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I OH INQUIRY UN MOONEY GASE Policeman's Charge of Fraud Stirs District Attorney To Action "SAX FRANCI9GO, Nov. 23.- I HS Mct Attorney .Mail how Prady last ujr ht asked the San Franclrco prand JJry to investigate statements of Po ftc (:. Draper Hand ;nd others klm t "homes .'. ?.looney and YVarron K. Uiliitis wT(! convicted of oatlol i fon m ihr Preparedness dnv bomb iniirrii'vs or 1 '.!'. through friud Bi inv Hand line! o'l wiiuh1 hr called before the gntnd Jury 10 (CHtii'y in order to detomiue ver acity of IJacu'i tatementa Hand was one of i.o oh'"' lovesttgdtlnf: officers of the io' i' il : i i n m a ':i Obtaining nd of:o;fr (.. :. h-no'- .-st-alns: Mooin y 4d Hilt'r ps it the Moor.ev trial n-us frrtmo r S Hand :i I lr ;:!," said i:r..ny, 1 wain tjir fnrls before the trend Jury. If ore is no foundation ta Hand's story i also want the facts brought befo lh-- public' Kndv said ho was powi r:eq In re fuse a trial of the casus against Moj fty and Bi!lir.g4, hut that ti;r. Jury's findings would ne presented to Gov ernor Stephana If was sai! the rand Jur;. i":is u: en a letter which purported to how ono Witness Mi'.n' Mooncy had ad mitted he gave false test.m ony. The famous painted rocks near Maricopa. Pal arr what remains of Ljje magnificent old nun worship temple of the Indians. BANK LOOT FOUND I WHEN PRISONERS REFUSE TO BATHE ROANOKE, Va.. Nov. 2. William Porter, sllas William HairiB. and t'harlos Cartnr. held id connection with the robbery of tn Glasgow. Va ,nank parly last Friday upon refusal to take baths aroused suspicion of jail nttend dn1!' and a Beareh of their per sons resulted In the finding of 51.200, the police announced .Mon day. This rndney, with $-ir.o found on i ho body of Jaiivs B. ltodger.v who was killed In a gun fight with police Friday, m.ikes a total of -'l.fl.Ml In currency taken tior.l the men, in addition to $f)6, in Liberty honds and securities dls a barracks bag. BABE HANGS SELF BY FALL ON STOCK GATE ORI'NDT CVTKD. la . Nov 2.1. The three-year-old son of Mr. and .Mrs. William Crnwston. living on a farm near here, met death by itrah puliation last night H" had strayed away from the house and going Into the hng house had climbed up on .- partition pate from Whil h he slipped and fell In such a manner as to hang himself by the neck When found hv the parents, he had ben dead probably an hour or mon A doctor was summoned but could do nothing About thr yePri ago the parents lost n Utile girl by accidental poisoning oo Great Ilrltiiin bns only 35 p. Prpapei In their own right I Come Early i, lii ally i ho besl time to do your shopping is early in the daj Our stores are always busy on Wednesdays, and in view of th fact thai our storei will be closed all day Thursday we will be busier than ever Woid having to wait so long in the afternoon, mmm (l '"ok over the twHp items, make out voiir list and visit our near- est rtore before noon Ton are suit to warn some of them for H the Thanksgiving iimnn H 12 Unusual Bargains I1 25c Pirn Bottles Catsup, 2 foi 35 i 1 Fancy Sweet Potatoes 5 pounds foi 25- I 70c Sweet Oranges per dozen 55 J , 75c No. 10 Sweet Apple Cider 45r ; 15c Can Pumpkin jf. Q I 50c Large Size Pineapple 15? I , BOc Larg, Can Ripe Olives.. 3A I 50c Bottle old V ankee Syru I 10 Pounds Fancj Blue Rose Bice SqI 12 Bars Palm Olive Soap. .... 80c Quart Can Mazola Cooking Oil 25c Early June Peas, per do - ... s 1 so I Visit Our Markets ! And you will he surmised at the saving of vom Thanksjeiv- ing Roast or Chii ken 45c leg of pork, p.n.nd. 35c 35c fancy prime rib roasi 40c Shoulder roast ,,f rojled pQm6 25c V I 28c Ka ,,, ,, ... ,.,,, 4,.e lum roasi of pork T,0,U1(1 3Qc x..po','Kl . ... 37c 40c loin of lamh, pound. 30c Nice fresh fai hen? .:: phoulder of lamb Poxmd 32c pound . . 25c .We have been disappointed on Turkeys up to this time f rtiey do arrive we arr sure of saving von money on the birds Some Regular Prices RAISINS DATES ORANGES LEMONS B I5e package seedless 70c oranges, per dozen 65c raisins 30c 30( lemons, per dozen 25c 35c package seeded -' "' cranberries, quarl 20c raisins . 30c I-arge size grape fruit . 15c 30c package dates . . . . 25c SYRUP SORGHUM 15c package figs ... 10c 50o bottle Old Janjcee H 70c rii rou peel, pound 65c 1 oru Ai j ' ' ' ' 1 I ()'- '-an Old anker I ,n' lemon peel, pound 45c syrup .... 79c H 50c orange peel, pound . 45c $1.50 can Old Yankee I 25c package mincemeat. 19c syrup $139 1 ffZ 90 can Old Yankee PEANUT BUTTER snip . . S2.59 1 $1.50 5-lb can peanut $1.25 No. 10 Red Karo J hull or $1.35 syrup $105 B i,. can peanut 1-15 No l' Blue Karo butter .... 69c srup ...... 98c lac 1-lb can peanut o-.o'Bed Karo syrup 65c butt 1 29c jUc iN,u- 5 Blue sro ( 20c glass peanut butter. 15c SUup-, , . 1 . . 1A W iNo. 0 Maple Karo 15c glass peanut butter 10c syrup 90 HAMS BACON 30 small Bed Karo s 1 up 23c Sweet Eastern hams and 25(3 sllm11 I3,ue Karo bacon that could well take ..P ; 20c the place of turkey for , Farmer Jones Thanksgiving since the tut- "rPhum ttf key is so bigh 8o' "' 5 Farmer -1 - oc sorghum . 75c I : ?anU 1 ' r,U7' ; ' 35c 50e No. 2 Fanner Jones J 4oc hams ( by the half), sorghum 38c I Pound 38c 90c Xo. 10 cooking io. I 15c breakfast bacon, lasses ... .... 70c ' pound 35c 50c No 5 rooking mo- We picnic hams, pound . 30c lasses .... . 37c j 35c dry sail pork, pound 25c 0e No "J 1 j cooking mo- ruT, T lassps 20c CHILI BREAD In L-pouhd bricks; easy u You are wasting time to prepari W hen yOu want to bake bread whan yon can get a iii.'k lunch don't for- buy it so cheap. Our bread j get. Each brick makes a full i baked fresh for us every I quart of. ' honest lo pood- day. j nes.s" chili. 2 largo loaves bread . . .25c i 45c Lib brick chili . . . 35c '5 small loaves brerfd 26c 1 1SKAGGS? H 1 1 LIST FEDERAL OFFICEJENTHLS Figures Include Three Depart ments of Government In Ogden WASHlNCJToN, Nov. 2'. A n:Mion erlde survey ti determine Spvernmeni Pkpendlturee for office rental In th larger ritlen, If In progrcf-s b the lireasurj with n view to layins plan! for cutting rlown this outlay. Flgur-s !o far tubulated, According to otficlals'. indicate ;i total rMit bill of many millions a year. Report! from four of the l.irjfest cities alono Show D tol .1 U more than s 2 000,000 fi yen i and 01 the survey Include .ilx. ill ISO I itiee ii over 100,000 jiopu- tatlpn, offlciala expected rhc other re ports to in in proportion, New York with li,596,?2t n yen Iima the highest rent bill. Boston jayn annually for Hdditi0n.1i office pace, ChlcefO l73,fi04 an.l PhllH delphla l0l,861 Vh--n more detailed ilKure.s art available, Official! said, the fiuts will be act forth in lettoi opnsroaa- Bteady growth in the field forces of J tlu public health service, th Internal I revenue bureau. Income l&s unite, war rlsu insurance ani similar branches of th- government, H wan explained, have rendered Inadequate accommodations In federal buildings in most largi r cities. In mnny of the government owned offices, it was added, there1 xNns not new sufficient space to safeguard the health of the workers It was also said that much time was lost where government agencies are in scattered, rented buildings The remedy for the situation, offi cials Said, waa to acquire sufficient siiiii i- In th n rlnnt eltle.s In cen. traiix.e government offices. I There, are three government depart Intents In Ogden occupying entedquer- Iters. These are the district f.M,.st I headquarters, the bureau of public roads, and the railway mall terminal Postmaster ilenrxe E. BrOWOlng re. centty announced thai he has been re quested by the Washlnsrton officials U obtain flguies on property adjacent to thfl federal building. This Is taken by Postmaster Browning to indicate the the government Is contemplating, building an addition to the local fed Oral building to house all goveinmeni I offices ) . . RAIDS 1 El - INCREASE AFTER I SUNDAY CRIES (Continued from Pago (Hie.) the crowd vraa stampeded There is good reason lo holies some of the Ishota were fired Inside 'he grounds for J the purpose of creating a pan lc, which would allow the man wanted time to escape as many of them un doubtedly did " MSN! THERE WERE PICKETS i The Gaelic Athletic association has I officially denied there were anv pick ets at the grounds or that nnybody fired on the troops. I Wleman Clarke, of Toledo, O. prrel dont of the American GIojw Workers ! union, and Thomas Mac Ready, super intendent of the Phoenix Glass com Pany, Ifdnaca, Pa., visited Oroke park today and inquired info the circum stances attending the disorder if Sun day afternoon. In general lif fniblin Is appar ently unaffected streetcars were run ning today, nearly all shops weie open and theatres ami smusement bouses I were doing husiii,.B. Porces engaged In learchlng resl- '1"r' ' - 'I'd I, Miners places rr- ai- oompanled by armored cars uhieh car rled machine guns Men n,arged with attacking u military patrol were couri martlaled si Marlborough bar- reCkS tOdaj and worm trll.otes were paid by attorneys on each side to the Integrity and fair pln displ.ived b Captain Bagally one of the officers alaln on Bupday morning. YOUNG WOMAN'S STORY OF TORTURE IS PROBED I RIDOWAY, rH.. Nos ;s At an . indignation meeting" of more than : tt'OO residents of RIdgwav last night branch of 'he National Humane so Cletj was organized and a OOmmltUe j appointed to Investigate story of brutal treatment l the hands or the woman who adopted her, said bl 'he authorities to hav.. ie,.n told lv ui n- , ty-year-old Julia Hei tor . -Mrs It. Georgel, defendant in the 1 a-se was charged with assault and j battery with Intent to malm at n .hearing todav nd ball xva increased I from i:,(iC to $3000. Miss Hector who is recoveruig from 'the effects of the alleged in treat ment at the home of Deputy Sheriff 1 May, told authorities yesterday they said, of being tortured by Mrs. Geor gel with hot irons and boiling wate, and in other ways. 00 METEOR STRIKES VILLAGE AND DAZES RESIDENTS MORGANTOW.V. W Va . Nov 23 Residents In the vicinity of Klngwood of Preeton county. West Vs were thrown Into a panic last night when a large meteor foil at Howosvlllc fhe miles south of Klngwood. according to reports received here. The meteor struck in the business action of Howeevtlle it exploded as It hurled itself In th earth The blast was heard for several miles. An automobile near the railroad station was damaged bv the explosion and the occupant of the machine j were dazed, but escaped Injury There are no telephones in Howes ville and detailed Information could ) not be obtained -on EX-PRESIDENT DESCHANEL IS RECOVERING HEALTH PARIS. Nov. 23 Former President Deachanel has completely recovered In health and is looking for an apart ment in Paris to which he intond to return some time during the first two weeks of pecemper, Oeuvre says to day M Deschanel lived in the I'alals BoUrbon for many years before enter ing the Elysee Palace but hi' had no apartment In Paris for the last fif teen years. Madame rerhai: l .w ,1 her children now are living in a fam ily hotel on the left bank of the Behb oo i"h- recently formed Belgian .ten.' has decided to admit women 10 Its sacred councils. ' 1 rd&r S Tii ow Are You i sol Identified B The man identified with a bank r.s i W depositor Is better prepared to seize I business opportunities as they are B presented, than one who has no bank Vt ing credit established B The proper use of the First National's H banking facilities is one of the chief "S3jJ R aids to scientific management and Pu 5Tff -T-. 5 K business efficiency SjJI firr j K Your opening an account with us will f t-lf i 3 Wt prove a vise and prcfitsbfe step S I First National Bank j Capital and Surplus $350,000 KANSAS MAN PRAISED FOR SLAYING BURGLAR KANSAS CITY Mo. Nov. 3. A verdict commending 'the bravery' and efficiency" of iv M Parsons, s bank officer and his wife m killing a bur glar WSS returned by a coroner's ur Monday. The shooting took place October 33 Xfr. Parsons and his wife icturn eil here l.ito at night and discovered some one in the liou.-e. Obtaining two revolver from his motor car. Mr F'urson gave one to his wife, who ueni to the front door Ml I arson stationed himself in the back ird The Intruder ran down the bat k Bti pi spied Mr Parsons in the dim llcht and began mooting si him Mi Par sons shot and the man fell fatally wounded . Tin- verdict recommended 1 light treatment" in the case for 'the good ot the city and the safety of Its citizenship." TWO PORTLAND CHURCHES ARE ENTERED BY BURGLARS PORTLAND, Ore., Nov I'.urg lars, ourlnK Sunday nleht broke Into the First Church of Chi 1st, Scientist, here and stole about f 100, and later attempted to rob the First Iresbj -terlan church, police announced today. At the formt r church, the .-.(. was broken open. Polios said to-in ihey believed the robbers were frightened away at the Presbyterian chuvOl af ter smashing a glass panel ' Jtu m WANT j CfWd G00D D!NNER I alJHft THANKSGIVING I WE HAVE THE "MAKINGS" FOR THE BEST DINNER YOU EVER ATE i l and it shall be our pleasure to serve you in the regular pNRj Thanksgiving wry Prices are right and quality of gocds unquestionable Lhsi In our stock of groceries we have everything that ia good to EAT, especially on Thanksgiving day, including fruits and vegetables of every description, material for Puddmg9, Pies and Cakes. WHAT DO YOU WANT? We have cranberries, celery, jams, preserves, squash, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, cheese, butter, bread, canned goods, raisins, lemons, oranges and EVERYTHING BODY OF MAYOR FOUND SUSPENDED FROM TREE PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 23. The! body of Mayor Q. D PerCiVal of Van couver Vah.. who disappeared Oct, 17, was found Monday hanging to a tree In a clump of trees near Van couver, according to reports received hero. Perclva) had been in ill h ilth 'before his disappearance POT WOES REPORTED CHEAP, DELTA, N. 22. Joseph J Miller ( Caldwell, ni.iho, who bus extensive farming Interests here, spent the past week In Delta on business. lr Miller stated that there was a big potato tH crop in Ms Lome Community in Idaho. jSfl and thai the market price for potatoes ther is less than one. fourth of the pries in Delta, or about so cents per iH Under Bnglish common law on one Vs i i Ighl to bathi n I he sea ! I The first ctrcla is 9 still in. active service I Still playing the world's best music to the delight of its owners It was the first cabinet-style talkingmachine ever made, and it was built to last. The construction of the Victrola is so simple, the mechanism operates so ac curately and smoothly, the materials 1 and workmanship are of such high quality, that a Victrola seldom needs attention or adjustment. BB h. h. '"S aeausswoFF This trndemark and the rrademarked vBa SsSSSffmlfi sBS word"Viccrola"iJTntify all ourpr,j.; , fiflS Hg" sV Look under the lid! Look on the label! f&f i jW VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. Camden, N.J. Victrola XVII, $350 flj ". .vtrola XVII, electric, $415 & Mihoi&nj or ock Victor Talking Machine Company Camden, New Jersey Vv -JtBm ' 11 X.J - 1 Stfi BBBBBBBBBBs!