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IH LIKELY ) TO MEET DEBTS Terms of Versailles Pact Are Being Carried Out. Says Lloyd George LONDON, Nov. 10 (By the As v. . ; i a r-ri Press Frt miff Uoyd inorwe in his address at the lord may or's bsnQ'nn it '''0 OUlld hall last night discussed briefly nd pointedly Various i toblmH with which the government Is dealing. He bliihged itnmsdstsl) Into the for ejm -iffalrn and appealed for patience I and fauh In the worm Kettienienr. nr clarlpf that i he hlgiiest wisdom de mantled that ptajutfiCea n. dlsltkfcs he k'ipt welt under eoiurnl If Rurope is to be as-ved from becoittlfIC R ccn tr of rafftr. hatred". I In -old ho vn pleased w ith the proposal! o" Oermany fui the liiulda i tion of lier Obligation Colncldent- nlly the rhancollor of the exchelUOfi Auirtn Chamberlain, announ. ) In the bourn- of commons that Qetroany b:il r.laced a largp amount of bond- In ih hand of the reparations com mission The preinier spoke obtlmistli ill 0 Ireland, Intimating that thi all there wan well hi hand. GERM INI S PAYM1 M j fiefrrrimc to 'iuestlon- between Gi t many and th allies, Mr Lloyd George said thai the real test of German sin cerity wa dVsAmament and hr added, "the report I have to glv.on tba'. i ' ject Is very satisfactory "TiT- Oernian army I- rapidh t'.iiu tedured to 100. Then an Bttlll too man;- rifles at large In Germany, but they are a greater menaca. 'j Oer many's Internal peace thun to Ger many' neighbors." I Another important point, :n pre mier aid w;m reparation "ilermiin is prepared to submit certain propopuls J for tho liquidation of her obligation. " he continued, "and personally I ;i jdea-serl with them The - frill OS con sidered ai the conferences and It f vi-.tlsfa torv to note ihnt Germany real ises that her first duty in to n piit th devastation the German armies .. rough! i wish I conid spaas as hopefully of the Russian problem where we have to do with men professing the ridicul ous, crazy creed of Bolshevism who unfortunately fail t realise how Im portant It Ifl they fhould respet I thHr obligations. TI referre.l briefly to thr industrial situation and the recent coal trtlt expressing the belief that there Is bet ter temper now all round miMi siu vtims Speaking of (he Irish situation lh( piemler nl1: "Unles 1 am mistaken, by the Steps we have twkeii. srs have murder by the throat. Do not pay too much attention to detsiied accounts Of disturbance -nd what thej call tho horrors of thf reprisals given out ry partisans who slur over the horrors of mur.b r Then will be no real peace, no conciliation whilct t iris murder onspirae. Is - ' a tered W( are getting 'be rlghl men and are dispersing th terrorist. j "The government Will seek further "'X - H srs, if necsssai . to deal :" th H t Ion If it is a a terroi i I - J a'. then the-- can not I omplaln if the Bf government employs some of the rules H of war against then) H He referred to hin offer to diet US any proposal!) with an one able to speak in behalf ; Ireland, iayin H "If 1 bad given that invitation to H i.'tminy In the middle of the wur. 1 H would have had a re ponse. lUt, glv- H ing It to Ireland, no man dure res 1 H t,eraue they are Intimidated. Vou H .must breal, the terror before you get M "What the government is offering to H Ireland is partnership in the greatest H' empire the world has ever known, at H 'he height power. I NEW VESSEL TO BE CONSTRUCTED HALIFAX, N". 9., Nov 10. An nouncement was made today of plana to build by popular subscription fish ing vessel to race In next year's inter national schooner regatta off Halifax harbor Native Nova rVottmis will de sign and build the vessel, whlotl will use as a regular fishing schooner, shlofa will be designed pgpUculgr vith next fear's vaco in ieu COLBY TO VISIT SQUTHAMERiCA State Secretary Acts for Presi dent in Returning Ex ecutive Calls WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. (By the Associated Press. President Wilson announced last night that ha had di rect' d Secretary Colby of the state department "on my behalf and In my Btbad." to visit Brazil and Uruguay In acknoWledgmehl of the recent vis Its to this country of the presldonts I of those republics. Tiv preeldfeni also said be would be gratified If Mr. ''olby took the oppor tunity to visit Buenos Aires In response to th recent invitation received from the Argentine government WOULD Pi K ILL1 it has long been toy hope that I miKht personally return thes,. vlslta." Uho tu-rsldcnt's Statement, Issued at the conclusion of a eablnei meeting. Bid rg.irdlng the receut tours in this i ountry of Presidents Brum of t'ru guu and penso i of Hrar.ll, "and I can : conceive of do worthier object to which I could dedicate my time and Strength; but I mn prevented from so doing and enn no longer dostpons Ih. tigreeithle conn -s oi then recip rocation which this country Is strong ly desirous of showing to the govern ments and peonies both of Brazil and I 'rugu.i v " Pfll&IDl VT' tn n MEN! The president's statement follow: "The history of the relntlon.s b tween the ("nlted Htalcs and the frlcndl reptlbllOS In South America w.ib marked In 1 0 1 S and l?lt bv two incidents of the mst agreeable char- acier and on --' ' od i nr -y n 1 1 1 1 refer to1 the visit to this country In August, ISIS oi Ills vll. ni .. I 'i 'Baitsjn Brum, now presldanl of Uru s;ua.. and at the time of bis elslt, min ister of foreign affairs of his country, and I" the year 1S19 to i he visit of His Excellency. I r. Kpitaclo Peasoa. now president Of Brazil, and :it th: time of hla visit ihe president-elect to ;thnl exulted office. I Ml SI BfJ 1 Bll KDSH1P. "Both the-,, vlsltii called forth dem- onstnttlons on the part of the pi ..pie of the United BtatSI of the utmost cordiality -md irood will toward the Idlstlngulsred visitors and th'a friendly nations whom they represented and : every thinking person lp thli . ountry was Impressed with the pbtencj d such x'islts txH Instruments for coment .ng the sincere attachment and deep ening the genuine Intimacy between I h self-governing li mo r-ieies nf the western hemisphere "It has long boen my hope that I inlghl personally return those visits and 1 can eonoelVS Of no worthier ob jject to wttloh I could dedicate my iiiuenii strength; but I am prevented from rjolng so and can not longer postpone the agreeable courtesy of t heir-reciprocation Shlch this counlr Is Strong!) desirous of showing to the governments und peoples, both of Bra--ii and Uruguay. rot in vs ,i n i "I have, therefore, directed the secretary of state, on my behalf and in my stead, to visit bQlb Brazil and Uruguay and to extend to the peoples of both these Countries, through their governments, the most emphatic oe Surunoes of the esteem and friendship of the peopb ol the i nlted Btales and of the desire felt In 'his country for the strengthening of every tie thsjt hinds our resjiect 1 v.- peoples In goOd Will and cordial Intercourse. " am also much gratified that it will bo possible for th secretary of state, taking advantage of his prox imily to Piienos Aires, la accept the 'very courteous Invitation of the Ar- I gen tine government to visit Buenos i Aires and to carry to the people of 'th Argentine confederation the same assurances Of our high esteem ami (deep pood will." I oo- SHIPPING EOARD PLANS COLD STORAGE SHIP LINE IfADRXP, Nov. J Establishment of a cold storage steamer iui between Baltimore and Barcelona ticnoa and i Alexandria and another between Bar celona. Salonlkl and Constantinople, Wt! be undertaken by the l ode,) State .-hipping hoard which plans to open a branch in this city to carrs on the i work. OP Chief among the fresh fruits n- ported from the United States arc ap ples, lemons ami oranges. H To Cure a Cold I H . Owe Oaj Grove's Laxative H H Bromo I H Quinine I ! tablets I I Popular all over the World as a remedy B I for Colds, Grip and Influenza and as a H Preventive Be sure its Bromo 3 The genuine bears y J this signature KO' ' AOCrl' J Price 30c. W j 1 I H Will You Have A j ; B Merry Xmas i urn You will if there is music in yojr U Jy home We have a plan that spells "A R.Vlrlr Grafonola For Christmas." Let us tell Jpiijrf you about it. Come in today, and start QdL'"R working. ! UNCLE 5AM AGGO 0 NTS FO R A LL BUT TEH OP H. E. F.'S MILLIONS m (.1 ORGS E. W TI KS. .. r.. . Ktaff Oortrsnonilent, VVASmNOTON When a bunk's ac- counts don't balance, th' bookkeepers .st.-iv up all nlpht looking for the dls iqrepahcy. Even a missing penny will I PHI i I Mi LRE HISSTNG I'ollowiin; an the names of the m soldiers who went to "the port! Of missing "nun" during Ihe world I wur: Drlscoll, Howard M., No. 1,207,- I 905, .'o. G, 100t li Inf Jonker-, Nicholas, Xo. 2,9(1,469, , Co. C. 3.S9th Inf I . Bedell. Samuel H 1,198,189, 'Co. L.. 18th Inf. j Jnckson, Walter W., No. 2,252, 240, Co. I. 58th Inf. 'enn r. I onuld I- . N'o 2,866.868, Co. K. 131st inf. Pcrrette, Jeremiah, Xo. 1.2'JT, I -II . "o. ! . lut'.th Inf. Smith. Edward C. Xo. l. 2O7.3O0. Co. D. 106th Inf. Reed; Jumt'8 B , No. 9O,02i. Co, I E, le.'.lh. Inf. Peyton, Edgar W., Xo. :,s:io.707, I Co. A, 339th Inf M n 1 1 1 r-. William J . Xo. 2,984, : 120. Co. A. 33.Uh Inf. I nch- Sam hits a list of killed, died, deserted, prisoners. Insane, I and all the things thnt e.m happen 1 to a mortal to dislodge him from I hia ratika. hut the-v la evaporat ed from the ken of I'ncle Sam a3 j I though their mortal flesh had re I I solved itself into a dew. PUi premature Kray lmirs in ,i fiinniee uditosji head But with the war department's flghtihg bos it is different. The d- WOMEN VOTERS Oregon Men Surprised by Se cret Campaign Over Tea Cups I 70NCAJJLA) ure.. Nov 10 Von Icalla for one week bus been strictly S Woman's town in spirit and In fact I women are the town's leaders, since u s. k ao when they elected a woman mayor and a woman to every other place in the city government unbe known t,. the men or this little t'OWO The women say the .-lection has per manently disposed of two old ad l, i a to the effect that a woman can not keep a secret and that they cm not successfully "play politics." &ECRE1 1HPA1GK Ovbr tea cups, at social gatherings, after prayer meetings und from house to Iiuuh" the women carried on their political campaign secretly prior to election, it b&s been "whispered." ; the) KJiid. that the men politicians In-, tended to let the incumbents hold oer' without bother of a new ticket. The I women did not like tho administration.1 AiS bolted ind went to ilif polls and1 marked In the names of their candi date. The men were concerned with national ;md state politics only. They l d not bother about the city election. Result: ( MI v SURPRISE. Mrs. Mur Hurt, mayor, native Ore onlan, graduate of Pacific collepe daSS of 173. who has lived hero 43 j as, itenublican. Couhctlwomcn, Mrs. Jennie R. Lass- w ell, wife of the retiring mayor and I prominent club woman; Mrs Bcrnlco I Wllaon. pioneer school teacher, and. Wife of postmaster, Mrs. Nettle Han i nan. wife of a retired ipltallst. The wonien huvo no definite plans! for promoting tile welfare or ttic tosn, i llayor- Iscl alary Bun said. "Wo Intend to study conditions.' she said, "ami do all In our power to give th city of Voncalla a good, efft-' cient government. "At the worst we can't do much Worse than the men have done." ) Mayor Jesse b, Lasswell, who has lost his Job, said his cohorts "were tak- SO off their guard," but he has prom-! ksed the women his help MANY STRIKERS TIE UP BUSINESS IN SPAIN SACAMICA, Spain. Nov 10 -The' railway men of this district voted to utrlke today in sympathy with th strikers in this Blt Work was at a standstill. tll trainmen having Joined i In i he movement. Patrols of cavalry were posted at Strategic points and infantry guarded i the banks and public buildings Xo disturbances have been reported. liADRID, Nov. St. Notwithstanding that the strike of commercial employes continues, the majority of mercantile I establishment In this ctty remain I open, the work being done by owners and their families. Hoot repair, textile, lawelry and tailor shops will close to morrow QIJON, Spain, Nov 9. A collective demand, for Increased wages to meet the high cost of living has been pre sented tu the government by the As - . liitlon of Bps HiSh State Km doves. oo- KuKllsh scientists have decided thai I passing elfctrh lty through freshly-cut (timber nikes It more resistant against le In fungus growth BsfW BjMaBJBSJBBBBBBH : SIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH po n nient's books don't balance, as ihe I r!s show that 10 more men v.:e Igi ni to France than were brought Ibaok, dead or alive, buried abroad, re ieasep abroad or dcsetlcd. The department has the names of the men who disappeared a-s though t 1 . -, had evaporated. They didn't tfet killed, die, desert or any of those thiugs, so fur 'ns Is known. They weren't taken prisoner, weren't mlss ;in in action, weren't killed, weren't wounded and were never discharged and nobody has seen them since they id for the old world Nope, they wer nt drowned t sea. W li T II iPPl M l) VS V ' What happened to them? The wor department doesn't know'. I Bui many funnv things have happened to some of the boys who went across, j A short time ago memorial Certifi cates were sent out to the survivors of a number of the honotcd dead. Si vera of th.-se fell into the hands of those whose heroic acts were sup posed to be commemorated no man 'hanked the department for the compliments paid him, but asked that the Impression that he was a 'diad on. '' be corrected. I DONE SPENT DAI MON1 !X ' A negro woman here got a notico that her husband was delid She Straightway took it to ad insurance Company In which her man carrlel $1000 Insurance. After going to some little trouble to voflfy Hne report, the company paid the policy. Then hubby showed up and the insurance com pany wanted her to give the money back. I "Bawsy, Mlstah, I'le done spent dat .money long ;:o," said the dark-skinned wife- "Mali husband was repeat ed died; yeah get yoah money from le wall department." MESITIi WILL 1 PUCE PACT Secret Overtures by Colonel House Revealed in Statement PARIS; No 10 Argentina is ready to 0a hei utmost to contribute I to the success of the league of na j.tions, said llonorlo Pueyrredon, for elgn minister of that country, to a rep resentative of the newspaper Eclair of this city last night. "I nm i;oing to rjeneva to attend a Itii etlng of th league assembly." he BSJd, "With the greatest enthusiasm, I believe, In the success of the league If each nation brings to It good will, "And ithaf seems easier than the pessimists Imagine, Nationalism! properly un di stood. is not incompatible with healthy international Ism I "Argentine, it Is said, did not di rectlv contribute to the constitution of the league, but this Is no reason she should not take the liveliest interest In It I will tell you something that never has been published In this mat ter When the supreme council was studying the organization of the league, rolonel E. M. House, In the name of President Wilson, asked Ar gentina to give her views. The ques tion of a private meeting of what were then neutrals was dlscussod, but Ar- j gentlna declined to participate Mar cello de Alvear, our ndnlster to Prance, following my instructions, told Colonel House Argentina WSS JBSfl J to gle her opinion in a public ossein -rdy repularly summoned. Argentina has but one wish and that it to do all in her power to ban ish war from the face of tho earth ROCK ISLAND r" R. GETS LARGE FEDERAL LOAN , WASHINGTON'. Nov. 10. Approval of a goirrnmon'. loan tqjjthe Chlrago. I Bock Island and Pacific railroad ofi $. m "in i fop Improvements was nn nounced today by the interstate com merce commission. f The Commercial National Bank OGDEN.UTAH 1 1 WE WJaJfTTOu""" TO SEE what a safe, conven lent place our Vault is for valuables You are invited to come in and inspect this stronghold. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent $2 00 and up per year. BIBBBBBaaBBaBBHHBraBlBBBS P -T-BanaBaaBBBsM Look for the TONE LEAVES I Exclusive Columbia Features These exclusive Tone Leaves identify every genuine Columbia Grafonola. You know , gphei) yOU see them, that the phonograph heRire yon has all the important exclusive features. These exclusive Tone Leaves will give you complete and accurate control over tiic volume without sacrificing tone quality or any of the beauty of the record. M The Columbia Cirafonola's Streamline Cabinets are in- , dL Jj variably in perfect accord w ith modern artistic furniture design. M rfhe Columbia Grafonola' s Straight Tone Arm insures that the music will develop fully and naturally. This music will be an exact reproduction of the music the artists them selves produced on the original wax in the Columbia Laboratory. And, in addition to all these exclusive advantages, the f Columbia Grafonola is now equipped with the exclusive Columbia Non Set Automatic Stof. Operates on any record, long or short. Never stops before it should. Always stops at the very end. Nothing to move or set or measure. Just start your Grafonola, and it plays and stops itself. Ask the nearest Columbia dealer for a dem onstration of the stop that needs no setting. Standard Models up to S3 CO wfSSX Period Designs up to $2100 ( J exclusively on the E Columbia Grafonola I COLUMBIA GRAPH OPHONE COMPANY, New York H Did You Know, that the I NEW COLUMBIA I GRAFONOLA I gives you the choice of all the eminent artists of the world right in your own home? r What couid you get more home comfort out of these lonj winter evenings than a Columbia Grafonola and a collection of reoords of the artists of your choice? The Columbia Grafonola embodies the non-set automatic stop, the ejector filing system and the tone leaf control which are all exclusive features. Come in and let us explain these features. A small deposit will hold one for you to be delivered Christmas eve. Browning Brothers Company I 2431 Hudson Avenus Ogden, Utah I. T Walton, Manager Phonograph Department V I - rM:'j'