OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 17, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-11-17/ed-1/seq-6/

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Event Surpasses All Others in
I ' Brilliancy and
j Splendor
Fulfilling the anticipations of more
than five, htindrso" irussls the Martha1
Society ball given last cenlng in the
Berthana hall surpnod In brilliance
and splendor a number of social
1 events In ogden for the pas'. few
years. The social and the winter en
son of Mgdcn and was foimaliy opened
when Ogden and out-of-town guests
gathered in the hall ami speni an eve
nlng as the guests of the Martha so-
; nests were received In the lovel
blue room of the Herlhnna b Mrs.
R. IJ. I'orter. president of the soelet.
v. ho was ably assorted by the other,
members, The reception hull was dec
orated wtth large wicker baskets of,
h pink and white chrysanthemums. Dur-,
ing the receiving hours the Gillian
Thatcher orchestra played a number
of oxcrtures. With the grand march
at 9 o'clock, led by Mr- and Mrs. K.
B. Porter, the dancing for the re-,
mng was opened The crand march
was conducted by Mrs Belle S. Rosa
Following Mr and Mrs Porter, mem-;
bers of the society and their husbands
were arranged. Mr and Mrs W. II
WattUI, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright,
Mr. and Mrs Ralph E. Bristol, Mr
nnd Mrs. J. B. Lewis, Mr and Mrs.
John Spargo, Mr. and Mr- i 'buries)
H Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kccles,
And the official memhers of Governor,
8lmon Bamberger staff and their'
Wives, occupying pUros directly fol
lowing Mr. and Mrs. Porter. Other I
ih members of the society and guests of J
the evening followed.
H With both waltz and popular num-
H bers finding place on the dance pro- ,
H gram, the hall was a brilliant flush
of color when the first dahCS wee'
H opened by the Lillian Thatcher orches-
Ira. Shades in red, blue. lavender.
H pink, green and gold were exquisitely
worked In lovely creations of both
H formal and Informal evening wear.
Lancing continued until midnight.
B White shota daisies In crystal bas-
fBVJ kets formed the decorutlve centerpiece !
BBVJ for each table in the dining room,
pBVJ while a wicker basket of pink roses
JBVJ and Shasta daisies, combined with i
pBVJ ferns on a base of blue tulle, deco-1
pBVJ r-atpd the center table refreshments
HBVJ ivorc served. Punch was also st rved !
(luring the evening.
pBVJ Various committers Were in chars;
BVJ of all the arrangements for the hall'
BVJ nnd every detailed plan was carried 1
J out to the greatest extort, making the;
VJ ball one of the most delightful in the;
BVJ 6ocial history of Ogden
BBhJ oo-
I Designate Meetings
Of Pioneer Daughters
Camps of the Daughters of the
pioneers will meet Thursday after
noon as follows.
Camp A, will meet with Mrs. David
Rawson. December 2, at her home
on Riverdale aenue. Mrs. Almlra
Rich will be th visiting board mem
ber. Camp C. will meet with Mrs. Lu
cile Anderson. 1637 Hudson avpnuo
with Mrs. Minerva Shaw a isiting
board member. Nov. 18.
Camp H will meet tomorrow with
Mrs. Myrtle R. Weiket, 1139 Twenty-fourth
street. Mrs. Alice Harris
visiting board member.
Camp D will meet December 2 with
Mrs. Beatrice Tribe, 551 Twenty
third street Mrs. Rose M. Packer,
visiting board member
Camp I will met with Mrs
naign Harbertson. ,3559 Ogden av
enue, November 18. MlSs Clara Karr
visiting member.
Camp J will meet with Mrs J W.
WiUox, 2842 Adam- avenue, Decem
ber 2. Mrs. Rozella lrkin and
Mr. Leona McGregor will be 'he
visiting board members.
Camp L will meet with Mrs. Susie
-Rvans, 3258 Ogden avenue
Camp M. meeting has been post-tinned.
Ii'arup R will meet with Mis Jennie
Jiudge, 437 Thirteenth street, lecem-j
ber 2. Mrs. Olive Wallace will be
the visiting board member.
Camp at Huntsville will meet with
Mrs. Carol Gesford. tomorrow after
BOOH. Mrs. Amelia Flygare Will be ,
the visiting board member
Harrlsville camp will meet with
Mrs. Aspen tomorrow. Mrs. Rozolla
Larkin will be the visiting camp .
Eden camp will meet with Mrs. I
Colvin, November 26. Mrs. Martha
Riiter and Mrs Elizabeth Coddard j
will be the visiting members.
I Dr. Hyde Conducts
Mental Tests Here
Dr. George E Hyde, superintendent
of the state mental hospital at Provo.
In in Ogden today conducting the
monthly examinations of person
though! to be suffering from mentul
detects. II' Is holding the tests In
Mayor Frank Francis' office.
I, -Im
Posted on
thats pqlflk
why I eat m
Post 2
' m
Woman's hair is her crowning
Urn glory. She's man's crowning glory,
too with a rolling pin. Play safe
J i
aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaai aaaaMaaai aaja
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday .
Continuation of Our
Coats, Coats, Coats
Beautiful lull length Cloth Coal, skeleton and full lined, belted
and form-fitting models in Black. Nav;. Creen, Brown, Blue nnd
rancj mixtures with plush) conj and cloth colors, t1(ZQC
Elxceptlonal vsluei Ivivu
Serge, Trlcoime and Silk DrSSSee in Nay. Hlack. Brown and
Taupe. Plaited and plain skirt effects, trimmed with jet bends
kji,1 olor silk tf 1 c Q
Selling at P lU.JJ
Silk Jersey and heavy Silk and Satin plaid: and plain colored
J petticoais, plaited ;iud straight flounce effects. Regular to QT
J5. $5 45 and 56 values, at
Beacon Blanket Bath Robes
Silk trimmed, full made, wlih silk cord, all beautiful f qt
, colors. Regular 57 alues at P
Misses' and Women s Millinery
Balance of our entire stock of Trimmed and Tailored Hals: also
Beavers and Plush Sailors. Wonderful .-ilu- (J a
sellmg at J.iD
Children's Silk Velvet Tarns
Colors Rose, Red, Cop'nh;iR' n Navy and Bl.u k with (1 ryr
Kti and silver trims ij)l.yD
Wonderful Table
odds ami GQr'
ends JDC
Children's Dresses
Middies. House Dresses and Aprons Just the balance of stock
of each regardless of the former pn Q
going at jOC
Toy Department
Our large and beauilful stock of Dolls and Trains. Open a de-
posit. Will hold your choice for you. Purchases may be left 4
with us and v. will delis B iheni hfn you warn ihem K.'i;
ihing popularly priced. F
Classes for Scout
Leaders Open Tonight
Clf.snes for scout leaders, which will
be held at Weber Normal college, No
vember 17, 18, 1 9. 20, 22 and 23. prom
ise to be of exceptional interest, ac-'
cordlnic to Scout Executive G. A.
More than fifty m'ti of the city trill I
attend th elaaaes openina tonisht 1
ne of the feature of the clasaen will
be the 'tree" hlk.- planned for Satur
day afternoon, in which Mayor Frank
Francis anrt other members of th ' If
' ommiasion will take pari. This party!
will Inspect every variety of tree in
thl vicinity.
Friday evening at the State Indua-
trial school, C. W, Wlmmor, scout -nasler
of troops 7 and 19, will be
awarded a "veteran SCOUt" badge, by'
Commissioner W (3 King
Wlmmer has hopn In constant serv
ice in ogden for the past fl e years
in scouting and is one of two men in
the state to receive such an honor.
The pin is awarded by the national
council of boy scouts.
Scout Executive O. A Goates will
h."''e harge of the scout leaders'
school and will be assisted b H:gh
Holdsway and other Mcoutnnst-rs of
! the city.
Cruise of Fleets
Attracts Recruits
j Attracted by the forthcoming cruise
of the Atlantic and Pacific fleets to
'southern Waters, which Is scheduled
tii start itbout March l, recruiting at
the Offdsn naval station Is showing a
decided Increase, Nine men wer sent
out this morning Reports reo-i'.-i
hejTC show that the western division
llfl accepting 3U0 men weekly and the
nation as a whole 240O men weekly.
The navy personnel is said to be .short
28,000 men Although recruits will
'most likely get In on the cruise, this
Is not guaranteed Those shipped to-
Iday were:
j. P. Randall. Prescott, Wash.; K.
iTulloh, San Francisco ; J Roylea New
York. R, Hayes, New Orleans C. O
Wallace. Lakarlew, Ore , R E. Dall
man Mountain Home, Ida; .1 W.
'Rock. Rexburg, Ida; Albert Tegel.
Berkeley. Cal . O. I. Cox, Walld.a, 'olo
Football Players
I Enlist in Marines
Ted Olson and Herbert R Barlow,
members of the Idaho Falls football
team, with Victor L. Crowley and Earl
A Matthews of the same city, were
lo-ccepted by the marine corps recruit -llnp
stutlon here yesterday George
''olemun or Tenver was thg fifth re
Icruit uccepted during the du. Bnr
llow is said to be nephew of Gover-Inor-elect
Charles R Mabev of Ftnh.
RJ I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 N I I 1 1
Th Women's Repnblicar. dub will
meet Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
In the alt) hull. Important bUMi,
Is to be discussed ami every member
is urged 16 bo present.
' t
M it u v UQM1
Mrs H. Stone of 736 Canyon Road
ha.M returned hdm from a ten days'
visit In Twin Fall, where she was the"
guest of her sister, Mrs. H. L. Mi
Camp k. Danjrhters of the Plpneen
will meet with Mrs. J. V. Allied. 203fi
Adams avsnUSi Thursday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock.
i i i I ; PARTY.
Mr and Mrs. George A. laisen en
lertained a few of their friend .it a
dinner pirty l-'rida evening, Nov 12,
I at their home. The occasion wa;. th
twenty-fifth woddlng anniversary of
the couple A perfectly prepared din
ner WSS served by the hostess assisted
toj hrr daughter. Mrs. Horace Nelson.
Following the dinner, the guests en
Joyed the evening in raid game ThOSa
present were Mr and Mts i. WW
llamsen, Mr. and Mrs. Korcnzo WW
!llamsen. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. .r M l.arsen. Miss jifai
guerlte WIHIeinsen, Mian Invon iv.v
iler. Miss Pearl Hart. Master Jack
WiUlamsen, Master Tom Wllllnmsen
and Master Clair Wllllannsen. Mr- and
Mrs. Tarsen were the recipients of
many beautiful gifts.
J. B. BKWING t'l.l'B.
Mr. and .Ntrs. Ray If. 'earaon will
entertain the members of the J, H.
Sewing club and their husbands
Thursday evening at their home, 63s
Twenty-third street.
('HIM) i I 1Tl RK VIjVB.
Mesdames rlanne ciurk nnd Ra-If-haei
Brown will he hostesscu to tin-
members of the Child Culture Huh
Thursday afternoon at their regular
meeting at th I'nlveralty club rooms.
Mrs. Annlt Wright and Mrs nh. , , ,
King have hiirKo of the program
Mrs. L. M. Meld and MlSfl Lula
ClOUdman will entertain the Paal N -ble
Grand club at the home of Mr
Meld, 718 Twenty-third street.
Mrs. Paul Sleeker will be hostess
to the members of the Ladles' Aid so
ciety of the First Methodist church at
her home, 2322 Jefferson avanue Th
assisting hostess will he Mrs C M
Wllklns. Mrs. W P. Long, and Mr
Roy Griffin.
Members of the 1-adles' Aid society
of the First Presbyterian church will
bo hostesses Friday evening at their
November supper. A well arranged
menu has bc-n prepared and serving
will begin promptly ar 5:30 o'clock
and will continue until 7 30 o'clock
Mrs. William Rockofoller Is the acting
chairman for the supper Members
. .... L.i iut ., .'a -aMaaaa aaapgaii .a i 11 11 ' "' ""i hi j... . .
I a. .. u I --"' GEORGE M ELFORD Production I 7 7. 1
I PR PR I ROScoe (fatty) Shows At I
I iniULO K ARBUCKLBfcvis j 2:15 i
Children, 12 to 15 20c MS ; s - FRL'l?V 3
I Matinee. 20c Ifll . CiJCTsVAl I 7:30
lEven,nSs 30c QUNDURl, 1 1 9:15 I
U Jesse Llasky-Presents WB8k MPTuT TPk 1 I
' aaa
v bbbbbI
I (paramount I
I fha Hurry? I
With Lovely Lois Wilson
Another sizzling iuto thriller! By the au- See the battle of men with a raging storm
thor of Wallace Rcid's biggest hits, "The to save a sleeping valley from death!
Roaring Road" and "Excuse My Dust." See the breaking of the great Cabrillo dam!
A romance of love, business and whizzing Then see an unforgettable climax, thai
racers. And of lumbering motor trucks called for a MAN and found him on the
that helped make a speed-demon human. job!
See the hair-raising motor race that opened A picture that fairly bursts with power and
the new Los Angeles Speedway. excitement! 1 1 1
From "The Hippopotamus Parade," the Smash-
D,rected by ing Saturday Evening Post Storv Scenario by
I Sam Wood by Byron Morgan Byron Morn I WM
I Sl0t20c-30c w I
J of the church and their friends will
be welcomed.
LAdlai of the Ellm English Luth
eran church are entertaining this af
jtcrnoon and evening at their annual
bazaar and supper.
The first of u series of informal
dances will he given Thuradiv evening
In the Knights of Pythias hall by the
members of tho I'nlverslty club.
' oo
LONDON.--Scotland Yard is work
lnp day and nKht lo check the enor
mous increanes in the sale of cocoalue
Bpre. The drug is selling at J1500 an
Bank Starts Suit
On Promissory Note
Suit to recover $3000 alleged to be
due on a promissory note has been
filed in the district court by the Na
tional Bank of Commrc against Glen
J. Hudson of Ogden. The plaintiff
bank charges thut th, note was exe
cuted on April 4. 1920, and no pnrt
has been paid Judgment for the
nmount with Interest and $400 attor
ney foes are asked.
A fifty cent piece, worth a dollar,
to celebrate the tercentenary of tho
landing of the Mayflower. Is now be
Inc mlntea.
m . .
NEW CASTLE, Wyo., Nov 17.
Congressman K YV. Mondel). still using
crutches as the result of an accident
aavcra weeks ago whs given a recep-1
tlon by the homo folks here Tuesday'
prior to his departure for Washington
whets h will remain for the Decern-'
ber session of congress.
on- ,
DENVER, Colo, Nov. it Mlnce-
meal pie for Thanksgiving day dinners!
In Colorado will be minus a 'kick.' j
tinder a ruling made today by Attorney,
(Sahara! Viator E. Keyes. following in
fjuiry by Frank J. Medina, federal pro-'(
blbltion director The stato law for
tldfl use of liriuor even for cooking,
tho ruling said .
The first lamp h.-ivina; an air cham
ber tvjs Invented by a Swisa. Jules
V pc i n. i
MIS. Phyllis" Brown of Ogd.r, hV,
been appointed official poet 0f the UM
versify of ftah bv Miss Ktnn. n
prealdent of the -0" an r.5.ra,un;
the InsUtutlon 1 'ut r
Holidays, important want i. nim
SohOO calendar and Othsr af? Jl? , 1
the Hohool win bo celebriw iir "f 4
proprlate verao. c,eorated In ap-
f r
Dear Joe: There'll be new u.ea I
for a rolling pin If you u,e"
Your Myra. ;
V Jl

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