is THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMBNER wrnwrcnAV rvFNiisin NOVEMBER 3. 1920. f r it iim 'tii.uri'a-n- ijmuBBewmammaJiiLmxummwmacmamai-mum-)MimLdwammi hj. jii aaaaac wi iwjima a i I Trimmed Hat Special I Thursday, Friday , liS&j Saturday L- yj 100 Beautiful Trimmed Hats go on special sale Friday morning for fXfX less than half price. Values up to Jfc 3 J JI $10.75 for Ready to Wear and Shapes You must come and see these hats for they are surprising values. 75 All silk velvet ready-to-wear hats, and shapes of all sizes and colors. Many sailors, rolling brims, soft embroidered colonials, Pnscilla De?.n Tarns and Lady Bess Tama. Values (t O Q I up to $3.75 for pOZ70 LAST & THOMAS r I Millinery Department I PERSHING TAKES LONG ISLAND HOME, REVIVING RUMORS OF MARRIAGE 1 TH " ,.zr- NEW YORK.-UfiH'ial John J. Persliing will become a Long Island resident soon. He lias taken one of the most picturesque homes n the North Shore near Hoslyn. The annoiuicemertt has set rumor, running once more thai the gcriera,l is about to man " Wlml wowhl a lno man clo with 14 rooms tven if he is a general?" the island gossips want to know. Inset is General Pershing. I The Grant Building For Sale This Business Block opposite the postoffice, on 24th street and Grant avenue, is for sale 'by I N. J. Thomas Will consider other property in exchange. LEADERSHIP" CLASS OPENS l Tn Stake Institute to Be Held At Weber Normal Be ginning Tonight The first meeting of the Tri-Stake I Leadership Institute will be licld this l-vt-nlnjr at 7 o'clock at the Weber Nor-1 ma eollege. The meeting will be un-! der the leadership of Stephen L. Rlrh-', 'ard.s and Prof.sor A. L. Beesley. who! I will give the subjects for the discus sion, Mr. Richards will talk on "The I Purpose of Leadership Instruction." , while Professor Beesley will give "Stat ing the Problem.' The whole program will be preceded bv community sing ting Appearing also on the piogram will be Superintendent E. 9 Hinckley and Elder J. Q Blaylork. who will talk re spectively on "Loyalty to Leadership" land "Purpose Behind Teaching" Pro fessor Thomas I . Stokes will talk on ("Sociology." while Dr. Harry Nelson ,will also be one of the speakers. The entire meetings of the Institute are to be held from No ember 3 until November IT. will be held at the col lege. Each day there ha:; been a spe cial program arranged Presidents of the three stakes will be present at the meeting. Teachcer's training will be conducted under J. Q. BlaIock. Olive S. Blackman and Julia T Noble. Char ities and relief will be under the onv mittei., Mrs Agnes H. Stevens, Jlga M. Drumller. Lucile F. Koulgcr 1 n the social and recreational leadership committee are Castle Murph, John H Intle, and Lustca Blackham Pageantry Professor E. H. East nrji.c! and P. - i 1 c S Moss dramatics Bin Blanche McKev, Minnie Brown Moroni Olsen; music, Joseph Ballan tyne, Mark Robinson. Lester Hlnch cllff Albert Powell. Emily Maddock 'and William S Manning, physical ac tivities. Belle Sl Ross, Miss Mina Tay- I lor. Mie Blackham and Mrs. Sophia i Reld. DO n GOCOU AI ORPHEUM TWO BAYS Shadows " and "Sleeping Partners" with beautiful Edna Goodrich, herself. In the leading roles, are announced fori presentation at the Orpheum theatre Sunday and Mondav. "Shadows" will iplaj Sundaj and "Sleeping Partners" Monday This is the only company on tour ii these plays. Miss Goodrich will weal lon(e of the most handsome gowns ifnrs and jewels seen on the American ; sta ge I Seat sale opens Thursday nn Boys Absence Cause j of Mothers Illness I Michael B, Egan, of Moorestown. N. jJ.. In a communication to Captain Jonathan Jun:-s of the police depart -i incut, requests ss!stant3 In locating : Vincent Egan his ."-year-old broth ! er, who. since July 23. has not been I heard of by his parents- Egan"- mother' is suffering from an lllnes-, said to huvc been brought, on ' by worry and anxiety over her missing boy. When last Heard of. Joseph Egan wis In Denver. Colo. It Is believed that he hs.; made his way further west. Neighbors Report House Is Firetrap A large frame house on Twenty seventh street, between Washington and Adams avenue.1', reported by rest -dents of that vicinity as a fire-trap and a menace to the neighborhood,! was Investigated by Mayor Frank Francis members of the i t cdmfcfcla Sipn. Fire Chief G. A. Graves and Building Inspector Thomas Davis this morning The ouildmg. it is said, is owned by Mrs. Mary Seville, who operates a rooming house on Washington ave nue. Notes taken by the parly will be compared al a subsequent commission meeting and reports heard from Chief Graves and Inspector Davis, before action is take:). Amend Complaint in Suit Against Meek Declaring that In event of a money Judgment he would b unable to col lect, A. J. Walker t!.u morning filed an amended complaint in his suit against i'.io Meek and the Walker Company. Mr Walker giveH for his reason th; Mr. Meek hold no property in this state. Instead he asks for a dissolution of the Walker company, all debts paid, tho business ended and assets distrib uted to those entitled to what money there remains oo McVeight Faces Court For the Third Time J. McVeight. diminutive Irishmen, whose previous appearajices before the cltj court on charges of drunkenness caused considerable amusement for the spectators, again faced Judge D. R. ! DYE RIGHT Buy only "Diamond Dyes" . Each pa. kaje of Diamond Ds" ren- tain directions o slmplo that an woman I -an diamond-dye worn. ?habbv skirt, .waists, drr-iacs: coats, (loves, storktnrs. 'sweaters, draperies evr'hlnir nhethar : wool. silk. Iinn roiton or mixd c-. ' nn rick, farfi- roior Have druccist 1 -hnn on ' Ptamond Dj Color Card Advcrusement. tasaaajaa I " MISSION KY sill II The Women's ForeiKn Misslonar Society of the Methodist church Will meet Thursday afternoon at S:S0 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A J Dodson, tool Washington avenue. Mrs Han White w ill be the assist ing hostess. CTTRISTIAV MIss(iNin. Mrs. Miller will bo hostess to the members of the Missionary society of' the First Christian church at her home. 852 Twenty-fourth street, Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Julia Baker will be the leader for the afternoon. A full attendance Is requested. WOMEft'S 1 KM Hi RE 1 1 Mrs. Joseph Patterson and Mrs. Ii. B. Parker will entertain the mem bers of the Women's Farm Bureau Thursday afternoon at the homo of at the honm of Mrs Patterson Thurs day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. LADIES1 1UX1MARY. Members of the Ladles' Auxiliary to the Order of Railroad conductors will meet Thursday afternoon In the I. O. O- F. hall. There will be election of officers and initiation DORCAS SOCIETY. The Dorcas Young I-adies' club of the English Lutheran church will nrr at the home of Miss Hasel Huillet JSO Thirty-third street this evening. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCES! I I Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Read announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Rodger Chappele The wed ding will take place during the coming month. MARTHA SOCITY ENTERTAINED. Children of the Martha Day Nursery were dellifhtf ully entertained last eve ning by the Setoa Camp Km Gfrlfl under the leadership of Miss Ross lfndRelman. The affair wax sugges tive of Hallowe'en and delighted the little folks. Those taklns part were Miss Sherma Hendershot, Miss Phyllis McGlnley. Miss Charlotte Davis, Ml 13 Florence Tanner and Miss Elizabeth Erownlns. snow ER FOR BRIDE-! l ! CT Misses Tillle and Miss BCSSle Thomp son entertained as a Hallowe en jiarty and shower for Miss Prances Ritter. November bride-elect, lant Saturday evening at their home In Rlverdale. Hallowe'en parties nd games were en Joyed and a luncheon was cered at a late hour. The table was centered with a vase of yellow chrysanthemums, i Covers were laid for ten guests. oo For all Department:, Call Phonfl o. 2150. RANDOM REFERENCES Ogdeu Typewriter House for type j writers and repairs, i41'2 Hudson ae nue. Phone 236. Roonting House License Applica tions from the Carlylo and AtineX I'Oomlng houses lor licenses wefe re ferred by the city commission this morning to the superintendent of pub lic safety. Mrs. Martha Hart. Ogdens only chiropractor. Kins. 1st Xat. Unk Bldg. Ph. 3568- 7017 Coal Stolon Eugede Barnes, 20." 1 1 Monroe avenue, reported the theft of j an overcoat to the police last evening, j The overcoat, he reports, was banging in one of the halls at th- Weber Nor Rial college Polcc are searching for i the mlrslng artloj Moved to Second Floor, 219-221 j Eccles building Dr Petty, Dentist. 7-M I Pays Fine Koy Griffin, 21 years old, was given the cholc- of a faO fine, or 50 days In the city Jail when lie ap- i peared before Judg D. It. Rojberi on a charge of drunk"-nn s this morning He paid. Detective.-- A. M. i Eiailjla ..,..1 IV..U.,'. M,.. fkA I arresting officer.-". I an; I Quart size- empty b?er bot tles. Goddard Packing Qp., Twentieth land Lincoln Ave. 09 J i Loses Coatr Theft of a black coat, valued at $(, was reported to the po lice yesterday by Airs. H. W. Marriott of Marriott Th- roal, sh' alh-gc, was stolen whllf ahe was unending a dame Satuida; night. Eat Foley's Chile and Tamaloa They are the best. "23So Hudson Am 9914 I Kiitertaiiis Claud Hinckley enter tainefl a few friends at a dancing party last night a.t his htome on North Wash ington avenue. Mr. Hinckley leaves soon on a mission for the L. D. S. I church to Great Britain. Clean large taps wanted at The ; Standaid-Exam:r.r o.'itce. iat Request Idoensf a petiaon for a billiard hall license ut Hooper was re- I ferrcd to the county attorney by the , count commssloners In session thu morning. There were Ii signers to! the petition. tai-riei Here Ernei Miss Rarbara Barton of Salt I-ake. j v.ere married at the county court house this morning by Bishop '. M . Sanderson. Deaths and Funerals IIHl. Ml s 7 ;:.y , s Of Smii ' A. Holmes, former OgdenltSi who dU-d ill Provo last Monday, wr shipped to j Pargo, N. D., today for funeral ervlceol and interment. Holmes "was 7; tar; 'of age and prior to removing in I'rovo i hAd resided In this city for many years. ' COMBE Funeral services for Jo- j seph Comb will be held Thursday, l 1:30 o'clock at thp First Presbyter- ' lan church Rev. J. E. Carver will I officiate. Th bod maj be viewed at th home. SCSI Ogden avenue, this af- fernoon and evening and tomorrow un til 12 o'clock. Interment will be In the Moun'ain View cemetery. Itl- s . i for James D. Beasley were hfld at til o'clock yesterday at the Wlllaru meet- Roberts thu morning He was charged with having become in toxica tod by drinking a beverage made up with su gar and denatured alcohol as the main constituents. McVeight pleaded not guilty .mJ hi; caae was set for November 16. His ball was fixed at $7?. In viw of tho fact that tni sppearwnr mark1 ht hlrd offense. - HR"'' - CAFE MANAGER HAS I GAINED 18 POUNDS Los Angeles Business Man Says Tanlac Fat Him Back On His Feet and He Nov Enjoys Fine Health. "In less than a month's lime Tanlac has restored my health ;nd bulk mp up to where I have actually gained 18 pounds in weight," declared B. Frank Hill, manager of a popular cafe at 319 West Sixth street. Los Angeles. Cal. Several times during the past year," explained Mr Hill. "I had to neglect my business on account of bad health following an attack of Influenza. I lost my appetite and mv stomach WOS in such a bad fix that what little I did eat seemed to do me more harm than good I was constipated all the time and suffered terribly with gis on mv Btomajch. "This condition pulled me down un I il 1 only weighed one hundred and Neuralgic Pains Give Wey to Soothing Kamiin'o Wizard OH IIamI:n's Wizard Oil is a sate, simple and effective treatment for both headache and neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pam is, it cases the tortured nerves and almost in variably brings quick relief Keep a supply on hand. Wizard Oil is a good dependable I preparation to have in the medicine I chert for first aid wiicn the doctor may be, far away Its healing, anti : septic qualities can always be re t lied upon as a preventive against infection, or other serious results, from sprains, bruises, cuts burns, bites and sting? Jirst as good, too, for sore feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sores and canker sores. Oencroi.n alir boll In 35c. If you r trout-. 0 with -enttptlon or nick hendachn try Harnllro VYIwrd Liver YVhtpr Juat plntcaut UltJs plaX li'.: n Ct druiClnta for JCo. . "DANDERINE" Girls' Save Your Hair Make It Abundant! lmn&edialely after a D;nileriDe mas s.TKe, your hair tikes on now life, lus ter apd wondrous bc?.uty, pppeAribg twice as heavy and plentiful, hecauso each hair seems to fluff p.n l thicken. Don't let your hair nta lifeless, color less, plain cr scraggly. You, loo. wan' lots of long, slronR. beautiful hp.Jr. A 35-cent bottle of delightful Dan clerine freshens your scalp, clucks dandruff and l:illin,T hlr This sUm-ulatin:-,' "beauty-tonic'' reives to thin, dull. Hiding h;wr that youthful bright ness end abundant ihiclcn'-.a All druggists. injr house with Bishop B. "White offi ciating. Th- choir siin;. "I Know Thnif My Rstfeemet Lives." "I Need Thee Kvery Hour." nnd "My County "Ti of Thee." Leon ind Agnei hn". "Unatnswersd vet." The speakers pren Bishop 3, R. Bcuv, Frunk Belnnp. R. E. Davis, John Hooper, J. Whltson, Bishop William J. Frazier and Bishop U'hi'". Interment WSS In the lloop-r cemetery with Bishop James R. Bous dedicating the grave n in i: I'Ool.-m, i Van der Pool wife of I'eter Van der Pool, died at 6 o'clock at a local hos pital last evening from appendicitis. She was born In Nephi, Jan. 6, 1902. and 'u the daughter of Mr. and , fifteen pounds and was so weak and tell SO had that I had to give up work. 1 tried all kinds of medicines hut noth ing helped me and I was mighty down hearted and discouraged. friend advised me to try Tanlac and -pk. bo well of what It had done for him that I decided to give It a trial. 1 started on part of a bottle that he gave me, and I commenced to lm- I provo before I finished it. My appe tltc picked right up and 1 telt so much btt.r that I bought another boltle. Pretty soon 1 was able to eat ajiy thing I wanted without having one bit id trouble with my stomach. 1 am now j back at work, and my gain In weight and strength is simply remarkable for 1 I tip the scales at one hundred and thirty-three pounds nnd Just feel fine all the time. The way Tanlac built , me up was the surprise of my life and r I will always get a good recommenda tion from me." Tanlac is sold in Ogden by A R. Mcfntyre Drug Co. Two busy stores. Advertisement. Give him a real good cup I of coffee with its delightful 1 fragrance, its smooth, rich I taste, and the wholesome invigoration and set-up lui the day's work. Then let him read his newsDaoer it he "vants to. Schilling Coffee is one oi tiic really fine coffees the money-back one and it costs just about the same per cup as ordinary corrce. Schilling CofTee SURE WAY TO GET , 1 RID OF BLACKHEADS I There i. one simple, "ynf- and sure wev thai never f.iits to eei rid of Muckhends and that i to d(SSDIVC Ultru. To do till K-t two ounces of ealonlle i--vvJcr from any drup sto.- sprinkle a lii'te on :i hot. w ronpc ruh lh blacfchfidi briskly wash the parts and U v ill ho Mirprlsed how tho hlai l.headl have diMppMrad. Big blarkhcnds. llttlo , blHCkheadl, no matter where thy nr-. ; simply dissolve and disappear, leaving tho I Without any mark vvhat.-vor Bln k hcela are simply a mixture of dust and lir; (,nd loerotlona from the body that foi-m In tiio pores of th-- .-k!n plnchlnn nl squeezing onh nuro Irritation make pofvs, and do not rt them out after bccOlha harl. Th rsloulte powder .and ihr- ifater ixnph dissolve the hlar!i rucht out. leaving the rorj" fre-- nnd clean and In their nnt ural condition. Anyhoriy troubled with U ightlv blemlaboa should certain t. this tltnpla majthod Advertise- V SJIITH "BROTHERS" 1 ! S T Ok I COUGH DROPS I Put one in your mouth at bedtime " Mrs. John Pryer of Salt Lake. She la survived by her husband, htr pareirta, ifivt- i.t.-rs and mie brother. She has reaMent In Ogiln for the i u si tnbntha. KUneral anndunce- mcnts will be made later. KVIU It. I .-rv Icea for Lieu. lopent Clyde W. Ryder will be held I Thursday at ':3o o'clock al the Llnd quiai'x funeral chape). Rev Godfrey Matth.vvs vvi'l offh-late. The Am- fM can Legion, the odd Fellow .,nd the k.M B. of L. K. & E. will attend service i In a body. The body may bo viewed Iqulal a funeral chapel thla att- jfl ernoon j,ii evening and Thursday 4 ' HI b in th Ogden City 1 ' I Ten Days Tell j 9 If you feel off color and suspect coffee is the cause, a change to Instant I POSTUM I will prove things out HEALTH IS WORTH THE EFFORT g 9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa