Newspaper Page Text
" OGDEN CITY, UTAH SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20, 1920. . LAST EDITION 4 P. M. J I Fiftieth Year no. zoo ' F NINE PERISH IN APARTMENT HOUSE FLAMES I I ASOUITH DENOUNCES ENGLAND'S IRISH POLICY I h y jh p jji Bails' . - i CHARGES COLO m nnnrn PDiiint I IB MIIITIES i Former Premier Declares V Events in Ireland Represent Black History ASQUITH SAYS THEHE SHOULD BE INQUIRY Excitement Prevails Over Kid naping of Priest: Popula tion in Terror LONDON, Nov. 19 Strong eon- W domnatiou of the poverr.mert Irish IftaB ..oiicy and reprisals n land w ftEflp voiced by former Premier Asoulth 3EH in , a .speech St the National Liberal club today. Ho declared that eoldr blooded deliberate murder had en glfflH traced and credited to uniformed (Ml v- fiH ants of the crown and asserted things were being done in Ireland WKM thorlty and Incltemenl of ihe ecu- 1 tlve which would take a fitting place raaSM in the blackest annnl of the lo;;t rt&iB despotism of the European world. SfllHfl ' This Is an overwhelming case tor HDH an inquiry, but as i was eontc mptu- fH ouslv and vigorously refused, 'vrr EB one Is forced to draw " H own i-on- elusion. " Mr A,',-i"1' ': ' M flfj GALWAY, Ireland. Nu M Suss .slate of prcat trepidation exists among gSjMB ilie people of Galway over the d'sap- ffcH pexrance of father Griffin. . urate of Busry Park, who scverul days ago was reported to I hti 1'" 8iSHl from his residence bv ihree unknown UftH persons. Local Catholic m-mbers of HBgl the Royal Irish constabulary rep.udl- HHH ate any connection with his abduc- So groat is the (error among ail classes of the population that It I H difficult to induce anybody to discuss tUSslE the mutter. . The belli I i ha I is gei LH rather Griffin wa removed a i prisal for the k dn iplng fi m h a H home on the night of October 15 or gH a well known constitutional nation' H allst. P. W. Joyce, who is a school teacher, and that he will be held a a H hostage until tho reappearance of HH Jove. Bishop O'TVa of Gajway refuses to H believe that any civilian was B cemed in the kidnaping, saying rjch EH a thing never before has happened IV I oo ISEMENOFFS TR00DS DISARMED BY CHINESE PEKING. Nov. JO. (By (he Associ ated Press.) The BolShevlkl have re sumed their attacks against the anti Bolshevist fore. -a in eastern Siberia and have captured Borgia, on the trans-Siberian railway. 225 miles southeast of Chita. General Semenoff. antl-Bolshevist Cossack leader. is operating from Manchuria hi it ton. To miles noutheast of Borgia, and many of his troops have entered Chinese territory and been disarmed. Cars loaded with rold are said to have been forwarded to Khallar. 60 miles east of Manchuria station and Within the railway wno The Soviets appear to huve openly taken direction of affairs in the Far East Thev have ordered the wiping out of the forces of General Semenoff and those commanded by the late General Kappelle and overthrow of the Vladivostok government unless the latter recognises the soviet authority centered in Chita. U. S. OFFICERS CLEAR UP MAIL ROBBERY DETAILS ;!"' 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS, la. Nov. SO reduced force ot fedi .1 officers to-, gBflV day continued work for further cvl-1 4RHH donee in the mail robbery committed I ' flt here Last Saturday night in which it1 itt,4-M ! estimated that property valued at etBlBSSBBi S3, 500. 000 was stolen. ther officers.. H who had been at "ri on iht !'; began leaving for their homes in other cities last night V One or two men, It was understood.' V are still being sought as witnesses- Iril B this connection federal officers denied V that trey were looking for Keith Col-1 V litis, a former army air service IlOU-l WW tenant, in belief that lie took part in J the robbery The officers reiterated J their belief that ti.ey hod .ilr-.,, uc- SB j i eded n arresting oil of the princl i I in Mm robbery, and the only S. 11 thing that remained to be don.- was to MB I clear up what they referred to ns M I "odds and ends" of the case f J BRITISH PRESENT INDIA WITH 100 AIRPLANES ( JW WASHINGTON. Nov 20. The l.rit B government ha3 presented to the SH government of India one hundred de 4Ka; li i Hand and Avro airplanes, accord- nj to reports to the department of commerce, the only conditions attach 'vB sd to the gift being that the machines iH should not b need for the purposes 4Bff of dernptistratlon and instruction and : 'Kl should not bu sold bbbssbbbWsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI PRESIDENT WELL j ENOUGH TO SPEAK BEFORE CONGRESS WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. i President Wilson is now able i to walk about the White House without even the aid of a cane, Lt v.r.s stated today at the White ' Hou:e He uies his wheel chair only for ihe purpose of an occa , ?i'jual rel: xa'.ion, it was said. v. h;te Hoasc officers de clared that the prezident'a ' health had so fr in prcv; as to make it p?:oib:e to.- hi'dJ to .iduvcci congress :n person '.vhen it convenes next month, J I but t!:ax, Kr. Wilson had as yet I iade no dfini'e plans to do so. LLnrn mi. urn HOW HE COLLECT!: DEBTS No Quarrel Between England and France Over Repara tions, He Declares , i PARIS Nov. 20. Differences be tween Gre:-.t Britain and France do not amount t a quarrel, and the views of lhcje two nations have In no way prejudiced the -.iliance which ' held them together during the war, I said Pr. mler Lloyd GaOTge. of Great Britain, In an Interview at London yesterday with the correspondent of the Petit Partslen. Mr Lloyd r;con.' declared that, regarding reparations, England would stand "elbow to el I bow' wi;h France, hut he insisted , tht the amount Germany will he 'called updn to ,ay should he fixed. The interviewer told Mr. L.lod ,;eorKf tiie question of reparations tool pri-eedence over all others In I France. MAKE GEIV31AN1 l'N '1 will te!l you exactly I think' said Mr. Lloyd Georg.-. It is er Simple make Germany pa! all ahe cm. Yes, hut how much? Can you figure? I say the amount should be fixed Win do I say this.' lis it to pleas- Germany? Oh, who could think so? "I was a lawyer entering polities 1 and when I confronted a debtor I had ! two courses to choos elthor to en force slrlctly the rights of my cll eut, and sell the. debtor s house and furniture ;.t the risk of getting noth ing oi next to nothing, or saying to him: 'You owe o much. How much jean you pay Rt once? How much in a year, or ten years?' This latter method I found, to he ht and this I ' advise following in dealing with Ger many." II VT UBOUT HEATERS? "But." objected the Interviewer, knew (lie debtor who displayed empty pockets was cheat ing?" Mr, Lloyd George smiled as he re plied: "Would I believe a debtor without a check being placed on his stata jments? No. we must check uo. esti ' mate and fix the amount due Let jus fix the amount and when that is I done, Great Rrllaln will be wen close besldn France in demanding pay ment." I have, I think." continued Mr. Lloyd George, "testified by aets, and not only bv words, to my friendship and admiration for Ihe French de mooracy. In return, the French peo i pie must not think I have become an enemy beraure I speak as a huslnefi! man and as :i realist." KANSAS CITY. KAS., WILL HAVE OWN NEWSPAPER I I KANSAS CITY Mo. Nov 19. I KanK.-ts City. Kans.. Friday was aa : sured a dally newspaper, owned and i conducted bj Senator Arthur Capper.' publisher of th- Topeka Dally Capi tol, according to announcement by j rt. b Qlbbs, manager of the clianv ber of ommerce of that city when S drive to meet Senator I sopor's con-' ditlons as to guarnntr-ed advertising patronage and circulation ended suc-j I cessfully, The publication will bo of afternoon and Sunday lsue. 00 MADRID STORE CLERKS WIN RAISE BY STRIKE ALVLiIUI). Nov. 19. All ths slrlk-j j lug store clerks of the city have re turned to work, their employers con-i nenting to salary Inoresses ranging ; ' "rom io to -40 per cent. Future dis-j ' nutes. It was agreed, will be submit ted to SO. IndustrUU euiirt. FIRST STEP 10 CHANGE PEACE LEASUETIlKEN Dutch Minister Would Revise Article Dealing With Regis tration of Treaties BELGIAN PALLS FOR INTERNATIONAL FORCE Startles Assembly by Deciar- iMWorld Not Ready for Disarmament GL ' EVA, Nov. 19 10 first formpL Is' op looking toward the revision of ' .he covenant of 'he league of nations! was taken by the nssembJy of the! league v tofray'e session. The Dutch minis:er of foreign nffair?. H. A Van I ECarnakeek, introduced resolution for I reconsideration ,,t Article XVIII hav-, ! ing to do with ll.e registration of i reaties. The resolution provides thai the re 'consideration be conducted either bj the assembly itself or by a committee, ! to make the meaning of the article J clearer ( 'The text of Article .Will reads' "Ever treaty or International engage ment entered Into hewiafter by . anv number of the ep.,':u" shall bo forth with registered ith the secretariat 'and shall as soon as possible be reg-1 istered by it. No such treaty or In ternational engagement shall be bind iiic; until bo registered ' I t- SSEMBLY STARTLED. An international military force with an International ct; ff. v. as proposed to ill" steacmbly of the Uaguo of natioDs today by Senator Ilenti La Fontaine, of the Belgian delegation. njtcr La Fontaine had somewhat Startled the assembly by declaring thai ihe world was not yet ready for dls-i armaiu'-ni it is necessary o sa: frankly lo; lihe peop'e." he paid, "that the tune "or disarmament has not yet come." Me proposed thai th- priuument and armies be comprised in ?.n Internation al force, with an international staff, ready to be used "in the cause of right." in such a case as arose from the present situation of Armenia. NEW LE AC : WANTED 1 BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 19 The I newspapers today publish a letter writ ten by Liniito En -rot., a prominent pub lic! i, to Nicholas Murray Butler. president of the American Association for International Conciliation In which 'be praises the attitude of President elect Harding toward the present league Of nations pleads for a nev.-i league with "a more democratic or-1 ionization. The writer characterize:-, the present league as only a league of conquerors, "for Ihe occlusive use of themselves." The North and South Americans, ac cording to Dr. Preres, ouht to initiate 'joint action 1 to obluiu the organiza tion of B true league or association of nations as Mr. Harding proposes, bared above all upon democratic prin Iciples In tho consttiution of its au Ithoritles and government." DRY' LEADERS PROTEST LIQUOR DEALER PERMITS WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Prohibi tion leaders today protesled to the government enforcement officers' , ajr.ilnst tho re-Issuing of permits to wholesale liquor dealers to handle i intoxicating liquors. The . lalm was made by Wayne B Wheeler, conn- ' ! 6cl for the Anti-Saloon h.a-gue, who I headed the delegation, that Issuance of the permits to liquor dealers, not manufacturers or wholesale druggists was not authorized by the Volstead act. Thf. permits, hundreds of which are I outstanding, expire automatically De C4 rnber 1. WHICH ONE DIED FIRST? IS QUESTION IN ESTATE LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Nov. 20. Dis position of an estate Valued at $100. aou depends upon whether Oeorgt B Sinclair or his wife, Mrs. Margaret I Sinclair, died first, u became known today The couple. both of whom I were aged, were found asphyxiated in their apart m nl hero about a year ago. a coroner's jury found the deaths were accidental Each had made a will in favor of th i:her According to the publi. administrator, who Is handling their c-stiite. if the wife died first her hus I band's father, who lives In Nova Sco itla. will inherit 11. If the husband 'died first, the administrator said, the property trill gc to Mrs. Sinclair's! idaughter. Mrs. Vnha Ferdinand, of i Hoston. Mass. Decision of tn..- issue Is expected Tuesday. SLAYER SUSPECT TRIES IG DASH GOT 111 Dennis Chester Twice At tempts Suicide After Being Recaptured in Nebraska FIRST HE ENDEAVORS TO HANG HIMSELF Then He Dives Head First From Bunk to Floor of His Celi . BROKEN BOW Neb. Nov. 20. Dennis Chester, alleged slayer of Flor ence Barton. Kansas City society girl, made a second unsuccessful attmpt to end his life in the county Jail last olsbt count authorities reported to day, He. dived from his "bunk" ' his coll head first to the floor of the jalL His head struck the cement floor rendering htm Unconscious. He did not repnin cOttSClDUSncSS until this morning. M VKKS III. !1 Dl I "This is how I mal e my high dive," fhr-ster is said to have told his K'u.r.' as lie made his leap. Th... Jiiib'-. un able tf prevenl him from carrying out his threat, called a physician. WhO found that the prisoner's head had bevit badly lacerated. Early In the evining Chester made his first attempt at self-destruction. H, tied strips of .. blanket around a jail bar. the other around his neck and tiien allowed nlmseH to Swing back and forth until he became un conscious U R.1 I ECS l KHJ IUPP. Before making either atn-inut t'hes ler wrote Sheriff V. Q. Talbot a note saying he was an Innocent and "dying man" and that ho had no reason "to tell any lies." He directed the sher iff to send his body to Los Angeles where to i -, said to have a wife and two . hildren. Chester was brought to the jail here yesterday following his recapture near lto alter halng escaped from a train near her,., recen'.l: while being taken from Montana to Kansas City to face a Charge of shooting the Barton girl to death. STORY OF CASE. Chester was brought here toda) from near u onto to be held pending his return to Kansas city to face s. charge Of having shot Miss Barton to (1 ith some time ago A few days ago b in - taken from at where he was arrested. to Kansas City, he leaped from a ehlcago. Burr lington & Qulncy passenger train near this city and remained at liberty un til today. His recapture was effected by a deputs sheriff and a physician, who, while working on a "tip" that t'he.ster was near Oconto, found the wanted man walking along a country road and forced him to surrender oo PREMIERS LEYGUES AND LLOYD GEORGE TO TALK NEAR EAST baris, Nov. 20. Premiers Georges Leyguee and David Lloyd Qi orgs, of Erance and Great Brit ain, probably will meet in Lon- , don soon for a onference which is considered necessary because of the serious tdtuatlon In tho Near East A staff of experts Will, it Is understood, take part in the meeting. The conference will determine upon Joint action relative to three questions the defeat of l'remler Venlzelos !n Greece, tho advance of the Russian bolshe vik! In the CaifcaSUS region, and the consequences of the defeat of General Baron Wrangel In South Russia . AMERICAN PLANES WILL BE SOLD TO MEXICANS WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 Two commercial American airplanes, the first to enter that country, have ar rived at Chihuahua Clly, en route from Lincoln. Neb., to Mexico City, ft.-cotdlng to advh-cs to the department of commerce. The object of the trip lu to mark landing fields and ndver tlfo and sell American airplanes and automobile trucks CHINESE SILK MAKERS WILL VISIT N. Y. SHOW WASHINGTON. Nov. 20 A com mission of silk manufacturers from inii. i win attend the International Silk exposition in New York next Eebruary to demonstrate Chinese processes, according to cablegrams, to the department of commerce. oo GREECE TAKES ACTION. LONDON. Nov. 19. Greece is the, first nation formally to notify the league of nations of ratifnntlon of the Mhor conventions adopted by the Washington labor conference. I "Mystery Woman" Is Sought 11 J In Texas Girl's Suicide j w CHICAGO. Nov. 20. Who is the "mystery woman" in cuicide of Miss Theodora Sanders, of Laredo, Texas? The coroner's inque6t into the death cf fA.zz Sanders, who titabbed herself through the hcrt in the F.rt Dear born betel here, has been continued to permit a further search for the i woman who is believed to have witnessed the ctobbiug. Harry H. Gurver, fcrcl2ti trade commissioner of the Ch.cago Association of Commerce. wl-;csc rejection of Miss Sanders' love is biid to have caused the girl to Ukc her 'hte. urged that every effort be made to imd che "mystery woman." Garvcr jttetified their engagement wss broken Movember 2, and that he attributed her suicide to an extremely jealous temperament. Garver is married, but said hlj divorce proceedlngc were pending. CONGRESSMAN-ELECT AND GIRL SECRETARY j KILLED IN AUTO CRASH u bpS ANGELES. Gal., Nov 20. i ICharles E. Van do Water. Republican; Icongressman-elect from the ninth! California district, and his secretary.1 were killed early today twenty miles J east of hero In an automobile wreck While the were returning from a; 'meeting celebrating Mr. Van de Wat-; er's election. The secretary, Mr. Janncsa Leubln, Was killed instantly. Mr. Van de Water died within a few minutes. Mrs. Van de Water suffered a frac tured skull and Mrs. E. K. Jackson, fourth member ot the party, was ln- Jured slightly. According to repoi Is to the police of Pomona, where the meeting had' been held, the Van de Water automo bile crashed inio a trader standing by the roadside with unlit lights. The Van de Water automobile W8S over turned. Mr- Van de Water W8S born at llo- bart. N. v.. October Z, is7s. His father, a retired Methodis; Episcopal minister. Is living at Long Beach, in his ninety-second ear The Van d Waters came to California about flf tlert years ago Charles E. had been Identified with real estate, water and banking enterprises. His election in November came niter a bitter strug gle With Charles H. Randall, the, first Prohibition member ever elected' lo congress, who had served several terms. Mr Kandall Is the only Pro hibition member In .the present con- grees. Ho ulso had the Democratic nomination in November. SOVIETS MASS TROOPS ON POLISH LINE Washington, Nov. 2 j. The Rus sian soviet government declares In a wireless mcasuge from Moscow that I It Is compelled to carry tho war into ilhe neutral zono between Roland and Russia because of the attacks being I made on the soviet forces by General Balakovitch, In command of Polish vAliintear forces which refused to cease fighting when the Polish-Russian peace was made, says an Ex change Telegraph dispatch from Ber lin today. Reports from Warsaw, adds the dis patch, suggest thut Poland Is fearful of Russia's Intentions, :is fifteen Rus sian divisions arc concentrated uii th Polish line. D.&R. G. RAILROAD ON AUCTION BLOCK DENVER. Colo.. Nov. n The Denver & Rio Grande railroad, all Its equipment and appurtenances. wore to go on the auctioneer's block at noon today sold to satisfy a mortgage giv en as security for payment of $f'J, 000,000 bonds of tho old Western Pa cific railroad. Approximately $St"., 000,000 of the bonds aud Interest re main to bo paid. The foreclosure sale order was the result of action brought by the Equit able Trust company of New York In behalf of the bondholders. Indications were that tho road would be purchase! by the Wi-'in Pacific Railroad company, that cor ponitlon being one of several to post the necessary securities prior to the Sale to permit them to bid for ac quisition ot the lines win. the other bidders are, William A- Jackson, spe cial muster, would not admit. Efforts of the minority stockholders to have a postponement of the u'le met with failure hen the court of appeals at St. Paul yesterday denied their petition. Court confirmation of the sale win come up on December 18, that time being given the minority ntoi kholdera lo appeal to the supremo court. AUGUST PASCAL, KIDNAPER, GETS LIFE NORRISTOWN, Pa-. Nov. 20. AugUSl Pascal, alias Pasquale. ' tho crank " In the Coughlin kidnaping case, was sentenced to life Imprison ment today b Judge B warts. Pascal I , had pleaded itullly to second degree murder and kidnaping for kidnaping J land extortion Ho Ktole BlaJCSlcy Coughlin. tho 1 3-month-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. QeorgS 'ougblln. from their home near Norrlstown on Jim. : 2 last and smothered tho Infant under his eoat. Ho was sentenced on thei kidnaping charge and sentence was suspender1, on the second degree mur--der chargo. now SNUFFED OUT BY DISASTER Blaze Originates in Baby Car- riarje on First Floor of f Structure SWEEPING FLAMES CUT ' OFF AVENUES OF ESCAPE Remarkable Cases of Rescue Take Place; Many Chi!- I clren Victims X!;V YORK, Nov. 20. Nine I persons, constituting every mem per but om- of two entire families, losl their lives here early today in which destroyed a five- J I story apartment house at 307 H 14ith street. Fourteen other I .,. lilies esi aped or w ere rescued V by firemen. H Originating, fire authorities say, H in a baby carriage on the first H floor of the brick structure, the swept upward through open H escape through the halls Nearlj htm- dred women and children, dad in night clothes, swarmed to the fire escapes some making their way to the ground while others huddled terror-stricken us in mid air- tv'il carried II t-U. ,l,.,wl -r,. fiiiiiil nil the 1 top door after the llames had been controlled They were : Raphai I rebbia, his ife Am a, M and their four children. Carmela. Frank, Lena and Jenny, who . ,1 i ii ,-ars froui lo n to 1 . : Mrs. Ada Frank, Mis. Bertha Reynolds, her sister, and Kutli H Reynblds, a girl of 16, Charles Frank, overcome by M smoke, fainted over a indow sill nd was dragged t safety and re vived by a man Who reaohed'4ut lipnt aii adjoining: building and drew him across the narrow open I Other residents of ihe doomed .M I, ml, In - - al.i"iniiiL- Tlie 'f the fire was not LANDSLIDE WITHIN CITY TIES UP PENNA. TRACKS PITTSBURG. I'a, Nov. SO. Gcn oral George W. Goethals. builder ot H the I'.tnama canal. WlU arrive In Pittsburg today to Inspect the land- H slide on Bigelow boulevard, which h"s tied up eight Tennsylvanla rail- PH 1 road tracks, threatens the road's fH main terminal, and 1ih caused dam- age estimated at more than $1,000,- PB ijuO. (l. neii.l Goethals has been em- fH ployed by the city to assist in stop- fH the BRdC Engineers ut the scene said that mm , the avalanche of eaxth was moving H 'at a rate of about three Inches 1 iTHREE IN J0YRIDE PARTY ARE JAILED IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, Nov. 'J Lawrence and Harris Jorgpnson. and Marcus Blum- ffH three iip li confessed H with Marie Rauiej and Millar, Thump- H 'son. actresses, on a Joy tide which SH ended In the death of the two wonieii j . r.l're.l held without bonds b IH Coton. t Hoffman pending comnlelion lfH iof the inquest. The men refused to fH testitu regarding confessions: toej fa were alleged to have made that the ffM two actresses were thrown out of theli H automobile in Grant park, vvl.- i.. the! fffl i died, apparently from alcoholism and IH GEN. AGNUS WILL SELL HIS BALTIMORE PAPERS M BALTlMdRK. Nov. 21). General . Acii'i.s. Hi.- veteran inibllh.-r H of the Baltimore American and the Baltimore Star, will Bnnnun--e In the American that on December i the American and the Star will pOSS un- der tho control of Frank A Munsey, owner of the Baltimoro News, tho New York Herald, the New York Sun. the New York Telegram and other fH publications. NEW ORLEANS SUFFERS 1 $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS SEW dUBKANS. I.. Nov. 20. Baxnago estimated at appToxtmaielj $,000,000 was caused by a water ffM front fire here iuda whl"h the fire aiithorltle believe was started by pak.M from a switch engine.