OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 19, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-11-19/ed-1/seq-9/

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HI March Field Squadron to Fly
Here Probably During
HRH Twelve armv aviators will make the
mmA hop from March Heidi Gacramonto, to
H Oaflen during ho early part of 19- .
a, cording o Capl iln Wallet Man hant,
. ivlatoi ho was an Vgd
T early today m rout'- to hi bonif a1
jf , Omaha, where he H spend rhanks-
I I riving holidays .
KH The trip. according to Captain Mai -
MH rham Will he made to determine
ifilHI whether or not Ogden Will be repre-
Wmm rented with fivtng field as well as
jlH araenal in 1921. ,
K?HK Although Uttlc has beWn Bald about
H the proposed landing field and avla-
HM Hon renter at the arsenal, it 1 stated
9mM thai Mich -a field will be . -ej.a -.) n-l
L5l ,hat lf ,ne '"Khtf to and from March
L fieM aro successful, .irnv planes will
. be stationed at the arsenal for flights
P to and from the coast
Although no definite dates have
B hopn set as yet. for the trials for th
IHj flights, it is expected that they will
PIH he held during the month of April.",
"TH said Captain Marchant..
9M March field has some of the b-st
' dB flyer- .n the service and the twelve
mmM hest flyers at that camp will make th.
trip. Present plans all for an avla
Ma tlon center at the arsenal site, but I
Hfl these plans, of course, will have to
receive the sanction of the war de
partmrnC at Washington.'
,' ,li Three Utahni an stationed
ll March field antf w
RMhQ Ity, be listed wit i the flyers make
1 1 the i rip, if i ) dam 1 tlit ivai de-
i.Hini' ii v. i..e.i cut. a
'ajB-j to Captain Marthant.
Al Young Meets
A Papke Alonday Night
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. lf Young
Papkp. the Sacramento llghtwelgbl
yl who beal Eddie Lynch ol Nebraska in
H&i the s'tuiwindup of last Monda
boxing show at the Manhattan club,
has been matched to meet A Young
of Ogden in the six round feature event !
of Hardy K. Downline's weekly show in
the Hippodrome ' theater Honda)
There will also be a number of other ,
Jeature bouts on the card. s well as
an added attraction in the form of an'
extra number between Willie Sollls
and Frankle Harris of ogden. which
should make the bill one of i he best
ever staged by the club
Harris and Sollis were booked for
last Monday night and considerable
disappointment was caused when Har
ris failed to show or notifv the local
promoter so that he could secure a
substitute. However, it has since de
veloped that Harris Injured his hand
. Monday afternoon and sent a wire in
ample time, saying that he would be
unable to appear, but the message was
not delivered uniil the following morn'
ing. In view of the fact that Harris
was not at fault, and as Manage;
Lownine promised the fans an extra
bout QCZt week to make up for the one
4 . cancelled last Monday night, he dec,,!
' ed to give the fans the same mat. t)
as the added feature.
The semiwindup will bring out a coi
pie of headline in Red Newey of 1 's
den and Jack Costello of Fort Doug
las., These boys are both clean and
hard-hitting welterweights who are
likely to brine home the bacon an
' time they connect, and, as the are
both willing mixers. Ihey should fur
nish plenty of real thrills
These two were booked a shori time'
ago, but Costello was on the sick list
the night of the bout. They are both
on the Job now and will battle it ou' ;
this time.
Jiimmie Munsrn. the promisins
voungster from the west side, will tac
kle a new comer in Connie Mack
Johnny Williams, anoiher wesl aider
who made such a hit with the fans last
winter by his gameness and willing
ncss to battle, will be in the lineup
for the first time this season when he'
meets Walt Heart, the hard-hitting j
brother of Art Brugger
Mack Fadden and Bert Nelson, a
brand new pair of middleweights, will
make iheir debut before the local club
I In the first preliminary of the evening,
while West Ketchell and Jack Ralo an
other new pair, will furnish the open
ing bout.
Small children in Zeeland dress
exactly liko their parcnis.
Lower Prices Now
not six months hence j
In anticipation of lower clothing costs next spring we now make a complete
revision of our prices to a lower level. The same high quality of mer
chandise, but at a
30 ' j
red action
' No reservations are made. Every single suit, overcoat, hat and shoes in
our stock represents 30 o reductions.
Suits i Overcoats Shoes Hats
Kuppenhcimer good clothes i" It is the policy of this store ' Nettleton and Forbush Shoes Knox and Schoble makes
to give utmost in value, always, j that are known to everyone
are an investment m oocl an- , , , . i These prices will make yon
are an lnveMuiem ui 0wu ij 4$0 Overcoats reduced e J T, ,
c.o ,r i , t. t ' Think of it Velours, Beavers
pearance. to JpbJ.OO quickstep to our store for your
$80 Overcoats reduced . and Felts hats that will give
Here is where vou get more So 6 00 snoes-
, A you pfood appearance and serv-
than value for your money. 7o Overcoats reduced $20 Nettleton Shoea - J & I
c to Sr'2.30j (u,,., ,.. $14.00 ice.
$90 Suits reduced to S6J.OO $65 Overcoats reduced m J
$80 Suits reducexl to. .$56.00 .,, $45.50 fclfc50 Shoes reduced 20 Hafts redu it" .914.00
$75 Suits reduced to $52.50 $60 Overcoats reduced to ?11.50 15 Hats reduced te...,f 10,50
65 Suite reduced to. .845.50 , S-12.00 , , M 2 Hats reduced to . $3.-10
6oiuftsred I to .S42.00 $55 0'Ver al i reduced ' : sl0 50 $1 Hats reduced to J7.O0
$55 Suits reduced to.. S8.50 t0 $38.50 HaU reduced to. . . 85.60
$50 Suits reduced to. .935.00 $40 Overcoats reduced 112.50 Shrjes reduced Hats reduced to $1.20 Ii
I $40 Suits reduced to.. $28.00 ,,, $28.00 to $3.75- $5 Hats reduced to $3.50 I
This action represents our sincere efforts to meet your desire and our
desire for lower prices on good merchandise. Greatest values of the season.
Livestock Shew Men !
Meet Next Monday
rr:niis of the Osdn Livestock show
plans will be considered at a Joint
mctlnfi of three committees which
has been called for Monday evening
at the Weber club The executive,
entertainment, and publicity commit
tees will hold" Una .1oint scPRlon. As
the second annual show Is to be held
on January 6 T, and 8 the anticipa
tion Is that important phases of the
. rent will be worked 01K at this meet
ins 00
Miss Lola Scott conducts public
classes for women In Cleveland on
subjects dealing with Bound invest
ment rather than speculation, with a
View of teaching the women to pave b
I Inveetmeni
I I A Healthful Drink j
H No After Regrets I
You are sure of satis
faction when you make
your table beverage
I InstantPostum I
v Coffee drinkers delight
I in the change becaxise
of greater comfort, and
V i the price is attractive
i because so moderate.
1 I All the family will like
the flavor of Postum
W 1 I At Grocers Everyvhere j
Hade-by Postum Cereal Co., Inc
Battle Creek. Mich.
Trackage at Ogden, Carlin
And Other Nevada Points
Improvements totalling more thin
$100,000 are being made by the South
ern Pacific lines In the Salt I-iUe di
vision according to local officials. The
Improvement! consist of relaying rails,
enlarging the truckage in the yards at
' Ogden. Wells, Carlin and Sparks ind
;thi building of several new spurs to
! be used as sidings
The yards at ("arlln will be made
BO per cent larger than thev are at
I the present timi. It I- .iid Work on
the local yards Is now underway and
Improvements totalling mre than
$25,000 Will be made, according to
local officials
Koa1 equipment totaling more than
$C50.000 to be used on the enUre
Southern Paclfir astern, consisting of
rails, ties, engines and other equip
ment has been ordered for immedi
ate delivery-
With the enlarging of tr-kage In
the local yards. It Is expec ted that the
traffic In freight shipments will he
handled faster and with better re
sults New lies are being laid over parts
of the load bod between Ogden and
San Kranelsco and In some places the
road Is being double tracked
LONDON, Nov. 19 A wireless mes
sage from Moscow says that M. Tlchl
tcherln. the foreign minister, has re-,
i i-1 e(J Information that the British
with the assintancc of Georgia, intend
01 seine the Black sea port Of Batum.
M Tchltcherin protests to the British,
foreign minister against the leisure of
Russian towns. In this way .the soviet
minister nays, thj allies would teekl
to create a new front In the Caucaxus
Tchltcherin declares the soviet gov
ernment will combat any uch seizure
in a way.
A similar notification has beep tent
to the government of Georgia, the so
viet foreign minister says.
The foreign office here today denied
that Great Britain had any Intention
of seizing Batum or other ports on the
Black sea.
floods endangered the city zoo here,
keepers worked many hours making
the animals safe from die waters.
Commissioner Joe Patterson took the
young deer home and kept 'em In his
kitchen. Arks" ero built to float
the birds and ICaffoldfl ruined In the
lion' cages and iieat' cJcnrc so that
they might scramble above the water
line. No lives were lost.
Cooler Temperatures
Promised for Ogden
Rain and cooler temperatures are
predicted for tonight In the Ogden dis
trict, according to the report of the
I'nttert States weather bureau, which
reached the citv this morning. Tho
rain, however, will be of short dur
ation, for the forecast for tomorrow is
Yesterday's maximum temperature
was 65 degrees, with a minimum of
46 degrees last night.
I TOPBKA, Kan. Nov. 1 ! Ellsha
Iscott, a negro attorney of Topeka.
left last night for Washington to ask
the federal pardon board for the re
I lease of Jack Johnson, former heavy
I weight pugilist champion, from the
! federal pt nltonliary at Leavenworth.
K:i nsas.
Johnson has served two months of
a sentence of a year and a day for
violation of the Mann act. lie- also
was fined $1,000 Scott said that
i Johnson would pay the fine at once, if
a pardon was granted.
I SPRING PTKLD. 111 . Nov. 19 B.
Olenn Young of East St Ixiuls. prohi
bition enforcement officer, was at
tacked and beaten by a number of fed
'eral prisoners In the eount Jail here
last night when he was Incarcerated
or. an Indictment returned In Madison
county charged him with murder
Youg was placed in the "bull pen," of
the Jail until a writ of habeas corpus
could be secured for his release A
number of the prisoners who held him
responsible, for their being in Jull for
violation of the prohibition laws at
tacked hlni. They administered a se
vere beating and were throwing hot
water upon him when Jail officials
came to his rescue. Young was in
dicted for the murder of Luke Vucko
vlr on November 6 al Madison. 111.,
during a raid upon the Yuckovlc home
In search of whiskey
BOSTON. Nov. 19. The National
Grange adopted a resolution Thursday
declaring for the open shop and In fa -1
vor of collective bargaining.
I "We disapprove of any system," the
resolution said, "which denied to any
Ituliv Idiiul the richt to work in anv
place where there Is need of his In
dustry at any time and at any wage
which is satisfactory to him. or to quit
his employment wherever and what
ever reason may be to him controlling,
subject only to such contract obliga-,
tions as he may willingly enter Into!
and as may be imposed In an Ameri
can court of Justice."
NEW YORK Baslle Ix?on. cigarette!
maker, says th ood Samaritan stuff!
Is nil wrong. Rose YraUlpldou told
him she ws afraid tu go home so he
took her home to his father and went
out to arrange for B marriage. While
out he was arrested for abduction,
went to Jail and on getting out found I
Roc . was married to John De Ligllarc
I Mother Spreads H
I Margarine Thick 1 iH
She knows it is good for her
children. It is wholesome. Made
I from oil pressed from choicest cocoa- 1
nuts, peanut oil, Pasteurized milk, 9
It is fresh. Made daily in four- I
teen conveniently located factories.
It is clean. Not a hand touches 1
Gem Nut, either in manufacture or H j
H in packing. I
It is economical. Saves materi
ally on the grocery bill, so mother J
can be generous when she spreads I
Gem Nut is ideal for cooking; its
delicacy of flavor adds to the good
ness of cakes, pastries, and sauces.
Order a carton today.
Swift & Company, U. S. A. 8g j
Manufacturers cf ,
Swift' fPilPn SwOCt
Premium ;iro
Oleomargarine Clean
2479i2 Washington Avenue Over Culley Drug Store
t, g
j W ' W ! " I

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