OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 22, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 2

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Rail Properties Losing Money,
Interstate Commission
Is Told
Immediate financial relief Is afforded
the Now England railroads, "all or
most of thorn will very shortly be
driven into reeol rh Ips. the inter
state commerce commission was told
by Chariot r. Choate, .ir. and Wilbur
iJa Roc, Jr., cuunsi'l for the lines.
The commission was told that the
actual returns to the roads In Scptem
ber mil the estimated returns of the
roads for October under the Increased
rates granted under the transportation
act confirmed that the Income re. selvefl
the roads was not sufficient to meet
their requirements
Counsel for the roads said that for
I he eight months ending last August
.11. the actual deficit in the net railway
operating Income of the roads, was
2t,674,6?6 and that estimates for next
year showed a net railway operating
income of about (10,000,000 or Ii0,
000,000 less than the net railway oper
ating Income required by the transpor
tation net to show si per cent on the
fnlr value of the property.
D'Annunzio Declares He Will
Fight on to Secure Italy's
BELGRADE. Nov. 2-. Prince Re
gent Alexander, of Jugo-SIavia, has
ratified the treaty of RapallO, sr idling
the Adriatic question between Italy
and Jugo-SlavU, was announced to
J day.
1 NUMB, Nov. 22. (By the Associ
ated Press.) (Jabriel il'Annunr.lo, In
surgent commander at Flume, declar
ed today he was unalterably opposed
to accepting the treaty of Dapnllo.
settling the Adriatic dispute between
Italy and JugO-filavia and that he
would continue fighting until the Just
claims of Italy were met
"I am fighting a just fight, and I
will continue until the Italian aspira
tion Is fulfilled." d'Annnnzio declared
to the corresponded! "Friends may
abandon me. I will stand firm. I
am Gideon. Let those who lack cour
age desert me. Let those retire who
fall In resenting with Iron will. T:iere
remain the brave with Oldeon ami
Gideon's brave will conquer "
TOKIO. Nov. 2 2. (Fly the Associ
ated Press.) Genera! Semenoff. lead
er of antl-Bolsh vlk ton I I in the ter
ritory cast of Lake Baikal, faces a
critical situation, and his fall Is immi
nent, says one of his headquarters
. officers here. He charges the Japa
nese high command with br
faith with General Semenoff and
the policy of General 01, commander
of Japanese troops in Siberia, is to
keep that region stirred up and pre
vent the formation of a buffer slut
between soviet Russia and the Kur
Eastern republic.
General Bemenoff is now at Man
chull station, southeast of Chita, and
is being hemmed in by Bolshevikl
and Mongols. Negotiations are con
stantly going on between the Japa
nese, Chinese. Russian Rolshevlkl.
Mongols and officers loyal to General
.Semenoff. It is said.
CHICAGO. Nov. 22. Feverish trad
ing and new low record prices gan
evidence today that the period of de
flation had not yet spent Its force in
the grain market here
All cereals showed hesitation at the
outset this morning, hut rallies were
of brief duration and were followed by
sudden downward plunges that hurled
breadstuff! and feed Stuffs alike to
the lowest level yet this season, wheat
under any prices since 1M7 and corn
and oats since 1915.
More than 5c a bushel was slashed
from the value of wheat within little
nore than an hour, December delivery
thane Inc bands as low as ji 63 1-4, as
against Jl tig 1-2 to J1.6& at the finish
on Saturday Cutting of prices on
corn and oats was Ies3 spectacular.
Scarcity of buyers owing to dis
1 lurbed generu) business conditions p
p oared to b the chief depressing factor.
WASHINGTON, So 22 The in-1
lerstate commerce 1 ommlsalon bus- i
p'euded todu until March 2a. DSl,
schedules providing for increased com
modity rato on grail :,nd Kraln pro
ducts In carload lots from St. Louis,
Mo.. Minneapolis. Chicago and Peoria,
III., and all points taking the ftamo
lates, to Kansas f'llq. Mo.
The commission also suspended
1 'lejules of increased rates on gralh
and grain producers from Mississippi
II and Missouri river crossings and oth
er producing points to points In Arkansas.
Believe longman Revealed i
Secrets io Rival
NFW FORK, Nov 30 Kar of a
tong feud In Chinatown, resulting from
the aasnsslna'.inn last night of Jee
Found expelled tnembei of the Hip
Sltv; long and the first Chinese mur-1
dered in the district in the last ten
yean, caused police to exclude lghl-,
SOert and kept Chinatown with Its
swarms of lobbygows and hatchetineu I
on edge for several hurs.
Voting, whose right name is said to
be Long Voung. i former service
man His white wife said be hiui aj
prahomlhltlon of death, Jusi before he;
left the house to go t pool room
! run by two Korean brothers, he re-
marked: "I feel ns if something is go- j
' ing to happen lo me "
Forty Chinese were in the pool room
when Voting's asaallant crept up be
' hind him .and fired three dumdum hul
I letn into his back. He dropped dead
without having seen his sasails nt . The
orientals dashed for the street In ai
panic and thou in the narrow, crowd-1
ed thoroughfares scampered in all di-i
reel ions.
Sightseeing buses drove hurriedly
out of the "wor xone."' leaving behind
many passengers.
When ihe police reached the soens
tile stteets were deserted, Thej made,
prisoners of all Chinese found In hi
pool room.
The police are working on the;
theory that young wits' expelled from 1
the inp sing :otiR because he revealedJ
1 its secrets. Detectives tried to learn
;if these Secrets were given to rival so-j
cletles. In which even II was expected I
ti e peace agreement signed some tune1
;ngo. with eating s roast pit. WOuld be
; WASH IVOTt i Nov 2 2. A strone
I tendency toward concentration Of the
whe.it flour milling industry In s nnm
I ber of large concerns was noted by
I the federal trade commission In a re
I port to congress on its Investigation
; of the industry, made public Sunday,
, The inqulrj Was mad In connection
with the general food investigation
undertaken by ihe commission during
, the war.
' The trend toward concentration In
the industry was attributed to the In
lUBlrlsJ development of the country
and the demand for stn ndsrd iat Ion
Of brands Of flour froni the large center-
of population This condition has
i 'nrgely eliminated the small capacity
mill in the last decade. Itwis said,
las the larre concerns sre better able
j to supply a uniform product Ten
1 of the larger milling companies, the
j report said, now hiAo a productive
(Capacity of mere than half, the flour
consumed in this countrj
Rasing its figures on sales of thirty
seen companies the Commission's re-
j port shows that !n the five years from
151 3 to 1!HS the average price of
flour increased from $4 1.". to $10 2?
j per barrel, or It jior cent while re
tail prices increased only 11 S per cnt
and the farmer received an Increase
of 1 go per cent for his wheat.
j WASHINGTON. Nov. 23. Recom
I mends Hons to congress for the crea
tion of :.n addltlcn.il of f ir in the
federal kv' rnmint a comptroller
genera) of the i'nlted States to su
per ise the annual balance sheet of
the nation ar under dlsCUSSlOD by of
ficials of the tresHurv
1 .s-u"ing the budgetary svteni in
his annual report to Secretary Hous
ton. Comptroller Warwick of the
treasury declared the best results
would be obtained by cer.trulir.inar the
activities of a general accounting of
j f Ice under a comptroller general by
! means of a loga! and administrative
staff control made tip of the heads of
the various accounting departmental as
j deeigned in the budget bill passed by
congress at Its last session but vetoed
I by President Wilson
l PARISIAN A, Nov. 'il (Uy the iSSfl
elated l're.ss Presiden l-e 1 cc t Harding
was hearing an end with the Parisnilna
riding in a smooth sen on a schedule
I that would bring her into Panama
early tomorrow morning.
'; Plans for the five days In the canal
I SObS ho far are incomplete, but one
feature of the trip win be a trip
.through the canal. One day will prob
ably be deoted to inspection and 'h
remainder of the time to sightseeing
I with a tew (fames of golf In ltwe,.n
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. The In-1
1 iroi ite commerce commission today j
approved an ordsr requtrlnK the pay
rr.ent in United ftnten mone nd pre
payment of charges on shipments be
tween Canada and the United Steti 1
The effect of the action would be 10
reoulr idilppTs lo prepay in Ameri
can money barges for interstate
iinfisport.nlon wholly within the Unit
ed s;:it American railroads would
thus he protected against loss by rea-
1 son of depreciation In Canadian
I money.
I a n
I JM Stuff the
Makes the
SHw finest kind
Smi of dressing
Western Union Would Restrain '
Naval Secretary From
Hindering Cables
Western Union Telegraph company ap-
plied to the District of Cidumlda en
preme court today for ah Injunction
I to restrain Secretin of the Navy
ianieis from interfering in the con
struction of 11 telegraph cable between
Miami and Miami beach. I lorlda.
The western Union company also
-iUed the court to require the naval'
I secretary to instruct subordinate offl-i
,01018 and naval officers to cease threat
ening to destroy the cable If laid The.
company In Its petition pointed out
I thai ihe requested injunction would'
I cover ;l different eable lin than thj
, Barbadoes cable, the laying of which
was prevented Kevernl months ago by
the sending of worships io Miami.
The. Western Union company furth
er declared that I lie r.ihle now In
course of construction was a replace
mcnt of an existing line, which has
'been In operation since 1 v & , that
iSlOO.ftnl) alrendy had been spent in
the work and that this expenditure
would go for naught unless the nnv
department were enjoined from inter
fering with the completion or the
v. or'.; .
I Rear Admiral Andersbn the com
mandanl Of the Miami district, some I
time ago ind compelled its employes
to cease work although the war de
pa rtrmnt had approved the plans fori
pasMng the draw bridges of the new
Miami causeway, the company said.
Secretac ianieis, it was assorted.
upheld th action of the naval com
mander who had declared work OOuld
not proceed until Washington per
mitted it
DENVER, Colo.. Nov. 2 2. The
first formui meeting of the Denver
and Rio Grande Western Railway
company, the holding company tor
the Denevsr and Rio Grande Rail
road QOIIVPanyi Will be held In New
York Thursday, at noon, el the
offices of Alvin Krech, chairman
of the hoard of directors of the
Western Pacific Railway com
pany. It was announced here to-
I day
The Denver and Rio Grande
railroad property was sold here
I to three mn leal Baturday repre
senting the Western Pacific cor-
it was announced new officers
I for the Denver A Rio Grande rail
j road would he nnni-d and a new
name for the foad '.ill be sell It d
Under the law, according to attor
ney!, the name "Denver and Rio
Grande Railroad" cannot be. used
by the purchasers of the prop-
rtr- ...
KANSAS CITV. Mo. Nov. . .
Dennis Chester has neither
talked nor walked since lie 1
rived since h arrived hen ;,it'r
day handcuffed und in a straight
Jacket as a result of hly two at
tempts to commit suicide In Jail at
Broken Row. Neb., following his
escape from s train and recapture
The authorities planned today to
submit him to u second medlcul
examination I. .-for. tteuiptiiiif to
identify him in connection with
the futul shooting of Miss Flor
ence Rarton a week njro.
Chester, after being brought
into Jail on S stretcher and under
heavy guard, was examined bv
1 physicians and pronounced nor-
j mal yesterday.
mkxicm citY, Nov. :z. Roberto
v. PesQuelra, Mexican eonfidential
1 agent in the United States, acted with
out authority in ordering Mexican con
sular agents on the lntertuition front-
U r not u vise the passports of United
States Senator Albert B. Kail, of New
.Mexico, who r,roposed to visit Mexico
I ity and attend the inauguration of
General Alvrtro bn-gon as president
! On December 1 .
Tili. statement was made to the
newspapei El Unhersal yestordav by
Dr Cuthberto Hldelgo, under secro-
1 1 .' of foi . . : ,ir. who pointed Out
I that Pesqulera's attitude in no way
reflected the sentiments of the Mexi
.can fortdgn office.
He said no decision had been reach
; ed jk to what should he done official!)
I to rectify the action of Pesuuiera.
l ST LOUIS, Nov 22 Charles j.
j Backer, 4S, a guard In one of the
City parkK was shot to death early'
Sundoy by Mrs. Mnn Scott M. when'
Haeker and another guard halted an!
automobile occupied by Mrs. Scott!
nnd her husband. Samuel J Scott af- I
ter imrsulng it through the psrk In I
a truck The Seotts, according v th!
1''" ' 1 he 1 nought Hoi kei
,and his companion wre bandits and
Mrs Scott is said to have explained j
she intended only to "scarf ' them
They were released on bond pending
an Inquest,
00 (
(Continued from Page One.)
th house of commons tins afternoon
by Hlr ILumar Greenwood, the chief
secretary for Ireland One of the assassin-;
hx.d been wound, a li.- .old. -J
i,ii;rri:vT KILLKD
MORRISTOWN. N J., Nov. 22. J
l leutenant Peter A Am, of this city.
Telegrams to the
Dining Room
Wireless aromas which tempt keen appe
tites are daily messages in the homes of
wemen who know and prepare their
meals on a
The Malleable construction prevents fuel
waste and breakage.
The vitreous enameled linings protect
against rust.
was klllod during vest, rday's rioiing In
; Dublin, according to a cal)le message
; received here today by ht brother, J.
: .1 Ames. A previous message had an
nounced his engagement to Miss Mllll-
cent Ewlng. daughter of the late
: Major and Lady Alexander Ewlng of
IH'KMN. Nov. 22 (By the Associ
ated Press Twenty-six persons are
dead and seventy others are lying in
hospitals as a result of Sunday" orgy
ot assassinations and tho wholesale
shooting in Croke park, where soldiers
fired on the crowd which gathered to
, witness a football game between the
Dublin and Tlpperary tcrams.
Dublin's apprehensions that reprls
i ais would follow lust night proved un
I founded and it Is bell.uod that govern
j ment reports of three or four killings
I in the city after midnight were due to
their confusion with outrages near
Aside from military activities and
searching. Including the Mansion!
house. It appeared the yesterday's out
break, following the outlines of other,
Irish disturbances, was not being sus-l
J tained.
The shooting in Croke park is do-,
fended by the authorities on thoj
ground that they had reason to believe!
that men from tho providence that
participated In yesterday's murders
were present at the football match
Tho design of the military, It was
Said, was to prevent their exit and
SeaTCh each Individual as he passed
out through the turnHtllcs
Tho plan failed because of the gen
era stampede, people scaling the walls
of tho park and muny going into the
houses across the road, from which
they wero dragged by the military
Thi Impn -.--io prevailing last night
that tho park shooting was B reprisal
Was Controverted by an official state
ment that it was an attempt to round
up tho morning murrlers.
No trains were running and no mo
toring was allowed tnd.ij In tho bellel
that the men wanted were still In th--1
1 il an 1 thai their capture nughi be
effected by an exhaustive iearcli
LONDON. Nov. 22. London was
waiting anxiously and fearfully this
morning for further news from Dublin
following the reports of yesterday's
horrors, but up 10 early afternoon only 1
meager dispatches had boon received. J
u Reports to the Irish offico from
I Dublin which were In hand by noon.
ISSld three or four unidentified persons
Ihnd been killed In that city late last
night Ssveral policemen liad been'
,kllled In Ireland, the Irish ann office
i reported
A brief telephone message at elgh'
1 o'clock this morning had reported the
city at least temporarily quiet. Then
I came a gap In the reports, up to noon'
hour, but vhether this Indicated aj
(censorship waf not known
SHUOTlMi l.OKs (,
Murder stalked through the gtrOi
of Dublin yesterday and at nightfall
the meager reports received here Indi
cated that at least 26 persons had bee,
killed and upwards of 100 more or:
less seriously wounded The day's dls-
orders. which adder! appalling j
chapter to the tragedy that has been J
'enacted in Ireland for the past Several
'months, began with the apparently
lellberate shooting of fourteen men
who for ihe most part were military
officers. During the afternoon Irish
I constabulary, or ' black and tans "
'raided Crooko park where .1 football
game was In progress and in the molee.
which resulted ut len.t ten pel ions
were killcl
1 IRKS UIlKMv Oi l'
Communication . with Ireland was
seemingly interrupted last evening but'
the latest advices declared that flreal
had broken out in various places In I
I that city. Shooting again began in.
the streets just before mldnlghl and1
it was asserted u number of persons
bad been killed.
-. murdi coos out! i e . ,. in
Dublin produced in this city a sensa
tion comparable to that which follow
ed the Easter rebellion of 1916.
Military authorities In Dublin are
to hold the view ihit the murder
of the fourteen army officers Will
prove the final outburst of a nearly
broken conspiracy.
The fourteen military Victims, it la
stated were securing evidence to be
Submitted before the court martial
which will try recently arrested Sinn
i Ylners.
This morning's newspapers condemn
With great severity the system follow
ed In Ireland. Some demand sternest
measures of repression and hint ut the
desirability of Imposing martial law
in Irelanu
The London Times, for Instance,
while vehemently denouncing the
murders of the officers, expresses
belief that the strength of tho Irih
sxei utive would be ten times greater
In this emergency, but -for 'an army
perilously undisciplined and a police
force avowedly beyond control, which
hn.- defiled by heinous acts Eng
land's reputation."
Ministers responsible for tho admin
istration in Ireland were called to meet
this morning to discuss Ihe situation.
I'Mtl I Mi: I TO U l
Sir Hamar Greenwood, the chief sec
retary for Ireland, was In conference
during th morning with members of
the cabinet In preparation for the ex
pected bringing up In parliament today
of yesterday's Irish happenings.
A dispatch to the Press association
from Dublin early this afternoon plac
eu the number of dead resulting from
the Crooks park shooting at twelve.
The lord mayor of liublln applied
for police protection lust evening, it
was .ated officially today The vice
roy gave permission for the guard be
ing ncnt. but no regular military or
polios being available, a part of
"black and tans'' was sent to guard
the lord mayor.
GALWAY, Ireland, Nov. 21. The
body of Father Griffin. curate of
Rushy park, who disappeared several
ii 10, was found yesterday In a
I bog by the roadside near Durnu, four
miles from Qelway, Volunteers had
been searching for the missing man
since he was kldni PPed by three un
known persons lest Sunday. A part;,
of countr h'ds 1.1 ! tl tragic dls
!cover. The body was brought to Ga!
v. . .. this morning Intense excltemei.
Tho lads observed in th bog what
appeared to hav been a recent up
heaval They began probing into th
mound with sticks and finally uncov
ered the skirts and overcoat of the
priest Without proceeding further
they sent for priests in Galway and
when they armed. working under
their direction by moonlight. un
earthed the body of the missing curate
, A bullet wound In the head of the
priest was evidence of the cause of his
death. j
Cottagers In this bleak and sparsely
Inhabited part of the countryside tell
01 the niNsterious arrival at midnight j
) isl Sunday, following the kidnapping
of Father Griffin, of a lorry load or
mi D. The lorry halted near the spot
I where the body was found and the
lights wete extinguished. In about!
twenty minutes the lamps were re-1
lighted and the party drove away
NEWRY. Ireland. Nov 22. Head
Constable Kearney was shot and prob
ably mortally wounded here lust eve
niiig by unknov.11 persons Subsr-
;quently, the house of former Sergeant
Cm-run. of the constabulary, was si t
on fire.
J 00
Tho Indian head on old pennies
was from 1 drawing of a white girl,
Sarah Longacre, wearing a war bonnet
Lndell Auto Co. I
2322 Washington Avenue
BWTroggfgggggfg"ggiTMiiii'i ii r ga iwwivjmwmijvmi&P
-' i i 1 i ggggysgMnaawgggl
For Two Years Was in Run
down Condition; "Has Done
Me World of Good,"
She Says
"One year aco today T was in a
! hospital, but now since taking Tanlar
i 1 have not only gained thirty pounds
In weight but I am enjoying" better
: health than I have In years " said
i Mrv E C Luther, of 3 1 S buckthorn
I street. EngleWood, Cal.
I "Before began taking Tanlac I
had been In wretched health and In a
run-down condition for two years. I
I could not eat scarcely anything and
when I did manage, to force down a
little something my stomach would
become so badlv upset I was in misery
for hours. I won in constant pain
and my nerves were so badly upset
i could get hut little sleep I grid- -
ually lost weight until I was little ; -
more than a frame and was so wall
1 could bnrelv get about and could
not begin to do my bouseworK.
"I had riod many different treat
ments and medlelnes but none of
them did me any good. Finally mr
husband brought mc a bottle of Tan
lac and I besnn faking it and almost
Immediately I commenced to feel beU-
Icr continued taking it and' con
tinued lo Improve until now I arj
In Just fine condition I have S splflo-
dld np'petlte, eat anything I tmt
without having a particle of trOuMQ
niih my stomach and can sleep aJI
night long without ever waklnsj 'ip
My atrariglli has entirely returned '
that now I can do all my housewotrk
with the great-si ea.se. I am surely
clad my husband got Tanlac for use.
for .i has simply done me a world
of good and I will always hae a good
word lo nay for It."
Teniae . sold In Ogden by A. It.
j Mclntyrc, two busy stores. Adv. I
"They WORK m
while you sleep" m
Don t siay mlious or ronstipmed
: with your head dull, your stomach a I
j sour, gassy, upset. Take oms or two - 4t I
Cascareti tonight sure for yout liver 1 W
and 1 md w ip clear and r '
fit. Children love Caseareta too. Mo 1 wr
griping no Inconvenience. 10, 25.
SO rents. Adv.
Nasty I
Colds I
Get instant relief with
"Pape's Cold Compound"
Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing ,
and Hnutfiin.-' a dose of Panea Cold
C ompound taken every two hours until
three doses aro taken usually breaks
up a cold and ends all grippe misery.
Tlie verj first dose opens your clog Pvl
god-up nostrils and the i ir passages of Mi
your head; stopj nose miming; re
lieves the heaadche. dullness, feverish
ness, sneezing, soreness, stiffness.
Fape's Cold Compound is the- quick
est. surest relief known and costs
only a few cents at drus stores It
acts without assistance. Tastes nice t.
Contains no quinine Insist on Pape's. :B
Uttleiojarics if ne-'c-acd too often
Icadtopreat trouble, and anopen wound
is easily infected. AiteTihc wound bai
been thoroughiy cleansed Resinol Oint- I '
ment is wh jt i m wanttcjhasten the neaJ-jf-M"is
perfectly pu.x and harmless.
1 1 will neither stinxnor rrritte no matter
how bruised and broken the fle?'j may
, Carry Rc5ino1 "h vou for the
sudden hurt
o.aoi OtoiMHUadiifBl I kc.noi r,9
Rgsmol I
Srritatinr Oouohn I
conation, of the SSSfig
psso's M

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