OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 06, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-11-06/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for 7

i trig" i FOR SALE 1
" Ri Estate J
H 8878-8877 Hudxon Ave. 1'hono 359
fj ISBOO Pour room huusit, lot 05x198, good
1 on bench. Tfrmi.
9 IS600 Four loom modem brick half
H block (mm pnwment i.nd car
IVH ' Win -Modern brick hunirwlou- hilf Mo.-k
HHQH from Wnhin(rton avenue. Four
SBEHfl room nnd l. ,. ; t 'n hull, fire
H rfmf.nl bnscmvnl. Inrge lot
and g.iniKe. Tf-rms
H Wc have two for
M room homes modern partly modern
IH und well located, with gnrage nnrf plant
BM yard room. Can pay Sioon to 12000 cueh.
MH and give ample nerurlty for lalancc.
9H Also buyers for four 01 Ave room mod-
HttflJH Sestely orlead homes that ran t han-
MmSu ' ' '' witn 'mall eaan payment.'.
Bfl make conn blr monthly piviri'nl.i. or turn
JK ,n good ., .1 ( ...mi. .1 .. 1. fo pa men I
IH Mao h.nve noma cood larmi to trade for
H Call nnd u If you hnve city prOD-
H tXi for Mia or Ifndw. We handle
H llu.'on Ave Phone
' 'K
. rea good fnrri land Good w.iteri
BH right. brick I rrn nno nth
H or out buildings or road.
H Cloaa to tichonl A good invest
1 foi
H It Aries good lend, water rlv'ht. water 1
H lo tor culinary pur
pdSesi aaven room hoime. cellar. 1
H chirk n pood
mmmmm Barn, sti.ir. end .beds just out-
T1 Bide Cltj limit.' on piived ro.id.j
rfnbJKfl real irood place for a home
VKfl :'l Aries farm land, throe room k '
jflH house, rpmcnl cellar. chicken,
H coop koo.1 ;ri.r.io. on 1
fl eood' lr-rm. Would lake auto-,
in trade
H 1 "ii
I u.m'.t ii"IH U "l if l 1
Vl ejveken ROUCA.
ftftj $7500 pan cafh balance Ion:
i lm" a! 7 pei ' ' 1 '
ff SI I "
T 1 T
H STICK TI.V modern four room hotiFe. dle-
H 1 1. d basement.
H n M Thlrt v fourth
1 oni 2591 W
LJ room hrlek. modern, on .Soutli Wash-
HH Plve room brick. Noitn
m Washington. $2S0O.
B Have cuatonusrs for aomc small bouseaj
-1 O. A. 1 ECDY
fjl. Utah 1
i:v OWNER Four room modern fnimc
houe with Karnge: pnvement :I1 P'd.
lll-MU I'?'! Til Til, tl 1 1
sn.MK (rood huya in apartment houeej
'ne six-room house, 18503; Utrnia,
ope six room house with hirnltun
JtSfift; terms'.
Four room liou-e. with ';ai.iff'' '-li'im.
H trms.
Kour room house, on paved street. $3'J50
All modern,
inquire 2711 Madlaon. rhon.
70S6 1
POUlt room modern house ni.is G--iiit
Easy tcrmii. 7f1"
FTVE room modern frame house In FT" '
ondltlon 39 10 Plngn e 7059
' 1 . trletl in" lere 11 I
hardwood fioora, full basement, furnace; 1
the U. st huv lii lo.vn I'hone I I I ', W
7' 1 '
1 CRMS 1 is TTTT7
' 25 acres sandy lo:'.p foH, IS aharas of
r water In A'"llson canal: excellent f h e
f room brick house ! Iptko hrlck cHrai,'!-. 20,
minute drive from rlt. $!5tt0 Term.. j
17 acre orchard closi. In. $5000. Baa)
Five acres pood soil, six room bungalow
linn.-".-, plenty of water; on paved street,
near cit . $5000.
to acn a ajood soil plenty 01" water, five
i".m modern hniw. rlo.'-j- to city $15,000, ;
. AI.o TJ " aci.- "i r.inp' adjoining fun !
liOlik'hl . h tip
21S2 Washington Ave. PhDne Hi
TOl 1
i T 1 iii y Fz
5 Six room modem iioi . close In, v 0 1
n sized lot, near street car arid ed
Kii. i t: all special taxes paid In 111" lm-,
mediate possession bargain ai $3000:
worth much mon moti v Ekisj lorms, E,
v Brata 417 Rccl bull
v poo 1 mllllm 1 ion nrel located
WaahlnKton avenue, rtointr u good bual
nwss. lone Innse on property at low rent.
Best of reasons foi sclilnp),
. . 1 have two grocery atoroa, one of the
Li beat in the city; long lease on building.
I The other Is a ward store doing good
lniRiness and making money. Either store
win make the purchaser money,
One of the best rooming houses In the
T Ity. well located on Twenty (ifth street,
A money maker.
I buy Liber tv bonda
Phone 59 2417 Hudson Ave !
, !
1.1 1 1 m:R 5-room modern Punnlov,-.
Iiesl location on bench, CmII at 1139 Twen 1
i- fourth SI Prlre ' ' '' "'
l : 1 ' M .i.t;-. 'lic-.l 11. lion,. M
1 home all dnv Sunday; alter 4 p m. week,
.in v IV. I i'. ' ni' ' ml' 1 99M
ri m r,i mo lem hou to fundi Iden
lion Bjj Fwent) ilnth - ' 1 9
r room usodarn hrlck house close In.
Vi 1 - al 1 ni In . $1000 L8h 'r..'.'i"
EDf 8 rof.iii modern hrlck. .dcKant home,
close In. Terms. $0000.
9 room nearly modern house with (
' nnd one h iii n r i land: fine Improve
merits On Cauiyon road. A bargain ,
! Terms, 115,000
1 1 1 . m modi 1 n bung
I li.i.' . r. . n. (I 1 'n Ii 1 ni l.n u.ent lm
pnodlare jiossetcaion By owner Phone
I cli inf .i"peii.v must he rr Id and
wo want bids on one or all. Terms can :
be had on purl of purchase price.
Eight anes excellent land at Thirty
eighth and Grant. Six room house, sever I
I al chicken houses, quite a nice orchard.
I :rood new garage ami coal house. Also, 1
several improved and unimproved tarnu,
io k In several irood money inaklnR com I
panies. several secured notes drawing
j' j p. 1 cent. The above property must bb
ii 1 M.WI 1 ill al ' : K. clcs l.ulldlnc 101 .'nv
! part or all. Will sell an pi f pio;
j ! M erty nt a very cheap price. I'onii? at !
H I once. I
6751 1
IKf)l'K room hiiik almost new. hai two'
'l I porches, full basement, good lot SB00,
Seven room modem except heat. Owner
will trade in fin dealrabla farm property, I
I-'our and one half acres, plenty of water,
five room house, two blocks from ear line. ,
, 5I
ui six room brick house, one acre.
v 1 ' 1 1 ""in bi Ii U housi one
Uf -v. Twent) acres 1 1
- JO acres four miles from Ogden.
I 'M acres on cement highway, extra well 1
HI W imp'"
I 21 acr.-s; preat producer: pood ternis.
1 55 acres, well Improved! six miles from'
Ogden, Owner wants to sell or trade his 1
equity! What ha.- yoi to offer?
pi acre! "f the best iond In Idaho
! I have many other bargains. Come in
i1 and see inc.
I. :S75 Hudson Ave. Phone 359
,'! 7l
3PE flAL BARQ ins
I8EO0 buys K'"od four room bouse, toffeth
, or with full set of new fumlturo 1
11. In. Jim; an $( player piano. $1100 1
j down ajid lei-ms on balance Situ I
uteri close In on Grant avenue.
$4r.ii" lnis modern white jircssed brick
home located on the bench, Flvo
large rooms, full tront and back
porch, large lot Terms.
J.'o'iO buys four room modern house,
i ,i lo.-e Iii on bench Terms.
i;.ai E2atate j.nana Insurance
2409 Hudson Av Phone 017
. , I m i "om hou;-"', modern only Chih 1
One seven room brick, $4000,
On four room house, $2100.
1 One four room house, modorn, $2.iii'
One three loom, Ju.sl built, only $1o00.
Ei'sv terms.
IQj Thirty-fifth atreeL 8110
IS" V. ' 1 . i""in brick house furnish, d. "n
Washington; by owner. $6Boo Box Jis,
Standard Examiner. 1 -L,
u FOI R rooms, t.eth gas. garage, S75
$500 cash Immediate possession r.ji
mt a iri
'ff , M Sfc
j FOR SALE- Real Estate j
j j Continued
; W. L, PORTER, n.nl Batata and Lonns
t37i Warhlntrton k venue I"non h"f
9 !?
fi41fi Twenty fourth St Phones l'0 2R1
. $2500 Four room partly modern, good to
I cation, close in. near parted street,
t Terma.
r'$2".aO -Four room ho-in- on '!.. I" n. h nr
ly paper.'d. lot ItxlSI feet. Eaty
1 terms.
, S4300 Five room modern. close In on
Washington avenue. In good condl
I j tion Inside and out. This place Is
wi attractive has garage, nice
lawn and fruit Irees. Terms.
. ,$C000 Buys this six rooiy modern brick,
has cru losed sleeplnt; porch with dis
appearing windows. full hasemnt.
. I built in china closet kltrhen buffet,
, etc. lxt 90x121 '-s feet, barn. 21
1 I fruit trees, flue h.-rry patch, water
ilcbt. $2000 of the price can be han
died at 7 per cent: ternin on bal
, i6 Twenty fourth St. Phone 2S0 281
i P1X room house, barn and Krng. Iarire
ir.r Qrant 8878
j raRRNT j
1 liODERN boated slot mg room In prl-
ite family 45:i Twenl -se on-T Street
I'll.. 1,. :-.n .1 715$
I FURNISHED slerpinir room. heated,
gentleman pr,-f. rred "7 to Sladison
: 1 1
I FOUR housekeeping rooms. 2580 Adams
j avenue, 71 4. r.
1 . . ...
'bath' no children, no dop'; must vlv'e rcf
'erenee Call 743 Twentv-fourth atreet. or
phon 1881 W
' ;. A.V I'l.V 1. b.-. I. t mi
Tv .nt; fourth 7129
1 ' RNI8H1 1 1 bo 01 an u 1
1 able for one or two gentlemen Phoni
W 7123
LARGE Iron! ng room 7S6 Twent;
fifth. Call after 4 o'clock. Gentlemen
I preferred. " 1 "-
1 i 1 1 1 modern i ....... ' ' bib. "H
i' 1 1. 1-1 1 1 :; 1 1 ' 1 1 ... f 1. 1'i'u-
partl . mi b d ruun. Phone 3;?I7-J.
PLEASANT fivir.l 1 suitable for two
, 1 . v. 1 n ' m 7'v
I , . 1 1" -1.-. 11 rip 1 ' 'in -' :'' : . 1
I avenui 7088
1 1 ii 1 c.s T . . 1 1 1 1 rwen ty -f I I
street. ' 703S
1 1 1 - 1 bed aparl
1 mejits. .ilao sleeping rooms 3C2 Twenty-
1 ' j
1 . 1 '. Hotel 14 1 rant.
19 1
ROOMS; not housekeeping 630 Twentv
third. 6855
sleeping room.-, for gentlemen on!)
, . , i . 1 1 ' ' 1 1 . I 00 "i .-
M a j c e lo j
M r?N wanted, Aahtoft Firebrick & Tile
Twent; in - '1 f el rson 716
TWO 3 lenced Ii
handling accounts nnd c-"-n opcifite Uur
rouchs posting machne. AtTiy at office 1
i of John rov.croft ft Sons Co. Twenty
1 1 1 nd Wwl ! Ij
i 1 ' foi kitchen worlt Ai ni
1, ) hi pltal T'-i'
TWO 1 - 1 1 1 0 brldg fori
tndnrd-Exnmlrter routes. See CJlrcultt-
I " Sfndard-l . ru r 71 1 ' 1
, Si 11,111 lo m p'.ano tmde In onrj
' shop. Expert shon o'rn mak" $10 up
.1 week ;in Broa.Roberts Piano Co. I
:: is
GOOD ; l" 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 Chanc to
make hip moms, plu.ioirmph game s.
II Hudson, Ogden "ommlsslon Co
r 1 : 1 E ipl
railroad work: salary $130 per month i
Must furnish reference. Address Box 145 ,
. ire iid-r 1 r::ir!'-.fr 7' I
BE! V C " ho 'i"
Nr, l.i-:ter. Si ivt right 7""N
V " ; v- m ' 1 rk i.t : n I
News cjo Union Depot "fi 7
rilT MTN. br.ii 11. . n l" 'ii H mmilli
lv. experlrnre unnci s.sary , Write onlv
Railway, .-ire Stftnda rdO x"amln r 681 ''
BEL! bo ivt d from ' m lo
Heal riotel
j WANIEU) i .
I Fcma'e i:-icp j
, YOUNG woman wants general housework.
Phoni :' 1 '
1 i '", h Ipei wnted to
1 1 i went K-teurth 11 L ' mi- i 7121
1 , 1 1 ; 1 . , ,1 woman roi pcncral houaea'ork,
!'-tv Twept) on 1 I'll. , a. !"." 7089
HALL girl high I wai - paid Heal)
ib.j. .
,11! ' ' , ir' I" ,; 11. 1 Ii" i-Wi
muit be cood 1 00k Telephone 1973 li
Will m H 11 rrl '
ir.i. aj fi-..M Noodla P jor i 1780
I'HA'll'.l-.HM Ml ' R - lb ' '-'"
FjXl I 1 IENCED sewing glrli wanted nt j
Cap! i.r- gov n simp .
clerks (men. wdmon) over 17, for pos-1
tal mall service. $125 month, experience
I unnoceasjary. For free particulars of ex-
rniiiii.iiion. uPP J. Leonard (former civil
laervlce ixjiniliu D. s:n; I :iulti. I.b Plot.
Washlni toi 1 ' ' '
MBITIOl 9 im 1 women, ovci 11 wan
ed. U, s. government positions. ?i3s to,
195 month i .wi positions free Franklin
ltislilutc. Mepi pnil Ko. hol. I N V.'
a M BI Pit " IS mi n women over 17 want
adi U s, to rnment positions. $135 to
1 1195 month. Ll3t positions free Franklin I
Institute, Depl 498H, Rochester, N. Y. j
03 16
j Opportunities
WELL established auto repair business. I
I A real bargain, Lonp lease, low rent. Box
I I Standard Lxamlnei '
bii i: mimi'i worth and more (ln.i
sands satisfied, our formulas work Price
$J prepaid Success Co . P. O. 588, Ogdon. I
I I b Till
j vTanted I
1 Situations
lOH.oitr.n Tiri wants po-iilon n- maid
Phoni 132 Tin
LADl v tnts iioiilng by th da; Phoni
8532 J 7099
wash ING i" takl iiomi Phone 29 fi 1
7042 ,
forIrent 1
J Unfurnished
:li ROOM apartment house to runt, leav
er sell.
Flvo room brick house on the bench.
Six room brjck house on Washington
Phone 431 M 1779 Washington vi
1 ihki.i ro-.io... b.ith i"(.iu and basement I
2728 Mudlaon. Phone 2347 W Will not ,
rent f. r iei 1 than sis months 7 1 oa
iN'E unfurnished basement loom. Oil
Kershavi Ireot. 5 1 II 1
THREE luuiii apurimint 2:H!i Uulnc;
WE tk Kovir old ranse as first payment
on any new range or will buy your old
ran no outrlKht. Homo Furniture. Co, 497$ .
1 899C01TD han.4 Ford mnabotit for sale.
I Phoni $01 -i Wnshlntrton avemtt
T ' ." 1
, 1. : ,p-s vi if 1 Al'. '
2346-55 Hudton Ave.
We b-lleve Rood used cars are essen
tial to the automobile business
Wc aim to handle only such cars as are I
j worthy of our recommendation, and ut ,
fair prices.
V . pnrjiili ' 11 used car to be ns ;
: represented.
Hudson super six touring
I . IhevrOlet totirinir
Paige seven passengrr
I Pulck four-cylinder tourinK
New Scripts Booth tour,ng.
. ... iind-op We Tl '.1 :
One motorcycle,
Oakland tourlnir.
Studebrtker seven passenger touring.
Ssxon rriadster
BUlck (on truck.
One new Oldsraoblle truck: bargain.
2300 Washington Ave. Phone 340
7115 1
! ;-CK (-; l'"S i' .-1.1. first class .or
: duion. pi :: R 5 079
p. 1 -i Chevrolet touring ba rgs In for n cl
sale: good condition. Cash or terms to
responsible party. 210S Adams avenue.
Phoni 1 1 '. ,
. -n':i - i : - RENEWE1 !
Podire 1918 touring car.
Dodge 1918 louring car.
j DoIge sedan
j I lodge roadster.
Bnlck 1920 touring car
I Buick l4j lourlnK car
1 Buick E 85 r-mdster
j Maxwell five passenger
I Oakland sbt louring r
I Chevrolet 4 90.
Dodne screen delivery.
' Stadouakor touring car,
. Ford coupe. j
I Ford roadster deliver;
Ford deliver truck.
Ford touring ;
We have the best stock of renewed 1 ara
now that wo ever had. Prices are rlsjht 1
i Terms to suit you.
I 25 iif Washington v mm I none 325 !
SAVE I "" on Hudson 1 vji r six. Good
as new. Qgdan Motor Car Co. 2347 Idid
ion avenue 'if M
: 920 Buick tourii I 1 - rui 1501
onlj . Snap lor quick sale. Phone 2117 R
f.'iSS j
I 1 , . , irucl i'
1919 Chevrobt roadtier 447" .
1919 Chevrolet tourirt? $651)
I 'n Supps Booth (new ) $1650 1
Bin bargains in popular seven posscn- 1
gcr cars.
1 k;i ii: motor cap, r i.i '
2 17 ; ' so ivcnuc '' 1
PRANKL1N touiinrr ar practically new
Inquire H M M.-ck, 2SC3 WashlnKton t
I VI -iiie Phon.- UOg fov7
1921 Chandler tour p.- . i.c ,- -1 '
uvd only five months; excellent . ondltlon 1
tab or terma, Parti leaving town Box
N. If., .are Standa rri-Examiner CC49
i: 17 F '1 . 1 b.n K.,;ii zr.b -b .bi ;cn
I Miscellaneous j
STATE Oak heating stove; l.-irji-e sl7e: j
flrat class condition. Apply owner. 5f"S 1
..11, rel 7158
I'P.S lip., in I :... 1 mi.riUi'- M T N- 1 1
ni .Mk T1ST j
bll'.Nii lan.iiu!, iju-ir.int.-.d sing.-:
.. .-. '11M -I 7M1
1 .1 1 ..." ' 1 Phi :
GRAND Opportunity for a man with small
capital to get In business tor himself
Sacrificing establish d business in Og-1
den. Don't delay 10 Invesigate this. Good
terms to right party Address Box 85, 1
nr.- (Ji.-dcri Standard Bi n In 1 111?
1 ;i ' ' r. lapoatrj rug, 9s 12; $i- Have
.. .b Ig . '. ni .b li , 1 . -.,r';A m : -,i
TEA vl, harness and wagon for sale cheap, j
P S179-P
Ti 1 ; . ' 1 1 i.-. - at ihe orcli , 1
delivered. P S, Briscoe. Phone 51 I 1
'. . 1 . ' n have an ap ivlthin Ihe I
reach of every family. Satijfaction guar- '
1 .1 1 hone 22 M w 7097
2V4 SHARES "i Webcr-Os li watci
slock. $.' C5 per sh.ii..-. 1 linn- 920-W.
T I V Ii rt 1 ren 1 10 Ion ol ol
falfa hay. 2u ton:, of pea s'.lagd. Phoni 15
ONE hentci ..- ci Chen
il I Monroe 701 I
ONE iioi 1 woo 1 N" 5 ly; - Fit 1 ex .
. client condition. llfquild 4C4 Tw. nty
1 treet 7a''4
c 1 1 on igs in 1 i" ondll 1 1
I l8j afiltol. 7098
m w phonograph cheap 524 Thirty-
t''P 1 - fli 1 hlckci 01 BtOCl
1 1 1 ' ; 11
, OMI'LI !T E 1 ol ctlcall; new fumed
oak furniture. Will sell by piece or set,
pari snl 22 1 1 j " '-
WINCHESTER hammeMcsi shotgun ncv
145 2347 H Jbqii 7'-3
I rictli of api a, fi ee froi woi m
7S. per bushel, E. V. Steed. Phone ll-J-4. 1
Hall lofai en. 1 7"i 2
U E VN x WE hand washer, $10 m
n. w 256 Tv ii- Ii I -'. j 10
1 7 B 01 d oleel on 0 hi u 1 ind
ranges, new and secondhand. Extra dig
count lhli week only Miller Turnltur.-i
Stor; '
s 1 i .'.v i; F rant i I rm 1 nd d mp
toardi Call 1 26 T n -, ae . nib BI 6992
1 1 1 v, im - ' 1 1 1 -1 ' . 1 1 'ii Trace
KIND1 I'-'i .""l I'bi.m .J '.''4 7
-;,i. TONS h . II iO ton Phoni 929 '
" f.7f'4
( II S; ;:uar,iiit e.l sini;crs .'22 '
I. in. "In '''' :
i, er v be . p. ' f- v 1 uncalled for
UitS Two pair or pants With ach suit.
Si Mb b U 01. 1, ti Mills 8698
M.l . ..-1, il r A 1 appl- - . irelr. r.l ,
Orchard Phoni 8 R i. 6682
250 T' 'NS lm . . $7 50 p. r Ion Phone W.
W. 8840
WE PAY higher u-.li prii i ! tat all used
household furniture. 7' w man s Second 1
Hand Store. 231S Washington avenue.
Phobe , s ( .9
Al'I'l.l'S Ti P l.lld Klveidal- rhon'
I k 1 63"S
GOOD lainib auto Phone n:? B07 1
UNCALLED lor eUlts tailOl nuiUe; tun
reduction Gordou s. 211-5 Twenty-nftn
St. Phone 418. "7
LADY'8 gold wrlal watch M H 16 en .
graved on back. Reward. Call 27C AV Ol
81 1 Tv. i 11' 1 ' I ' '
1 1 1 1 k valid Find r maj keep mot
. 11 wallet and contents are returned to1
Inland ' Ir-.ln i"'0 . Wall vt nue. 715-1
1 1 1 1 ', ; o f Hallo e'en eve lai ge muli -cow.
Jersey and Durham, few white
r-pots branded P F. Any Information
ulndlv received by Mr Ralph AnnstronK-.
S'ortl Ogden. Utah. 1049 1
P 1 . 1 mi coal slol 1 ' 11 by mlstak.
ni . nihil Saturday evening. I'hone 10 1
R .- p. ward, 7080
Vl'TO lb'- re- plate No 2441'i attached tO
tall lipbt Return to Standard Examiner
Reward C595
To Buy
TURKEYS, poultn Western Grain and!
Feed Co.. i'noiirj 12; .4. 2354 Washington
avenue. 1
LOOSE all ill. i ' K. 11. 1- I'M' '' 'I Meat '
Co Phono 2889 or 540 697.
HIGHEST prices paid for second nnnd
ItoWi ISafl Wa'.lilnb-tjori ds.;.:
I buy liberty bonda al hlKlic-ut price, if
vou have bonds for sale seo me J. J.
liiummltt. 2117 Hudson avenue. Phone U'.
LAflGF .ban nu s wonted at thu Stand
Sjrd I xamlner office 4380
Of tho $4,2 7 7 lion. nno loaned by the
F S Government to Great Britain
$0 4.. 10 4.00 7 bad been repaid.
OHIO vpcuurn dinners. $1 day Phone
1821 .!. BU i
Of European invention are coffins
made of waterproof cardboard, the
lids beine attached with itiu..
vorr: returns will be satisfactory if aell-
Ing our stock of carefully trrow-n fruit
and ornamental tr-es, email fruits roses. I
Heavy demand Write for particulars im
mediately. s vi .EM NURSERY CO.
423 Oregon Bldg Salem. Ore.
"dressKTaxing I
II,' 1 r.ewlnK aJid dressmaklnit. Ohll
dren'a clothing a specialty. I'hone 1313
V. 7 1 IS
HEMSTITCHING and plCOt prompt ser
Ice. 2277 Wash. Ave White Mch. ' o
DRESSMAKING, Irf-ndlnc and embroider
iliir. remodeling; WOrk guaranteed. Phon-
i I95-J r?"M i
f 'KF.SS.M AKINfJ AT 3!'.' Thlrty-Ilr.-t. !
M.I. M;-e l.nife ji.'atln?:. Phone 231 S M.
DRESSMAKING; guaranteed 4-u Twen-
ihxth Phone 1828-J 8880 1
q:UINi; w-ml'd at 541 '
Ueanatitching. picot oik-. Puuon&.pini. -
Ing nd pleating Second floor W H
Wright l Sor s Mm H laymen. 1169
w td n I
I To Ren t j I
HOI SE or apartment, furnished or un i
'irn'sl eci C L'oster. Room 221 Read
otel tuj
it-, t.r.M- mb: i
Five six room modern furnished'
apartment or house, until spring First I
rlass care irua ranteeo Address J. M
i;, . r.- i ion i . 1 1 Co, 7145
NICELY furnished htfueekeepllng rooms I
or thr e room apartnii nt. Close In. Phone
Gates Hotel 1 j s j 5
LOANS to the man who works $10 and up.
No Security, rates lowest payments eas- I
lect. service e,ulckest and most private In
I tall. What banks do for b.g business,
do for the Working man or woman.
Ell I n. 8M Hudson. Bldg
fiuj v Florrick
f W AiN l ED
j Mice!ianeou8
I NP'IF cc.-in rags wanted at Standard
Examiner o'c- 379
1917 Ford touring ear as flrt payment
on small home. Inquire 2762 onroe
. i i nue 70e .
Board and Room j
BOARD and room for brother a. id sister,
in private family References given Box
75 . Ira Stand
AN-.THir4Q New O' OIO
ANYTHINQ A LO Z new nr olJ
houein sol i or ' ' 1 Phone
BOOKS AND ST - "j ,Lfiy
is ra m well Bool and Stationary 23'.;
Wi hin ion Ave Phono ritSO 205
i. tab N.ititons. Bank southeast CO en si
T" entv fourth 'n l VV4hlnirtOn I'hone 61
f it'll, n f'nrp.-t Cleaning Co. ' Hai- us
clean your rugs the best way. Phones 4H
and 1889-W, 67u5
Ugteii chimney sweep. Thono 3f4.
Expert carpel cleaning, upholster'.rg,
mattraSSOa made tver feathers renovated.
Call E J Hampton a- Co . 26sc w 4271
K. Van Knr.ipon for upholsterlnc. r
pei eleanea altered and laid Remaking
of ma 1 1 refci Phonf 27K2-J.
Pnone 13J C258fib '. ashlnirtoo Ave.
The New Hi :hod Dentists tra spcrisl
Ists m 0! nranehea of i'otiat-y 24
rishlnrton I iri V
Ogden CngravIng Setviea . mahr
01 fli.e cuta In one or mo. olora 'H
Twenty-rourPt Pnoivj 3
I P. Corry. 429 Eccli Building.
Geo. D. Bonnett, i-orporailon and -rrouP
InSUranCS a sric'nlt)- Phone 12!-V. 1614
Western Hide A junk Co.. 112$ Wasb-
Irirrton Av. Ph.-""
Ocden jnk n " T.iit WaahlriBtoo
Ave. Phon 210
C H, 2Serbe. Phone 946-J 52C9
All kinds C, H. Zerl Phono 046-J.
Wlllard Kay. rcil estate and loans
474 Waehl-uMon I bung 4'iJ l$74
Steamship Ag.-nc 2870 Washington
avenue Phonos 1166-2347-M-882 6i36
Stoves set up and repaired. Phone
3oCel Ol'lD
Gartinife ar.d mbblsb hauled, cesapools
and tollola cleaned. John Chlpp & Co.
Phono 2S. 234 lludsci. Avonus. i733
Bloom, th. Tailor is an exnert on ro
llhing and repairing, Suits made to order
2:4 Twenty fifth street. 3S1 J
Tl unk and bun repairing round cor
ner from Wiandard Gallacher's. .'373 Hud
son. 211$
EXPERT -window and wnll paoer rin-
Ing American Window Cleanse Pb 6S1
Notice M. A No. or'IOt
United Stabs i.nd Office. Salt Lake
City. Utah, S.pt 10, 1920.
Notice In hereby given, ihat Southern
Pacific Gold & Copper MlnlnK i: Milling
Company a corporation, through its au
thorlzed UK'-nt 1 'ora M I lol'b l lllall, wlioso
poatofflce address la Sail Lake City, Utah,
haH made application for a I nlted Slatca
patent for the Dlorlte, Cuprite No. 2. Cup
rite .No. ". Wizard, Last Chonce, East
CTi ncs Extension No 2 l-ast chunco Ex
tension No. 3, Pea Cock and Top Notch
Lib mining claim. 1 . onsohdated, situated
in the Sl rm Madre mininf: dlslrlct, Coun
ly ...f Weber, State 01 Utah, being Sur
vey No 8673 and described In th.i field
notes and plat Ml In thlo office, with
magnetic variation at IK dcg. East, us
Commencing at corner ?'o. 1 of Dlorlte
lode claim, whence tho S. W. corner Sac
8. T. 7 N , R. 1 W S B. A- M. bcura
S. 14 deg 4J mln V 1886.8 (cot;
Thenco N. & di g 28 mln W. 600 foot
to coiner No. 2 of said Claim;
Thence S. 88 deg. 1-2 mln. B. 2000 fet
to OOrner No. 3 of Wizard claim,
Thence N 5 deg. "J3 mm 966 6 feet
to corner No 2 of Top Notch claim.
Thence 8, 38 deg. 53 mln. E Btiii 4 feet
to comer No 1 01 Leal Chain. Ex ten. .1
No. 2 claim;
Tlience N 5 deR. 48 mln. W 1 4G7 4 foci
to corner No 2 of East Chance Extension
No. I claim;
Th-mcee 9 S$ deg. B3 mln, E. 600 foot
to corner No. 3 of paid claim;
Thenco 8, 5 dcx'. 4S mln E. 1453.4 feet
to comer No. 4 of snld claim. Identical
with cornrv No 3 of East Chan OS claim;
Thence S. 5 deg 23 mtn K 1336.3 feet
to corner No. 4 of Eacl Chance claim.
Identical with corner No. 3 of last Chance
Extension No. S c'ulm;
Thence S. C dcg. 64 mln E 1 135 1 feet
to corn, r No. 4 of Last Cbatico BxtensicBi
No. 2 claim
Thence N, 88 den 63 mln. W. 2704. S feet
to rumor No. 1 of Cuprite No 2 claim:
Thence K 3 dec 23 mln W, 1J00 fet
to ' orn. r i, 2 of Cuprite No. 3 claim.
Identical with corners 1 and 4 Of Wizard
and Dlorlte claim.-, respectively
Thence N 88 dcg W mln. v . ;orn font
to corner No, 1 of Dlorlte elahn, 'be place
of beginning and located In BY
nntl NF. i Section 8 and N U and
NE. 'i of Section 17, Township 7 North,
Range 1 Went B L B. Si M. containing
an area of 169 006 acr- exclusive of con
fllcto. aa shown by the dub Certified
field note. of F.ald Sunv No S571 to be
in conflict with SW 4 ol SW of Sec
lion 8 and with Section 17, T 7 X, ft l
W., B, L B Sc M.
I direct that thla notice 1 published In
The 8tondr.rd-In-.!ner. publlahed at
Ogden, L'tah.
GOl ED D l.l.AkTI.KY.
Salt Inko City. TTtb.
Claimant's Attorney 5432
Date of firtt publication September li.
In the Dlitrlet Court of the Ser-ond .ludl
clal District. In and for Weber Coun
ty. Slate o. Utah.
!A. B, Malan Plaintiff vr,. Emlh D. Hr
j Ha if not deceased, and U d0 1 a.ed. her
unknown heirs, devieeea legatev nnd
irfvllinr frthur C HaTTla .lohn Doe
and Mary Roe, who- othei nnd truoi
I names are to plaintiff unknown, and
I an and all other perponx Who hav e ,u
I claim to have some estate 01 Interest
In and 10 all or any part of the real
I property hereinafter described. Defend
I ants
; i h. state of Utah to the Sal 1 Deen lanl
! Yon are herehv summoned In appeal
I within twenty day after iCTVlCC ol tb's
; summons upon roll If Served '. ilhln Ihe
county In which thH nclton Is brought,
otherwise within thirty days after perv- '
I..- md defend the above entitled action;!
and In case of our fathite so to do. Judg
'ment will be rendered ogs ln.it you a
cordlnir to the demand of ihl OOmplaJnt,
which baa been filed with th clerk of
said court.
I This action Is brought to obtain n Judg
meni and decree adjudglrt; the pleln'iff
I to be the owner end Quieting his title
against any and ell claims of the defend
lanis In and to all of th following de
. ecrlbed real eotatc to Tlt
I All of Lots Seventeen (17) Eighteen
(IS), Nineteen tia) Twenty (20), Twenty
one 121). Twentv two f22). Twentv three
, (23), Twenty four (24). Twenty five 25),
:ml T!-nl) rx (261. In Block Two (2).
Hlghlund Addition to Ogden City, L'tah.
situate in Weber County. LUah
Thai the defendants whoe names are
to plaintiff unknown claim an Interest
I in said premises aa the owners thereof,
and that tbn same was derived by con
veyance or succession from the said d
fendanta Emily D. Harris and Arthur C.
, Hurris.
Plaintiff's Attorney
Postofflee Address: 704 Eccles Build
ing. Ogden, Utah. 6513
En thr District Court of Weber Countv,
State of l'tah.
El-.'na P. Uortensen Plaintiff VS. E M
Gregg. Henry H Rolapp. J. 8, Carman.
Alice G Luke, and Utah lOun & Ti-ul
I'ompnn;.. a corpora tion D.-fiilu.-The
State of l'tah to the Snld L'cfcndmt x
You are hereby summoned to appoar
Within twenty days after service ol this
summons up'n you, If served within tho
county In which thla action Is brought;
otherwise., within thirty dao after s.-tv
ICS and drfend the SbOVI entitled action;
and in case of your failure so to do, judp-1
, ment win be rendered against you ac
. oi'bng to the demand Ol the complaint,"
.which has been filed with the clerk of I
: said court.
Thl! action Is brought for the purpose
of quieting title to land described In BSdd
Pla;iitlff' Attornej
P O Address: C10 Ecclca Building. Og
den! Utah. 6514
2465 Washington Avenue
Ocden Ut lh
There are delinquent upon the following'
1 ,'.e-1 1 ibi ! stdck, on account of assessment
levied on the 17th dav of Beptembe
1920, the aeveral amounts set opposite lha
'names of the respective shareholders, as
i follows:
Cert. Amt of'
Name No. Shares Asst
! Mrs Jas J Cudo .1 1 $ .50
JSa J Cudo 2 1249 99.50
I J H Cude 3 i860 100.00
Geo S N lllonghbv. . 4 UT.n lo
P A Terry 9 12fi0 290.00
Lee A Shurtllff 10 1250 860.00
lohn F Ferguson 11 1230 200.00
O. A, Dalton 18 2600 200.00
and in accordance with the law and or
der of the boaid of directors made on the
17th day of September 1920 ho many
Shares 01 each pan el of BUOn stock ua
may lie neci sary will US aold ut 246 ,
Washington avenue, Ogtlen. Utah, on the
lSth dav of November, 1920 ut 12 O'clock
iimoi. to pay the dellniiucut usscssnicnt
1 th( on Ibgether with cost Of advertising
and oXDODge of sale
S J. O VoODY. Seerctary
241)5 Washington Avenue. Ogden. Utah
BnERlrK'S bAUb ,
1 In the District Court of Weber County.
StatO of Utah.
Evona Investment Company, .1 corpora
tion. Plaintiff, vs F. Allan McGulrei
and FdHh McQulro, hl! wife Charles E
Fish and Jane Doo Fish, his wife, and
Ralph B. Hong Company a corporation.
Defendants . lAM
To b- sold at sheriff s sale on the 30th
day of November. 1880, at 18 o'clock noon
01 said ua. 'it the south front door o.
the Weber county court house, In ogden
City, Weber county, Utah, the following
doacrlbcd property, to wit
Situated In Weber county. I tali and
described us follows. A pnrt of Lflt 10. 1
1IU-k 16. flat B. of Og.l.n City "v'
In Ogden Cltv. l'tah Beginning at the
northeast corner of said Lol L0, and run
ning thence west U feel thence south 8
rods, thenco east 44 feet, thenco north
rods lo the placo of beginning.
Dated at Ogden Cltv. Weber CoUIlty,
Utah, this 6th dayf gjgSfrBB:
Sheriff of Weber County. Utah
By Curtis Allison. Deputy Sheriff
Consult County Clerk or me Reapcc
tlVg Signers for Further
Estate of Bridget Hnrrlgan. Deceased.
I Tho petition of John D Harilgun and
Katie itaynor. for letters o ndmlnlStra- !
tion to be Issuad to Margaret Kelllhl I In
the ::bo en I lib I Ilia Her. 1.1 been Set
for hearing before Hon. A. W. Agce,
ludge on Monda . . lh. .t). dn m Nov.-m
bcr 1920, at two f2) O'Clpdk . m. at
tin countv court house In the court i
uf said court, In Ogden City, Wet.er Coun
tv Ftah
i 'Witness the clerk i xald iiiurl. with
the seal thoroof affixed, this 27th day of
October, 1920, , j
, WAITER n PARR, Clark,
By Agnes Smith, Daputj Cl rk
("hez & Barker, AttornoyB for Petitioner
I (Seal) 6871
Estate and Guardianship of Fred E. Kel
le-r, Iheomnetdnl
The Iiellllon ul Emll lv.llei. Br and
Emll Keller, Jr., for letters of guardian
hlr of the person and estate of Prad L
Killer, an I m ompotent. In tho gbpVC Sfl
titled matter, has been set i"i hi rlnj;
on Monday, tho 8th day of November,
190 nt lo o'clock a. in. at the countv
coiirt hOUe, m the COUrl worn Ol Said
court, In Ogdon City. Wobor County.
I Witness, tho clerk of snld court, with
the M'-al tlu-nof affixed. Ibis -7 Hi .1.
October. 1920. .
Bv Agnos Smith, i ' i put Cle k
Chez & Barker. Attorn, ys for Petitioner
I (Meal)
' Estate of Louisa UuSgraVO, Deceased.
J T!i petition of Hnr C Murgtuva br
I letters of admlllislratluti to be Issued b
IWlllard Carver, In tiic above entitled WSJ- i
The Ogden Auto Directory j
: white Trucks A. E. Wilfong, Phone 776. 68i5
frankhn Agency and Service All makes repaired. 2466 Qrant "
avenue. 6503 M
Briscoe Touring Cars, Gramm-Bernstein Trucks. White-Robinson, j
13300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 I
, Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740 I
All makes of batteries repaired and recharged. Exide Battery Sta
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741
iWebei Taylo- Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue, '.'lialmera and Max- I
well sales and service. Phone 143 3742
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3772 , M
Willard Battery Station, 2454 Grant avenue 3733 1
I I ms ssaa i a i ssi ii i i a an a am bm ass
Elizabeth McClintock Tells of
Alleged Indignities She
Elisabeth McClintock, trained nurse,
took the witness stand y esterday in i
her Mult rur.ilnst Ieroy- Beaattma undj
lot hers Whom she c harges with liaviiiKi
accurad ber of the then of a diamond I
ring -md caused ber tnipt IsonmiMii in j
ih, city Jail nnd Indignities of brlnm
.searched, she alleges her reputation I
has sufferer! as ft result of the ftCCU
satlons and asks damages of 120,000 1
from the defcnilant.s, which Include
polloe officers und matrons at tho po
lice station
Miss McCUntoch charges that while
serving In the Sessions home In De
cember, 1819, she Was taleely accused
of the theft of a diamond ring valued
al lr,.i She com plains th.it sh- v s I
taken to the poiir. station by Police
Seipeant A B Jensen and Detective
l '-tt. Noble and threatened v.itb
Imprlaonmeot and "advertisement" II
Shi did not confess. She testified she
was compelled to remain in the police
station five hours whore "he was forc
ed to divert her clothing and alio A',
IMallnda llrlcirs and E. Catherine'
Boyle, matrona, to search her. The
1 women, she declares, roughly combed
her hair In an endeavor to locate the
missing Jewel
After the search had been made
and proved fruitless, Miss McClintock
claims that she asked permission to
leave., but Sergeant Jensen toid her '
he would bring a bed to the room and
I forci? her to remain all night, or un
itil she confessed to the theft.
Officers Noble and Jenvrn In their
I f i r.-nt storv. They set fcirth they wero
culled to the home st Mr BeCslOtlB and
I Were shown where the ring had been
placed In a cupbi ard front when it ta
.alleged to have fllaai peered.
The offlcrs claim tht Miss Mc
Clintock willingly accompanied them
to' the police station and was allowed
to leave When the search of her cloth
ing was completed.
They declared that Mulinda BTlggS
and Iv. Catherine Doyle, nurses of the
'highest repute, were called tO the pO
I Hoe station to assist in the searcn.
They claimed the women took Miss
McClintock in a private room where
the nurse assisted and consented in
I the search for tho ring, both in her
Iclothing and suitcases. It Is DJAertad
by them that the woman suffered no
I III treatmont or Indignities,
I Miss Me 'llntoi i; n.im. s Mr S.-v Ions
land his wife. Tereso Sessions. iff leers
Ijonsen nnd Noble and Itiley Patten,
I Mrs Driggs ami Catherine Boyle us
(the def ndants wh-r took part in the
accusation and the search und asks
damages of f .'0 Oimi. She claims they
were responsible' for the accusational
which injured licr name1 and reputa
tion. .U IK Ut-. 8ELE4 TI l.
Tho case, it is estimated, will con-
sums several days beforc placed
the hands f the jury- Yesterdai I
I sessions were consume(l in the impan
eling; of the Jury and taking testimony
of the plaintiff and Mi. Jensen.
The Jurors la the CBSq arc Charles
H. Storey. Carl Delersoii. Ivlchanl
J. Fowler. E A. Olson. William Chap
pie, John McFarland, W D. Zeler
and Thomas D. McKtiy The- case Is
.being heard In Judge A U. Pratt's di
vision of the court
ST. LOUIS, Nov. . Police arrested
a negro in connection with the slaying
of Miss Ddna Kiiis. pretty 18-year-old
Htci'Kig raplier, whose beaten and mutl
lated body was found early Friday In
a clump of weeds In a bacon t lot in
the northwestern section of the alt)
near the gorl's home.
The negro's initials correspond with
InitlulB on u slip of paper found near
tho scene of the crime, the polloe
Tho girl's lacerated hands gave
mute testimony Of the desperate right
she made for hor life. Roth thumbs
and two of her fingers were neaj i
Mr9. Marie Ellis, mother of th
girl, told police Edna usually arrived
home about 6 p. m but worked over
time Thursday night to earn extra
money in purchaas Christmas presents.
BEKNK. Switzerland. NOV, C. Tho
Swiss government has decided lo
grant free entrance Into Switzerland
to members of tho International so
claltst congress meeting In Berne, De
cember f. The congress Will In- IIMII-
posed uf representatives of the groups
that hav e refused to OOOSpl th- i I
conditions for adherence to the third
Internationale al Moscow as I i down
by Nikolai Lonlne, tho Russian soviet
tkiest, Nov. d. (By thc Associ
ated Press ) Gabriel d'Annunzio, thc
Italian Insurgent commander at Fi
ume, has occupied the promontory f
.-.;m I'arco. south of Buccari. with S00
troops as a protest against the alleged
firing by Serbian co.iri guards n the
Italian steamer Ishorie from BUOcarl.
iJ'Annunzlo's troops are now facing
thc Jugo-Slav frontier.
ter, hnn heen set for henrlnc before ITou.
A. e. Pratt, Judge, on Monday, 'be sth
day of November. 1920. at leu (10) o'clock
a. m. at tho county court houae, In tlio
court room of snld ourt, in Ogden City,
S' l.er County, l'tah.
Witness, the clerk of said court, wltn
the . .! thereof iilflxcd. thid J7lb day of
October. 1520.
Ity Alfncu Smith. Deputv CI. ic.
Royal J DoukIus, Attoincy foi Petitioner
1 (SealJ 6iu
New Shipping
Board Member j
MOBILE Frederick 1 Thompson H
of Mobile- tlhS been appointed a mem- IH
ber of the United States Shipping H
Hoard for the Gulf division. Thump- IH
OH Is publisher of two Mobile papers. jH
The Register, and Thc News Item, ard
is an Officer of the Southern Publish- i lH
Hurls Stone Through
Big Plate Glass Window VLL
After having hurled a rock through i
the large plate, glass window of the H
Western Union company s office on 1
Washington avenue this morning, Ar- 1
thur Williams, 23 years of age. was H
arrested and Is held In the county Jail H
investigation. H
Williams sent a message to Los An- H
nwuu H
When he h id not received a reply to-
I v 1 iermod) . n.an- H
ager, of having failed to dispatch the
telegram. Williams grew angry and H
:.ft.-r he left there was n r.ish of H
gl gg 11 was thought he had shut H
through ih. glass Later it was found H
he had hurled a stone with great 1 H
After his arresl h.. asked for a gun
with which to .-ml his life. t H
nn mm
Rain or Snow Kay
Visit Ogden Tonight
Kuin or snow will conic to Ogden Pf
and thc Vicinity tonight of Ihe fore-
cast of tin United States weather bu- XLLLX
rem is correct The storm, however, H
will be duration,' for fair "
weather is predicted foi tomorrow.
Colder temperatures predicted H
both tonight and H
Jf( ,ti i day's maximum temperature H
46 degrees with minimuin of H
00 1
PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. d. Robert j
N. Btanfield, Republican, who defeat- H
Chamberlain, D mo ral n th( Oregon
senatorial race, is a grower of eastern H
'r.-gon and farmer speaker of the H
Oregon house of representatives. In H
1 f 1 S he was an unsuccessful ratidl' H
foi "ii Republican nomination
for senator against I'nlted States Sen- I
tttor Charles McNary. Chamberlain JH
formerly chairman of the senate
DmVEK. .'I. Nov. I. A Franklin
penny, th( fli copper coin to be au- 1
thorlzed b congress, has been found H
on the homestead uf one of tho first
settlers here. It was struck in ITS"
and Is one of a fow thai coined. I
I The penny took Its name froin Ben- 1 1
In mln Franklin because of tho inclu- 1 llm
your business,'' after n rl
him that coins should serve purposes H
other than those of legal tetiuer. jL!
un one side 13 circles appear linked tf
together, a small circle in the middles
With the word "United States" around
Oh the other side is a dial with the
hours Indicated, a meridian sun above
on one side of which Is the word.
" Fuglo" and on the other the date,
"1787." Id low t v dial appears the
Franklin phrase "Mind your own tiusl-Hess.'
TT.'. Cat idfi Nov 4 Canada's
'export livestock tido has shown re
markable development i" the Inst fow
veus. according to government sta
tlstlcs i.iv.- cattle exported last year
exceeded fiOA.OOO and ivore valued r.t
50 000 equal to the com-
blned values 01 live cattle exported In
,the five previous years.
More than 90 m-r c ui of t" export
'ed cattle went to Ibi United States
either US butcher cattle or Ntockors
fresh and ploklod beef valued al
817,848. The total value of cattle ex-
peirtod. exclusive of ennnod mc:its. ex- m
ceeded $70,000,000. H
During the World War 52.900 pr
vate wells were damaged or destroyed H
in kA

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