing la excellent lit adJarT marahea now abound 'n nn,1 dUcka Point ttMl also , i nte.i for its oyvtera, edible tha entire, year. Hotel accommodations are meagre. b.jt an old club houae, unused for aeveral yeara, probably will be pui In order for tht Bnator J During the Mexican war a par: of General Taylor's army was landed a" I be and marc,,' ad to BrOWnCVlUO, then Fort Brown. Since then the little port lias had tta dpa and downs. Until the butld- I Ing of the. Brownsville railroad Into the valley country' 16 years ago light draught steamers landed at Point Isa bel and provided communication with b world SOLID FOP. H RIIc; People of the valley section con tiguous to Brownsville urged develop ment of Point Isabel Is a deep water port. The project recently was recog nized by an appropriation which will I Intre a harbor for vessels drawing IT, . feet and citizens of the valley country' have Just subscribed for a bond issue to standardize the little railroad. I Aa if to prepare a welcome for Harding Point Isabel voted solidly for him. being one of the few south ern towns to show him that honor Brownsville nearby, li the home of R , B. Crcager, who aeconded Senator Harding's nomination at the Chicago I convention. 1 oo HARDING READY FOR JAGATIDN Successful Candidate to Jour ney to Texas Coast for Recreation MARIciN. O., Nov. 3 No longer a party nominee, hut president-elect of the United States. Warren O. Hard ing turned his thought toward rest and recreation today before approach ing the formulation of his administra tion machinery and politics. He plans to take a real vacation trip, which will give him two weeks of seclusion on the Texas coast, and : a week of scouting In the Panama ; canal zone before he goes seriously to work choosing his cabinet and map. ping the work he Is to do after March A , He probably will leave Saturday morning, not to return again until about mid-December One of his tasks today was to read , and acknowledge hundreds of tele ; grams of congratulation that had been (pouring in since the balloting began I yesterday. During the night a the I proportions of the landslide to him be came apparent the Marion telcraph offices wore flooded beyond capacity and today the Influx of messages and good wishes continued to come In In proportions that outdid the UVllest days of the campalgn. The senator was not at his office until late In the forenoon, however, having been kept fiwako until long ; after mlonlght by his exultant fellow , townsmen who chose his lawn as the I forum for a succession of celebrations I r the honor that hud omc to Mari on and to their neighbor. FRENCH TO INTERFERE IF OLD GREEK KING RETURNS TAR1S, Nov. 2. The French fore ign office Informed the Associated Press today that France would not ln jterfere in the Greek situation nnles.s former King Constantino attempts to return to Greece. In such caso It was I added, "France will take such meas ures as are deemed necessary." I GENEVA, Nov, 2. Constantlne and i Sophie, the former king and queen of : Greece, otlll are keeplifg to their rooms I In the hotel National at Lucerne, al though PllnCfl Paul Is seen in the streets Constantlne is greatly depressed by the report that Great Britain and j Fram e, which guaranteed the kingdom : of Greece, would refuse oven If the J elections were favorable to him, to allow his return to the Greek throne oo s H Til l AKiil SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Nov. 3. Ev cry candidate on the Republican state and national tickets in South Dakota Is leading at 1:30 o'clock this after noon, returns from 387 precincts In 37 counties show Judge Williamson, Re publican candidate for congress In the third district, has 1,730 to 1.067 for Harry Gandy. Democrat. This Is the one Republican whose election Demo cratlc headquarters here has not con ceded, only 29 scattered precincts In the third district have reported- i ORPHLUM LAST TIME TODAY Matinee 2 P. M. I CjRUMPET ISLAND'''1.. I nATOM TERR1SS PRODUCTION " PUdfi FROM THE STORY BY Wa ! 1 OOUVERNEUR MORR Lr-V- Prices, 30c and 10c Alao Man O' War, the famous race horse. tt ' ' 'DEPUTY SHERIFF ACCUSEDBY'DRY' Michigan Officer Guided Rum Caravan to Safety, U. S. Chief Says. aCARQUETTB. Mich.. Nov. 3. T-eo J Qrove, prohibition enforcement chief in 'he Michigan peninsula Tueada wrot District Attorney A. C Wolfe, at Madison. Wle . asking the arrest of Bd Bvanaon, deputy sheriff of Iron COUnty, W UK onsln. snd 1'hllllp Shleldt. th of Mercer. YVla. charging conspi racy to violate the Volstead act. fjfrova charges that after he had re quested the acalstance of Evenaon In the rupture of twenty-two automobile loads of whisky being carried from Milwaukee to Hurley, YV . the night Of I ctober 9. the Utter auctioned Hhlelds on th route to warn the run nern of the proximity of the federal agents. The letter alleges that Shields confessed to the prohibition agenta In the peninsula territory of having been posted by Evenaon to re-route the liq uor burdener trucka. Two of the trucka were captured after a battle which resulted In the death of John ChKpurio. Hurley whls i runner, the letter to the district attorney states. NON-PARTISAN LOSES STATE Ir;.VVER. Nov, 3 Indications early today were that Colorado Non- j PartlMn league followers were beaten! in their effort to gain control of the state government through the Demo cratlc ticket in yesterdav s election.! With more than a fourth of the state reported, Governor Shoup, Republican, had a two to one lead over James M. Collins, Democratlc-Non-Partlsan can didate for governor. The ratio of Harding's plurality over Cox was nearly as great. Meager returns In the congreaslonal eontests indicated the re-election of Congressmen Va'.le. Timberlake and Hardy. Republicans. In the Fourth uiaiin i, . ungi cHiuaii iayior, uemo- crat, had a slight leHd over Merle D. Incent, of Grand Junction. Iioth J Vincent and Taylor failed to carry tholr home precincta. Four hundred and two precincts of the 1483 In Colorado gave: Cox 26.- 107; Harding 46,719. Three hundred ninety-eight pre- clnets for governor gave: Collins. Pemocrat, 24.CG6; Shoup 49,021. In the congressional contests, 78 of 211 precincts in the first district gave Hllllard. Democrat, 7259, Valle. Re publican. 16,218. Second district, 37 of 461 precincts gave: Brown, Demo crat, 1S23; Timberlake. Republican, 489R Third district. 80 of 471 pre . Inctn giw Rurris, Democrat, 390; Hard. Republican. 6094 Fourth dis trict. 64 Of 3ol precincts gave Taylor, Democrat, 3S29; Vincent. Republican,' 3242. 00 BAD FURNITURE 1 JARS ME LIFE Written for International Ncvrs Scrvlrv H MARt.KRY REX. NEW YORK, Nov 3 Many schemes have been suggested to make home happy and thereby cause husbands to j stay by the hearth, but the latest ad-, vice is that coming from Andre Gro-' uk, famous Parisian decorator, who iya ihe right kind of furniture Is half of the battle. "Innumerable homos are broken up, because people don t know how to choose the right kind of furniture," : says Monsieur Groult. "Women are to bo blamed more than men, because the women, as a rule' have most to say about tho homo. If a woman would bear in mind that walls should be covered with col-t ors which suit her complexion, that carpets should be selected to hide or1 display her feet, that furniture should bo stiff or restful according to her tem- perament. whether active or languid she would always look best In the home and therefore always be attract ive to her husband." Harken. unhappy wife, and hasten to that shop where you saw the vr ! chair you thought expressed your per- sonallty before it is too late WELLING BEHIND j IN HIS OWN HOME COUNTY, BOX ELDER BRZOHAM CITY, Nov. 3. E W. Davis, candidate for the of fice of Boxelder county attorney, seems to be tho only Democrat In tho county who has a chance to be elected judging by incomplete re turns received here. Davis haa a lead of 75 votes over Charles Foxley his Republican op ponent. Congressman Welling, whose home Is In Roxeldor county, was running behind Senator Smoot In the race for United States Sena tor. Incomplete returns gave Smoot 1S41 and Welling 1&48 votes. NEVADA BECOMES REPUBLICAN AFTER I 12-YEAR ABSENCE RENO. NOV., Nov. 3. For tho first time In twelve years Nevada has cast a majority vote for a Republican presidential nominee. On Incomplete returns Cox haa 5611: Harding 9291. It Is be lieved the state will give Harding I a majority of at least seven thou sand For I'nlted States sena tor, former Governor Oddie haa defeated Senator Henderson. Democratic Incumbent, and Ar entz. Republican, has defeated Evans, Democrat, for congressman. oo The Bureau of War Risk Insur ance ha written 4,640,049 war risk term insurance policies to tho amount 'of $10,331,610,000. 1 ;---.. wm aj5- V iSSfla- bbV ' 'eB l! ITOMORROWll FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I H Beautiful 1 Bebe Daniels I I IN HER GREAT REALART SUCCESS j B "You Never Can Tell" 1 1 WHAT IS FIFTY DOLLARS TO YOU? H In the fashionable hotel where Rowena worked as a check-room girl, she saw gl I people pay fifty dollars for one little dinner party. All about her was luxury, and 0 she was sick and tired of being poor and shabby. So she decided to get into the Sffl game herself. Borrowed finery, stolen pleasures, innocent pretense, serious fib bing soon she had herself involved in all sorts cf an embarassing situation. All Bj might not have ended well had not her Prince Charming happened along at the H ftj critical moment. Don't let anything short of a cyclone prevent you from seeing I J vivacious BEBE DANIELS romp through "YOU NEVER CAN TELL." 1 ADDED FEATURES I H 1 PATHE WEEKLY SCREEN MAGAZINE 1 I 'Seatg 10c-20c-30c I I Children Matinees Evenings I SHOWS AT 2:15, 4:00, 5:45, 7;S0, V jfBaHQIIHBBBBBflBBH&BaBBBlBBBBBBBflBBaKB HIGHER WIGES TO I AVERT TEMPTATION "You Never Can Tell." tho Initial Bebe DanU-ls starring vuhlclo for Real art which will ahow at the Alhambra theatre for three days beginning to morrow, presents arguments of inter Lajt to thoso who are fighting for higher salaries for telephone operat ors. waltresv, anJ other glrla in pub lic aervicc. 1 The plot of the storj revolves uround a check-room girl In whom a love for beautiful clothes la created by her handling of luxurious wraps ev ery day. Without money enough to buy such things for herts-lf. a wealthy marrlugu seema to be tho only way Him can hope to secure such luxury. i Just as ambition Is about to gt her I Into trouble, alone comes a "Prince Charming." for tho lov of whom she gives up the wealthy rounder whose umorouM attentions she was tempted to accept. But all such cares do not turn out so pleasantly. Undoubtedly tbt film will prove valuable propagan da for those who feel that the morals of girls working amldl luxury Hhould . be protected by ad'cua.te s.ilarlci. An excellent cast nupporla Mlsa Dan iels In Ihe production. Handsome, Jfack Mulhall Is hor leading man while i other players Include Edward Martin- j del, Harold Goodwin, Necly Edwards, Helen Dunbar, Graham Pettlt, Deo1 SECOND PRIZE DANCE AT BEBTHANA TONIGHT The second of the six weeks' series Of prize foxtrot dances will bo held at tho Borthana thin evening. To thoso contestants already select ed will he added aeveral other couples, which will be chosen at the Berthana thin evening. Following tJie elimination context the best dancer, will ho awarded cash prizes amounting to $100. The first prize is $50 caah, tho aec ond $35, the third $10 and tho fourth la $5. HARDING IN OKLAHOMA. 1 OKLAHOMA CITY, okla.. Nov. 3. BeiUttor Harding Jumped Into the lead i In Oklahoma shortly before 2 o'clock thin afternoon when unofficial and ln complete returns from 1,312 precincts out of 2.6S& In the state, gave Ih.rdlnB 114,601 and Cox 1 13,637. Returns com piled up to that hour had given Cox a lea of from two to four thouaund. John W. Harrcld. Republican candi-( dnte for I'ni'ed States senator from Oklahoma, also leaped Into the lead. Unofficial and incomplete returns from1 1.402 prcln,-ts o-.t 2,6gfi In the stato1 K:ie him l.';..'.Ml against 121.132 for Scott Ferris. Democrat. WhlttJ and Mrs ll.irry 1 D i veil port I It Is u Realart picture, direct d ! ! Jhester Franklin. ' mm oi in ELECTION FIGHT Florida Mob Burns Five in Houses and Takes An other From Jail ! ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 3.-Five nv j groes h.i been burned to death aad H another hung to a tree as a result ft a fight which started at the polls Bt Ocose, near here, last night, after else Hon officials had refused to permit Mose Norman, a negro, to vote on tlV ground that he had failed to pay bj-; ; poll 'ax. H Two white men were shot nnd killed and several others. Including a former police chief, were wounded in ti'' fi-ht which preceded the wholesale j lynching. The negroes burned mt! dr-ath in houses In which they had H congregated and wblcb wore firwfl. TJ IxO n gro killed wa.i taken frqjiu H a jail early this morning by a mob. 3 00 Harry Carey in "Men of the Desert" at the Cozy today and tomorrow. , l!