OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 18, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-11-18/ed-1/seq-7/

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Cgden and Salt Lake Men
Discuss Proposition at
Meeting Yesterday
Ten prominent Utahns mot ai the
TVeber club yesterday afternoon to dis
cuss the possibilities of the forming
of Klwanle club In Ogden
Bix Bait loikcrn and four ugdenltes
xteer present at the session. The Sal'
I.ke partv consisted of Chief Justice
J, K Trick Dan B Shields, attorney
general; W H. White, assistant attor
ney general Carl W. Scott, W R. Mc
Donald nnd H Van Dam. City Com
missioner J Ray Ward Dr. W. S
Paine, R S. Gery and W. H Reeder.
Jr,, represented Ogden
The local situation wag discussed at
ih- meeting and it was unanimously
agreed that Ogden should have a Ki
wanis club The men at the- session
held yesterday will meet at the Weber
club December 3. at which time plana
for the organization will be outlined
II. V'tn Dam. state orpanizer for the
Klwanla club, will assist the local men
in forming a club here
Commissioner .1 Ray Ward. Judge
W. H. Recdcr. Jr., Dr W. B, Paine
and R. E Gery were named as a com
mittee at the meeting to survey the
I i situation in Ogden and to make a re
port at the next session to be held
December 3
The Klwauls club is a national or
ganization and local organizations take
special Interest in civic ffalrs.
Legion Opposes Sale
H of S. L. Frames Here
An effort to promote home Industry
within Ogden Is being made by the
Herman Baker post No. 0 of the
American Legion in connection with
the distribution of certificates of ser
vice to former service men within We
i ber county. Knch man, as ho re-
1 celves his certificate from J. C. Lit-
IL tlefleld, post adjutant, is urged to
have his ertificate framed by Ogden
dealers, and not to send outside the
There are 1800 certificates to be
distributed within the county and if
all these men Will have the certifi
cates framed here, it Will be to the
benefit of local dealers, it was said.
A Salt Lake firm has sent letters
to the service men here offering them
a frame at J4 60, which, It is saJd. is
a. price far above the amount which
should be asked. The frames are be
ing 6ent to the men upon approval,
despite the fact that they ha e been
condemned by the Salt Lake post and
Other branches of the legion.
Mr Llttlefield this mornlnur received
a telegram from Murra McC'arty,
commander of the Utah department
of the legion, in regard to the frames,
which follows
"Salt Lake post and department
officials condemn certificate frames
being offered for sale on approval.
Instruct former soldiers In your dis
trict of this action and advise that
frames already ordered mav be re
turned within five days and refund
claimed "
i - Election Case Goes
Oyer in City Court
Charles C. Earley, colored, charged
with attempting to Influence a voter
by offering assistance in the marking
of a ballot, appeared before Judge
D H. Roberts In the city court this
Early did not go to trial, however.
County Attorney Joseph B. Bates hav.
ipk hLated that one of the Judges of
election In the dl6trlct in which Early
was arrested, could not be In attend
ance on account of sickness in the
family He expressed willingness,
however, to proceed without th.- other
.nidge of electron.
Attorney John Davis asked for a
continuance of the ease until all
judges of election could be present
Neptune married and he's a
poor fish. Sea for yourself
3 I
J-Get tub to-
' ISSfcsi four
Vv Easy to apply
XSjvQuick to act
20 treatment tin FREEWrin
Minneapolis, Minn. j
2644 Washington Avt.
Wallpaper, Paper-hanging, Paints,
Pn'ntlng, Varnlhe, Woodf Intihlna.
etc. Everything at lower cott. Now
It the beit time for outside painting.
Save the surface, and you save all'
Get our free estimates. Good work
manship and quality of materials are
y the basis of our methods and have
been the builders of our reputation,
tatis taction guaranteed
sue wmo would Amp vino
r ' I vjumY be ejuectcd-
Aw, Trie EtecTOM Mv pope vims all WRomc
Atf SV FOCCfeT MM VOTE - And quit ffi
Mexican Newspaper Discloses
Agreement Said to Have
Been Signed
MEXICO CITY. Nov. IK The text
of a treaty alleged to have been
slKTied in Washington in Mnv 1917, by
the United States, Great Britain and
France, outlining their course of ac
tion In Mexico and South America was
published this morning by Ta Van
guardla. a newspaper recently estab
lished to support former Minister of
the Treasury Luis Cabrera.
The important clauses of the treaty,
according to the newspaper, provided
for recognition of the Monroe doctrine
by Great Britain arid France and pri- i
orit for United Stales rights In Mexi
co, England agreed not to permit
Japan to acquire territory in Central
pr South America or on the Pacific
Extensive provisions were made for
the development of the Tampico oil
fields for the benefit of the thre' na
tions. La Vanguordla asserts even to
the extent of furnishing troops in
ase such action 6hou!d be necessary
lo provide a continuous flow of oil.
the United States agreeing to the prl- .
ority of English rights to such fuel
"In case Japan object?, the United
States ami British flee's arc lo unlto
against the Orientals." say the news
paper's version of the alleged treaty.
The United States may acquire con
trol of the Mexican railroad and. If i
necessary, extend Its territorial expan
sion to the Panama canal "
Elaborate provision are made In
the treaty. I -a Vanguard la asserts, for
controlling Mexican import, .mil i n '
the event that either the United States
or Great Britain goes to war with j
Japan neither of them shall aid Japan
financially The treaty, the newspaper
says, was signed by Captain Andre
Tardieil for Franco and Arthur I
Balfour, then British secretary for
foreign affairs, for Great Britain, but j
the signatory on behalf of the United
States Is not named
La Vanguardla says that the text of
the treaty, as published by it. Is an
authenticated copy secured In the
T niie-) States from an unnamed
WASHINGTON, Nov 18 Under
Secretary Davis, of the state depart
ment, denied today that the United
States. Great Britain and France had
entered into any treaty outlining their
course of action In Mexico and South I
America os alleged by the La Van-
guordla. a Mexico City newspaper
State department officials said a
similar report regarding an alleged 1
treaty between the three countries had '
been circulated In Mexico City on ;
last October 8 and that the Mexican
minister of foreign affairs on th.it
occasion had specifically denied the
Freed From Custody j
After He Explains
Anton Thornton, charged with tasu-,
lng a bad check, was released from
custody this morning, following dls- I
missal of t hie complaint by Judge D. R.
RobortB. Thornton was implicated In
a check mix up In which, until ho had
explained the situation, guilt was re
flected upon him. County Attorno
Josepfc B Bates made a motion fori
dismissal of the case, following Thorn-'
ton's explanation.
A new source of gum from the can
dlewood of Arizona is said to have all
properties of rubber and to vulcanize
Given by
ij Friday, November 19
J I In the Large New Amusement Hall With Its
Splendid New Floor
7:30 P. M. First Class Music
L; I A Good Time Assured
Members of the Children's Aid So
Iclety will meet at 3 o clock Friday
afternoon at the dlspensar
Camp Fire guardians and Girl Scout
captains will hold another meeting Fri
day evening promptly at 7 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. David Eccles on
Jefferson avenue nnd Twent -sixth
(Street It Is urgent that as many of
the captains be present as pos-
jslble. More new captains are needed
and an young woman In Ogden who
1 will take a troop Is also asked to be
A If. I. CI.-I'll
Members of the A. M. L dub will
Imcct at the home of Mrs. A W ardely,
1 1461 Washington avenue, Friday afternoon.
j Miss Alice Gordcr becume the bride
of Raymond E Rogers lust evening,
when the wedding ceremon was per
formed at the home of her parents Mr
and Mrs Oscar Gorder by Rev J. E.
Carver- Mr. and Mrs Gorder are
spending their honeywmoon in Los An
golea and Han Diego. They will make
their home In Ugden on their return I
The Drama club of Ogden will meet
at the K. of P hall Saturday afternoon I
at - :?.0 o'clock The following pro-
l-r.i rn will be given
Granville Barker . Mrs Gilbert Porter
Vole by Ballot ( Barker)
Mrs. Royal Eccles
"The Full Moon ' (Iad Urcgor
Miss Gladys Rich
Vocal solo (Coleridge Taylor)
Mrs. Arthur Woolley
Piano solo (Elgari Mrs. A. D Barber
The Mutual Improvement associa
tion of the Fourteenth ward announces
a festival and dance In the recently
completed ward hall at Thlry -seventh
btri'ei ond Adams avenuo tomorrow'
evening The new hall ban an excel-
lent floor and Is one of the largest i
In the City The program will be
gin at ? 30 o'clock and following the
program dancing will be In order. The
program will Include an autumn song
hv Iiee Hive girls, a reading by Myrtle
barney, chorus by the senior girls, talk
by Lorenzo Williamson and a chorus.
The Missionary society of the Elev
enth ward announces a dance win be
held In the Eleventh ward hall to-1
morrow evening The party will be In I
the nature of a carnival and prizes
will be offered
Interest in Ogden j
I Stock Show Spreads'
Interesi In the Ogden Livestock
show of 1921 which will be held at
the Union Stork vardi Janun .
and 8 Is spreading throughout the.
west, R. VV Taylor, assistant secretary
said today
It Is expected that cattle from Cnli-j
fornia, Tdaho Nevada. Colorado, Mon-'
lana. Wyoming, Arizona nnd other
stHtes of the west will l,,- t-nierl In;
the show
In the opinion of the ma lorlty of
the men In charge 0f the show, o rec
ord breaking attendance will be re
Premium lists are being prepared for
the show and will be niHlli-d during
the coming month.
NEW YORK. Nov 1 8. William j
Mllligan Sloanc, historian and former
chancellor of the American Academy
i of Arts and Ix-tters, was elected to
succeed the lato Dean Wlllluni How
ells as president of the ucademy here
I yesterday.
Lorado Taft. sculptor Booth Tark
, lngton, author. Chllde Hassam, palm
er, and David Jayne Hill, publicist.
I were selected to membership In the
iacademy, which is limited to fifty.
the Associated Press) Armenia has '
rejected the ultimatum recently pre
sented by the Turkish Nationalists d
mandlng that the Armenians establish
a soviet government under Turkish
pro! b t ion.
The Armenians declare that accept
ance of the conditions would be equiv
alent to the loss of Armenia's sovereign
In the Uyeno Park museum In To
klo, Japan, there ar. three fowls with
tall fent hers 13 to 16 feoi lons
Heavy Coal Shipments
Arriving Here Daily
Heavy coul shipments are being re
ceived dally In Ogden rrom Wyom
ing, according to Wlllard G Wilson,
traveling agent for the Southern Pa
cific Hundreds and hundreds of tons
of Wyoming coal are arriving dally,
the majority being en route to points
"n the Pacific coast.
While the coal Is being handled
with dispatch by the railroads, the
shortage of cars is noted in all of the
coal camps, but the railroads are en
deavoring to remedv this phase, ac
cording to Mr. Wilson.
The coal from the fields of south
ern Utah Is also moving rapidly, Mr.
W llon said Hundreds of cars are
departing from the mines daily en
route to Salt Luke, Ogden, Logan and
other points in Utah and the west.
"The majority of the coal deslcrs
in Ogden have a good supply of coal
on hand at this time and with hun
dreds of tons arriving dally from the
various mines, a shortage is guarded
against," said Mr Wilson
"Unless the nnforseen happens, ths
dealers of Ugden will be able to sup
ply the demand this winter. They
have secured large supplies of coal
and are prepared for emergencies "
New Train Schedule
Now in Working Order
Wen bound Union Pacific trains
-Nos. 19 and 21 arrived In Ogden on
schi doled time today for the first
time since the new time card has been
In effect, according to Depot Master
S. H Tracy.
East bound trains also arrived as
pel schedule today. The west bound!
trains were loaded with passengers
more than 1000 passengers being on
th two trains when they departed
from Ogden for the coast.
The. undersigned tako this method
In expressing fhtir nppreclatlon for
the niany beautiful floral offerings,
and for their expressions of sym
pathy and kindness shown during
the sickness and death of our hus
band and father. Otto Paul Farley
With every tire you buy at list
price. No war tax we pay it.
All tires new, fregh stock. We
do not carry seconds.
Thus you gtt two tires for
230x3 $22.60
2 80x3 $26.75
232x312 $29.30
232x4 $37.00
2-33x4 $38.00
234x4 $39.00
Now is the time to buy tires,
Put in a stock, because they will
be higher in the spring,
262 Twenty-fourth Street
Phone 1378 Ogden, Utah
Toy Balloons Given With Each Purchase J
I Our stock of toy balloons is almost exhausted. There will, however, be 2 !
1 enough of them to give with each purchase made in the Children's Section
tomorrow. Many mothers will take this opportunity to select little Christmas
I Children's Day ! I
Twenty -One Items Of Children's Wear Are Offered J I
At Lowered Prices Tomorrow m
Girls' Hats Crib Blankets Jersey Leggins j I
j Children's winter hnta In beaver. Infanta' crib blanket, made of children's Jersey leggings mado
felt, velvet aud silk crepe do pink and blue beacon cloth, ted of hea v quality JerBe Tn black
chine, sailor bonnet shapes, dy bear patterns Jl brown, gray and white fit to
I plain and fancy models ONE- values. Special . Jt the waistline M tr it
I r-F, "'T n Boy Wash Suits ' $L45 I
ixiris oerge uresses Boys' wash buhs made of strict Infants' Creepers fl
Girls' serge dresses made of lv washable gingham, long , , , , , t
" wool serge, plain and pleated sleeves, light and dark colors Innta creepers and rompers. f
I skirts, high and long waist mod- Sizes 2 to 6 years. Values t i aJe of, ""Cker gingham, j I
I els. $10 50 values to $1 75 Special Jfrl g d"k color.. Usual
I Girls' Rain Canes Outing Petticoats $1 j
I ixirih ivdin v,apes children's outing flannel Ger Girls' Wool Tarrw
r Children's rain cap- made of i rude petticoats, made of heavy "Wl 101113
strictly waterproof material in outing, all sizes, usual $1.50 Ai Girls' all wool tarns in all the
red and blue, with cap. Usual values. Special ...... JJ) 1 llf W nin shades, trimmed with
9 $6 00 values. tf j nr a pompom. Usual values i p
Special J4.3J CHb Quilts to 13.60 Special . . ipl.J
Girls' Silk Dresses Infa,nts' "p,?" njade of 00fl Girls' nnora Scarfs I
. . . , . ... . . quality sllkallne and sateen, pad- v11 10 ""gWIO OCUlirs a
Girls taffeta lift dresses made woo, and Glr. an80rH ycarf3 ,rlmmed
of best quality silk trimmed with dainl. shadeH J7 5n with fringe, light and dark col-
I hand embroidered designs and JJjg $4.95 ors 1'subI ffi values fcQOC I
rufnes. very newest models " Special . . . tDJ."!)
ZaZ'M... $15.95 Girls' Saque Aprons Jf , G
Girls' sacquo aprons made of 1U1WIIH VrUWIlis
Fine Serge DreSSeS scout percale, dark colors, trim Infants' outing flannel nlgbt
Girls' serge dresses made of all "b braid. These are splen owns with the draw string In M
wool French serge, very new did to slip over school dresses peeves and bottom made of
styles long and short sleeves. $1-50 values. heavy ou tog. $1.,5 val- n j r
Values to $22.50 i o AP sPeclal t I ues. Special l.D
BB6 V, o i , School Middies Girls' Coats
GiriS I ettlCOatS Oirls' school middles, jnado of Children's coas made or elour.
Children's all wool gertrude pet heavy Jeans, plain white aud col- cheviots and polo cloth, all wool
tlcoats. made of the natural col ored collar and cuff trimmed materials, very newest models.
or yarn, neatly trim i nr Usual values to $4. jr slzc3 6 lo 1 4 y.--ars fl 1 O QC
f med. $2 60 values $1.1 J Special $)lAo values to $19.50 . . iplL.UO
(Hats and Bonnets Outing Gowns Infants' Petticoats i
Children's hats and bonnets in Children's outing flannel night Infants' outing flannel Gertrude
I silk, velvets and corduroy, all gowns, made of heaw outing, petticoats and pinning blanket..
splendid styles, aome are slightly white and colored. Sites 4 to long and short, trimmed with
c soiled Values to $2 60 PA 14 years. $2 values d i i p featherstitch $1.25 nr I
Special 0UC Special ....... J1.4J values. Special jC
Judge A. E. Pratt to Enter
Private Practice With Son,
Eugene Pratt
Judge Arthur E. Pratt of the dis
trict court will nter private law prac
tice In URd.-n with his son. Eugone
Pratt with his going out of office on
January I, 1921, according lo an An
nouncement made this morning Ku
fene Pratt has already opened of flies
at rooms 404-5-6 First National bank
building and theso offices will bo usd
bv the firm after the flr.it of tho year.
The firm will be known as Prutt und
Pratt. It was said
In announcing his plans for the fu
ture. Judge Pratt stated that he desir
ed to express his appreciation of the
plendld vote received by voters In this
district and Weber county. Ho declar
ed ho appreciate the real desire of
the people of Weber countv. regardless
of political affiliation, to rotain the
present Judges in office, despite the
fact that they were defeutcd with
others of the ticket
Judge Pratt expressed th hope that
the next legislature will enact a law
under which Judicial officers muy be
nominated and sleeted by non-partisun
vote Frequent changes in the Judici
ary, he said, was detrimental to the
best Interests of the people.
"I congratulate the people, how
ever," Judge Pratt said In closing. "In
having elected two of the most emin
ently qualified members of the bar as
successors to the present Judges."
MEXICO CITY. Nov 18. Suffi
cient troops to IMUre protection for
Coahulla coal miners who desire to
call off their prolonged strike and
return to work have been dispatched
to that state upon orders from pro
visional President do la Huerta. This
action followed a conference yesterday
between the provisional president and
represent! lv of extensive iron plants
In the state of Durango
Kxcent for this 'statement. the
Woman Replies to
Husband's Charges
nwr to complaint for divorce
recently filed In the district court by
Anton Nelson, was filed this morning
by his wife. Martha li Nelson, who
charges her husband With orueltj and
inhuman treatment.
Mrs. Nelson denies associations with
oiher men uc charged In her husband's
complaint and sets forth that Mr. .Nel
son ejected her and their small son.
from the homo on August 7 of thH
'-.h Shi- omplalns that he ejected
them mid-night and they were com
pelled tn seek shelter with friends.
Th'- defendant also denies many of
the allegations made in her husband's
complaint, and asks dismissal of the
case 'n court
TOLEDO, O . Nov 17 Johnny Till
man of St Paul, was given a shade In
the newspaper decision over Jack Por
ry of Pittsburg In their 12-round bout
here tonight The boul was fanf. Tho
men are welterweights
dally bulletin Issued from the presi
dential office made no reference to
the rumored disturbances In the state
of Coahulla. '
Case Against Negress I
Once More Continued
t.'llio Sims negress. charged with
grand larceny for the alleged theft ot
a purse from Fred Thorson on Octo
ber 29, appeared for hearing before
I Judge A B, I'r:ilt in the district courl
ithis morning, but tho case was posti
I poned until Monda upon motion 01
j District Attorney Stuart P. Dobbs It
:is explained that efforts were belny j
made to i;et into communication with J
i Mr Thorson, who Is now away from
j The woman is alleged to have taken
the purse while in a roominghouse anrl
lis said to have admitted the theft, but
Insists that she look it from a dresser
I In the room The man claims she took
the purse from his clothing It was
explained thai If the purse was taker
from tho man's person the woman will,
have, to stand trial for grand larceny.
In the event that It is shown that she
took It from the dress-?r, it Is probabl
the charge will be reduced to petit,
larceny She has stated she would
J plead guilty to ,i petit larceny charge
The purse is said to have contained.
127.11 Since the date of the theft, the
woman hus been held in Jail, unable to
furnish bonds of $200.
The use of telephones Is beint:
planned to call stations In the New
'York subways
A Message to Mothers m
rOJ know the real human doctors right around in your neighborhood:
j the doctors made of flesh and blood just like you : the doctors with
souls and hearts : those men who aro responding to your call in the
dead of night as readily as in the broad daylight; they are ready j
to tell you the good that Fletcher's Castoria has done, Is doing and
-will do, from their experience and their love for children.
Fletcher's Castoria is nothing new. We ere not asking you to
try an experiment. We just want to impress upon you the importance 1
of buying Fletcher's. S
Your physician will tell you this, as he knows there are a num-
ber of imitations on the market, and he is particularly interested in
the welfare of your baby.
Genuine Castoria always bears I he. signature of

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