Ordinance Passed This Morn
ing Provides for Bond and
Large License
A city ordinance, under which u is
hoped that 0grten sport fans will be
insured good .clean boxing and wrest
ling, and which demands lhat any pro
morcr who stages n match hero must
provide $1000 bond and pay 100 for
a license for each ma?-h. was paeMd
this morning by the board of city
commissioners. The ordinance Is
similar to one now in effect In Salt
L&ke, and which has proven entirely,
successful for nearly uvi J cars.
The ordlmnre repeal any fnrmei
ordinance which governed boxing and
mV ' wrestling: contests and pi oxides pun
ishment for an' poison who Stages
a contest without pro. uring a Cltj li
cense. Tlio license for each match,
shall not be less than $100 and tlol
more than one license can be lsued
for any week In the year, the ordt
nence provide! in tho event thai one
person fal;e the license for an entire
Mv-ir. $600 win the minimum
amount for Ihe period, nd must bo
-16 paid In advance It is provided that
if more than on match Is requested
for one week, the matter will have
to come brforo Hi city commission'
for approval.
"j.r YM Kach apiJicant for license must file
' Yfl a bond of $1 000 to Insure payment of
la th- license fee and as jn evidence- Ol
: rjr"j faith In observing other city laws and'
Violation of the provisions of tin m-
Li dlnnnoe shall be deemed as mlide-
ff-jw meanor and shall be punishable by a
,' .'"Si fine of not more than .L'Oo. or by mi-
prlsonmcnt for not more than ion days
or boih
Efl In the body of the ordinance it is
i 'fi stated 'in the opinion of th board
of commissioners, the ordinance is ne
,ajnj Deanery to the peace, health, safety
and general welfare of the inhabitants
of Ogden City "
The ordinance will become effective
HT Former Sailer Find
$60 on Theft Charge
J. L. Dubois, formerly a sailor on
H the V. s. g Prairie, pit ided e. ill
J to a charge of petit lareericy
SbH .fudge d n. Roberta of the city court
SlJEBi tnls mnrn'ng and received .- teritei
of $60 or 60 days.
iffiSPER Dubois it appeared, had been work-
Wwc ing for the Amalgamated Sugar com-'
Bff pan.v Tie was a foreman in one of
H the mechanical departments a; ihe
P plant. Following the when bo
H wis laid off ho was permission
to repair his automobile at the com-
j pan.v machine shop. After working
Hl about a week, ho v ,i ordered to (til-
part froni the premises The next
day he was arrCStQd, and a sack full
HQHH of coal and a n hoolharrow load of
jfifrBSL kindling wood W r found In his siito
3j mobile. He was Immediately placed
ijjfHJ under arrest by Deputy Sheriff J. E.
Tjn Dubois is also alleged lo have had I
k3jB Quantity of tool In his possession
which were stamped aS propeVtJ ol the
fi9f - lT. S. 9. Prairie They are hclnx
j4jja held pending an Investigation gov-
EjjH oenment authorities:, H Is stated
I Hudson-Meyer Co,
Incorporated Here
Articles of incorporation of the Hudson-Meyer
Distributing company of
Ogden were fiio,i this morning In th.
count- clork'a offioo. 'Ihe purp me of
Ihe compariv, ris Bel forth. i 10 .iT! '
n the sale of musleal Instruments,
farm produce, real estate and other
ales activities. The capital stock of
the company is set forth f $0, 1
divided Into B0, 000 share of the valrfc
of ?1 a share Tho officers '; the com
pany arc ll C, Hudson! president
Monde Meyer, vlee president and!
treasurer, and K ii Meyer, secretary
and manager
&$B Friday night. Adults $100. children!
sHH (0 cents. 740S
Pair Arraigned in Connection
With Recent Death of
Taxi Cab Chauffeur
i :
Jack Pass and Gus Burr, two sheet I
metal workers, were arraigned before1
the city court this morning on a charge
of firitt degree murder, the charge
.i rising from the death of Darrel Wil
son, from a gunshot wound, alleged to,
have been inflicted by Pass. Captain;
Rober'. Burk swore to the complaint
against the men.
Both moo were haggard as they
hrard the complaint against them
Attorney W. H, Rooder, Jr. entered'
his appearance In behalf of the men.
and recommended that the earlier1
ohargc of assault with deadlj wea
pon pending again." theni lie dis
missed County Attorney .Joseph B. j
Hilton consented.
Prelim i nn i hearing for the t o men
w:is si-t for next Mondav morning
Tho .ihf.oting Of Wilson Is allegfd lo
have taken place while Murr and Pass I
a oro (i, cupying the rear sent of a taxi
cab which Wilson was driving
A revolve? was discharged, the bul
let taking effect in Wilson's right
thirh. inflicting injurs that proved
Pas. It is alleged, was the one who
held the revolver whi n it was dis-:
Makes Use of "Red" j
Parking Stalls Clear
Red lines on Ogden pavements, )
i supposed by many 1o designate a spaco
specialK allotted for tho use of trier
Chants and business men of th;- Clty,J
, are open to the use of the general pub
lic prov iding o cav is not parked with-
In the rod zone for more than fifte:i
' minutes. This contention was staten
b) Assistant City Attorney Sam Pov - II
oil this moinirg In the eao against
: T Ac-hby. charged with parking
Ids automobile within the rod marker.
Ashb'y'a I ir was tagged by Palrolroaul
Hawkins, following a COUipldint of a
grooev that a car was parked within , I
the spact allotted to tho atort I
Aghby pleaded guilty before ,T-.d ,
i . ): Roberta this morning bul was
given a auspcnded aentence, upon rec-'i
owniendatlpn of Attorney Poafoti
AttOTiiev Powell stated that there
is a geno)-nl misunderstanding
throughout the city rcgardin? the red
markers, The aro Intended for ihe
purpose of allowing passengers to be
unloaded from automobiles, it is stat
ed, bgl 'fiii also he used 1 motorists
making stops of not more than U 1
qxiSrter of an hour's duration
Trndosrn'iu have no' exclusive right
to tho sji m t inrlnsed by rd lines III
front of their pi. iocs of bus'ness. he
declared, nil mototJiM being privileged
lo use tho space for not more than
a fifteen minute period.
Five Couples Get
Marriage Licenses
Marriage lu-.onscs were issued In the
Count) clerk's office thl morning 'o
Lelatld 1 oli and Ada Burton, of 'g
d ii 1 ran i - J P Wood of Clearfield
and Margaret V. Williams of Ogden:
Arthur P. Itrown of Hoy and Francos
Ktttor, BiverdaU: c;aude m. Whlt-
lkr, Downey, Ida., and Ceclle Por
ter. Morgan, and 1-a.v on irson DgVlSi
and Evelyn Clara Nordstrom of Pan
Cadet Instructor to
Be Banqueted Tonight
Members of the high school faculty
and membsrs of thi board of education
wii tender s farewell banquet t l.t- nt
Ronald Even) at tho Ogden high
school thlx evening at 7 SO o'clock.
Lieutenant loverly has been In charge
of the .-adet work ut the Ogden hlsli
achool for the past year and Sflll de-,
part for the i orf ;i during the coining
vei k .
Tomorrow KQ5
Will be
I On th'j last page you
will be told what
j I Forbidden
-sruit is.
At ihe present prices no home should be without one. i
y-A Retrim the window in your M
I RAG RUGS frT"- : ;r rI'WW . . . .' II
kC i-iJ Iffi raa Wffik home tor I hanksgiving. M i
p See what a pretty combina- B W r-f' ur s?le Prices on madras H
Sj tion they arc, in our centei ' . ,' "" draperies are so low you I
I :"'';,FACLM can afford t doit 1
$100,000 A YEAR!
Twenty -Six -Year -Old Girl Makes Fortune By
Playing on Emotions of Her Sex
Loos, who makes 1100,000 a year wrlt-
NEW YORK "Women," says Anlt.
Ing scenarios 'Vre great in emotion ;
only men are gre.n in mentality "
."he had lie-n .ihUi-U hpsv she ac
counted for the fact 'hat she. th
.!. "f -' had come (o be i-onsldor. !
tin htghem i.ild. and most sought rOt
scenario writer in America.
I "I attribute it to the fact that t
the age of 14. when I had written mv
first scenario and had It accepted bv
1 1 v Qrlfflth, I alreads knew In what
fields women were t home, and nev -.
er made the mistake of thinking that'
II could write great mental master
iplcces. I rtlck always to the purelv
emotional subjects and the emotion
or laughter i mv apeolgl gift"
Miga ah s.i ,n outalder can never
undsrytand why ihe et'nario writer a
sn well paid. Sh iidrnltl 'ho salaries
everyone In ti' moving picture game
igetg gre tgtoundlngi and thut there ,v
only one other profession where the
I pas i s g'jud. and thgi I the opera j
"In the picture vvmld. she gays,
' the man who does the wmk gets the
' pay, that' all."
All hough it 1 very hard for n wo-'
map to break in. according "o Miss
JL.OOS, once In. there Is no easier pro
'f' Ksion if and he paiiMes for em -
if you know enough lo stop when
you ,me what the profession call'
"through" When vour humor has run
I out, when there is no more tragedy In,
our drama, when the laugh leaves
ou and the tear drlea before it la
vhedi then is the nine to gather to
gether what you have made, and leave
for the vv ooiin. And that 1 precisely
v hat most -cenarlo writers fall In do
ing they keep on long after they have
anything io gay.
win N COMEDj id rBAGIC
"I Ilk lovely ihlngs, I enjoy my
beautfiful home, but when the time
cornea when I see thai I lijavn written
a tragedy thinking It a comedy. I am
going to take my husband b the arm.
ind sav to him. 'pack the luttCh has
ket. my love, and brlnK along my fav
orite perfume, for we are going to
leave this town and go In for the sim
ple llf".1
"Of course there are other branches
In the moving picture field most at
tractive and unliable for women TYu
are women Interior decorators, who
attend to the correct atmosphere "f
the picture to be produced, then there
are what are called 'social workers'
women Who se, that the hair Is
drcsaed in period, that there Is no mls
lako In the costume, lhat no lUdtcoUS
incongruities are made in time and
place such positions are most remua
raUvSi and most pleasant. "
00 .
Kayes Fined $60 for
Appropriating Belting
Sixty dollars fine, or slvtv days In i
i. hi wns the penally Inflicted UPbhl
Will Hayes, n laborer at 'he Intcr
atata Sugar company, who pleaded
Kulliy before Judge D. R. Roberts
this morning to a charge of appro
priating a piece of beltlnr. all inches
wide and eighteen inches long. Hayes'
stated before the court this morning
that he had intended usln Ihe belt-j
Ing for th purpose of rialf-sollnv
his shoe Hayes contended that th'
belting he had taken was but a SOrap
Deputy Sheriff J. B Husbands said It
w: Intended for use In repairing a
When the defendant appeared, he
pleaded guilty, following the reading
of the complaint, but added that t his I
did not apply to that portion of the I
complaint "did atesl, tuko and carry
away," Inasmuch as the bolting had
never left the company's properly
Husbands said that there was con
siderable scrap belting being carried
away in this manner and that tnei
company Intended putting stnptio it, I
University Chjb to j
Give Dance Tomorrow
The first dance of Ihe season for
the University cim. win be held at the
K. of p. hail tomorrow eve'nlpg, Dud
to the fact that other arranAgments
hnve been made by tin . r club,
the dinner part- which a ii h d lied
to be held pi lor to the dance, has been (
postponed. The rcRular lunchepn will)
be held, however, tomorrow noon
John Q. Willis will preside at th--luncheon
as chairman tomorrow. At
th dance tomorrow evening Leonard1
I Davidson wii be the chalrinajn of af-j
.fairs. Lillian Thatchgr'g orchestra will
furflish the rjiuslc
The wearing of a cap and gown
by girl undergruduatcs was recently
grnnted by Oxford University,
Sperrv Flour First
IB Per Cent Enrolled
Kmployes of the Sperry Flour rom
pahy won the distinction this morning)
DJ being the first workers from any
Ogdi ii firm to go " 100 P'-r cent" In the
present Red Cross drive for fund.
Shortly before noon It is was an-,
OOUnccd that there were lu' employes
of the company and there had been
OL' memberships sold. The results net
ted $102.
, A
Dear Joe: There'll be new uses
for a rolling pin if you
Your Myra.
, ; j
FRIDAY, Nov. 19, 1920
Refreshments Good Music
Admission 50c per couple. Everybody Welcome.
Put one in your mouth at bedtime
Break a Cold I
In Few Hours I
First dote of "Pape's Cold Compound1' relieves all I I
stuffiness and distress No quinine! Costs little!
rion't st:i iituffed-up' Qiiii blowing I
and snuffllne;! A do of I'apt s Cold
t oinpound lakeD evety iwo hours uutil
three do.-if's are 'taken usually bleaks
up i cold and ends all grippe misery.
TheirM dos. opens closed Up nos
Irlls and air pasaago.s of head; stops
nose runntnx, relieves headache, dull
ness, fcverislint ss, sneezing, sorcnesa
1'apc's Cold t'umpound is the quick
est, surest relief known end costs onlj H
drug stores. U
vvlilmit assistance Tastes nice. Con H
See at last from j
Oregon City Man Is Well for
First Time in Practically
His Whole Life; Gives Tan
lac Credit for Wonderful
"Six months ago Tanlac sM mo light
and from then until now I have en
Joyed absolutely tho best health 1 ever'
did In my life." was the stntement
made recently by R. It. Wallace, of
i.iregon City, Oregon.
I never knew before what nod
health meant, for pr.i ct ic.i 1 1 .ill mv
life I was a sufferer from Btomaoh
trouble i tried everything anybody
told nit) about and &t timet would be
s little better, bul soon my old trou
bles would corno back. My appctito
was so poor that J have none for two,
days at s time without touching n hte j
hardly ami eVery time 1 did eat any
thing I had to pay for it In suffering..
1 lost vvcigni ami miens in pH
I became so weak thn for tw rH
ami Hire,. . 1 . . .- i 1 w Us unabhj 1
tu Ret out of betl Mv stomach palneC IH
iv e il'iv and night ami often I becami IB
deathly sick. My head nched so batJ IH
sometimes 1 thought It would bur-sl
and I wns subject to frequent spell
of dizziness Some davs I felt prettj
well and then again I was so mtsera
ble I felt half-dead and ready to five
"But Tanlac came my way and
right awaj i began to sci m -.'Might B
mid In few weeks I had gained four.
U pounds and foi the fli st
since 1 can remember 1 was ftee rroirj M
all mv troubles. I have a big nppe"
tlte and am eating anything and v.
erythlng set before me without n sign
of trouble afterwards. Those head
aches and dlxxy spells have all dlsap--peared
and I simply fpel like I hive
been made over again. I nm working
ever) dej ind I feel strong ana
healthy like , rnan ought to feel "
Tnnlac Is sold In I 'cden by A. R.
Mclntyre. Two bu07 stores. Adv.