I Miller Cuts
H Saif ancf Overcoat
I Prices
You ce.n srcure the advantage cf clothing reduction
light now, because this stock was purchased at bed rock
figure. This wonderful stock of
AIJ Tailor Made by the International
$3rQ0 Suits for $22 50
$40 00 Suits for , $27.50
43 00 Suits Foi . . $29.00
$50 00 Suits for $32.50
$5 5 00 Suits fo $35.00
$60 00 Suits for $39.00
$65.00 Suits for. $42.00
$27 00 Overcoats for. . . . $17.50
MY $35 00 Overcoats for $22 50
$40.00 Overcoats for $27.50
$45 00 Overcoats for. $29.00
I This snle includes Blue Serges and Black Serges also They are 1
:11 hand tailored made to order We can fit anybody We also I
offer our entire stock of shoes and furnishings at greatly re
duced pnees. Come in and be convinced
I Miller Clothing Co.
302 Twenty-fifth St. Next to Carr's Diug Co.
V ! JSm
linn i ii ii
I Petty Thieves Busy
During Celebration
IB Thr-ft of varied articles during th'-
HM .Armlstlo day. eebr.itlon was re-
I H po ed to th poll e id
Hm W. Chrlstensen of 590 Fourth street
sported thru some one had stolefi
eckot hook from h! automobile. The
jocketbook contained slate license,:
identification card, a light test certlfl-j
and other 0epert
Joseph Q. Jeppson. of 126$ I'orti-i
Hvenuc. reported 'he theft of a Bluish
B black ovrcoul.
Sheriff Barker of Cache county re-
ffQ "'rte, I h Ihcft 1 1 .i :i 1 1 1 1... i ,,( .,
.I'h - forlci ind spoons from the!
1'iah Agricultural college
George Fife. 2780 Lincoln avenue;
also reported ihe theft of a dark blue
Two laprtfbes, imitations of Nava
Jo blanket, were reported stolen from
the automobile belonging to ' S.J
Mupphy, i.'J Twenty-seventh street-
J II Piatt of Wilson l-ne reported;
that his automobile had been stolen;
from In front of the- Weber Normal
Plan New Roads in
South Part of State
District Bnglneei J P, Martin of the
r real service will leave Nov. o to visi:
iir-v( supervisors in t:ie southern pact
"1 (!! SI ,tc. The )iMi tif In, trip
i- ii make " econoraii surve of the
soads and trails plans of supervisors
op the building program for next sea
son. ,
The itinerary of his trip Includes
visits Richfield, FSphriam, Provo,
Salt Lake, Wtdtsoe and Cedar City.
- un -
Weber Lodge No. 6
Free & Accepted Masons
special rneetnic Thursday, Nov ii.
S p m. for K. A. Degree..
Bj order of W M
K K. VI CM o!,s, Sec
When a fresh water fish' 1s suddenly
put into salt water U dies.
I Of all ThingsJ
1 Say
I Forbidden
I i Fruit
fc a
Comrades' of Battery B. Utah
Artillery, to March in
Funeral Cortege
" sa iim
Funeral services' for Frank I..ikson. j
m.ii ,-.t Ml ;iiil Mi s (.'m l lsakmu- ol
Ogden, Hi. ojilj member of Battery i
of tin i 'i.i h .. rtllli i j to die ei sea s.
'will be iieM at 1 -' 1 " o'clock Sundas
afternoon In the Fourth ward meeting
house with Bishop Ryrum Lund of-
tli La til
in th.- funesal cortege there ivlll bs
'a compah'3 of high school students of;
the ii O. T. . .ind as matt) mem?
bers of Batter H as oa'n be assembled,
rht . tnerlcftn legion will provide n
nrint scruad Taps will Be soUnded al 1
, Tbe funeral ptoee'sion will leave
the I .. i kin t Son's establish men! for
the meeting house at 11:4.. o'clock
.1 in Sundaj
For all Departments, Call Phone
4o. 2-J50,
Son Iturii How. inl Kills. r-.ir .'"JTi
Jeffaraon ayonue. today reported the
arrival of a babj al his hprnc on Ko
i mber,
gden Typewrite House for type
writers und repairs 24 J- Hudson ave
nue Phone 22H
I iirfi'il lUtil M. Check forfeiti-d $.r
i ball by non-appearaioe in the it'
in: tin- morning charged with rid
ing hla bicycle, on the sidewalk.
j Cle.in luge rats wanted at The
, Vandai d-Kxamlr.er oflice
Stenographers' Cjunia Stenograph
er :mi typewriter examination, male
land female. Held service win be ruM
November (Tor further Intorma?
jtion call at Inquiry window aild ask for
'local sen clary, civil service commis-l
slon. . - !
' Wonted To Buy: At rnce, fQi'lj
live turkeys. Call phOJtlB l'l:-i 7 J 1 '
s ddlers Il.eie Twen ty-two soldiers, I
-n roUtc'Vrom San Francisco to Camp i
Grant, weja Ogden visitors yesterday
afternoon. Th' vert in charge of
I Captain Wilford Anderson.
I mm lOabo w lli.i rii r. Wilson,
traveling ag'-ut for the Southern Pa- 1
i c iric with headquarters in Ogdeti, re
'turned to this cltj hist night from a 1
trip to points in Idaho in the nteresl
f ins company. Buaipeas in id:iho is'
repdrCed by Wilson lo bo good.
I 1
Wanted EExperlethSed atenographei 1
and bookkeeper. Badger Coal ft Ldm-j'
ber company. If 7 1' 7 ." 1
The final rehearsal of (ho Tab- I
1 ernacle -hoir of its part in the
concert, tonight, took place last
evening when Lucy fJaJes and
James N'ellsori were prcsevit After
rehearsing the Traviata number
the choir was treated to songs by
Alius Ciates and Mr. Neilson Miss
;.iti smg a Swiss T.ullaby nnd
Home Sweet Home," playing her 1
own accompaniments on the or- I
gan. Her voice is in the very best
Of form and an unusually enjoy-
abio evening is promised those
who attend the concert tonight.
Mr N'ellson who sang "Annie
Laurie" gave his lstenr; .hi op-
portunity to 1ud(je the beautiful
and sympathetic quality of his
line voice.
o o
Idaho to Improve '
Mountain Roads
Governor Davis of Idaho Is favor
ably impressed with the idea of spend- j
ing the 12,000,000 recently author- '
ld In a bond Issue lo building roads
through the mountains os well as in J
h lowlands, according to Information (
received from Supervisor J. Grand-;
lea a.
In event that the mountain road-,
are built. thr forest service will prob- j
ably cooperate In the construction of
the greater portion of the mountain I
roads as the roads will lay within,'
national forest lands mainly.
The building of the mountain roads
lll gfeatly enhance Ihe recreational!
wilue of central Idaho, it Is reported, j
Moonshine Slayer
Is Sought in West
gil n Klii c received a poster today
offering a reward of $200 for the ar
real of j. k. Bnbe" Burnett, a dyed
in I he-wool moonshiner, who Is Wantt d
In (forth Carolina for the murder of
J II Rose, fed ral prohibition agent.
Hurnott, a man of 59 years, shot and
K illed Robs October 85. .It Is reported
Th --booting Occurred near the waters
Of Brush Creek, Swain countv , N". C.
"-fTMlliii -J - ' - '
Papers Issued by State Avail
able to Veterans Upon
Certificates of service for men of
bet county who served In the army,
' navy or marine corps, during the world
. war, have arrived in Ogden and aro
being distributed through J. C. i.ittie-
field, adjutant bl the ffermaii Baker
iosi of the Ann in . in Legion, The
tjertifidatcs, each signed personally iv
! Governor Simon Bambccger and con
taining an engraved tribute 10 the
inad who servetl; numbewl800 and are
now Heady for the eyaofcliers who can
obtain therh ailing al Mr L1 -field
- office In he city hall
Th n.inic of each man wht s, t , ,
in any branch of the military force
or naxl force has beetil engrossed
upon the Iridlv'idunl certiflcaTeS wmch
c ari th' expressions of gratitude of
thp stale of I tali for the secyhte of;
the sdldiera and sailors.
On each certitlcalc is. the engraved I
emblem of the state and with the
signature of Governoi Bamberger, theJ
offlclHl state seal is pasted Kach eer
tlcicaie contains the followinc words '
'The Slate of L'tah, In grateful ac
knowledgement of the secriflccs and
devoted services of her sons In th
military ami naval forces of th- ,
United States in the nr with Ger- j
many and her allies, issues this cer- '
tificnte In the name ,,r (soldier's nil I
namei, as i testimonial of his valor
and fidelity and patriotic service In I
the great world confllCI for the pr'C-st-rA-ation
of liberty, popular govern-!
mem and clvili.ulion Given at Sail
Lake i in j nth da ,t November.
lHL'O, by irtue of an act of the leKis
liture of the state of Utah, approved
March :'0, 1917.
.Men of Weber county can obtain
their certificates from .Mr. Llttlefleld
with the exception of soldiers m ig-
lcn volley , who will pro. ure them
from . P. Renatrom, adjutant or tht
American Legion poal In Muntavllle.
TIie certificates for the men in the
Huntavllk diatrict were sent to Mr.
uenairom today.
Kor the men who died !u served,
the certificate will go to the nearest
ktm These eeitlficates contain a
gold star, but otherwise awe thi same
aa the others.
Mr. Minefield urgi b that the for- '
in i soldiers of Weber county call for
their certificates at once. All that
will be riecegaarjr In obtaining tli.m ;
to give the name and the certlf bates
have been placed in alphabetical or-!
dei bo the hia; be Immediate!) found.
The certificate ot Private Crank
laakaon, who served with it bati i
of the i i.-,ti, field artillery and who
died in France, contains the gold .
I "un. ral Services for Private IsAkSO
ar to be held In iho Fourth ward
chapel Sunday at 12:1." o'clock: The
soldier's bods arrived in Onion yes
terday from ranee
' i,n
(FINED $80 fl
Arthur Walker Says the Gfirl
Han Into His
Because Lola Rlchardeoii declined I
to danOe Rith him, Arthur Walker j
rtrtick her, the girl to, Judge D :
Roberts in the city conr: ibis morn-!
i" Mi was fined iu
Walker was arraigned following his
arn It at a local dance hall with 0 Bl I i
who gave his name ;,s I'rank Terry
Terry ws discharged on reoonimen
dation of Clt- utocne) Sam Powell
Who said that developments indicated
ihat Terry went i,, iilo girl's r. u.
following the alleged attack and a
flghl followed.
Walker denied the i barges lie ,1,1
he asked the girl, whom h,. ngl
know personally, fur a dance She n -fuaed
he said.
"I then put un bind out in froril
Of me and sh.- r.. n into it. Walker'
oo . I
Says Clothing Due
to Take Big Drop
j J Prank" rtnriman. repreaetitatlve
of the Marshall-l-'leld company of phi
jcogo was an Ogden visitor today en I
route to the .Cf . . He slated while'
here that clotl j In alj pnrts of the
country la d. . to drop from so to:
0 per cent
g APpiy tW y over throat -
cove: with hot tiannsl
Awr 7 Million Ja- I fa 1Y
26-4 Wathington Ave.
kVallpjper, Paperhanglng Pafnti.
Painting, Varnishes Wood'lnlshlng.
etc Everything at lower cot. Now
is the best time tor outside painting
Save the surface, and you save all
Get our free estimates. Oood work
manship and quality of materials are
the basis of our methods and have
oeen the builders of our reputation
Satisfaction guaranteed
For Expectant Mothers
Osed By Three Generations
llll tot SOOKllT 0 MOTMtKHOOO INI SST ft
BiApriiLO RtcuuhTOi Co , Otri ' D. Atlanta. Ga.
Women May Be Strong
and eiij,,v life whether in the home
or bust neat world if the) ;u keep at
bay those all men ta peculiar to their'
s. ir every woman realised bow!
Uydla k Pinkham's yegetahle Con-
Ppuiid, lliut slmpll K illed-, in. id, from I
roots and herbs. Roes to the root of j
th trouble and overcomes such symp
toms us backache, headaches, ner-
vouaneaa, and Irritability, they would
be healthier, happier and stronger, If
you suffer from any form "f fejnah
;iis whj don't you trj it? it in pay
ou to do so. AU.
Zip -Let er go! TV jML "
chute is greased and hell's SPw 1
; at the bottom
li r LdL Ee It.
Jack Pickford
Th eatre
Sunclrt riupcr Double Feature, Will Rogers in "Honest Hutch,"
and Larry Semon in The Suitor. "
aCalifornia Syrup of Figs;
Delicious Laxative for Ghild's Liver and Bowels
llu-ry itiotlir! A teaspoon ful of cften ll tlmi u npceasary.
''California" Syrun Fijp todaj Clifldreu l .e Uie "fraitj"' tasts of
nmy jircvent a !ie!; child tomorrow, genuine "California" SjTup of Pii
if your cliilt is constipated, bilious, i ii' !' m directions for babies atir!
fever! It, frotful, lull cold, colic, or if children lirmteil on tlie bottli aj
' :na, h issouT tonie coated brdklli 'falifjynta" or yon omj :n iini-
I ! remember ji ('., I "nhvie-la.vu- Intloil It" svrun Rw
Forester Returns
From Timber Sale
ft n. flu Hedge district foresteh I
and C D. Morse, .jsistant district for-'
ester. h.ie returned from a trip to j
he St . ikI.i t il Timber com pawy'y y.ile
i V vunilnj: on the Wyumlnp National
forest. The sal 1 progressing rapid
ly. It A Reported. Mnl only, mown iieis'
lirv'ielng rcntOVd :il present
mmmmm BSS mmmax BBS BBS
Tiie company la plapninfl to luwoJ
a email mill for tne cutting of tie;
next season.
(M Ml I i I -mi It
OMAHA, Nb;, Nin. ii" (United
Si . t y Bureau of Markets.) Hop
Receipts -''.'u, ingrfjfif gesiPtfillJ
s' -.hI , ii 'i''L tVtlowcr bulk $1'.'.-
fi i 2 50; top 112. 7
Cattle -Receipts 1500; in ( mi
butcher catMe slow to steady; 'stock-
MS ,i 11,1 leeileis J.'.i lower ,'
Sheep Receipts Kmbs
strong; sheep ''t1"! feeders stad3 l""
fed I' nibs frs 00; wethers ii.T." ;
ewes f5i50.; reeding lambs til.SQ.
2 C;ins Evaporated Milk ... .25
Buy canned milk. It io cheaper th.-m fresh milk Always sweet
and rcdy for use Soccial Saturday only
40c Large Juicy Lemons, dozen 30
These juicy lemon m,-ke real delicious pies. Also adds flavor
to breaded veal At 30c a dozen you are buying them wholesale
BUTTER EXTRACTS .market Try them
Fresh churned Dr Price's delicious once and you will
creamery butter. flavoring extracts. use them always,
pound 62c
Gem nut butter, 85c- bottle true
pound ' 3Sc lemon 70c MISCELLANEOUS
85c bottle true . . . . .
5 pounds Dlack
SHORTENING n'"a . 70c
6 pound can Crisco 45c bottle true lflS
shortening $1.80 lemon 38c 5 pounds prunes.
8 1 pound can Cotto 45c bottle true . 60 70 . $1.10
lenc 52 00 vanilla 38c ,. . .
2h pound sack rye
455c bottle true or. e Qn
SOAPS ange 38c fl0Ur
10 bars A B. napthn 4; boUe true pine No 10 white com
soi,P 80c apple 38c 47
',Pptf,G- 45c bottle true rasp- No 10 yel.ow corn
soap 80c berry 38c Waal 7c
15 bars Bob White The highest grade 12' ,c crepe toilet pa-
soap for $1 00 true extracts on the per, dozen $1 03
No 5 soda crackers, box . 80c , . .
, . . ' . Barrel ginger snaps, each 40c
5 pounds graham crackers. I
box $1.30 j Barrel lemon snaps, each 45c
You can depend on the price being right, when you buy from us
All our groceries guaranteed We do not ask you to lug your gro
cerier home. We deliver without charge.
Chicago Wholesale Grocery Co.
Phone 486 2376 Washington Avenue
Nasty I
Colds I
Got instant relief with !
"Pipe's Cold Compound'' M
I'un'i jla siuffi il up Quit blow ljitv. I
and snuffling' A o.- of Pa pes old
('orupotind inki-n every two hours urfjl
Uuph doses arc laki-n UKiially break H
up a cold and ends all grippe nnefv H
The i-ry flrt dose opens your ( 1(JR H
S-il u 1 1 in.-trils ami tin air passiiK ""'01
your bead; slops nose rnnninc, (e H
lievps the K,flaadche dullnrss. feverish H
nets, i-nepitiii!;, soren-Ff, stiffnenn H
Pape'e Ciiid Compound is ta quick H
p.t, purest relief known nnd eo9K. H
only a few nni- drug Stores, n H
WlthOHl assistance. Taytep n'V
Containe no qulnipe insist on PapeV H
If your skin itches
Resiaoli I
'f you arc I lfferinT fr'.m ecema, I
ringworm or similar it( burn- 5
i ij, unsightly sLin affccvon.bjlhc ? H
il.e sore places with Resinol Soa; 1
1 lint v.. iter, then gently nop! i
a little tesindl Ointment. You I
v. I probaby be astonished how in- I
stantty the itching stops and heal t
begins. In mi t cases the sick J
cLin quickly becomes dear and J
healthy again, at Very little cost. 3j
l'-iinol Oin'uvrnt and Pr im.l Soap alw , 1 H
' wy i i Trustified and 1 H
cWodrriS. SUdUrUdrtMrUu. -j
Cod-liver oil is ai delicate
j as butter; it must be J
made right to assure I 1
palatability. j
Scott's Emulsion I
I is decidedly palatable
j and cay to take. It con
j .i'v tains purest Nor-
i" wcgian cod-liver oil
I ll ' that is made right
.- - from the start.
Fttv Trial Treatment on
j" pay- ichet
fi i rei 1
s., r B educed a t the raK
y vl . ind a dj. Kq dli
5f N
I X Mr C eatemn writea
n - . . ..ji t rea 1 1 n in
mat & ' i ' I i i ' v i .
JW . I l i
s IB? '
Mn, Anna Schmidt writes: I wpgh'i 1 U
poundi Imfore I itartcd youi treaririTt H
and i now weigh lit iuund.. Vou mv f
prim tills if like,
These arc Juai exainplOs of ht m M
trejaluient ran accomplish. Lei me semi
you hion proof al uiy expense,
OR n NEWMAN. Licensed Physciy
M6 Fifth Avrnut New York Desk H 57R H
8(iueexing and plneliinp out blackhc ii - B
make the pores larre nnd cause IriitaUon
then, tin' tlie luivr Wti-otne li.tr, I H
,i,ii . linn,' got nil of tllCUl out. lilark H
heads are caused by accumulations of dliat H
i.i dlrl and Mcrctiona (rom tin- skin ami H
there onh one safe and sure way and H
ii, thni never fails to get rid r( thenvrT H
simple way. toi Dial ix to dissniv -Uhem.
Just get frotn drug store ahopj H
1o ounces of culonite" powltr aprlnkle H
n iittii- on a hot. mi sponge run dvcj 1
tin- blackheads ! tki foi a few .-i omi
wash off ami ou will lie surprised to M
ice that cvor blackhead has disappeared
mil tti- skin will ho left soft nml th
ponr. In their natural condition anyont 1
troubled with these unsightly blemish!
this simple method,
(Tablets or Granules)
Take dry on tonsrue or
with hot or cold water.
Price, 25-50-75
I Make a Full Pint 1
With home-made sugar syi-up
The best and quickest acting
I Full directions un each bottle I