Newspaper Page Text
j i; HE QGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER !3, 1920. ' HELP REDGRGSS N. v. workers Withhold Aid Until Ireland Gets Some Relief .NKW STORK, Nov. 13. Tho Central Federated union Friday voted unani mouRiv to Ignore an appeal tot aid from the American Red Croat after John Sullivan, treasurer, and other (beakers had urged the delegates to withhold their support until the or ganization "docs its lut !y Ir.-lnnd." A letter from .Miss Elizabeth A. Qillen, associate director of the Kcd cross, describing its membership en rollment campaign and asking the support of the 850,000 men represent ed by the union was hissed. Letters received by delegates from friends in rrchwid ti lling of conditions there were read to the delegates who there upon voted against extending aaslst anc to the Red Cr M Y U&COME N tkin-W IDE. Ernest liohm. secretary of the uhion, expressed the opinion that k movement to withhold suwor: of la bor from the American Red Cross would become nutlon-vvide and would continue until the organisation n1 pledical supplies and fond i ) Ireland. Sullivan stirred the galnering When tie said: "I think It Is the sentiment of this body as well as the Bftntlmeht gen erally among tho 30u,w0v or more union men In this city, that no aid shall be extended to . ited Cross until that orgaplsattoh uocn Us dut by Ireland. We lwv. read reports of how they huve aided the iii6tre- d ueople of Armenia, dc3ti:ute people of Czech -Slovakia and the starving inhabitants of JugO-SlaVia, but we have not read a line about iheli .u-1-lng the wounded und sick In In-laml." UniUvi Its DISAPPOIN l l Sullivan declared that .1 survey made by himself and other labbt' lead ers among union men hero us regards i ntiment fbr the organization, u li 9 m to. believe thai the working man m much disappointed In the Red Or oss." "'It appear that the American Red Cross," he said, bus been blind - to condition in Ireland. "We have ho knowledge that (hey have ever sent one bapdage t tije: country, where hundreds are being injured (ia.IL; and other hundreds made destitute and homclem- " : OO IH SALE OPENS FOB GIRL IN LIMOUSINE" 1 ne of the liveliest farces thai bus been seen in this city in many years will be presented at ttie Orphcum the atre Wednesday, November i", when "The Girl in the UmOuSlne" will be presented under Tho direction of A- H. Woods It is regarded as his greatest farce success The plot is based on the misadventures ot a young society man who is waylaid while on his way to a social function. Hp Is despoiled of all his clothes hy the robbers, who, i It Is a very stormy nticlr p n ebce a spirit of humaneness and de posit him in a bedroom of the very bouse in which the party Is to take place. Thp" confusion and embarass nient which follow bis discovery can readily be appreciated) but the amus ing complications which follow are be yond the Imagination of any onp.ex-) ceptlng such two successful play wrights hs Wilson Colllnson and A 1 1 Hopwood. An unusually fine company of fun makers will be seen In the play. Including among others John Ar thlr. Nancj Fair. William Halllgan. Marion Ballou, Harr.rtt Parker and George B. Connor. Seals on sale today. I QUICK RELIEF FROM wmm Of' I ! KfJwHrrJ;. I )jv 1 ablets Thl n thr tefi' erv -f 'h.,,, oner DT reward5" Drndnref' 0)ht T.?hlrf'v fhp subflfrtiitr (-r jorupj Dt Edw-irds B prarftriruj ohvsuciai. 0' I7 year -"id rakXXieJ nl'd tir.v enemy diaopwered Lb lonniue fat I Mivm labile whilr D?t' dirooif ooDstipsDOo nd ornid Overs lli (d.w&rdj 'Mep ''ab'el."1 0"C not QOTlLBifl calomel, bu bealuig, c'''nnr vegetable laxatn. No ermine w tbr rpvnr ot their Bftlf Wgaaf-coeted oli vp -colored fa1 'eta. Thf v cause the bowels and llvgj tc 9ct normally ("hev nerer fart t.hpin fo mmaturel t'on II von hnv a darl Ivovm '"rjnntb" bd breath Hull, tireH fet'iop -,ch beadacbe torrid 'Ive? .-on'iiwtjon TOUD hnd ou'rk ijf WA olttlsaD' W pu't born 'jt't mi two of Uf KdwanJfl OL'vp Tablets si bertLirne rhoupands lake tiiuc tvy oicht ius to keep (Ight, Tit thorn. 15c and 30c. lv till 1 j 1 nt I CHICHESTER & PlttJi THE lllAUOMI DR.AND. t,KJ l.dlrt Alk joyr Oruezl'. I A fcy f-.M, MilJ wild I'.'ls R.t'.n. V ffA Xifl Take ma . ihrr vf ,-r ' 1" f(r UmgcUU A.k I tt HtVQfflUU'l .H4 K J lit Villi M II RAMI riLJJ, fnt SC. -rS K DRUGGISTS tVER.'WHFRF CAMPAIGN FOR MORE REFINEMENT LAUNCHED BY THEATRE MANAGER Tolnllng out that th. bphavior of many persons In places of pub lic amussinent is raprohenslble, H. (3, Skinner, manager of the Al hgmbra theatre, declares It Is time there was a crusads for refine ment and he announces thai be Is I launching such a campaign in his I theatre. 'urn snappers, b-.-an throwers, lourt and boisterous talkers and Othl r persons who3o ronduct is offensive are to bo eliminated trotn his theatre, hf announces, anD b' will prefer charges against them for disturbing the poaba Mr. Skinner makes known his Intt-ntlons in the following Utter to The Btand&rd-EXamlner: "There have been many cam- ; Dairns lor the betterment off SO- j clely, Tht one most essential a;il overlooked entirely is a crpeade for more r fin bHent. The soi-mi-ing neglect bas permitted rowdy ism to become so annoying In public places ,if amusement thai drastic action must be taken to suppress It. "Tlit- Alhambrft theatre has sul fered In this regara and the man agement serves notice that tho annoyance shall be stopped. Wo shall Cause the arrest i persons who seem to make a practice of snapping gum, talking boiaterous ' ly, throwing beans, and other wise ictlng in a manner offensive to refined persons. "To such persona I give notice thai hereafter you shall not mere , ly be reprimanded for such of fenses, but will be taken to the police station and prosecuted to the law s limit. "The Alhumbra takes the lead for this reformation and Invite the cooperation of the public In eliminating the evil. ' To the offenders 1 repeal that unless you enjoy seeing your name published in rotuiection with the commission of offenses, do not indulge in annojrlng Alh&mbra pa trons, for no leniency will be shown you by the management. (Signed 1 "H E. SKINNER!" BELGIANS FLOCK TO SEE NEW PORTRAIT OF MRS. WH1TLOCK : Is - - y J i fj .. I 1 ! ! ' i Tu9S. B1$ANZ WHITLOCK WAJi N jT )X -ik'lijms are Flocking to view litis portrait of Mrs. Brand Wliitlbcljc, wile t the l niterl States ambassador to Bci-j eiitrn. at the BrUsaeln Salon du Printenrps where ii 1ms been bung.! The picture was painted l y the Belgian artist. Firman Baes; M'CLATCHY WILL DEFEND ANTI-ALIEN LAND LAWS SAX KltANCl8C ), Nov. 13. V. S. ' McClatehv, publlan.-r of Uie Sum mento Bee. was chosen Friday by the Japanese Exclusion leugue of Cali fornia to confer with the housy com mittee on immigration and natural isation at Washington next week In regard to federal immigration legis lation. Mr. McClatchy was authorized to' urge on government officials that nothing which might nullify the amendment to the California anti alien land law adopted at the last oleo llon be included in the new treaty Uiider discussion betwen the state department and Ambassador Sfhldo hara. Appeals to the atates of Washing ton. Oregon and Texas, which have, before them anti-allen land laws slml lar to that of California to Join In a' campaign for federal legislation will he made. It wim decided. OO NEW PRIMATE OF SPAIN CHOSEN BY THE VATICAN MAI l; 1 1 , Nov 13 Cardinal j:n-' 'rlqUe dc Alvarez y Santos, archbishop j of Seville, has been chosen primate of, Spain to succeed the lato Cardinal; tJulsasola, says the newspaper A. Li. CI It Is said the decree has Ween sent to London for the signature of King A1-' fonoo I i LONDON, Nov. 13. The Spanish embiisay Were declines to comment on Madrid advices that Cardinal BnrlqUS de AlVarei i Santos h;u been named primate of Spuln by the Vatican. ! Tbe hoof and mouth disease In tho Norfolk area ,,r England killed 700u animals. It l i-stlinated. NEW YORK CONTRACTORS rHRtA I ElM OPEN SHOP XKAV JPORK, Nov 13. Either the! Amerieun federation o Labor must remedy labor conditions in New Yont or the building trades employers will Inaugurate an "open shop" policy, Ronald Taylor, preaident of the Bulld Ir.g Trades Employers' association. In-; timatcd Prlday. He said unless the demand of 30,000 j union men for a wage Increase of one dollar a day is withdrawn, t-he "open shop" Seems certain. The employers next Wednesday will vote down the Increase, he declared. RELEASED FROM ASYLUM, PAINTER ENDS HIS LIFE MOUNT I LKASANT. Iowa, Nov. 13. Ambrose P. McGulrk, a painter of Dayenport, Iowa, committed suicide hrr.- Friday by taking poison. He wa d.s harged from the state hospital for the Intsane some weeks ago as cured and had planned to manufac ture patented stove pipe which ho had Invented while u patient in the hos pital, (iulrk is survived by his wife, who lives at I iiivenp, ,rt. and a married daughter residing at South Bend, Ind. co Cotton of good quality Is being Cr6Wl In the Ilelvrlan Congo. DURNS Rjl Cover with wot balilng SOdaM L-1' i.fierwurd apply gondy WICKS V V A RO RUB Oeer t7 Million Jan UtcJ Yearly mWtmmLiilr v -a, 'i.H.o'viZk. ' I I.I M I .I .1SH I.I Til I .It Ciiritt ii Corner of Jefferson avenue I I and Twenty-third street. Arthur R.I ' dson jmstor. Sunday school and 131 - I ble class every Sunday at 10 a m. J No morning services this Sunday. Eve ning services every Sunday at S o'clock 'The annual fall bazaar and church Upper will be held next Wednesday lafternoon and evening. Bazaar opens at 2 i. m All of the many articles, prepared by the Dorcas and Ladli Aid societies QJt the church will bo placed on sale A delicious hot sup per will he served by the ladles at a nominal price p,-r plate; Serving com mences at V :p) o'clock" and continues throughout the evening. ENSIGN GOSPEL atrSSION 2468 J Wall avenue. Sunday services: BlMe study 3 p. m. Preaching and tCStl- mony meeting R p, m Thomas Hodge Of the American Tract Society, will preach and ll. S. Blakeman will lead the song service, with Miss Frances Relinga at the organ. Everybody wel Come. No collection asked. Come I The mission Is headquarters for thel prayei league; one enlistment thlsj week. Time of service -forever. We muster In but never out; conditions m vet retreat nor surrender Our Kin;? . fUrntshea unlfrrm. military eQuipment and supplies. Join our ranks. i , HTJR.CH rii CHRIST, SCIENTIST Corner Monroe avenue and Twentv-fourth street. Regular ' rv i. . nt 11 o clock Sunday morn-! iin(. subject: "olortalsand Immortals," I Sundaj fChool 9:4o a. m. Wsdnesdny evening testimonial me-tlnp at 8 p rfti Reading rooms at 612 First National bpnft building. Rooms open dally from' 12. noon to fi p. m. Except Sunday! and holidays. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner Twenty-fourth st and Madison avenue. Rev w i,. Mellinger onstor. 3ibe school nt 10 o'clock under the supervision of Mrs C H. Carman, graded school nd classes for all nrrcs. Morning WOrthlp and communion ser vlce nt 11 o'clock; normnn by the jias tor: SUbJeot: "The nower of Jesus to Heal." Christian Bhdeavor at ; :tn p. m . The pastor will preach a so- c'ai sermon for the yount' people on 'What Dor s h Young Man Cot All ynnng peon le Invited to be present. Rihle stud'- snd prove- s--r Ice Wednesday evening, beglnnlne at s o'clock The Ladles' Aid society will meet on Thursday afternon. at the home of .Mrs. John J Rooth. I'lii Twenty-sev-inth street. DANISH LUTHERAN I HI lit !l- Servlfce Will be held In tlr church, corner Jefferson and Twenty-third street Sunday afternoon. Nov H, at 3:30 p. m ; J. C. Carlsn. pastor. mi !? B OF THE GOOD sin p. flERR Corner of Grant avenue ami Twenty-fourth street, opposite the posl office: John W. Hyilpp, rector. The twenty-fourth Sundaj after Trin ity. The -hurch school meets nt ! 4 .. n ni ; W. B. Prout. S'jperlnlendent. Morning prayei a. ei sermon by the Rev. Samuel tlnsworth of Rend, NeV, et 11 a. rn All are cordially welcome. The vestry will meet on Tuesday at " 2" p.m . In the Oulld room. The Women's Qulld will meet on Wednes- aaj afternon. in the Guild room, with Mrs. Child and Mrs Parlow hostesses The Cam d fire Girls will meel ii ho Oulld hal! Wednesday and Thursday i venlnga: the juniors on vyedneaday, and the Seniors cn Tiiur-d.iv FIRST MITMOIWST ) I'M o'l, CHURCH T en!; -Court h street flugh NevPle, rwistiir. Sunday school 10 a. m.; C. M. Wilton, superintend ent. Servieea, Morning, ll a. m.: dupjeot: 'Man's Hlirhest Aim" Eve ning, 7:30 p. m.; subject "The Gos- 1 of Christ Nothing to be Ashamed rf ' Mldweei- service, Wednesday, f;80 P ni.. Kpworth league. Sundays 6:30 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTER1 N CHURI ll John Edward Carver, pastor Morn ing worship at 1 I o'clock Rod Cross Sunday; theme. "The Practice of the Teaching the Te-U of tho Teachor." "snnday Mohool at 12 1", m Youni; Pepple's meeting at ' :3n i rn. Eve ning worship at 7:30 p m . theme "The Historic Narrative and Teaching of the Mayflower Pilgrims" Sunday night theme: 'The Voyage to America and the First Experiences In a New Band." The November supper will be served In the church Friday night. November 19. Mrs. Agnes Warner and Mrs. C. H. Stevens will furnish ih" sp. clal musical nunihers Sunday TIM FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Hl"R H Rev Godfrey Mhtthews, j minister. On Adams hetween Tvv n- I ty-fourth snd Tvve:it -fifth streets. At 11 a. m. divine worship and sermon, j Prelude. "Andantlno" IeMalre. Offertory, ' Cradle smg" BohUbert Postlude, "Postlnde" Scotson Clark Miss Ivine Shields Anthom, "Rock of Ages1 Dudley BUCK The Quartette. Sermon "The Aim and Motive of a ! Christian Life " t 12 1F noon. Sunday school. Dr. ; P. Mills, superintendent Kinder . gardefl under the directum of Miss , Mary Parmlev and helper- Men's c lass ... Ir Mills Women's i-Ias.h le idi r, Mrs My rum Smith At 7.30 p. m divine worship and j sermon Prelude, "Cradle Song" Hauser. j Offertory. "Intermezzo" Hullah. Postlude, "PrieHts March" Oou- nod Miss Ivlne Shields Sermon' The Mind of tb Mas ter.' Strangers nnd visitors are cor dially Invited to all our services Till si OND CONGREGATIONAL H RUR4 II Five Points: Rev Godfrey 'Matthews, minister. At 2:30 p. m.. ' Sunday school for the community. I Pr J. M Elliott. superintendent. Classes for nil grades and afres and a ; welcome for all. I ll I S l V 1TION MtMV 15 1 Twenty-fifth street Services Sundav : , PRESIDENT ASKS NATIONJO PRAY Proclamation foe Observance of Thanksgiving Issued at White House WASHINGTON, Nov 13. I'resldent Wilson issued bis Thanl sglvlnu proc lamation Friday, Faying that "III plant security and peace Our virtu ous and self-reliant people face the future," and setting aside Thursday, Noveniher 21 for the usual ohsirv ance The text follows CAUSE l R Til INItFULNESS. ' The season approaches when It bahoovCl us to turn from the dls traetlons ami pre-occupatlons of our dally life, that we may contemplate the mercies which have been ouch safed to us and render heartfelt and unfeigned thanks unto God for His manifold poodncss. 'This is an old observance of the American people, deepl) Imbedded In our thoughts and ha hit The hurdens and the stresses of life have their own Insistence "We have abundant cause for thanksgiving. The lesions of toe war are rapidly healing. The great army of free men. which America sent to the defense of liberty, returning to the grateful emhrace of the nation, has res Jni' d the os- ful pui y ilts of peace, us simply and promptly ;.s it rushed to arms in Obedience to the country's call. The equal justice of our lavs has received steady vindication In the support of a law ahtdjng people against various and sinister attacks which have reflected only the baser igltatlons of war, now happily passing. Vl.l. I I'll itiVVI K "In plenty, security and peace, our virtuous and seir-rollant people face the future. Its duties and its Oppo'rtuni ; ties May we have vision to dls I our duties; the strength, both of hand and resolve, to discharge them, and the soundness of heart to realize that I the truest opportunities are those of J service. "In a spirit, then, of devotion and ! stewardship we should give thanks I in our hearts and dedicate ours 'Ives to the services of God's merciful and loving purposes to IF... children. "Wherefore. I. Woodrow Wilson. ! president of the l ntted States of America, do hereby designate Thurs day, the twenty-fifth day of Novem ber next, as a day of thanksgiving I and prayer, and I call upon my coun- trymeh to cense from their ordinary j tasks and avocations upon that day, giving it up to the remembrance of God and His blesslrgs and their dutl I ful and grateful neknowl edgement " SOCIETY OPPOS IG 7!iSH MEDDLING THREATENED ROSToN. Nov. 13 The Loyal Coal- Ition announced laot night that It I had taken s: pa to call the attention i of the authorities to a message re ceived at its offices signed by 'Patrick J. O'Rrlen." threatening violence "un I less you keep quiet aboui I that does not concern you s.u h as 'Ireland and all Irish questions" The letter, as made public by the coalition asserted that unless the warnings wire heeded "you will get the same thing that the Amalgamated Irish So cleties of America Is going to give the rest of von." ' You will get all that Is coming to you unless you, shut up." the letter added "Take It or leave It." The Loyal COalltlOn with headquar ters herv, has conducted a campaign of publicity against Interference in Irish affhlra hy Irish sympathizurs In this country CREW CF NAVY SEAPLANE ! BELIEVED LOST ON LAKE MILWAUKEE, Nov. 13. All hopes of finding the crew of the missing naval seaplane from the Great Lakes naval training station wis ahnndoned by searchers along the west coast of Lake Michigan Searchers said that there was no hope that any of the crew of three were alive If they had remained on the lake. The weather bas been bitterly cold ever since they were last seen off Ccntervllle Wednesday. JEWS LEAVING TURKEY TO SETTLE IN PALESTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. 13. J i (Jewls-h Telegraphic Agency Scenes j of wildest enthusiasm accompanied the hoisting of the Jewish flug below the British flag on the mast of tho steamer Mahmoudl. which sailed lor Jaffa with 660 Jewish emigrants who! are to settle In Palestine. oo I Cheese, as old as 100 years, can be I found In many Swiss houses Sunday school 2.30 p. m Lender, Mrs. W Hrooks Holiness meeting 3:30 p ni. Subject "The Christians Busi ness," hy Capt R. Henderson. Young People's meeting at 6.46 p m. Topic Ictorlous Cripples" and also special speakers. Salvation nice tin gat 8 p. m- Special music and singing. Topic "Peace, and How the World Only Can Get It," by Captain R. Henderson FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH -2309 Grmt avenue. Just north of postofflce. Sunday school at 0 45 a. in J. Kay Ward, superintendent. Breaching at 11 o'clock by Dr L. N. Hurnes of the Home Missionary Society The B V meets at 6:30 p ttX. with Charlotti Skeen 'us president. PreathlnK at 7:30 p m by Dr. Alderman of Salt Lake Special music by choir at each serv ice Prayer service and Bible BtUd) on Wednesday evening at 7: 30. led by W. H. Louney. Everyone liA'lted to all service?. ' 0RPKEUM s"1r""'JS 1 " Come Early and Got a Rir.rr-; Scat HI ATTRACTION VK Maok Scnnctt Comedy, . . First Niorbt Star.d," and Universal Weekly v J GfflffiBCES In preceding comedy successes. Con-1 stance Taincdee has been guilty of many endearing but naughty pranks. The Inimitable star has officiated us an expert In affairs of the heart searched for a sinner with amusing consequences, and eveiu defied con vention by accepting the 'hospitality of five nice old "daddies." for a week, without a Chaperon,. But in her latest First N.itloral aftraCUoh, "Good Ref erences," which will be shown at the Orphcum theatre for three days, com mencing Sunday. Connie nearly over steps the border of playfulness, when she sets fire to Bridget Mulligan's! boarding house commonly known as) Journey's End. 00 "lOl It Mi:iI INI". ijS O K." ! Mrs Chns. Rule. New Dlgglns. Wis .. writes- "Your medicine is O. K. l' think Foley's Honey .. nd Tar la thel best for coughs. I think your medi cine is all ou say It Is I know I would never be without it. You may: use my name." Foley's Honey and Tat acts quickly, checks coughs, colds arid ' croup, cuts the phlegm, opens air pas sives and allays Irritation. It stops' sleep-disturbing Coughing at night. Children like It. Contains no opiates Sold everywhere, Adv. It is estimated that there are from, 15.000 to 30,000 dogs in Demascus. WORLD'S PAW AND ACHE LINIMENT ;Just one trial convinces you Sloan's Liniment helps drive away rheumatic twingcc TITHY endure pain when you know j Tv Sloan's Liniment .w ill relieve 11 promptly7 It couldn't remain the World s Liniment for 29 years If wasn't highly beneficial in relieving rheumatic aches, stiff Joints, sore mus i cles, IqmbagO, lame back, neuralgia. I strains, bruises and the results of ex-1 posure to bad weather. Penetrates without rubbing, leaving no stained skin, clogged pores, inussf ncss. A pain and ache liniment that .stands alon."- in doing what it Is nieanl ; to do Get a bottle today ;md keep It handy All druggists Three sizes 1 35c. 70c, $1.40. The largest Is most ; ec-omlcal i Linimentc) ; FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS That's One on Pep! By Blooser. I Freed From I Torture EcS tome Cleared His Up-Set Stomach 'The people who have seen in buffer torture? from neuralgia brought ILtt on by an dp-set stomach now see me IHLal perfectly lonnd and well absolutely iLH to Katonic " writes R- Long. i Proiit by Mr. Long's experience. v L ' keep your stomach In he althy condi- I tlon, fr li and col, end Avoid the B ailments that come from nn acid con- SLH dition Batdnic brings relief by tak- KaH in up and carrying out tho excess K9g! acidity and gases does it qnickly. LaH Take an Eatonic after eating snd pee IS how wonderfully it helps' you. Big LmH I v t i ri tie with your drug gist's guarantee LLLh DONT I DESPAIR I If you are troubled with pains or aches; fee tired; have headache, Indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, you will find relief in COLD MEDAL B Th world's dandard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder nd uric acid troublos and Naiional Romedj of Holland sinco 1636. Thrco sixes, all drucjists. Guaranteed. Lock for tSo namo CoM Medal on OTerr kof fcjail Acccpi no iailaCiOO GST RID r- Jt -I- OF THAI r A I Free 'J-etment on r'.v ' 1 i i when. !'. My tetn?? iWtH ? rf ' ' etl at th rats k"V1' nl-aulut.U si; K 4 ""J sore method kA "ft- C . Ba,'min writes: f M 1 oui treatment ' IbS n,rd 11 ' wonderful how It w W )B ducC8-, J1 doos JU3t you W J aW a U J and fool tine HoEC Mr. Anrrn Schmidt v.rltei. I lyelfhed ITS A pounds, before 1 started ,0ur treaUucnt print, this if oti like H Theae urc Jiirjt examples of what mv I " Itnit nt i so iompllsh Let me end aH you moTi proof r.t my expense " ml H DR R. NEWMAN, Licensed Phys.cian ' 236 Fifth Avenue, New Yor!, Desk H-57Q Wll&srk 'ou arc "ido awalce a ,r ,IC'1 an owl" at night, and can't ' keep your eyes open" in the day time you certainly need I Self poison- Bcecham's tog by to- :Vi Pills cor Perfectly (L rect it ' lOOd - pol- VijSSjSjiVitf, A7BU'iclrla COPS lo U YfiripfrAH ,U ,lJ- non ailment XvSijJ iai?1S pr4 Morn irin KeepVbur Eyes Clean - Clear Hoolthv ll Slt Tor frm ir. Cr B,k Mur,. Co. OileaJS, U-U ll