1: fTV'LNlNG, NOVEMBER 19. 192f,. THE OGDEN 5 1 ANUA K i J - LA. Ai vl i i lk 13 J Oil EXHAUSTION R TERMEDFAR OFF; Sufficient Gasoline for Gener-' ations to Come Is I 4. HI WASHINGTON'. Nov 11. AnJoil .'"'.i production sufficient to supplj f world for several poneru'..ur.s at I AXl was forecast Thursday si 'he snnu.ii meetlm? here of the American Petrol --lilitJ CUW Institute ; '''f'lSfll Henry I Doherty of Now York. Sr&ulB 1,hORlas r,Tonncll of Los AnKcffi ngH president of the institute, and R.SD. I f'Fs Henson of thr Tidewater Oil company. ; declared that the petroleum resources, ("jBb of wor'' Were nowhere near .fx-i HflfB haustfon. S PHmm rr O'Donnell. however, attacked LKm tli- nnvv rjf partmpnt for 1' ; Ivnr.Vfi' H& . f,i! stocks on the Paclfli co, ist. Bra jH ducers there. sni.l "feel that he ' navy department has no been fulr"j jtiBH; nnd added: "W believe this to be due: R to Hi- extreme prejudices of the hrtad j the department I GOVERXMEXT mi HDI.IVO ' W Mr O'Donnell sni' Mr. Doher'vi ag'JjjB Iftilon and meddling WHI 'he.'1: the-in- HiamVH iMative of oil compnnte resulting In H a restricted output." HH iir. Doherty predirled there would Bfl be sufficient gasoline for all antomo- Jm the requirements fo generations lo Vl come. He said Scientists U ridoubted l iMB W would discover new fuel extracts, but iflQAjfl was of the opinion that the probshil- iraBH9 Ity or finding an artificial substitute! ' . petroleum ws 1 l GRE T st Ms RED! ( rQ4tHH The immense capital needed for de- MMP VelUfaheht of new oil fields preclude jffiHHB tie possibility of the petroleum indhs- jXflgS try becoming: monopoly, the speaker HKmm said; More money, he continued. Is 3Va being: spent In the production ofoil I 1 thnn is earned by producing proter- Between 101: and 1919 the I noun of Capital Invested In 25" American oil companies the speaker I said, exceeded the dividends paid hvl these companies by nearly ?90.0n,-I duo Mr O'Ponnell declared Hi: the at-1 tftyde of the iia. department toward nsitstlon for government Investigation of the, Industry, "nearly olwny.s bv men not famllinr with the subject and fre quently With nre-onni e -.(l prejudice, has had a destructive Influence on the Iflflk on the Pacific coast H The speaker urged thai all covcrr.- H ments adhciv to h- "open dsor prd- H Icy allowing a free opportunity H everybody froni everywhere." to par- M ticipatc in the necessary oil develop- H O'Donnell expressed belief tha' m huge amount." of peiroleum wrne yet Vl to be discovered on tiie American con- H tlncnt. particularly in the Treat, Can- H ada and South America. SPEEDS l 8, SHIPS VH Addressing the Institute last nliflit H dmlral Benson. chairman of th- H shlpplnr board, declared that Am 1 - H can shipping facing the mon: IH unrelentinc and stiflina; 1 ompe; :!r,n ESH from foreign countries, hut had a sH preat advantage in its oil btiming nl fleet. Seventy-five per cent of Amer- H lean ships now burn oil. for fpel he B said, while onl 15 per cent of for- ftjBjB eipm ships are oil burn era xDH Establishment of foreign bunkej-j Wm. stations, Admiral Benson said, Itad Hl ' enabled the shipping rd t hree-fourlhs of Its fnreipii nil require-1 HHI menLs at a saving "l millions dol- H lara a mm iimjuimpwp STEEL TRUST TO NHINT1PRICES Will Keep Present Selling Prices in Force As Long As Possible NKW YORK, Nov. 19. The United Stntt-s Steel corporation announced to auy Its declrlon to rcommoml t-proa-! iitcnty of subsidiary oonipauiloa th it tiie present base seii:r;; prices of all commodities continue In for- un less ami until it heconn nCCCBSary and proper to make changes to meet al ! tered conditions." I This action was taken, scolding tc a s-tatement Isatled by 'l.'- oan Kl bert H Qar'. Iioiailsa of the import- ar.ct of atabllhtiTig buatness oondi"liins at this time. Th'.- statement follow! ( OSTS ARi: IXCKl VSISQ ' Our subsld.ai companies liave Cons-lstently and unlotaiTUptedly ni::in taircd the biic soiling priCBS of all 1 on and steel 00 mm ol 1 ties. Which wer mutuail.N flxAd by rapruMintiiivei of iron and rtjsl Interests 011 th I'r.lted States and ron oentanv-s of the government on Marfell II, 1010. 'Since thai l.'mc prounctlon cot I of ait manufacfj. e: s of Iron and steel, I Including an udvatiRcmonx of w.,--' I rat-s aggregatin.r ! per y.-ar I lo the steel coi'.io-uttlo.t nni birgei I freight ratf. tuivi material I ) Increased 1 l rider usual cl?tfi:mMiances We wonli) 1 l e juatffled in 111 1 .1 additions to the overage base pn -i. st A HI I. IT' is DESIRED. However, after dellueiiits oad cart ful considers Hon, ' have ! :.! ! to recommend 10 or. lidcnia i' our sub sidiary comp-.ii . that present base .eiiing prices of .11 commodities ru i Mnue in force tiniose and until ii 1 c oni-8 naceasarv and proper to make changes to meet illterc I uondllloitS "U'e think stlllt) in bualn-'Bl la ut highest impoi , . ;i ,,1 ihaj man lo the extent of hi) o,i"i i till; and ability, ah, J -v. -i .it some sa iifi- e is obligated to asst In sahtlbcin4 inU maintaining prices on 1 fair and 1 11 .. level. The producer, consumer aiiJ workman win be benefited by thi altitude." BLUE RIBBONS AWARDED PONY SOON WITHDRAWN .' N'KW l'ORK, li. -Two bluo I Hbbons awarded this week at tin .Na tional Horse Show in Madison Square o.irdcn 10 "Little i i.'' Laqy,'1 owned iby Miss Patty vaijclaln, have been withdrawn, the National Horse Show association annouaced las; night, a telegram u Miss vauclain nt Broad-j lawn Stables, Rosemont, Pa., by the1 I association !ijr. ; "It 'has been brought to our notice that your pu umio fir,- Lady' en-1 id red OS a fOUr-year-Old; was shown ill 1 Olassea 148 and 151 and awarded the .blue ribbon in both classes. Injvestl- 'grrtion shows that this animal Is less; than fou,- years old and therefore is not eligible. Wc beg to inform you' jtu.it our executes committee hag de cided not to allow this pony to be ! shown In any other class at the show." f I ORSEfX PRKTES I 1 1 CHICAGO, ' Nov. 9. Corsets have Joined the list of articles of apparel BClUqg at reduced prices. A large Chicago corset manufacturer today announced reductions of from L'O to B6 pel COUI (.11 cotton, silk and eias- BEET FARMERS Are vou going to buy a new automobile this fall? If so, consider carefully what you spend your well earned beet pay for. In these unsettled times do not tie up your money in a high priced car. A Ford presents the best value for your money on the market today. The price is down to a pre-war level, al though today the Ford Motor Company is producing every car at a loss, in order to keep their moral obligation to their 80,000 E employes. Have you ever stopped to think what a I l ord would cost if produced in the small jjj I quantities all other cars are? Probably double J 1 its present price. A well known banker made the statement j the other day that the man who bought and 5 drove a Ford was usually one who could afford I, ; it :nd who paid his bills, but many of the birr car owners were not in his class. In which do you want to be? We have very easy payment plans on ail I models. Five salesmen on duty all the time. Phone I 670 for a demonstration. , I 8INF0R0 -KIMBALL MOTOR COMPANY ACTION TO FOLLOW RAIDS i ON CINCINNATI BREWERIES CINCINNATI, Ohio, Nov. ID. Im portant developments are expected to follow raids made yesterday by fed- era! prohibition agents on eight Cln-J clnnatl breweries and approximately 1 HO vi1oo:ik The r:l!ds were COnduct- ed b tlJlriy-Cie prohibition agents brought here from northern Ohio points by Supervising Federal Prohl- ! bltlon Agent Thomas E. Stone, of Baltl- more, officer In charge of the Uhlo Maryland division. At each plae visited, the agents took samples of hoer and sealed all J liquid goods not taken. It was Intl-1 mated that In yome cases the olcohol-l ic content ran :is high at 3'v l,er cent i and 4 per cont. oo Tho first known Sundav school was I started1 in 1812 In a little Kngllsh village. I PACIFIC NUT Margarine is tho PERFECTED article among nut margarines a vegetable product of remarkable merit. You, 'like thousands of others, will testify to its tastiness. Try it! PACIFIC NUT im good'at mealtime and food for the little "snack" just before going to bed. In your children's moon-time luncheon, it adds a zest and zip to their food. They just WANT to eat it. The choicest meat of cocoanuts, pure salt and pure pasteurized milk are used in its manufacture. Each is an admitted food of great value. Their combination in PACIFIC NUT is ideal. Li s PACIFIC NTT Margarine it rlrh, .lean, sweat and wholesome and It stoys so. It l mnd in the Northwest, under ideal sanitary conditions, by experts, In a thoroughly modern plant Its energy ran be Imparted by us In all cooking, seasoning meat? an.1 vegetable, making cakes nd pastry on hot cakes, muffins, roll? and tonal, und as a spread for bread. YOUR DEALER sella Pacific Nut Margarine emHBHhHHHHH ) CACHE VALLEY TORWIZE Three Clubs to Be Represent ed in New League to Be Formed Next Week mGA.V. Nov. 19 The Cache Val-I ey Hnseball league officials are mak ing slow but steady progress toward perfecting the Organisation for next' season. Meetings have been held ObCi a week for the pool five weeks, ol which gntherlng.s the constitution an I by-laws, with many revisions over the,; ode used lust season, are taken up . discussion very thoroughly. I Although the clubs arc meeting at miiis time a la by no means assui. I that the league will be constituted as jit has been heretofore In fact It Is quite certuln that all tho clubs Willi not be in the league next year, but, ns' WOS announced before. the league! "Hi. I b.- organized llrst mo that Mm organisation would be something toll work from, and then the clubs thuti did not wigfa to subscrlbo to th0 by laws could drop out and make room for thoso of the other side of the Wu- ' safch range who desired membership. lxigan, nith most of tho fans who support baseball In tho county, Is eager lo play ball. Iewlston Is also advo cating n strong bosebaO club with not more thun three teams from COh Valley and three from the other val leys, mlthfleld, pennant winner, is another baaball stronghold, but tho Smlthflelders seem to be somewhat re luctant about extending the circuit mto other part outside Cache valley, but this club will go with the rest of the teams In whatever they wish to do. Those three teams seem to bo th" survivors from tho Cnch0 vnlloy sec tion. The other three, Richmond. Preston and WellSvllle, are not out of the organization by uny means, but they do not seem lo be over-enthuslas- Itie about prospects tor 1921 in booe h.'ill. HlchniOlid a111101111.nl tll llrf. that no club would be put In th0 Held : enjon, but now they are recon Idering this nu..e. rreston eomi Into a Cache Valley league but d..es not seem to be Interested In a bigger circuit Wellsvllle has also signified Intention of asking to bo adm' 1 ) Cache Valley league, but this club, oo, 1 not in favor of extension An other important item with these team., ll th.- player limit. In case the el were limited to homo players onl. which sr-'-nis nn utter Imposslbili! 'hey would all come In. Men who hae promoted baseball In the vdllei ;ind know something of the difficulties ol outlaw leagu bail, have ventured the assertion that there an not enough ieoMo ami resources In the valley to support sLv fast baseball clubs. For this reason men from each) town In the valley are urging the league with three teams from Cache .alley and threc from the old Wasatch league.. The 1920 Cache valley organization has now disbanded and the offlcen have resigned their positions. At pres ent W.hI Anderson former director Of the l-ogan club. Is talcing charge of the league affair at meetings GOV. C00LIDGE PROMISES 'AMERICAN MADE' PEACE BOSTON. Nov. 19. Gov. Coolldgc. vice president elect, in nn address be fore the Uneoln club laid thst it was going r(, laic- time to make an Amer ican peace thai wil satisfactory to the American people, and until this It done the new administration win not hRVo much time for economlo ques tions." i'. predicted, how si thai th ad minis! rat Ion will Lake steps Lo ellmin ate "the press n't high cost of govern ment," and rcvlc the taxation I tern. YOUNG CHESS WIZARD AWARDED GOLD MEDAL NEW YORK. Nov l. Award of I gold medal to Samuel Rsessewski, th 13 8-year old Polish chess wnurd for hi. K solution of Ihreo problems propounded by American experts was announced B by Prank J. Marshall. United titates H champion, ii thfl Marshal Chess club last night The problems were solved B In the reeord time or ihree mm . I and 25 seconds. thrilling! I SENSATIONAL I I BREATH-TAKING I I I THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL I I I SAY AFTER SEEING I I WALLACE I 1 REID I I 1 IN HIS HAIR-RAISING I I I ESCAPADES IN I HURRY 1 I HIS GREAT AUTOMOBILE I M I THRILLER I I NOW PLAYING AT THE I I ALHAMBRA I yjgk w-:-v-:-H''K'-wwh':'W'W:M'vvvv Hj B X Wk UTAH'S FINEST THEATRE JL JSL I Seats 10c-20c-30c I I COMING SUNDAY I I Mae Murray I IN HER GREATEST SUCCESS 1 I "THE RIGHT TO 1 LOVE" I PRICES 10c and 30c I mmmMMmiiiimMmtmammmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmtmmmmm