OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 12, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-11-12/ed-1/seq-5/

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U FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, 1920. THE Oy: : --h-AAMr-. 3 I
1 Her Daughter and His Son
A Groat Married Lift Story hy
Mit tl t i 'ft IDI OF GR ICE
IH "l h.tir in see you go back to th
H hc-ose alonr. Ann." said .Me. Halsey h
B we left the l)nnk, "I vbtb thai 1 eoiiM
H make jou understand you are too
H ounc for the responsibilities that you
H shouldering.
''It is Just because I am young that
I -an shoulder them." said , realizing
exultantly the possibilities ol youth
t and mctming to make tha nnt o'
them'. "Many women jre foiced to
th world without the ' -"nth of
outh and afiei all enthusiasm has
been crushed out of them. Ir thF
"ho arc unable to rope with life
"Ann, r marvel aJ you philosophy.
I low have von acjuijed it" Wh,
your age. most girls arc like Utile,
foolish ,race Cameron, without an
idea op anything except clothe? ami
Jnen " ,
1" 'Von J not jeeni to like Graci Mi
j If alley i'1 I cduld 'io; rr.i).-t remarking.
' "take her? Of course no1: Bhes
i lie type of Kir: vho." only thought
Is lo foist herself on som man who
i will keep her In Idleness and HiMir-
ill' reel of her lif o and her mothei
nitfj tud abets bar I'm mighty glad
I hat Kenueth ha. ncer been attracted
by her.''
for a moment I had a Wild desire to
te-11 him ill it Kenneth was planning to
marry Graci adiiie time. bifl I thought
suddenly i; would onlj make Mr. Hal
ey u n conifer a We and auirl u Quarrel
between Kenneth and his father. On'
tny way homo, however. 1 wondered
more and more jual ivlui ii was that
i. .n;e' a man -o determined tp marrj 3
woman whom he knew, If ho thought
about it. he would tire in a Wfe'ek,
"is there such p thing a real love
In thrs world'.'"! asked myself. "Js
tiW this wonderful, poetical ida of loe'
.only an illusion'.' Is love eomethjn
that i an cf imagined iut never n
sitxed"" Been at 'hat eariy uay. I f
t: p Kenneth Halsey would rather h
1 with m than With Grace'; a''d r
there Wui something her tin
!fcinated him nnd lured htm on
did not deceive myself. I knew tha
I loved Kenneth Just to he with hlr
was heaven and fa fed the toueh c
,h. band thrilled m. T.. catch
glimpse of liis irresponsible smile tnud
Che wftfile day mm brighter, nnd eve
r.ow n;. h-;,ii inriKtl slrk wi'h l,ne
lineei at the thought that l vac toini
I away and mljrM nm p him for wei k
'and months I Just n Utile rlr
fj pr all. T tva not one of thos sn
parlor lielnRs Who could be sufficien
unto herself. I didn't wan: (i'r i Cent
;ron tu hae Kenneth. I was 'i
ithat K was not so mi.i h in'can" h
Would take him .wr- from me, hut e
catise T knew 'he could neer makt
Kim happy 'rar- was too aelfleh, to
elf eni': d. she would always lak
all rnfl gjvi) nnthlng.
f en'.' red the house and Jtoltiip to mj
Toother's room, dropped "n my knee
beeide the, hed, while my vhole hod
shook w if h abba
"Oh. I ran t go away I can't civ
Kenneth up -i darit do it.' i sobbed
"I would like ( he strong enougl
to malco tho sacrifice, bid I c. nnot
put hnpp.ne.ss out of life afler all
1 sobbed 'inii! l Cbvtld rob no mor
and ourllns up on the bed. i went in
sleep U"hen I awakened toe room
wan dark, it aro.- and turned on ;h'"
lights and meeh:inlill began lo r;.rl
my cloriieM dlthoh'gh my mind refused
io hartmr fuc thought that I was lead
ing everything thjai i had loved.
I oiik imw Villi's I'lrst Haj in :'.i-City.
imii w IG ii v n .:i if pi
Mill M..
Copyright. 120. by McGlurtj N'.-wsja-per
S nd.cale.
Orte day, vhen r nciV' "i5'iy was
coing aloiif, through lue woods, not fur
CrOm tils nollow stump DdhgaioW, he
heard u oic c saj Ing ;
!'0h, dear! incie they go .-.gain:
I'm "H opping so i. .any, i.nu II takes me
so loo;,- to p.ck theui up again; to.it I'd
UOVi-i- ntL iny jn.n.ry lulca be. ore wri
fer." t'..cle yVigglly raised his long cms
up tail and ivioight SO be nnnc hear
bet tu .
1 uoniltr if that is alra. "tt'ibbie
wobblc, the dUcK i.idy or ldrs. Bow
Wow. the dofc !a,ly, laiKihg aoout t'deir
knitting; ' tnougoi t.. btmnV f.entie
DDgib 1 ofteh lic-iii them speaking
of uropjjed sLitchca. IVrhaps 1 can
help pick thClu nji."
3ir, Longekrt luroed the corner
arouitd a mulberry tuee, and there he
Htav, not is be expected, -drs. vyibble
v. .imi; or Jiirs. l.uw Wow, but a small
reauire "f bqh of dull rusty yellow
olor. witn a very long t ill and very
lb it bind k-tfji. aimost like tho&e of ;
kanguroo. . s
"tlyw do you do?" spoke L'hcle Wig
gily pplitelj tnaking a low bow with'
nia t.ili silk hat "I am gldd to
! ".i o n$ore, Air l;inc Uoufc t iiav.
i.ot i6i'goifeai i.ow you and ;. our irj; u&a
. d r.-e l mukuiK oiie of your fun
ntU Is r; i, ..o i could hide awuy from
Bjajjaj ' i
!. i am not i he pine Mouse,' was,
m the answer, given In a strange, muf-
u'eii, now that i look : second tlnie
I can -e that you are not,' said l'n
do WiRglly. "lour t.nl is much long
or than thah; of tiio PJn'e Mouse and
our hind legs, ar- als., much longer.
H That is so I c;in jump, " v.ad the
other creator i am called the Jump-
lug .Mouse, and 1 cat) jump aa tar as
t' ii reel w hen something chasts me.'
wf: "Ti :i I u fa
Ml I I "II I ', .1 I
i .i n liep you.'
"I cthapi, said Jumpy Mouse, as
like to call him. "Vom see On there
they go again!" he squealed, aa .some
IUvl i"n things fell to the ground.
"h.v the mattecT" asked Uncle
"fta the beech nuts I was can;. Ins
ui to put in my underground store
i or pantry, for winter," said
lumpy Mouse." "You see, i carry tho
bo'C, v.uts In my cheek pouches, or
. V- h pockets as. the Chipmunks -Jo
Hfta ''.' i filled my cheeks so fu!i that
. ldi of nuts keep dropping out as
: H i unvp.
I P'-lr Wigifljy looked on Ih ground
apd eaw foni'e thlrcc-corhere'd brown
H Then bo saw lhai lac checks or
HI Jumpy Mouse stuck nm as thoucn be
mm "' l,'f oiumiis. Chipmunks stuff tlieli
VKm checks out the sama wa dining ib'-
IH nutrlng reason There ar little pock-
ets on each side of their jaw., .tit.I In
PH those chipmunks, jumping mice and
other animals like thorn carry things
they gathfer to eat, You boys nr. gins
bare pc kets ,n your eloth' S, but rub !
have them In their fur.
j "I suppose i shouldn't have filled
BmM' toy rheek pouches so full." aid Jumpy
Mouse, speaking in a queer voice be
cause of ihe beecb nuts, "Hut 1 want
od (o fill my gantry as soon as i could"
"I'll help yon pick up the spilled
mils." said Uncle W!igglly, and be did.
stuffing them inside blfl tall silk hat.
MB Then be hopped along with Jump
Mouse, who took as lone leaps as did
the bunny gentlema i himself.
IHC "Here is my underground house "
sall .lumpy MousoJn the bunny, stop
Ml ping in front of a small hole In the
earth' ns'- yo, 'n on1' ,,lr" plac
Is too small .and there Is no nerd lo
Dye It Right!
"Diamond Dyes"
Don't Risk Materials in Poor
Dyes that Fade or Run
Bach package o ' I n.m u irn-A- ron i
MB iiiis dlrectlojia so almple'that an) woman
,n diamond-dye n. rleb, imioiom , (,i
..I inm from, shabby tarmeati i pei i-
coverings, eyei Lbini wheahei n .
P f' Jiin.-n. cottun or mixed nooas
tuy "Diamor.d Pye"- no other kjqd I
tjita perfect etuItE. at rusranteei e-?r
tf you h-.e ner )vd before. Pr rgli
h color card, showing 16 rlrh rolors.
Advei tiaeinnt.
make it large Cvv you, as ihe BeO
is1 't ciia.s.ag you afl he was when the
Pine Mouse saved ou"
Wo. thank roodiiefls! Th bad black
Dus'ny Ctvor Iw'l aftei me now. s.iid
Uncle tviggily
"So, h- lan t but i am! exclaimed
sudden Jiarsh oler. and out from b. -
hind a hickory nut tree popped th.
W'ooxie Yolf.
"I am after you. Uncle Wiggily,"
said the Yoos:!e Wolf. "I doa'i care
anything about this Kat with oa. but
if you will come to my den "
"Look here," rrled Jumpy Alousr
, 'Jin no: a rat, l it bavq you know, and
ss for )uu not taring for me, w hy I'd
have you know, Mr Wolf. ;hur 1 tan
djb so-n things t hiJ l yo'u cani do.
' hat, for Instance ?' c.si.e.i the
Woozie Yolf supercilious like, and
'l am a belter juniper than you."
Said tb Mouse.
"Xblisenae" said the "Yolf. There
la no bet:rr Jumper In nil the woods
than 1 am Here. Jst's sc.- how far
you can jump." he went on. ' We'll
have aalittlc race, and after that I'll
take I'llcb Yi'lgglly otf to my .'. .. !;u'
just so be can't get away while we're
jumping; Ml lie inm fast with a
b.C of r.i i e-. inc."
So the Woptia Wolf tied the buiuiy
i !' n c'.i stump. Jumpy Slonse
" I ml hjs cheek pouches of ihe
bi i 'huh, and whispered to Uncle
' oi rj . i u iooi i I'd l oil,
and thcii I'll let you loose."
' Uh thank you (or those kind words"!
said J'liele Wlggljy
I'll jump firaf," said the Mouse. I
and gatnerllig his long legn under him.
:n"i balancing himself with Ids long1
tail, which i- jiust what '.t was lor,
Jump) Mouse gave a big leap.
"POOh! I ran beat that ! lo
Pieces." howled the Wolf He gath
er d hit logs undei him and he ga
a big jump.
I'.ut whin l';e Wolf came down be
landed iu a big patch of prickly briar
bushes, and h was all scratched and
pricked nd torn so Hint he crawled
out ai baft he could', crying:
"Oh. woe is me: Woe Is met I made
a mistake", i .tumped too far!" and
away he ran. not gelling the n;i l
buuny after all.
"Ha! Hal" laughed lumpy Mi, use.
s he loosened tbe grape ine from Mr.
iaongears. "I saw tbaht briar bush'
when I jumped, but 1 didn't go that
fgr. I could eaaily have jumped .-'
it. but If i had l wouldn't have fooled
the Wolf. 1 wnntej him to coma dow'n ;
In the sticker,, and he did. Ha! h.i"
"And I'm ph.d of it,' s-i,l Mr Long
ears. And if the puppy dog dossil' I
drop n snowball on lop of the hot
atove t" see ii ll will turn into a map)
sugar pancake I u tell you nexl about
Uncle Wlgglly md Jumpy's tall.
I Little Benny
! 1
We was eatlnir brekfist and pop -' d
to ma. Well mother, tins is ladies nltj
at the f lub, how would you like ,,J 0,011
. up a little and !e: me sliow you oli ta
the boys?
Wllluni that will be jest splen
did, nnd luckily Ive finished your
necktie that Ive been croWshaying and
1 'o;i can wear that.
Wai the red and green on? ed
pop, and ma scd. Certeny, thats the
ony one Ive bin making, wat nne did
yon thliik I mcnl?
Thats ilir one 1 thawt, sed pop
Sounding the opposite Of glad, and ma
-.I i , ;.,n see the other men crowd
ing ab erround yoil a3 soon as thev see
the tie and asking you ware you gpl
0 !orM. sfd pop.
Wy Wlllv um, w;if do Son lin en V
sed ma and pop sod. 1 rneen Its too
had ami iiutblng would gie me more
pleasure, but one ,,f ijie rules of th
club Is that nobody must enter the
i ' 1 i 1 -
Effect of Simplicity
In Marvel of Colors
rw Vork'a Pajnioii Authority.
Ni:w YORK Adapting Oriental Isni
to yluulhful tigurca Is or.- of the QleV-i
ei est things the designers are d ia;.
And on-- oi the in ei iuler. st ink x .-
amplea of the waj Lhej are dolUR it
is to be found In "fitter fatter. " at
f he i .. '..- uorc ' h.-.M-e- f
In the second act, Helen Kolton ap
pears In a troek that Is n marvel of
color, red chiffon over yellow aud then
a lighter y:llow used for sleeves The
Skirt, being atcOrdloh pleated, send.'
forth liuleldoscopic rays of light and
shark', while flowers of gold lissu
trailing down over co range and skirt
and a gold cloth turban of Kgyptian
persuasion provide an additional touch
ol" the Oriental.
All this and y the ensemble ef-ici-l
Is ion of :v.ii"."i Mimjilledly.
Miss BbltOn has also the same model
in all white, which, too. is vcrv effective.
lil I s i;i II'
There's ;his about it. if Chip Chip
munk hadn't been so overstuffed with
buckwheat, he inigbi have been able
to wiggle put Of bis prison. But
tbre: Nick and Nancy hadn't an idea
where Chip was, and they hunied und
bunted. Even the, bdek wheal field had
failed to reveal his whereabouts, for
"Mere.' juiiitiii the Slagicnl Musbi Hem, bjuullng them a note written
n a "'.uit:im leaf
'men hud come with Wagons and Plh d
all tin- bundle of cui wheal on rbem
and hauled) them t the bars,
Whnt io do next?
Th j- ilidn'i .- em i be q pla e Iptl
to lool.. and I In w irui wpre Jusl aboui
to ri t;n M sadly to ipe Meadow Orove
school and toll Mr. Scribble Scratch
flint the llttje i iiiptnunk boy was no
Whcri i" bo fiouild, when the Magical
Uuslirdotn ra-me runnings "Herci"
he panted,, lutndipg thcra h note wrlt
letn on pliiiluln b-uf. "It's from the
H'aii.. Queen and saya to m e
'hip. He's in trouble In Farmer
Smith's barn."
1'oor Chip, so be was' the raill
hildlng waring a home ipade tie.
How perfcokly foolish, and Irn -"
, ing to aieek to some of t .ie members
j loniio and 1e them wat I think of
I auteh a crazv rule, sed ma, and pop
sed. 0' dont do thai for tin- love of
Veet. i's a' secret rub .md i reel
snouldeni ( o t, bui I had "
in self-defence, o to bpeek, tun per-
'tonally, as for the tie itself. I think
a he wl If ill ti
i'(s and ts SO Odd, too. seel ma. and
pop sed. Ii sine is, yes, its n remark
able tie, wy (lont you make one like
i u for Benny?
thing In the field thai had knives for
teeth, wasn't to be cpmpurer to the
e.normous monster in the barnyard,
which In- spied the moment he ar
rived, on i he wagtm, monster thai
had chains und straps for muscles,
that ate coal. ;:nd breathed black
smokg,; ti monster that shook and
gr w Lexl iu if) and at buck-
'wheat by the I'undle, too. Chip could
see p. all. opt of the crack in his own
bundle where iif was stuck fast.
; .lust then u man picked up chip's
bundle, "Oh! Ob' Help, help!"
i i . I ed the little truant shivering
With lright.
5 ea, yes! We're coming," called
Nick, ti the twins arrived at that
wary miiiute and heard Chip Suueal.
Tin' man laughed when Nick reached
In bis hand and pulled OUl poor shiv-
1 r ''hip. "Tii.n was a dose ggueak
for the little fellow " he said kindly.
I'un't ou mean a loud squeak -1"
smiled Nick, putting Chip into his
pocket "I guess he was scared."
i 1 1 'qpyrlght, 1920 x. K. a. i
Maybe 1 will, sed nia, and pop sed.
W J dont you tive him that one?
Wifiyatm Pbtts imw dare yqu sug
ar sutch u iiiuif;. tht ei Ideor, now
Josi for that 1 will Klve it to him, sed
m i. nnd I itilck sed, Aw heck. ina.
ho, Ci. I dont wunl it, its tod led and
green W
Well of all things. Ill gie it in
Nora to kic to t.Ho ice man. thats wat
III do. Ill show you; he wont be too,
proud tn wear it,-sed ma.
Wi'h he aim, wearing ; everj dayi
and "bring' the ferst one ho' wore '
Since he- started coming errmind. I
Dorothy Dix Talks
5 DOROTin iJLX, lite World's Highest Paid Woman Writer i:
II is i eering tf bear that the puls
Hant Ferterafioii of Women's clubs has
turned H attention to the matter of
dies.- reform, partlcularl aa it ap
plies t,, . mag p'.ij", and has gone on
reoord is cidvoeutlpg the lengthening
nlntn garments ait both ends.
,and adding i lew more layers of thlck
lll t 10 tic '.ilng of beads that now
does . for )l bodice.
lleavi . lihows II is clmethat some
bod II a halt on th. disrobing
!mxi i fa tl se ms to br afflicting the
'women pj toe so-culled crvlHsed world
, h Ulrttilj that has nolhliiK to rerom-
n ' .. i ms n is an affront t both
decqn j ami art.
I t'onc -ding thut morality is largely
a matter ut geography) ke must ..iso
idrni! thai .' .' the Northern tlemis
pheuo ate out of the latitude' In which
a wnin. ui can appeal1 in public In a
N'lin- iudb stale and 'still maintain the
perfect floWer of her modesty. A bedlc
Of the SEulU Islands may be able lo
icoin'i.ne tfe noul of n white iro with
!n griuss in.-.t as her only costume, but
thai is n climatic achievement of
Which we are incapable.
'jfhg lllflUeilce of dress Is more V"i
,tei! upon x.onien than all of the ten
.commandments) and no honest per
Ison will deny that one of the 'main
reasons fatal the voui:r girls "if today
i ". plrtcr, mid more forward than
thtd'r indthorS and grandmothers, is
boca t'irv Hrc less clothed. For
Whl :i a wo: usri throws away almost all
0 her seven --ils, she throws uwaj
jwltli them ti lot of her reserve, mori
lesty at.'l In ocenc .
) Women not only sin OgaliiSI mod
I'My, bu they iu agaihsl arl in the
presenl tipdressed foshlbti We miKbt
f";R.ve Ihe nude iu sccletj If ei
win. nn in h a Yenus ile Milo. and
byi!t along specifications that ravish
the eye with their beauty.
B.UtJ alas, ml alack, such is rar
from being the case Clothes hn
been tin mantle of charity that cov'r
(1 luhn or fat, ami graveyards full
,,f bones, aUd none f us hud the re-
I "' si Id of how many grotcsq.ue'
Hi rms nature had perpetra!-
ed until women began shearing off
.thjOlr frpeks at the bottom and cut
ting them out at the necks,
j Then what a spectacle we have be-i
he,ld "f 'iilll iost ankles and splaj I i ;.
ui tvt nocks and triple chins. ir wish-
1 a ml ll .ins .- keb I nil:, SuC I v
Iwomcn have brpken their minors
Mnd los! their sense of humor or elSe
tlmy would make'a frantic grab for the
concealing ol the alluring petticoat
agniu, T'd the swathing chiffons that
take the cursi off either flesh or thin
ness. '
Bui l be reform in women's clothes
is Wee all other reforms It must start
from within and, that it what makes
ir encouraging to har thai the Fede
ration nf Women's clubs has taken tin
m.'tt. r up, for this great organization
can put ii across if it f, desires
Th- trouble with the Individual
mother u trying to make her daugh
ter dress modesllv I that she runs
counter t.. what all th other girls are
domic und mother's influence as com
pared to ttie Influence of the mob IS
null and "i.l if all the other Kirl
cn wearing but tw o tig leaves, ; hej-e
IS not single ldl EVe alive tl ut . n
be Induced to add a third fig leaf lo
her eostume.
n refert to - t any results, moth
" 1 "us act in concert und when the
Uncle Sam, M. D.
tiwin to the Fpeed. complexity and
vorrj of modern tiu among all
classes, ; ml to 'lie mimoi on . en w. rk
In IndUBfry, recreation has become a
matter of vital importance for every
i one.
Sumo muscular activity, preferably
jin the open air. is needed by everj
health) person.
j Recreation should be as unlike the
regular occupation as possible going
to the tin-iMer, for example, is not th-'
jbest exercise for sedentary workers
employed all day in artificial I j lightetj
offices. The eicuni oi pleasuri It
I essent ia
Hoisting dumbbells purely from
con cientioUB motives 1 seldom bene
ficial, ami is generally soon aban
doned. The. i::it played by habit in matters
Ol health Is oiien overlooked. Al
thOUgb ;h' boffj adjusts itself to w ide
l varying condition- and even lo tin
favorable ones, ihe Importance of
forming desirable habits cannot be
oi er ' mphasised
Siuie' u ' i radical changes in living,
however, particularly among people no
longer young, may play bavoc.
.New and loieut systems of exer
Clee. weight reduction ami food fads
forced on families by enthusiastic dis
com m'!.- inole ci nsiderabl" risk
To maintain sound health only a ra
tiqnal program will suffice; proper!
balanced work and play, sleep and food
and all other elements must be lnclud
ed m due proportion.
If the lad who writes about nilis
before her eyeii ami other symptoms,
will semi her name and address to In
formation Editor, 1 S. Public Healtl
Seri'ice Washington, i. Ci enclosing
this clipping, a personal replj wlli be
given her.
Q. Can jmpotency be cured? " :i
wnci' can Lite best possible treatment
be obtained A sufferet .
A if ihe person will scud bit oanu
and addrees, a pergonal reply will he
siicii bjm, as ii is not feasible to re
ply to his question ill rough this col
umn rVddresa Infornoatjion Gditdr, r.
S. Public iiciith Service; Washington',
l C . ut losing ibis i lipping. j
I hundreds of thousands of mothers who
'poe the Federation o1 Women's
duos not dow n their broad, flat-soled,
.sensible middle-aged reel on any abuse
it im toinj to p.. struuShed as flat as
liai ake. and cease to exist.
Cbejr COUld nuke red flannel
raanionable as a ball gown and every
Hlrl crazy to wear It, tf they wanted
IO. Fbr these women carry around
In their little handbags, the mone
that keeps the retail trade going, and
the .minute ihat they say, With one
l. e. that they want decent clothes for
then girls, .md will bu im other, that
Instdnt designers, di exsmakcrs. tailors
und manufacturers will Ket busy mak-1
ing up ganhenka that will combine
'" "it :.l ) - .mil modesty.
I nd Mamie and Sadie and Katie will
e just as crnaj rtboUt the now sanaL-lle-lengt,h
iklrl ..nd the modest de-
olletea, rs thi j arc now about the ee
more garments that ihev are wearing.
for lle-y ill the latest thinKM in the
' i s imi ..ii ti,,. Kins will ! wear
ing ihi m.
I Women have not yet reiilizeckwhat
a. tremendous powei ll ej hold hi their
hands thi-ough b Ing the purss bear
rers, for it ;s the wives and mothers
I who spend til4J 10Uey ffmt the hua
i "amis and fathi rs eari
" - the ihiddle-nged women who
buy the Clothes, and furniture, who
",'; PI' whal nap. . . und magvastnas
. "' '" utken, ivhal boOka r. id, what
ii" ii amusemeni shall I attend
ed, rherefore. these mot hers, li thev
will act , ,.,,, . r, ,..ul HC BtylM
' :',- i"b' any place ,.f busi
nesa ot amUsenieni bj giving or with
hohung their pi tronage.
No manufacturer would put out a
typo .oj gi -menl they Pfnse to buy
7 ""'r '' 'H would permit the kind
of da .eliig fa ,, thfey would not let
thcli daughters dance. x0 theatre
lid put on puys that thev would
"" i-t tbe-.r 'daughters see and that
they would no! sei themselves
So-;aftr all. the whob thing is up
fn th.- mothers. They can make ih
world exactly the Sorl .f plate the
f " ' their i hlidren to live m. for the
hand thai pays, rules the world
ri Is wonderful to thlnlc ht the
eoml"-i-,i nn.i li. : mti,, n. mucin d..
to i ink bow iittiv p does
Perhaps the Fedcr tteh ot Wom
e i eluhs s going to mobilize this
' " ' now r md inn it into action, it
I' rloea, ii will be the ,, , f ,,
rnedea that will life the universe and
raise it l)p to higher things.
! oo
B7 Eilgavr A. Qaasg
Ll I LAliY.
The veiling star la shining clear,
Bj low. my pretty one
Ti" geutb sandman draweth near
By low, my pretty one;
Now close your eyes iu slumber sweet
The lalries v;r1t my babe to creet
Full tired must be your cnubbj feet,
By low . my pi etty one.
NOW 'iniei is the bus town.
Bj low, my prett) one.
The children aJi ha. settled down
Bj low. my prett;. one;
Oh, you shall go where mlrtca stay
i d ince ihe long niKbi hours away.
And come bach n""" break of day
Bj low my pretty one.
rravel away to sluhiber land,
Hy low. ir. j T- t ' one.
Led by the gbod queen fairy's hand
By low, my pretty one
oii .hut: ,.ay l.v ihe silver sir-am,
With ribbons of gold where the bis
moon beams,
And smile your way thtOUgfa v,.',r
i 1 1 .i e ma,
By low ii' j .-. : i one.
Husb, my baby daj is done
Hy low, my pretlj one.
Softly the night is i omii on.
lie low, my prett) ope;
Mother win rock o,, i .,ni rro,
ver your cradle bending low.
And watch o'er you as to sleep yo'u go
By low. my prett oi
, oo "
MEXICO CITY, M-v Discosaing
Mexico's efforts to build tip trade wiih
Cuba, the Bulletin Flnanciero y Mine
rb asserts that Ameircan uieichants
have been playinc 'lie trick of buyipg
M Mean goods an.: Belling them in
t'uba ab American goods. The Bulletin
"tint- dealers should negotiate dl
rectly with the dealers in Cuba, thus
making certain that our products ar--Bold
under ihe Mexican trade marks.
Tor il is well known thai till n;. Ameri
1 'ii merchants buj our goods and aft
er exporting ihem to th. i nit-d st'al b
re export them as mi rlca.n goods to
CttbS and ninnx ml i Latin American
count t ies.
Sister Mary j
(Copyright. 19-0. N. K. A.)
.Mnttlng on floor- Is always com
looking and fairly easy to care for hut
f Ii he. i.nifs spnited with itif if most
rv ,-r removers seem to leav tha
Very hoi water, a ri e-aud-ten-cent
i. rush, castile soap and' a
little sslt yrr wonderftjl grease-temov-ins:
gents for matting.
Dissolve th.- - nit In the water t
the brush In the salted water and ruh H
on the snap. Sow scrub the 9ppt. AM H
more soap neeessary and conlflaue
to srruh place until th spot dis-
"jipears. Tims" with a clean ejotb
dipped In clear w .ier and rub dry with
another .loth
MINI I 4 III illMllltRllW.
BR1 VJCFAST -l.wed prutie. I
' n' "'I 'Ir. ! beef. I..iki:itr p0W4r L1 H
biscuits, j H
i CXCHEON Eggs In potato i sea
in vinegar smre. brown bread I
and butter peach preserves, tea. iH
' DINNT3B gtuffed pork .-hop.
calloped potatoes , maslo.l turnip. j I
cabbage and celery salad. grags
sponge, coffee. ; H
mv 6WS It i' 1 it B.
Two very thin and very small sites H
Of onton put In the bottom of th dish
the beef" rre sCtWed In gh a delicious if
Did tantalising flavor. The amount al
' lltth" Sf,lt am I 111
pepper and three or four tablespoon.
i make tbi m arret.1!'. '
to, go with he potefeip.
tablespoons grated cheese
tablespoons butter
Salt and pepper
-e large smooth potatoes, gcrnh
nd rub'with a little butter. Bavi
hot oven till done. Cut m hslf
length else Scoop out the potato with
mil breaking -.be skin Put the potato
through a rlcer. Season With salt and
I pepnor end melted butter and beat H
until light. Add a little hot milk If
necessary but the potato should
quite dry. Line the shells with thi
mashed potato. Ir, each potato . as.
drop an - egg 1 1 . r with -,. H
ter. M'tink'.e with cheese and brown In
Sab pepper H
Hot water -'
Have the chops cut 1 1-2 Inch.
, thick. On the edge opposite the hon"
i' MJ' V-s iaped s I
possible wltti the point f,f the V on th
edge. Fill tho cavity with pin stuff. Ill
intr m de of M).. bread crumbs sex- III
soned with salt ami pepper and iuoIm- ij
oned with hot water. Pin the edgil 111
of the chop tocether with toothpicks
Pul In a 'lightly greased Iron frylnr
pan and bake In a hot oven for IS 111
30 rn,lo"tc.
f letting vour clchl band knov
xbai vrmr left band Is doing i au.
thing but eood ethics In n kitclien
yOU are apt tO Cct burned.
vv J
Dr. James I. Vance I I
4 : s
Important as the church If. it cannot
and master the prf'blem
of Civil Ii needs the help of lH
allies. 'there are three allies to
i i h is riel" fo rook for help- 'H
ful co-operation.
ne of these Is Ihe state We 1 iH
; not heliei e in America in the union
of church and state, but we should
labor to promott the eordl.il H
relations between the two. The stu-e I
can make easy or difficult the work
of the I buiid bgrrlers
of legal restraint against- the' tides 'Of
pleasure und commercialism that
would nVferflow the church.. A f"wn
In which lawlessness abounds and the
Sabbath is disregarded is a nanniupj.
ty in which the church s seriously
Another ally is the school. Thi
School can do some things the church
the school Is A poor
promoter of civilization when it di?- !
credits tin church The education
that breaks down faith in Clod is not
to desired, Th tlOOlS w.- need
in America sectarian instiiu-
tiohs. but they are the schools wbosi
atmosphere is kindlv to a 'faith- 'lit
Bu,i important aHy ot the
church is the family. If family life
Godless, tie work of the church
bop' 1
Men may differ as lo their ooiicep
tlon of the ti ndtuiclcs of the geeselft
age, but they mus! agree thgt 'In
..r power both the 3tate an.i
the church Is in the family.
the individual but the family Is
oes th home,
v., goes tin pat,"?: and So gees, cilil-
These arc allies the church deed)
to do its work: A state thai tftava
that harnesses life to convictions, und
a family with an altar as well as h
hoarthstone. H
What is Castoria
C ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contaips neither
Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .ubstance. Its age is its guar
antee. For more than thirty years it h .J been in constant use for the relief
of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic nd Diarrhoea; allaying Feverish
ness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels,
aids the arsimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panaci .: -Trie 'other's Friend.
The Kind You Have Alw ays Fojght, and which has been in use for over
80 years, has borne the signature of Obaa H Fletcher, and haa been madeunder j
his personal sup?r'ision since its infancy. Allov no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeit-, imitations and "Just-as-Good" arc but Experiments that- I
trifle w ith and endanger the health of Infants and -Children
Experience against Experii i nl j-t-z
('i nuine Oaatorta tlwaye bears the signature of fyOC 'CCC
ia&lLi&jja I II i I I IllsallsaalssssaaWsallll
DOINGS OF THE DUFFS-Kasper Had Hoped He'd Get a Sed in Congress, But BY ALLMAN
IS TukT VevP ' St&.GQ N Ab'D "TALK To UfnoTPf W.-wuv maiJ I 7 I i i r . -r . I I ' "1 ,-- . - , J
" . Jay, ' j ' '

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