Hbbbs J'JtvDSSBKKsm-
iO-ACtCE farm for ralo or trad for cle.r
ellj proiri. nt n bargain? well Improved
miiI 'Ino Implement' S. V rtz. Twcnt
. I 1 1 I ' ' ll :r
I NICK pi H ' with tbr- nrrr-Ji of good Soil!
Koo.l tor mp Slntf hlirbvny .lose In. Vox
1 1 ' ' -'-1
FINK corner lot. 1'nltrrson nil Wnll nv
ones: fi" I nH a h."Uf block from drool.
Car line. Front!!. nvnllable tor thr.-o
houses fading on well Sidewalk tnx paid:
,.. .i (,n W.i II pnirl. Prlc $650: trrs
Jioo cosh and $15 per month. O. A. Ken
p. Utah N'ntlotiHl UtittK building
Phone TOj
8 rooms. Iath. b-ir.-m. M. porch, lot 05x
191. This Injun fa three fourths completed.
Soli ns stand. Sewer on.l sidewalk.
4-room brand new bungalow; vacant;
lusy trrma.
.. 'ix-im house, railroad dltrl t. $2100;
$2'n cash. balance tssy; vacant.
Modern home, rnpv foe' frontaRe.
south part city: vacant Basy terms,
m . : . v.
i;r.; W.ov. BARG !
Four room modern. air. .-.Ir.r.lnR porch
rarriRe. up to-date chicken house and ma;
Inwn. tr-i s. Kordn. ahruhhei . etc. Ciiih.
ge owner. 631 Thirty fifth St. Thon.
. . 1M
i. v. i :. i.'Y
Heal Estate Insurance
Two strictly modern bungalow, one of :
C i.-iorriH with Kari-KC attached, and one
of 5 rooms, on both of which very liberal
term can be nrranjred.
Submit h proposition nnd we may be
able to meet your terms
H27 Hudson Ave
Vih imbrs Theatn It tl Door 7197
,tJ3 He&l Folate Loans Insurance
M Wk On Twentv-elghth street between Madl-
MS n and Jefferson avenues, all special Ini-
prorementS In: lot 45xH2. with cement
HBflfl drlvewa and walks around b-mse. rhe
9 home a brbl; bungalow with 2
B rooms, bathroom, .spm Ions . oml.ln. d Jlv- .
IMbbWI biK and dlnlnR room. With vvo.i'b rful color
MBMi eiheme. complete klt'im all hordWOOd
FRTV I floors, furnace, end fireplace Sen this,
MJ home which i Just completed and appro-
T-1)B elate a real bargain Price J7.r.r. Terms i
; room modern brick that win appeal to
Ja you. on large lot In north pari ol town
Ll2JH Hardwood floors, fireplace nn,i many
ttfcjH built-in features 3 larpe hi .Irooms; south l
J I runt. Price $5'.ri'. Terms.
J mi the bench we have a f-roorn brlCK,
j1 in exccii.ni condition. There is large lot
HHI $C00 WOrth of chicken nina and coops, j
BaSaS Price $2.r00. Terms. i
PBHJ In south part of Opdcn nem Thirty -
HH fourth stre-1. we have strictly modern
rH new bunpalow; with hardwood nooip. piini (
IH finish, fireplace bilt;ln boOlMWM I tT-
nace and full be meal Pr.ce MC IllOO
IBI ca?,h and balance 4d including In 'crest.
Lj 1""",nrT,;
Tin rnwixr.NT VI BUI1 ' Q LOAN I
237". 2377 Hudson Ave. phone ,.-n
$2500 Four room hous SBX19I
M M on bencl Terms.
Kfl -.-ik. i ". r 1 1 r.-i1erri brlCK i!'"
H block from pavement il cr line.
lX Kasy terms. .
SKLJi uoOO Modern brlch nunpalow half "''
IH from v ashlngtcn avenue Fpur
ro..ms and Itir rc. cptlon hill. flr
H pl"'"''. cement bpsement. large ioi
lllfl and Rarave. Terms
NTK1 Tt nrv.
M We have two bnverfl Ur s'x or seven
room homes. mo3cm or partly modern.
and well loci U i n th -. nd plcn
xr.l room '-n pay $1000 to $200 cash,
IIB and Rive ample BCcnrlty for balance.
Also buyers for ' Sir or five room mod
IIIH erately priced homes that c.-n be Inn
dbd with Fin . ll cash payments, hut can
H make poo-j bir n om: ly psynn nts, oj turn
I aulomob lrt payi
feB Alvo have some good farniS 10 trade lor
("all nnd SOS US If you have city pro..
H ertv for sale or trade V.e con handle
xnt:3Tmi:nt co.
H 2775 2377 Hudson Ave Phone S59
rRsHI ',Tl:l(""TI.V rni-leni f-ur room riotty. di.
I ' rull basement. rnac
tfffcw h'-it Inquire 301 Thirty-fourth street
j w . '"
V i iWNK 1 ' - :r""':'
hollFe wllh Kmi-.i;. . ' u11 1
$L 1 ' 1 M'Hre -:vi Thirtb th itri i j
jgJB PTVE3 room modern frame r.MUso In roM
i . gnditlon 40
M . strlcti rn
J i.nrdwoo in.
BMilB the best buy in town. Phone M-lb-N.
mT: : T.'.
BIH Six room modem home c!o.e In. cod
sued lot. near sired car and navefl
street: all special tax.-s paid in tul I. Im
mediate possession; bargain at 30W
IIHi worth much more money Easy terms. A
i . i-.r ii7 ch build ng rota
rood ... ii. in. n f :i" I
H Washington avenue. no:n.. B gOOfl Bl
ness; long base on property at low tent.
fTEKX fcest of reasons for s.-llInK-
I have two grocery Stordl, one oi MM
best In the city long lease or. bulldl.n,
B The other Is a Ward rtore doing good
buslnejs and making money Either store
will inako the purchaser money.
1 One of the best rooming housed In the
city well located on Twenty -fifth street.
H A money maker.
H I buv Liberty b- nds
Phono 39 Mil Hudron Ave
IB root i modi rn brick hous. lose In a
V tl crt-Ht bargain. $1"00 .ash. 16600.
8-room modern brick, elegant home ,
-lose In Terms JSOOO
i room nearly modem house with six ,
! nd one half ;-crea land: fine Improve ,
iiitnU On Canyon rvud A burg:un j
iS Tri-rna fl". 000.
Ki.i.i.'. HERRICK
vit. ro im mod n bung iov excepl
W hem Screened porch and basement Im I
mediate possession. By ownner. P'onj
27C7 W !
! oiioa ng properties must b. ld u I
wc want bids on one or all. Terms mn
bo had on part of purchase price
Eight acres excellent land at Tiurxy-i
elKb'h and fJrnnt. Six room houee. sever
Sl chicken houses, qulto a nlre orchard
koikI new garage and coal bouse Also.
ever.il Improved and unimproved farms. '
slock In several good money making rom ,
panlef several secured noti j drawing II
I p.., , , ,i riie iImw propi rt muKl ' 1
I xol.l Call at '':'' r i les I uildm? for any
! part or all Will sell any piece oi prop
crty at a very cheap price. Come at
I one.
i iSl' room I..IM-.. iru"1iii. imi; ' "
I O-i seven room brick, $400
One four room house $2100
One four room house, modern. $2800.
One three room, Just built, only $1300.
Easy terms.
0: Thirty-fifth street. 6810
skven room bri. u iious- furnished on
Wn?hmgion : by owner. $S&00. Uox Jlo.
gtand ii i &tamlnj i " 1 1 '-' ,
k FecI m. barq MN-' En cn 5
W ti rnom modern, garage, new ga ninpe. I
$2710. $600 down I
6-room. hot and cold watr; lot 65x147 i
$2850; $200 down.
6 room modern, $3500.
2731 Madison As-;. PhohS 2r20
I 7203
W L. POUrr.Il. P'-nl 1' ''it" mill IXianu
IS7C Woihlnglen u venue Pnono 1875.
. lfl
B'' FOl'P- room modern house. 3G38 Grant.
Eay. I'-rm.y .
Acentg I
H YOl'R relums will bo satisfactory if sell-!
H I ing our stork of carofulli grown fruit
H n oautnisiital i-.nall fmit.-. n.i.i-8.
H .1. mend. Writs for particulars im
H :s I'i . kuii Bldg. Salem.
7 1 1 J
j MiceUaneou J
1 OHIO vacuum cleaners. $1 day. Phon
Of European Invention are coffin
wBKr made of waterproof cardboard, the
.. , i v. .. CI"-.
( Furnished 5
i : ROOM furnished apartment, no ehll-
i dren. 437 IJInford 7".''
' Fl "RNISHBD housekeeping rooms. 2638
idams Ave Phone 230t W. Call after 5.30
p. rn TtM
NICKI.Y furnished sleet Irig room for gen
n jivj w ...-! i in Aj 7 '
PliRKlSHED roomi foi light housekeep
I inir Twehj 1 seeond Bl T119
s i , i : . . i i . . T- i.. i..,th i in in
one or two: gentlemen, preferred 723 Par
' low Ieno between Twenty sixth and
1-A-. nl M-xinili Ptr. . It. oil Madison A
SMALL room, furnished, - ub gsls plats
I ml. :i. iii : .'..lati.i A 1 1 ' 1
'1 M i ::r 'M nrii i n p" r' nient. 336
Ehjhtcenth 31 7190
I FURNI8HKO rooms, toilei it I ink
son Ave. November 10; sleeping por. h ,
nnil l-o Hi ' - U: In 718S
NICELY rurnlshed sleeping room, suitable
for onu or two ladles. 400 Twenty-ninth
IODERN heated sleeping room In prl
vate famtlv 413 Twcnt flecon street
l-hr.ne ? 'l ' : !
ii RNISHED sleeping room hosted;
ginllemcn preferred. 2746 Mndlron. I
PI RNI8I1 El I d ooi R I rd suit
able for one or two gentlenen. Phone ,
Ml W 7121
L V'C'.i: fr ' I . . i- n 7.:". 'I'v
fifth Call after 4 o'clock. Uentkmeni
prefcrre i.
OOOD tnbdenn rooms. 1169 Jefforson.
FHi i . i bIi Ini room. : :.
avenue. 708s
I(i ii i.:: Yd i. Il.il.-I. " n I Tv.m.
St reel
Ik ic i.ms OaU i Hotel, :ik Qmnt
BOOMf, not housckTepTng 530 Twenty
third. t "'
S i ,i 'i IPING rooms foi . ntlemt n i i
sti m in ,i an i both j ' U nt 1 -
j xCanTld j
I .Male Help J I
TMii:it et tb- ' " The ,t 7C17 ,
T i -.Si l BOI S LIVING ' RTH 1
" I R. S 1" n i rtn K Nl U 7 :.
MAN and team to haul he! Li Inquln Ml
fourth St . or pj 2J " I '
TWi loyi do ' . all do
Tle'l r iind :t. i.'- Job. Plione 0J2 or,
l w 17J
Ml R . nted, i hton ! . brt k & ' -
Pn Th. i irntu ind ffj '". 71S3
i V i boj vlng north ot b foi
Standard -Ex nnltacr routes. ni' Circula
, Mans r' idard fOxamlnn 71 ;'
Si i i y luto School,
tip bett'-r Start riy hi 7fn'S
.1. : ... i Id fioi . 7 in to 1 p.
m H. -.l. Ko-el. ' I
v soTRed j
To Rent j
Five or six room modern furnished
n'.a; tmiri o. hOU "rilH ' ring. PlBjl,
I class care guaranteed Address t M.
. Kifri cnr.. IJon Co .' 'o 7UI
NICELY fir Hi-1' : h ckeej iig rcoi
or three loom pnrtmcnt cio.ic In. Ph
823 o late Hotel 6S45
l.nr:F i-it-m rags :mi-d st Standard ,
Exan r o rt 1871
PLAIN scwln nd dressmaking, Oixii
dren's clothing a specialty! Pbo:u zi?.
H 'I . : ' P 01 ipl
1277 V h ' "l. '"ii.
: . i k ,' .. , . nd emb oldei
Inc. ren ckI' Uns. v.o. k ;:u.n antted. Phone
ISOS J 6904
DRESSMAKING AT 849 Thirty-first.
ALL Sis I.. i ' pi til : ' ' '
51 - - - i 1 7 ' 1
t . sixth ' . 1925 J. 6
SEWING ' il 541 1 ! 0
riemsiiu bins i I oi eu Duttope. -Ihk
and plenl in Second Coor W H
. I rich m ..; .' ... (i i. man 1161
j LOST ' " j
LADY'S geld wrlai watch. M, H.-H en ;
iravd on back Reward, Call 27f. w oi
gj i entyjtifth treei j ifi
BLACK wnllei I ii. I ' n '
ey if wallet and contents are returned to
In i; n In o Well pnu- 71 54
1 1 :! i N 1 1 ' . I'.i i. i' '
! cow, Jersey and Durham, few white
ispots branded P F Anj Informntloni
pladlv received by Mrs. Ralph Annstronx.
,N i .ri n ' 'ci ii n i i .i ii
PL,i SH coal stolen oi taken by mlstak -al
s;.emblv Hc.lurdai i-emng. Plume 10-I
R I -- trd 70SO
i ti I n i 1 it v- " I n '.' 11 '.-b.-il to
t.'i light Return to Btghdard-ESsamlnr.
Ran trd 68DI
I,UA.,s in the man who works $10 and Up.
No security, rates lowest payments ess
lest, .service quickest :'nd most private in
1 tan what -r.k .!o for big business,!
w- do li.r the working mar. or woman.,
BII 1 1 . - ; Hudson I I Ig 1 1
MONK o loan ... - euvj
Kelv 4: Mcrrtrk
To Buv
HIGHEST prices paid for men's old
clothes 259 Twenty ilftb tt. - Phone 167.
I I I K 1 7 "i i .... 1 1 1 r t ' i, ' ! , i in i n. i
Feed 'o. Pb.one 1213. 2:134 Washington
avei ue. ,
HKJIU'ST prices paid for second nur.d
goods. Stowo, 100 Washington. CS6C
I buy liberty bonds at highest price If
you have bonds for sale, see me. J. J.
Brummltt, 2417 Hudson avenue rhone 69.
I IRGE clean roK.i wanted at tho stand
srd Kx.inilniT oifi 4881
Opportunitie I
GRAND opportunity for a man With :mall
canltal to itet in business for himself
Sacrificing established business in og-
den Don't d-lay to Inveslgatr this. Good
terms to rik-ht party Address Box 3t.
core Qgden Standard Kxam I n'r. 7148
WELL established unto repair hu.'lnesi
A real bargain Ixmg lease, low ix-nt. Pox
I' i; Sfcird-. rr' Kxaiuinm ' I
( 1 1 i : mey'a h oi Ih ind mo thoi
sands satisfied, our foninde.s work. Price
1 prepaid Success Co., 1. O W. Ogdon.
i ; I '
SITUATION wanted- Mlddlesged woman
l us rotTi. Appl Apurtmeiit S. Iln'l I'lmit
a vi njg
1 KVXPl rIeNCE 1 I i p i and sti n..K
I lupber wishes position, Pox O, care Stand
: mi I r. ...... in., i 71SI
LADT wants Ironing bj ins dai Phone
! I8J j-
" iSillNG to i homi . Phon
i More women and girls dp f.-.rni work
in northern Japan than men
Nash Demonstrator
Ford Touring
Hupp Roadster
Dodgo Rosdswr
Chalmers Tourlntt
Oakland Tourinfi
Nash 2 ton Truck
Olds ton Truck
Chevrolet 1 ton Truck
All In first class mechanical condition
! Twenty ae. end .v't and Washington '.
POR SALE Dodge tcniring with plate
WindOWS in rear, lot of extras, looks and
runs like new. leaving town. Call 84
..I Avs 71 " 1
ORBAT bargain on Ford roadster. Call
Roland Browning, 7: Washington Ajj
SECOND hand Ford runabout for sale
Phone S07 220 Washington Ave.
1 1 al
SPI I :i ST:it J o. . '.-i rt." id m. i i.;i
condition; terms. 4$5 Twenty -ssvenUi BL
-hi; i: cb'.-.p. ! I I ' '
T'i my f oil r t D St j n
BUICK - v. 1911 model first class" cSnj
dltJoil I'biir.' ft 7 i' j '' - -
:n-.i i -i. rob ' i"M mi 1 i 1 1 '' k
sale; good condition. Cash or ifcrros to,
responsible party MM Adanxs erenttf.
Phoi i"
;7T7 ROMAN'S III ' ''
Doil;rc tr1J. lourlnx c-.r.
Podge 1916 ton img car.
Dodgo sedan
DodRe loads! r
Bulek IS 10 t ur "c cgr
Bulck I T. lour'.ng . ar 1
Bulek B-8S roadster,
Maxwell fl lAssonger, 1
Dkl nd tour'.ng i-ar.
unes romi i-sn.
Dodge screen drtlverv.
Studebaker touring car.
Poj 2 oupai i
! v.r.i rondsCat delivery.
Ford dCliV) r irinjk.
I'ord to-.irlntr
We haw- the beat stork of renewed r-
now that we ever bod. Price's are rigfl j
T-ms lo suil you.
w.i hlngton Avenue phone S.'
5. E on tluda in unei six l
as new. Ogden Motor Car Co. 23-17 HiM j
son avenue 1 "
1920 Bulek i..nr in,- cai ui U i
onlv Snap for o.ulck sale. Phone 23 17 P ,
fiF..i :
. t .i ' u i in ;- 'i'-
PUP Chevrolet r. 7. Icier 11251
l'jis Chevrolet touring .JtVi'1!
1920 Rcripr.s Booth (new) $15S0 j
Big bargains In popular seven psssgh-l
ger cars.
oodf:n MOTOp. CAR CO.
-." Hudson A r ni-i- 69o '
Fl "Wl f t . . 1 1 1 n c- i ar. i r i. .! .ii nev
(nquire . M Mack. 280.) Washington
I li'-i r'" ' 7
1920 i ihi ndl f tour p--."- nt 1 ro ,0,'M
used only i its months, excellent condition
i h or terms Party h-av!ns town. Box
N K .. care Stan lard -Examiner (-(
': i''.l 'mi . I.. '.' '-o Jell- rscm.
j " VWal7FD 7
I f err.ate Hep
GIRL for housework and take nr.' of!
children during day. Apply after P. m.
Smith, l.t'i; Wii'hlnglon Ave, tgden
GLEVATOK -n . Reed 5i ej 7 ,
i.'rlRL or woman for general house-work, I
: - T ent? i ond 31 7. id
, ' i . i girl oi 9 oiiu n for gen-'
iai housowqik. 452 Twenty-seventh St
VOUNO woman wants gem tal housework
Phone 3060 70M
I , VI ' V hep.er vmiii on OS 1 1
tS4 Twenty.fourth. H. L. Miller. 7181 1
HALL r.rl. liirh. i-.t wages paid. Healj ;
Hotel 701
-. I'EJ Girl for general hou
must be good cook. Tulephono 197J. Mrs 1
II -nil H rrl 94S
GIRL a idi in Noodl Pal ii 8T30
CP 2RIENCED sewing git !. wanted at
to" Gown shop- K'ood t-. i , BS8j
'.i.owvv riii Phon.- -y-c.-.j 7281 I
IONIEI MAN Wanted to buy hon-.-- In
1 e quantity. Bi i B oi s n i samples and
il.. h .Moose Club, 24T. WashlriTon A I
oi toes and veget ibles, all
I .1 II U .. ; 1 1 VjM ill. 7.V
cTFlNA ."T;-""" 2S4 T ntj Uiird si
MAHOGANY bed i ilt sale
eh im. 4i 4 T - ii' - ..:v' St '22T.
HORSE harnesi and wagon, also chlck-l
p 4 T88j
N Iv.r .Iohii:oi b'cjclo. almost new, only
835. o. a Kennedy basement i tali Nn
I i ,i 1 building 7887
ELVTJY'S hunk Meat Market hunk
meats loc Id: stenk": or choice cuts 20c
I I bSTu .in i- fot; "i Bl 72:'f.
o tad tl Grui si ) We
r.1 . ..ii klni or ibl nd
imilii ,h,-nn Kfllv A! Pcrrrs I'hone 7l?
PAINTS -gMiirante. .1 ,n,i,t,i J ) gallmi
lo b. st quality Jt 50. Slowc's, 1800 Wash
i - on Cve 72lo
FOR ' 1 : Oak dining table snd boolj
a Call before 11:80 a. rn or after 5 .30
i. i i i 1 1308 7809
PRACT1CA1 LY new Axmlnstei rus brass
bed two-hole Puritan oil stoe. ice box
. ,. 86j Ti. ifltj fust St 71hi
HOOSIER I Iti hi ;i cs bln I l hone 8219.
: v-r; Oas heating stove im-v sie
first Class onditlon. Appl) ov. ner, jfIS
i rhtl I . ' 7158
I'll ii .I i ml foui months M I - Nel
i ili-ld. or phonr ', IS 71 '.7
1 1 1 i : . i , . .; ( Guaranteed Bin get s
8377 Ji to , Ph '' .'' d 7H1
i:i.;jp 1 1 '.! rurnli Phone 3UC W.
i ;aM h mess end wagon for sale cheap
ph ii MJj it. 7;:s
a i WINTER spple t the orchard or
delivered F S lirlscoe,. Phone 04 J-l.
, IL"
WE olways have Sn apple within the
reach of i-vnv family, flallsfctlon guar-
i rn-. n Phon i 22 w 7oj:
j '. ? SHAIIKS ..f W'-ber-DavIS Wdter
stock $2 65 pe-r abaxo. I'hone 926 W,
NEW John Deere spreader 40 tons of a!
falfa hav, 20 tops of pea silage. Phone 16
.in 7091
(INK gi... Ii-i -i .Hid v. :i'.ir beater ;bap.
2 4 SO Mom...- TOM
iink Underwood No E typewriter ex
. ceiicnt condition Inqulro 164 Twenty
eighth siren
:K ph.uiogrnph cheap. 624 Thirty
: fifth 1122
l'OK mangle, fine for chickens or Mock
! I'all John Bush. 5?4 J. 7o7J
COMPLFTE set of prnctcnll lo w fuir.cd
oak furniture. WW so11 b Plcce ot set.
1 AjJ I ' rn. Bl ''-'. IN j 7''flr'
'Wi.'.i ill sTl'P binr-.-r'c-- .ibotgun. n. v
j - ! 17 Hudaon '
KIN I .UN: v. ood Phi-:). 3S. 6847
Ti ' I..'- 7 (on Phon.
.7 ''4
CANARIES i iiaranteed i- en
l . 512!
ii-. heap i ' good uni ailed f"i
I suits Two pulr of pants with each suit
gi oti h Woolen Mills ll
am. iarietles ol a i apples. Orchard
I ., , m, Circhurd. Phone tl Rj G0U2
; 2&0 TON'S hay, J7 CO per ton. I'hone :r,
,W 5fi4
WK pa i hlghel -j. b Diioes .'01 n used
i household furoltura Newman's Second
Hand Store, S34J Washington avenue
iVhohii 188 M8
pplSs R S ChTid! Uvefdale! Swne
mm 8808
, (J1J i 1 1 1 1 I autg I'hon 142", b 7 3
I'NOAl.l t V ioi ulle. tailor noe: hlg
eductl'sn. Gordou's. 811-35 Iwcnly-flfih
Sv. Phone 415. 8157
h ROO;,t modern ' "me close In, JS6 r.. I
n-t7 '7 nidr : s
MODI-.' P.N 4 room houKe 3C50 Porter VVO'I
t l.RCIJ front rooms, unfurnished 1 P7"
Jackson Av Ml i
)'U7 I uiinK .r an first payment !
on fniirf'l home Irnulrc 272 onro.
aven 7 "5 5
Board and Room J
F iK r.ri r.r l" giHtlemen bi ,r'rlftle
inodern home iOSj xwentg tfdrd 31 7."t :
BOARD and for brother n i idsteri I
in private family References givvi. J'ov :
70. cars Stan I u 1 1 ' jj
WE latie ionr old rentre a first payment
on anv MS itncn. or will buy rour aid
mi.', i--.ii ' -v- r Home furniture Oa ,!Tl
Information Bureau
i on n ii r ivr pi:? month
, i
ANYTHING fvcxv o Olo
ANTTHrNO A to 2---new or iij
i,v rol l o- resided P!'on "tt
brf.rr.wcll l-oi end Staf'on'ry it,l
Wkr.blnvton A Phono IC.'i Sri"
Ctab NatttOBSI Xenn. oJtl,set connrr
Twenty - fourth swl w,snlnffeb Phone 1
U'd-n i .i t ' ,. nr.'.nc Co. Hav u
I-- n our runs the boat way. Flione I 5
Bnd I 523 W C7"S i
Otfocu Lblmnoy nweop Pliono 364.
6414 j
tlxpi-Ti c.trpri cleaning, upholsteiins
mattresses mv n-r, lestlp-rn rnovti
Call B. J. Hampton A Co.. 25$6 W 4234
K. Vsn Ksniprn for lipbStsterlni cut
pcth r'caned altrrrd snd lu'd fU-niafclfcf
o' inallre.4e Phono ?"5-.T
Prionc 133. 22fiS-Cu ajiiiincuio Avu
The Kcw M'-thort Dentists ire pe-i.i-I(r
in al! hr.mcnes of trntlt-y t4l
W a 'hirn.cn A vt tOK
ofjaoAVINvi -
Ocden Krao '.- 5 Kefvlce nis''r
oi fino dilt In ene oi mo. , olors III
T"Tni miTfi 4- .. i Por,,. . S3
J. P Coi 20 Bcclej Pulldlnit
G-o. D iii :inc-t ..ortorniion nd cro :p
Ini irant i sper'alty. 8lione 12-W. ish
W'rsii-i-n Hide & Junk Co., 23S3 W jh-
Intrion Av l'in'".- :1
Ogden 1 ink Houi-e. Ji6 Wanhlng-too
Ave P'.ione 81 0
C. H erbe . Phono 84B-J B263
All binds. G B. Zk4rbe Phone 945 J.
1 1 In i I Kay. r.-it cst.ite and lon
I i i'ssbUiRtor ' Phons W8 H74
Stemnshlp Agency, 2i?f Washlnptonl
... nut Phon 1168-8347 ii 882. S9 16
-lona et up and repaired. Phone
:5:4 w. sots
Onrb.iKO nr.d rubbish hJiu'ed. ctrwpoels
and lolleu cleaned J.hn Chlpp & Co
M one S26 2ri4S Hudt-ot. jivanus 73
Bloom, the Tailor, Is an expert on r;
I nric i.nd r -prurlnfr. Su'ts inac.o to ordr
:j4 Twont) fifth street. 8833
i r.b AMj fi.CS
Trunk and r..-pliinK. round ar
( . iroru -Sibudnid unlUcher's. '373 Mod-s.-.o
I ! KPItT 7lndo. wr.ii wall Daoer ":rpn
... ii cn Window Cleaning Ph EST
Notlre M. A No OTOT
' r.t.d :.t,t,j i.-r... r.M.i.-, .an ijtke
Citj . i ten. B pt. io, 1820
Notlcs la herebj given, that Southern ,
Pnclilc Gold & Copper Mining S ltUn
Company, a corporation, throj.-1! Us oil j
thorlxed nr. nt t'o-n Id Holderman, whose
POStOf fide address la Kslt LakS Cll. t'tih
b-a made application lor n United S'ntts
patent for the Dlorlt-. Cupritt No 2. Oil
rite No 3. Vizard, Last Chunc-e. Last
Chaiiee Extension No. 2. La.st Chance F.x-1
tension Nd 8, Pen oU hii-l Top Notch;
)od- minins claims consolidated, situated 1
In the Sl rrn Mum i . k district, Coun
ty of Weber, Stl'- Ol I tuh, bclnif Sur 1
vcv No. "'371, and d( crtbed in Ihv fii Id
notes ind plat tile in this office, with I
in(ii,ii(.tic vaiiutiu.n hi IS detf iuast. as
Commenclns at co r-.- ;o. 1 or Diorlte
lode claim, wntin i' tint S, W. comer Sc
g. T 7 N.. It. l W.. s i. B i II bears
u d. p. 42 niln V 1321 II :-ot.
Th nee r 6 oi-g- nun. r,oo feet
'to corner No. 2 of fa d claim,
ThenOS S SS cieg. B8 mln. E 300U feet
to corner No. 3 of Wirard c!nlrr.;
Thence N 0 d x 23 min, W, 966. s feet
to ioi ner No 1 of Top Notch claim:
Then-... i jS deg f.3 min C 6r.f 4 feet
1 to corner No. 1 of lit Chance Lxicnioo
j No. 2 claim :
Thence N. 5 dett. 4J m'n W 1459 4 feet
to corner No. 2 of Last Chance Exttniilon
No 2 claim;
Thncee S. dec. 53 mln. E S00 feet
(to corner No. 3 of wild claim;
1 Thence S. 6 dc-i 48 mln. IS HIM -"X
j to comer No 4 of said claim. Identical
I with cornet No. 3 of l-att Chance claim;
' Tlunce S 5 de 23 min E 133C.1 feet
I to corner No. 4 of Lint Chonee claim,
.identical with corner No 3 of last Chancu
IfSxtcnSlon No. 3 claim:
1 Thence S 6 deK 64 mln 10, 1435 1 feet
to corner No. 4 of Last Chance L'xtcnslon
No claim:
' Tlunce N. s leg 53 min. TV 2704.5 feet
1 to corner NO, 1 of Cuprite No 1 claim
Thence N. t deK 3S min V. 1200 feet
to corner ttc, 2 or Cuprite No, 3 claim.
identical with corners i and 4 of U'tiaid
and Dlorlte i-lalinn respr-.-1 1 nl s
Thence N S8 dcR. 63 mln. V 1500 feel
.to corner No. 1 of DlorltS claim, the piece
r.i beginning and locuted in BW ", SE
! 4 and NE U. Section 8 and NV U and
NB, '4 of Section 17. Township 7 North.
Range 1 Went. K L D. & M containing
on aren of 169 006 acres exclusive of con
flii i" ii fchown by the duly certified
field notee of said Survey No. 6571. to ba
!ln conflict with SW, Si of SW. of Sec
'tlon S ond with Section 17. T. 7 N . R. 1
j . B L, B. & M.
I direct thnt this notice le published In
Th. Standard Exu miner, published at
lOcdcn. Utah.
Salt Lake City. Dlah.
Clabnunt's Attorney 6423
Date of flrut publication September lo.
' 1920.
465 Washington Avenue
Onden, Utah
There are delinquent upon tho following
d- - ilb.d -to. )., on Qccumt of uasossmenl
I levied en Die 17th day or September,
: 1820, tin svral nmounlj act ovposite the
inomea of 'be r spoctlvc shavihoMcrs. SS
I follows:
Ceri. mt. of
I Name No. Shares As.st
Mrs Ja. . Cutle .... 1 50
Jae .T. Cudo Jl 1249 9? :0
I j. ii. cude s ljan toti'oo
Qmj B, Willoughby. . i 1 35u 101 Oti
P A. Terry ft IZfiU 380!0J
L .: A Bhurtllff lu 135u 251
John K VergUSOn... 11 1350 200 HO
jO A. Dalion 12 2500 aOOiOO
and In piecordancs w.ih :i-i- inw and or
Ider of tbe board of directors mads on ths
17th da ol sptombr. 1920. so man
i shares of kcIi parcel of such xtock us
Irony bs necesary win tie sold at 2468
Washington avenus Ogden, Utah, on ths
18th day of November. 1080, at 12 o'clock
I noon, to pay th . d.-Hn i'i"iit riii-wmeni
thereon, togethei villi cot oi advertlslaR
I iind expense of sail
I J. O WOODY. Sn i.-tar.
24b5 WaKhirigton Aenue. Cden, 1'tah.
On Cfeas Comclair.t of Defendant Ralph
E. f-oag Company a Corporst:on
Ih the District Court of the Kcnd .rudi .
clol plslrlct In snu for Webo Countw
State bl Utah
Rvona Invstmnt Com-osriv. a corpora-.
tiO plaintiff v. F. Allan MctJulre. and1
Edith UeOulre. hi wife; rhaiie r.
Pii-h and .Jens Doe F'ab. hl xrlf nnd
Ralph B, lloa; fcnipan)-. a eorparatlon.
defer I - nts.
The tat ot T)th to the aald defendant. '
P. Allan MctfUlr unu lMith ftieOulra, I
bV viif: i'herl... T: F;)i .Tin.. I ;
l"l 'Il hlB Wllf.
You nie he,-e'r.) .., mron.l hpl.- --
within twenty dnya af) p.irvica of this
summons uron ion if erved Within the
county 'n whicn tills action ii brought;
otherwlc. ithin thirty i-piy. srtr serv'
Ico. and de'end the ai e entitled oe-
tlon; and In ca.sv of your tailUN io to do
Jitdgmsnt Will be rcnden j sSnlnat ) oil i
ii ieordiny lo the demand of tbe cross com
plaint of ih Jfetidnt. Itnlph I". Hoag
COmpahy. a corporation, which bs hoo.i
filed with th eirK of SHld COUri,
This action is Pioughl Obtain sn ac
counting from, ntnl Judgment stfa'.n'-l. the
defendants McOuire In fsor of the rrnss
complainant regftrdltng ths real propdty
ds.-rbi in th complaint etui th Cross!
complaint i aro resldul remajrdnk aftef
the pgVgient of the mortgaged indebted
m-KS against sanii. mid ndjuda.iir, that
i to the cross eeinpHinant th u fend
ants rish hAve l,o IflUragt in said piop
ttoma) roV I i-fiioint and Cress
Coniplslmmt Ralph E Itoak
.oiup-iri. a Corporation.
P Addreas. 3b David Eccles Uulld
'.ng. Ogden, Utah. 701"
Consult County Clerk or the Respec
tive Signijts for Further
in the District Oouit of Weber County
' State of I 'oh
Beatrice w. Sdadden. Pldlntifij vs. Harry
O. Madden, 1 1 1 itdanl
This Stnte oi I l.-l. 1. 1 Sin.: I " if! .nt
You ar horobv suMmoned to appear;
within twenty .Ij.."i niter er'lcS oi t iti
lummohs upo.i vu if perved within ihe
. .'ity in which this adtlvg ii liroujht.
otherwise within thirt) days aftei lervlce, j
nnd defend thfl above entitled cc, on; nnd
In case ol KOur failure ro to do, Judgi tent
will i- rendered against ou accord.n 10
the demand of lh- nmplnlnt. .vhbh hns
l.ven flied T ilh the ( lerk of snld . ourt
Thill rcuon is brought to dissolve the
lunrts Ot matrlmon) heretofore, and ndw,
I ox is ting between yourself nnd the above
named plcniiff. Beatrice W Maiden
plaintiff's Attornej .
P O Address. M3 Liavld Eccles P.uild
lot Ogden Utah
More activity was manifest in milt
ing sto K this mornlnK than has been
thfl ense In tlic last few days on the'
I Salt L,-ike stock & Mining Exchange. !
TlntlO Standard continued to ad
vance, with the volume of sales hold-!
jlng up well, bringing as high as $3 -!47Va
thin morning. Silver Kinp Coal.
WQs active, selling 350 si. ares at $1 -80.
CarJlff traded .'0 shares al $1 -i
I imong the cheaper stocks, Albion
remained about the .s.-iiu.-. selling at
llOVi and ll -' North Standard traded
3o 000 shares at - 4 and
Reed's l eak nnd hUg Cot -.'on were
consolidated today. The name of the
new company has not yet been an
nounced. (Quotations fnriilshcxi ovci private
ivln- of J. A- Bofle JI Co.,
fclcclcs BuilcUugO
Bid Ask.
Alta Con $ "l $ 02
Albio:i 10 ll'i
American Con- . ... '0-Vs .02fft
Vita iunnel 03 04-
Ui( Kill 03i .014
Bullion oi .08 ;
Plack .Metals 02 10
.'olumlius Hcxall . .. .Zil? U 4 1 I
Crown Point 04 ' .04:4
Colorado con 03 .0ts
Central Kuicka oi . .o2,3i
Cnrdiff 1.30 1.40
Dragon Con 07 .10
Dfily 2.00 2.50 1
Baal Crown Point .. oii .02
Kast Tin Coal 00 .01 I
Eju-t Tin. Con 07',i .0S
Burel a ..1 ines 05 .07
-urek.i llly 06y 3 .09 I
Bureka LSullion 0S?i 09
innia Silver 024a .0-34 I
Eimplrg Mines 03 .10
Gold Cluifn 03 07
Hdwell Oyt .031
Iron Hlossoni I'C .23
Iron King 17'. 3 18
ludge Mltiing 4 Q0
Keystone 80 .90
j Leonora 0 1 . 0-i K
uoni j 1 nt ic os
Mny Dny 00 Vi . 00 H
Miller lill .02
Mammoth .45
Moscow . 03 . 10
.Michigan-Utah :i'j Dili
North Stu' duid 03Va 03-li
New Qulncy . Q4Vi .Oj
Opohongo 00'a .00
Tlutus . 26 .30
Prince Con. . 27 . 27 Vi
PrOVO 04i .05 I
Paloma .01
lUco Arxo-itlne .... 01'i .05
Rico Wellington . .. 08 ,10
.Sells 02 02U
SH King Coal 1.0 1 80
HI. Klnt; Con 1 . io 1.20
flloUJC con 02 fi . 02 Vi
South Ilecla 7i 11
(South Standard ... 19 jov
Silver sbieid 1 .18 i9Vi
i'i'ar Uaby or 0
ITIntic enlrul o l .or
Tintic Stdndard . .. 3 45 3. SO
Utah Cons 01V4 014
Union Chief 04
West Toledo 04
; Walker 2.70 3 00
IWoodhiwn 08 .10
Zunm 09 Vi lo
iDaly West 4.25 4.75
I Empire Copper 10
OpcnlMjr Sale.
Albion "no nt lOVic
Eureka Lll 160 at 6c.
I 'oluiiit'UF. Ilexall l'Mi ni .? 4 .
Crown I'olnt 4000 at 4c; lOOo at
T'nrdlff 200 at 1 36.
Iron mnjiiiom 500 at 24c.
I.ehl Tintic 1000 at 6Vic.
Mas rju' (,0 nt 't0
N a Qulncy 760 at ic.
Knima Silver 1000 nt 2Vie
Durska Uullloi BOO i"ic: K"0 nt
pro'o 1000 at o
Silver King Coaol. 360 at 51.80. t
Silver Shield 00 at 19c.
south Standard ' at ioi . 00 M
North Stundard 1000 a' 9e ii
t 8c
Tintic Standard Ion at 53 4)0; 900
ft 83 100 at 82.42,2. "tiler 10
in in- Sales
I Albion 1300 at llv.
Eurgfca LJly vooo ;t 1000 at
llulllon 1 no" ; t I V
I Columbus Ilexall 100 at 34c; :oo nt
Crown Point 2000 al l34t
fron King iMo at Ifo.
MOSCOW ;-oo ut 3Vic
Brnms pllvei 3000 nt I4
Burska Bullion 2000 jit t;c-
Sdlla 1000 at c.
Tintic Standard 100 ut $3 -i:. 100
at $3 47V: 100 at $3.47Vj. seller 10
SfilimO 500 at 10c i
The Ogden Auto Directory
jOST-WERTHINOIUW, auto repairing Phone 3042. 2300 Wash f
ington, Ave. 720c I
White Trucks. A. E. WilfWig, Phoue 77G. 6885 f
i'raukuu Agency and Service All makes repaired. 2406 Grant f
650'J H
Briscoe Touring Cars, Gramm-Bcmptein Trucks. White-Robin3ort,
2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 j
Ojjlen AutO Radiator Co, 2329H7dson Avenue 3740 j
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington 3772 j
1 1 f 1 1 i.00 i.HMS .
CHlCAdO, Xov. I. BtYafp Hew set-i
ba l.s bi ib OrluC of vvhftai toddy ao-j
I COmpshled rJcnuuallr.ntion uf ft.rnleV
. . : aiisj BOsldeS, Hborai receipts
I were reptrrtOa -it Ktvnsna Cily , and
I pmaha. xoti. . ai iiso taken 01"
i foreoaOts that iak- ndvlgatlon trotu
Canada ti tho CnileO Stages uu '-;
l would be open for a Month or more
y 1. initial brices, which ranked
I from 1 to J.' biv.'i"-, with Dooemoer
1)1.88 td 1.89 aiid March ll.ll to .J4,,
were rollowed i.v otatOrlal furihfr df-j
clines ;imJ ineti somethlni f a reac-l
I tlOll.
I'.. 1 if n-i: (roln ih.' Mi'iihwcj' tnld oT
, hc; ,"y notices of consignment from tho
cdunlty, nptwithstapdlnk efforts fiyr
j a lio lf;i s !i.'l.'.' on the part of jiro
dUCeri. The c)oo wn.-: ub.t..tllod. 4 ''
to Oc net lower, with December'
11.84V) to ll.SG't and March I1.H2
t I1.H2
ISvening up to prcuai tor :;w Sfov
trnment' report iravc comparative
firmness to turn .fto- opening s
to ic lower, isjtn December B0V4 to
S0aic. the market raill-! In some
rases to abov BaturdK y's finish.
Tho December deliey emit n cl
to reflect ioantltiOss of reoelpta Prlc k
closed firm, M In S pot hishcr, with
December 8l4 to 81 Vic.
Oats were governed 1 ; 'he action
of corn stariin? unchanged to
i lower. May 57V to ri73ic. arifl then
s.'orlr.yr slight enerul trains
Lower quotations on hours weakened
j provisions. Trading was light
j OiilH.N MM ST(K K M.MtKKT.
I Cattle Receipts 92; choice heavy
Hteers $8.0009 00. good stoera $7.00
08.00: fair steeru $ii . 00 6 . 60;
choice fender steers $6 00 "5 7 00;
I choice cows und heifers C 0 0 (5f C . 60;
fair lo good cows ar.d helfsri $5.00''(7
8 00. cuttera $4.00fl4.50; canners
88.0003.60; choice feoder cows $4 00
05 Ofi; fut bulls $4.00(4.60. bo-
lofrna bulls 18.0004.00; veal calves
I $0 00 ft, io .10.
lloirs Rcceit.tr 310. choice fat Iiojtj
175 to ::.ii II. r.. 812.00018.75; bulk;
of Kiib-s $12 5 5i 'l 60; feeder bops
$9 00 fi 10 . 00.
Shop Recelpes .".sr., .hob" lambs
89.00010. 60; wethers $5 QjO.08.75;
fat ewes $4.0006.00; feeder lainb.i
$9 00ft 10.00.
nti als.
P, E. Brown of Fairfield, Idaho,'
with a oar of b'ick.
Tonts brothers of Victor, Idaho, with
a i a r of s heep
R. H. Teek, of Mnckny. Idaho, with
a car of cattle,
George Williams of M.irtlnsburg,
Mo. ..with one hops'-.
I'.rnnf & ampbell of Bripham City,
with two car of cattle.
Ogden racking & Provision com
panv. ol South Omaha, two ca,rs of
CH1CAOO, Nov. 8. iLnlted Slates
Buro.-iM of Mark'-t f'nttle K -s
i 80.000 market slow, beef steers and
butcher she stork mostly 26c lower;
sfio's E Or- dMn; soni'1 corn fed yearl
ing steers and heifers Stcjd t
yearling! $17.60, quality general!,
(lain 19.00015.00; butcher cows and
neiiera largely b i a? 9.00. canners
and cutters 88.6006.00; weak to low
er b'.lls steady bulk bolognas 16.000
6 76; calves steady to 26.- lower hulk
vealers I14.00Q 14 50; stoolcors and
feeders 26. lowei ; revelpta westcrna
10,000. lower.
Hogs Receipts Z2 00O; market
mostly 26c lower than Baturdays av
erage; top one load S 1 5 40; bulk HI 8. 16
(Ti 14.00; plijs 25 to 60c lower b ilk d.
elrable 120 to 15.0 pigs 118.60014.00.
Pivep- Receipts 26.000; fat sh"f.
and ijmbs generally 2."v lower; choice
native Iambs $12.00; bulk Jljnmij
13.00; top native ewes 86.60; bulk, na
tives )6.50 00.60; feeders steady;
choice feeder lambs $K'.7".
NEW YORK. Nov. S. The market
for raw sugar was Unsettled today nnd.
while no fresh buaine&s was reported', j
there was considerable Ki)!?nr available,
at last prices, or 6 ' c-nt for Cuba!
cost und freight, eaual to 7.?o for
centrifugal. ,
Refined in light demand und con
fined to nearby requirements Prices'
were urn-hanged at 10.60011.00c for
fin grattulated.
The lnerean-d offerings In Uv spot
market led to renewed selling In sug-'
ar futures and prices broke Qtit
sharp!. showing declines of 30 10 86
points al midday.
KANSAS CrPY, Nov 8. 1 L'niled
States Bureau of .Markets). Cattle -
Receipts 84,000; bef sters ..nd Btock
! ers mostly 26c lower; early steer salea
tT.60 0 6.60; bulk she stock j
1 7.50; canners Steady to 26. low
niostly $3 7.. (& 4.00; bulls stead
, calvep 76c to $1 00 lower; choice
'ers 113.00018.60; stoqkere and feed-
en steady to 26e iowir
Hogs Kccoipts 10,000: market 0pen-
ing 10c to 20c lower, cjoaing active,
1 Steady to 10c lower; top" $13.60: bulk
j light ami medium 818.85013.50; good
ami choice 130 to 16" poind Ii.
j 13.S5 U.50.
She p- -Receipts 10.000; killing I
I classes, about steady: fed year
$io 50; western lambs 112.69.
NEW YORK, Nov. t. Copper
toady; electrolytic, spot and fourth
ciuarter 1 1 i ' 5a
iron nominal; So. 1 northern 946 00
! 0 47 00; No. 2 northern $46 00 'q
l(.Q0; No. 2 southern 83$.00Q i" 00
Antimony $6'25
Tin weak; spot and nearby $.17.in,
futures $37 . 76c
I Lend steady, spot t.tj6c.
Zinc oulet; Basl St, louis deli
snoi 8 . SO 7 . 00c.
K London. Spot copper f 90 Os 3d;
electrolytic 100; tin 26i 6s Td; lead
35 16s; zinc 37 10s.
l VSlI s,.
niOACtO. No. 6.- Wlioat, . . o. 2
hr.nl 11,9201.92; No J mfcMt)
51 sv
Corn No. 2 mixed S7 '-j M SS'v'-'. No.
2 e low 31 ' V 1
Oats No. 2 whiu 6814064c; No. 3
White- 63 068 94c
K'.o No. 2 11.60
Barley $1 OI01.Q6
Timothy seed 5.6O08 T.V
Clm er seed 1 1 00 fj 80 00.
I'ork noinlniil
Lrd Jin.07.
Rib $13. 60& 14 75.
M1NNKAI"! "LIS Nov. 8 Flour
uichanged to 40c lower It. carload
lots; family patents quote at 110.00
010.76 .1 barrol In 8 8 pound cottoq
Biiin, S2.00Q S 00.
til thl
of s New York taniUy, j H
idy three, to ;H
1 1
Detectives V. A. Taylor and Walter !
Ms. I, a. . I f . I l i
1 nopher .fH
money with f orged . IndoieiijentS of. I H
and chi-istopher I
mm', 113 of SluOO vorih j
of property tt t o Interr.atlonal Trust .H
company, Boston." H
Another report from Boston said iH
DuilSCOnibe and his bride were mar- H
rled in Pittsburg Penn., after q whirl- M
wind courtship In Boston. The pollci jH
snj that .Mrs Dun&combe told then!
She Is the daughter Of ' 'hrlstopher .lH
1 lindson of Chicago.
Mrs. Dunscombe )a now in Ogden, ,H
j having come from Denver following I
iher husband's arrest here. AcoordlUR I
police reports ihe 1.- lo ii.n. I8
urged her husband to fhron hltnsels i
I upon th mercy of the law nr.d get his 'H
I case disposed of nulckly. H
. nr- I
Darrel Wilson, shot in the leg nean
ly a week ag' by Jack l'aas and Out H
Burr, who are at present at the city
tail, awaiting the outcome of Wilson's H
injuries, is In a critical condition at H
the hospital but Is expected to recover
Wilson Buffered a hemorrhagi- yes- H
rday afternoon. His father, W, W B
Wilson. volunifTd blood for a trans. H
fusion and th." 'apparently is ro
covering strength following the opera- H
Th- bullet, which penetrated tht
rear seat of th' taicicab struck Wilson '
In the left thigh. It struck the bon" H
nnd roursi il downward. Talr anil
1 eradding from 'be sat cushion wai H
t carried into tin wound by the bullet. M
I and Infection sot in Immediately. It it H
For a time. 'hn.i-ht tbal H
amputation of the injured leg would bi jM
necessary. Report- frorr the hospital J
this afternoon larc lhal Wlls n Is ex- tH
1 oected lo recover without the loss of 'Bssssssl
his 'IbbbbbbbI
Wife of Arsenal H
Employe Is Dead H
Mrs. Esther C. Murphy, aged B
Wffv of Tbnni.i- eni V
pb.ye of tb Ogil n " t HBV
18:30 p. Sunday Sirs. HBV
Murphy has been 1 ;ir HBVJ
land returned California thre HBV
months ago. Surviving aro her hns-
band, a daughter, Nellie, and son.
William, her mother. Mrs Hmllv
t Backman, five Miss kd l?ack H
man of Farmlhgton. Mrs. IMlth Cn.- IH
pati. Mrs. Bmma M's. liH
' Lllv Gray, all of Salt La'ci-, und Mrs. IPJH
Bertha McCoy of Portland. ( re.; and 1
throe brothers. Cos Osca" rd Kdward IH
! Itackmnn t Sftll Uike 'Che uod U at l
'the l.arliln mortuar-. Riinri IH
! vices will be held Wednesday at H
tat th' l a rniliiKton meeting l H
Mrs. Barker to Have H
Hearing Tomorrow H
Mrs. liura Barker. I with H
degree murder foi sljegeil pels- IH
nning of husband. Choi'les 1
Judge D. R. Roberts of th" 1
morning f ir
Mrs. lnc her
been confined at the county jail.
I 5
.i.w LibottJ
8V $4.8: first 4's $88.30 ju; IH
second i s $!.0. first ts Sy.40;
second 4','s 887.5C; third V $yo js;
fourth 41;'s 887.86; Victory i s PH
188-88; Victory 4's $5i..S0; BJsBJBJ
1 V LW sH
OMAHA, Neb., Nov. (United 1
Sintes Bureau Markets). Hogs?
'Receipts 5-00: market I ' 25c low- 8B8H
er close active, bulk 112.76018.011
top $13.1"
Cattle Uei elpt5.-18.500: beef steers
and she stock, fully Jc lower; bulls
veals, stockera and feeders xleadv t- jBsBH
'.r.iig: ioi range lambs 8IS.00; fl
1,,, tin ii- f .1 loarliir-s 80.35; owe IsBBsl
86.85; feoders steady; top feeiflnM
in 1: m
CHICAGO Nov. Butter flmi;. .j88j
tSgg higher; receipt f??" fhsnH
1 s.-. ordinary frs 88 0C1( iBBH
11 ii lilc, iH
,.!.,riii G : storsgo packed jH
iiinis 7OV4 07U-; i-efrigerator flrsjis B8j
hiKhci 1
("I IB "A 1 ; . Nov. s- I'oialoe weak: BBH
receipts 1 1 cats; Idaho rurals Jrtoked mm
t 9002.05 POl owt; bulk tt.0.002.10
' of-r CWt.i Norlh Dakota red nvr
juhlos sacked y:. 86 m i 40 ppr cwt
-.1 GAR l l l l RKS
NrEW YORK Nov. ! Sugar tuturei BH
l .-u-y: 'les l.:.0o tons; Pevem-
jb"r Sc; January 6.3 Ic; March b.JnC; assssj
Mav 0.40c.