Policy of Withdrawals for
Naval Reserve Attacked
at Convention
WASHINGTON' Nv. 19, An at
tack on Secretary baniols because of'
his Insistence that thr oil reserve in I
'ahfornia bo withhold from public j
exploitation, was made tbdaj before
ihe American Petroleum Institute by
Thomas A. O'Donnell. ftfesldenl of t ae .
ot-ga niratlon.
' The oil producers of the Pacific
coast." said Mi. O'Donitell, "feel thaj
iljc nny department has not -i
fair with the prodin its of the
Wh believe thia to he duo to the ex-i
trerne prejudice of th'' head of the
nay department While an armistice
hns been signed with the German,!
nil' armistice has been offered to the
ell producers bj the navy depart-:
Mr, O'Donnell said Ihgl in th- face
i the oil shortage op I'.ie Pacific
nasi -the most serious anywhere m
ihe country- the producers there hail
lo contend with a "mos! dcplorabio
situation." the withdrawal of public
lands, with active drilling in progress.
:md many millions of dollar :i I read v
invested, which brought about years
"f expensive and exhaustive llllgatloiii
"A naval reserve was created on
LbqSO lands two years nfn. after tne
ii.'V elopnient bad started," continued
ir. O'Donnell. "and unjust public
opinion creuted by constant publicity,
promoted a general belief that tne
plutocratic oil producer of the west
ns trying to steal something from
in it pi cl to wear?
.Mr. O'Donnell asserted that Ktt
tlon by gocrnme:U officials and poli
tician wan as dangerous as govern
rnent regulations and Interference. It
destroys noddy, credit uhd confidence 1
as to the future, he declnrea.
Discussing the seizure by the nivy
t 'department of oil stocks on the Pa-1
clflc const, the speaker declared that
this action, together with plans of the J
government to Investigate the po:ri-r
leum Industry has had a destructive
influence on the dewdopment of oil
resources in the west. ,
oo I
I Would Have Stockmen
Fix Damaged Roads
Elimination of one phase of roadj
problem existing at present In various
sections of the west was Ftiggested by
District Forester It. H. Rut ledge, who, I
with District Engineer B. J. Finch, of
the Bureau of Public Roads, addressed
members of the F.ilt I-nke Rotary club.
ester dr. y
Mr. Rutledge presented the draft of
a bill which will be presented either
to the speaker of the house or to the
president for consideration durinp the J
next congress. The bill provides that
cattlemen, using roads fo tt)S purpose
of driving their stock to market shall I
immediately repair any damage In-!
curred In the herding of the cattle. The,
bill also provides that the stockmen
onflne their stoc k to cattle trails in
such places as the latter are con
The suggested penalty for violation
of this act would be a fine, a minlmnm j
having been set at with $300 as
the maximum.
B. J. Finch addressed club members
on matters pertaining to roads In Utah '
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 M. Tsma
dos, minister resident and counsellor,
and Kimon Colles, first secretary of!
the Greek legation here, announced to-,
day that they had submitted their res
ignations as a result of the Greek elec-
tions- in which the Venizelos govern1
mont was defeated.
Minister Tsmados and Secretary
Golles said ihey would leave early next I
i.iunth fur Rome by way of Prance
George Dracopoulo, second secretary
of (he legation, will act as charge d'af
faires pending appointment of a new I
For all Departments, Call Phone
Mo. 2450.
)n UfhtCr, Word has been
Deceived In gden of the birth or a
girl to Mr and Mrs Lawrence P
Crawford of Oakland. Calif., formerly
of Ogden. Mrs. Crawford was for
merly Miss Charlotte Harrison, and
had been a bookkeeper at LeSl v
Thomas' for several years. Mr. Craw
ford worked for the Southern Pa
cific company In Ogden. until he en
listed in the engineers' corps. Mr.
and Mis Crawford are making their
nomo in Oakland
Ogden Typewriter House for type
writers and repairs. 24H2 Hudson ave
nue. Phone 236.
Case Transferred i ti Smith, s
laborer, who appealed before the !
court this morning on a charge of
drunkenness, tarried but a short time
before Judge D. R. Roberta Smith D
beardless youth, contended that ho
was but IT years old. HlO case a -
transferred to the Juvenile eouri.
(.'lean large tuRs wanted at The
&t&ndard-Sxamlne oft'eo. 8'
Marrlsge M?se. Ar'marriage -cense
was Issued this uvorninK In the
(Mints clerk's office to ImvI.I J. Cot
tle of (Jreen River, yo . and S.u iii
.i Kingsbury of Provo.
Wanted To Buy: At unte, foity
llvt turkeys. Call phone 2 4 90. 7zP
So Hearings. No hearings are
scheduled today In Judge A W Aget s
division of Ihe district court. An ab
sence of cases has made the vacation
I ncccsary.
Or, Wright moved to 3;.". K-xle?
in Salt Ijake. nva t a c Manager
W Iter Flhngson of the Ulh-Idaho
Central, in company with Manager ".
A. Whitney, conferred with members
of the various Salt Laity railroads at
SAli Lake yesterday, Thoy returned
to Ogdch late lust night.
W' A N'T 10 D Salesman to sell stapln
gOOdS from automobile. City Job.
Address "B" care Standard-Examiner.
Rimiicr Here. Robt Mortin. W st
ern long distance champion, and
holder of several records for run
ning, was an Ogden visitor today.
Martin stated that he would compete
In the annual Pasadena event at Los
Angeles New Year's day He Is re
gardei as one of the best long dis
tance runners in the I'nited States.
Woman AtTCStixl. Mari-- MatSUba,
white wife of u Japnese was lodged
in the city Jail yesterday charged with
being drunk Her condition is serious,
the police say. necessitating constant
attention of the police matron.
Report T heft. R. E. Hale, employe
of the Amalgamated Sugar company
at Clifton, Idaho reported the theft
of a blanket roll, two army blankets,
two cotton blankets, khaki clothing,
and a shotgnn. Ho communicated
with the police In an effort to local'' i
his property, thlnklnfc that the thiev, f
had perhaps pawned It In this city j
amllnax i.m If OP ting Ml mbl
the Scandinavian organization of We
ber county will meet Friday evening
at v o'clock nt the Seventh w.irl.
Alma Peterson will be the speaker fori
the i renin g,
NEW ORLEANS. La , Nov. 18.
President-elect Harding win not atop
at a Mexican port on his voyage in
the canal zone as be bad been Urged
to do by Mexican officials.
No official announcement on ihe
subject was made b Mr Harding Ql
those who arrived hert today w ith him
lo take ship for Cristobal, but it ,s un
derstood that he found it iiupoeslblcj
to arrange for a call at any point op i
the Mexican coast wlthoui se-rioutdy
disrupting the schedule of the ship
ping companj
I On the Better Coats There bay
H () Reduction of From $150 to $200 jgj
j II Tomorrow Is the Last Day 4
m m
We will hold any piece on a deposit
HI Paine & Hurst
Rugs-Carpets-Linoleums And All
Floor Coverings At
' u Wiltons value! up to tfAA All Linoleums on gale
?H" i" ixl2 i il id to 4?1UU -,,, ,
flj7-r m.OO inlaids, a r ia
St $50 7vJLL. $ '
rapestrj $38 !f ' 7 i 'nl'"'1 $500
Ml v.,. ,i' i i - i in - an. i i ,ik OArtti '
ed oi third In prict (ViVgPur-'v - '' " dy aa
Kashgar Wilton Rugi In 9x12 size djinr j v '" t"--;r- V.'fe' n"w n)4.UU
' i . d now 41U0 I- 'WS v- V5"'
No Tis. Seamless hen Me Rug, 9x12 she, VL'"rv -' Print,''l linoleum, cood i:,tc to r
blue ground, (200 grade, Y A ' choose from,, now spL.OX)
'', J i0U ; JiX $3.50 best quality rf0 nr
Karnak w ton fines Kr.nl.. (P 1 C 1 . - iV'vv S
H 2)151 wm 1
B Bedan Wilton, extra una; Ain SsP- " "' 12.20 rongoleums, d i rr
liy. 9x1! .-v. 5I44 .--" now 31.UJ
No 5011 E Balbeca Wilton, else CMPfft
9x1! ;n . grade JplUU Congoleum rufrs at special low prices.
3 iiuhidiiifT wool ami cotton BLJpr i& Bsm ttn CONGOLEUM RUGS
,hs- HjHB B vH r si-K. i.m.
reduced 1 Jgftgessr g ML. MtmSS JB$mM WsJ lo"W PRICES
First Annual Event of Three
Stakes Attended by
With community singing, which
as Joined by more than 200 Voices,
the first annual Ixizanr of the trl
stake Kellef eocietlea opened thl.s
morning St 10: 3n o'clock at 2fl2
'aMliinrton avenue. At this hour
there were hundreds of persons at
tending the sale, the proceed of which
will bs US$4 fur charitable purposes;
hy the throe Makes of the L,. D. S. I
W ith the close of the souks, the '
oasaar was plunged into the business
of s.-llinjr. Hooths had lcen arranged
about the large building and offend
a great variety of articles, ranging'
from quilts to groceries.
The spacious rooms of the 1: urton
Implement company were donated for
the bazaar and made possible the '
largest ;ip ever attempted In ' 'g
den for relief work It was indicated I
earl, that the haz.-i.ir is to be a huge'
success, for before noon hundreds of
dollar had flowed Into the cash reg- '
Mrs K. I. Rich Is in charge of the
bazaar, which will continue tomorrow 1
and Saturday, with the doors open I
from early morning until 11 o'clock,
each night.
practically every article on sale.
Including food used in a dining room I
which has been get aside, has been
donated and the work of the selling
la carried on by members of the Ke
llef societies of the three stakes A
few commodities must be paid for,
It was announced, lut the major por
tion was contributed and 1U0 per
cent prorufwill be derived from th(
J inner may be pro
cured between 5:30 and 9 p m. with
todays menu offering chicken, and an
0 rter dinner tomorrow
special feature, such as fish ponds
and fortune tellers are Included In the
bazaar and are claiming a great sbar.
of attention The many booths con
tain home-mado articles Such aa i
aprons, house dresses, rugs and carp
ets ),r. nl. pies and pastrv. groceries I
fancv work, flowers and man add I
tlonal things.
Ice cream and cake are offered as
Well a9 soda water at the soda foun-
Special musical programs are be-!
I Ing offered each day of the bagaar
ftna the community singing la lead by
Mark Uoblnson At the opening this
morning the officers of th- three
j stakes. Ogden, Weber and West Wa.
; ber. were present and joined In the !
-Iiik'ing anil the opening - . r
Those In i hargi of the basaai an
nounced this afternoon thai every In
dteatlon Points to the no. st success-1
1 , a r ,h" klnd evr sad
lt Is probable that as a result the ba
i zoar will become an annual event to
, proi ure funds with which to carry
j on the chanty work Organlzhtion
i Of the nian.v members of th- r. i,.f
-leiie,. ihcir work in preparation
or he affaire vand their generoui do-
' u Ti, V" fVrn""' ,h" teynotel
v. h,. h h.,s brought the great success. '
i the officers said
'mining congress names
new list of directors
DENVKH, Colo.. Nov. 18. Direc
tors were chosen aj today.'a session of
the American Mining congress, oftl-l
ctrs for the nexl year will be elected1
by the directors lato this afternoon !
J. S Douglas, Bisbee, Ariz.. Kobiri
lam on New Vork; W J Lorlng, Sun
Fr.inclsi.u. Carl Scholz, Charleston. V
V.i.. and Hugh Shirkc, Terre Haute,
Ind., were elected directors. The meet-
in g place for Ihe next convention has1
not i et been decided
TERRE HAUTE. Ind. While he's
i bcen salllnfg the wide blue seas. James
Daniel Hawkins, in the navy since,
September. 1913, h.us lost his sister,
Jessie Hawkins He wants folks to
i help him find her He aefced the ops
m?re to search.
w ,
Neptune married and he's a
poor fish. Sea for yourself
WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. A de
crease of three per cent In retail food
prices In October throughout the
I'nited States wan noted In statltles
on the cost of 22 articles of food. !
made public today by the department
of labor.
Greatest decreases were- In prices
of sugar. 2 4 per cent, and potatooJ
15 per cent. The price of eggs In
ci . aaed 1 4 per cent
The aVerage family expenditure for
the 22 articles of food decreased In
all of the 11 cities, from whic h month
l prices w.r, tabulated, except Hous
ton, Tex., where there was an Increase
of approxlmatel five-tenths of one
per cent.
The greatest decrease, six prr cent,
was in Omaha and St Paul, in Min
neapolis. Portland. Ore., and Seattle,
the decrease was five p i , , nt, In Chi
cago. Denver. Portland. Maine, and
San Francisco, four per cent; Atlanta.
Kansas City, Los Angeles and Wash
ington, 6 percent; Itutte, Dallas, Salt
Ii ke City and New York, one per
Wyoming Gridders
Reach Here Tomorrow
Tbc. l "ni. r Hy uf W j oming gridiron
aggregation Will arrive In ( igdon on
Union Pacific train No. 1 tomorrow af
ternoon en routs to Salt 1-ike "itv
where they win dash with the Uni
versity of Utah gridders Saturday af
ternoon. Twenty-tWO men including Coach
John Curbett mid the manager are list
ed in the part- At the Cnlon depot,
tomorrow afternoon officials for the
ogden A. A. University Of Wyoming,
contest Thanksgiving day will be se
lected by officials of the two organiza
tions President A. L, Glnsmann of the Og
den A. A. will represent the locals at1
the confab while Coach t'url.i-tt will I
be the representative from the Wyom
ing school.
Prior to departing for .Salt Lake the
COWboys will hold a light workout on
the depot grounds.
The ' Igden A A. is bringing the Wy-'
omlng aggregation here at a tremend
ous expense and In order that the, lo
cal .aggregation may be successful fi
nancially, tickets are being sold for,
'hi contest h memher of the club I
Lieut, Everly Dined !
by Local Educators
Members of the boad of education
of the Ogden City schools and mem-
I bers of the high school faculty enter
tained with a banquet at the (igden,
high school la.nl niicht In honor of Liie.U-1
tonanl Ronald Byerly, who will depart!
next week for San Francisco, where
I he Will be assigned tn dut
Principal A M. Merrill was the
toast master.
Speeches were made b Supt W
Karl Hopkins, Dx K ( Rich, Major
i-'rank Dostoi a. a. Bachman and
Mrs Rollie S P'arnswortUi
Musical numbers were furnished by
students of the high s hool Miss An-j
net I' Cunningham enterta Im il ill;
fancy dancing. Recitations were made
bj Mlsi Mamie Wright and Miss Kate
!" nton.
Lieutenant Everly In his address'
thanked the members of the faculty
the board of education and cltleens,
of Ogden for then ktndneaa and co
operation with him during his stay in
this city Hp was recently succeeded
here bj Major Frank Dqste'r after he
had b-un in command of the local cu
dels for more than a year
Four Couples Get
Marriage Licenses
Marriage licenses were issued this
afternoon In the county clerk's office
to J. J. Woodardi .Salt lakc and Clara
Elsie Bell. Morgan; William B Dor
othy, Ogden and Helen Muhn. Grand
Island. Neb Elvln C Btonehocker,
and Fannie Frymire, Aberdeen, Ida .
Charles R. Heed and Margaret L,
aMaeaeaMMMiiii iiuiasjHg.1
Bj 111 S8 81 WON CON,
S i Stafl I orrcspondent,
CLEVELAND. Some women re
cieve more consideration and others,
perhaps, not Quite enough In the courts
of law. thinks Florence I". Allen, first
woman to be elected common pleas
Judge east of the Mississippi river
Miss Allen, .'IK years old. a woman
of thorough university training Is at
present assistant prosecuting attorney.
Although she has. what Is rare in
women, who enter the so-culled "man
ly professions." a sense of humor and
has tune to laugh. Miss Allen has no
time for Idle talk of "woman's place."
'I wanted to be Judge," she said,
"because 1 thought I had the brains
and the training to make good Judge
furthermore, there should be women
Officials, particular! Judges. A woman
will talk to a woman, tell her trouble
to a woman.
"I don't iy that women do not re
ceive Justice In courts today I don't
think men Judges aro too hard on
them. But at the same time, I think
In some cases a woman will render
more perfect Justice.
"There are women who cannot tell
their stories well before a man and
who can talk to ;t woman Judge. On
the other hand, there are women who
make their spx their defense I mean)
the pretty women who demand more,
than Justice and plead their beauty to.
escape punishment "
,in .
LAREDO, Tex-. Nov. 18 Strik
ing Mexican coal miners who seiz
ed the mines In the Montclova i
district of Coahulla yesterday,
have notified all Americans to I
leave the district, according to re
porter caching the United States
consul's office at Nuevo, Laredo i
today No Americans have been
victims of violence, the report i
said, but there Is an exodus toward
Eagle Pass.
A number of American refu
gees were reported to have ar
rived at the border at Eagle 1'ass
today. Those unable to leave the
Montclova district were said to
have gone to Sablnas where a
large force of Mexican federal
troops is garrisoned',
The striking miners have noti
fied the operators that the work
ers will operate the mines here
after, according to the reports.
Mine managers were reported In
conference with Luis Oulterrex,
governor Of Coahulla, at Sablnas
t.liosl i BARS
SAN DIEGO The ghost of a dead
skunk haunted Pete Marti nson's house
here. He laid the ghost with a ham
mer. A skunl bad bothered Martrn
son's chickens. Martenson shot the
beast and gave it decent burial. Then
came nights when he could hear the
ghostly palter of skunk feet and weird
u.iiN He investigated many times Snd
finally found that the shotgun bullets
which killed the skunk had also loos
ened a clap-hoard so that tho wind,
made II ndlS) A hnmmer ended the
skunk ghost
)MA school or
JOHNSON CITY. Tenn This citv
boasts Of the only school of Its kind
in the world. Here men may learn
anything from grammar to fightingl
the boll-weevil, ait or Journalism The
school Is a guonimcnt sanatorium for
the ..in nf tuberculosis and 10U0 ex
aerViCe men are here. The.- are taught
' whatever they wish to learn while pa
tlenta The National Tuberculosis As
oclatlon is cooperating vith the government-
. , I
OMAHA. Neb., Nov. IS. Mall
bandits are reported to have
boarded Chicago Pock Island
train Nc. 7 at some place between
Des Moines and Omaha early to- ,
dav and rifled two Insured parcel
post mail Mu ks In a "storage"
car. No estimate of the amount ,
of the loot has been obtained ,
Government officials at Conn- j
cil Bluffs and umaha, engaged In
Investigating the three million and
a half robbery' of Rurllngton train
No. 80 last Saturday night, re
fuse to affirm or den the alleged
LONDON, Nov 18 Sir Hamar
Greenwood, chief secretary for
Ireland, stated iri the housi of
commons today that during a re-
em raid In Ireland troops cap
tured a document, sent by the
commander-in-chief of the Irish
republican army; to his chief of
staff containing a series of re
markable and horrifying state
ments regarding tho spreading of
tvphold among the troops and j
gla-nders among the eavalrv
Th. Lassln frees of India bcai llow-
era that taste like fl-s
I aMrican-maid bread
Otv5ver cqJble j
Megj l
Inose clogged from
a cold or catarrn
Apply Cream in Nostrils to
Open Up Air Passages.
Ah' What relief! Your clogged nns.
Itrlls open right up. the air passages
of your head are clear and you ran
, breathe freely No more hawking, H
snuffling, mucous discharge, headache
dryness no struggling for breath at
night, your cold or catarrh Is gone MbM
Hun t stay stuffed up. Get a small
i bottle of Ely'8 Cream Halm from your
'druggist now. Apply a little of thia
fragrarij antiseptic cream In your
nostrils, let it penetrate through every
ialr passage of the head; soothe and
heal the swollen, Inflamed mucous
in. mbrane, giving you instant relief.
Ely's Cream Balm is Just what every
fold and catarrh sufferer ha" been
reeking. It's Just splendid
, m
4000 Barrels of
Mentho-Laxene Cough Syrup H
Made in One Yesr
Think of it i Four thound brrU of cough
ynip. Thr barrtla plrd nd to nd would
i-ovr three miles of highway. Very IHtla
money ipnt for advertising, nhowinr
plalnly that the people get ivatii factor resulU,
n lhj, wonderful cough medicine hoa only
been on the market about 10 years.
four thousand barrels in one year, mean
that )00 Cuo families need it: counting 4 per-
M to a family, mean 400,000 poraons got
relief from cough, colds, bronehltli, hoarse
ness and sore thront, by using Mentho-Laxene, i,--11
every bottle is guaranteed by The Black
burn Products Co., Dayton. Ohio. and Ie
than 60 people in ten yean have ever aaked
f..r the money back. No stronger testimonial
for a medicine could possibly be written.
?C c.i. bottle of Mentho-I -aiene Ceoncen-
-1 1 '-d I makes a full pint of cough and cold r i:
medklne. Adv. '!..
appetite, digestive troubles,
After Eating
-Just Takes An Eatonlc
'The llrst dote of Eatonic did won
der for me. I take it at meals and am
no longer bothered with indigestion, ''
writes Mrs. Ellen Harris.
Thousands of people, like this dear
lady, gratefully testify about Eatonic,
which does its wonders bv taking up
and carrying out the exceed acidity
and gases which bring on indigestion,
heartburn, bloating, belching and
food repeating. Acid stomach also
causes about seventy other non-organic
ailments. Protect yourself. A big
box of Eatonic coat6 6ut a trifle with
your druggist's guarantee.
Seasonable Beauty Aid
We find you can bring out the rll ' ' J
beauty of your hair to its very best B f 1
advantage by washing it with can- aA'MH
throx. It makes a very simple, Inex- Bta
pensive shampoo which cleanses tho
hair and scalp thoroughly of all the KSalO
dandruff, dlri. and execs oil, leaving HhKS
a wonderfully clean, wholesome feel
ing. After its use you will find that K
the hair dries juickl and evenly, Is HsVfl
never streaked In appearance and is al-
ways blight soft :md fluffy, so flufty. PP'lJM
in fact, that it looks more abundant
lhan it is, and so soft that arrange- BWrM
ing j becomes a pleasure. Just use a
a isbhonful of canthrox, which you
an get from -.n good druggist's, dis-
lOlVo It in a cup of hot water; this TtaPlB
makes a full cup of shampoo liquid
Briough so it la easy to apply it to ali
he hair Instead of Just the top of tho
lead. Adv. ZBftaiH
YOUP FVF jTr,tatfd- flamed or
IUUK LILJ Granulated, use Murine
often. Soothes. Refreshes. Safefnr
Infant or Adult At all Druggists Wrif.f
Free Eye Book. Murine Ey. R.IlQo 1
yicKs m