"What are you doing IVs peppery and ifs
In my rooms?" nce fu of rea,
. good fun, many stay
F &&b to see 't twice, bet-
f Constance sHBiHi
f Good "Refer ettceJ
I & Funnies f laive in years
1 S Months 3Kr- " ."
K Prices . . . M
I Nine Gt ?.nted U. S.
Citizenship Here
Nine aliens passed the naturalisa
tion tests this morning in the district
court hpfore Judge A. W. Vgee and
were admitted to citir.'-nstaip. Thir
j! teen men took the oxur.iiruiticns', but
four of them failed to fhow sufficient
knowledge of the workings of the cov
ornment to allow ihem nuance. lh
were told to school themselves and r.p-
pear at the nc::t examination which
will bo held In January.
Thoso who success: uily pr-sre-d 1 h
lests woiv: Han.' Peter mean, Den
mark; James Binnie Simpson, cct
land; Herbert Tarran, England: John,
Henry Rosewar. England; Alfred Dan-1
iels. England; David Taylor. Englr.nd;
Gust James Cutrubus. Grrece; Wil
liam John Klhner, England, and Wil
liam James ClarUe. i:glan J.
ColcU- Z
JB o ery hA to.
s4jf Vt -."'' M ' your
A? 'KxfS hsad nd note
feel Am.
V Easy to apply
.Quick to act
30 fi-eamenf Mil FREE Write
For all Departments. Call Phone
' I Mo. 2450.
icn Typewriter House for type-;
writers ami refills 24-2 Hudson avc-
i DUO. Phone 2S6.
!( Tlmr-diM Comp.irtj I . l.ugh
iters of the Pioneers will meet Thuts
Idoy afternoon With Mrs. Bladys Har
bsrtson, S6S9 Ogdeu avenue.
Clean itrge fuRs Wanted at The
iit.ndard-Exaininer office. 40?
Mn-rlngc rjeenso Thomas W. Jones
r La hi. und Miss Zina Hurd of Snow
ille. procured n marriage license in
morning in hc county clerk's office
md were Wed by Bishop . M. San-:
d( rson.
Convalescing Tht lit: Ic daughter or i
"; and Mrs. Rasmus oisen of nrig
hnm. who was operated upon at in
Dee hospital last week for the removal
oT tonsils, is convalescing.
Wanted To Bay; At -n-e. forty'
live turkeys. Call phone ttiV. 7246
Unity Classes Haby classes, con
d acted by th Children's Aid .-oeiety,
Will le held Tuesday und Wednes I.
al lo o'cloek nt the "dispensary. Lo
OsJ iloitors ar.d nurses will be in at- ,
tendance. . . i
l-inr.l SIO J. I. Taylor, charged
v.ith driving an automobile on the i
Wrong side of Wifshtngton avenue, ap-;i
i -.ii -.1 In fin.' I lie i-ltv i-niirt this mnrn. .
log and entered n plea of .Tuilty. lie
was arrested last night and his ball
was placed nt 25. Judge l . It. Rob
erts fined him SIO.
il:-:i l"rne Qebrgc Rich. 1 harped
w ith inendUaiK , pie uded frullty hefore 1
a i.lcr r. R. Roberts this mornins
He "as niven .i 10 days' -' ntence, with
a flO fine aa an alternative.
0rn Soiling Cheap Also flour, bran,
shorts, rolled oat. barley, etr. '
Ogden .Milling & Eleetrie "o . Wesl
Twp y-fourth St. Phone 3C2-J.
RftU Fcirfc! 1 Andrew. Cy lander.
22 years old wa arrested yesterdaj on
a charge of drunkenness. He failed t
appear before Judge D R. Roberts ol
the city court this morning and hK
ball, amounting to $50, was declared,
' forfsite'd.
j Church Institutes
Aiiractiiig Throngs
Representatlvel of w'ebor, North
Wi In.-! -.,1 ( igden sTikes are holding
teachers institutes at We'ber Normal
college every evening exerpt Sunday
In which members from each stake
j are taking courses in various branches
of siudv.
; Social, activity, relief and charity
i.il are featured at th Institutes
which arc held from 7 to 10:f!0 p. m.
every evening. Community singlntr Is
one of the activities at. every evening s
I session. :rccordlng to J. Q. Blaylock,
v i has harge of th' school.
Prominent men in business and
I chUrcil affairs are lecturing before
-the organization every evening.
'Married Man Accused of In
timacy With 18-Year-Old
lnid S. HoRce of Wont Weber. 2.
years of age. was arrested at 10.10
Twenty-second street early Sund i
morning; with M.nj the police say was
an 18-ycar-old girl.
The arresting officers were Ser
jeant A .M. Stephens and Detective
. A . Jones
iiogge is accused by the police of
Intimacy with the girl. His bail was
fixed at $1000. ,
According to the police the girl's
parents have been awaj from the city
and during sthelr absence, Hogge Is
alleged to have lived with the girl at
her home.
Hogge ban appeared upon numer
nn oi ' asiOnc i efore judge d. r. R6b
erts recently, His flint otfense was
Coi checks which he had Issued with-
OUt sufficient funds. He war given
n suspended sentence, with uHnionl
tlon that it was merely for the sake
of his famih that he Was being al
lowed to go.
iii.-t wife. In addition to caring for
hn- three children, paid for Hogg
bad cheeks. It Is said.
Later HoRgo w:ts arrested oil a
charge "f neglecting -1 n wife and fam
II;. M ' iK iin ulven a suspenil
ed sentence and was warned th.at .i
Jail sentence WOuld result In case- he
again appeared. Later. the pollen
say, Hogge went to his wife, who was
living In destitute circumstances, tp I
Ke ied clothing, he having secured
i Jol, on a threshing crew In Hunts
tills. His Wife p.i him what bed
clothlng shf had. with the exception
of one quilt. Hotge got the Job and
when It was finished, threw the lied-
dlng away, it is alleged, despite the
fact that It was needed by his u'i
and children,
Impressive Service
for Olio P. Farley
An Impressive funeral service was
hrld yesferda over the body of Otto
Paul Farley a: the . VS. 8. church for
the deaf and Idind. corner of Twenty-'
first street and filbert) :ieftue.
Elder Max Woodbury officiated at
th servldbt
Speakers at ih services i- S'.ip.
srlntendenl Prank m Drlggi -f m.
state school for the Deaf and Blhid;
Elder Max Woodbury, Paul M.irk. !;
A Uarklll and Moroni I'oulter.
Paul Mark delivered his sseech in
I he languags common to the deaf ami
luntb. His words were interpreted to
those wlio could not Understand the
'tens, by Buperintendcnj I'ncjfs.
Each speech, as it was given, was
'.ranslnted either Into one form of ex
pression or lh other, so that all pres-
vni nuuin Minn ii.n neillC SalO
Musical selections were given b
Rohort Qreenwell, Mrs. Mary Parley
und Miss Lorene Snyder. Interment
was In the I gden City cemetery. E.
A. I-arkln dedicating the grave.
Always say "Bayer"
j Aspirin i tra.le mark Bayer Manufac
1 ture Morioareucacidejter of Saliryhcacid.
Train Breaks Down When He
Seeks to Flee From Wind
and Cold
POINl ISABEL, Tex . Nov. 15. His,
vacation broken up and roadways to
the outside world temporarily blocked
ibj one oi the worn) storms In this sec-i
lion of the gtilr coa.st. President Elecl
Hording planned to make another at-
teniptftoday to get into Brownsville to
spend In comfort ths pemaintni two
days 6f his visit lo Texas.
He had already said goodbye to the
frail seaside cottage that has sheltered
1 1 Ini through three days of wind and
cold, but his effort to get away .un
to grief when his special train, nar
row giiasc and gasoline propelled,
broke down just outside of Point Isa
hel. After a dismal four hours on
the wind-swept prairie he was returned
here after dark last tight, but his train
as held for another try about noon
toda .
In Brownsyllle Mr Harding Is to'
meet Senator Kail of New Mexico, who
i chairman of the Semite cub commit
tee on Mexican affairs, and they are
expected to talk over border condi
tions. Members of the president-elect'"
part) say there is no special signifi
cance in the meeting, however.
During the mornlnj: Senator Hard
Ing did some work on the speech he
is io deliver ne.xi Thursday at New
Orleans just before he sails for Pana
ma. He has not Indicated what sub
jects he will discuss, but the economic
possibilities of the south are expected
generally to be a feature of the ad
dress. It Is known that he has watched
the general financial situation, cspe
biallj f-tock marker fluctuations with
interest and is making a study of rem
cdy.ng economic tendencies.
Soldier Accorded
; Military Honors
A mllnan Mineral for Prhate Frank
Isaakson was held at 12: 13 o'clock
yesterday afternoon at the Fourtn
ward chapel Bishop Hyrum Lund 0
Speakers at the services were Cap
tain V W. Clawson of Salt Lake; El
der Anderson of Hyrum; Mrs. j. c.
Palck, reprerentmg the Service Stat
Legion; Captain .1. R Ward. Lyles W
i i. i M r ; l. i....i. cj
i u Mil rtliu DJUUP V. UUIIV.'IUI C(l-
ward Scunders.
i Robert ttreenwell, fornicrly of thv
marine corps, sang "The Americans
Com?" and "No Night There." Miss
Josephine Shorten tang "M Task"
Hnd "The Flag Without a Stain"
The body was interred at the Ogdesj
lt I emet. ry, Lyles W. Larkin dedi
eating the grave.
The State Industrial school ban i
played a dirge as the cortege made
lis way from the ehapei to the cemc
Lery. Two hundred members of the
Olden high school R O. T. C. and rep
rt sentaiives of the 146th (Utah) (leld
artillery accompanied the body. Pall
hearers marched on each Fide of the
hearse. A firing squad accompanied
the body and fired a volley over the
grave of their departed comrade.
Bugler Irving Hodge of the higt
school R. O. T. C. played taps over
the grave. As the body was lowored
the S I B. band played a funeral selection
Visitor Reports !
Theft of Watch
C. J Baker of Ahton. Ida . reported
the thft of $125 and a gold watch
from his room in the New York hotel
yesterdayi Th money und the watch
according to police reports, were rr-i
moved from Baker's room While hoi
was asleep Detectives Ed ButterfleM
and Everett Noble were assigned to the J
djfc J
! Fur Sale gl !
3 of. the famous Gordon 'f f ''fe- t
and Ferguson furs has A'rwS'
been made possible, .so that women of Ogden $JXJl :tjM
T and vicinity who have not yet viewed this won- jffllfljf ( f" X
X derfu stock, will be able to visit the exhibit and ' y 'lWf M X
mae election W Mro fi j - " "
Only Today and Tomorrow Wi f
& These furs are being sold at maunfacturers' cost, for this is a a X
J sample line of the Gordon and Ferguson furs which v hav
secured for a limited lime, the makers preferring to have us sell -y S
them rather than return the line to their factory for shipment K X
elsewhere. D Y
l Coats and Suits at Reduced Prices v
Bkw f n early lail rcduction ffiv'e -m exceptional opportunity
eflHB for buyino- t0 comc while our stock is complete and when you
A sJsiSm cnn make just the selection that you desire . V
HpVBrr v . ' -A The suits, the coats they are of the very latest mode, up-to-
Te WEbt '' JsB tll0-minute stylos, in every desirable clcth, vith ar.d without
H iBB ourt Buying Opportunity i J
f WjjjSm v-'lSBBBaB 'vm2 everyone an opportunity lo secure suits and
BMFIlV coats enr'-v rls wmter- the prices on our entire stock
fHHfe I IHb ave een materially reduced- In fact, the prices arc
Hswlvx 1 ''fliBi extremely low and the quality is of the best, the kind
l VH tiai as trou?nt so much favorable attention to this
i 'f storc i
-SrJ.i- 2378 Washington Avenue A
President Sends Telegram to
Convention Being Held
at Denver
DENVER. Oolo.. Nov. 15. Greet
ings from President Wilson were rend
to the first session of the annual con
vention r.f ihe American Mining Con
gress, which opened here todsy,
The president's telegram read;
"White House, Washington, Nov. 15.
"American Mining Congress, Den
ver, Colo:
"Wish to extend my greetings nnd
best wishes 10 the 23rd annua! conven
tion of the American Mining Con
gress. The work of the congress In
co-operntlon with the federal govern
ment with mining operators ami oth
ers Interested In the development and
utilization of our mineral resources
has heen and will ho of Immense
benefit, it provides an opportunity
fur discussion, education and dissem
ination of Information nnd C&nnot fall
to lie helpful In Improving and .-idv.uie-lng
the mining Industry,
i Signed .
A telegram of greeting from Q-ver-
Trains Arrive Late
Under New Schedule
i Although ,n nw train schedules
went Info effect on the Southern f 'n -eific
j. ruf Cnlnn Pacific lines yester-'
'day, trains 19 and 21 were late in ar-j
j riving In Ogden today. Tralnt 19. un
j dcr the new schedule, should arrive
I In Ogden at 6:40 a. m. Today the I
'train arrived at sM'n .t. m. arid de
.patted .'' s B0 for the coast. The reg
! Ular schedule will lc resumwl to- 1
morrow, trains having left Omaha
yesterday as per schedule.
Officials of the railroad to. lay stat
led that the schedules would he eiir
rlod out starting tomorrow. The trains
were late today, doe to the fad that'
(they left Omaha Saturday under the!
old schedule. Howovcr, they picked up,
more than two hours running time,
en rn 1 : te
nor Henry J. Allen, of Kansas, was
I read, in it the governor declared "it
seems to mr hat we have reached a
period 111 America when a Just govrrn-l
meat must assume the same responst-l
i hlllty for the regulation of industrial
Strife that it has assumed for all oth-
er form.s of strife. If there is any
1 auhjerr In this country too great for
I government to solve with Justice, then
; ;he government Is a failure."
j Frank Duniont .Smith, of Hutchin
son. Kan., personal representative of
I Governor Allen, was to 'pe.ik tonight'
on "The Kansas Industrial Law." I
WXSHINCTOX. Nov. 15. Convlc
on of se i. Starr and Charles
Schmidt In Lunar county. New Mexico.
on charges of murder in connection H
with the killing of She-iff rwight B. WM
Stevens, will stand as a result of the
supreme court today dismissing the ap
peal for want of Jurisdiction.
Grape-Nuts I
"ISstes as
good as it
! Beginning today we arc going to have one of the real old-fashioned bargain sales, one which will give you an opportunity to purchase the furniture and floor coverings at prices which are surprisingly low 9
l ' P Standwell Ironing Board in Sale Table ad Floor PARLO IB
Gale Leg Tables From $7.50 Up From $180 Up I
j - ' '
Til .B-1"' jti