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H F.ftieth YcnrNo. 273 ' OGDEN CITY, UTAH WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 1920. " LAST EDITION 4 R M. H I OGDEN CHAUFFEUR DIES OF BULLET WOUND I --- A A A A A A A A A A At JEST PORTRAIT 17 ' P 'S ' ' , ' jC i ' V- v ' N gp-'-S&i'? J '" P' .'3$ : r ' v..-1. . ''. ?. I hi . , ; . ' . - Hi K" ... ' ' ' . ilir'' I . ' ' '1 JIp''- 'Z .-, i..-iLL.-' - J .MIST 1 MEXfGAN LABOil 1 STATUS GROWS ! H SERIOUS' I Government Intervention at Vera Cruz Follows Strike iPlff Developments MEXICO CITY. Nov 10. Govern- H ficnt Intervi ntlon In the situation at U j Vera Cruz, where dock workers and B stevedores are on Strike, will bogin to- I j day. It Is annouiK'id. All operations at H piers In thai City will be conducted H by the government, and it In believed the situation, which has threatened a H general national strike, may be allevl- H i This action, how ever. la not looked H J upon as a final settlement of the Vera H ' Cruz trouble, which has caused work- H men's organisations W many cities to H declare a sympathetic Htrlkc No action H . will be taken until the Vera Cruz strjk- H era decide whether they will accept H government mediation. DISTURBED CONDITIONS IHj Announcement was made by the E gov 'ernment, through Genera) P, Ella H I Callcs. minu ter of war. iast'Iught tnl j j the labor bit nation in the republic Ui entirely within control. I'n.-j dis- Jm , from Vei i jSt ever, reflect dii urbed ond I ons. Conditions in fucatan H provement, Minister of Wir Callcs de- H clared to newspaper correspondents B here tonight, mi membi rp " the Bb- H clalkst and Libera! parties In H who have been engaging in armed H fllct for the past two or three weeks f base beensjdisarmed, he M w as. I i (GTON, HV graphic advices from Mexino City to 1 the department commerce tods.) l Mexico appeared to bo growing more Wl serious. Local labor organisations, the Hj," advices said h.i decided to enfiour- Hr age a general strike in sympathy jwith B the Vara stnkea n- oo DR. FOX BECOMES BISHOP OF MONTANA DETKOIT. Nov. 10 Kcv. Dr. Her H ert H. H. Fox, six years rector of Si H tn s Episcopal church here, was H L . crated blbhop suffragan of the H t .c- of Montana at St. John' church thia iiiorning. Bishop Fox will P have charge of the church's work in Mont. in.:. W&!' The Ri William fabci D ., BHt lushop of Montana, preached the con- HeJ secratlon sermon. The Bt. Rev, Dan- fi lei 8; Tuttle. D, D., bishop of ULisslaelp- mB v pi, was consecrator, m JilblllKoL I CESSES TO BE ! PROBLEM, U Speaker Gives Insight on Con ditions Recently Prevailing On Railroads WASHINGTON, Nov. io. The buck of the car shortage has been broken. Clyde Aitchlson of th' Interstate commerce, commission, declared before the annual convention today of the As sociation of National Railway and Util ities C'ommls.sloncrs. As a result of the efforts of railroad operators and employes, with llir as:iistanc of the shipper.-, and under the policy laid down by the commission, Mr. Altchl-I son sulii. "we arc now facing 'he pot slbility of a surplus of eaulpnient " Mr. Aitchlson declared the general1 pvildle would never 'know "how close' the rail and water transportation sys-1 tcmc of the United States came to a complete cessation of functioning In the industrial heart ol the country, the result of the strikes, beginning in April, and which continued in dimln-, IshlnK force until mid-Mimmcr. "The present financial situation," Mr. Aitchlson asserted, "coupled with h. apparent downward trend of con struction costs, makes It seem prudent not to engage upon any undue or! avoidable construction problem until i conditions become more normal and seemingly there can bo no letttlng down in the interstate use of equip ment to make the existing traneporta- j tlotl machine operate at a 100 per cent, load faci'ir. SENATOR PENROSE NO WORSE DOCTORS ASSERT PHILADELPHIA, Nov. L0. Pub lish ( reports that United States sen afbr Roil h Penrose, who has been ill for a year, h ts had h relapse wen; denied tod Ly by one of his physicians who said i hero was no niatorlal chance In the senator's condition. B nator Penrose is making prepara-l tlopa to return to the senate after an absence since Uust November, He has lea-eii .i larKo apart luc 111 WashiiiB-ton. 7 uu GIRL SCOUTS GET GIFT FROM MONTANA PAIR NESW STORK, No 10, Ceremosiles formally announcing the gift of a 13& acre tract of land hear DrfarcRffe, N. v., by ex-Senatbr and Mrs, William A t'hirk, to th- tJiri Scouts, were pi inued for toilav at Girl Scout headquarters,, Mr. iml Mix. I'Uirk made the rflfi ip memory of I heir daughter. Andres, ' who was a lilrl scout I Predicts Farmers Will Fix Prices Soon 1 m, m m m n m m JL fl & v g w v . v v v j I DEMI FOLLOWS EXPLOSION IK N. Y. HARBOR 1 TILLERS HIT ! : SHE PIT US RIM GETS Leader of Farmers Says Change In Conditions Is Bound to Take Place SALES ORGANIZATION ONE PLAN, HE SAYS Upbra:ds Labor for Asking for Cheaper Food Without Knowing Cost BOSTON, Nov. 10. The establish ment of a nation-wide selling organi sation which shall f x the price of .farm products, if the farmer docs not receive "the same :'' for the same hours' work thut others receive," was 1 predicted today by Sherman J Lowell, I of Fredonla, N v , master of the Na tional Orange of the i'atrons of Hus bandry, In opening the annual con vention of the grnngi . V are willing to have a fair un dertsandin of values, th farmers re ceiving the jmir pny for the same I hourw' work that others receive, no more, no loss, but we feel that this Is the list call." he .said. If no attcn- lion Is paid to this now l bankers, i lanufaelurciu, railroad; and labor or? r-ontinues to use Its great power, to Im i port raw material free of lutv to re duco easts, then the grange Will b fh" i flrrt to help organize nation wide sell-1 ing organisations, whicii shall fix the I pri e of Tarm products. )K1 IN : () IT. '"There is no threat in this ; we will hne be, n driven to li in self-defense j to presere our agriculture." Mr T.nwell railaic rl that labor lias. been able to secure a much higher wage, but added: Wc little expected that they would turn and demand cheaper food from us without first ascertaining the cost of production, a'id thereby proving whether or not we were taking too large a margin of profit." The master declared that the great changes that have taken place since the beginning of the war have been to, the . disadvantage of agriculture ;lni I many laws and rulings of our national government have proven of injur to the farmers. RL lJtE FOR OND1TION "We have searched faithfully to I find one law or ruling tolour advant age and have tailed to find it. We have uiged for a fair show, but all our et foils have met with a like fate." Mr. Lowell said the recent census showed .1 new decrease of 10o,00o farms in seven states, anil he charged that the attitude of the men In legist j lative halls and departments of gov- eminent, was responsible to a large fl . I gree for this condition, "So long as we remain passive this state of affairs will continue." he dc-! Clared Concerning taxation, he said of wealth pays ItS Just proportion of taxation and I hut Is when every form of wealth pays it Just proportion of taxes There is no tax more just than an Income tax, for It Is never a charge against any one who has not tn means to pay." SINGLE TAX PPt KD He spoke against the slnglctax and the idea of placing a government land tax of one per cent on the land in place of taxing large incomes. Both would be disastrous to agriculture," he said. "Another equally erroneous Idea,"1 he continued, "in the one of a heavy tax on all unimproved land holdings for If I his State was done and they were forced on the market Uv rea son of such a lax (which is the in tent i It would cause the depreciation of farm lands GO per cent from the fact thut there Is more Improi'i d land than men to work it now " oo BOLSHEVIKI BOAST OF DRIVING FURTHER INTO WRANGEL LINES LONDON, Nov. 10. Penetra tion of the Crimean peninsula is claimed i:i the soviet official state ment of Tuesday, received here today by wireless. The statement says: 'In the Perekop region we are fighting for possession of the enemy's fortified positions. ' Further east, during fighting we crossed the river Slvatoh Into the Crimean peninsula and de bouched at Kardzhanala " RETAIL MILK PRICE IN ST. LOUIS SLIGHTLY CUT ST. LOUIS Mo.. Nov. 10. The re tail price of milk In St, Louis will be reduced from 17 to 16 cents a quarl Thursday, officials of local dairying counpanh announced'. The reduction, it was expuilned, follows a reduction from 18.60 to SS10 a hundred pound made bj southern Illinois producers la the November wholesale price. i MOTHER DROWNS SELF WHEN HER BEAUTY VANISHES j CHICAGO, Nov. io jyTrs Clarence V. Russell, widow oi a former Cniversit of Chicago foolbrll, wanted her 8 year old son, Bryan, always to, I remember her as a beautiful woman, relatives said today ! when her body wns found ir; Lakj Michigan. Since the c.tth of her husband two yean I .go, she had grieved continual ' and had b3corae ill and ema ciated, Sometimes from a barn 1 -:he watched her son, who lives vith his uncle, Jchn C. Single-' I .on, but avoid2d meeting him .ace to face. One of Mrs. Pais ell's grandfather was a Con .ederate general, and ihe oilr.r Centucky s Civil v. &: go;evnr,r. T CRAVr: CHARGES 11 E piST Payrolls Padded and Evidence of Other Graft Found, Re port to House Says WASHINGTON Nov 10 Charges that the action ot the shipping board has resulted in an enormous waste of grovernmehl funds are contained In a report submited to the house eom mittee on shipping board operations b two former employes of the board. A. F. Fisher and Jeff Hlchardaon, who for more than a year have conducted an investiratlon for the committee. , I V'IDENt E GR VFT. Tlie report, released for publication, today, I'V i lie i ..limine.- f which Rep resentative Walsh.. Republican, Mass achusetts, la chairman, states the ln vestlr.utors found evidence of graft In the purchase of supplies for repairing govejrnment-owned ships, of corrup tion on the part of officials and em ployes of the Shipping board einerg ency fleet corporation and of the U8i of political and other Influences In the negotiation of I ontractS for construct .on and allocation of vessels, i- kYROLLS PADDED. The report Charged that payrolls had been padded by some uf the firms which repaired government-owned vessels and there hajj been a heavy loss to the government as a result of wholesale thefts from ships and yards. The Investigators also reported that the companies operating government .es had in some instance:-! owned stock in companies which furnished supplies to the ships at prices- rftng- lng as high as 0 per cent above the wholi sdlo costs. CO SEES TWIN BROTHER, CAUbHT IN MACHINE, CRUSHED TO DEATH I IDAHO FALLS, Ida . Nov. 10. D R. Smith. L'0. an employe of a canning plant near here. Wius klll- . .1 .it T SOjlO'i I"' k I hlS lie. run i wh ii his orol hlni bi ime co Lighl I in some cog wheel chains, his body being drawn into the ma chinery and badly mangled. Mis twin brother was standing at his side at the'time and witnessed the tragedy. oo ANOTHER GET RICH-QUICK SCHEME IS DISCOVERED NEW YORK, Nov. 10. Adolf Pricken, whose financial activities as : head of a chain of storehouse in Man hattan capitalized ut 5725,000, brought about his arrest last Friday, was ar raigned in Brooklyn Tuesday and held in $r.u,ooo ball on an indictment I charging grand larceny In the second I degree Ills trial svafl set lor next . Monday Compiuinis alleging fraud brought about Prlcken's arrest. said District Attorney Lewis He declared Invest ments exceeding $;.0u,iU0 had been I made in the storehouse companies on Inducements that fiftv per cent divi dends would be forthcoming. Pointing out that Pricken had been i indicted by the grand Jury. Assistant I District Attorney Goldstein moved to dismiss a charge of grand larceny against him in the magistrate's court. Thts was done. The charge hail been preferred by Thomas Wynes who alleged Pricken obtained i 111,000 Investment from j him a yekr ago. "by color and aid of fraudulent and false representations." fOUH KILLED ill INJURED i PDLtCEBEPOHT Southern Pacific Steamer is Scene ol Explosion on Go'ham Water .'-font FIGHTERS AFRAID OF WORE EXPLOSIONS Freighter Threatens to Over turn; Tuns Attempt to Move Ves-ei NEW V)WK. Nov JO. An cx plofion occurred this afternoon in the engine room "i !!) Southern i .. i 1 1 freighter K' Mund,o, ryiug i.i Pier 51, Hudson 1 1 vir PoUr kiUed ;nl eight injured .1. . .11 1 U j. V. .IS ,111' Mill ll-JiiMien ii i ne jii'ii. ,it o'clock, half an bpur after; .tin- blast. A I l.'i o'clock the freighter ; listed aud I bireatened to overturii has tns attenipted to k'-t her into raid-stream for firo 1 t to piny rwafer on Rer Nl'.'A YORK NOV. lo. An explo sion occurred about 3 oVJock this ; afternoon on the Hudson river water 1 troiil- The shock was felt on many piers. t j The explosion occurred In a fuel tank of the freighter El Mundo, tied lun at 1'ler .", 1 S. vi ral ierson3 Were injured and fear of more blasts held the fire fighters In check. BI .Mundo, operated by the Southern : Pacific COmpanV, is in regular opera-! tloil between her and Galveston. The raft, Of 1",000 tons, whs loading, in' preparation for sailing November 13. She normally carries a crew of about 145 men. A report received at police bend-' quarters calling l,,r ambulances ami fire apparatus, stated that a number Jof persons had been killed. PROFESSIONAL BICYCLE RIDCR IS ASSASSINATED DURING DEMONSTRATION i ROME, Nov. 10 The Socialist propagandist Taroiuinlo Pozzoil was elected mayor of Cremona by i his party, w inch was victorious In I the municipal elections of Sunday last. Pozsoll, who deserted from the army during the war, was recently I release. 1 from Jalt- Puring a demonstration at ltav- enuS to celebrate the defeat of the Socialists In the elections, Qugllel- mo Malatesta, a professional blcy CllSt, was slabbed to death. The I authorities a cuse the Socialist Qaetno Roheussi of the crime. CONGRESSMAN HELD IN JAIL AFTER HIS AUJ0 STRIKES WOMAN WASHINGTON; Nov. 10. Af ter the night in B precinct police station, Representative Garrett, of ( Tennessee, was in police court this morning to answer charges of col liding nnd operating an automo bile while under the influence of liquor. The case was continued. The congressman's machine the police charge, knocked down Miss Olive M, Schofold. resulting in a compound fracture of her hip rt . WHISKY PRESCRIPTIONS SHOW HEAVY DECLINE I NEW YORK, Nov. 10. Only 300 of more thdn.8700 physicians holding li censes to prescribe whisky have ap- piled for renewal of their permits, al though two months have elapsed sine (this privilege was grranted. Dr. Ci R. O'Connor, federal director of prohibi tion for New York, announced Phy sicians are finding other medicines more effective and satisfactory th;m liquor. ic said. (WLN1Y PROFESSORS TO COMPETE WITH BOYS ! WEST POINT. N. Y.. Nov. 10. Twenty professors and arinv officers of the; United states military academy will mairh wits at chess tOnlgnl I" twenty simultaneous games against Samuel Csechewski, ths boy chess prodigy, who arrlvoj in th's country from i'oland a lew days ago. INFANTS' RATTLES BECOME ATHLETIC j EQUIPMENT THERE LAPSING, Mich , Nov. 10. Infants ' rattles are henceforth to be classed as athletic appa ratus by the Michigan Btate boxing commission. Tom Biggers, the oorarnis sion's chairman, so decided yes terday. Application for a "bale of baby rattles" was made by Superintendent Montgomery, of the sta':e school for oiphans and abandoned children at Cold , water. Among the commission's duties i; th3 diutribution amonT the schools or athletic goodo purchased with a fund drawn irom boxing bouts in the -state The requisition was the first to include' athletic equipment for such ycung, but log gers was quick to cecide that i attics cculd be so classed. - II. S. SE1T1S 10 liTHE it Elaborate Equipment tor Wearers of icna to Come Back to Capitol W ASHIN GTON. 10. ( U th Associated Press) The Oraeco-Roman baths of the United States senate, in stalled nearly eight years jig bal nev er put into service, are now belnS cleared of the cobwebs and stains of linr and will be In shape to offer th i" luxurles of steam, pluuge. shower, and electricftv to the me rulers ol lh f.ev senate when it assembles. Charges of extravagance were aimed at the bath in congressional senate when the pow er of administration swung from Re publican to Democratic and us a re sult the baths, installed In the thenf new senate office hull ilng. were shorn of their expensive eoulpinent, berefl of their attendant.-! and left gloom The marl.l.- dabs, turk'.sh rugs and steam proof tables and choirs wen turned over to Bbverniheni hospitals and only the marble shells ami nickel titllllgs left in plat e Now. however, the baths an nlng back, but under a m v due. Members Of the senate themselves will p.i B l;rge part of the operating expenses and a special unofficial committee has taken charge of the assessments Which will be levied against each user In pro portion to the service he exacts. oo PARISH HOUSE BLOWN UP BY DYNAMITE stk t'Ti I k its Ohio, Nov. io - The parish house of Holy Trinliy Cs cho Slovakla Catholic church was djrna mited early toda. the porch using 1 , 1 . . W i , off. No i.e. was Injai'-.l. The house la occupied by ti. Ra John I-'rena, recently installed priest, against whose appointment a protest was made by members of the church, who for H time maintained an armed. gUS i d to prevent his taking possessloxi Protesting members of tin church declared that the former Incumbent, tho Rev, Joseph Z.iilbmra. was re moved because he urged autononi. fOl Slovaks, and thai Rev. Frena was in stalled because he favored the ( .-cho-Slovaklan union cfflcials of the church organization in Cleveland, how even denied any political motive in the removal and appointment. RADICALS STIR ROW AMONG PARIS UNIONS PARIS. Nov. io Resolutions au- thorozing General Federation ..t La bor to take measures aR.Uiist extrem ists obeying Instructions from the third i Moscow outside of the ranks of the ledcratlon, were adopted at a meeting of the general council of the organization here yesterday. The vote was 72 to 28, there being 23 members of the council who refused to east their ballots. , 1 Leon JouhaUX, president of the fed i eratlon, declared he considered this majority as insufficient and presented t tn resignation of the central bureau A vote of confidence. 103 to 'I, was then given. M. Jouhaux, however, left the room de luring It was impossible for him to . ontlnue in office "amid the calum'in- j les und lies of the extremists." News papers here believe, however, he will I not Insist upon resigning. PilS fLO IN 1 JAIL MAY .FACE J IflDERCK I Darrell E. Wilson Victim of Mysterious Shooting Ten Days Ago Here QUARREL IN AUTOMOBILE FOLLOWED BY ONE SHOT Death of Ex-Service Man Ex pected to Bring Thorough Investigation f Parrell Ellston Wilson. Ogden tnxl IH driver, dlea s the Dee hospital this morning Ol bullet wounds received on i the morning of Sunday. October 31. Whlli driving two strangers In his car. How he .was shot has never been j H definitely established by the police, but Jack l asa and Gus Burr, strangers to Wilson anl unknown in CiVlen. were arrested shortly after the shooting and l held In the city jail awaiting the out - come of Wilson's injuries. i They claim the shooting was accl- j ntal. the police say. SERIOUS Cll M.l i - police that the pair probably wilt, he held to iH answer charge ...f murder. Wils m was 21 years old. He leaves H a widow, formerly Thelmu A. BurreU iHl'e parents. Mr. tfnd Mrs. W. W. vil .son also survive. The Bhootlng occurred st Twenty- fiBfl fourth street and Adams avenue. lH Wilson responded to a call for i ibae! Two men. 1 iter Identified by the jl as Pass and Burr entered th-? jrLel machine and were said to have lm- II mediately started to quarreling with out giving the driver directions as to mM Where th y wanted to go. eBB SCTRUCK BY BULLKI H Wilson turned 4n his seat to Inquire jsl as to their destination. Almost slmul taneously a revolver was discharged VM The bullet penetrated the back of the and struck the driver In the left thigh and lodg.-d against the bone. l'ollowing tne shooting the men fled a:i! VS llsbn drove unaided to the hos ) tt I It was lat.-r learned that a por of the seat cover was carried into th( Wouud by the bullet and infection set in. l'or a lime H was thought that the leg would have to he amputated, but llson's condition had so improv ed In the meantime that the operation was alandoned. STRANGKltS ARRESTED Within half an hour after the shoot inn Pass and Uurr were lodged In the City jad. A search of their clothfig, officers said, revealed a revolver, ar ti idgi s ami a ; las alight. A revolver v a tilsii i In the seat of Wilson's ear , one cartridge was empty. The police saj Chi men were Intoxicated ! n H Mr. Wilson was born in l-iikc oouivq V California. I'. b. ::. 1 S j and had been ' r dent of iy.len for five ..ears. Ills jH tether, who Is employed in the South- ern Pacific ihopa recently sabmiti' (j t,. blood transfusion In an effort save iiis sou's life. during Ihi v n The lftune is at 2642 Grant avenue. The body w as remov ed to the Klrkcndall mortuary funeral 1 arrangements s ii l be announced latea Pass and Burr will l ice charges of tsserted county Attorney jos.-ph & Kates this morning, who s;iid be was 'M preparing I" issue new complaint-- aga lrist them. The wen- arraigned before Judg D. Ft, Roberta ol the city court and H Charged with as-aull with deadlj ! weapon. Ball was fixed at $6ou in each case. W in n n became apfarenj that Wilson's condition was serious bail w.i withdrawn and Ihe men have jjH I DOG SHOWS SEARCHERS BODY UNDER FIRE RUINS PEORIA, HI.. Nov. 10. A dog v. a: H responsible toda) ""' finding ths bodj Ol ISdwanl I... Madison in the ruins ol H the United Paper Board company fac- lory, which burned Sunday. Th.. doy BM was found scratching and harking ; i a pile of debris and upon Invostiga- Ition the man's body was found. . oc H NEVADA COMMISSION TO BE INVESTIGATED WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Invcsti- H nation of the action of the Nevada public service commission in denying increases on freight and passenger transportation within the state slml- la- to the advanced Interstate rates, was ordered, today by the uiterataU , commerce commission. The date tor . i the hearing was not set. STRIKE CONSlDEItED. NLADR1D, Nov. 1 0. i:i Sol an,- Inounces that in ajbnsequenoe ot ihe t m decision of Ihe Kovernnient to refuse ... Incre ise salarli a I he goi ernmenl officials of several departments will M 1 strike today. II