I West Outclasses East on Grid
Kay Writes Concerning Styles
I Thai tin vtcstern gridiron machines
trc r.ir superior iii' eastern elev-
ens Is the opinion of Harold Kay, for
nirr UnlvorsltJ Ol Utah h;illb;irk. one
bi the bosl stars ever developed at the
crirosdn Inir an l also n former star
ii the Ogden high sahooti Kay is now
ittcnding school al Washington and
'.. . seen both Vln Conroy of the Navy
itnd Lcc Richards 61 the Army, former
Ogden TIri rs, in action. He predicts
jercai futures for both men in athletics,
lu hi. letter t President a. l.
Ilasmann ol ihe Ogden Athletic aaao
oiat Ion, Kay says in part:
"Have been reading hbtt the Ogden
A A. has be?n winning on the gridiron
md hope thai the segregation will
rupct with equal Buccess on the chum.
Success 10 your organisation. t'on
gernlng football tin west surel) has n
on the east in this sport. Tiny play
n good brand of ball out here bttl lack
the open, spectacular takc-a-chancc pi
the western elevens. Their play la all
tohservatlvc, Clo - mai formations,
a few forward passes and ri wearing
. down of each ciher rule, A lew : t
ern teams have introduced 'he western
style of play, particularly Penh Statt
and they are defeating all comers. In.
my opinion the aggregation we had at
the "V" In 1916 could Jusl about have
clear sailing out here. Howerer, they!
do emphasize one thins here and that
s detail and mm.:, ell ct. What play?
hey clo have hp- perfect,
"Training table ai In use and
?ry man must live t:p to the rub s. Leej
lilehards also figun thai '. of the
western teams arc- better than the
Tnim Coi c tr. Mir Qinrilo
Ii c a ii i i a 1 1 o j 1 1 1 j i i j i v.
Contest During Year:
Improvement Made
W eber Normal college grlddera have
placed the moleskin lu His looker
looms, have sprinkled moth bi
the utiles, and disbanded tor the L82Q
son. The next utep concerning thi
grid game will l- the- hi il hai..ii-:
fbr the grldder. whic h will be held :a
.ii. of the local cafes during the com
Ing. week. Scot rdtng to Coach Malcolm
Oesplte the fact t ial Ike Weherttes
fail to win a silicic fcorttest during Md
entire season the! showed a great im
provement over their stjrU or plaj of
I'.Mf and In .moth. .- year will cause
other elevens of the state touble.
During the ' .1 'I" Weberltes took
pari In tht following games: Weber
. Ogden A. v Weber , Davis T:
bcr '. Gra-nitr 54; Weber 6. gden
High : Weber 6, L. D- 8. ' The to
tals give Wcbcr l- points, opponents
lu the contest against th- fast Davis
high aggregation and ugainsl the fas I
Ii, D. s. eleveu, the Weberis.es Showed
to their beat: In the contests they
displayed fight .!.; ginger galon tnd
played snspp ball.
Coaches Man Watson ml Lou ItOl I
uey did wpnders with the team during
i h. latter pail of the ason. Kour
men. Lindsay. Price. Davis and Hick
man won places on the .Ml - " .t aggi
gallon through then playing. A cerp
tain for the lf-l asason will be nami i
it the aomlng banquet. Plana tor the
intng year will be features of the
meeting also. Speakers win bo named
luring the coming week, according to
i tch Watson.
NEW YOKK. Nov. 15, A polo
match :i'ii an exhibition or machine
gun cart team were innovations on
the program of the ."..'.th annual na
tional horse show which opened today
at Madison Square garden, with the
largest number of entries In its his
tory. Polo teams of thrci players each
will compete each night- The final
match for the championship will be
held Saturday
H Entries for Air
Race Close Today
H MOW YOl'.K. Nov
H (r entries i" the Pulitzer trophy air-
H plHiie race at Mineola, N. V . on
H Thanksgiving Say. win nt. conaid-
H CCCd after today, It was announced by
H the rontrst committee of the Aero club
H of America under whose auspices thei
race will be held.
H KlRhteen planes from the army and
navy service have been entered.
the committee announced, as well as!
the participants In the' recent r.or-1
J don Bennett in France,
I Penn State May j
Meet Notre Dame
new vuuk. Nov 'j possibility
.f a post-season football game on I
December 1 between Notre Dame and (
Penn state, to be played at the polo
grounds here, was announced today bjn
President Charles A Stoneham, or the
New York National Baseball club, w ho
Is negotiating for the match
I ST.VRS sol. I
H ST. PAUL. Minn Nov 14 Dan
Grlner and James Erowne. pitchers
H with the St. Paul American asspcia
H lion baseball club have been sold to
H Memphis of the Southern association,
H It was today.
eastern aegreKat ions. He stales iha
the Noire Damt was one of the Blow
eat he has ever played in. RIcbaTdB is
playing a regular halfback for the
Ani and has shown to wonderful ad-
vantage thus far this saasOd French.
Quarterback, and Richards carry the
Offensive Strength of the Army eleven.
Nexi Saturdaj Richards will start at
j left half for the Army SgMlnSl th
flaahj Navy aggregation.
" 'in Conroy is playing leli hall hr
the Navy and will start in the coininc
contest. In the Georgetown Nut
I game played here last w eek, Cohroj
was the whole Navy aggregation II
seems that Vin was a bit; Surprise in
tills Contest. Prior to Ibis name the
Navy officials hadn't given him
chance, but his .-how ins has wen him
a regular position The Army-Navj
contest should be a thriller an i in
Conroj and Richard! ocden can
claim two of the best players on the
Kay was recently cleeied president
of the senior class at the, law school
h. is attending al Washington and Is
al.-o chairman of Ihe executive I lUl
mitteo of the Utah elub al the capital.
While at the University ot Utah Kay
was one of the bis stars in football
He was sperdy. shifty and an open
field runner of the I -on Romney class
was one of ihe mainsprings in the
crimson .n UOfi and p!aed a flashy
,'anie last year. He woa the contest
arrainsi t'olorado colh-gi last year,
i. ii.km three touchdowns for the enui
son. Kay Is also a star of the first,
crder on the cinder path i
Imrronr Athlntir lln;ni Hiu"4-;
Tentative Program for
1921 Events
m:A' ORLEANS. N' 15. -Award-D
tie national championships for
l2J will be one of Ihe irhportant mat
ters to come up at today s - ession of
the National Amateur Atnlt tic union
ch is hulding its annual ct hi ntioh
The cbampionsnip com ml lieu has
agreed on iho following terirailvi
award Boating to Boston; aVeatllng lo
1. 1 - Angeles; basketball to Kapsnf
fMty; gj mnastlcs, sepior. to Oreens
burgi la.; water polo Illinois A. "..
hitiago; senicir cross cohntkj to Pltts
biirg; junior CreSs country to Pacific
,isM'jd:i lnoi. Sa : l '.-.i iic-i.seo . junior in
door track cbamplonahlps ti Buffalo;
senior Indoor track championship to
New Tor It; outdoor track and fi id
championships in Poaadeua, Cal.
OtbCf national ha mpior.ship .-.w.-rcls
a ;n I upon follow.-;
Men's senior Indoor swim, "50
yards. Hawaii; LOW y..ru . Utvokllni
.'I las.; S1U vat!. OfJ'IOPlC i-llli, Shu
tranca.o; 500 yarxia, Ureal Lakes,
Uhioago; lo'j'ards backstroke, ios
AUgeiOS; '0 yulvda, bru.iisii oke.
tipit i BL C, a . . -t"i yards beosl
stioiv. Detroit; Mij yards rflsV, mi
aOlS . '.. Chicago.
ill i .s junior iiuloor swim: On yards
Niagara ..s3ac:iatioii, Alom ; P") yards
dan Francisco; 220 yards, St. Paul;
-anis. Pittsburg; 1 6p Wards, breaai
strobe. Cleveland a. 520 yards.
breast stroke, l.os Angeles; 100 yards
relay. Ban Francisco.
IVater joio. Bap I'rancWco
Men"; Upor outdoor sw;t:i: IO'j
yards, Hawaii; 220 yards, Birming
ham, via. - 4 ij yards, Ia8 Angeles;
yards, H.m Pranciscu; one- mile,
Indianapolis; high dive, Hawaii.
Men's senior outdoor swim: loo
yards, Hawaii; 2L'U yards, 1 ml ta i a pu
lls; iA yards, Columbus; s' yards,
Pittsburg; one mile. Philadelphia
ion? distance, RiVortoo, n. j ; Ihki
diinp. I. iis AiiRi-les
Women s junior irdcioi swim.
yard. I'lltsburK: IwO ar!K. New '1
.rk . 220 yardt, s..ii Francisco; soo
yards, i.is Angelas; l o u yards back
strok.-. Milwaukee" 100 Jtarda, breast
stroke, f'hieago; fancy divine front
priiiR board. I Ma .Vuseles, plmiRc for
distance, San 'rahclsCO; 400 y arcl re
lax, four women, San 1'ra ihIkcii.
Women's senior Indoor swim:
yards, Milwaukee a. C; ioo yards.
Cleveland C; 220 yards, philadei
phla; 500 sards New York; l" yards
lueasi stroke, Chicago; 100 yards,
breaai stroke, ChrsenebUig a. Pa.;
fancy diving from spriugboardi De
troit; plunge for distance, Detroit A
i'. 40M yards relay, four women, New
; York.
' lutdOOT swim, junior women's: 100
i yards, Birmingham, Ala ; i'2o yards
Iajs AUfeeles; 40o yards. New York.
iS0 yards. New York one mile. New
York hlfh diving. KokODtO, lnd
nr.doiri- see ini. senior w omens: lno
yards Hawaii, una yards, itrldgcport.
Conn. 440 yards, Indianapolis; SS0
I yards; Iakc iipatvon. N .1.; one mile,
'Sant;i ( ru? ( n I hlfrli dive. New Yr.i 1;
CLAIMS R l l I skii.
The record of Tom Campbell, of the
TJniernll of I'hicHKo, of one minute.
13 !-' se'"iid. for r'o yards at in
door track and field championships of
the Central Association A. A. U . at
Hie Coliseum, Chicapo. April 12. 1910,
.-. .s rejected because of being a paced
The record of Maurice M. Kirksey,
Stanford university, of 8 -1-S for 100
ygrda was referred back to the inter
lollegiatc a. a a. A. for certification.
! CHICAGO. Nov. 15, Fourteen uni
versities, have entered teams In the
annual croiw country run of the wel
ern conference, ll was announced to
day. The event will be staged at the
University r,f Illinois next Saturday.
The race will be preliminary to the
I lllnol: ' Uilo -uue football go me I n
addltlou to big ten" schools, the unl
versltlos of Kdiisns and Nebraska, th'e
Michigan Aggies and Mississippi A
and M colleges hnve entered teams.
Champion Leonard's Next Opponent By Wood Cowan
Jh Willie Jackson
Xv; Who will BENWV J-EOND
vr. , ."iK ' J'i'il'iV'' I ''' MlUtlE Vol uc "fti TIE KAMMO-DiMC ofp
w ill!.- Jackson, who stopped thed
hard hitting southpaw. Eddie Pltsainy-I
mops, recently at Madison Ecjuaoe Gar
de;,. Xev. York, win be the next man
to fac Benni Lecamrd for the iiirht
ir eight title. Tn laws of New York;
state require the qonteatants to weigh
In at 135 pounds at 0 'lo l- oh Hi
de, oi the content, and u the fight will
take place nt fhf Garden, Leonard evi
dcn(I) feels thai he can mafci Ihgt)
If yon would Join the reHowtj
Who pick stars who qraen 1 1 1 mid,
And nanvf I learn d best pets
On the strength of whai ihey've
Jut i gei your Muic pencil;
Thn stick close to thw rules
And you'll hae f t'ntn of players
Who, have starred In all the schools.
Head all the spUVi pdgca COT the IfeBl
sb weeks.
Thtn mako m.te of what has been
aid ot various fob thai) players n th"
east, West; north end buufh.
Tht :i put yciir panoil to v.r and
Jot down lh name , of pl.r : . most
menl lotted
After this list reaches about on?
hundred; nult writing nd tear up the
Then iriake B trip around thl whol"
.football circuit. Watch em pla .
Now you c:in use o'.tr own judr
Three akpeirtq at the gridiron aittl
will Select tll'C annual all-stal.- Rlbl-:
iron aggregation for ii e Standard-Rx-j
aminer tor the i'.2'u season following j
the West lllgh-pgdcn matinee this,
city next Saturday afternoon. The
nien who will submit their sc-lei tlons,
are id Aahton, former I ' nl v erslty of'
Utah star. Cqloned a. l?riuce, forniei
Army t Wlhkle'r. nd SaJ I deson. for-'
riier wearer of the crimson of t'tah
These three men have officiated in oil i
Of the blR Kann-s Ihus far tins BCasOnl
and have watched every teari In the,!
mi it.- In the high school ClaSS In ac
tion. With their three s. -lections submit-1
ted tin team w ill be selected by 'vote. I
For instance, the man receiving two
ut's for -i iosilii.ii uKiinsI bis oppo-I
pent's one will be awarded the honor.
This system has been worked out In J
past years and La fair and square, to)
all concerned I
With more than thlity hlkh schools
In the state considered for honors, llj
will be some job making the final se
lection However', the Standard-Ex-1
aminer hopes to give Ws renders an
aggregation second to none in the- ln
'lermountain country
How Notre Dame
j Found George Gipp
Since George Hipp showed his war.
down east against the army boys some
jof bis friends nr.- dlgghiK U) the his-)
tory of the great Notre Ijjmc star. Joei
(Meyer, coach of the St. Xavlc-r College!
team, who was a student at Notre!
Same when Gipp blSlv in. says-
iilpp was supposed to he a ball'
player and when Ho a)l for football I
candidates was Issued he paid no it-
. lentlon to it. Nor did the co.n hes pay
an attention to him. one day he
wandered out on the gridiron field and
iiiK.ui kicking the ball around while
the team wis practicing. Some one
.showed hilh how tu drop ki k. and il
WsanM Ioiik before he booted u field
goal from thl B 2 -yard lln- Mih boot
; was reported to the c-onc hes. They
snared him right away and put a unl
, form on him. It wasn't long before- he
; was a sensation in moleskins. And the
funny part of It Is that he never was
, abb- to win a place on the bHSeliull
I team the xport for Which he was ir
v t-ight w ithout weakening himself.
Thi- champion's real weight has been
more or less of n mystery for some I
time, for he has refused to step cm the
Bc.iles for ex en hi closest friends.
There ar.. m.n Who believe thai
jackon would have as excellent n
chance with lacmard as he did with
Ttzstnimons, provided Ijeohard makes
the IIS pound.- at 2 o'clock. I'M-
simmoiu ws an easy victim for Jack
m"i. who punched him at win. Leon
Im icier $&$s
mi ni and merely mention the men who!
B4 am be ll bet- In VOU.
I'lck several al random and two i t
I lie sure to pick out one man for
each position. YOU Ckn'l make ?n all
iar leam out ol elevau halfhacks.
After ou' i pi-'.cii eleven names,'
: liqffle ' in dp in a hal and draw out.
i ai b one. A: you draw them, throw
t hem awa .
I Now you cun think ol -nine leam
that COmes frem your home city.
Waii until the lootball season Is
C led . Dd 'hen sprinj; that ll?t of play- j
. ,. ;. iiir sll-star eleven for the year
liou t spring tiir- ilsl until -mow fU' -Some
othi r team mighl challenge yoiii
And having playjed safe, you will
i :itr the picker's hall of lame.
Who cares, anyhow?
Player Blinded
Temporarily in Game
CLARETdONTi '"al . Nov. 14. Cap
tain Slonaker of the I tilversity of Ari-(
zona football team who was Injured
yesterday In a game with Poniona col-1
lege, was blinded temporarily through'
oni us.vion of the brain. It Was learned,
today. ,,f' w;lH P-hle to see again to
day and phySlclSna said he would suf
fer no permanent Injury. Coach J. S.I
MeKale is rClhalning here with Slem-;
ikei. Most of the other Arizona'
players started homeward today.
Belgian to Meet !
American Cue Star
NEW VOKK. Nov. 16. Ullliard en
thuSiastS look forward to the arrival
here tomorrow of Edward Horemans.
famOUB Belgian player, with unusual
interest Tentative plans are under
way ff" 1 match between HoremanF
and M illie H"Ppc The latter h.ts held
the title for fifteen years.
PARIS) Nov. 15. Captain Louis
QirschaUer and Leo Nathan, repre
sentatives of France in the recent
James Gordon Bennett international
balloon race in the United States, re
turned to Trance today and com
plained that the Aero club or America
had violated the regulations of the In
ternational Aeronautic federation.
In a report to the Aero club of
France they enumerated the follow
ing grievances:
l- irsi That only one commissioner
was present In Birmingham, where
the race .started
Second That there was a e-omplete
lack of commissioners entrusted with
the Inspection of the halloony.
Third That the competitors were
not requested to produce- pilot's IU
Fourth That the commissioner did
nert verify the cubic capacity of each
Fifth That the competitors were
not provided with sealed baropraphs
rendering It Impossible to ascertain
whether any competitor had made
landing before the final . (,s,
ard might find himself in the same,
boat, for deapits claims to the con
trail, it Is generally believed that Ben
ny Is a welter and th.nt If he got
d iwn to the stipulated notch it would
l:;'' linn too weak to show at any-'
Whi " near his best.
Jackson first gained prominence
down In Philadelphia three years ago.
when Johnn Dundee, coming baek off
tin- ropes, ..is caught by one of Jack-'
-on' punches, and went down for the
Illinois in Second Place in
Big Ten Gridiron Scramble:
Teams Meet Saturday
CHICAGO, Nov 13. hlo state now
stands ai the tp of the eatsern con
ferenci football eleycha, but ntust de
feat Illinois next Saturday In order
to have an undisputed claim to the
championship, for 9- defeat at the
hands of the llllnl would leave th
i I in S Scrambled condition with
possible three teams claiming ttrsl
The Standings are:
Won l,osl
'hio State I 1
Illinois 3 1
Wis' rnB-n 3 1
Imltnna 2. 1
Iowa 3 3
Chicago 3 1!
Northwestern 2 .i
Mnhignn 1 2
Purdue i 3
Minnesota '. .... 0 I
VI. a... faa MklA C,... ....... Bk I
nnJa would have Hie Buckeye.") the
only undefeated team A defeat, how
ever, and victory for Wisconsin over
i hi. afo would giv. Illinois, Wiscon
sin and uhlo State a record of one
d ie.it each and an eoual claim to the
championship on ihe comparative
-.ore, or 'dope'' basis Illinois, how
ever, WOUld possess one more victory
than either of her competitors and
probably would be conceded the Cham
pionship. The surprising defeat of Illinois sh
iir).i. when W Iseoiisln, in ;1 EenJmih
ute spurt of super football forward
passed i's way to two touchdowns and
i n to 9 victory, has made phlp state
the faorite In Saturday's battb-
Wisconsin's success against. Illinois
with the. forward pass was considered
partlcul.n ! significant In studv:ig
i hio state's chances, for the Buckeye
team Is considered the greatest for
ward passine aggregation developed 1
in the niiddle weal slpce Eddls Coch-
enis first Introduced the aerial style,
Of play at St. Louis fnlversitv. The
two Workman brothers are particular
ly adept at overhead play "Hoge"'
throwing from anv position.
Once he pursued the heacnty orbs
Through all the ages of their flight.!
Now one small earl lily pill absorbs
His skill from dawn till duck of
He labeired haid to win men's fouIs;
i Now every poor soul has to wait
Till he has finished eighteen holes
Once he pursued the elream of fame j
I And steeped his mind In studious
Nov. hS sweats gallons at his game
To slice one digit from his score
I Once he was virtuous and wise
And modest, very much like ou,
i But now he boasts and bra.gs and lies
I E holing out In three, or two
I Once he had eloquence and power
But now he's of ihe major ni s'.
And rant-; and I ambles on for hours
Of cleelcs and brassies drives and
(inc.. he pursued Ihe gohh-n gfrj
Ills queen of love, his star of life;
But now ih- fogged and fopsled churl I
l'orgerts ho evor had a wife!
it opvrigbt. 190. N. E. A.)
Though it weighs mure than seven
tons a new tractor for use In rough,
country Is so constructed that any of
Its four wheels can te lifted five fcot
'from trie ground witnom frbwlhg
an gesrs out of line. I
count. Until his bout With Fltsalra
mons, w ilin 's claims to a bout with
tb chc nil""!', weii- unl legarded as fa
vorably as I'end'.er's, the Quaker light
weight, but Teiidler refuses to iru-et
the champ except at Hie scale that
usej to predominate for the class
1S8 pounds ringside This weight
Leonard refuses to meet.
As for as Leonard is concerned.
Jackson now appears the biggest game
In ight.
PAJ118, Nov. ll. Gee,rges Carpen
tler. aoavywslghl champion of Europe
returned Croro America richer by one
, million france and with a great re
ipe l for tpt fis hitnr aWlitJ of JiicR
I t niH'j .
Far part tier, who was never a boast
ful man iven before leaving France,
when he had not yat seen Pempscy,
Said, on his return that Pempsey was
cphsldered in America to lie n "super
fighter." but that he would tpeel him
with as mui h confideaee a he did the
British flghtei-s, Wells and Recketr
"The newspapers." said e'arpentier,
"reported Oenrpeey se saying he would
j lead nie to :ne Slaughter l:k an ox. I
don't believe It. I have met Deinpseyi
i who is leally a vpi v aini.ivde pe.e--man,
I e'ti hid one match with ni'm
which I won--but that was at golf.
Demdscy'e kind tholigin in sending me
a wireless messige when off Nan
tucket, wishing us Uodspced, was very
PARIS, No . IL- The boastful re
mark attributed to tJarpen tier's man
ager a l ihe Jersey i.'ll v 1l park,
thai i.'.irpenHcr o ild beat the r-ham-iPlon
in two rounds, has now been
Ol 11, I l" JIM II I-.MI--.UII1S a.
The difference in weight of 14
pounds will be s great handicap," and
' ' the in.-in who lands the first blow will
w in "
Qaxponiler was received like a con
(inering hero on ocean going tugs
meeting the liner France thirty miles
out from Havre.
Ciirpontler showed cml a traco of
bitterness wh-n he referred to the oi:t-
iv of fake" raised bv the American
press concerning hH bout with Levfo
and the hissing and Jeers to which
US way Mibie. l while a. ting as Second
to Charles Leloux In ihe latter's bout
at Madison Square pardan in New
Vork. He seemed greatlv amused
ll Deachamp's reference to the ring
side sports" in evening clothe ?,,d
bedecked with diamonds In Jersey
'"it who kept exhorting LevioSky to
"kill the frog."
iir. !
Mi l I l; HELD
GRAND ISJuAND, Neb., Nov. M.
At a meeting here todav of cours
ing men of Nebraska Kansas', rolo-i-ado
and California, It was decided
to reorganise '.he original American
Coursjng board and" adopt rules and!
regulations formerly used bv that or
Kill Ut Ion. John H .vct( of Sutton
Neb., was elected secretary-treasurer I
and keeper of the stud book The
main event to be bold In lnjt ot-n'-vv
association will be the Mlsx'-np.
pi Vallev Futurltv. ri,ls st.-kc will
be fni all eliKbJe puppies whli
after Januarv 1. 1V0. and will be
run at the prt, offering the i.st h
tlucemenis. all bids to be in the hands
of Seoretar: Scott not laier than Juh
1, 1921. Tho American Derby will
also Up. run at this meeting H wS
decided 1,1 run the Amerlean VFater
too the week following the futurm
Panthers' Showing Against
East High Will Place
Them Favorites
fai)S Of Ogden will ne "B
r.alcd to a first-class battle at Lorin
Farr park next Saturday afternoon
When the flashy Panther aggregation
ol Ihe West lli'i School clashes . Ith
the fast team of the ogden high Hj
I school.
I'be showing of the Panthers in
their contest against the fast Fast
hih sggregatibn St Ball lake last HI
Saturday Will no doubt rnukc ttipm
favorites over the Tigers. Those who
Witnessed 'he l?opard-Pnther battlo
of the opinion that the Panthers
r, ere outluckeel. In other words the
Panthers should have won They clear- WM
i outclassed the leoparda In all de
partments of the gome and but for jH
penalties when near the Leopard goal
ilne would no doubt have handed the
i:i-' high aggregation tlielr ftr.n dc- BBa
jreat in two seasons. HBa
I Wrn Funk and Willi.ims were the jH
bright lights fOr Ihe I anthers. Funk H :
was all-tHte fuHback last season and j
lived up o )mk standard In The game M
i if '..-iii he orii ol the n
malnspi in,:.. In I heir at tad.. d
bach 8tuhb; Peterson df n.e locals
i losing no time in preparing for the fc.
'i lian.' Yir-i VJK
m-ntor Is preparing for the hardest AVJ
batt e of the year and expects his men ,9
I to show fight and pepper In the con- Ml
The klekOff Is scheduled for 3 p
i 1 &0r hundred -.Indents of the West
high will be on dsek and from press
mil Indications the rpottns ale
i'c featured.
coiors WILL I
mm here I
Wyoming Aggregation to Ar
rive Here Thursday; Play
At Salt Lake Saturday
Weh John C'orbett of the L'nlver
sty of wyomrng and hts husky cow
- will arrive here from Laramie
Thursdaj sborilv ait-rnoon fn route to
Sail i. ike Where they are scheduled to
eleven Saturday. While en route to W
hold .'a ' ' W&
brief workout here, perhaps on the H
lawn nt the I'nion depot.
Following the contest at Salt Lake
the cowboys will Clash against the
gden A. A. al Lorln Farr purk
rhankSgtving day in a cmtest which
glVes promise Of being n bummer. The
Cowboys thus far this season hrfve
been more than successful in their en- el
, deavors and hope to waits over the
liinsoii goal line for a victory next
In the final gume of the vear for
the locals on the Ogdep field the
stars plan to have their strongest' bets
In harness The backfleid will consist
of Captain GlasmaiinL BUrnS Crooks
ton. file ) Lee. L' W'ilkeilson. Tleberg
irwin and a fJlasmann. Tins aggre- aeM
gat iun of backs should be able (o . 901
Piere,. the ends for long gains and HH
batter the lm,. for substantial stains. 11
flarence 1 oug)as, Andv Mohr
Twhehell, BaglSy Van Pelt and othe,' wBM
stirs of the first order will be pp. BMH
ted on ihe ends. These men ai all
pin vinir wonderful hull -n.i n .. I .
doubt b(. in the ffSj from the tap of HKfM
th" gong.
The battle will start ai 2 3fl o'cloek mMX
in order that the fans ma' Immediate
ly return to ther turkey ' dinners fol-
lowing the lu,ttle roung women of
the city have planned ; nuniber ot
entertalndients for the visitors during IHH
their stav here.
The Coa-boys will work odt daiL
Tabernacle Square and win dreSs
Weber Normal college. Arrangements
haw hern complete,! for this end of
the contract and Ogttehltes will h i
an ample chanae bo get a Hire on h
visitors before the game.
-oo- al
A. A. U. Meeting
on Card in South
NEW OR r.ws. ft Xov 16
The una I report of O.js Kirbv presl-
dent or the Amerlean Olvmpii com
mittee on Hie Olympic games and the f
awarding of various 1'j2I athlctU al
meets were the s.ibjci ts .,f greatest B
interest before the Amateur Athle'lc flE
union men when It began Its hnsjne H
sessions here today Fiftv delegates Jk
representing all sections of the cotin- gaH
try attended the opening of tli'rOM.
rentlon yesterday when it was voted I
to awsnl the national track and Bl
field championship meet to Lo An- BMI
gi les. .
Three candidates are in the field foi ntHal
the presidency, Herman Obertdlesslnir I
of New York Hoheri S Xp.st of BBv
r.o A ng. ;.... and Harrv W 1 'ilzpa l I'ick
eif litis cjty.
Eruptions of the Skin
I Cause Torturous Itching!
If you are affected with any form
of skin disorder, you are well ac
quainted with the flaming, burning
itching that these diseases produce
So many people continue to suffer
from eczema, tetter, and other forms
of skin disease because they do not
seek the source or their suffering,
und no disease, can bo successfully
combatted unless attacked at its
Skin diseases arc caused by an im-1
puritv or disorder In the blood, and
thero Is no real and genuine relief
within your reach Until such Imparl
lies are removed
riiis explains why disappointment
comes from Ihe U9e of ,ot ,
Ointments and other local remedies
S , 8 S, has given great satisfaction
in ihe treatment of these disorders
becuae tt la SUch a thoroughly satis."
ITT rbT! PUr,fier Jt esnael in l
blood of all impurities, and thus ten,
SSeh il MfeclS f ,h" srne lbt
attack the skin a;
Begin taking S. S. S. today, and If
wUI wrlte complete history of
your case, our medical adviser wtt I
glee you expert advicee without
Chgrge. Address Chief Medical d
riser, 823 swif, Leboratory, Atlanta ' '
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