OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 19, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-11-19/ed-1/seq-10/

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Irish Town Commissioner Tells
of Cruelties at Inquiry
Associated I'kssi. Charging thai the
black and ten" militia in Ireland made
raids without provocation John Der
ham, town commissioner of Halhrls:
;nn. Ireland, gave today to the com
mission of the COmlmtlOC of one hun
dred Investigating the Irish question
what he described ay details of the
September raid on his home tow n,
which, he said, resulted In the death
of half a dozen person.
"The 'black and tan' spent a night
of yeiiiniT, burning and shooting" said
Mr. lerham.
The italhripcnn commissioner de
clared that Janvs Lawless and John
filbbons were Stabbed by the militia.
He said that a snr- ! houses were
burned and that the contents of those
left standing were wrecked. About
100 refugees were herded into a hotel
Mr Iorham said.
Mr. Perham said he was dragged
from his bed and severely beaten
by troopers and Ihjhn his own shop
was first ransacked and his stocks of
liquor destroyed before his house was
The final act of destruction, he said)
I was the burning of the f 500,000 hos
iery factory which, he charged was
done to cause unemployment and
This raid followed the killing: of
I one policeman and the wounding of
I another. Mr. Derham told thp com-
I mission. The military inquiry, how-
I ,vri had failed to establish the iden-
I tlty of the persons who had killed the
I officer, who was shot. Mr. Derham
I stated, while in the ael of taking liquor
I from a bar room wher. the bar maid
I had refused to sell him more because
I of his Intoxicated condition
AT.HAXV. N V . Nov. 19. Dr. j
.Tohn Huston Kinley tendered In- res
ignation as state commissioner of
education and president of the L"nl-I
vershy of the state of New York to
the board of repont Thursday He
Will enter "an important advlrorv an'l
editorial position," with the New York
The resignation Is effective Janu
ary 1 next, at which t!rn Dr 1
t will have completed sc-vAi yean' ser-.
! ice as commissioner of education. I
"My conseier.ee would trouble me
In leaving this field if I did not feel
thnt having served nearly 30 yenrs In,
it. In one or another capacity. I may!
return to til profession for which I
specially prepared myself," he said
Tti a statement.
Dr. Klnley explained that during his1
student days at Knox college, he in-!
tended to enter the newspaper field, j
While a student he "stuck type" on a '
village newspaper, worked as reporter'
and had some experience as an editor. 1
After his graduation he engaged In '
newspaper work for some time 'nut
left It te accept the presidency of:
Ivnov college.
He Is 57 years old and a native of,
Illinois. He was graduated from
ICnox eolletre in 1S87. He has received
honorary decrees from many Ameri-
a goodla to trade I
I Millinery Sale 1
Tomorrow I
J" 1 here's an unusual demand now
I jCCLUGYS for beavers. These good looking
sailors and wide brims of brown and black beaver
For tomorrow we will have another lot of
i bright new styles at one low price pVJt-J
? "f J J a. Specially prepared tor tomorrow'?
i Ol IaCIlS selling arc fifty good looking hats j
I all of this season s models; hats that were made to I
I sell for much more than this low price. d0 QC
Tomorrow until they are sold J07t-
I Mid Winter A17ostcyer' cxPrc" hnns
. iViltl VV UnCi a Jot of new midwinter j
M styles. The styles are so attractive that in many cases J
a the) move out the same day they arrive. Come for
" .1 look at these that are just here for tomorrow s
selling. I
H -k "Basi i-ohbvi -wi-' ' mm- -mm- '
ST P.U'L. Minn.. Nov. 19. Re
fusal tojpermlf postponement of the
sale of Colorado property of the Den
ver and r.lo Grande railroad was an
nounced In a decision by the circuit
court of appeal here today. A pcti
tion of stockholders for ihi- post
ponement was heard at Omaha last
I The nale was originally ordered as
'he only practical Waa of satisfying a
! Judgment against the railroad com
pany amounting to $38.000,0t'0. Pa -incnt
of principal and interest of $50 -000,000
honds Qf the Western Pacific
road, a subsldiarv, whs' guaranteed by
the DenVc.r and Hio Grande.
.1 idge Walter II Sanborn, f. ho f
lout the decision today, held the peti-
i tlonerj for postponement of the sale
failed to present facts on which I
; court of equity could annul the Judg
ment ohlali i , in New York by the
'Equitable Trust company In 1917.
I "I Always
"Because it is so rich and clean and
sweet. LgP
E "It is never tainted, but always delici-
j ous. Made from pure nut oils churned in fresh
milk. As pure as the air of the Wisconsin milk
I cse) belt where it is made.
" My table and cooking expenses are re-
I rcfc duced by using Wonder-Nut, for it costs less."
j a qoode JO TRADE j
i Quilting Sale I
Materials for the making of quilts and CORlforta j
are on sale. Comforts, light and fluffy, covcrr--
with sheer fabrics fabrics of wonderful pat
terns. You can make them at home at very
little cost.
A sale of all of the materials that are needed
begins tomorrow in the Cotton Corner. A light,
fluffy, wool filled bed comfort makes a very
acceptable Christmas gift. All batts, all cover
ings are cheaper now
(WOQl batts for baby quilts. s,zo ,nR flannol, ln )ieht dRlk ani, j
45x60 inches Rfjrular t 1 rr , I
ii95 riidi Jm.od ;:: 23c
I FOR BABY QUILTS tine pound J-,.,..
wool batti for baby quilt., bum 0UT,NG coverings - ?
(45x60 inches Regular t i Qg 0Utta flannels, all enlnr. Ilghl
12.26 raluea . . (J)1.jO and dark Special, or f
r ard jDC i
wool batts for full sired quilts. FLANNELETTE COVERINGS
(Tlst-cross corded Regular $.3 Flanneieitos. 36 (nchei wld 2
lA1l $2.45 - . I
quilts, elr. 50 aliKf n !
(large wool batts For Yard . 4jC t
large quilts, ctiaranteed pure h
,b wool J4 ?S 0 AC CHALLIE COVERINGS 36 inch 5
B ralUM 'iidoria cha!i:e. fine silk fin
f LAMB'S WOOL BATTS I. arse H?r Kt yalUe- C"'! tM C0
h woo batts for full slr.ed quilts. or, BOfl f..r quill I on h
I rrldvrrnvx DOrdtd RC 1Q ard
ular IS.T5 ralua . VdA)) SILKOLINE COVERINGS 40c
large cotton batts Col lilkofinei Id bt ed I
ton batts for large quilts, sire and flowered patterns, also solid
I rllue IK"'ar 1116 95C ' ' I
COTTON BATTS Largi cOttOfl S0L1D COLORS 36 n h lilko- J
B batts, alee 1x90 toi largi qutn -
Regular fl 25 tf 1 B '' 10 "' beautl I
(alue $1 ful flowerrl ileisn? extra Iin
lib. Regular 5"c values. in I
cotton BATTS Houaewlfe yard 4jC
I baits, full 3 pounds, !-!zf' 72?9
9 l'oo.i nuffj cotton J i i a cambric sateen Cambric 9
(Regular $1.50 alue pl.lr sateen in flowered patterns, full 1
-r , 36 Incbei vide, for quilts. et B
COTTON BATTS Large cotton M f
S batts. Invincible brand, sire 72x Icul.u value. iO 5
uil.t pound Reg tf 1 jo N
I dreadnought batts I BateeM In flowered patterns, 26 A
I pounds, slse 72xfO ea d i or Incbei Spet 7r !
tri fine. Regular 2. 15 il.OJ Wrd iOC
High School Students
Stir Up Pep for Game
Pep rallies were held at th OgdeD
'High school loday by .the students
who are boosting the grid game to
be staged at Lorln Farr park tomor
row between the Tlgeis and the
West High Panthers. At the assem
bly hehl today Coach Carl Teierson.
Principal A M Merrill and member?
of the grid team gave short ad
dresses concerning the contest Sat
urday. A snake dance will he hehl
in the business disliict lh! eveninc
TOLEU". Ohio. Nov 19. --Two
thousand men hivs been put baeU at
work in the parta depaitinent of th
Willys erlan'l Automobile rompai ij
according io an announf.emcnt by Vt c
Trsldent Kilpatrlck. The announce
ment carried 6h statement that there
h s beep uo reduction, purporting to
. ,,, t rumor thai some of the nu n
accepted 3 5 t cuts an hour with a max
imum of r7 cents an hour.
The company In normal times em
pes men a"'' women. It Is .ld The
entire plant wa-s shut down recently.
N'KW iRK, Nov II -Dr Maurice
Fraru Is Eifan. former I nlted States
minister 'o 'openhH.R'eii, recentl '4P
pointed a member Qf the committed 'f
op' hundred lnvestlgatlnK the Irish
question sent n teleprarn expiessmt
his regret at being obliged to realg 1
from the committee as be felt no find
ings could be uBeful unless the com
mittee bad power to enforce the pres
ence of witnesses
A statement by Professor Ir' i .
I''leher of Yale unl erslty. mado public
here nl't thai he was lnnted to Join
the lomnilMe. but DSVSr aecepted.
CHICAGO', No 19 Whct No. 1
hard SI 811? 1.S2. No 3 i ed $1.!2.
Corn No. a mixed 7 5? 7 5 , No. 2
jellov 7?0?c.
Oats No -J white 48 4 'n nO'-c. No. 3
white 464c.
Rye No 1 $1,5 3.
Timothy seed S5.aO&6.5"
Clover eed J 1 3 00 Q .'0.00
Pork, nominal
Lord $19-0
ltibs. $14.00 i 4 :o
NEW YRK. Nov ) 9. Bai silver,
domenllc. unchanged, foreign 70 Tic.
Mexican dollars 58 He
NEW YORK, Nov. 19, Tin eaa :
(pot and nearby $3 23 futures $37.t.'i
Antimony S00!g6.12c.
Zinc easy; East St. LaduIs spot f, H
Other rntlR iinntnit'd
Says Husband Hit
Her and Pulled Hair
Charging cruelty and inhuman
treatment Rachel Drown today filed
suit In the district court against
'Francis M. Drown. In her complaint
I Mrs Drown set forth that her hu.--band
hag an suitable temper and
la of nagging and quarrelsome dispo
I sit ion
) On May 5, sho alleges, her bus
i hand 6truck her and then said. 1 I
never want io Fee you again." At
other times, she coutpliaus. he pulled
jher hair and slapped her face"
ln addition to these charges, Mrs
iBruwn alleges that Mr. Drown fn
jquently remained away from home
and associated with another woman i
The maiden name of Mrs. Diown
was Rachel Roylance. Tin- couple
whs married in Ogden, .lunc 10, 1D14
IThere are no children li luc
Mrs Drown asks that the man '.'':
ties be severed, that property Dfraed
by Mr. Brown be aw ai ded her, and
that she he paid alimony.
CHICAGO, Nov. l?. Equal wuffraso
for women means that the must not
wear their hats w hen ly his court ;
room. Justice of the Peace E P Ar
ing. declared Thursday when he fined
i two women $5 each for contempt of
court when they refused to remove
I their hats. The womeji paid.
W hen the justice ulled the court
' to order he said:
"Everybody will please remove ;
1 their hats."
Mrs. OJscai McCsnn and Mrs. Fred
erick Rlttei . failed to do so.
'Five dollars and costs for contempt
of court.'' nali) the Judge.
If women can have equal suffrage
with men, they can also remove their
hats iri my court room."
Dad claims
I "Bread is the
staff of life
-but I know
Post M
-say &34fa
I L .. 1
if . !
j Gossip j
It is not to divulge any
I confidence that we say
J tins, but so many Christ- 6
1 mas gifts are being picked I
5 out these days that wc
d thought you would like j
i tn know some of the
things that are being se- f
a lected.
I LACE COLLARS Those attrac n
a 1 li " hiis of fresh R
neckwear that ap- f
f LjJ o effectivt n rre8h
ninK one's sppear I
9 C ance. Those of poin'
r I AA lat 8 "m tr, he in f
I I ' I highest ravOT The
p rt men were t nt irei ( om- c i
i i 1 ' 1 1 - u i i . i I
r MJ9 saa handkerchiefs p I a j
Btr1 ;J'h an important
9m i ,,:',ri ' 1 r,-'m"
a Bsjly Rlvlns. tnan.x ' i
'ej ,-ir' m:lk:n v
- BS A S1 " in X
A ssassstslD theii 3
I gifts frenh and unmussecl. The r
- boxerl kinds are already blns a
i selected.
I silk H 08 E Everj one is ea fj
5 S of silk a
rf-, li"- li'iuid i,c .. H
iji SkS 1 ' it
ft .'ibmSPh ;i uni-
I versal gifi as i
y are belnt; made now.
(j FANCY GOODS At the Clove i
I i f n 1 a,1(' J,w"e'r.v eoun I
I J lor, attractive bits of
f it welrj '" A
I I f There -eom? to be a
J ji j revival of ih- at i
1 (v ira.t'e hair rombr
B mat mi-' so popular a few sea- :
! it past, Many of these ;. - n
a ing laid away for early buyers. Q
1 KID GLOVES After four years j
J, . . of b prlt
n I no i
K j coi pa rrorn Prance 3
' T vv have ecured a 5:
2 V 1 Pn doves at a'trae. B
f in. i. uow buy really good French h
I kid Rlo es at $2.60. EJ
r . on'y about six weeks I
I sj Ij) until Ch he j
I jj'' ;"' bu
a IS silk blouses i- v
15 1 growing Customers j
B 1 like ihe Idea
0 f ' ' - oru I
1 5 man styles at one low prit-t . 7
I I The racks of $5.95 blouses get I
s lot ot atlention. I
j A A M "I A
1 sm m
S - 1 it .1 . ' ii .iri; half k
1 1 fyfj ''1P price that regit I
A L !a lar si neks must -
4 bring, ii you wear a small slse h
'I this js especially Rood news.
3 r j' m thai evening parties B
- (fjiif-fi an dress occa- 5
h t?7 'I Ill- ' ' A
9 "'w . 1 ''mi ' 1 1 1
ened :
fi if- mi r.f lh" dailll;. to
f I i i little accessories (j
0 ih.Ht ;ire wauled Majiy apt gift c
suggestions will he found among I
B them V
1 . An umbrella thai
5 Q is i Ighl a or i
rain, a prat I It ai I
M 'Llv Jft- Thesc baye tne f
i I Ivor: Ipa the rib a
I ifljB ruls ami the attrai S
f bsbbbshh9 round ivory z
A hamlies as shown in the skelch. A
B Mdderate prices. fcj
B - j Tnc 1,1,1 ' enrtj J
J Cy J or canteen, has r
A A heconio a necessity. A
I frn Fitjted with mirror J
z r.n.l essential toilet
w articles, they make t
B I i piea-inc gifts espe- f
cially for th younger women
B New -hipments ln today.
HK remarkable how ihe D
-'7aK proper veil adds to f
Z one's appearance A
I t thae ready-to-put-on I
- &i2k veils in a maze of ?
i 2 oow Daitcrns ar n, a
B 1 in;, eagerly bought B
3 iul this is a good gift BUggei
i i
I KNIT SCARFS Wool Scarfs "
A j-p 1 some of them su A
I 'h'" 'h' ;
I i f"rm cape xvh'Mi x
a worn, promise to be fl
! VTa in rPal favor this
1 .05 1 i n 1 1 i Indeed wo a
I L nTiBft had a rather difficult
I inb of keeplnsr them In stock z
Fresh stock are ready just now
!A Million Bottles
Makes a Million Pints
IMake a pint and keep free from
colds and coughs.
All druggists
Kiddies Coughs Can
Be Eased Quickly
Dr. King s New Discov--jC
cry will l- that very
"Jat Vi' thing, easily smd
K "jU "IpvON'T say, "Poor
TrV. m J llttJc kiddie, I wish
iJk HlJ I knew what to do frr
you!" When f he cough fint comes, give
a little Dr. King's New Discovery as
' directed, and it will soon be cased. um
It's a good family cough and cold
remedy, too. Loosens up the phlegm, aBJ
clears up the cough, relieves the con- BH
K"-tion. No harmful drugs. For fifty
years a standard remedy for colds,' hH
coughs, grippe. At your druggists, HH
60c and $1.20 a bottle.
For colds andcoughs
DrvKings I
New Discovery I
Make Bowels Norma!
Habit forming purgatives, when taken flH
for constipation, rack the system vio- oflj
lntlv. Nature's vay is the way of Dr.
King's Pills gently and firmly regulat- pjBE
ing the bowels, eliminating the intestine BB
dogging waste. Same old price, 25c. pjA
Y Prompt fWovit Gripe
DirKin6's Pills
Break j
Get instant relief with
'Tape's Cold Compound" I
, i . 9
Don'l Bta; b In f fed-up Qui! blowing
Rnd smifflinn! A dope of "Pape's Cold
Compound" tafken every two hours un sjsr
'til three doses are taken usual I.- IfA
breaks up a cold and ends all gnjp H
The very first dose opens your clog
Red up nostrils and the air passages of flE
your head; .stops nose running; re- BH
lleves the headache, dullness, feverish- BH
ness; sneezins, soreness, stiffness.
Pane's (. old Compound Is the quick- Bl
Bt, siiresi relief knon and costs only
a f-w cents at drug stores, it acts BB
without assistance. Tastes nice. Con- BJBJ
tains no quinine. Insist on Pape's. BBJ
face one I I
Red and Festered. Itched and
Burned. Cuticura Heals. Ik
" Littleredpimples stoned to break SsR
out on my forrhead and other parts Eftn
of my face They got larger and BH
festered and itched and burned so
that I could not help but scratch them,
which caused them to become large. PAK
sore eruptions. My face was disftg- BH
ured badly while the trouble lasted. BJrJhSfl
"Nothing gave me relief unt.il I ErJI
used Cuticura Soap nnd Ointment,
and after using them for three weeks
I was completely healed." (Signed)
Miss Rose Han :el, Ovando, Mont.
Clear the pores of Impurities by IsHsfl
daily use of Cuticura f.oap and occa- ''?H
sional touches of Cu'icura Ointment
s needed to soften, soothe and heal.
They are ideal for the toilet, as is I
also Cuticura Talcum for perfuming.
p!?.-!i fr brMiU Andrew "OUteva
ertortl. Dcpl R. Kt.'4.ii U. Uui " SolrttT.ry-
Iicu.-k Snp vhavoi without mu; ? I
"keep looking young b
It's Easy If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young is to feel
roung to do this you must watch yout
liver and bowels there's no need ol
having a sallow complexion dark rinm
under your eyes - pimples - a bilious
iook in your face dull eyes wi'h no
sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety
per cent of M sickness comes trom hv
active lov.cls and livr -
Dr Edwards, a well known physician
in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com
pound mixed with olive oil to act on
the liver and bowels, which he gave to
his patients for years jkjflj
Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets, the subsd
lute for calomel, are gentle in their action
ret always effective. They bring about
that exuberance of spirit, that natural
buoyancy wh.ch should be tnjoyed bv J
everyone, by tonmg up the liver and clca.
mg the system of imDunties. c , I
BKrward1 OUv Tablets nr
known by their olive color. 15c and BJ
30c. Ad vprtlrement. BJBJ
Try Musterole. See Kow
You just rub Musterole in briskly anc
usually the pain is gonea delicious
Musterole is a ciean, white ointment!
madewith o.l of mustard. Use it instead
of mustard plaster. Will not blister
Many doctors and nurses use Muster
ole and recommend it to their patients
They Wffl gladly tell you what relief
it gtve3 from sore throat, bronchitis
croup stiff neck, asthma, neuralgi'
congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism lum
bago, pams and aches of the back or
joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruise- !
chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the
chest. Always dependable. H
35c and 65c jars, hospital jite ?i

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